Horoscope Divisional Charts Varga Kundli Example Shiva Nadar HCL

varga divisional chart horoscope varga divisional charts horoscope kundli

About this article?

  • This is a very interesting article on varga or divisional charts in any kundli or Horoscope in detail and connects with a Practical real-life example for more clarity .
  • It starts with introduction of divisional or varga charts helps you to see how the divisional charts are important and helps to modify the energies for the core d1 or Lagan chart or Horoscope.
  • It talks depth talks about the effects of various divisional charts like d5,d7,d9,d10,d20 etc in terms of excellence in career, wealth, money, status , family, and overall success in life- based on any kundli or Horoscope.
  • You would Discover what kind of placement for Kendra (1,4,7,10) lords in various varga or divisional charts in any kundli or Horoscope for results in life.
  • how they could make some one very liberal?
  • OR How could Varga or divisional charts of any horoscope or Kundli Make someone a karma Yogi?
  • OR what role does a Varga chart or Divisional chart horoscope or Kundli to make someone highly devoted to GOD?
  • How could the Varga or divisional charts Make someone get great respect life ;)?
    How could the Varga or divisional horoscope give some one great respect in circles?
  • How could varga or divisional chart make someone a Maha Purush or great man ;)?
  • How could the varga and divisional charts in any kundli or Horoscope make someone take great interest in religious matters of dharma?
  • Also as a PRACTICAL example for better understanding the divisional or Varga charts, the Horoscope of HCL chief for Shiv Nadar is analysed to great depth ๐Ÿ™‚
  • This article also looks at the software Moghul’s kundli or Horoscope for Sri Shiva Nadar JI.
  • It looks at what planetary combinations and Yogaโ€™s gives him so great initiative and overall success and money in Life;)?
  • It looks at what gave shiv Nadar the ability to deliver so well in the software arena?
  • Based on his kundli or horoscope it looks at what makes him so creative?
  • What divisional charts effects in kundli or Horoscope for him makes shiv Nadar Guru in hardware?
  • what in kundli or Horoscope of the varga or divisional charts makes shiv Nadar a success in foreign lands based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
  • How based on Varga charts and main kundli or Horoscope was Shiva Nadar able to build a company like HCL?
  • what planets in his Horoscope have him leadership traits? what planet give Him originality?
  • varga divisional chart Kendra bhava horoscope kundli
    Brief introduction to Divisional or Varga charts, and How they Help us to understand the impact of Kendra Bhava lords in Various Divisional charts- for health, health, family, career & success etc ;)?
    why question divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    Why do we need to study a Divisional or Varga chart in any Horoscope?

  • To understand well how various Kendra bhava lords(1/4/7/10) placement in various Vargas or divisional charts in any Kundli or Horoscope can impact your destiny of career, job, love, money, children etc .
  • we need to look at the basic varga charts.
  • d7 varga divisional chart Kendra bhava horoscope kundli

  • The divisional charts give you more clarity on horoscope. They are constructed on specific principles of division of the sign into sub divisions.
  • Like saptamsha is 7 divisions of a sign.
  • For getting into depth of any Kundli or Horoscope, we have to study and analyse the Divisional or Varga charts.
  • There are multiple reasons due to which Divisional chart or horoscope need to be studied.
  • (i) Like if a planet or Graha is sitting in d1, or lagan chart how is it placed in the divisional chart. Like is it in malefic houses like 6th,8th, 12th house or is it in friendly or enemy sign etc.
  • (ii) One also looks at the signs of exaltation or debility in the higher divisional charts. OR may be if the planet is placed in own sign then also to gains strength
  • iii) yes, weakens in the d1 or lagan chart continues to be there in the Varga or Divisional charts as well.
  • The Varga s or Divisional charts holds the secret ๐Ÿ˜‰ to more accurate predictions and delineating or analysing any horoscope to nth degree.
  • The divisional or varga chart analysis one needs to do to get a comprehensive analysis of any Horoscope.
  • overview divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    The overview of divisional charts for help to Understand there effects, with lord of d1 Kendra Bhava lords ?

  • what is the basic need for divisional or Varga charts for any Kundli or Horoscope to be correct?
  • The correct birth time would only give you a correct divisional or varga chart ;).
  • Now in Divisional or Varga chart of any Kundli or Horoscope , depending on the chart like d2(Hora ), d3( drekkana) etc, the sign of 30 degrees of a sign is usually equally divided for the Divisional or Varga chart of any Kundli or Horoscope.
  • Like for d2,simply 30 degrees are divided into 2 parts. For the drekkana it is 3 parts or 10 degrees each of 3 parts.
  • Then the position of each planet in longitude is mapped in each division of the (Varga or division in accordance.
  • Each Divisional or Varga chart of any Kundli or Horoscope.
  • It refers to specific aspects of life for the person, like d7= children, health, wealth , education, love and relationships, marriage, kids and investments , your profession, past life reincarnation etc. The 16 kinds of core Divisional or Varga chart for each sign.
  • details divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    These are โ€“
    king lagna if charts divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    1. Rashi Chart the king of the charts ๐Ÿ˜‰ :

  • This is the d1 chart and most fundamental of all charts. the sign here is not divided and covers all areas of ones’ life.
  • d2 hora money flows status divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    2. Hora chart :

  • The division of sign is to 15 degrees each and called the D2 chart deals with wealth flows, and status.
  • It suggests the luck of the person in regard to earning wealth.
  • d3 drekkana siblings sister brother divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    3. Dreshkanna or drekkana:

  • here 30 degrees divided by 3 makes it 10 degrees division each . D3 charts just like the 3rd house tells about your siblings or brothers and sisters.
  • being the secondary markesh is important for longevity and lifespan evaluation.
  • d4 chaturthamsha divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    4. Chathurthamsha or also calls Turyeeamsha :

  • As 30 degrees is divided by 4 so 7 degrees 30 minutes for each division is there.
  • D4 Divisional or Varga chart in any Kundli or Horoscope indicates family, image, fortune, overall family happiness, your property, or fixed assets.
  • It could indicate to some degree your car or conveyances
  • d7 children divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    5. Saptamsha or the d7 :

  • here again 30 degrees divided by 7 makes it equal to degree 17′ 8″ for Divisional or Varga chart division.
  • As 7th house is for sex so is D7 Divisional or Varga chart indicative of sex power.
  • children and progeny matters are also looked at.
  • love marriage divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    6. Navamsha or d9 or Dharmamsha :

  • This is 3 degrees 20 minutes as you divide 30 degrees by 9 as 9th bhava deals with dharma so this Divisional or Varga chart deal with the same.
  • It is one of the most important divisional chart.
  • chart is most important in predictive Astrology. It is seen in conjunction with the d1 chart as has other information here which is not in d1 or lagna chart.
  • This is used to know about the spouse( wife or husband) and also longevity or life span analysis of any person.
  • career job divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    7. Dashamsha or d10:

  • The d10 Divisional or Varga chart indicates the effects of oneโ€™s karma or action.
  • This chart is an adjunct Divisional or Varga chart for job, Career, Profession, and work-related matters etc.
  • The placement and avashtha of the tenth lord of the birth chart is important here.
  • parents divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    8. Dwadasamsa or d12 also called Suryamsha:

  • The d12 chart is 30 degrees divided by 12 is 2 degrees 30 minutes.
  • This d12 chart talks about your parents .
  • That is over all health, wellbeing and longevity and lifespan of parents.
  • planets behaviour strength weakness divisional varga charts horoscope kundli
    How would planets behave if strong on d1 or lagan chart and weak in Varga or Divisional chart in any Horoscope?

  • so, a planet strong in the d1 or lagan chart and weak in the Varga chart would give mixed results.
  • Of strength and also weakness.== ๐Ÿ˜‰ + ๐Ÿ™ both
  • So, for example if the 7th bhava lord or house lord is strong in d1 or lagan chart but very weak in the d9 or Navamsha chart or horoscope.
  • Then it suggests over strong in 80% of cases.
  • But some issues or weaknesses would creep in for sure at times of dasha or weak transits of the lordship of the sign where the planet is sitting in the d7 chart for the marital relationship
  • to be continue for other remaining varga or divisional charts

  • The most important divisional charts are Hora(d2) for wealth, Drekkana( or d3) for siblings and initiative, Chaturthamsha(d4 or 4 divisions of sign) or vehicles .
  • Saptamsha(d7 or 7 divisions of a sign) and Navamsha(d9 or 9 division of sign)is for wife.
  • car vehicle home varga divisional chart Kendra bhava horoscope kundli

  • so say in d1 the Kendra bhava lord of 4th house is strong and exalted in 9th bhava- so means great image, Money, and conveyances ๐Ÿ™‚ or car.
  • But still if in the d4 or Chaturthamsha it is in say 6th house.
  • so it may mean less of money, House or home, fame and also not so great car or conveyanceโ€™s Plus the car or conveyance or Home may not give great gains or success ;.:(
  • planets energy varga divisional chart Kendra bhava horoscope kundli

  • The energy exchanges of planets of the D1 or Lagna house has to be well studied with the placement of the lord for any House or Kendra bhava(1/4/7/10) in various divisional charts of Kundli or Horoscope .
  • To get a complete view of what actually would be happening.
  • happiness and luxuries varga divisional chart horoscope kundli
    9. Shodasamsha or the d16th chart or the Kalamsha :

  • In D16 chart or horoscope we divide 30 degrees by 16 or 1 degree , 52 minutes, and 30 seconds .
  • This varga chart is used to check the happiness quotient, vehicles , the luxuries one may have .
  • How much one is prone to accidents or mishaps for the car or scooter or motorcycle.
  • positive energies here mean good maintenance of your vehicle and negative energies means issues for your conveyances.
  • dharma leanings religion varga divisional chart horoscope kundli
    10. Vimsamsha or the d20th divisions:

  • D20 chart or dividing 30 degrees by 20 gives us this chart. This division of the zodiac tells us about the spiritual or dharma quotient of the person.
  • the prayer or worship process of various deities of the person or mental leaning for a sect or cult.
  • d24 education learning varga divisional chart horoscope kundli
    11. Chaturvimamsha or d24 or Siddhamsha :

  • 30 degrees divided by 24 Is 1 degrees 15 minutes . d24 chart or horoscope id seen for education, learning and may be success in completions like IAS etc.
  • strength weakness mental varga divisional chart horoscope kundli
    12. Bhamsha or d27 or Nakshatramsha or Saptavisamsha :

  • The sign of 30 degrees divided by 27 gives 1 degree 6 minutes 40 seconds.
  • The D27 chart indicates the basic strength or weaknesses that are physical or mental or even deeper in nature.
  • d30 obstacles troubles varga divisional chart horoscope kundli
    13. Trimsamsha or d30 chart

  • 30 divided by 30 gives 1 degrees of this division. D30 chart is looked for obstacles or troubles in life as 30 has 3 and 0= for Saturn or Shani dev so become malefic.
  • it also looks at bad events or negative things happening and we look at health problems as well.
  • the natural proclivity to the basic 3 Gunas n which the universe is composed of like tamas, rajas or sattva is looked into.
  • parental lineage varga divisional chart horoscope kundli
    14. Chatvarimsamsha or d40 Khavedamsha or Swavedamsha :

  • D40 chart is looked for good or bad effects of any horoscope. The length duration of the division is 45 minutes.
  • The lineage or of paternal or maternal side also looked into
  • d45 legacy varga divisional chart horoscope kundli
    15. Akashvedamsha :

  • D45 chart or horoscope is 40 minutes division side. The character or inner nature of the person is found based on this division. some legacy aspect is also looked into the same.
  • d60 shashtiamsha varga divisional chart horoscope kundli
    16. Shastiamsha or d60 chart

  • This is the 60th division and one of the most important division of the horoscope. It is also used for past life evaluation.
  • so the D60 chart despite the Past life or reincarnation Karma, accumulated karma over the incarnations.
  • The d60 chart or horoscope is as strong as the d1 chart and complement each other in readings.
  • the cause and timing could be found based on the coordination of d1, d9 and d60 charts or horoscope.
  • d60 is a fundamental chart or horoscope in past life predictions.
  • varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    Effects of the Divisional Dignities or Varga Charts of the Lords of Kendraโ€™s or Angular houses.
    liberalism varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    Can Lord Of Kendraโ€™s exalted in at least 2 divisional or varga Charts Give liberalism in the Individual?

  • In case the Lord of a Kendra(The fourth/seventh or tenth house) is in parijatamsa or varga chart(meaning is strong or exalted in at least two of its divisional charts varga charts), the individual will be liberal,
  • work ability varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    If the Lord Of Kendraโ€™s is exalted in d5 divisional Charts or varga charts, can it give great capacity to work?

  • In any kundli or horoscope If the lord of Kendraโ€™s that is the lord of houses (4(family/home/property)/7(relationships /love & Job)/10(career/job) house).
  • It is in Gopuramsa Varga Chart(the Gopuramsa or Naagpushpamsa or Kimshukamsa or Chaamaramsa, five or d5 divisional chart), will be contributed with capacity to do work,
  • respect royal varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    If the Lord Of Kendraโ€™s exalted in d6 divisional Charts or varga charts, can it give great respect to the person?

  • For any kundli or horoscope, if Kendra lords ( the fourth/seventh and tenth house lords) in Simhasanamsa Or Varga Chart(Simhasanamsa or Kundakamsa or Chhatramsa, sixth varga or divisional chart d6), the person will be respectable,
  • courage varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    If the Lord Of Kendraโ€™s are exalted in d7 divisional Charts or varga charts could it give great courage to person?

  • In in the kundli or horoscope, if the Kendra lords in Paravatamsa Or Varga Chart(seventh divisional chart of D7 varga chart), the person will be valorous or very brave,
  • social matters varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    If the Lord Of Kendraโ€™s exalted in d8 divisional Charts or varga charts, could it make the person a pioneer in social matters?

  • if the Kendra lord in Devalokamsa Varga Chart(seven โ€“ the Devalokamsa or Kalpavrkshamsa or Mukatamsa, eight or D8 chart) , will be pioneer of a social affair,
  • greatness d10 varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    If Lord Of Kendraโ€™s exalted in d10 divisional Charts or varga charts will it give greatness to the person in all Quarters?

