What does this article ?
This highly interesting article about Horoscope or Kundli of Arvind Kejriwal the chief Minister of Delhi.
talks about in detail for his Family and personal life, his education and career in IIT and IRS.
Also as an alternative perspective it discusses the detailed and analyses at Depth the Horoscope or Kundli of Arvind Kejriwal Ji.
Based on Planets, Yoga’s and conjunctions in the Horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal it looks at various aspects like, what planets made Arvind Kejriwal chief minister in such a short Time?
which planets gave Arvind Kejriwal good Name and Fame in short time?
which planets in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope gives Him a picky or different nature that he resigned in 49 days?
which planets made Arvind Kejriwal join social movements By Anna Hazare for Lokpal Bill ?
What planetary combinations in the Horoscope gives Arvind Kejriwal a sharp Brain to qualify IIT and also IRS or Indian revenues services?
What makes Arvind Kejriwal somewhat stubborn and Picky at Times?
what in the Horoscope or Kundli makes Arvind Kejriwal believe in Ayurveda or Natural sciences for healing?
Which planet makes Arvind Kejriwal work for the downtrodden or Poor People? Which planets makes Arvind Kejriwal so much action oriented?
The article also evaluates based on Numbers or Numerology the destiny or what Arvind Kejriwal has come on this earth -or social transformation through politics.
also what makes Arvind Kejriwal based on his Kundli or Horoscope so fearless in situations? 😉
What Makes Arvin Kejriwal so different from others 😉 based on his Horoscope? The article also has very interesting future prediction or Arvind Kejriwal based on his Kundli or horoscope, Nakshatras & Numbers & Much More..;)
Birth details & Horoscope or Kundli of Arvind Kejriwal ji:
Date of Birth: Friday, August 16, 1968
Time of Birth: 23:46:00
Place of Birth: Hissar

What makes Arvind Kejriwal astrologically so different from others?
What is the Roles of Taurus Lagan or ascendant(Vrishabha rashi) for Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli?
The Lagna or ascendant of Arvind Kejriwal is Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi. It is an Earth sign, and it gives fixity of purpose.
Now we know for sure that Arvind Kejriwal obviously is behaving the Taurus way.
Vrishabha Rashi gives him some stubbornness or says fixedness in actions and thoughts .
he locked his horns with almost everyone including BJP( Gadkari Ji especially and had to apologize).
has gone for fast or even jail many times just prove his point.

What planets in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli Gave him so much for Popularity?
Now Lord of Lagna sits in the 4th(fourth) house of popularity . also 4th bhava stands for mother and motherland(India).
so this combination suggests a strong love for motherland or country for Mr. Arvind Kejriwal .
we know he got the prestigious social services award for social services in India and also he has gone headlong into filthy politics leaving is cushy IRS career suggesting a strong love for motherland.

What planets in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli Give him good intelligence?
The second bhava of Arvind Kejriwal is ruled by Gemini sign or mithuna Rashi, this, in turn, is ruled by Mercury or Budha.
The planet mercury sits close to Venus or Shukra a so in a sense sends energy or good energy to Lagna /ascendant that is the personality of Arvind Kejriwal.
It gives good intelligence quick thinking ability, and ability to talk glibly or give effective speeches.
AS also fifth Bhava is ruled by mercury and Ketu(south node) sits in the Mercury sign of Virgo or Kanya Rashi.
The full combination or yoga gives Mr. Kejriwal good status and also strongly influences his personality ruled by Shukra or Venus(Taurus sign).

How role does Mars or Mangle in Horoscope for Kundli or Arvind Kejriwal makes Him different from others?
now we talk about Mangle or Mars for Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope. Now Mars is a raja Yoga planet and helps in political connections and growth.
it is in the third bhava or house for Arvind Kejriwal .
so being weak in the cancer sign in his Horoscope(Kundli) and with debility, it makes him dramatic or distinct from others in reacting to situations.
we know that he left or resigned as a chief minister within 49 days of joining!
This is because of this debilitated mars, though in the sign of cancer and in 3rd bhava giving initiative- but again making him more than normal dramatic.
This weak mars or Mangle in his Horoscope(kundli) here could give an element of suspicion to Arvind Kejriwal’s behavior .
also, Arvind Kejriwal’s home life can also get a bit stressed due to the same.
It would either deny brothers for Arvind Kejriwal or not give great relationships. This position of mars makes him happy and affluent & known in Political circles as well.

