About this article ?
This is a highly comprehensive article or zodiac sign Taurus or vrishabha rashi people describing their personality, luck, money, image, family , relationships , health and longevity etc everything in great detail.
Later as a PRACTICAL EXAMPLE the article also looks at a celebrity horoscope , which is known for his Taurus or vrishabha characteristics or stubbornness and ๐ insisting on views is given at the end of the article

Well being For zodiac sign Taurus or Vrishabha rashi based on kundli or horoscope (birth Chart)

Overview of Taurus or Vrishabha rashi people
Taurus lagna people are tenacious like a bull as the name suggest.
they can pursue their goals in a perseverant manner.
They are generally working with problems with patience, unless raised to anger or any kind of unfairness done to them.
Being ruled by planet of Love venus or shukra, if they are in love, they forget all and focus on love only.
so also there is a moon influence on them, so given the venus energy as well in them they can be very caring and great hosts.
they can handle people very well.
so also appearance or presentation is very important for them.
once again your guess could be the venus energies here.
They are generally forgiving and want to give, the quality of planet venus of love and giving.
but if they get angry they will retaliate to the end.
They are honorable and open to fight.
They are also very sensitive to the environment , so also if environment is not great they can get morbid as well.
venus energy makes Taurus people jealous as well and if they donโt get what they want they could get very angry.
as leaders of family or any place, they would invoke love and emotions to connect to them.
Music and pottery and arts that is all artistic things they like.
They have the rhythm of life in mind.
They are generally Loyal friends and very caring.
Could the Zodiac Sign Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi in your kundli or horoscope make one stubborn in nature?
This zodiac sign Taurus or Vrishabha rashi is earthy(fixed sign) and ruled by planet Venus or shukra.
Taurus us a fixed sign. Despite the fact that Taurus or Vrishabha rashi is essentially a stable earth sign.
They do have their frail spots that cause issues all through life- that is like they could be very stubborn or sensitive at times.

Could the Taurus zodiac sign or Vrishabha rashi be people be more sensitive or overweight?
Frequently experience the ill effects of illnesses identified with sensory system- due to their sensitivity.
Large portions of them can be overweight, particularly those who are born in the month of may as may is ruled by planet Venus so reinforces the energy of planet Venus or shukra.

what kind of health problems is Taurus zodiac sign or Vrishabha rashi be prone to?
They may fall prey to sexual passions as Venus or shukra is a planet of love. They are inclined to health issues cervical vertebrae, lower jaw and teeth, tongue related problems.
Does kidney problems or bladder issues more impact Taurus zodiac sign or Vrishabha rashi sin your kundli or horoscope person?
As the other sign of Venus or shukra rules seventh sign Libra or Tula rashi, ruling sex organs, kidneys etc, Issues with the kidneys, private parts and bladder, stiff necks, sore throats and ear infections are normal among Taurus Or Vrishabha Rashi or rashi people.

Disposition and Personality For Taurus Or Vrishabha Ascendant or Vrishabha Rashi in your kundli or horoscope (birth chart )

Does the Bull has any resemblance to ๐ Zodiac Sign Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi in your kundli or horoscope people?
As the sign name goes Individuals conceived under this sign looks like to the bull in their conduct towards others ๐ .
Does calmness has any connection with Taurus zodiac sign or Vrishabha rashi in your kundli or horoscope people?
They are not extremely partial to meeting new individuals as their noiseless, calm and contemplative person nature.

could the traditions mean a lot for zodiac sign Taurus or Vrishabha rashi in your kundli or horoscope person?
if they are not given proper importance, mindful and traditionalist disposition towards others.
They frequently confront trouble in making new companions as they are reluctant to meet new people.
They are dependable and viable characteristics of the bull ( stability) thus frequently do well in business.

