Kundli Or Horoscope-Rahu & Ketu Changes Sign cancer & capricorn on 18 August 2017 Predictions
- Rahu the bodiless fiery planet gets into the watery sign of Cancer (karkat rashi) on 18-August-2017 creating steam as a result of fire and water combination & also Ketu once again a fiery planet gets into the earth sign of sign of Capricorn(makar rashi) till 7-March-2019.
- Ketu’s entry into earth sign of Capricorn is fair as fire helps earth to get stronger but rahu in cancer watery sign is unstable.
- This is a big celestial phenomenon from the astronomy and Vedic astrology point of view. These astrological phenomena would have impact on each and every rashi right from aries (mesha) to Pisces or meena people.
- Now Given the fact that Rahu and ketu are the most powerful malefic in the solar system , though hidden. Apart form the other malefic like mars(mangal) or Saturn or shani- it is very important for one to know exactly what does rahu mean or where is rahu or ketu in our solar system from the astronomy point of view .
- Plus what is the natal significance of rahu and ketu in any horoscope or kundli.That is which sign is it in and which house is it in and how much it interacts with the other planets in the kundli or horoscope.
- Also the transit position of rahu and ketu in terms of house in the kundli or horoscope, it gets into, plus the interaction of rahu or ketu energies with various planets in any horoscope is also important.
- The kind of interaction & intensity of rahu and ketu changes with time in the next opine year depending on the degree rahu and ketu are at that point of time.
- Given below is a brief attempt to look at the astronomy, natal Vedic astrology & transits of rahu and ketu for your horoscope or kundli(birth chart).
What are actually Rahu & Ketu energies in our solar system(physical location of rahu and ketu as planets in the solar system) from astronomy point of view?
- Rahu or the dragon’s head and ketu is the dragon’s tail are functional malefic for any horoscope or kundli(birth chart).- that is they generally give not so good material results unless they are in benefic houses like fifth/ninth etc or with benefic planets like Jupiter/Venus etc.
- But still what are rahu and ketu astrologically. Actually based on astronomy a close cousin of astrology- rahu is found by the intersection of satellite of earth moon with the plane on which all the planets like our earth, Jupiter, Saturn etc moves around the sun.
- That means that we know our earth & all other planets like mars, mercury, Jupiter, Venus ,Saturn, Uranus etc move in an ellipse around the SUN. Now earth has a satellite moon, these moves in an oblique orbit and intersects this plane of movement of other planets from time to time. This intersection points as shown in the image below is rahu. Add 180 degrees to the same you get the longitude of ketu.

- When this intersection points or rahu longitude equals that of sun, that means moon is exactly between sun and earth- so we have an eclipse of by moon is there so lunar eclipse caused. That is Chandra grahan.
Why is Rahu and Ketu and the transit so important for your kundli or Horoscope?
- Rahu and ketu even if they are with the best planets or houses are natural malefic for any horoscope or kundli(birth chart). Rahu causes material lust, haste leading to problems at the mental level and ketu is the planet of contraction , though it could help anyone grow spiritually.
- Rahu causes unexpected changes, it makes the person rebel against the society or the work against the house of planets it gets associated with- like rahu with benefic Jupiter give guru chandaal Yoga that means a person may not follow the religion well or respect the Guru preceptor. Rahu also could cause delays, excess work and also accidents. As rahu functions as the lord of the eighth house in any horoscope or kundli.
- Ketu on the other end is a spiritual planet. It causes contraction, so if ketu transits in the second house say- it means one’s wealth flows would reduce and so would status-as second house of bhava deal with the same. Leading one to find spiritual escape. Ketu functions like Neptune as well so giving keen interest in occultism/astrology and dharma and also could make one travel.
- Ketu is said to function like mars, that is the saying goes “kujvate ketu”, that is like mars(kuja) ketu goes. So ketu could cause cuttings or operations, it could also cause fire if not so well placed.
- So transit of these two strange and unique malefic(rahu and ketu) in any of the 12 signs or rashis and houses could cause various kinds of impact on career, love matters, family children,education,money or financial and also legal matters etc significantly.
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What is the impact of Rahu and Ketu for various Rashis or Moon sign in Horoscopes Or Kundli’s

Aries or Mesha rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- For aries ascendant rahu comes into their fourth house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart). As fourth house or bhava rules the family/home/car vehicle and public image. Also peace of mind- so rahu badly impacts the family peace , one has to be careful in driving cars, also mental stress and conditions are to be kept in control this time.
- Ketu impacts your horoscope or kundli(birth chart). tenth house of career so there could be contraction in career and one may not gain much in money or status matters.
