About this Article ?
This article in depth analyzes the health and disease issues in the Horoscope of Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people.
It tells exactly what kind of health problems Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people are naturally prone to and also the astrological causes for the same.
Very helpful article in that sense to help anyone maintain good health and happiness 🙂

The astrological situation in the health Horoscope of Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people for Good and Bad health?
As the lagna is Jupiter for Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people, so they generally have good health.
The lord of 6th bhava in the Horoscope is taurus or Venus sign, this is not a friend for Sagittarius people.
so sugar problems or diabetes they need to take care.
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people have Aries on previous sign and Gemini on next sign for Taurus or Vrishabha rashi.
so Aries or mesha rashi is just OK with Taurus(vrishabha rashi) and Gemini(Mithuna rashi) is friendly so over all stress related problems and sugar that’s what they have to worry about.
Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi aspects the 6th bhava fo the health Horoscope of theirs , so biliousness and sex problems are something the Sagittarius people are prone to.
They also have to take care of what Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people eat.

what is the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi HEALTH Horoscope :

How yoga could help to maintain better health for Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people ?
One with Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi in Sanskrit , should deal with problems possible due to excess work taken from their mind & body .
The best way is to keep the mind blank at times and do shavasana(Yoga pose to relax mind body and soul) more frequently :).

How to keep a strong Body and health for Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people ?
unless the Jupiter (guru) is weak in the Kundli or Horoscope, the body of Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people is generally strong enough :).
There Could there be too much planning and thinking going in the mind of Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people that could cause stress related problems.
Take rest from time to time.

What are other health problems for Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people ?
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi may be mental stress prone .
Also Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people have a tendency for non-adjustment to heat or cold .
his could cause bronchitis and related problems of lungs.
Liver for Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi could give trouble if Jupiter weak in the horoscope or the kundali.
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi may have to deal with liver & spleen and blood needs care.
If there be as spleen and liver related problem already , then diabetes needs preventive care .
Doing Yoga would help.

How could stress Play a role for Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people in health problems?
There could be stress due to worrying too much and also One may have to deal with hair-fall problems could be there for Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi at relatively younger age.
To sum up the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi people need to take care of your nerves due to over work.
Rheumatism and throat & lung and skin infections possible.
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