What is this article about?
This article at length discusses the Good(benefic) and Bad(malefic) planets for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people .
The article at length discusses the planets right from sun or surya dev, moon or Chandra dev, Jupiter or Guru, Rahu or dragon’s Head, Mercury or Budha , Venus or shukra dev, ketu or dragon’s Tail, Saturn or shani dev to mars(Mangal dev) in detail.
on how they impact various aspects of life in Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people like career, job, money, love & relationships, home & family, children and other matters.
In the second section this article further covers all the 12 houses for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people ,starting from 1ts house to 12th house in details.
covering the Entire life aspect corresponding to each House of the kundli or horoscope in detail for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi People like Health,wealth,career,status,money,marriage,love,longevity,job,travels etc in full detail is discussed.
Later in the 3rd section of this article as a PRACTICAL EXAMPLE for learning of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people for good or bad planets based on Horoscope, Kangana Ranaut’s Horoscope has been discussed to see how the various rules discussed apply to the same.
we know that Kangana Ranaut is a Bollywood film actress and she is also a Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi person .
it talks about what made her such a big success 😉 and this article also looks at her sensational relationships with various stars based on her Horoscope(kundli).

What are Functional benefic(good planets and functional malefic(Bad planets) for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people people?
Is 4th house lord mercury a benefic(good planet) for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people People?
The 4th house lord for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people is mercury and is generally a benefic.
If strong could give a big home, conveyances and a great image and mother is good.
Mercury again rules the 7th house of relationships.
if weak it becomes a big malefic due to kendradhipati dosha but if strong it could give a nice spouse and great for short travels to distant lands.
Is the 5th house or bhava lord moon a benefic or Good Planet for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
YES, moon if strong could give a good imagination and stable mind to Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people
It could help them in spiritual pursuits and have nice children.
It also gives them a good ability to counsel.

Is mars or Mangal the 9th house lord of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people a benefic or good planet?
YEs, mars could be a great benefic for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people as it rules the trikona bhava of luck and fortune and past life karma, so strong mars can give great gains to Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.
Does Jupiter act as a benefic(good planet) or a malefic(bad planet) for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
Now Jupiter or Guru rules the 1st bhava or lagan and 10th bhava for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people .
so, if it is strong it could give great benefits to Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.
like great gains in name, health, image, and career or job expansions.
they may do a lot of good deeds as well.
what is the role of functional malefic and also natural malefic for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
as we know there are -(i) natural malefic planets like Rahu-Ketu , Saturn(Shani), mars(Mangal) and moon or mercury if they are weak or badly aspected.
but functional malefic are the lord of 6th house, 8th house and 12th house and the 3rd house and sometimes the 11th house.
So the lord of 3rd/6th/8th/11th and 12th house is called functional malefic even if they are ruled by good planets like Venus or mercury etc.

Does the 6th and 8th house lords for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people cause foreign travels and stress for these Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people ?
How is the 6th house or Bhava for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
so the functional malefic like the sixth house lord Leo or simha(sun), that could cause debt issues or fights or health issuer if it is placed in the 4th house of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people it could cause foreign travels.
Is 8th house malefic or bad for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people ?
the eighth house lord of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people that is Libra or Venus(shukra) it could not only case unexpected problems but also travels to distant lands.
What is the role of 12th house of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people? Is it good or bad for them? also Saturn or shani dev or the Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi that rules the twelfth bhava for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people could cause travelling to distant lands and hospitalization in some rare cases.