  • For the kundli or horoscope, if Kendra lords in Brahmalokamsa Or Varga Chart, the person will be a sage and.
  • if in Iravatamsa(the Iravatamsa or Poornachandramsa, tenth divisional chart or d10) Varga Chart, person will be enchanted and be adulated in all quarters.
  • d7 saptamsha  Vedic knowledge varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    If the Lord Of Kendraโ€™s exalted in d7 divisional Charts or varga charts, cannot give great Vedic Knowledge?

  • Given any kundli or horoscope, if the Kendra lords are in moreover Paravatamsa (the Parvatamsa or Keralamsa or Kundalamsa, seven varga or divisional chart that is the d7 varga chart) Varga Chart, will be provided with Vedic Knowledge,
  • d8 karma Yogi varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    If Lord Of Kendraโ€™s exalted in d8 divisional Charts or varga charts could It make a person a kara Guru or Karma Yoga?

  • Also, if the lord of Kendraโ€™s is in Devalokamsa Or Varga Chart (Devalokamsa or Kalpavrkshamsa or Mukatamsa, eight divisional or varga chart- that is D8).
  • the person will be a Karma Yogi (performer of exercises, normal and religious ceremonies),
  • d9 GOD devotion varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    If the Lord Of Kendraโ€™s are exalted in d9 divisional Charts or varga charts, could it make a person Given to GOD?

  • For any kundli or horoscope, if in Brahmalokamsa Varga Chart(the Kumkumamsa or Brahmalokamsa or Chandanvanamsa, nine- that is d9 chart), will be given to the Lord and,
  • dedicated d10 to career varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    If the Lord Of Kendraโ€™s exalted in d10 divisional Charts or varga charts, could it make the person dedicated to career?

  • if in Iravatamsa Varga Chart(the Iravatamsa or Poornachandramsa, then the d10), will be dedicated.
  • Shiv_Nadar1 divisional-varga-charts-shiv-nadar-kundli-horoscope-university-hcl-software-chief-2017-predictions
    Nadar-shiv-horoscope divisional-varga-charts-shiv-nadar-kundli-horoscope-university-hcl-software-chief-2017-predictions
    What Made Shiv Nadar The current HCL chief a great Man?
    Planets C R Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada Relation
    Sun D Gemini 28-04-50 Punarvasu 3 Neutral
    Moon D Leo 21-16-15 Purvaphalgini 3 Friendly
    Mars D Taurus 00-22-51 Krittika 2 Neutral
    Merc D Cancer 22-58-01 Ashlesha 2 Enemy
    Jupiter D Leo 29-21-27 Uttaraphal 1 Friendly
    Venus D Taurus 13-29-01 Rohini 2 Own
    Saturn C D Gemini 22-12-32 Punarvasu 1 Friendly
    Rahu R Gemini 15-26-12 Ardra 3
    Ketu R Sagittarius 15-26-12 Purvashadha 1

  • nakshatra star leadership varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    which Nakshatra in the Horoscope or Kundli of Shiva Nadar HCL chief Give Him Great Leadership skills?

  • In any kundli or horoscope of shiv Nadar(HCL chief),His moon in Purva Phalguni nakshatra gives shiv Nadar โ€“ good leadership skills.
  • He gets the ability to be an entrepreneur. He has done so well for the software industry.
  • Venus shukra varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    What role does Venus or shukra play in the Horoscope or Kundli of Shiva Nadar Hcl chief Give Him Great creativity skills?

  • For a kundli or horoscope of shiv Nadar(HCL chief),The planet Venus ruling this star or nakshatra gives him the creative intelligence and sweet speech.
  • Venus shukra shiv nadar varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    Does Venus or shukra in the Horoscope or Kundli of Shiva Nadar Hcl chief Give Him Great Philanthropy?

  • Also it makes him philanthropic & helping others Plus teaching skills help him groom the HCL company from hardware to software to the current success now.
  • One can clearly see how all this is true for shiv Nadar.
  • computer skills varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    Does mercury or Budha in the Horoscope or Kundli of Shiva Nadar Hcl chief Give Him Great Computer skills?

  • For a kundli or horoscope of shiv Nadar(HCL chief),Mercury the lord of the lagan is in the second house of wealth and cancer or karkat rashi giving his mind towards mathematics and computing.
  • Sun sitting close to mercury in Kundli, or Horoscope gives him drive for computers and hardware design. He started HCL with hardware design.
  • rahu dragons head shiv Nadar varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    What role does rahu or dragon’s head play in the Horoscope or Kundli of Shiva Nadar Hcl chief Give Him Great hardware or computer development skills?

  • Please note his total destiny number = sum total of his dob = 14+7(July) + 1945(=19) = 40 = 4+0= Rahu.
  • Giving him very good design and logic skills much needed for doing computer hardware and software work.
  • leadership shiv nadar hcl varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    which planet or sign in the Horoscope or Kundli of Shiva Nadar Hcl chief Give Him Great Leadership skills and Initiative ?

  • In the kundli or horoscope of shiv Nadar(HCL head),His moon is in Leo.
  • giving him great initiative and will power( third house is for initiative).
  • plus atmakaraka Jupiter or guru there in Kundli or Horoscope – means that he will turn all his life efforts towards education and God( Both rules by Jupiter).
  • Shiv Nadar university is a living proof of the same
  • sun Surya shiv nadar hcl horoscope kundli
    What are the effects of sun or Surya dev in the 1st House of Shiv Nadar the HCL head?

  • . For Shiv Nadar Sun or Surya dev in the First house of his horoscope or Kundli gives him above average height.
  • This is right could be sort for Shiv Nadar which is 100% True ;0 disease.
  • freedom loving shiv nadar hcl horoscope kundli

  • Sun here in the lagan or ascendant Bhava in his Horoscope makes him or Shiv Nadar freedom loving and intelligent as well.
  • Yes, he has built up the HCL empire, so he is smart and intelligent.
  • This position of sun or Surya give strong spiritual energy to come up to this level and good physical force or ability.
  • philanthropy shiv nadar hcl horoscope kundli

  • It makes Shiv Nadar altruist, yes he is into Philanthropy.
  • Gives Shiv Nadar a great character and also makes him contented.
  • Sun is a planet of courage and here in the ascendant gives Shiv Nadar of HCL a lot of courage.
  • This combination of sun in 1st house of Horoscope promises great high position for Shiv Nadar.
  • Favours from the state or the Government is there for Shiv Nadar.
  • glory fame name shiv nadar hcl horoscope kundli

  • sun in the Kundli or Horoscope promises that Shiv Nadar would become glorious and also famous.
    He a few children.
  • yes, Shiv Nadar has only one daughter Roshni Nadar.
  • This Yuti or combination makes Shiv Nadar rich and also makes him will follow India traditions.
  • sun being a sattvic planet suggests that Shiv Nadar will keep away from other indulgence and sedative substances.
  • also makes Shiv Nadar a good listener .
  • does not suggest great gains from his father.
  • yes, we know Shiv Nadar is a self-made man.. the overall character of HCL chief Shiv Nadar is suggested to be great.;)
  • rahu dragon's head shiv nadar kundli horoscope  HCL
    How does Rahu or Dragon’s head help Shiv Nadar achieve a great height for HCL?
    valiant capable shiva  nadar kundli horoscope HCL

  • As Rahu or dragon’s head in his Kundli or Horoscope is in the first house of Shiv Nadar The HCL chief.
  • This combination of Rahu (dragons had) in lagan or ascendant helps Shiv Nadar to become valiant and capable.
  • strength courage shiv nadar kundli horoscope HCL

  • This also gives Shiv Nadar great strength and a lot of courage to be able to build up a company Like HCL.
  • arguments shiv nadar kundli horoscope HCL

  • yes, Shiv Nadar would be good at arguments and Rahu would make him conquers enemies.
  • Shiv Nadar would also be fond of good clothes. ๐Ÿ™‚ we generally find him in good attire.
  • enemies defeat victory shiv nadar kundli horoscope HCL
    This Rahu in Kundli or Horoscope and lagan combination in his Kundli or Horoscope help Shiv Nadar to conquers enemies and manages his tasks with the help his HCL employee’s influence.

  • This is a great combination for success for Shiv Nadar .
  • Also Rahu (dragonโ€™ s head) is in the friendly sign of Gemini or Mithuna rashi for Shiv Nadar .
  • This combination in his Kundli or Horoscope blesses Shiv Nadar’s family. It also suggests a Yoga to make Shiv Nadar head of HCL wealthy suddenly.
  • It gives Shiv Nadar good physical compatibility.
  • Yes, this is Rajyog for Shiv Nadar as Rahu or dragon’s head is strong here.
  • Even if Shiv Nadar was born in an average family he is bound to reach a good position in life.;)
  • Saturn Shani  shiv nadar kundli horoscope HCL
    How does Saturn or Shani dev help Shiv Nadar achieve a great height for HCL?
    leader raj Yoga  shiv nadar kundli horoscope HCL

  • As Shiv Nadar has Saturn or Shani dev is in the first house of his horoscope or Kundli.
  • This makes Shiv Nadar head or leader of his field of computer hardware and software as HCL.
  • Saturn in first house in his Kundli or Horoscope makes Shiv Nadar learned, virtuous and also make him live long or have good longevity.
  • happiness  shiv nadar kundli horoscope HCL

  • This Shani placement in ascendant of in his Kundli or Horoscope gives Shiv Nadar a serious nature and he may love solitude at times.
  • Success for Shiv Nadar was not possible without basic seriousness.
  • Shani Saturn  shiv nadar kundli horoscope HCL
    Saturn or Shani dev giving Shiv Nadar good discipline and confidence helps him earns a lot of money with his confidence .
  • awards name fame  shiv nadar kundli horoscope HCL

  • Shiv Nadar based on his Kundli, or Horoscope has the capability to vanquish people who opposed him in software field within HCL or outside HCL company.
  • also, otherwise his enemies also would go for a walk. Saturn or Shani dev in lagan bhava of Shiv Nadar’s Horoscope or Kundli gives him the ability to leave a nice impression on people in very first meeting.
  • Shiv Nadar would receive his father’s property.
  • Shiv Nadar’s good placement of Saturn or Shani in his kundli or Horoscope gives him the good quality of kindness makes him even richer :0, you know kindness attracts GOD’s grace.
  • shiv nadar varga divisional charts horoscope kundli

    Predictions for Shiv Nadar & HCL & shiv Nadar University in the year 2017

  • For the kundli or horoscope of shiv Nadar(HCL head in India),As Saturn or Shani transits his seventh house of relationships, and also rules the eight houses and ninth house good fortune.
  • So, he or HCL might lose many past clients( we know Donald trumpโ€™s outsourcing software policy is hanging a hard time to Indian companies) plus he might also get some very exceptional or good contract.
  • But over all there is a high chance that this year 2017 would be hard for him(shiv Nadar) and his company could get into legal tangles in this regard,.
  • The year could mean building more of base than expansion for the HCL company.
  • Given the kundli or horoscope of shiv Nadar(HCL or shiv Nadar university head).
  • When Jupiter transits the fifth house after September 2017 and in 2018.
  • things would start looking up for him and also the shiv Nadar university and giving more money and opportunities for growth.
  • Rahu transit afters September 2017 and 2018, could create some issues in finances for HCL.
  • But generally his focus of HCL could go more towards automation and ingenuity than routine deliveries.
  • We wish Sri shiv Nadar ji and HCL both a very long life and reputation.
  • shiv nadar varga divisional charts horoscope kundli
    who is shiv Nadar?

    • Sri Shiv Nadar was born on 14 July 1945. Shiv Nadar is an industrialist from India and a philanthropist.
    • He founded and is now chairman of HCL and also the Shiv Nadar Foundation.
    • HCL was founded by shiv Nadar in the mid-1970s and transformed the IT hardware company into an IT enterprise company over the next thirty years by constantly reinventing his company’s focus.
    • In the year 2008, shiv Nadar was awarded prestigious Padma Bhushan for his efforts in the IT( Information technology industry or software).

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  • Horoscope Expenses Losses Earnings Houses Kundli Modi Example

    wealth and gains expenses expenditure earnings based on Vedic astrology or jyotishwealth losses outflows expenses expenditure earnings based on Vedic astrology or jyotish
    What does This article below talks about?

  • The article interestingly talks about how Based on Horoscope or Kundli , how anyone’s Earnings or Gains Or your Outflows of money that is expenditure or losses can eb found out.
  • It also at how your benefic or Good houses and benefic planets could give you great gains or earnings.;)
  • Also how the malefic houses and malefic planets cause losses of expenditures in your income.
  • The various Yogaโ€™s in the horoscope that create situations for great inflow (gains or earnings :)) and also outflow of money or even losses are discussed based on the planetary conditions in any Kundli or Horoscope .
  • It also looks at what kind or nature of Kind of in-flows or money or wealth gains are there in any horoscope like gain from company or office, friends or any property or legacy etc is there
  • It discusses in detail the unique possibilities of Wealth gains especially based on your second bhava or second house of horoscope. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • It also talks about the 11th bhava of the gains from your friends, lotteries, and stocks.
  • Also, the houses of gain are 5th house what is the Trikona house is looked at .
  • The 9th house of luck and that is also foreign lands also give gains is discussed in detail.
  • The article also discusses the impact of 12th house on expenditure and expenses and how it impacts our destiny.
  • & also how the outflows or losses of money could be there based on Horoscope is looked at.
  • Like is it due to business losses, loss of job or even health or legal matters,
  • It talks about various Yogaโ€™s or combinations for wealth flows and also expenditure in detail below.
  • Plus it later talks about the earnings and expenditure aspect of Sri Narendra Modi Ji
  • In the APPENDIX (last section) ,of this article, it in detail explains what expenses or expenditure means.
  • what kind of expenses or expenditure are there.
  • Plus how an expense report is created to see the expenses flow.
  • expenses earnings wealth horoscope kundli predictions expenses expenditure earnings kundli horoscope
    How is expenditure & earnings shows in various houses of your horoscope or Kundli?

