About this article ?
The article in depth evaluated how Longevity or Lifespan is evaluated for any Horoscope or Kundli.
It discusses the framework for the same in detail.
That is the role of lagna, Moon, 3rd house, Saturn , navamsha chart or the 8th house etc , so also various Yoga’s or planetary combination be it in lagna chart or navamsha chart or horoscope , all are utilized for the same.
Then it calculates longevity of a practical case to elaborate the idea of Longevity and life span evaluation by Vedic astrology.
It further looks at the case of celebrity Imran Khan’s longevity as a practical example to do Longevity calculations and considerations.

Your Longevity From your Birth Horoscope- Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish
Longevity or Life span evaluation in Vedic astrology is a comprehensive process that involves analyzing various factors in the natal chart to determine the potential lifespan of an individual.
This evaluation is based on principles derived from classical texts and involves assessing key houses, planetary influences, divisional charts, and specific Yoga’s.

Ascendant (Lagna) and Its Lord and role or impact on longevity or lifespan :
The Ascendant (1st house) represents the physical body, health, and overall vitality.
A strong Ascendant and its lord are essential for good health and longevity.
The Ascendant lord should be well-placed (in a Kendra or Trikona house) and free from afflictions by malefic planets.
A strong and unaffiliated Ascendant lord contributes positively to longevity.

8th House (House of Longevity):
The 8th house is the primary house of longevity.
It represents life span, death, and the nature of death.
The strength of the 8th house and its lord is crucial in determining the longevity of an individual.
A well-placed 8th lord (in Kendra, Trikona, or in its own/exalted sign) generally indicates a longer life.
Afflictions to the 8th house or its lord (such as aspects from malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, or Ketu) can indicate challenges to longevity.
The 8th house should ideally have benefic aspects, such as from Jupiter or Venus, to provide protection and enhance longevity.

3rd House (Secondary Indicator of Longevity):
The 3rd house represents vitality, courage, and willpower.
It is considered a secondary house of longevity because it supports the physical body’s strength and resilience.
A strong 3rd house or its lord, especially if it is free from malefic influences and well-aspected by benefics, indicates good vitality and resistance to diseases, which can contribute to a longer life.

Important Planets and Their Influence on longevity or life span.

Saturn (Significator of Longevity):
Saturn is the natural significator (Karaka) of longevity.
Its placement, aspects, and condition in the chart are crucial for evaluating lifespan.
A strong and well-placed Saturn (in Kendra, Trikona, or in its own/exalted sign) generally supports a long life.
However, an afflicted Saturn, especially if it is retrograde or in a dusthana (6th, 8th, or 12th house), can indicate chronic health issues or a reduced lifespan.
Saturn’s aspect on the Ascendant or 8th house can influence the native’s endurance and longevity.

role of Sun in longevity or life span:
The Sun represents the soul, vitality, and overall health.
Its strength in the chart directly affects the native’s immune system and life force.
A strong Sun, well-placed in a friendly sign or exaltation, contributes positively to longevity.
A weak or afflicted Sun can lead to health issues that might impact the native’s lifespan.

Role of Moon in longevity or life span:
The Moon governs the mind and emotional well-being, which are crucial for overall health and longevity.
The Moon’s condition in the chart reflects the native’s mental stability and emotional resilience.
A strong, well-placed Moon indicates good mental health, which supports physical well-being and longevity.
An afflicted Moon, especially if it is in conjunction with malefic planets or placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses, can lead to emotional instability and health issues that might shorten life.

Divisional Charts for Longevity
Navamsa (D9) Chart and role on longevity or life span:
The Navamsa chart is used to assess the strength of the planets and houses in the natal chart.
It provides insights into the deeper, more intrinsic qualities of the planets.
A strong Ascendant lord and 8th lord in the Navamsa chart, particularly if they are well-placed and free from malefic influences, suggest a stable and enduring life force.
Shashtiamsha (D60) Chart and or its role in longevity or Lifespan:
The D60 chart is the most detailed divisional chart, used for analyzing karmic influences and the finer nuances of the natal chart.
It provides insights into past-life karma and its impact on the current life, including longevity.
Afflictions in the D60 chart, especially to the Ascendant or 8th house, can indicate karmic challenges related to health and longevity.
A strong D60 chart with benefic influences on the Ascendant and 8th house can mitigate negative effects and support a longer life.