what is the role For the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people the role of malefic 3rd lord(that is Taurus sign or Venus/shukra ruler ship) and 11th bhava(Capricorn sign or Saturn/shani dev ruler ship) (Kundli)?
Is the 3rd house or bhava malefic or bad for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
There are other malefic as well as per classical literature, but sure third bhava lord or the eleventh bhava lord are exceptions but do come .
But they would be taken up elsewhere.
How could the 3rd house lord of Pisces Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people act both good and bad for them?
Venus or the 3rd bhava lord for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people acts as a malefic especially as a secondary markesh and can cause issues in the dasha or weak transited for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.
if weak can give issues or problems to sibling or brothers and sisters, but if strong enough so can give good gains from the state or the Government

what is the role of Saturn or shani dev for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people
The same applies to the 11th bhava or house lords for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.
if strong it is a double-edged sword as it is also treated as a negative and malefic house so negative effects can come in and at the same time could help in gains.
Infact great gains as Saturn ruling the same is in harmony with Jupiter or Guru the ascendant lord.
In this article, we take the overall picture of each lord for the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people and then work on a sample horoscope to check the accuracy of what we say.

in their Horoscope (Kundli) ,what role is the planet Jupiter for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
The lord of the lagan or Ascendant is Jupiter or Guru – that is the ruler ship of Pisces sign is by the planet Jupiter or Guru- the first house as we know is ruling personality and self.
Also, Jupiter rules the tenth house of career/job and karma. That is Sagittarius(dhanu rashi) the mool trikona sign of Jupiter rules the tenth house of career.
in their Horoscope (Kundli) what Does Jupiter or Guru causes kendradhipati Dosha for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
Now though there is a kendradhipati dosha for Jupiter, but ruling the ascendant and also Jupiter is the friend of itself(the ascendant) so overall Jupiter(guru) is a benefic for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people. Jupiter is a yoga karaka here.

in their Horoscope (Kundli) , What roles does aggressive Mars or Mangal play for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people horoscope the planets like Shani(Shani), Shukra(Venus), Surya(sun) and Budh(mercury) are malefic. Mangal and Chandra(moon) are propitious or good.
Mangal and Guru will bring about Yoga. Although Mangal is an executioner, he will not kill the person (easily).
Shani(Shani) and Budh are executioners.
is mars or Mangal benefic or good for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
The lord of the second house of wealth and status and speech is Mars or Mangal with its mooltrikona sign of Aries.
Also, the non Mooltrikona sign of mars or Mangal Scorpio(vrishchika rashi) rules the Ninth house or bhava. This makes it benefic as well.
How much mars or Mangal is a maraka or bad for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
So Mars is benefic for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people, but ruling the twelfth from the eighth from the eighth, third house and being a malefic (second house ruler ship) it is also considered a Maraka. But it is not able to kill independently.

What is the role for Venus or shukra for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people for their Horoscope (Kundli)?
The lord third house of initiatives & people around you, your brothers and sisters is ruled by planet Venus(Shukra) ruled by Taurus– which is ruled by Venus also Venus Mool trikona sign Libra rules the most malefic house of the eighth.
So, this makes Venus(Shukra) a malefic and a killer as well.
So overall Venus is a great malefic for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.

which aspects of Life does Moon or Chandra rule for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people in their Horoscope (Kundli)?
As Moon or Chandra rules with its sign cancer(Karkat Rashi) the Angular house Fifth House of intellect, education, children, and deep thinking- it is a benefic for the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.

What is the role of sun or surya for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people in their Horoscope (Kundli)?Is sun or surya a good or bad planet for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
Sun or Surya rules the malefic sixth house of debt, enmity, court cases, and litigation and is a natural malefic-so is malefic for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people through a friend of Jupiter.
So, 25% is good but 75% is bad.

what aspects of Life does Mercury or Budha rule for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people in their Horoscope (Kundli) ?
The lord of the Seventh house or yuvati bhava of love , relationship, marriage is ruled by planet mercury ruling the Virgo sign (Kanya Rashi). Mercury(Budha) is a benefic so this ruler ship by Kendradhipati makes it a malefic.
Also, mercury is not a good friend of Jupiter.
Mercury(Budha) also rules the fourth house or bhava of conveyance, family, and image by Gemini sign or Mithuna Rashi. So, mercury is again a malefic here. So, mercury is malefic for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.
But double negative above gives some positive effects for mercury- something like a Neechbhanga yoga principle. Negative X negative = positive somewhat.