  • Now let us look at the role of planets and houses for expenditure or expenses and gain in any horoscope or Kundli.
  • so, this section discusses the root causes of expenditure, expenses what could cause money inflows.
  • first looking at the causes of gains ๐Ÿ™‚ in any Horoscope or Kundli to understand expenditure?
    wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope houses
    Overview of How earnings or losses happen due to various kind of planets placed in different Houses for any Kundli or horoscope
    first house wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope houses

  • Like the first house or bhava if the lagan lord is weak may mean loss of health and image or not so commensurate gains in situation.
  • the same thing allies to first house if malefic like Saturn(Shani dev) , mars or Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) or ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) are sitting in the same.
  • The various earning or even losses or outflows are reflected by all majorly by the 12th,6th, and 8th houses of any Horoscope.
  • money 2nd house wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • As the 2nd bhava in any Horoscope or Kundli is for wealth gains, flows of money or funds/wealth and also status.
  • so, a benefic here like Jupiter or Venus enhances one’s chances for the same and a malefic here may mean chance of losses.
  • Like Saturn(Shani dev) or mars here or even ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) here may mean losses in the dasha or planetary periods for the same.
  • Now to understand expenditure- let us focus on the gains first. gains or wealth flows come from strong houses like the second house.
  • This is the house of wealth flows (salary) and gains. .
  • project business initiative wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 3rd house in any Horoscope or Kundli deals with your fellow people and siblings or initiatives or projects.
  • so, a benefic here mean gains form siblings or fellow people and if a malefic here like mars to ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) .
  • or Saturn(Shani dev) it could mean even losses of money flows due to sibling or even in projects.
  • 4th house car vehicles home wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 4th house in any Kundli or Horoscope deals with cars, vehicles or conveyances, mother & properties so a benefic here means gains from the same and a malefic here means losses due to the same.
  • also for any person similarly the fourth house suggest to the gains in terms of house, car/vehicles, or fixed assets.

  • 5th house stocks lottery wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 5th bhava is for lottery or stocks or high-risk gains stuff. also gains by counselling and speculations or higher risk matters.
  • a benefic like Venus or Jupiter or mercury here suggest good enough gains in such matters.
  • also, a malefic like mars or ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) or Saturn(Shani dev) may mean otherwise.
  • 6th house legal court matters health wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 6th house in any Kundli or Horoscope deals with legal matters, health, and other issues of life.
  • so, depending on what kind of planets are placed here the results would come in.
  • 7th house lover spouse wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 7th house in any Kundli or Horoscope deals with partnerships and relationships and business matters and also spouse or husband or wife.
  • so, a benefic here generally means gains from partnerships, husband, or wife etc.
  • 9th house dharma religion past life fortune wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • As the 9th house or bhava in any Kundli or Horoscope rules the past life punya, so this suggest gains by stroke of luck or unexpected luck supporting the person ;).
  • The 11th bhava then suggest the gains that one gets from friends and people who support you .:)
  • losses wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The various earning or even losses or outflows are reflected by all majorly by the 12th,6th, and 8th houses of any Horoscope.
  • also so, when the lords of 2nd 4th 9th and 11th house, or bhava are associated in any form with 3rd/6th/8th or 12th house the outflows or expenditure happens.
  • expenses gains earnings dowry negative methods
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 8th house of any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • Similarly, the 8th bhava of any horoscope or Kundli deals with gains or earnings from hidden deals or also lands deals as 8 is also a number of Saturn and Saturn deals with land and property.
  • It could also mean gains or losses as well from not so acceptable aspects of life like prostitution, from in laws, dowry and also women or men of not-so-great character.
  • 8th bhava deals with accidents so one may gain in insurance from accidents if this bhava lord is well placed,.
  • If weak may suggest expenses on car or accident insurances.
  • dharma good work expenses gains earnings
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 9th house for Luck any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • This 9th bhava lord of any Kundli or Horoscope if strong suggest good gains form father or earnings from business of father or dharma or religion related work.
  • but if otherwise or weak it may mean loses or expenses due to dharma or religious work.
  • yes, if fair enough so unexpected gains may also from father, dharma in from this bhava.
  • career job expenses gains earnings
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 10th house of career or Job any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • A strong lord of this 10th bhava or house of any Kundli or Horoscope means good gains in career or job or by own actions.
  • If weak it may mean losses and expenditure in your karma or sphere of actin as such.
  • brother sister friends expenses gains earnings
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 11th house of gains and friends any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • This house or bhava of 11th in any Kundli or Horoscope deals with gains from friends or acquaintances. it also means gains form elder siblings.
  • if weak it may mean otherwise or losses from elder siblings or due to friends etc.
  • sex foreign lands hospital expenses gains earnings
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 12th house of health and secret sex and foreign lands, next life time if any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • as this house deals with secret love affair. so, it means the kind of gains one could have based on secret affairs in life or sex life partner.
  • it could also mean gains from foreign lands or less expenses if hospitalized.
  • else if weak may mean losses in matters for secret affairs or in foreign travel or health issues. or at least more expenditure.
  • planets expenses expenditure horoscope
    Now would planetary combinations in horoscope or kundli could cause losses or expenditure?
    3 6 8 and 12th house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flow horoscope kundli
    How could the 3rd house, 6th house, or the 8th or 12th house contribute towards expenditures or losses, based on the kundli or Horoscope?

  • say if any of the above Lords are associated with the 3rd house lord.
  • so expenses or an outflow for business and initiatives or siblings that is brothers and sisters happen.
  • say if 2nd 4th 9th and 11th house lords connect to the 6th house.
  • then naturally expenditure on litigation or legal matters or also health matters could be there.
  • God forbid if 2nd 4th 9th and 11th house connect to the 8th house then outflows on accident happens. that contributes to the expenditure.
  • 3 6 8 12th houses expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flow horoscope kundli
    How could the association of 3,6,8,12th house and 2,4,9 or 11th house cause the expenditures or losses, based on the kundli or Horoscope?

  • as 2nd 4th 9th and 11th house is associated with the 12th house then health problems could cause expenditure :(.
  • also, May expand on religion or dharma related matters .
  • expenses earnings wealth horoscope kundli predictions planets in houses
    What does your Horoscope or Kundli say about expenditure and earnings?
    2nd house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    how can the second house in your Horoscope bless you with great riches? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • If The second house in any horoscope contains a benefic planet like Venus or Shukra or Jupiter(guru) or Mercury .
  • also all this in their own sign like Pisces(Meena rashi) or Libra sign(Venus).
  • or say Venus is exalted in Virgo sign or in own sign like Taurus or Libra.
  • say Jupiter or guru is exalted in the cancer sign or it is in the Jupiter sign of Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) or Pisces sign(Meena rashi).
  • wealth status expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 2nd bhava in , the kundli or Horoscope enhance your wealth and status?

  • so, this could make anyone very rich . ๐Ÿ™‚ as 2nd bhava is for wealth and status.
  • This Richness is magnified much more if ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) is there in the 2nd bhava or house.
  • as Ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) acts as a magnifying agent of the riches.
  • riches money expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    how can one get riches based on 3rd house lord placement in your kundli or horoscope?

  • if the third House Lord in any Horoscope or Kundli is placed in the 8th house .
  • That is it is placed in the sixth from the third house . so, it again becomes a malefic.
  • 6 is a malefic number :(. also 8th house is malefic :(. plus, if there or malefic aspect on the 3rd House Lord by lord of 6th or 12th or malefic like Saturn(Shani dev) or mars or Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) etc.
  • negative Negative of malefic influences could create positive influence and could give vipreet Rajyog and give great money to the person. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • ( -1 x -1= +1 :)). this could give extraordinary richest to the person
  • 4th house wealth luxury expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    how is wealth and luxury predicted from your 4th house based on kundli or horoscope?

  • as the 4th house is any horoscope or kundli is a house of public image and home and luxury .
  • so, a strong 4th house lord and connection to Lagna could give Comforts, luxury, and conveyances to the person.
  • if especially benefic influences are there.
  • there is much more conveyances and luxury for the person. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • 6th house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 6th house in any kundli or your horoscope predict heavy expenditure? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • The 6th house is considered to be a negative house and could cause loss of money or assets.
  • so, any kind of conjunction or aspect of 6th house with the 11th house lord of gains and friends .
  • or 2nd house of wealth and status or the lagan in any horoscope or Kundli could cause losses to the person.
  • There could be debts due to heavy expenditure .:(
  • 8th house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 8th house in your kundli or horoscope cause loss of money and wealth?

  • Now the 8th house is a malefic house in any kundli or Horoscope . it reduces or destroys the significations of any planet or planet sitting in the same.
  • The lord of 8th bhava connecting to 2nd Bhava, or it is sitting here in the 8th house.
  • This could cause health issues and loss of inflows.
  • property house home expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 11th house cause expenditures or losses, in any kundli or Horoscope? also how could conflict in property be indicated in the kundli or horoscope

  • a similar situation is created if the 11th house lord sits here. There could be loss of wealth or gains from friends .
  • yes, your property or conveyances or car may face problems .
  • if 4th house lord connects to 8th house.
  • so, there could be possibility of loss or conflict in regard to property matters.
  • 12 house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How 12th house in any kundli or horoscope plays a role in expenditure or expenses of any person?

  • Now let us discuss the twelfth house of expenses . this house also deals with emancipation of human being :).
  • if there are the benefics on good planets like Jupiter or mercury here in the 12th house .
  • it strongly suggests that one would spend on good things in life and if Jupiter is there one may spend on religious matters as well.
  • bad or malefic planets like Mars, Saturn(Shani dev) or ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) means expenditure on not so good things in life.:(
  • 12 house legal expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 12-house cause in legal matters expenditures or losses, the kundli or Horoscope?

  • If the 12th house of any Kundli or Horoscope connects to the 6th house so gives expenditure on legal matters or health matters .
  • If it connects to 8th bhava so say says expenditure to do with accident of sudden matters .
  • If it connects to the third house or bhava would give expenditure happening due to do with the projects or initiatives of the person.
  • money wealth expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    how could 12th house make your Millionaire ? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • if 12th house Lord is malefic is sitting in 6th ,8th , 3rd, or 12th house, then it forms a vipreet Raj Yoga.
  • if there is only malefic planets influence and of no benefic planets this form the vipreet Raj Yoga and a one can earn a lot of wealth. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • ego expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Could Your Ego Make You spend more in Life ?

  • One the down side the twelfth house of losses are house that is the house and expenditure, or waiting is something basically in excess or getting wasted due to excess spending.
  • Like sun or Surya here in the twelfth bhava means excess of ego and one would spend his ego without bounds.
  • losses expenditure expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    What kind of expenses and losses problems your 6th house could give?

  • The other house is the sixth house of weakness and cases weakness and inefficiency and loss of money also health problems .
  • The sixth Bhava could also cause loss of money and legal problems plus litigation – that in turn can cause loss of money .
  • The eighth house is for unexpected problems, prostitutes and people of mafia or underworld.
  • The health and issues that are caused here are the most serious problems.
  • 2 11 5 9 house money wealth expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 2/11/5/9 houses bless you with money ๐Ÿ™‚ based on your horoscope?

  • This article discusses various yoga’s as with is benefic and malefic houses combination of 2/11/5/9 and the malefic 6/12/8.
  • It may also include the 3rd bhava at times.
  • Jupiter Venus mercury benefics expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the benefics like Jupiter/mercury or Venus Bless your Life?

  • At the same time with good houses the good planets are Jupiter/mercury/ and Venus.
  • the good houses and good planets can create great Yogis for success /wealth and prosperity.
  • On the other hand, the malefic is Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) -Ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) axis/Mars/ afflicted moon and mercury,
  • That can cause serious troubles of wealth flows to any person.
  • Did Narendra Modi Ji also suffer losses?

  • The below part of the article discusses the scope of the horoscope of prime minister Sri Narendra Damodardas Modi.
  • His status gains and possible losses that he may face in life overall his horoscope is analysed in detail and depth.
  • All areas are measure quantitatively to measure objectively.
  • expenses losses Vedic astrology wealth moneywealth money gains losses Vedic astrology
    What are the Expenses and Earnings for you or anyoneโ€“ Based On Vedic Astrology or Jyotish?:

  • We all have expenditures and yes earnings. But some people have more expenditure as compared to others.
  • What is the reason for the same? Yes, the evaluation of the twelfth house is for the same.
  • planetary combinations wealth gains losses money wealth
    Various Yoga’s or planetary combinations suggesting Expenditures
    expenditure good things expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    would you Spend on Good things in life :)?

  • One would have expenses for good things if the lord of twelfth house or expenditure house is with a benefic planet (Jupiter, mercury, Venus).
  • or is in its own sign or is in exaltation, also if a good planet like Jupiter, Mercury or Venus is in 12th house.
  • property house home expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Could you make a palatial Home?

  • The person would have a nice looking home and also bed and all good pleasures of life if the planet moon( Chandra) is in the twelfth house and is exalted.
  • Or in the own sign or Rashi, navamsha or divisional chart or in good houses like gains, fifth or in Rashi navamsha. The person could be lord-like.
  • So, though moon in 12th gives stress- but if it is strong it gives good traits as well.
  • love spouse expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Do You have happiness from your spouse?

  • If the lord of the twelfth house in any Kundli or Horoscope is in the sixth house, eight houses or be in an enemy navamsha or D9 Rashi- one may not get happiness from the wife as this house represents sexual pleasure as well.
  • The expenses would be high for this person and have troubles &amp, less happiness.
  • If the lord of the twelfth house is in lines(1/5/9) and 4/7/10- he or she would have a spouse.
  • secretive planets expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Would You get obvious results of Planets or secretive?

  • The planets that would be in the visible part of the zodiac will give clear and obvious results and the planets in invisible half would give secret results .
  • earning money fair expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Would you be using Fair means to earn money?

  • If the planet Saturn(Shani dev) or Shani sits in the twelfth house or malefic mars and at the same time there is no good aspect to this house.
  • The person would earn by sinful methods
  • dharma religion expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Would you be spending on dharma or religion related activities?