Are the zodiac sign Taurus or Vrishabha rashi in your kundli or horoscope people a bit sexed?
These individuals are sexy identities and look for physical joy in all ranges however then again they are attempt and finish the given assignment now and again yet as per their own particular pace.
are the Zodiac Sign Taurus people insistent in views? Venus could make them insistent on their views.
Taurus Or Vrishabha is not pulled in effectively, and notwithstanding when they will be, they move towards the individual they fancy with compelling alert.

are the Zodiac Sign Taurus people very firm about their worth or standards?
The zodiac sign Taurus Or Vrishabha Rashi people are firm about their worth and standards itโs difficult to change their way of working.
do the Zodiac Sign Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi people have the right instinct to choose the love mate?
They are to a great degree careful with regards to pick their mates as Venus or shukra gives them the right instinct to pick the mate.
They should avoid telling lies/.
Taurus people are naturally loving in nature so they generally deeply love whomsoever they connect.
but in case of issues they can fight to death for any matter.
but sure their compassion is also high in that sense.

Physical Appearance For Zodiac Sign Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi in your kundli or horoscope (birth chart)
are the Zodiac Sign Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi people a bit slack in attitude or short in stature?
Zodiac sign Taurus Or Vrishabha ascendants regularly have a short statue frequently tending towards slackness.
Normally they are honored with the wonderful face with huge shining eyes impeccably cut ear nose and amble lips.
They could have broad shoulders, thick neck and large forehead.
so also connects to bull and venus the women could have larger than average breast but small feet.
could Zodiac Sign Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi people a square shape of the body?
As far as body structure they are not as lucky improbable their face they have square shape body zodiac sign Taurus Or Vrishabha Ascendant individuals frequently cast a pleasing appearance.

Zodiac Sign Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi Ascendant in Your Horoscope Or Kundli- Health Matters
General health
So also kidneys and reproductive organs need some more care.
Throat, tonsils and nasal catarrh .
heart and tumors also need some more care.
Is poor digestion and bad health written for Zodiac Sign Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi people ? If Venus is strong then people with Taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi enjoy good health else they could
suffer from poor digestion, disorder of throat, eyes and teeth. Venus or shukra may cause indulgence that could cause health loss.

Zodiac Sign Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi Ascendant in Your Horoscope Or Kundli- Wealth Matters
venus lordship of Taurus makes it easier to get money.
so also they want to live well and have good living standards due to this.
so also venus gives them the ability t organize and harmonize matters.
so also venus related things like restaurants, properties and hotels they can manage well.
women generally get good marriage partners.

Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi or ascendant real world celebrity example
as we all know based on above description Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi known to be very stubborn. this person is known to be extremely stubborn and resistant in his decisions and he doesn’t listen to people.
so that is very good indicator of Taurus characteristics.
For this Vrishabha Rashi or vrishabha celebrity the lord of ascendant is in the 4th house and is strong due to being in Kendra and weak as on the enemy sign.
so over all in circles he has good image due to Venus being in Kendra but due to placement weakness his image varies from good to bad ๐ and then again to good. so we can see what the strength or weakness of Venus could do for Vrishabha Rashi or Vrishabha Rashi people.
Venus or shukra the Taurus lord Blesses his image so he is repeatedly is Elected in the elections .see we see the role of Venus in the horoscope of the gentleman .
also note that for Vrishabha Rashi or vrishabha rashi people Venus rules 6th house or bhava of the horoscope. he gets enmity naturally and also bad health issues are there.
He has made big enemies in t he political arena.
and also in regard to his health as because Venus rules sugar or diabetes as well.
He is suffering from diabetes and stress. he regularly goes for Yoga centers for distressing.

What is Ascendant or lagan and why is it so Important?
The ascendant house is seen as key in Vedic Astrology(crystal gazing> or jyotish as it is the foundation of your horoscope. At the time a man is conceived, the sign which rises in the sky is known as the general population ascendant and the sign which comes in this house is known as the ascendant sign.
The ascendant associates in figuring granular subtle elements of any one’s life through Vedic crystal gazing or jyotish. .The ascendant decides the 60% vitality accessible in the horoscope-so turns out to be vital in translation.