Is Saturn or shani benefic or malefic for Pisces lagan peoples Horoscope(Kundli)
Now Saturn(Shani) or Capricorn(maker Rashi) rules the house of gains, salary or the eleventh house, so it becomes a malefic , but Saturn(Shani) is not a great friend of Jupiter(guru) and also rules the house twelfth house of secret affair, sex, travels and hospitals-by the Mooltrikona sign of Aquarius(Kumbha Rashi), making it a killer and a malefic for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.

The various Houses or bhavas predictions for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people ?
First House of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
first house of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people have Aquarius sign ruling behind it(The 12th house lord is Saturn) .
and then we have the Aries sign the next sign ruling the 2nd bhava. Aries sign or mesha rashi is ruled by Mars or Mangal dev.
the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people spans various nakshatras of the zodiac . so, there is influence of planets like, Jupiter, Saturn, and mercury planets( The stars or nakshatras are Poorva Bhadrapada or Uttar bhadrapad and revati).
so, in their youth Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people are generally happy due to Jupiter influence.
but then the Saturn(shani dev) has an influence after their mid-life .
so, this may cause them to Travel and have problems in life.
also, the latter part of life is ruled by mercury so there is a lot of happiness there 😉 for them. and note that Mercury or budha rules the 4th and 7th house for the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people so generally beneficial.
They travel and grow spiritually due to the 12th sign and Jupiter energies ;).
second House of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people predictions?
now looking at the second Bhava of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people .
Now the second house is ruled by Aries sign. ahead of it is Pisces Sign and has a seventh aspect of t7th sign Libra.
This house also has the third aspect of Saturn(shani) from the Aquarius sign or kumbha rashi. so, as there is Saturn aspect is there on the 2nd bhava so in Saturn Period there could be illness for the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people .
But generally, Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people are in good health because of Jupiter and their family life is generally good. 😉
the 2nd Bhava of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people is ruled by Aries sign or mesha rashi. This is the mars sign.
also, the next sign to it is Taurus ruled by Venus and the previous one is Pisces .
Now mars the lord of the 2nd bhava is ruled by number 9 and Jupiter the lagan lord by number 3 and Venus the nest sign to 3rd bhava with number 6 , so all are in harmony ;).
so, at times Saturn could cause issues in wealth flows .but they generally do have e good domestic happiness and goodwill.
Third House of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people predictions?
Generally due to Taurus the tenacious sign these people of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people have an enterprising and bold nature ;).
The third house of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people is ruled by planet Venus and the Lord has an aspect from Mars 8th sign Scorpio or vrischika rashi.
Mercury or budha rules the 4th house .
the 7th aspect of Scorpio sign is on the 3dr bhava of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people .
so, this gives them good sisters. 😉
The predictions for 4th house (fourth) or bhava of Pisces Lagan people ?
The 4th house for the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people is ruled by Gemini sign or mithuna rashi. This is ruled by planet Mercury .
The 4th house has aspect of 8 sign Scorpio(vrishchika) the 8 aspect of planet mars or Mangal. also, the aspect of divine planet guru or Jupiter is there.
That is the seventh aspect of the Sagittarius sign.
Mars and Jupiter give Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people generally good education .as we know that 4th house deals with education. also, the 4th house is indicator for mother.
so fair longevity to mother is there. they have good circle of friends and have fair enough conveyances.
The predictions for 5th (fifth) house or bhava of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people?
The 5th house is ruled by cancer sign or karkat rashi. that is moon sign. that is ruled so moon or Chandra rules fifth house for the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people .
That makes them very understanding of things. there is also a 7th aspect of Capricorn sign or satin on this cancer sign.
so that is Saturn or shani influences the 5th house of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.
There is a 5th aspect of Jupiter or guru from the Sagittarius sign.
as Saturn is generally friendly but is a malefic. so, children are good. 😉 but the eldest child needs some more care.
Yes, also cancer is between mercury or Gemini sign and Leo or simha rashi so over all friendly so gives them good enough success in life ;).also nice thinking and ability to counsel others . 😉
The predictions for 6th house(sixth house) or bhava of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people ?
the sixth house of the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people here Leo sign or simha rules the 5th house. The pervious sign cancer sign and ruled by Moon .
the next sign is Virgo ruled mercury. aspect of and Saturn as the 7th aspect of Capricorn sign or makar rashi.
well because Jupiter the 9th aspect of Jupiter or the Sagittarius or dhanu rashi. on the sign Leo.
so yes, they have good health but must be careful about debt.
The Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people 7th house Predictions?