  • If the lord of ascendant or lagan house is in the twelfth house and the lord of twelfth is in ascendant along with Venus(Shukra).
  • The expenses would be on religious friends.
  • expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    Expenses & expenditure elaborated by one more example- who was super rich, had airlines, had news channels etc – but got bankrupt in jail

  • for the sake of anonymity, we check the horoscope of a celebrated industrialist.
  • who had his own airlines, news channel but he was jailed due to bankruptcy and not being able to pay off his expenses? ๐Ÿ™
  • we look at his horoscope based on solar and lunar horoscope.
  • Lunar that is a moon rashi based. the expenses of the twelfth house are studied properly for this horoscope
  • expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    What kind of expenses the person would have?

  • The 12th bhava or house Lord mercury in any kundli or Horoscope is strong and is in the 12th house itself so this definitely indicates that expenditure or expenses for this person would be by proper use of thoughts (mercury or budha).
  • as mercury rules intelligence and intellect and the 12th house is expenditure or expenses.
  • so, we see the work of intellect here also the Lord of 4th house Venus (Libra sign or Tula rashi) is in the 12th house.
  • so, we know that Venus rules women and also luxury. so, this combination clearly indicates that the person would be intelligent or smart in spending of luxury.
  • in fact, it was suggested by people that he was a womanizer and enjoyed all the Comforts and luxuries of women.
  • luxury expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    were there expenses on women and luxuries as well by this person?

  • also know that Venus or shukra that is Lord of 4th house for him. It has ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) in the Libra sign.
  • so, it clearly indicates that excess expenditure or expenses on women and also matters of family/society(news agency and other factors) would make this guy popular .
  • we also see that Venus or shukra with the Taurus sign rules the 11th house of gains for him.
  • so that means all the gains towards expenditure or expenses would be to do with Mercury related matters as mercury is sitting there.
  • Mercury or number 5 also rules News. as he used to run news channel also :). so, all this very clearly indicates that his outflows would be towards learningโ€™s.
  • also news( due to Venus and mercury together influence as Venus suggest society and home and mercury=news).
  • also, expenditure or expenses would be towards mental pursuits like journalism .
  • money wealth expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    what planets in horoscope or kundli gave home so much of riches or earnings?

  • there is a very strong aspect of a strong Jupiter which also rules the 9th house. which has cleanliness of guru there? ๐Ÿ™‚
  • so, this suggests very big Assets and properties for this person. ๐Ÿ™‚ but that will go away because 12th lord being in the 12th house and also gets weakened day by day.
  • also, Jupiter rules 6th house of enmity and legal matters caused him to go to jail for not following dharma or ethics .
  • But still as Jupiter rules the 6th house of purva Punya as well.
  • so, the person would invest synergies in making ashram and donations. all this is 100% true for him. so, based on the horoscope or kundli we can clearly see the direction of outflows or money for the person. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • jail expenses expenditure horoscope kundli confinement
    what does the Surya lagan say about his expenses, and expenditure and also made him bankrupt sending him to Tihar jail ?

  • now looking at the expenses or expenditure from the Surya Lagna for this case. sun sign here is Taurus as sun is in the Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi.
  • arise or mesha rashi rules the 12th house of sex & love. so, this gives great love affairs for this person.
  • as we spoke earlier for this person .
  • and also there was a lot of Expenditure of energy in that direction.
  • we also note that Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) or dragons’ head is in the 12th house .so this indicates one could get confinement or Jail.
  • so, Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) in 12th house made this guy be in the jail Tihar jail for a long time for no payment of his dues or expenses to people.
  • luxury women expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    what kind of planets made him entice women and spend on luxury, comforts, and women?

  • also, as Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) is in the 12th house aspects mars. so gives this man practical thinking(Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) is number 4= practical).
  • also, as Rahu(dragonโ€™s head) is in 12th house of sex and luxury so makes the expenses of the person very close to sex related matters.
  • so, sex and luxury are very important for the person.
  • so, in regard to all things, his expenditure or expenses would be to do with secret affairs .
  • as Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) (dragons head) is there the 12th house if passion and love.
  • so Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) and mars over all makes him very aggressive and passionate to achieve his goals to do with love and sex .
  • Narendra damodardas modi wealth losses outflows expenses expenditure earnings based on Vedic astrology or jyotish
    Causes of Gains and Losses for Narendra Modi Ji?

    what planets causes gains to Narendra Modi Ji ?

  • Now let us look at the gains part of Narendra Modi Ji horoscope lord of gains and wealth and status is Jupiter for him that is a great benefic for him .
  • also, as it rules the second house it gives him very good ability sweetness and talks well. This is the reason for his good diplomacy.
  • saturn shani  expenditure losses modi narendra
    How Shani dev made Modi ji sound and stable :)?

  • Now as second bhava lord is into the fourth bhava or mature bhava, also giving him closeness to his mother. Now Saturn(Shani dev) the disposition of the second bhava is combust at 29 degrees.
  • so it becomes and atmakaraka for Narendra Modi Ji. so, he or Narendra Modi Ji would face a lot of hardships life on account of Saturn(Shani dev) or Shani dev. That has built him so strong and stable.
  • But at the end of the day, Saturn(Shani dev) would contribute to Narendra Modi Ji for gain in wealth and status in life.
  • also, his 6th House Lord is mercury or Budha is best and very weak and Virgo sign. This again creates a Rajyog situation for Narendra Modi Ji,.
  • gains weal money
    which planets give gains to Narendra Modi ji?

  • All this Yoga adds weight to gains to Narendra Modi ji and country. He would also do great in the maters of commerce or E-Commerce or other businesses as Ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) .
  • That is the dhwaja or the flag is there in the eleventh bhava of gains and wealth. So overall his keen intelligence due to mercury and Ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) in the eleventh bhava adds to great gains to Modi ji in life.
  • unexpected gains Yog combination
    Is there an unexpected gains Yoga for Sri Narendra Modi ji?

  • Also there that means flag is there in 11th house for Narendra Modi Ji so giving him an Unexpected and sudden gains in life, so he became catapulted to Chief Minister ship of Gujarat first in early 2000-time frame.
  • and then in 2016 became the Prime Minister of India .so all this clearly shows the role of Ketu(dragonโ€™s Tail) that un-expected help and gains from the sangha pariwar and yes the BJP’s.
  • AS such career 11th house of gains is mercury.
  • so that very clearly suggest Narendra Modi Ji would get into politics as also Leo rules the tenth bhava.
  • what gets Sri Narendra modi ji in Politics?
    Leo or sun is a clear indication is politics and being in the 11th house would be right to a very exalted position giving capability.
  • This gave him the Prime Minister ship which is already attained I have a lot of good gains from his friends and looking at his fifth house/ 5th house of horoscope or Kundli of Narendra Modi Ji.
  • Rahu(Dragonโ€™s head) there gives him a different attitude and also the different viewpoint of life.
  • he wants to do something new and rebels against set patterns in his thinking.
  • karma Yogi
    What planetary combinations Make Narendra Modi ji a Karma Yogi and hence earn well in life?

  • Also, ninth Bhava lord of his Horoscope or Kundli is Moon and Moon is very weak house first hour of Narendra Modi Ji, so he did not he lose his father at a very young age .
  • but as his Moon gets a lot of strength from mars ins Scorpio in the lagna.
  • The Mind of Narendra Modi Ji gets a lot of strength from Mars karma of action from the past life of Narendra Modi ji.
  • karma Yogi
    What role Yoga has in Sri Narendra Modi Ji’s life?

  • All this strong energy from mars to his mind or mind of Narendra Modi ji adds to benefits and gains in life he can get into exalted positions.
  • The mind has kept cool as the moon is close to mars, he is rightly picked up Yoga and meditation. That has got him relaxed for the best results in life now.
  • losses Narendra Modi
    What could cause Losses to Sri Narendra Modi Ji ?.
    business gains
    Had Modi ji done business what could have happened ๐Ÿ™‚ ?

  • Now let us talk the losses process for free Narendra Modi Ji overall house is the 12th house that is a house of losses for Narendra Modi Ji.
  • Now this house is ruled by Venus Shukra Venus is number 6 and in the 10th House.
  • so.It shows expenditure on royal personalize and possible losses in business or areas that have to do with Venus or Shukra.
  • travel foreign lands
    Would Narendra Modi Ji gain from foreign lands?

  • That is any care industry would do well for Narendra Modi Ji. Also, he has to be very careful about foreign lands, though in general.
  • it would be good because Saturn(Shani dev) is there.
  • Saturn(Shani dev) is very close to Venus which gives great support to Narendra Modi ji’s image and yes Jupiter is at the base house in the 4th bhava.
  • caution danger
    What should Narendra Modi ji be careful about

  • It will give Narendra Modi ji a good image, but again he has to be care about his trips in the foreign lands .
  • which is true for him the Lord of losses is sixth power mass which is sitting in lagna, so he has to be very careful the people who are opposing him.
  • or who are against him or who want to attack him and yes mars to an extent represents terrorists.
  • caution danger
    What things in Politics should Narendra Modi Ji care for ?

  • Also, he or Narendra Modi ji may GOD forbid face losses related disorders that is heat& pitta disorders that could cause problems in the body and rebellion at his end.
  • He has to take special care from people with negative mind and also aggressive people .
  • Mars also rules politicians, so he has to be careful about his enemies of losses for him so is true. The eighth lord is mercury for Narendra Modi ji there in the 11th house .
  • land gains
    Are there gains for Narendra Modi ji form Lands ?

  • So, 8th bhava in 11th means unexpected gains in land deals for Narendra Modi ji.
  • but yes, possible losses are also .we should also look at the good planets for Narendra Modi ji finance .
  • also Narendra Modi ji has been general careful about his land investments because it our present 8th bhava send energy to 11th hour .
  • top positions planets
    What planetary made Sri Narendra Modi ji reach the top?

  • unexpected gains in investments are there for him.
  • The malefic planets and loss causing planet is Saturn(Shani dev) but as Narendra Modi ji is born on 17 that is 1 + 7=8 that again is Saturn(Shani dev) energy .
  • so Narendra Modi ji’s highly disciplined effort and lifelong effort could make am reach the top .
  • Also note as per jaimini system Saturn(Shani dev) is at 29 degrees that could make him reach at the top and build up is image to success.
  • All this is 100% true and he is the prime minister of India. Take note that because Saturn(Shani dev) aspects is fourth house so gains in images .
  • Jupiter guru
    How could Jupiter Help Sri Narendra Modi ji?

  • As Jupiter is well placed in Kendra in 4th bhava of family/home. Though old Saturn(Shani dev) aspect here means slow growth of all .
  • also, for Narendra Modi ji Jupiter is a source of gains and wealth and status to India as well.
  • AS Jupiter or Guru the lord of money and gains for Narendra Modi ji rules the second bhava of wealth and status as well .
  • But Venus is weak what his 10th house is.
  • and mercury is what is in 11th will give some more gains to Narendra modi ji.

  • so, in summary mars in action, Saturn(Shani dev) (Shani) slow but steady effort, mercury intelligence is giving Sri Narendra Modi ji all the gains he deserves.
    expenses expenditure
    What are Expenses or Expenditures ?

  • Expenses essentially means out flow of money. ๐Ÿ™‚ even if it is an investment.
    so for a car driver , petrol is an outflow or expenditure.
  • so is the fees for a student an expense or outflow.
  • so anything that entails high outflows is expensive and if les it is otherwise.
  • We also have expenses of eating food outside or rent or say EMI for books etc.
  • expense is a global term now say used in psychology and sociology to see the outflows and inflows between two people or systems.
  • Like say a community A helps community B in some form of money or other things, so it is an expense for community A towards community B.
  • book keeping expense  expenditure
    What is Book-keeping for expenses ?

  • There are two accounts generally. That is the expense account or the credit or asset account.
  • This forms the balance sheets for accounts.as we know it expenses decreases assets and also the liabilities increase naturally.
  • The expense of say a company is the salaries for employees the expense on utilities like water, fresh air, or chairs etc.so is there depreciation on expenses like the capital assets.
  • But if an expense is made in an asset such as a building or say an equipment to generate revenues further down the line it is not called an expense.
  • it is then called an investment.
  • cash flow expenses expenditure width=
    What is Cash flow ?

  • This is called operating expenses= Cash flow or money flow is divided into 3 categories to isolate each kind of flow.
  • There are expenses like running expenses EMI or say expenses for water electricity.
    these are flat expenses.
  • This is outflow of money.
    Then there is inflow of money like profits or money flows by client or customer payments.
  • This is inflow of money
    This is called investing expenses= Then there is an outflow that concerts to assets, like say buying a company setup or a factory etc.
  • Financing expense = it is the interest of expense for say any bonds taken or loans
    This is reflected in the business income statement.
  • expenses expenditure report
    What is an expenses report ?

  • The entire set of expenses say by the individual or a company are put in this report.
  • like say a company starts running so running expenses like for electricity , water, and other infrastructure expenses.
  • then is the salary and other say travel expenses mapped here.
  • Now there are software as well to map these expenses better. also software can reduce the fraud in expenses.

  • Horoscope Aspects Planets Kundli Drishti Example India Pakistan War Surgical Strikes

    planets aspects drishti horoscope kundli

    About this article?

  • This article in detail discusses the planetary aspects of any Kundli or Horoscope in Vedic astrology.
  • It as a PRACTICAL example applies the aspect concepts to the recent India Pakistan surgical strikes with very interesting results.
  • Over all what kind of aspects are there by various planet in any Horoscope or Kundli are explained.
  • Also how to do calculations for various aspects in any kundli or Horoscope is elaborated.
  • Special aspects of Mars or Mangal and Saturn or Shani dev are also discussed at length for better understanding.
  • Aspects helps you to tune predictions accurately for any kundli or Horoscope and this article helps you to do that :).
  • planets aspects Drishti horoscope kundli
    Drishtiโ€™s or aspects of the planets or Grahas- in any Kundli or Horoscope(birth Chart)

  • The aspects in views of the (a)Rashis or Sun signs have been discussed (b) the other kind is between Grahas or planets , are given
  • The prime aspects are the ones like :
    > Third(3) aspect
    > and Tenth(10) aspect,
    >Fifth(5) aspect
    > and Ninth(9) aspect,
    >Fourth(4) aspect
    > and Eighth(8) aspect and
    > in conclusion Seventh(7).
  • all this applies to ALL planets in any kundli or Horoscope from sun or Surya, moon or Chandra, Jupiter, or Guru, Rahu or Uranus ,Mercury or budha.
  • Also the planets like Venus or shukra, Neptune or ketu(dragonโ€™s tail), Saturn or Shani or mangal or mars.
  • On these energy points or the Drishtiโ€™s increment steadily in strength in the order of , i.e. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and to Full is the maximum energy that a planet can exert.
  • So the energy flow would be proportionate as given .
  • ALL the planets or Grahas give a Drishti to the seventh aspect completely.so this is a general rule
  • The planets like Saturn or Shani, Guru or Jupiter and Mangal or mars have unique Drishtiโ€™s or aspects , and are discussed below separately,
  • The third and the tenth aspect is for (Saturn or Shani) in any kundli or Horoscope ,
  • The fifth and the ninth aspect or Drishti is of (Jupiter or guru) in any kundli or Horoscope .
  • the fourth and the eighth aspect is of (Mars or mangal) in any kundli or Horoscope .
  • The old preceptors or Vedic rishis have clarified these, which common.
  • ?? calculator
    what is the method For the Assessment of the Drishtiโ€™s or aspects of the Grahas or planets ?

