Shah rukh khan(SRK or badshah,king khan) commonly known as the king khan or badshah of bollywood,rose to become the super star of the bollywood , by the dint of his effort, talent and yes Luck! He is married to his college love, Gauri khan.
The government of India has honoured him with padam shri for his contributions.
Birth Data & Other Data Of shah rukh khan:
Name: Shah Rukh Khan
Date of Birth: 02nd November, 1965
Time of Birth: 02.30 A.M
Place of Birth: Delhi, India
Time Zone: 5.5
Numerology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for Shah Rukh khan(or badshah,king khan):
Dob: 02nd November, 1965
Popular Name:
Shah Rukh Khan
Birth Name:
Shah Rukh Khan
- Birth number = 2nd November, but as he is born near midnight (2:30 AM), so effects of the previous day number One is also there.
- So His birth number is SUN, but with effects of Moon. Making him the leader of the industry due to sun( number 1) and also a sensitive hero due to number 2. The key to his success is number 2( moon), being able to do sensitive and emotional roles well in bollywood.
- But his brief tiff with salman khan can be explained on the basis of his(shah rukh khan’s )being number 2(moon), a bit more submissive and salman khans birth number as number 9= mars. Mars and moon may not go on very well at times, mars is debilitated in cancer
- The sun sign for 2nd November = Scorpio = ruled by planet mars = Number 9. This gives him the intellectual drive to do well in life. Be fighter, leader and emotional hero and also angry somewhat.
- Sun(birth number) and mars(sun sign number) and also moon(second birth number) and mars( sun sign)- Give him the passion, zest and emotionalism to do the roles he has been doing in the films in bollywood. Right from action, romantic, anti hero etc for the bollywood.
- Now let us look at shah rukh khan’s(or badshah,king khan) destiny. what was he destined to do.
Destiny Number = 1( we have taken 1st as his birth date for various reasons) + 11(November) + 1965( 1+9+6+5 =21) = 1+ 11+ 21 = 33 = 6= VENUS.
Now 3-3 = Double Jupiter!!! We know the abundance he has got in life. Also Venus rules art and film industry or bollywood! We know this description fits in very well.
- Name number of shah rukh khan = 6 = VENUS!!!
So his name number is very much supportive to his Film or bollywood career and destiny number 6. This 6-6 combination (destiny and name number pair)gives him a beautiful wife, good home and lovely kids. It gives strong love for mother and mother land. May GOD bless his family. Venus gives all comforts of life. The only problem is that it could make a person very insistent in views ,
I am not close to Mr. shah rukh Khan(or badshah,king khan) to judge this, but the numbers do suggest the same.
Numerology- 2016 horoscope predictions for shah rukh khan(or badshah,king khan)
- Now 2016 = 2+0+1+6 = 9= Mars, he has the core numbers ( 1,2,9,6,6), so over all generally harmonious. Not as great as salman khan as he is pure 9. We could say if salman khan does 10 out of 10 in 2016, then shah rukh khan(or badshah,king khan)could do 7/10 based on his numbers.
- February and July could be hard months for shah rukh khan.
Astrology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for shah rukh khan:
- He is Leo ascendant and sun is weak in 3rd house of initiatives. This suggests he is a lion, but a soft lion. J. Also he would have great imitative and also would need to work harder than others to prove himself in bollywood. We can clearly see apart from other khan’s he was new for bollywood and he established himself much better.
- His strongest planet is Saturn with shadabala of 437, that gives him the discipline to do things well and also faces opposition, to build himself better.
- The Saturn sends aspect to mars(The planet of action for him) and also mercury the lord of wealth and status. Also makes shah rukh khan(or badshah,king khan) a bit philosophically or study oriented. A slightly on less fairer side( I mean had it been moon lord ship of 7th, the wife could have been like Katrina kaif types)and gauri khan a good wife is a confirmation of planet Saturn holding its sway in his 7th house of wife and relationships.
- His long term relationships with people in bollywood like karan johar also supports a strong 7th house lord = Saturn.Saturn means people who are more mature than their age. Rest we know all.
Astrology-2016 horoscope predictions for shah rukh khan
- He runs saturn-venus.Venus is weak in Sagittarius. So though 2015 went over all OK for him, 2016 might have more surprises in bollywood and bunch of issues for him. He needs to be cautious this time, Especially in April and September 2016.
- We have to note the Venus is 8th lord in navamsa = D_09 harmonic chart.
- We wish him all the best and he (shah rukh khan) would be able to overcome all obstacles by use of his will power and GOD’s grace.