Yoga’s and Combinations for longevity or life span
Ayushkarakas (Indicators of Longevity):
Certain planetary combinations, known as Ayushkarakas, are used to assess longevity.
For example, the combination of a strong 8th lord with benefic planets in favorable houses can indicate a long life.
Conversely, if the 8th lord is weak, afflicted, or placed in unfavorable houses, it may indicate a shorter lifespan.

Maraka Planets (Death Inflicting Planets):
Maraka planets are those associated with the 2nd and 7th houses, which are known as Maraka Sthanas.
During their Dasha (planetary period) or Antardasha (sub-period), these planets can pose challenges to longevity.
The impact of Maraka planets depends on their strength, placement, and aspects.
A strong, well-placed Maraka planet may have a lesser negative effect, while a weak or afflicted Maraka planet can be more harmful.
child small
Balarishta Yoga:
Balarishta Yoga indicates potential mortality or severe health challenges in early childhood.
If present in the chart, this Yoga requires careful analysis and remedial measures to mitigate its effects.
The presence of strong benefic influences or the cancellation of this Yoga through other favorable combinations can help overcome the challenges posed by Balarishta Yoga.

Various Yoga’s or Planetary Combinations described below for Longevity or short Life based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish
If the lord of the 8th house or randhr bhava is in angles that is (4/7/10) house- one could enjoy long life.
If the lord of eighth house is in conjunction with lagna (ascendant lord) or a malefic and is in eighth house, the longevity is questionable.
If Saturn or shani and lord of 10th house (karma bhava) are in eighth – with is malefic planet or lagna lord.
If the lord of 6th or ari bhava is in 12th house of vyaya( negative in negative means positive) also if the lord of 6th is in sixth house itself and the lord of 12th house is in 12th house, also if the lord of 8th and lord of 12th are in 8th house. The same principle of negative cancels negative exists here.
If the lord of the 5th/8th (fifth and eight house) and second house are in own D9 (navamsa), or own sign/rashi or in signs or rashis if friends- the longevity is suggested.
If the lord of the ascendant(lagna) , the tenth house, the eighth house and Saturn are all placed in angle houses (4/7/10) or trine houses (1/5/9)- the person would love long. He one can see the strength of 8th/ascendant and also 10th house and Saturn is needed for longevity.
There are many combinations to do with longevity- so the overall strength and weaknesses of these planets could be sued to find out longevity.
Short Life Span Planetary Combinations or Yoga’s
If the lord of ascendant is weak and the lord of 8th house is in angle- the life span of the person is between 20 to 32 years.
If the lord of eight house is weak or in debility and also the eight house has a malefic in it and the lord of lagna or tanu bhava(ascendant) is weak.
If the lord of eight house(randhr bhava) , eighth house and the lord of twelfth are conjunct with malefic planets- the child may not live long.
If the bad or malefic planets are in trines(1/5/9) or angles(4/7/10) and the good planets(benefics) in the sixth house and or eight house. Also at the same time the ascendant has the eight lord in debility or weakness- the longevity is questionable.
If the of 5th house and 8th house and lord of eighth house are all conjunct with bad planets or malefic. There could be short life span.
If the lord of eight is in eighth itself and also moon(Chandra) is with malefic planets and does not have good aspects(drishti), the child may not live beyond one month.
Long Life Span Planetary Combinations or Yoga’s
If the lord of ascendant is strong and also moon(Chandra) and Jupiter(guru) are in the house of gains(eleventh/labha bhava) and eight house. The longevity is good.
If the lord of ascendant is very string and is aspect-ed by benefic planets that is placed in an angle like 4/7/10- the person could gain wealth, be virtuous and be long lived as well.

Based on the analysis, longevity is typically classified into three broad categories:
Alpayu (Short Life):
Lifespan up to 32 years.
Indicated by severe afflictions to the Ascendant, 8th house, and their lords, along with strong Maraka influences.
Madhyayu (Medium Life):
Lifespan from 32 to 70 years.
Indicated by a moderately strong Ascendant and 8th house, with some afflictions but also protective influences.
Purnayu (Long Life):
Lifespan beyond 70 years.
Indicated by a strong Ascendant, 8th house, and their lords, along with benefic influences and minimal afflictions.
Remedies for Longevity
To enhance longevity and mitigate any negative influences, Vedic astrology offers several remedies:
Reciting specific mantras related to the planets influencing longevity, such as the Mrityunjaya Mantra for Saturn, can help reduce malefic effects.
Yagyas and Homas:
Performing specific fire rituals (Yagyas) and offerings (Homas) dedicated to deities like Lord Shiva, Lord Saturn (Shani), or the Navagrahas (nine planets) can help strengthen longevity.
Charity and Donations: Donating items related to the planets affecting longevity, such as black clothes, sesame seeds, or iron on Saturdays for Saturn, can help appease these planetary energies.
Wearing gemstones associated with the Ascendant lord or the 8th lord, as recommended by a qualified astrologer, can help strengthen these planets and protect longevity.
Fasting and Prayers: Observing fasts on specific days related to the planets affecting longevity, and offering prayers in temples, can also be beneficial.
By carefully analyzing these factors and applying appropriate remedies, Vedic astrology provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and enhancing longevity.
Live Happily & also Plan Your & Your Loved One’s Life Better. Prevent Danger & Sudden Accidents or Illness by Using Preventive Remedies. Know anyone’s life span- short life(Upto 32 Years),Medium Life(32 to 75 Year),Full Life( 75 to 120 years) Using the Power of Classical Vedic Astrology. CLICK HERE