How role does Sun or Surya in Horoscope for Kundli or Arvind Kejriwal makes Him different from others?
The planet Sun or Surya for Arvind Kejriwal is fair in the 3rd house . it will make handsome or smart looking.;) This sun or surya Gives him gains & good courage .
This sun or surya in his Horoscope also makes Arvind Kejriwal having a charitable nature and with a tendency of helping others. especially the lesser privileged and the poor class.
Sun here in third house makes Arvind Kejriwal famous and gives him fair health. It makes him speak the truth and haste falsehood or untruth.
That is honesty is more.
yes, that was the reason he wanted to bring in the Lok pal bill with Anna Hazare.
Also, sun’s or surya in the third house of his horoscopes(kundli) also makes a good in mathematics . Yes, he qualified the prestigious engineering IIT’s which need good amount of Mathematics.
This sun or surya Gives Arvind Kejriwal good Honours from the Government or the state . Arvind Kejriwal would have less people who oppose him or are able to win over him due to the sun.
Yes, due to the combination in horoscope Arvind Kejriwal be not have elder brothers . Also, Arvind Kejriwal’s Fortune would rise by helping his friends based on his Horoscope. yes, lot of attractive women will go after him as well ;)(Yet to be explored 😉 on a lighter side ;)). all indications based on his sun in his Horoscope.

What roles does Rohini nakshatra in Lagna play for Arvind Kejriwal?

Does The Rohini Nakshatra in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli Play a role in bringing out His Leadership abilities ;)?
now for Arvind Kejriwal, the Nakshatra from Lagna is Rohini nakshatra. Being fourth Nakshatra of the zodiac and the number of Sun it has a strong star or leaderships influence.
It is also ruled by moon or Chandra and controlled by deity Brahma.
The sign in which it sits is ruled by Taurus sign(vrishabha Rashi), so this gives the person the great ability to create new things and tremendous creative power is there which is seen in the person.
Does the Rohini Nakshatra in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli make him a bit stubborn in matters and sensitive ;)?
Now one can see how Arvind Kejriwal has reinvented himself in various ways. he left IRS and chief minister-ship one time.
The Taurus sign gives the person a stubborn will to solve problems. so, a person like Arvind Kejriwal is not to get bogged down my problems and issues.
he has hit into issues with BJP and other opposition parties.
be it Congress or Samajwadi party or others. The planet moon gives a lot of sensitivity to him .
at the same time because of the shadow side of the Nakshatra of Rohini he should not only focus on self or any kind of self-supporting tendency be supported .
all this must be avoided. but Arvind Kejriwal is blessed with a good Nakshatra Rohini and this star helps him create new things.
It gives him the ability to solve problems that are very good for him. it also has the symbol of a chariot.

Does Ketu or dragon’s tail in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli Give him great love for change;) and Travel?
so, people like Arvind Kejriwal need movement and change . so that is what Arvind Kejriwal’s personality number 7 says!
He is born on 16th of the month that is 1 + 6 is equal to 7 . that is Ketu(south node) number. so that is to travel in change is that is loved by Arvind Kejriwal.

What impact the Purva Phalguni nakshatra has for Arvind Kejriwal ?

Foes the Purva Phalguni Nakshatra in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli Give Him great luck and Money;) and fame?
Here his Lagna or ascendant Lord is Venus or Shukra. it is in the Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. this is ruled by Leo sign or Simha Rashi. The deity of this being bhaga. that is the deity for prosperity and luck and yes Venus energy as well is there.
that rules this Nakshatra of Leo sign or Simha Rashi. So overall it gives Arvind good fortune, luck, luxury, and yes good prosperity.
Leo or the lion sign gives him the ability to deal well with other people in his political career.
which is very true for Arvind Kejriwal. he can well handle people that are why he has become the Chief Minister due to his leadership and better people skills.

How does Leo or simha Make Arvind Kejriwal roar like a Lion based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
zodiac sign Leo or Simha = number 1 gives him leadership but at the same time, Venus energy gives Arvind Kejriwal the ability to handle people better.
that makes others more comfortable.
The overall energy gives Arvind a youthful nature which is true 100%. once we look at him even at middle age he looks young and slim.

