About this article?
This article in-depth discusses how nadi astrology could figure out the patterns of Luck, personality and destiny of any person in detail.
It suggest how personality and destiny including talents , abilities a and life path could be geussed based on the nadi astrology.
Then as a live PRACTICAL example, case of sri narendra Modi ji is taken to demonstrate the same.
So also an example of sri rahul Gandhi Ji is taken as a PRACTICAL example to explain destiny , career and Luck and also other aspects of his life.

How is personality , Luck and destiny guessed based on Vedic nadi astrology?
how is the personality and Luck and destiny figured out for any Horoscope or Kundli in nadi astrology?
Now Jupiter or Guru is the jeeva karaka for any person.
the kinds of influences it absorbs suggests the kind of personality and destiny the person is going to have.
The same the personality and destiny is suggested based on aspects and also influences of close by planets.
so if say rahu one sign ahead or back, so means personality is influenced by rahu or dragon’s head.
so also if say sun is with Jupiter , so the personality is influenced by sun or surya dev.
{ Gemini = SUN + Saturn } –>{CANCER = Mercury } –>{ LEO= mars + venus + ketu}
what could make one take up arts in nadi astrology as a career?
Now Saturn defines in nadi astrology what we do.
say Saturn has sun with it and in the sign go Gemini.
so that means the person would be original and quick and creative in some work or profession.
so also the next is mercury in the cancer sign or the mind of the person.
mercury gives good computation and understanding of matters.
Moon or cancer with mercury gives dexterity of arts.
so also mars is in Leo with venus that is next to mercury means, a lot of creativity is there into the person as venus is there.
ketu there gives distinction.
plus as mercury is in the 4th sign cancer , so this in nadi astrology means 4th house or mind.
so mercury deeply influence the mind.
Mercury in cancer sign means quick and creative imagination.
so distinction in art and painting is a high chance due to cancer with mercury, Saturn with sun in 3rd and in 5th sign Leo we have venus, mars and ketu.
{ Gemini = SUN + Saturn } –>{CANCER = Mercury } –>{ LEO= mars + venus + ketu}
what are the indications of Good intellect in nadi astrology ?
For happiness we look at Jupiter placement and Jupiter has mercury the 7th and venus the 8th bhava from the same so two sources of happiness as mercury and venus both are benefics and good things givers.
also Jupiter has mercury the 7th form the same , so one gets great insights into Vedas as Jupiter plus mercury combined gives Vedic stuff in place.
Good intellect is there due to 7th aspect of mercury , plus mercury with ketu n the or dragons head in the next sign.
{ Gemini = SUN + Saturn } –>{CANCER = Mercury } –>{ LEO= mars + venus + ketu(dragon’s tail)}
High class intellects in nadi astrology
as Saturn or shani dev is with sun, both are strong enough in Gemini sign or mithuna rashi plus ketu is with mars in the 5th sign so great success is there associated with mercury or the planet in cancer sign for the person.
Longevity of the person.
In around 3rd cycle completion or age of 84 Saturn or shank dev reaches its natal place in cancer sign with sun and Saturn there.
So gives great gains to the person when in Gemini(Mithuna) or Taurus(vrishabha) as Saturn or shank dev is strong there.
So also longevity is affected at around 80 years as source of vitality sun or surya gets close to malefic Saturn and so also Saturn with Saturn gets strong together.
{cancer= Saturn } –>{ Leo = Sun}–>{ Virgo = Venus + mercury }
How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology the Intellectual level of the person based on Horoscope or kundli?
plus as mercury or budha is strong in Virgo sign or Kanya rashi ( despite weakness of Venus in Virgo) the person could be a good enough intellectual.
also as Venus is weak, he may have been in not so good or comfortable pace, so village type.
so also mercury or budha could give him an accountant position or a software person in small place.
{Libra = Moon } –> { Scorpio = No planet! }–>{ Sagittarius = Dragon’s head or rahu } –>{Capricorn= no planet}–>{Aquarius= Venus}
How based on bhrigu nadi astrology one could know Good and bad periods of LIFE and when they will go away?
As if we see Saturn or shani dev the karma karaka and creator of grief and also happiness touches Venus after Rahu or dragon’s head( Venus is good days :), so initially the person could face issues, but later good time is there for career matters especially.
so would later earn name and fame as well.