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Salman khan 2016 Horoscope Predictions for Bollywood –Of one of the most flamboyant & Handsome Personalities through Astrology & Numerology
One of the most flamboyant and handsome bollywood movies star, shining the in bollywood movies in Sooraj Barjatya’s romance Maine Pyar Kiya (1989) till now.Let us look at what astrology and numerology has to say about him & his 2016 horoscope predictions for him.Let us also explore why as 2016 approached he was let off in hit and run case.
Birth Data & Other Data Of salman khan:
Name: Salman Khan
Date of Birth: Monday, December 27, 1965
Time of Birth: 14:30:00
Place of Birth: Indore
Longitude: 75 E 54
Latitude: 22 N 42
Time Zone: 5.5
Numerology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for salman khan:
Dob: December 27, 1965
Popular Name: salman khan
Birth Name: Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan
- Birth number = 27= 9= Planet MARS (This planet rules muscles and action!)
- The sun sign for Dec 27th = Capricorn, is ruled by planet Saturn(This planet gives coldness and solitude at times, he is still un married!)
- Now let us look at salman khan’s what was destined to do.
Destiny Number = dec(=12th month) + 27 + 1965(= 1+9+6+5=21) = 12(=3) + 27(=9)+21(=3) = 15= 1+5=6 = Planet Venus(This planet also rules Cinema and TV!!!)
- The Planet Venus also makes him more social and gives him good looks, along with mars giving good physique
- Name number of salman khan = 30 = 3+0 = Planet Jupiter
It is quite clear from above, that he(salman khan) was destined to be either in movies, TV or hospitality industry. That is Venus as the destiny number was his calling. He did it and now we know he is at what heights.
He is a very well built and action( ruled by mars in his birth number) cum romantic( ruled by destiny number) here.
The coldness in personal life of salman khan is reflected in being born in Capricorn sign. Also name number 3= Jupiter gives him the giving nature, the warm nature. His being charitable and donating money is a living proof of the same.
Also salman kahn’s name Jupiter is in harmony with the destiny number and also his birth number 9, so we know how great success he got in life due to 3-6-9 combinations!!!
3= 3×1
6 = 3×2
9 = 3×3
Number 3 = Jupiter and You can count his blessings now!!!
2016 horoscope predictions
- Now looking at 2016 Horoscope = 2+0+1+6 = 9 = planet mars, it is in full harmony with his birth number =9, so his films and personal life would go great. We know that Bombay high court recently gave a favourable judgement fro him in hit and run case in December – as the good effects of his 2016 horoscope have started coming in for him!Coming out well from the hit and run case is an indicator of this.
- January and February of 2016 may also not be great that way- but yes above average for him for bollywood movies.
- He would do great in April and September- for the bollywood movies and TV. Yes aggression control needs to be there.
Astrology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for salman khan:
- Ascendant is aries rueld by mars in Capricorn in 10th is raja yoga karaka. We know what a macho man appeal( mars effect) he has and how much success he has got in life.
- Moon is in Aquarius along with closely conjunct Saturn which is strong. Gives him some independence and originality, steadfastness and some stubbornness as well.
2016 horoscope predictions
- He runs sat-MAR till 18/ 4/16 then runs sat-RAH till end of the year.
- Saturn mars could take him to great highs till April.Also he was let off in hit and run case in the sub period fo mars we know. The raja yoga karak planet for him.
- Saturn rahu would take him even to greater heights as his rahu is strong. It would significantly increase his name and fame and prosperity after April 2016- especially in the bollywood movies.
- He has to be careful of what he speaks or does in the rahu period.

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Sunny Leone-Porn Star to Bollywood actress-2016 horoscope predictions & Hidden Secrets by Astrology & Numerology
The vivacious sunny Leone was earlier a porn star(sex industry) and now a bollywood star with her latest sex comedy mastizaade.
Let us look at what astrology and numerology has to say about her.Let us also see her coming in mastizaade in 2016 based on her 2016 horoscope.
Birth Data & Other Data:
Karenjit Kaur Vohra
Sunny Leone
Name: Sunny Leone
Date of Birth: Wednesday, May 13, 1981
Time of Birth: 14:30:00
Place of Birth: Sarnia
Longitude: 82 W 40
Latitude: 42 N 59
Time Zone: -5.0
Numerology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for sunny Leone:
Dob: May 13, 1981
Popular Name: Sunny Leone
Birth Name: Karenjit Kaur Vohra
- Birth number of sunny Leone = 13th = 1+3 = 4 = Rahu or Uranus or dragon’s head. This gives her the streak of un conventional and rebelliousness in her.
- Rahu or Uranus makes people rebellious and yes Rahu and Venus both together rule the porn industry as well ( that is rahu negative Venus negative could concern with porn star(sex industry) or any luxury that is not conventional).
- The sun sign for sunny Leone for 13th May = Taurus= planet Venus rules this sun sign. Gives her the doggedness to pursue matters and yes enhances her success in Film(bollywood) and also porn star(sex industry) as the industries are controlled by Venus majorly. The earth element gives her the basic perseverance to follow up.