  • Deduct the longitude of the planet or Graha (or Bhava), that gets a Drishti, from that of the Graha or planet , which gives the Drishti or aspect.
  • In case that the total surpasses six rashis, deduct the entirety again from 10 Rashis.
  • Like say for example sun( at longitude 10 degree) in 7th aspect aspects planet Moon( 190 degree) or Chandra.
  • The deduct 190-10 = 180 drees you get .
  • Change over the last whole into degrees and separation by two.
  • The resultant item is Drishti Kona (or aspectual edge).
  • So in above case 180 degrees or exact 7th aspect is the found aspect for sun and moon
  • If in case the difference in longitude is in excess of 5 Rashis( 5 x30=150 degree).
  • Then dis-regard the rashis and increase the degrees and so forth by 2, which is the actual estimation of the Drishti or aspect .
  • If in case that difference is in excess of 4 Rashis, deduct it from 5 Rashis, and the resultant degrees is into the Drishti status .
  • If in case the difference is in abundance of 3 rashis, deduct it from 4 rashis and (increment 30 by) split the item to get the Drishti status.
  • If in case the difference is above 2 Rashis, dis-regard the rashis and add 15 to the degrees and so on to get the Drishti status .
  • In the event that it is in excess of one rashi, dis-regard the rashis and gap the degrees by 2 to get the Drishti esteem.
  • Saturn Shani planets aspects Drishti horoscope kundli
    What are some Extraordinary thought for Saturnโ€™s or Shaniโ€™s Drishtiโ€™s or aspects?

  • As Saturn or Shani is the Graha or planet, that gives a Drishti or aspect.
  • Find the difference between planets and the Graha or planet that gets the Drishti;
  • if the Total value is above 1 Rashi, increase the degrees and divide by 2 to get the Drishti status.
  • if in case the Total above Nine Rashis, the degrees to slip or difference by be multiplied to get the Drishti esteem.
  • If in case that the whole is above 2 rashis, the degrees and so has to be divided and deducted from 60.
  • if in case the total goes beyond 8 Rashis, add to the degrees and so forth a figure of 30 to get the Drishti esteem.
  • In different cases, the aggregates are prepared, as clarified earlier.
  • mars mangal planets aspects Drishti horoscope kundli
    What are some Un-common thought for Mangal’s or mars Drishtiโ€™s or aspects?

  • Deduct the longitude of Mangal or mars from that of the Graha or planet that gets the Drishti or aspect.
  • If in case that the aggregate is 3 rashis and c, or 7 Rashis and c, the degrees and so on be lessened from 60 degrees.
  • If in case that it is above 2 rashis, the degrees and so forth be expanded by half of it and then 15.
  • On the off chance that the aggregate is 6 Rashis, one Rup is the worth.
  • Jupiter guru planets aspects Drishti horoscope kundli
    what are some Un-common thought for Guru’s or Jupiter’s Drishtiโ€™s?.

  • Deduct the longitude of Guru or Jupiter from that of the Graha or planet, that gets the Drishti from Guru or Jupiter.
  • If in case that the resultant is 3 Rashis and c, or 7 Rashis and c, divide the degrees and so forth and increment it by 15.
  • If in case the total is 4 Rashis and c, or 8 Rashis and c, the degrees and so forth is subtracted from 60.
  • This will be the Drishti esteem. The whole, being in congruity with others than these, be dealt with, as expressed prior.
  • Horoscope-sign-sun planetary aspects India Pakistan war situation surgical attacks Uri attacks mars mangal Saturn Shani eighth house
    The Planetary Drishtiโ€™s or aspects- the current India Pakistan war Like imbroglio.

  • Following the Uri attacks on the army camp where 18 army Jawanโ€™s were killed on Indian side.
  • India retaliated on 27th September morning by Indian army commandos attacking terror bases near like of actual control.
  • Killing around 40 terrorist in the training camps
  • India-design style-Friday-m planetary aspects India Pakistan war situation surgical attacks Uri attacks mars mangal Saturn Shani eighth house
    IndiasNationalHoroscope02_29112008 planetary aspects India Pakistan war situation surgical attacks Uri attacks mars mangal Saturn Shani eighth house
    188px-Flag_of_India.svg planetary aspects India Pakistan war situation surgical attacks Uri attacks mars mangal Saturn Shani eighth house
    India Pakistan war after surgical-attacks?-
    Is there a possibility of War Like situation Between India and Pakistan? Why No
    was born on 15 august 1947 0:000 New Delhi
    188px-Flag_of_Pakistan.svg planetary aspects India Pakistan war situation surgical attacks Uri attacks mars mangal Saturn Shani eighth house
    And Pakistan
    Pakistan-horoscope planetary aspects India Pakistan war situation surgical attacks Uri attacks mars mangal Saturn Shani eighth house
    14th August 1947
    Planets C R Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada Relation
    Asc Taurus 01-47-03 Krittika 2
    Sun D Cancer 27-03-29 Ashlesha 4 Friendly
    Moon D Gemini 19-17-49 Ardra 4 Friendly
    Mars D Gemini 06-49-04 Ardra 1 Enemy
    Merc D Cancer 11-56-44 Pashyami 3 Enemy
    Jupt D Libra 25-48-40 Vishakha 2 Enemy
    Venu C D Cancer 21-21-56 Ashlesha 2 Enemy
    Satn C D Cancer 20-19-21 Ashlesha 2 Enemy
    Rahu R Taurus 05-07-11 Krittika 3
    Ketu R Scorpion 05-07-11 Anuradha 1
    Uran D Gemini 02-01-06 Mrigasira
    Nept D Virgo 15-41-55 Hasta 2
    Pluto D Cancer 20-02-27 Ashlesha 2

    Why did the India and Pakistan conflict Arise Astrologically?: based on Horoscope or Kundli (birth Chart) of Pakistan and India

  • Now we know whenever mars(mangal) and Saturn(Shani) are close or conjunct wars start.
  • Mars was weak and transiting into Jupiter and Saturn still in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi the seventh house of India.
  • It shares the energy of malefic ketu(dragonโ€™s tail) or Neptune that generates energy like mars and affects relationships and yes aspects the ascendant that is the body of the nation.
  • We can clearly see the attacks happened on 18th September 2016. (18= 1+8=9 + September -9 and 2016 = 2+0+1+6=9) , now 9= Planet mars.
  • Also the total number of surgical attacks(The rightful retaliatory attacks by India) comes out to be 9( 27th September 2016).
  • We can clearly see the role of mars or mangal here in creating war like situations between India & Pakistan.
  • planets aspects Drishti horoscope kundli
    What Could Happen In October 2016 between India & Pakistan?

  • But now Mars have gone top Eight house of India the sign or rashi Sagittarius.
  • This might create anger and aggression and war like situation as Mars or Mangal is not very comfortable in eight house .
  • For Pakistan Mars or Mangal rules first and eighth house(obstacle, inheritance, wars, death) .
  • and Jupiter sits in seventh house of (relationships, sex, marriage), gets into the ninth house*dharma, religion, fortune, luck) .
  • and sends energy to the relationships house badly affecting the relationships of Pakistan.
  • Eight house rules religious fanaticism and yes wars and anger- so the religious hardliners could combine with the Pakistan army to express anger against India.
  • There could be rhetoricโ€™s at Pakistanโ€™s end against India to mobilize religion and yes the terrorists to fight against
  • Pakistanโ€™s image could get affected due to this due to eighth aspect of Mars or Mangal on the fourth house Of Image or Pakistan.
  • There could be infighting in Pakistan.(slight possibility)
  • Till 7th of October more of angry messages might be exchanged .
  • The period 7th to 14 October 2016 could be tensed one- when India would have to deal with care and restraint.
  • Third week is a time when matters have to stay cool, lots of message and communications would go and may be the tempers cool off.
  • India would communicate and make it a peaceful matter hopefully.
  • May peace reign all nations.

    Horoscope Divisional Charts ChaturVimshamsha Education d24 Varga Kundli

    ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope  varga chart

    About this article?

  • This article in depth discusses the significance of ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart.
  • It looks at how d24 or chaturthvimshamsha chart could be looked for personโ€™s education level or profession of expertise easily.:)
  • Also the article looks at various 24 divisions of this chart.
  • It talks about How do the planets indicate various areas or subjects of specialization for any kundli or Horoscope?
  • This article interestingly looks at the meaning of all the 12 Houses or bhava of ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart in detail.
  • Plus suggest how to do the calculation for the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart.
  • debates arguments ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope  varga chart
    What are Some very interesting Facts about ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional or Varga charts? How does it connect to educational level of a person?

  • ChaturVimshamsa d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart deals with education or deep thinking of the person.
  • It suggest how the person debates or argues about matters.
  • in that sense it is similar to the 5th bhava in the Horoscope.
  • the significator or karaka for ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope is mercury or budha in any kundli or horoscope.
  • This connects to the intellect and also education of the person.
  • ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope also indicates the education line and the educational level of the person.
  • As budha or mercury also connects to learning abilities, so does the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart.
  • child education ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope  varga chart
    what is the Meaning of various houses of ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart ?

  • The 4th bhava of the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart particularly deals with the early education.
  • this could be your high school or 12th education in schools.
  • The 9th bhava or house in ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart relates to the graduation degree of the person or the specialization of subjects the person chooses.
  • The 2nd bhava or the 6th bhava or house form the 9th bhava in ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart deals with your masterโ€™s degree.
  • the 7th house or bhava in the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart .
  • that is the 6th house form the 2nd bhava of the d24 horoscope deals with the doctoral or research degrees.
  • planets areas education ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope  varga chart
    How do the planets indicate various areas or subjects of specialization ?

  • Various planets in ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart in the 9th , 7th or 2nd bhava indicate various subjects and areas of education.
  • they could also indicate areas of interest for the person.
  • so like various planets play various roles.
  • Mars or mangal is for engineering, technology, electrical engineering, fire, metals
    rahu is dealing with chemicals. mathematics, toxins and also acids.
  • ketu deals with electrical current, electronics, timing equipment and clocks
    Saturn or Shani dev connects to stone related work, building material and also civil or maintenance work and also constriction work.
  • Jupiter deals with dharma or religion related knowledge or work, scholarly work, counselling, or ability to advise people, also ministers, politicians and teaching or legal matters.
  • Venus means banks, management, business management, also chemicals due to shukra charya effects.
  • mercury is knowledge or teaching, blanks, commerce, or wealth management, accounts also journalism & communication.
  • Moon – fluid business, women health related business, water related business, nursing, or human resources.
  • ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope  varga chart planets significators
    Factors influencing ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart interpretation?

  • The natural benefics like moon, Venus, mercury, Jupiter etc here in lagan or ascendant indicate good basics and learning, quick grasping of subjects and good learning curve.
  • also the significators of a particular line of work have to be well placed. Like if Venus is well placed so one could easily do well in care industry.

  • what is d24 or ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart?
    calculations computation ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope  varga chart
    What are the divisions and calculations of the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart?

  • We also look at The Energies ruling each division Of the Sign of the zodiac for the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope .
  • The ChaturVimshamsha or the 24th harmonic is 1/24 of each sign or 1 degrees 15 minutes each.
  • The distribution of lords of the division starts from sign Leo for odd signs and from cancer for even signs.
  • In case of Odd signs the ruling deities (2×12, that is the 12 deities repeated twice to make it 24 divisions for the sign of the zodiac), order given below list is repeated twice are.
  • โ€ข Skand
    โ€ข Parusdhar
    โ€ข Anal
    โ€ข Vishwakarma
    โ€ข Bhag
    โ€ข Mitr
    โ€ข Maya
    โ€ข Antaka
    โ€ข Vrisha-Dwaja
    โ€ข Govinda
    โ€ข Madan
    โ€ข and Bhima

  • In case of Even sign this order is reversed(Bhima deity or division comes first , Madan ..onwards).

  • Horoscope Captain Amarinder Singh Kundli Predictions

    Captain Amarinder Singh captain amarinder Singh kundli horoscope chief minister Punjab 2017 predictions Vedic astrologynadi captain Amarinder Singh kundli horoscope

    About this article ?

  • This article at length analyses the Horoscope of Captain Amarinder Singh, the chief minister of Punjab.
  • It looks at Yogaโ€™s or planetary combinations that make captain Amarinder Singh so successful in his political Career?
  • Also it looks into role of various planets like Saturn, or Shani dev, rahu( dragonโ€™s head) to make Captain Amarinder Singh a big success in Politics based on his Horoscope or Kundli .
  • Also ketu( dragonโ€™s) and all other planets of the planetary system on how they shape the personality of the great captain Amarinder Singh based on his Kundli, or Horoscope is given?
  • It then looks at which planets make captain Amarinder Singh so Loyal and also a friend of friends etc(Yaron ka yaar :)) and various Unique energy exchanges in Captain Amarinder Singh’s Horoscope or Kundli.
  • Interestingly how Aquarius or kumbha contributes to idealism of captain Amarinder Singh and how mars or Mangal Gives him courage and action is analysed at depth?
  • captain Amarinder Singh kundli horoscope
    Birth Horoscope of Captain Amarinder Singh

  • Name full : Captain Amarinder Singh
  • Date of his Birth :- 11th March, 1942
  • Time of Birth :- is unknown so we will create a Surya kundli or sun kundli
  • Place of Birth :- Patiala, Punjab, India
  • amarinder-Singh horoscope captain amarinder Singh kundli horoscope chief minister Punjab 2017 predictions Vedic astrology
    Captain Amarinder Singh Kundli or Horoscope- what Makes Him so Special and Different from others?