{Libra = Moon } –> { Scorpio = No planet! }–>{ Sagittarius = Dragon’s head or rahu }
How based on bhrigu nadi astrology one could know about MENTAL Health or PERSONALITY of a person?
so as Moon is mind, and the immediately the planet next to it is malefic rahu or dragon’s head.
so mental health is gone and so is peace of mind gone for the person! so one could say his peace would be very low.
{Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
How to know based on Nadi astrology , that a person may have a different kind of thinking- based on Horoscope or Kundli ?
Jupiter or Guru or the jeeva karaka has ketu or dragon’s tail behind it, so also Jupiter is in Gemini sign.
next to Jupiter is Saturn an airy planet.
plus with Jupiter we have Venus.
Jupiter or guru the jeeva karaka or self is an airy and dual sign of Gemini with lordship of mercury.
Saturn an airy planet especially Aquarius sign or kumbha rashi.
so also ketu or dragon’s tail which affected the thinking in a different direction & away from reality is behind Jupiter in the Taurus sign and in debility!
so the person could be making castles in air.
that is un realistic hi- fi thinking is there.
{Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
How to know based on Nadi astrology , that a person may have i) depth of LOGIC ii) commanding Speech – analyzing planets in the Horoscope or Kundli ?
as mercury deals with logic and next to it is mars, sun and ketu.
so mars gives passion and ketu gives depth- so one could have a great logic as such.
so also as mercury is speech in Nadi astrology and next to mercury we have sun, mars and ketu- also give commanding and shrill speech to the person.
{Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
How to know based on Nadi astrology , that a person may SPEND on CHARITIES – analyzing planets in the Horoscope or Kundli ?
Jupiter with Venus gives a good heart to the person :).
also Saturn is karma karaka and 12th bhava has Jupiter to it .
so the person could give a lot of charities to dharma as 12th bhava and Jupiter connect to charity and Saturn to action.
{Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
How to know based on Nadi astrology , that a person may have a different kind of thinking- based on Horoscope or Kundli ?
Jupiter or the jeeva karaka has ketu or dragon’s tail behind it, so also Jupiter is in Gemini sign.
next to Jupiter is Saturn an airy planet.
plus with Jupiter we have Venus.
Jupiter or guru the jeeva karaka or self is an airy and dual sign of Gemini with lordship of mercury.
Saturn an airy planet especially Aquarius sign or kumbha rashi.
so also ketu or dragon’s tail which affected the thinking in a different direction & away from reality is behind Jupiter in the Taurus sign and in debility!
so the person could be making castles in air.
that is un realistic hi- fi thinking is there.
{Taurus or vrishabha = Ketu or dragon’s tail }->{Gemini or Mithuna rashi = Mars or mangal } ->{cancer or karkat rashi= Jupiter and sun}
How Nadi astrology could Suggest a DEVOTIONAL PERSONALITY of any person based on kundli or Horoscope?
Jupiter is the karaka for the person and dharma as well.
as Jupiter is in cancer or karkat rashi and is exalted along with sun or indicating dignity.
so the person could be a devotional man with dignity.
{Taurus = Ketu or dragon’s tail }->{Gemini = Mars or mangal } ->{cancer = Jupiter and sun}->{Leo = Venus + mercury + Saturn(shani)}.
How Nadi astrology could Suggest a EDUCATIONAL & MENTAL LEVEL of any person based on kundli or Horoscope?
Now as 5th sign is Leo or simha rashi and deals with education.
so also does mercury deal with education of anyone.
so as Saturn is in 5th sign or Leo, so blocks education of the person.
so also it is close to mercury, so double block to education is there- or a formal degree is missing.
so also a weak Venus or shukra in Leo sign is there, that destroys the comfort of the person in Education as it is also in the 5th sign of Leo or simha.
But so also as Jupiter or Guru the planet of high learning is exalted and just before mercury or budha and the 5th sign Leo.
so also philosopher Saturn is there with mercury in 5th bhava, so mental or intellect level could be high for the person.
{cancer= Venus } –>{leo= Mars} –>{ Virgo= sun + mercury+ dragons head or rahu + Jupiter + Saturn}
How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope about the intellect of any person ?
Jupiter or Guru is the jeeva karaka and for the person.
say it’s in the Virgo sign or kanya rashi- that is the 6th sign and sign of intellect and homeliness.
so also Saturn the planet of philosophy & discipline is there with Jupiter or Guru.
, so the person would be of a high intellect.
{cancer= venus } –>{leo= Mars} –>{ Virgo= sun + mercury+ dragons head or rahu + Jupiter + Saturn}
How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope about issues in MENTAL stability and FAMILY happiness etc ?