How does Arvind Kejriwal’s focus on self needs only at times- reflect in the Horoscope or Kundli?
Overall this nakshatra also gives him a passion and love affection. It also adds sensitivity to his behavior.
so, Arvind Kejriwal must avoid any kind of self-focus or practices.
It seems Arvind Kejriwal will never do more of self-love as he is very scientific from prestigious IIT’s of India.
How is a strong will power reflected on Arvind Kejriwal’s horoscope or Kundli ?
A note on his(Mr. Arvind Kejriwal) Arudha lagna based on jaimini astrology
His lagna Venus sits in 4th bhava.
Now 4th bhava from this bhava is 7th bhava. Now as per brihat Parashar he classic of astrology the 10th from the same is Arudha lagna.
Now, this is again the 4th bhava.
Or the Leo sign.
So externally he looks to the work as Leo= lion = number 1 or leader. But internally he is sensitive and yes a man with strong will power to solve problems = Taurus sign or vrishabha Rashi.

Which stars or planets make the public image of Arvind Kejriwal ji go up and down?
Also, one can see the planet guru or Jupiter the core planet of education sitting in the Kendra Bhava of fourth in a friendly sign of Leo or Simha.
which is friendly to it and a fire sign again . also, it rules the eighth bhava of masses.
so, he or Arvind Kejriwal Ji could expect unexpected problems.
As all this energy goes to his Lagna. that is Venus.
Which planets cause a Topsy Turvy pattern in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli?
Now the public image of Arvind Kejriwal gets good energy of Jupiter ruling 11th house. As rahu(north node or Dragon’s Head) is also sitting there so this suggests ups and downs in the public image of Arvind Kejriwal.
which is 100% true! he has had has a topsy-turvy public image has a benevolent public image as well at the same time. at the same time image can go down as well which is true

Does Arvind Kejriwal have gains from friends or relatives based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
As just discussed that Jupiter or guru rules the house of gains and friends the eleventh bhava and gets all this in the fourth house of publicity for Mr. Kejriwal.
so that means he would have some benevolent image as well apart from the shadows. in fact, Aam Aadmi Party and benevolent image as well which we see now. the image of purity or perfection!

What are the powerful Planetary combinations gave Arvind Kejriwal promotion to Chief Minister-ship of Delhi and great image in the country like India in a short time?
Let us look at what stands for public image for Arvind Kejriwal. sun the lord of initiative and everything to do with a public image is in the 4th bhava.
It is in its own sign of Leo. It rules the public images very clearly tell that he would have an image of a Leo or a Lion :).
PLUS Ketu(south node)
= Arvind Kejriwal

Does Sun or Surya make Arvind Kejriwal do dare devil Jobs based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
Yes, he has done many daredevil jobs. Arvind Kejriwal is in politics and he would assert himself in the country’s politics.
Sun or Surya is the key planet which is giving in great image and is supplying him good friendship and funds.

Does Rahu(Dragon’s head) and Ketu(Dragon’s Tail) suggest taking opposite stands for Arvind Kejriwal with people of religion or dharma based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
He may also get money and support from people abroad and yes giving him un-expected problems, as well as the sun, is malefic. now as Jupiter sign of Pisces or Meena Rashi has Rahu(north node) there.
and rules the 8th bhava so his opposition in politics could relate to people to do with Dharma so Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) comes to fore. Now BJP has conflicted with Sri Arvind Kejriwal for a while.
so Jupiter with Rahu(north node) energy to his sun or Surya clearly suggests a conflict of image Bharatiya Janata Party.

What roles does Ketu or Dragons; tail) Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli?
also, Ketu(south node) shares energy with the second bhava as both are the same planet ruled that is mercury or Budha.
as 2nd bhava rules status, this could mean Ketu(south node or dragon’s tail) cutting the status many times.

What astrological factors made Arvind Kejriwal choose a career in politics and leave the prestigious IRS or Indian revenue service’s job?

Does Aquarius or Kumbha rashi play a role for Arvind Kejriwal to get him into politics based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
now if you look at the of Arvind Kejriwal’s chart or horoscope the ruler for his Karma and action or the tenth bhava is Aquarius sign.
It strongly suggest that person may work in some in of philosophy or something very innovative(number 11) or something very different .
Also, in addition, the Aquarius sign or Kumbha Rashi is a sign it is a mixed sign of being active and passive both it.