  • In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, His ascendant is Aquarius(Kumbha rashi) the eleventh sign rules by planet Saturn or Shani dev.
  • Please note he is also born on 11th of the month.
  • Aquarius or Kumbha rashi gives captain amarinder Singh a sensitive streak to the person and also makes him warm and lover of under-privileged due to effects of Saturn or Shani dev.
  • Aquarius or Kumbha the number11 could also at times make Captain Amarinder Singh revengeful if hurt by his opponents.
  • But in general Captain Amarinder Singh is good reasoned and difficult to convince in debate.
  • In the kundli or horoscope of Sri Amarinder Singh ji, His moon or Chandra is in Mula nakshatra or star- giving him a fixed mind and a sense of pride(may be due to his being form the royal status).
  • This also makes Captain Amarinder Singh peace loving , he might be giving spiritual advice as well, be wealthy & luxuries based on his Horoscope or Kundli. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • yaaron kaa yaar person & spending money on friends, soft disposition, and charitable nature ;).
  • Captain Amarinder Singh may take great interest in public meetings and also public ceremonies.
  • We know all this is 100% true for Sri amarinder Singh ji.
  • In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, Saturn or Shani dev is in his fourth house of public image, along with Uranus the planet giving exceptional abilities and intuition to him .
  • plus with the energy of action-oriented mars or mangal that rules his initiatives or business or effort and also his house of career or karma the tenth house.
  • Giving Captain Amarinder Singh great ability to perform or do things.
  • But Saturn or Shani dev being close to Mars(mangal) and Uranus, there would be tumults in his mind and public image time to time.
  • We know his political career has been fairly tumultuous.
  • In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, His moon or Chandra in the eleventh house of gains and sitting in fourth house.
  • also the dev Guru Jupiter the planet of wealth and status and ruling his wealth and status house and money gains the second house and the eleventh house .
  • This combination Or Yoga or planetary conjunction clearly indicate a royal or regal lineage for captain amarinder Singh ji. Which he has indeed ๐Ÿ™‚ .
  • His father being the last king of the state of Patiala.
  • Captain amarinder Singh’s Moon or Chandra in the sign of Sagittarius or dhatu rashi.
  • This indications in his Kundli or Horoscope gives him an inclination to dharma & religion and ethics.
  • Captain Amarinder Singh is known to have resented the operation blue star.
  • professional career job captain Amarinder Singh kundli horoscope
    What about his Political and Professional Career for Captain Amarinder Singh?

  • In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, His relationships house the seventh house is ruled by a mild sun or Surya dev.
  • but it is still OK in Kendra bhava of the Horoscope.
  • Rahu โ€“Ketu( rahu dragon’s head or Tail) axis affecting the same suggest a make break relationships in professional life of Captain Amarinder Singh.
  • Captain amarinder Singh could be prone to taking very strong actions at times due to rahu(dragon’s head) and sun(Surya) based on his Horoscope or Kundli.
  • In his kundli or horoscope(Birth chart),The planet of action mars or mangal is in the fourth house of public image and mind for Captain Amarinder Singh.
  • and with the dispositor Venus or shukra in twelfth house of stress of the Horoscope.
  • So over all captain Amarinder Singh is born to be leader & server of people by action(mars) and his idealism and philosophy โ€“ that is Saturn/Aquarius or Shani and Kumbha.
  • Captain Amarinder Singh might also have great interest and inclination for art and music as well.
  • jupiter captain amarinder singh kundli horoscope

  • Jupiter or Guru in his horoscope absorbs energy of taurus sign of Venus. So a good sense of taste would be there in captain Amarinder Singh based on his horoscope or Kundli.
  • Saturn and mars there give some basic aggression to the personality and so does it give good action and also karma and philosophy to captain Amarinder Singh ji.
  • Venus and mercury in Capricorn do have good influence on captain Amarinder Singh, so as said earlier, art, beauty, gardens may attract his attention more.

  • Mars with Saturn or Shani dev promises a career in military that captain Amarinder Singh ji did. Also good honours and respect to him due to Jupiter or Guru dev dear by.

  • Plus rahu(dragonโ€™s head) in the 7th bhava suggest the next career for captain Amarinder Singh ji could have been politics or even films.:)
  • captain Amarinder Singh kundli horoscope predictions
    What has year 2017 and 2018 in store for Him?

  • In the kundli or horoscope of Sri Captain Amarinder Singh ji.
  • As the transit is in the first house from the natal moon.
  • This could impact his health and some decision he might take which he may want to revoke
  • He will gain in status and work more in a disciplined manner to build better Punjab as Saturn rules his second and third house from moon.
  • captain Amarinder Singh needs to take calculated steps against the drug mafia people.
  • Rahu or dragon’s head aspect on moon the lord of sixth house of opposition and Vigna helps him to crush the opposition with diplomatic cleverness of rahu(dragon’s head).
  • Jupiter or Guru’s transit in Virgo helps to strengthen his public image as its aspects Venus the lord of public image and self(Jupiter or Guru) in the natal house.
  • captain Amarinder Singh kundli horoscope predictions
    What Amarinder Singh Ji could expect after 6 Months from now in September 2017 and onwards in 2018 and beyond?

  • In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, Rahu(dragon’s head) the planet of politics transits over his trikona or ninth house of luck and fortune and good past life karma- giving Captain Amarinder Singh success.
  • Which he has reaped in terms of success in elections and now he is the Punjab chief minister.
  • Captain Amarinder Singh may make pilgrimages this year in 2017/2018 for betterment of Punjab and otherwise.
  • When in September 2017 through 2018 rahu or dragon’s head enters his eight house.
  • it makes him vulnerable to risk from the drug mafia more. Also he needs to take good care of health otherwise.
  • Jupiter or guru transit in sign of libra(Tula rashi) from Virgo(Kanya rashi) causes more gains to the native as the transit in the eleventh house from moon or Chandra than the moon sign.
  • So part from the risk from the people of underworld 2017 ending and 2018 would be fair for him. But he may face some isolation and may need time to re-think and re-strategize matters.
  • Travel to various lands could be on the cards.
  • Rahu or dragon’s head transit over seventh house form ascendant would help him in diplomatic matters till September 2017.
  • 2018 Rahu(dragon’s head) aspects on Venus the lord of image-so still he has to take care of his image September 2017 onwards & 2018. Jupiter aspect his house of wealth & status as well till 2017 September.
  • 2017 September onward and 2018 Rahu(dragon’s head) transit over natal mercury or budha gives him great intelligence to solve political problems now..
  • but he may take some very un-thought political actions.
  • Over all we wish captain amarinder Singh ji all the best in this innings.
    captain Amarinder Singh kundli horoscope
    What are some interesting Facts and Figures for Captain Amarinder Singh the 26th Chief Minister for Punjab?

  • Captain Amarinder Singh was born on 11 of March 1942.
  • He is a politician from India from the state of Punjab and is currently the 26th Chief Minister of Punjab.
  • Captain Amarinder Singh is also An elected Member of the Legislative Assembly from Patiala.
  • It has to be added that he has also been president of Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee, the state division of the Indian National Congress.
  • Interestingly captain Amarinder Singh has also been as the Chief Minister of Punjab from 2002-2007.
  • Captain Amarinder Singh is from a royal family with His father being last king of state of Patiala. He has also worked for the Indian army.

  • What are some Interesting facts about Political Life of Captain Amarinder Singh?

  • He was introduced into the Congress by late Sri Rajiv Gandhi.
  • who had been his friend from school day and amarinder was first elected to the Lok Sabha in the year 1980.
  • In 1984 Captain Amarinder Singh resigned as a protest against operation Blue star.
  • Later on he joined the Shiromani Akali Dal .
  • In the year 1992 captain amarinder Singh broke away from the Akali Dal and formed a splinter group called Shiromani Akali Dal.
  • this group was later merged with the Congress mainstream .
  • In the year 1998 He was defeated by Prof Prem Singh Chandumajra from Patiala Constituency in the year by thumping votes to the opposition.
  • He had been appointed as chairman of Punjab Congress Campaign Committee in 2008.
  • He has defeated senior Bhartiya Janata party leader Sri Arun Jaitley ji by a margin of more than 1,02,000 votes in the 2014 general elections.
  • Captain Amarinder Singh ji was sworn in as the 26th Chief Minister of Punjab.
  • On the date of 16 March 2017 at Punjab Raj Bhavan, Chandigarh union territory. Captain Amarinder Singh

  • Horoscope Hardik Pandya Cricket Kundli Predictions

    Hardik Pandya cricket

    About this Article?

  • This article in depth discusses based on Horoscope or Kundli on How Hardik Pandya the cricketer was able to do so well in life.
  • which planets in his Kundli or Horoscope made him a good bowler and a batsman.
  • what is in store for Hardik Pandya in the world of cricket and life based on Vedic astrology.
  • What is the real Hardik Pandya from within ?
  • What awaits him in T20 world cup cricket matches?
  • Discover all this by science Vedic astrology
  • horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions

    Birth details and Horoscope Hardik Pandya ?

  • Name: Hardik Pandya
  • Date of Birth: October 11, 1993
  • Time of Birth: not known
  • Place of Birth: not known
  • So we have taken sun kundli or solar horoscope for Hardik Pandya.
  • Hardik Pandya

    What planetary combinations Give phenomenal success to Hardik Pandya the Cricketer?
    mercury horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    How does mercury in Kundli or Horoscope of Hardik Pandya the cricketer give him good wealth and status?

  • Now mercury rules the 10th bhava of career or job(cricket) for Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli .
  • Mercury or budha is in the house of wealth flows and status.
  • also it is conjunct with mars or mangal in the 2nd bhava of Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli .
  • Now mars or mangal dev is for sports and action sports like cricket.
  • so naturally suggest great gains in career of cricket for Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli by proper action .
  • That is bowling or batting for Hardik Pandya.:)
  • Mercury is in the friendly sign of Libra or Tula rashi for Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli .
  • So could give gains from the government or India, gain in position or name for Hardik Pandya.
  • so also suggest that Hardik Pandya would do good deeds and also get fame and name in the field of cricket.:) Now all this is 100% true.
  • But due to transits or gochar whenever mercury or budha gets weak.
  • then Hardik Pandya could get into losses or problems form government or in his cricket matches and his image could get impacted.
  • career job horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    How does the career or karma lord of 10th house in Kundli or Horoscope of Hardik Pandya great gains in cricket or other careers?

  • as for Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli the Lord of 10th is in 2nd house .
  • So naturally gives Hardik Pandya good status in general with the dint of his effort.
  • It gives wealth and status for sure in life.
  • also later in life he may take up in restaurant and catering business.
  • Hardik Pandya could hold a high position or a position of responsibility in life .
  • The inclinations towards religion might be less . Hardik Pandya normally would think well of others.
  • mars horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    How does mars in Kundli or Horoscope of Hardik Pandya give him in his life?

  • additionally Mars or mangal in second house of Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli could make him a bit prone to quarrel or have tiffs.
  • also as second house rules speech or communications for any horoscope and yes family matters as well.so speech at his end has to be kept sweet .
  • as 8th house lord mars is in 2nd bhava, so suggest the initial period of life or childhood and youth was struggle prone for Hardik Pandya. which is 100% true.
  • 4th bhava cars horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    How does 4th bhava in Kundli or Horoscope of Hardik Pandya the cricketer suggests cars and conveyances ?

  • As in Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli Jupiter or Guru is strong the lord of the 4th bhava.
  • It could give Hardik Pandya the desire and thirst for knowledge and knowing more about the game of cricket.
  • a fair Jupiter for Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli good for family & home and conveyances or cars for him.
  • family horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    How does 4th bhava in Kundli or Horoscope of Hardik Pandya point to a fair enough family background of his ?

  • As the 4th bhava lord in Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli is in the 1st bhava it gives Hardik Pandya good learning’s in cricket field.
  • thatโ€™s why he has the dexterity to play as a bowler and also as a batsman. :).
  • IN the initial days of growt
    h Hardik Pandya may face some shyness in public speaking.
  • Hardik Pandya has to be c careful about the inherited wealth and his name .
  • This Jupiter placement also suggests fair enough family background for Hardik Pandya.
  • education horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    How does 4th bhava in Kundli or Horoscope of Hardik Pandya the cricketer suggests average education for him?

  • also based on Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli at least have a possibility to get a just OK education, yes he is a school dropouts .
  • but sure Hardik Pandya in cricket work may have large circle of friends.
  • Though he could be very choosy and sensitive and work at a different frequency for people to adjust to his way of thinking .
  • through earnings of cricket he would have a lot of land .
  • planets horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions

    What planetary combinations great bowling and batting ability to Hardik Pandya the Cricketer?
    mars horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    what is the role of 3rd house lord mars and rahu Kundli or Horoscope of Hardik Pandya the cricketer suggest good bowling and batting abilities ?

  • As mars the lord of 3rd house for arms and actions is in 2nd bhava and is fair enough. it also has the rough energy of rahu or dragon’s head.
  • so give Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli explosive ability to deliver bowling or do batting as well.
  • Also mars here in this position give tough situations or struggle for Hardik Pandya which made him learn bowling and batting well.
  • The mars and rahu connection with the 3rd house for action and bowling .
  • and also batting for Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli makes him outwardly brave as third house is for bravery and rahu here makes Hardik Pandya externally brave.
  • May get criticism from people due to the views of the person.
  • leo simha horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    what is the role of 3rd house lord mars and rahu Kundli or Horoscope of Hardik Pandya the cricketer suggests good courage in him to deliver in cricket?