Now personality or self is evaluated based on Jupiter and Moon.
Jupiter or jeeva karaka when is on enemy sign of Virgo or kanya rashi, along with rahu or dragon’s head there.
issues in mental health and personality are quite possible.
so also moon or cancer sign that is ruled by moon has the enemy Venus there in it.
so unstable mind is there & mental
instability and not so great happiness is there.
as venus deals with luxury comfort and happiness as well.
{ CANCER = Mercury + SUN } –>{ LEO =RAHU or dragon’s head } –>{VIRGO = No planets }
How to know based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology the PERSONALITY intelligence levels and Honors a person could get in life?
Now mercury or budha is the planet of intelligence and absorbs energy of SUN.
plus activates Moon or cancer in the Cancer sign.
So also rahu a planet of distinction is in Leo sign the next, then following is the sign of exaltation Virgo or kanya rashi for mercury.
so due to sun being with mercury and mercury getting into Virgo or sign of exaltation, the person could get kingly honors.
As mercury or budha also deals with money and wealth, is strengthening of same means a lot of wealth and comforts.
Virgo is a sign of intelligence and comforts as well.
Sun or SUrya has next sign and Leo or simha rashi , sign of strength.
so this person would get a good job, infact a government job.
{Libra = Saturn or shani } –>{Scorpio = Jupiter or Guru }—— –>{ Aquarius = Ketu or dragon’s tail + Mars or mangal}—{Aries}
How to know based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology the PERSONALITY of dharma, karma and spirituality ?
Jupiter or Guru in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi is next to Saturn or shani dev .
So karma or speech is GOD and spirituality.
so also 5th house of mind has ketu in Aquarius.
so the person is very religious and deep into dharma as such.
{Libra = Venus + Saturn } –> { Scorpio = Sun}–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter+ Mercury }–>{Capricorn= ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{ Pisces = Mars}
based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict about the kind of PERSONALITY one could have?
now as Jupiter or guru defines the personality of any person.
it is very strong in Sagittarius sign.
so clearly defines a grand personality with high dignity and success.
The knowledge levels would be high in dharma especially and so also deep enough.
Jupiter connects to deep thinking and an intellectual mind.
Ketu or dragon’s tail is the next planet, and is a planet of introspection and analysis.
so this planet gives good intellectual capacity to the person.
so also ketu is in Capricorn sign , makar rashi or sign of philosophy.
so gives good enough depth in intellectualism to the person.
Jupiter gives ego as well and has sun behind it and ketu next in Capricorn sign.
so the person would not listen to anyone and be very determined in has personality,
so also mars or mangal is in the Pisces sign of Jupiter.
gives good enough aggression to this person.
{Libra = Venus + Saturn } –> { Scorpio = Sun}–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter+ Mercury }–>{Capricorn= ketu or dragon’s tail}
based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict about the GOOD TIME for the person?
The good days of the person would start in youth at 24th when Jupiter comes back on the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
and so also after 3 years it gets into Pisces sign or meena rashi.
so in 24th and 27th year the good time is there.
so also this is 3rd cycle of Jupiter or Guru which is generally Lucky.
but in 4th cycle of Jupiter 48 onwards, as next is ketu, so disease could be there.
Money outflows and lack of fame is there for the person.
{Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn +mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}.
how to know about PERSON”S gains or losses or agitations in LIFE based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?
Now in transit naturally as Saturn and mar s are together, when Saturn comes over natal Saturn and natal mars, severe agitations and troubles start.
Saturn take around 30 years for the same.
That is in the n2d round.
may be around 38th year( it complete it stay in Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi), as Saturn moves out of Aquarius.
as in Capricorn and Aquarius Saturn is strong so mars ad Saturn negative energy will come out of Aquarius after the same.
Obviously after 30th year as Saturn enters sun and mercury in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi, due to having transited over Saturn and mars earlier in Scorpio .
there could be lot of agitations and issues in health and image( due to sun) and also due to money flows or mercury or budha.
when Saturn or shani dev transits Capricorn, it gets strength of being in Capricorn.
so also Jupiter or guru the benefic is there and ketu is also there.
so over some fair gains in money and status us there for Saturn.
so the zodiac sign also plays a good role here.
{Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn +mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}.
how to know about PERSON’s LIFE Luck ,health, Losses and Gains based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?
Bad health and not so great name .
