• You get to know the exact nature of your relationship with your lover or life partner (husband or wife).
• Know about the strength and weak points of your relationship.
• You get to know on what aspects of the relationship you are in harmony(compatible) or in what aspects you are at disharmony( in compatible).
• Using this report you create more harmony & happiness in relationships by knowing the other person well & also save your time, energy and money by avoiding conflict zones or relationships that are prone to conflicts.
• Accurate Analysis Of any Dreaded Mangal Dosha Or Mars Defect in Your Or Your Partner’s Birth Chart.
• Full confidentiality maintained about you and the safety of your data.
• Even if you DON’T Know the Time of Birth of your Lover or Life Partner Or Your Own time of Birth Accurately? NO Problem.We have Very Unique,Rare, Accurate & Special Techniques to PIN POINT ACCURATELY your Relationship with your LOVER/LIFE PARTNER, just on the basis of His OR Her NAME & DATE Of BIRTH ONLY!
• BONUS: It gives you your relationship overview for 2016-17 & exact pattern of your relationship in coming 12 months(2016-17) .
• All this helps you to be prepared in advance how to plan your relationships much better & reduce any problems one might face.
• BONUS:Your get simple yet effective remedies to solve your problems to do with relationship. 60$/3998 Rs.
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What is a Marriage Compatibility OR Relationship Analysis Report?
For any relationship or blossom, there has to be a basic compatibility among partners & also compatibility as the time progresses. Vedic Astrology provides powerful insight into nature of any two individuals in a relationship, their compatibility on several aspects and also how this compatibility could get affected as time progresses.
All the facets to do with any relationships are covered in depth between you and your lover or life partner, so that you can make smart choices in regard to your relationship.
You also get coming 12 months detailed possible changes in relationship pattern and remedies to solve any problems as a BONUS.
How Is the Marriage Compatibility OR Relationship Analysis Report Prepared?
Based on the complete birth details (complete date of birth, time of birth and Place of Birth) of Both You and your Partner is taken and two separate Vedic Horoscopes are erected. An accomplished Vedic Astrologer has a look at the planetary positions, houses and Yogas( planetary Conjunctions or combinations), present Dashas(planetary period) & Planetary Transits to analyze various aspects of your love, relationship, romance or marriage in detail for future. Also see how relationship would go for coming 12 months 2016-17 in details(month by month), along with Remedies on How to solve any problems that the Vedic Astrologer sees in your or your partner’s chart.
How would You Gain from Marriage Compatibility OR Relationship Analysis Report Prepared?
The Marriage Compatibility OR Relationship Analysis Report is a comprehensive report and covers all aspects of love, marriage & compatibility between You and your life partner.
• It looks at your sex level compatibility, if you are compatible on bed to not and how much.
• It looks at how much your thinking processes blend and you tend to agree with each other. That is the mental level compatibility.
• The various aspects of the compatibility scientifically and logically cover harmony and conflict between various aspects of both you like Nerves compatibility(naadi),hereditary,family,cultural or religious differences as per principles laid down of vedic astrology or jyotish and proven for 1000’s(Thousand’s) of years.
• As after when two souls or partners come together by love or marriage, the planets of one person start affecting the other- the benefit or loss in terms of over all luck or money is analyzed.
• The dreaded mars defect or mangal dosha in your Or Your partner’s Birth Chart is analyzed.
• The length of time or duration for which the relationship would remain stable is found out.
• The Potential to have kids is found for the two partners.
• The chance of fights or strong ego clashes is found our based on your Vedic Horoscope.
• Your life partner’s personality & physical description is given
• As a BONUS Detailed relationship changes and nuances month by month for coming 12 months(2016-17) are given.
• BONUS simple remedies are given for you to solve your relationships related problems.

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Customer Reviews
” …I have been in great turmoil and full of guilt,as on one hand I feel I am not compatible with my present husband and whether I should go ahead with my boyfriend for marriage…At the the same time I am hurt, as I feel I am cheating someone. But your compatibility analysis and love report has given me a clear insight into my compatibility possibilities with my present husband. Based on which I can take a clear and guilt free decision on whether I should continue with the present relationship or may be re-marry. Thanks once again for the wonderful report. Would meet you when I am in India next.
Ms. M. K. USA- New York “