- Now let us look at her destiny. what she was destined to do.
Destiny Number = 13+5 + 1981 = 13+5+ 19 = 37 = 3+7=10 = 1+0 = 1 =SUN.Oh , so she is born to be leader! One can clearly see that this is what is happening in her life. She is a leader of cinema in some form, be it porn star(sex industry) or bollywood.
- Name number of sunny Leone = 9= Mars
Now mars is a good friend of Venus her sun sign in some sense and could create a very aggressive and daring personality along with her rahu in birth number. The name number is also in harmony with her destiny number.
One can clearly see for sunny Leone that rahu/sun and mars- a lot of fire in her personality , which helps to strengthen her earth element Venus. We know the success reasons!
2016 horoscope predictions
- As the year 2016(looking at her 2016 horoscope) is ruled by mars( 2+0+1+6 =9 = Mars), this planet mars is in harmony with her(sunny Leone) name number, she would have a great time and good fame in the coming year.
- For sunny Leone(mastizaade could give good results now) March and April could be months of true windfall for her and her to gain success.Let us see how bollywood responds.
Astrology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for sunny Leone:
- She has Leo ascendant.
Sun the lord of ascendant for sunny Leone is weak and sits in 9th.So she is an adjustable lion. JA weak sun could give issues with fame or infamy and this could be a cause for her introspection as sun is atmakaraka for her.
Mars sits near sun for sunny Leone and is combust, and causes action and leadership in her.Gives her a headway in bollywood.
Her career house has Venus, that is strong but combust in own sign, gives the reason for being famous and at the same time being in limelight for not so good reasons due to sun making it combust.
- The planet for wealth and status mercury is closer to Venus giving the promised results of gains in the film or may be pornographic industry.
2016 horoscope predictions
- For sunny Leone Rahu-Venus sub period runs till April and then rahu-sun dasha/sub period till 2016 end as per her 2016 horoscope, especially for bollywood movies
- In case of sunny Leone Venus should give fair results for her as mastizaade is sex comedy in bollywood it should do OK. But the after April things may be hard for her and she might face issue with health , image or some legal issue.

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Film Bajirao Mastani & why is there a Controversy about the Film? 2016 Horoscope Predictions
Bajirao Mastani is an interesting Film based on Indian History of a love story between the warrior peshwa bajirao and is 2nd wife mastani
This romantic film captures various moments of the past History – of brave Maratha warrior Peshwa Bajirao I of the Maratha Empire and his second wife mastani.
Bajirao Mastani is an Indian historical romance film produced and directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The film narrates the story of the Maratha warrior Peshwa Bajirao I of the Maratha Empire and his second wife Mastani.
Played by movie stars Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh & directed by sanjay Leela bhansali
The film was to be released on 18th dec 2015
Why is there a controversy in the Film and 2016 Horoscope Predictions:
- Now the total of the film bajirao mastani comes to number 34 = 3+4 = 7= planet Ketu or Neptune.
This is a watery and fluid planet.
- Also 2016 (the inkling year) has the value = 2016 = 2+0+1+6 = Mars = is a fiery fire based planet.
- We all know that fire & water creates steam!! That’s where the controversies come up and the opposition come up in the year 2016.-Especially in month of December ruled by fire based planet Jupiter, which does not go well with Neptune.
- Also the date of launch 18th = 9= mars= Fire is good to release film is to do with war and warriors( which bajirao mastani is), but with the current name it does not help it much. As mars and Neptune/ketu don’t go well.
- But being a film on wars and warriors and release in 18th December- it would do above average in 2016, but with starting conflicts as we have seen.
- December last week beyond 23rd and January 2016 would be much better .February 2016 would be OK.
We wish all the best to the Film and our dear Maratha warrior veer sri bajirao ji.

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Planet RAHU transit & placement in Houses- for 2016 horoscopes
Rahu is a shadowy planet compared with Uranus.It gives sudden and un expected results in transit and placement both.The effects are really unique and interesting.
Rahu transits in new sign Leo in January 2016, so 2016 horoscopes would reflect these effects as well depending on your lagna/ascendant.
If Your Ascendant Or Moon Sign Or Sun Sign Is | RAHU(dragon’s head) would Transit the Below House in 2016 |
Aries | 5th house |
Taurus | 4th house |
Gemini | 3rd house |
Cancer | 2nd house |
Leo | 1st house |
Virgo | 12th house |
Libra | 11th house |
Scorpio | 10th house |
Sagittarius | 9th house |
Capricorn | 8th house |
Aquarius | 7th house |
Sagittarius | 6th house |
RAHU in 1st House
You should try to behave in a conventional manner and abide to the family, office and society norms.