Saturn or shani dev in transit receives the Moon’s aspect when it transits Aries or Mesha rashi.
this is the 7th aspects form moon.
, which will happen in the native’s 42nd or 43rd year in the 2nd round of Saturn or shani dev.
The will be ill-famous( as Saturn is weak, plus natal agitated with mars and Aries is ruled by mars, plus Moon is a planet of deceit as well).
so the person devoid of health, and will roam aimlessly( here Moon is taking roaming, plus Saturn or shani dev in Aries gives karma of random action) until he approaches Cancer or karkat rashi.
Thanks to his brother’s assistance, he will be charged with robbery but escape unharmed (Mercury in second to Mars).
During Saturn’s transit through Cancer, Jupiter’s conjunction helps him financially and brings him delight.
as mercury is 2nd to mars and has 7th aspects to Saturn that is in transit.
so brother help is involved as mars or mangal is brother.
so also when in cancer JUPITER aspects is there and heals all pains.
{Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn + mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}—————————–>{cancer = rahu or dragon’s head}
how to know about Good and BAD Times of a PERSON using TRANSIT of SATURN & JUPITER based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?
Based on transit say Saturn is in sign of Scorpio at 10 degrees.
so 20 degrees remain.
so means 20 years there.
so also in Sagittarius 30 degrees.
so when in Capricorn at 50 plus again the financial conditions improves.
so From the age of 54-55 the person improve in finances a great deal and perform marriages etc.
the marriages or karma of marriage is there as in Capricorn Jupiter the planet of expansion is there.
the next is Venus the planet of love.
so also in Capricorn sign or marak rashis we have ketu or dragons tail the planet of travel and foreign lands.
during that period.
so say About 58-59 he may go to foreign countries.
The same ketu as a planet of contraction may have losses or outflows or contraction in his 60th year–but there will be happiness due to Jupiter and Guru around.
so assume Jupiter is at the far end of the Capricorn sign .
now say work with 12 years per sign.
so you have Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, signs.
so around 12 years for each means 12x 5 = 60 years.
so then it is in exaltation of cancer sign.
so the above analysis means that From 61 to 70 the person will have a golden period or very propitious time-He will enjoy
peace of mind and have conveyance and great money flows etc.
{Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about PERSONALITY traits like intelligence and arguments ability person’s Horoscope ?
Venus or shukra and ketu( dragon’s tail) with Jupiter, as ketu is intelligence gives good ability to argue.
so also Venus is number 6, the number of arguments.
so also due to ketu near Jupiter, the religion and dharma or religion is well known for the native as such.
{Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about general DESTINY or LUCK of a person person’s Horoscope ?
In the 2nd round in 24th years Jupiter is on natal Jupiter and ketu.
so also it would be on natal rahu 6 years back that is 18 years,.
so Between 18-24 the person will have fun outings and also travel without purpose due to ketu over natal Jupiter and as ketu is contraction, so may not have great position as such.
As ketu reaches sun in transit He will be able to settle down by 25th year, when Jupiter or Guru transits sun or surya .
so also by 24th year good momentum in life is there as Jupiter comes over natal Jupiter.
{Capricorn = ketu}–>{Aquarius= Jupiter}
How to know the PERSONALITY based on Vedic brig nadi astrology using horoscope or kundli?
As ketu or dragon’s tail creates a tough personality and so is Jupiter strong in Pisces and also it represents the personality of any person.
So when ketu is just behind Jupiter in the horoscope , and especially when Jupiter or Guru is strong itself in Pisces, Sagittarius or cancer sign.
{Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = moon and mars}–>{Capricorn = ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Aquarius= Jupiter}–>
How to know the PERSONALITY & KARMA of a person based on Vedic brig nadi astrology using horoscope or kundli?
Now Saturn or shani dev is the core karma cola or karma of the person.
now if ketu is in 2nd bhava from Saturn or shani dev and so also ketu is in the 3rd bhava .
so all karma action and associates are dharma types.
3rd house indicates surroundings.
Moon also means travels and moon is on the sign of philosophy that is Capricorn.
ruled by Saturn and a sign of wisdom.
so one could learn a lot from the wanderings .

How does Vedic nadi astrology predict destiny for sri Narendra modi ji?
The planet Jupiter is in Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi, so makes Narendra modi ji Philosophical and inclined to dharma and religion.
so also Narendra modi Ji we know had also stayed in Himalayas and was an active member of RSS or rashtriya seva sangha.
all philosophical organizations, connecting with Saturn the Lord of Aquarius sign.