now 7th house for the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people is ruled by very good sign Virgo or Kanya rashi. this Virgo sign is between the Leo sign or simha rashi ruled by the planet sun and the next sign Libra that is in turn ruled by Venus or shukra.
Now sun and Venus(shukra) both are friends of Mercury.
also, this 7th house has an aspect of Jupiter(Guru) that is a seventh aspect of the Pisces sign.
once again, we note that again Mercury(budha) and Venus(shukra) are friends. so due to overall planetary influences these people marry well . also, they are wise and smart in making marriage related decisions.
The Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people Horoscope(kundli) 8th house Predictions ?
The 8th House Lord is Venus(shukra) .this 8th house has the next sign Scorpio that is ruled by mars and the previous sign or the 7th house lord is mercury ruled by Virgo.
There is a tenth aspect from the Capricorn sign(makar rashi) and mars aspects this house . That is the 7th aspect from the Aries sign or mesha rashi.
The aspect of Saturn(shani) in general is good to this house. as Venus is friend of Saturn. as the 8th house deals with longevity so Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people generally have a long life .
also, as 8th bhava is a negative or malefic house.
so, the aspect of two negative planets mars(Mangal) and Saturn(shani) is very good. so, they will surely have a good advantage and longevity in life
The Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people Horoscope 9th(Ninth) house Predictions ?
house has the lord ship of Scorpio sign & this sign is between the Libra sign(Tula rashi) ruled by Venus and the next is the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi and that is ruled by Jupiter .
Just like the situation for 2nd bhava for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people .
This Scorpio sign or mars energy is between Jupiter(guru) and Venus(shukra) .
this is also called Dharmasthala(religion) and pitru stanza(father).
all these are good benefic planets .that is Jupiter and Venus .
Yes, there is an aspect of Saturn(shani) that is the tenth aspect from the Aquarius sign or the Kumbha rashi.
as we saw that there is also an aspect of Jupiter(Guru) the what is the 9th aspect of Jupiter sign Pisces. there is also aspect from perfect Venus .that is the Taurus sign(vrishabha rashi) .
Now Mars and sun are very good friends so also so is Jupiter . 😉
so, these people generally inherit good parental property .
as they do in it as aspect of Saturn(shani dev)it might be a bit less.
but overall, it is a large amount from the parental property generally. 😉
Saturn or shani dev influences this house, so Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people later become very religious and study religious books and texts.
What about the 10th house lord of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people Horoscope (kundli) prediction?
Now let us look at Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people 10th House of career.
For the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people the lordship is of Jupiter(guru).
That is the Sagittarius sign rules it the horoscope(kundli) of Pisces ascendant people .
as lord of the previous sign is Scorpio(vrishchika rashi) it is ruled by mars or Mangal. the next house of the 11th house is ruled Capricorn sign or Saturn(shani dev).
the people with Pisces lagan or ascendant in their horoscope Jupiter do good work as 10th house of action ruled by the same.
Jupiter rules dignity and public life ;). also, Jupiter or Guru is number three the number of expansions . so, they may also get into public life .
Jupiter is a good planet for social work and helping others ;).
but as mercury has from third sign( Gemini) aspects it and so does the energy of Saturn come in.
so these people may not get full credit of what they do good in life. but due to Jupiter they move away from evil.
What about the 10th house lord of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people Horoscope(kundli) prediction?
The 11th house of horoscope for Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people is between Saturn that is Lord of Aquarius or the 12th house in the horoscope and Jupiter itself that was the 10th House lord or the Sagittarius sign .
There is a 4th aspect from the Scorpio sign(vrishchika rashi) on Mars and influence of Saturn(shani) in the horoscope(kundli) of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.
so due to these malefic influences these people may not get a very good income, or they do not realize what they deserve in life.
also, Jupiter and Saturn are friendly .
so over all these people do well. but are not be able to accumulate much of wealth
What about the 12th(12th house) house lord of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people Horoscope(kundli) prediction?
the twelfth house of Pisces Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people horoscope(Kundli) people is ruled by Aquarius sign(kumbha rashi). The lord of the same is Saturn(shani) .
the lord of the previous sign is the Capricorn sign (makar rashi).
so that the Saturn or shani house(Aquarius) has an aspect of mars or Mangal as well the horoscope(kundli) of Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people .
That is the tenth aspect of Mars from the Aries sign(mesha rashi) is there. also, the seventh aspect sun(surya) from the Leo sign is there for the Pisces lagan people.
as mars or Mangal and sun both are negative and 12th bhava is also negative so negative negative = positive. 😉 it is very good it removes the trouble & the problem .
but still 12th bhava being the bhava of enjoyment and aspect of malefic here (sun and mars)means not able to enjoy the lives as much commensurate with their life status .;)