Which Numbers or Numerology does make Arvind Kejriwal a unique thinker based on Horoscope or Kundli?
It is also an air sign. all this makes him inclined to be a thinker or different or unique kind(note he is born on 16th= 1+6=7= ketu(south node)= different or unique).
Also, he wants to implement things for the masses and or people as Aquarius is ruled by Saturn(Shane).

What roles does mars and Saturn or Mangle and Shane dev lay for Arvind Kejriwal’s coming into Politics based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
It clearly suggests that his calling would be for fairness, the downtrodden people, or a large set of people. But Shane dev or Saturn(Shane) is very weak and debilitated in the twelfth house in the Aries sign(Mesha Rashi).
So as Aries is ruled by Mars and Mars rules politics as a Raja Yoga planet, so Arvind Kejriwal is into politics as well.
All this suggests that his karma bhumi would be politics towns and working for people.

How does the tenth bhava lord Saturn(Shane dev) (Aquarius sign) nakshatra influence the actions of Arvind Kejriwal?

How does the shatbishaj Nakshatra for Arvind Kejriwal give me healing and serving ability to the society based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
The tenth bhava or house of Arvind Kejriwal is influenced by Shatabhisha Nakshatra. as the Bhava Madhya falls there. It is at around 15.4 degrees where the maximum energy in the tenth bhava of Arvind Kejriwal is there.
The tenth house of Arvind ji is ruled by Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi. The shatabhisha is the 24th Nakshatra of the zodiac. it has the energy of Venus as well and it is ruled by the dragon’s head Rahu(north node) as well.
That is its nakshatra lord.
The deity of this nakshatra is Varun dev. So overall Varun, Rahu(north node) and Saturn(Shane) with Venus(shukra) Energy give great healing powers to shatabhisha Nakshatra people like Arvind Kejriwal.
so he has this seed potential in him to help and heal the society. In fact, the original Lok pal bill by him and Anna Hazare Ji was for the same.

Does Rahu and Saturn energy inherent in this Nakshatra of shatbishaj Give Arvind Kejriwal to be able to handle the masses written in his Horoscope or Kundli?
This nakshatra gives them exceptional ability to give healing to the masses that is the masses of Delhi or India.
Also, shatabhisha Nakshatra makes him or Arvind Kejriwal very courageous and he can defeat his enemies.
As there is a combination of Rahu(north node) .
Saturn(Shane) energy here (4+8) plus also Lord Shiva is the basic God of this nakshatra.
So, it gives great ability to heal injury and disease it gives the capability to heal problem within the society.

What planets in Horoscope or Kundli of Arvind Kejriwal suggest his Interest in Naturopathy or Ayurveda?
So, all this applies to Arvind Kejriwal. Plus, this star or nakshatra makes him very honest and hardworking and ambitious( 4+ 8+6).
The lunar mansion of this star also means hundreds of flower, also suggest inclination to herbs or inclination towards Naturopathy.
Arvind Kejriwal does go for Naturopathy to reduce stress. he visits Bangalore clinic to reduce stress. Saturn(Shane) and Mars(Mangle) energies here could make him deeply philosophical and mystical in nature.
also on the downside, the person may feel lonely and depressed due to combined negative effects of Rahu(north node) and Saturn(Shane) energies and it can create unexpected obstacles in Arvind Kejriwal’s life.
So, all this must be handled well by Sri Arvind Kejriwal Ji.

What Nakshatra and Energies made Arvind Kejriwal behave so differently from others?
Right from his joining IRS or Indian revenue services, then social services or Magsaysay award, then joining anna haze for Lokpal bill and then ultimately the aam aadmi party for Delhi and India.

How does the Ashwini Nakshatra in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli make him have excessive passion to win all obstacles?
The planet Saturn(Shane) or the 10th House for him and Lord of the sign Aquarius the tenth bhava for Arvind Kejriwal.
Now Ashwini Nakshatra is symbolized with wild Horses or say three horses.
it means one would run the action that may be close wild like horses. but if one can control this is he becomes the winner of life.
he or Arvind Kejriwal will win the race.
Also, this lunar Mansion is controlled by Lord Shiva, so one does an action for justice, honesty, leadership and dharma or ethics. Arvind for some reason started the aam aadmi party for all this.
so that is 100% true. later the deviations must be carefully studied.