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Taurus or Vrishabha rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- As rahu is a malefic and third house is also a malefic in any horoscope or kundli(birth chart)– so rahu here could cause unexpected gains. Your friends and people around you could also gain. Your luck and work could come up.( third house partially represents your career).
- Ketu in the ninth house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart) is in harmony with the ninth house characteristics of moksha or liberation so one may suddenly gain in luck and money. As ninth house is karaka for friends (Jupiter ruling) gains front friends and also children would gain as Jupiter also represents them. Gain in status could be there as aspect on the second house is there.
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Gemini or Mithuna rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- Rahu is a malefic so transit in the second house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart) could cause sudden loss of wealth and loss of status. Eyes could be troubled. One may create more enemies.AS second house is for education as well so one lose interest in education important for students.
- Ketu transit in eight houses in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart) could mean sudden loss of wealth and as eighth house deals with foreign travels one may travel to foreign lands. Abdomen has to be kept healthy.
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Cancer or karkat rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- As rahu comes in the first house in transit in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart)- then there are gains in image and status, health would improve. Children would do well, but mental worries and pains could also be there.
- As ketu comes in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart) seventh house, so gains from government is there as rashi for seventh sign is Venus plus gains ins status, sudden gains in wealth.
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Leo or Simha rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- As rahu comes in the twelfth house of yours in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart), so you may have less comfort. There could be un wanted travels and confinements like kidnapping or going to jail in some cases. Not to worry but just one has to be careful. Money could be lost in the process.
- As ketu comes in the sixth house , the expenditure may increase. Obstacles could increase and health issues could increase. Your Eyes need special care now.
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Virgo or Kanya rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- As the transit of rahu in your eleventh house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart) & as this house is for friends and good deeds- so one may do more good deeds- but losses through friends is possible. Luck could be affected and money may not flow easily as rahu obstruct the natural gains of this house.Children may have health issues.
- As ketu comes in the fifth house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart), so children need care and also issues from the state as fifth house is also ruled by sign Leo , that is sun ruling the state and sun and ketu are in conflict.
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Libra or Tula rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- As rahu for you gets in your tenth house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart), so you could go for teertha or religious You could visits shrines. You may do good deeds as the tenth house also is ruled by Saturn and is en elder brother if rahu so both in harmony. So success in work and sudden gains due to rahu. But enmity could also be there as rahu rules hidden enemies .
- Also as ketu comes in the fourth house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart), so gain in status is there. You may also visit more temples or shrines. You may have sudden gain in land matters.
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Scorpio or Virshchika rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- As your transit rahu comes in the ninth house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart) –so sudden and unexpected gains could be there for you. You could have gains from government and friends. But an aspect on the moon lagna could cause grief as well.
- As ketus impacts your third house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart), so sudden gains in your luck is possible. There could be gains from your friends and enemies would be defeated by your ability to do things differently now.
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Sagittarius or dhanu rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- As rahu is in eighth house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart) so sudden gains of wealth are possible, but as eighth house and rahu both represent the foreign lands, so you may have to travel to foreign lands plus also eighth house rules deadly diseases – so you have to be careful about the same.
- As ketu comes here in second house of your in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart)in gochhar or transit- it could give money suddenly as ketu expands also – just opposite to contraction by regular ketu. So could give money and status- but take proper care f eyes.
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Capricorn or Makar rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- As rahu comes in the seventh house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart), so sudden gains in business or career and also one may travel or atleast have gains from travels. Your boss and the state would help you and also your friends would help you. As aspect on the first house of your mind is there, so one may get into conflict. Pitta and vata problems could come to fore now.
- Your transit ketu in ascendant in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart)could increase your status, There could be gains in money matters. Your kids could gain now. But as ketu functions like mars, one could have hurt on the head or the body as such.
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Aquarius or makar rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- If rahu gets in the sixth house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart), so one could fall ill. Also maternal uncles could fall ill. Eyes need proper care. One has to stay free from vices and also health needs special care.
- Twelfth house transit in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart)of ketu gives trouble to the eyes. There could be more expenditure.There may not be peace in mind and one may travel away from mother land.
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Pisces or Meena rashi- Impact of rahu & ketu transit Cancer(karkat) & in Capricorn(Makar rashi)
- Rahu transit in fifth house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart) as transit is OK, so one may gain suddenly in risk related matters to lottery. One might get involved in extra marital affairs,. Money could increase suddenly and as an aspect on the ninth moon is there mind n has to be kept stable.
- As eleventh house in your horoscope or kundli(birth chart) which is of gains and wealth is affected by ketu- so sudden gains could be there, unexpected money flows cold be there as ketu could mean sudden gains.
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