practical example to asses Longevity by Vedic Astrology or Jyotish
A live example is given to check how one could apply the principles learnt above in real life examples.
Your Birth and Other points of interest:
Month of birth
Dob 18
year of birth 1956
time of birth 15.516666666667
in the first place name XYZ center name
ZZ last name doms ms
minutes of birth
hour of birth
spot of birth
Core Concern:
what is my life range [to which year will i live] and what will be the reason for death as and when it comes?
Month of birth1
Your Horoscope Details:

Planets C R Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada Relation
Asc Taurus 25-01-09 Mrigasira 1
Sun D Capricorn 04-03-18 Uttarashadha 3 Enemy
Moon D Pisces 03-25-09 Uttarabhadra 1 Neutral
Mars D Scorpion 09-36-31 Anuradha 2 Own
Merc D Capricorn 20-11-55 Sravana 4 Neutral
Jupt R Leo 06-43-07 Magha 3 Friendly
Venu D Aquarius 07-46-01 Satabhisa 1 Friendly
Satn D Scorpion 07-14-14 Anuradha 2 Enemy
Rahu R Scorpion 21-55-25 Jyeshtha 2
Ketu R Taurus 21-55-25 Rohini 4
Uran R Cancer 07-07-03 Pashyami 2
Nept D Libra 07-07-43 Swati 1
Plut R Leo 04-47-21 Magha 2
Your Natal Chart suggestions about You.
You are alluring and have a tempting nature.
You are supernatural and might be a seeker of truth.
You could have a face like a deer-essentially lovely.
You are energetic, garrulous and great at discourse.
You have a dynamic personality and might have instability.
You could set out and cherish for travel could be there.
You could be appealing and blameless looking.
You could be upright, great hearted and administration situated you have a positive blemishes or empathy vitality in you
You could be shrewd in discourse, cheerful and savvy.
You could defeat your foes and controls outrage.
You would appreciate youngsters and have an upbeat marriage.
Your life could be momentous.
You have avoid clashes , battles and yes mishaps.
One may leave the world all of a sudden because of part of blemishes.
In seniority trust individuals with consideration.

Analysis of your longevity by Vedic Astrology or Jyotish
Your ascendant is Venus and it is somewhat old-yet sit in Kendra place of Aquarius and is reasonable on not all that solid investor Saturn.
Your Venus is sufficiently reasonable in trikona place of fifth house.
Moon is in Pisces in balyavastha.
Sun the leader of essentials is feeble, however in ninth place of trines.
The eighth master Jupiter is solid in your Kendra place of fourth and angles your tenth house where you ascendant is-so fortifying your life span.
There is no malefic angle to first house or eighth house master.
Saturn the karaka for life span is not exceptionally solid but rather in Kendra so picks up in quality.
In spite of the fact that Venus likewise runs place of wellbeing so could give wellbeing inconvenience like kapha and different issues time to time.
All the above mixes recommend a deerghayu for you that are 60-80 years at least.
You run Venus period till 2018, Venus could give you the accompanying heath issues that you must be watchful about with Yoga and pranayama.
The ketu period from 2017 October to 2018 end could be somewhat hard well-being insightful as it perspective your ascendant at 21 degrees.
September/oct 2016 could be somewhat hard however not to stress, but rather it has gone as ketu is in precise conjunction with your ascendant degree.
August may be a somewhat candidly requesting and attempting time also and with some overflow’s to September.
Apprehensive anxiety would leave with Yoga and pranayama.
Keep your feelings in control and all eventual well.
Oct-Nov 2017 – special needed care maha mrityunjay japam would offer assistance.
November could be somewhat upsetting and may not be extraordinary for well-being but rather petitions would fare thee well.
2019-jan/feb (January could be a bit harder, and fairly February).
You then run the maha dasha time of sun :
SUN dasha – 6 Years.
Sun however powerless is in Kendra house and guidelines trikona houses so you would be fine generally.
Moon period additionally would be OK till 2034.
You must be watchful in blemishes period in 2024 for longevity.
Do maha mrityunjay.