Does Ashwin Nakshatra have healing abilities in Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli?
The Ashwini Nakshatra is like divine doctors that rejuvenate anyone. so, such people like Arvind Ji can rejuvenate the society .
they can bring in youth remove old age a disease within the society. so, Arvind Kejriwal Ji has all these hidden talents.
he can if he works focused send for healing for body, mind, and spirit. so his original intent to form the Aam Aadmi Party was for focus for the healing of Mind, spirit, and body of the Indian society.
that is the initiative for Lokpal Bill was introduced etc by him and Anna Hazare ji.
Plus, Lord Shiva also refers to following the law, the duty the religion, and ethical conduct. so, all this can be seen in the original intent of the AAP party or the aam aadmi party.

Does Ashwini Nakshatra mean Life Force and helps Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli to achieve great heights?
Now Ashwini Nakshatra represents life force and is the first Nakshatra=1. same as sun = prana or life force.
also, Aries is ruled by Mars or Mangle and the 1st sign having great energy of mars.
So, Arvind Kejriwal, in fact, would have a lot of Prana or energy. he can help it to heal others.
Also as this nakshatra is used for administering medicine so this gives energy to Arvind Kejriwal all those abilities to heal the society.
that is his higher purpose of life.

Does mars and ketu cause him to have an impulsive nature based on Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli?
We note that Ketu(south node) and Mars(Mangle) combination causes him to be sudden impulsive in nature at times.
he has to certain impulsive actions .
Saturn(Shane) here with Ketu(south node)
and mars gives fear of Criticism. that is 100% true and Mr. Arvind Kejriwal is under heavy criticism by the people of Delhi.
All this happens to be very true again due to Saturn(Shane) and mars(Mangle) conflict( 8 x 9= negative in Numerology or Anka jyotish) both being enemies, that even after Arvind Kejriwal became Chief Minister of Delhi he had to face a lot of criticism and opposition.
anna Hazare AND Arvind Kejriwal

His Nature and destiny predictions based on science of Numerology
Predictions Based on Science of Numbers or Numerology:

Why He(Arvind Kejriwal) is what he is(Numerology analysis)?So Distinct and Unique

Does Ketu or dragon’s tail in Arvind Kejriwal’s Number or Numerology Horoscope or Kundli makes him a bit restless ;)?
Let us do a quick numerology on Arvind Kejriwal and save some time ;).
He is born on 16th = 1+6 = 7 = kethu(dragons’ tail).

Does Leo or simha make Arvind Kejriwal roar like a Lion at times based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
August 16th comes under Leo, the 5th sign ruled by planet sun.
Now sun is not a great friend of kethu.
So, what does 7(kethu) and sun(1) combination make him.

Does Arvind Kejriwal’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest more chance for his travel or changes in Life?
7= Gives love for travel and change ,it gives sensitivity and fluidity in character and deep interests in matters.
Now we all know how fluid Mr. Kejriwal has been.
Yes he in fact resigned from chief minister ship within less than 2 months!
Although this does not apply to everyone being born on 16th, but still the tendencies are there

What could make Arvind Kejriwal’s somewhat fixed in his views based on his Number or Numerology Horoscope or Kundli?
Now what does Leo= sun say? Oh, he has a number one in 16( 1+6) as well. That makes him a bit self-willed and too firm in views.
Infact ketu and sun combination could make a person too firm in one’s views along with bestowing good willpower.
It might also mean lack of compromise – we all know we never compromised on principles.

Does Jupiter or Guru in Horoscope Make Arvind Kejriwal Love to connect to people based on his Number or Numerology Horoscope ?
His destiny number = 16(7)+ august(8) + 1967(1+9+6+8=24/6)=7+8+6 = 21 = 2+1= 3= Jupiter!!!
Now we all know he lives and works for people and society.
His destiny is to be with people and be a friend of people.