Aquarius or Kumbha rashi, is a fixed sign, and gives good determination ability to sri Modi Ji.
It also gives great inspiration being the 11th sign of zodiac to Him.
Yes sure he does Yoga and meditation and all inspirational things.
He is also very hardworking as Saturn or shani dev suggests.
The planet Jupiter or self has a weak aspect of venus and Saturn itself.
so Saturn is work is a tough path for sri Modi ji, he will have to struggle a lot for the same.
a weak Venus suggest that family life is not for modi Ji.
that is the patni or wife sukha is not there for narendra modi JI.
so also sri Modi Ji would not take luxuries or comforts as weak venus aspects the personality or self.
The signs Gemini or Mithuna and Libra or Tula also play a great role in modi Ji’s Life.
Gemini Giving Him great diplomacy and Libra sign Giving him a great sense of Justice.
for his work Saturn or shani dev has a weak venus with it.
so yes modi ji would work for people’s comfort.
Next are a set of large set of planets Like mercury(budha), ketu( dragon’s tail) and sun as well.
so yes modi ji would work for high dignity people or with high dignity people as sun and ketu are there.
here sun is the lowest degree , then is mercury(budha) and then ketu(dragon’s tail).
so modi ji would work for high positions , with his quick intelligence and ability(mercury) and ketu(dragon’s tail) means with an good eye on people who might not be in his favor or being hidden enemies.
2023 as Saturn or shani dev is in Aquarius(kumbha rashi) and aspects the natal Saturn for modi, ji- so means great amount of work for him.
he would have to face great many challenges and is karmic in nature.
he lost his respected mother this time, but one can expect him to work a ton this time for nation.

How does Vedic nadi astrology predict destiny for sri Rahul Gandhi ji?
Now for the Horoscope of sri rahul Gandhi ji, Jupiter is in the Libra sign or Tula rashi.
so Giving him a sense of justice and also his handsome looks.
so also lord of Libra or Tula rashi is venus or shukra the planet for comfort and luxury.
so its obvious Rahul Gandhi ji would have great comfort and luxury as well.
but due to aspect of Saturn or shani dev, which is weak and in debility to Jupiter or jeeva karaka for rahul Gandhi ji, suggest great obstacles and delays.
especially it in career matters as Saturn is career or job and is weakened in the Aries sign or Mesha rashi.
Yes we know that sri Rahul Gandhi Ji has been a struggling a lot in his political career despite venus bestowing him with great benefits and luxury.
yes he was Born with a silver spoon in the Gandhi family as such.
Rahul Gandhi ji also has moon or Chandra next to his jeeva karaka Jupiter or guru.
so clearly that means that he would be fair complexion and sensitive as well.
so over all it suggests him to be handsome , fair and good looking!
so with the fifth sign from Jiva karaka Jupiter or Guru there is Aquarius (Kumbha rashi).
This means rahul Gandhi ji has Aquarius(Saturn choosy energy) along with Rahu energy as Rahu is there which we call Dragons head.
so over this gives ability to Shri Rahul Gandhi ji to work hard think differently and be innovative as well!

{ Saturn in Aries or (Mesha rashi)} –>{mercury + (Taurus)} –>{Sun +Mars + (Gemini)} –>{ Venus + (cancer))}
Something about rahu Gandhi Ji’s Career
So if you look at Saturn’s or shani dev’s onwards journey .
It connect to Mercury or Budha in the Taurus sign.
then to Sun (surya) and Mars(Mangal) and then to Venus or shukra in cancer sign or karkat rashi.
so this clearly indicates that he has a very tough life because Saturn or shani dev is debilitated along with Mercury means a lot of Communications are is involved .
so also Sun and Mars both are planets to do with politics and connect to mercury due to dispositer Gemini with lordship of mercury or budha .
so speaking for politics is there .
so overall we will have to speak a lot to communicate to the public and that can make a difference in Shri Rahul Gandhi ji .
so also we look at the next planet that is Venus or shukra in Cancer sign the destiny promises luxury and comfort but there is a lot of travel for free Rahul Gandhi ji as well.
all this is which is hundred percent correct!
so also the seventh house from Saturn has Jupiter which has Libra(Tula rashi) is the dispositor which clearly suggests that blessings of god are there for Shri Rahul Gandhi ji .
so also Jupiter or Guru blesses his career to expand somewhat and the Destiny expects Shri Rahul Gandhi ji to do justice more.

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