What is the longevity or life span for Imran khan- the present prime minister of pakistan? Example illustrationBirth details Imran khan
To explain the concept of longevity and life span in detail.
The Horoscope analysis of Mr. Imran Khan for longevity and Lifespan is given below.
Name: Imran Khan
Date of Birth: Tuesday, November 25, 1952
Time of Birth: 06:45:00
Place of Birth: Lahore
Longitude: 74 E 22
Latitude: 31 N 32
Time Zone: 5.0

How would we judge longevity of Imran khan?
the basic framework to judge longevity or life span is based on strength of lagna or ascendant and also the eighth lord of longevity from lagna and yes moon sign as well.
Also it is judged based on Saturn the ayushkaraka and also the placement of malefic like Saturn, mars, rahu and ketu in the horoscope plus the strength of benefics also in the kundali of the person.
Longevity depends on the markesh(killer) bhavas and associated planets of second house and seventh bhava plus also on the malefic transits and the dasa periods.

What is the Longevity of Imran khan based on His lagna & Moon chart?
The lord of the horoscope of Imran khan is very strong and exalted in the 3rd bhava or house in the sign of Capricorn or makar rashi. This gives him great strength in arms, bowling capability and also gives him a promise of good longevity. Let us explore these matters further.
The malefic rahu also sits near mars the lagna or ascendant lord for imran khan. Though far away a bit as mars is at 9 degree 16 minutes and rahu at around 29 degrees , so not exactly but an atama karaka planet so0 terror activities he will himself reduce,
But sure rahu suggest fear from negative people and terrorist to imran khan.
The lord of the eighth house of longevity is in the lagna, this is a mixed indication in one sense it sort of both strengthens mercury but again makes one accident, explosion prone. The longevity lord mercury gets good enough energy from leadership action lord of career house or bhava for Imran khan, now the prime minister of pakistan. But still this is average we can put it at 75+( barring terror attacks etc that GOD forbid have t looked deeply based on dasa and transits).
what is the Longevity imran khan based on moon sign or rashi?
the lord of the lagna is Aquarius or kumbha form moon sign now this is in the eighth house. so sort of reinforcing longevity.
It is sitting on weak and retrograde mercury that sits on the enemy sign of Scorpio or vrishchika rashi so not very well placed.
Mercury the eight lords is placed with the markesh(killer) sun the lord for the seventh house from moon, in the tenth house . this again is not a good augury.
This gives an age estimate of 65 to 70 years.
The malefic sun is in lagna, also mats and rahu in third bhava and Saturn in eleventh, so mostly the Kendra bhavas or houses are taken care of. The benefics like Jupiter or guru is in sixth bhava and mercury in lgana,but venus in markesh bhava.
so over all longevity based on lagna for imran khan is 75 to 80 years.
What is the General Longevity analysis for Imran khan?
what is the Longevity of Imran khan based on His Navamsa or d9 chart?
now let us look at the core planets mars and mercury for Imran khan from lagan chart how are they placed in the d9 or the navamsa chart.
Moon sits with mars in the markesh bhava of seventh. Moon has rahu energy with him , so negative people and terror prone people have to keep at bay.
Mercury for imran khan is fair in the fifth house but with malefic ketu.
the lagna lord mercury is in the fifth bhava or house but with ketu. Ayushkaraka but bad health lord Saturn (shani dev)is in the lagna.
malefic and benefic in Kendra’s and trikona houses are getting balanced. The eighth house lord mars is not very well placed
so over all this gives a longevity of 70 to So over all lagna and navamsa based longevity is around 75 years.
What is the longevity of Imran khan in current dasa, terror threats etc?
Imran khan is running venus maha dasha and currently venus in venus till 2018 ending. venus is a markesh bhava planet s basic care is needed. Health & hospitalization needs basic acre for imran khan. But sure after November ending 2018 & December the risk gets reduced for imran khan.
Over all venus rules the twelfth and the seventh house so he needs to take special care of sugar or diabetes and sexual problems. Over all following the regimen for health is very important for imran khan.
2022 to 2025, special care on terror matters is needed for imran khan.
we wish sadbudhi and good health to all in the world.Thats what Vedas teach us.