Do the Rules above work for Kundli Or Horoscope of Kangana Ranaut?
Kangana Ranaut
Date of Birth: 23rd March 1987
Place of Birth: Bhambla, Mandi Dist., Himachal Pradesh, India
Kangana Ranaut’s famous film star Surya or solar Kundli Horoscope
Now Jupiter(Guru) the lord of action and karma is a benefic for her(Kangana Ranaut)- we know how her career has expanded from a scratch- Jupiter is well placed in Kendra or the ascendant and bless her job as well as it aspects her seventh house, also is Venus connected to film industry. But Venus(Shukra) is malefic for her.
Venus or shukra sits in the house of gains, so gains by film career are indicated.
Also being the lord of initiatives means her current roles as an actress would be supported by Venus in terms of money & wealth- but overall, she will face more pain in the film industry.
She has told she was used by many actors in the past.
Pluto an exceptional planet sitting in her eight houses in Venus sign gives her exceptional gains in Venus related film industry- but with a risk if life as well.
Her Jupiter or guru the lord of karma has sun or Surya dev and Rahu with it- so suggests a blemish to her image and career.
We know that has happened with her with Hrithik Roshan and with actor Aditya Pancholi and Shekhar suman’s son.
She will face a lot of obstacles and breakups in relationships due to the sun, we know she had a series of breakups with people.
Rahu or dragon’s head makes her a bit rash in actions and non-conventional and all this affects her relationships. That is causing blemish and sudden breakups.
Her Mercury rules the house of marriage and love and is in twelfth house of stress and separation and mercury is not great.
plus Rahu Ketu axis affecting her relationship’s she may have breakups in married life as well and be a jumpy or stressful married life GOD forbid.
What are certain interesting facts about kangana Ranaut’s horoscope?
Kangana Ranaut has the Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.
Pisces lagan is Rule By planet Jupiter(guru) so makes the person generally strong-willed, and well respected by the government . Jupiter also gives good Honors and Prestige to the person. It gives good writing skills to the person.
But kindly note that if in case Jupiter(guru) the lord of lagan or ascendant is weak and the 10th house lord is also weak. there could be issues in honor of the person or prestige of the person .
the 12th sign rules feet and Leo ruled by sun is close to Jupiter in certain sense , so stomach and digestive process would need care and so would the feet need care.
we can clearly see that for Kangana Ranaut as Jupiter is strong, she has all these qualities .that she is dignified .
she has good honor and love and has got a many award as well to her credit. strong Jupiter also confers good acting skills.
The Second house of Kangana Ranaut the house of wealth & status. so, if mars or Mangal is strong. so Aries(mesha rashi) is ruling it .
it also rules the 9th house of fame and fortune as well .
so good Karma would give good great money to the person .so good action could get good favors for Kangana Ranaut.
On contrary had Kangana Ranaut’s Mars ore Mangal dev been weak .It could have meant loss of money for her. one can clearly see the great status Kangana Ranaut has been able to achieve in the film industry that she has done by own effort.
she is very much for action or desire to achieve things which is 100% true .
Now looking at the 4th house of Kangana Ranaut . Mercury planet ruling the 4th house is sitting the 7th house as well .
this house is the house relationships, marriage, and long-term love. mercury or budha for Kangana Ranaut is ruling the fourth and the 7th house and is sitting in the 12th house .