Is Arvind Kejriwal very choosy based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
His heart number = 7 makes him choosy and a dare devil! Once again numerology cannot be wrong!
Do you need any more proofs ? Astrology fathoms a lot.
His personal year number =5= year of opportunities and new experiences.
Now he has become the chief minister this year- so it is an opportunity that has come to him. Also, he is having diverse experiences terms of new chief minister ship and special issues coming up.

what about the election results of year 2019 for AAP or aam aadmi party?
As for Arvind Kejriwal Jupiter currently in the Dhanu(Sagittarius sign) of the eighth house for him. In transit for Arvind Kejriwal.
it gets into the seventh house of long-term relations and connection with people or junta.
This could create unexpected troubles for Arvind Kejriwal’s image as 8th house energy gets into the 7th bhava.
All this could create unexpected problems and obstacles and not so great name for Arvind Kejriwal in 2019 election.
It or 2019 could be an emotionally disturbing and hard time for him. He may want to re-plan his life or Political career or everything.
Also, planet Saturn(Shane dev) which rules good luck from him and his past life karma that is a ninth house.
it is currently retrograde in transit in the Dhanu sign that is the fire sign.
It rules the tenth house of his and is in 8th Bhava means fall of position it could mean fall of position or loss of his power or control on people.
Also note that transit Rahu(north node) has entered his second bhava of wealth and status by March 2019 starting and could create unexpected changes in S welcome status for him. yes, so he must speak in political circles with care.
it indicates problems to his image to some extent this. The Rahu(north node) transit cannot be very great for him; not so great messages would come to him in the month of May & June 2019. June would be ok.
But his health and family needs care. As discussed the year 2019 could give him a lot of disturbance emotionally to re-think and plan is normal and political life. we wish him all the best in life

Some Predictions Based on his 2016 horoscope:
He would run moon 2016 onwards for next 2 years at least(That is year 2016 and 2017). The moon rules 3rd and is strong and is in 1st.
Means he will do very good actions . More stability Newer political connection and helping for women and solving water related problems.
This period would be much better for him.
Also based on numerology- he would run year number 6 that means focus on home, his constituency Delhi would increase. Yes, health or position is something he needs to guard on. But moon gives him fair enough strength.

News Room:- what does it say about Arvind Kejriwal

What are some Interesting facts and details about Arvind Kejriwal ?

What are the Interesting facts in Personal Life of Arvind Kejriwal?
Arvind Kejriwal could be credited to introduce Jan Lokpall bill. in fact for his socials service Arvind Kejriwal got Ramon Magsaysay award as well. 😉
Infact in he left his chief mister within 49 days of joining one.:)
He has been involved at the ground level to solve various problems of the society.
Arvind Kejriwal also took great initiative in bringing out RTI or right to information to improve the democratic setup of the country.
He is a graduate from IIT Kharagpur and also he joined IRS or Indian revenue service later.
He later in the year 2012 started the Aam Admi party as well
IN year 2015 he was again sworn the chief minister of Delhi Legislative Assembly election.

What are the Interesting facts in education and career for Arvind Kejriwal?
Arvind Kejriwal after graduating from IIT Kharagpur joined the prestigious IRS in the Delhi.
That is the Indian revenues services.IN the year 2006 Arvind Kejriwal resigned as a Joint commissioner of Delhi.
Arvind Kejriwal has been a part of Parivartan movement to reduce corruption.
The lokpal bill was introduced by Him primarily to enhance the accountability and transparency.
so is true for the RTI or right to information bill.

Some very interesting things about the Family life of Arvind Kejriwal?
Arvind Kejriwal’s family belonged to Bhawani district in Haryana.
his father’s name us Gobind Ram Kejriwal.
also his father is a graduate in electrical engineering from BITS Mesra Ranchi.
Arvind Kejriwal’s childhood family life was spent mostly in Haryana like Sonipat, hisar and also in Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh.
Arvind Kejriwal too JEE exact and good a good rank of 563 .
Arvind Kejriwal later also joined Tata steel.
he layer prepared for civil services and in the meantime did connect to the missionary Mother Teresa.
Now let us see what Wikipedia has to say about him.
Arvind Kejriwal (born 16 August 1968) is an Indian politician and social activist who has been the Chief Minister of Delhi since February 2015.
Previously he briefly served as Chief Minister from December 2013 to February 2014. He is the national convener of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).
His party won the 2015 Delhi Assembly elections with a majority, obtaining 67 out of 70 assembly seats.
Kejriwal is a Mechanical Engineering graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and worked for the Indian Revenue Service (IRS) as a Joint Commissioner in the Income Tax Department.