Aspect of rahu on 7th house means issues in relationships whenever rahu is weak in transit.
Aspect of rahu on 5th and 9th means, you should keep an eye on kids that they flow the right company and also you should stick to your religious path.
RAHU in 2nd house
Unexpected gains in status and possible wealth flows possible.
Try to use proper language in communication.
RAHU in 3rd house
You may take interest in out of conventional things like astrology, occult or some innovation .
You should be careful with the company you keep.
RAHU in 4th house
Mind has to be kept healthy. Rashness in temper has to be avoided.
Your family might have issues at times. Aspect on 10th means , there could be un expected matters on your career front coming on and off.
RAHU in 5th house
Keep the mind positive always. You may think of out of convention matters.
Follow your dharma and ethics well.
You might connect to short time affairs with people who might have a questionable behaviour.
RAHU in 6th house
You may face sudden obstacles in career. There could be good amount of people who oppose you always.
There could be sudden blockages in wealth flows etc.
RAHU in 7th house
One needs to take care on the kind of partner one has in office or personal matters. Also one has to be discerning in relationships one has .
RAHU in 8th house
Your interest in occult or land deals could be there. Stay away from bad company as it could affect your family life.
You need to speak sweetly and avoid any kind of foul language.
RAHU in 9th house
You should try to be steadfast in your religion. Luck may have suddenness . There could be sudden ups and sudden downs at times.
Your interest in occult sciences could be there.
RAHU in 10th house
You may work very hard. One could expect lots of surprises in life. Lot of professional matters could affect your family life peace.
You may take up job or work in non conventional lines.
RAHU in 11th house
You might have sudden gains and losses. Take special care of health of your elder siblings. You may take up non conventional issues.
Also take good care of the company your kids keep.
RAHU in 12th house
You might work very hard or work hard less. If you find this symptom, try to balance it. Try to maintain good peace in family and also keep your mind health by yoga and meditation.
You might travel to foreign lands.
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California Attacks & How Does FBI Investigation and ASTRO – NUMEROLOGY Point In The Same Direction?
The attack took place at a Christmas party on Wednesday for employees of the San Bernardino public health department, at the Inland Regional Centre, which provides services for people with developmental disabilities.
The FBI announced Friday that it is investigating the mass shooting at a Southern California office party as an act of terrorism, but the agency’s director said there is no indication the husband and wife who killed 14 people were part of a larger plot or members of a terror cell.
If the investigation confirms the massacre was inspired by Islamic extremism, it would be the deadliest such terrorist attack on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001.
- We wish Peace to ALL the Departed souls.
Birth Data & Other Data:
- The events happened on 2 dec 2015
- Syed Rizwan Farook (June 14, 1987 – December 2, 2015
- Tashfeen Malik (July 13, 1988 – December 2, 2015)
- America Born July 4 1776
- Investigators think that Malik, as opposed to her husband, may have been the primary planner and “mastermind” behind the attack.
Astro-Numerology Analysis:
Basic Analysis- why was it a Terror attack?
When I read the news paper on 3rd of December 2015. I was pretty sure it was a terror attack.
As I totaled the number 2 dec 2015 = 2 +12+ 8(2015= 2+0+1+5=8) = 22 = 2+2 =4 = Rahu. The dragon. The planet which causes terrorism and other things.
Also note 22 = 11×2 and recall of 9-11.
Now all dates totaling to 4 would not be terror attacks, but given other considerations the probability is always higher on such dates.
Common Between 9-11 and 2 Dec attacks: & why?
Also note the attack was on 2nd December = ruled by moon.
Also 11th September attacks = ruled by 1+1=2 = Moon.
Now I was wondering why number 2 was giving trouble to America?
You note America was born on July 4 1776.
Now 4th = rahu and July is month ruled by moon, so moon gets afflicted by rahu making America more attack prone to terrorism.
Also the destiny number of America is 32= 5= mercury, and mercury and moon are in basic conflict with each other,
How does FBI and Numerology Point In the Same Direction?
- FBI says” Investigators think that Malik, as opposed to her husband, may have been the primary planner and “mastermind” behind the attack.
- Now Tashfeen Malik(born July 13, 1988) is born on 13th = 1+3=4=rahu is more prone to rebel as compared to Syed Rizwan Farook (June 14, 1987), who is born on 14th = 1+4=5 = Mercury, with some slight streak of rahu in 14th( number 4= rahu).
- We don’t mean to say anyone born on 13 would be a terrorist, but given the circumstances anmd other numbers, that chances of deviation into terror activities is much higher than other.
- So we can clearly see numerology could help us narrow down options and may be help in finding way out.
- We wish Peace to ALL the Departed souls Again.

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