  • As Sahaj Bhava Lord mars or mangal for Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli is in the second house or Dhan Bhava.
  • so he would maintain good health in general, he would always increase his valour & initiative.
  • also he would make more efforts to improve his batting and bowling.
  • all this would help Hardik Pandya earn own wealth rather than depending on others and follow an ethical conduct.
  • 3rd house mars horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    what is the role of 3rd house lord mars and rahu Kundli or Horoscope of Hardik Pandya the cricketer suggests he would have good brothers and sisters ๐Ÿ™‚ ? here sisters means even cousin sisters

  • Generally such a combination is have good for Hardik Pandyaโ€™s brothers and sisters .
  • yes his brother Krunal Pandya is also an international cricketer. all these combinations in Hardik Pandya’s Horoscope or Kundli make him bold .
  • Hardik Pandya has the capacity to bear troubles of test cricket ๐Ÿ™‚ .
  • Hardik Pandya may relatively have less travel.
  • also he has to be more forgiving in nature.
  • horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    What is the Natal Chart /Natal Horoscope Analysis and Forecast for Hardik Pandya :

  • Ascendant mercury is not very strong, but in 2nd house of wealth flows and This brings him the yoga & conjunction of name and fame he has got.
  • But as sun ruler of 12th in 1st means he could get more fame in cricket games in foreign lands & yes foreign teams, rather than in India.
  • The lord of 9th(Luck) & 2nd(wealth and status) sharing energy and comfort with sun, gives him his due and balances some negativity of sun.
  • Moon in caner gives him some mental stability- that is a better emotional control than normal t face stress situations in cricket.
  • details horoscope hardik pandya kundli predictions
    2016 horoscope forecast for Hardik Pandya

  • Jupiter transit in 12th house of his would give him some gains in year 2016 cricket matches but not much.
  • 2016 could be a year when he could blow hot and cold- that is success and failure-
  • Saturn and mars in 3rd with his natal rahu could cause him do lot of sudden and rash actions in cricket โ€“ that could make him a hero or a zero at times. March 2016 is a great time for him for T20 world cup cricket matches, also June 2016 and October ending could give him great rewards.
  • But still 2016 would be better than 2015 performance for Hardik Pandya.
  • Year 2017 could be a bit hard for him to struggle and get name and fame as rahu comes in ascendant of his, affecting his natal sun- the planet for image and vitality.

  • Horoscope Kangana Ranaut Bollywood & Fight Hrithik Roshan Kundli Predictions

    Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

    What is this Article About?

  • This article is a highly interesting one, based on Horoscope or Kundli of Kangana Ranaut of Bollywood film industry talks about in-depth career, personal and love life ๐Ÿ™‚
  • It also analyses the horoscope or Kundli of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and also her conflict with Bollywood hero Hrithik Roshan.
  • It tells us why Kangana Ranaut is so successful in Life, is so beautiful ;)?
  • Which planetary combinations in the Horoscope made Kangana Ranaut choose films and movies and eb such a success?
  • The article also looks at when would Kangana Ranaut could get married or fall in love relationships?
  • About Kangana Ranautโ€™s Future husband and also what Kangana Ranaut could expect in future :)? All.
  • The analysis is based on the powerful Surya Kundli or the Surya horoscope of Kangana Ranaut .
  • So in the latter section this article discusses the Tumultuous Love relationship of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and also Hrithik Roshan .
  • To get the most accurate results it uses the combined power of Vedic astrology and also Numbers or Numerology.
  • The article also talks the Bollywood film industry in generally in how it came into existence.
  • solar Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions
    Kangana Ranaut Solar Horoscope
    Hrithik Roshan Birth Details
    ==>was born on 23 March 1987 at Bhambla (now Surajpur),
    Kangana Ranaut:
    Kangana Ranaut horoscope gain honours
    Where is the struggle and Success indicated at a young age for Kangana Ranaut’s Horoscope or Kundli?
    Sagittarius dhanu Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions rashi

  • Now just look at the Surya Kundli for Kananga Ranaut . The lagan or ascendant is Ruled By Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
  • The horoscope of Kangana Ranaut has sun or Surya in the Lagna.
  • sun = number1 = Name and fame ๐Ÿ™‚ .
  • so Kangana Ranaut will get name and fame in life for sure.
  • But because sun or Surya is a malefic as well and rules the 9th house of luck .
  • So overall could cause mixed-effects for Kangana Ranaut.
  • That is great luck, name and fame and also achieving the same for Kangana Ranaut.
  • mercury budha Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • Budha or Mercury is the Lord of partnership of 7th house for Kangana Ranaut and also the career house the 10th House.
  • It is sitting close to Sun in the ascendant.
  • so Kangana Ranaut would have great dialogue delivery or communication ability and also good name and fame because Mercury rules her career as well.
  • so sun and mercury(budha) gets good energy.
  • rahu dragon's head Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • We have Rahu(dragon’s head) as well in the lagna or ascendant of Kangana Ranaut’s Horoscope.
  • The Rahu(dragon’s head) sitting here deals with Shadows and images going to the lagna or ascendant of hers.
  • Now Rahu(dragon’s head) sitting close to the career Lord Mercury or Budha clearly suggests that it could be a career to do with films film industry.
  • As film industry also means shadows and light. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • sun Surya Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • Kangana Ranaut could get good fame due to Rahu(Dragon’s head) and Sun or Surya combination in her Horoscope and also at the same time opposite or negative fame.
  • Which was there with the fallout of Kangana Ranaut’s relationship with Aditya Pancholi and Hrithik Roshan, they both got the negative impact of the same.
  • so this all is corroborated by the planetary combinations in her horoscope
  • Bollywood Kangana Ranaut films movies
    What planets pushed Kangana Ranaut to take up Career in Films?
    Venus shukra Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • Now Venus what gave Kangana Ranaut such a choice in career in films and gave great success here in the movies of Bollywood movies. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Now we see the Venus or Shukra which rules Bollywood all the films are movies is strongly placed in the second house of wealth and status for Kangana Ranaut.
  • Yes it is retrograde that means she will have to struggle quite a bit to reach the top position in the films of Bollywood .
  • Venus or Shukra rules her house of 11th house of gains from friends in the Horoscope and other people for Kangana Ranaut.
  • so Kangana Ranaut got good benefits from them . but due to retrogression struggle was there for Kangana Ranaut in the film industry or Bollywood.
  • career job

  • The 10th house of career in the Horoscope for Kangana Ranaut is ruled by Virgo sign or Kanya rashi.
  • this 10th house rules and actions & career for her.
  • Virgo sign is also the 6th sign so ruled by number 6 = which in turn is ruled by Venus or shukra the planet for Bollywood or the film industry.
  • so good success for 6=Venus Kangana Ranaut is there for her.
  • also as it is in lagna it could strengthen day by day for her :).
  • love Bollywood Kangana Ranaut films movies marriage
    What is the kind of Husband Kananga Ranaut may get in future?>
    lover Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • Now the next question is that what kind of person Kangana Ranaut may marry. now Gemini sign or mithuna rashi rules 7th house of marriage and love for Kangana Ranaut .
  • also we observe that Saturn or Shani dev energy is there in the horoscope(Kundli) of hers and Saturn rules the second and third house of Kangana Ranaut .
  • ketu dragon's tail Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • also ketu or dragon’s Tail; energy is there in her Horoscope influencing her 7th bhava of the Horoscope.
  • so Kangana Ranaut may get married to a person who is deeply philosophical or deep into Dharma .
  • Gemini mithuna Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • but because of the Gemini sign is there.
  • He could be young looking young but at the same time Saturn or Shani and Ketu(dragon’s tail) could make him more philosophical or serious minded as well.
  • There could be slightly darker complexion or less light complexion than Kangana Ranaut and Ketu(dragon’s tail) would give action oriented and bubbliness as well.
  • Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions
    Natal Chart /Natal Horoscope Analysis and Forecast for Kangana Ranaut :

  • The malefic Mars-Saturn combination is happening in 9th house of kangana, along with natal Saturn in 9th.
  • Saturn or Shani affects her gains, so her gains could be impacted due to this imbroglio.
  • Aspect on her natal mercury in 12th ruling her mind and public image= 4th house and her career( 7th house) is clearly evident.
  • As mercury represents speech as well, so she (Kangana) has to be careful about what she speaks.
  • Bollywood Kangana Ranaut films movies 2019 2020 predictions marriage love films
    What are the predictions for Kangana Ranaut for come 2019-2020 and in coming future?

  • Now when Jupiter or Guru comes in dhanu Lagna or Sagittarius in transit by end of 2019.
  • It could strengthen the Kangana Ranaut’s Lagna Bhava and fourth house of public image.
  • so she or Kangana Ranaut may get into a family or deeper relationship .also she may get great gains of Saturn .
  • her markesh bhava the 2nd and wealth and status bhava also strengthens.
  • so her getting married 2019 ending and 2020 is a high chance .
  • also more films and more work in 2020 for Kangana Ranaut.
  • the chances of marriage for Kangana Ranaut are high in December 2019 ending, higher chance in same March ending in April 2020 for Kangana Ranaut
  • yes May ending and June is also good time and so is august ending and September 2020 ๐Ÿ™‚ for her marriage.
  • we wish all the best in life for Kangana Ranaut. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Hrithik  Kangana Ranaut Horoscope kundli
    Birth details Hrithik Rohan
    ==>Date of Birth: 10 January 1974
    Time of Birth: not known
    City of Birth: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    Time of Birth: Unknown
    So we would work with Surya kundli of both
    About the conflict of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Roshan:

  • There is a war of words between Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut, which is now being played by the lawyers.
  • Almost every day statements are being made by the respective lawyers.
  • Hrithik Roshan’s lawyer has asked Kangana to record her statement than getting into media wars.
  • Let us to an astrological analysis of the situation
  • Hrithik
    Hrithik Solar Horoscope
    Natal Chart /Natal Horoscope Analysis and Forecast for Hrithik Roshan :

  • He has Sagittarius or dhanu ascendant in his Surya kundli.
  • The deadly mars-Saturn(Mangal Shani) combination is happening in his 12th
  • Mars or Mangal is ruler of 5th house and short term โ€œaffairsโ€ or connections.
  • The conjunction of mars and Saturn happens in 12th The house of secret connections with opposite sex.
  • Now we can see why there is so much of turmoil in this situation.
  • The harsh mars-Saturn combination affects the kind of people he( Hrithik connects to).
  • The aspect is on 3rd house , the people whom you connect to.
  • A retrograde Saturn ruling 3rd, means connection with people to do with justice( as Saturn deals with justice).
  • That is lawyers could be there and impact on his career could also be there as his natal Saturn sits in 7th house of relationships for him.
  • April was bound to be a bit tough but may be able to be a bit stiffer and he might want to introspect more and re strategize his life in May.
  • Hrithik Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions
    looking at logical compatibility of solar or Surya lagna of Kangana Ranaut with Hrithik Roshan?
    Sagittarius dhanu Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • Now Kangana Ranaut has Surya Lagna of Sagittarius sign or dhanu Rashi and Hrithik Roshan has Surya Lagna of Pisces or Meena Rashi.
  • so both lords for Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut are ruled by Jupiter(guru).so both are naturally friendly so that made them come together.
  • They will stay close together and have fun and joy. They both are good human beings and have good dignity due to Jupiter or Guru in common.
  • but at the same time we have to see that Hrithik lagna lord is Pisces sign or Meena rashi. Which makes him very sensitive .
  • rahu dragon's head Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • and it has Rahu or dragon’s head along with it so Hrithik Roshan to behave in a different manner .
  • may not be in line with whatever Kangana Ranaut would expect from him .
  • ๐Ÿ™‚ also where to know that sun or Surya dev is sitting the lagna(ascendant) of Hrithik Roshan. that makes in very distinct in a behaviour in personality .
  • and Rahu(dragon’s head) being there in the lagna makes Hrithik Roshan Rebel at times Rash or sudden in his behaviour .
  • so that is what exactly happened that Hrithik Roshan has suddenly broken the relationship with Kangana Ranaut suddenly that is what she is feeling bad .
  • sun Surya Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions

  • Now if we look at Kangana Ranaut’s horoscope as well. she again has Rahu and sun in the lagna or ascendant. so it is also 100% sure that she will have rebel nature .
  • so both Kangana Ranaut & Hrithik Roshan could have unexpected issues due to Rahu(dragonโ€™s head) and sun sitting in the lagna of both. ๐Ÿ™‚ .
  • That makes them both very independent minded apart from being great human beings.
  • so this could be the source of trouble or problems between the two
  • also note that Hrithik Roshan has a strong Jupiter or Guru in the lagna so he has great gratitude as well .
  • so he may have good feelings about Kangana as well .
  • numbers numerology Kangana Ranaut horoscope kundli predictions
    what does Anka Jyotish, or Numerology say about the relationship between Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut Now looking at the relationships between the two(namely Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Rohan) based on numerology or anka basis.

  • Hrithik is born on 10th of June 1974 and Kangana is born on 23rd March 1987 .
  • So Hrithik Roshan is number 10 that is number one.
  • also he is born in January that is the first month=1 so he has very strong independence in him.
  • which is very true and evident in his dances are so innovative.
  • His total numbers equal to 5 so he loves change, and he loves variety so he may not at all times focus on Kangana Ranaut- causing issues in relationships.
  • while Ranaut Kangana is born on 23rd of March that is ruled by Mercury 2 + 3=5 =Mercury or budha .
  • Also March is again Pisces sign or Meena Rashi that makes her restless.
  • Now we find that ๐Ÿ™‚ both Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Being restless to certain extent .
  • it would have been very difficult for them to Focus on one relationship .
  • But basic root number of Kangana Ranaut is six( all total of her date) so sooner or later Kangana Ranaut would try to settle for a long-term relationships and give her full energy to a family .
  • ๐Ÿ™‚ but sure she would love to travel and change, and fun would also be there.
  • which hopefully happen whenever she gets married she is able to adjust to the family needs.
  • May 2016 would be better for her than April.
    Kangana Ranaut
    A brief overview about Kangana Ranaut?

  • Kangana Ranaut is a Bollywood actor and now more into politics. she has been features 6 times into Forbes magazine.
  • she also has gotten the gallantry award from the state of India that is the Padma shri. It is a high civilian award for India.
  • Kangana Ranaut is originally from Himachal. also at a very young age she took up modelling in Delhi.
  • she later worked in Bombay film industry in various well-known films and movies like Gangster , metro, and fashion.
  • Later on she did great historical films like manikarnika and the Queen of Jhansi.
    Kangana Ranaut is also suggested to be the best-dressed celebrities in the country.
  • and is known to be very outspoken in the press.
  • The thoughts and views of Kangana Ranaut along with frequent reports of her personal or family .
  • and also films or profession related relationships have been intro controversy..
  • family Kangana Ranaut
    what Family and childhood of Kangana Ranaut?