What caused issues in relationships of Kangana Ranaut with Aditya pancholi and Hrithik roshan – impacting her social image?
Also note as ketu shares energy with 4th house as well and 4th house is for public image and landed properties and connection to the public .
so Mercury The Lord of 4th sitting in 12th gives Kangana Ranaut good public image when she Travels away from her home or family – that is her home town in himachal Pradesh.
ketu or dragon’s tail sitting in the 7th house indicates that she may get some blemish in relationships.
also because of Saturn or shani the dispositer of mercury the lord of 12th indiscreet relationships .that’s what exactly happened with hrithik roshan and with Aditya Pancholi.
7th house of kangana Ranaut as mercury(budha) is ruling and is sitting in the 12th house. so Kangana Ranaut’s relationships may not go very easily .
There is a high chance of brakes happening in the relationships for Kangana Ranaut. there could be certainly in discrete relationships she may make up a they are very secretive relationships .
The the 10th house or career house of Kangana Ranaut Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi people.
Let us look at the 9th house first to see her luck factor. The sign Scorpio or vrishchika is ruling 9th house. so, mars being string may give her some basic action in dharma and religion and she is from Himachal Pradesh that is a deva bhoomi or place.
But also note that Saturn or shani dev the lord of 12th sits in the 9th house so removes or destroys the dharma aspect for Kangana Ranaut to some extent.
that was not followed in the normal tradition by Kangana Ranaut which is true that being in the Bollywood of film industry she may not be strictly adhering to any dharma principles many times .
house 10th of career of Kangana Ranaut is ruled by Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi. That is ruled by Jupiter or guru, so this confers respect to Kangana Ranaut.
It also gives good Honors and respect to Kangana Ranaut from the Government . Jupiter or guru also gives the initiative and wisdom to her to be able to stand on her own feet .which is 100% percent true for Kangana Ranaut !
we also note that moon The Lord of fifth power of thinking for Kangana Ranaut sits in the 10th House .she wants to be very independent .
that is very true. it seems she was rebellious at times in childhood and wanted equal respect as her brother . so, all these things very much corroborate with not actually has been in the life . 🙂
also note that Jupiter or guru The Lord of 10th House is sitting in Zodiac sign Pisces or Meena rashi of Kangana Ranaut with Rahu. Jupiter here confers award and she got Film fare Awards and national level awards as well .
rahu ( or dragon’s head) here suggest that she could work for the light and Shadow Industry 🙂 that is the film industry of the Bollywood 100% percent confirms with the reality for Kangana Ranaut.
We wish Kangana Ranaut all the best in life!!!
,brother,sister,home,children,health,relationships,luck,fortune,career,gains,stress and travel all covered in this article ;).