  • Kangana Ranaut was born in Shimla in Himachal Pradesh. her father Sri amardeep ji is a businessman and her mother Asha Ranaut is a school teacher as such.
  • Kangana Ranaut also have an elder sibling or sister.
  • Her great grandfather was a member of the legislative assembly. also her grandfather was an IAS or from Indian administrative services.
  • In childhood itself Kangana Ranaut was rebellious and wanted things her own way. after failing in chemistry test in 12th class.
  • she felt like doing things her own way and maybe she joined modelling.
  • Initially in Bombay Kangana Ranaut struggled. But later she was successful. she had a tiff with her father as she refused his financial assistance.
  • Also Kangana Ranaut’s relatives were not happy with her joining the films.
  • But later on after her film Metro in 2007, she went good enough on things and success in films in Bollywood.
  • career job Kangana Ranaut
    About career of Kangana Ranaut?

  • Kangana Ranaut got the global film awards in 2006.The director Anurag basu got Kangana Ranaut into the romantic and crime thriller gangster.
  • Kangana Ranaut did the alcoholic character very well.
  • Kangana Ranaut gradually grew form her roles form 2004 onwards to now where she is a celebrity.
  • professionally she also connected to Shekhar suman’s son and had a relationship with him.
  • plus so was true with Hrithik Roshan. though later there was a case field in the cybercrime cell in this regard.
  • Kangana Ranaut suggested that Aditya Pancholi helped her grow in career but used her as well.
  • Bollywood
    What is Bollywood and why is it called Bollywood?

  • Bollywood is called the cinema or the films of Bombay industry. Just like we have Hollywood in California , we have Bollywood in Bombay or Mumbai :).
  • It makes the largest Hindi films. around 364 per year.
  • under the musical films where Indian cinema the largest producer since the years 1960.
  • As at that time it exceeded the American film industry’s total musical deliveries.
  • Bollywood has had both commercial or masala films and also art films or better films in that sense.
  • But now Recently the distinction between commercial masala films and parallel cinema or the better art films has been gradually getting blurred.
  • This has resulted in increased number of mainstream films

  • Horoscope Longevity Hitler Lifespan kundli Adolf Predictions

    horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions  horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions

    About this article ?

  • It talks about how is Longevity or Lifespan evaluated in any Horoscope or Kundli with special real life example of Adolf Hitler as well.
  • This article at length discusses longevity or Lifespan of Adolf Hitler based on Vedic astrology calculations in his Horoscope or Kundli.
  • It looks at the strength of lagan and eighth house .
  • and also how the Adolf Hitler’s Kundli or Horoscope predicts what planetary combination made Adolf Hitler commit suicide on 30 April 1945.
  • why it was madhayayu for Adolf Hitler’s Kundli or Horoscope is given for his Horoscope.
  • horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    Birth Details , Horoscope & Kundli of Adolf Hitler ?

  • Name: Adolf Hitler
  • Date of Birth: Apr 20, 1889
  • Time of Birth: 18:30:00
  • Place of Birth: Braunau
  • Time Zone: 2
  • longevity lifespan kundli horoscope evaluation
    How is Longevity or Lifespan evaluated in any Horoscope or Kundli?

  • The core determinant for Longevity or Life span in any Kundli or Horoscope is the strength of lagna.
  • Infact lagna of core ascendant strength is taken and also navamsha(d9) or moon lagna in some cases.
  • but sure so is the strength of life giver 8th house of the kundli or Horoscope important.
  • Then is the Ayushkaraka Saturn or Shani dev very important in determining the longevity.
  • so is the presence of malefic or benefics in the core nervous system of the Kundli or horoscope used to determine the longevity or life span.
  • like malefics like Saturn , mars, ketu or dragon’s tail or rahu dragon’s head etc are not so great in Kendra bhava or trikona like 1,4,7.10 house and also 1,5,9 house.
  • The below article calculates full longevity and life span for Adolf Hitler.
  • horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    Basic Longevity or Life Span of Adolf Hitler Based on His Horoscope or Kundli?
    fire anger horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    What planetary combinations in Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest Longevity or Lifespan ending due to fire or Gunshots ?

  • The lagan or ascendant of hitterโ€™s kundli or Horoscope. it is in the malefic house of 8th for Hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
  • also it is in the enemy sign of aries.
  • Though dispositor mars is very strong.
  • but still mars in 8th bhava of death suggest that there is a possibility that Hitler or he would have fire, gunshot, or accidental departure.
  • Kindly note that Mars or Mangal suggest fire.
  • it seems he committed suicide and burns were there.
  • also aggressive mars the lord of the secondary markesh the 3rd house, is also there. now note here the own action or self of hitler’s kundli or Horoscope connects to lagan or ascendant .
  • so makes Hitler do suicide.
  • russia foreign lands horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    What planetary combinations in Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope suggest Longevity or Lifespan ending due to foreigners like Russians ?

  • sun the lord of 12th house or foreign lands is there near the lagan in the 8th house of Hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
  • so suggest death by foreign people so yes Hitler and Eva Braun his lover and wife committed suicide in foreign lands due to fear of red army.
  • Venus the markesh bhava lord of the 2nd house of hitler’s kundli or Horoscope is also there in the 8th bhava.
  • so over all strong mars or mangal an energy, eighth house and also primary and secondary markesh being there for hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
  • suggest sudden death and also through own hands. captured by foreigners is also there as sun the lord of 12th bhava is there in the 8th house.
  • planets Yoga horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    What planetary combinations in Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope suggest Longevity or Lifespan ending in middle age based on his Horoscope or Kundli?

  • Venus the lord of second bhava of family also suggests that a women from his family that is Eva Braun his girlfriend & wife is also there.
  • also his end would come unexpectedly is there die to the 8th bhava direct involvement and primary and secondary markesh both being there.
  • So over all lagan for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope is not very strong and is in 8th bhava, afflicted by markesh lords of 2nd,3rd, and 12th bhava of the Horoscope, so suggested less age for Hitler.
  • around 50-55 years and that also a violent death due to 3rd bhava , 12th bhava and also 8th bhava involvement for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
  • saturn shani horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    Over all energy balance and also the Role of Saturn or Shani dev Longevity or Life span of Adolf Hitler Based on His Horoscope or Kundli?
    saturn shani horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    What is the role of Saturn or Shani dev for Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope suggest Longevity or Lifespan ?

  • Jupiter is in Kendra bhava, though with ketu or dragon’s tail does bless Adolf Hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
  • with some age. despite Saturn being in the 11th bhava of the Horoscope.
  • Adolf Hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
  • Saturn is also very weak for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
  • it is in the enemy sign of cancer or karkat rashi.
  • this not only gives Hitler depression it also reduces his longevity as well.
  • horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    Does Saturn or Shani dev for Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope or Kundli suggests health issues ?

  • From here on the 11th bhava , Saturn to Shani dev aspects the lagna or ascendant for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
  • impacting his longevity and life span as 11th or Aquarius sign or Kumbha rules the 6th house for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
  • this is the house for diseases.
  • so yes Hitler would remain plagued by diseases all over his life which is true. all this would reduce is longevity or life span as well.
  • so again the planetary arrangement for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope do not suggest dirghaya, or long life, but middle-aged life along with strong health issues to him.
  • dasha planetary period horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    which planet or dasha caused end of Adolf Hitler Based on His Horoscope or Kundli?
    rahu dragon's head horoscope Hitler longevity kundli adolf predictions
    What is the role of Rahu(dragon’s head) and Venus dasha for Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope or Kundli suggests longevity or lifespan coming to an end in rahu-Venus dasha ?

  • on 30 April 1945 when the longevity or lifespan of Adolf Hitler was over.
  • It was rahu-Venus running in Adolf Hitlers horoscope when he faced issues in life or longevity.
  • Now rahu aspects his Jupiter the Jeeva karaka in the 4th bhava in Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
  • also it is in the 10th bhava.
  • Venus is his lord for 2nd bhava and 9th bhava or horoscope.
  • 2nd bhava is markesh bhava for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
  • so naturally he is destined to leave the world that time.
  • also in transit Saturn or Shani comes with natal rahu or forms 4-8 numbers Yoga or combination in his 10th bhava.
  • also Saturn is ayushkaraka, so with rahu creates shadow to longevity or lifespan of Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.

  • Numerology Balika Vadhu TV serial Horoscope Pratyusha Banerjee Suicide Murder

    Balika vadhu suicide Tv serial horoscope astrology
    About this article?:

  • This very interesting article based on Numerology principles in depth analyses the cause of phenomenal success of the TV actress .
  • It uses ancient Vedic Astrology & Numerology Horoscope for making Accurate predictions on what numbers and planetary energies Made Balika Vadhu a success ๐Ÿ™‚ on TV serials.
  • Its further analyses in depth the planetary causes of the un-fortunate suicide of the TV star Pratyusha based on Numerology Horoscope and also solar Horoscope or Kundli
  • So one gets to know what Yogaโ€™s or planetary combinations GOD forbid could cause suicide and hence take preventive actions.
  • The story of the entire serial Balika vadhu of TV is given below in appendix of this article

  • What Number combinations in the Horoscope of Balika Vadhu TV serial made it Popular ?

  • we will use the ancient Swara Vigyan of Vedic astrology to know the core swara or alphabetical energies hidden in the word Balika Vadhu.
  • So if we look at numbers of “Balika Vadhu” TV serial it comes out to be 10(for Balika)+22( for Vadhu) = so the total is 32= that is Mercury or Budha.
  • Mercury or Budha is the core planet in Vedic astrology for nay Horoscope or Kundli for business and communications.
  • This overall number of Balika Vadhu TV serial is 32, and it has a deeper meaning to connection to people :), as it has Jupiter energies as well in the Number Horoscope or Kundli (so people here means the people of the country like India) and movements.
  • so almost every TV serials will have to do with this number 32 or 3+2=5.
  • It connects to communications of number 5 of mercury.
  • but you see the name BALIKA VADHU very directly connects to this swara, or Number and the results are obvious.:) great success of the serial.
  • so in summary due to harmony of energies Balika Vadhu with number 5 or mercury makes it a great success in India.
  • This country India is Ruled by Taurus ascendant or Vrishabha lagna ( number 6)and mercury is the second bhava lord so lord of wealth and status.:) so now we know why this serial got so much of name and status in this country.:)
  • Also note the name “Balika” is number 10= This is the number for wheel of fortune ;).
  • so it is like an exalted Jupiter in any Horoscope or kundli, that attracts grace of Lord Ganesha or GOD.
  • so, this means great success due to Jupiter or Guru energies in the Balika Vadhu Number Horoscope :).
  • so we can clearly see number 10 would mean great success and recognition for the Balika Vadhu TV serial is promised.
  • download
    Birth Details of Pratyusha Banerjee
    Name: Pratyusha Banerjee
    August 10, 1991
    As exact Time of Birth Not available , we will do solar kundali for her.
    What makes Pratyusha Banerjee Different:

  • As one can easily see , she has a combust moon in 1st house, now moon represents her mind.

  • The moon or her mind is strong in some sense as it is swgrahi( in own house cancer) but afflicted by sun the lord of 2nd house of wealth and status.

  • Sun gives a boost to her self-esteem and desire to achieve the most.
  • This is confirmed by the fact that she is born on 10th= 1+0=1= Sun, she is a number 1 person.
  • Also, she is a LEO, the King of the jungle.
  • So, she could be very strong willed and very much careful about her image . She would have a strong self-
  • pratyusha negative suicide balika vadhu numbers horoscope Tv serial
    horoscope โ€“ what could have caused the un-fortunate event for Pratyusha Banerjee

  • The hard transit of Saturn and mars, both enemies in 5th house of her thinking causeโ€™s turbulence in her mind, this transit affects her career & relationships as well.
  • Gains impacted and so is 2nd house of status and wealth flows a possibility.
  • Not necessarily- but a possibility.
  • Saturn or Shani rules 8th house for her.
  • and Saturn is lord of death other wise and in ruler ship as well.
  • So a strong chance of harm to body either by self or any other agency is possible.
  • This year 2016 is number 9, and her numbers strongly interact with this number 9, and vibrate with lot of energy.
  • Number 9 could give issues in love relationships, court cases and accidents/murders etc- as ruled by fiery mars.
  • The Date april-1 , is in line with her birth number 1, makes it a D-day for the lady unfortunately. As 1-1 energy gets too strong for her to deal with.
  • There is absolutely no denial that she was a strong lady but given possibility of emotional period.
  • Yes there could be loss of self-worth and strong willed-ness may be in other direction could cause suicide as well(LEO โ€˜s as a sun sign is not able to take such loses in relationships and image very well , though strong willed).
  • So I would not rule out suicide logically based on numbers and Vedic astrology .
  • A visit to proper counsellor, doctor and wearing a pearl might have helps a lot.

    FULL Story of Balika Vadhu TV Serial overview below.

  • this TV story is about the Anandi(Pratyusha) or the Pratyusha Banerjee the actress. she falls in love with small boy and also is a good friend of hers in college in Mumbai or Bombay .
  • he boy and abuses her and goes for another woman .she also gets married to this boy.
  • It also shows how the Indian family system works. but later the boy Jagdish refuses her and falls in love for some other women.
  • The family of Jagdish is refuses to abandon Anandi(Pratyusha) the original wife.
  • This boy does a second marriage and abandons Anandi(Pratyusha). But Anandi(Pratyusha) faces life with dignity & she starts in NGO of basically educating the girl child.:)
  • IN the process she meets with the DC or the district collector. so, she finally gets married to him .
  • But later on the original boy whom Anandi(Pratyusha) loved that is Jagdish realizes his mistake and then they become good friends with each other.
  • the DC then adjust Anandi(pratyusha) earlier child and also new one.
  • pratyusha Balika Vadhu serial
    Pratyusha Details

  • The main star of Pratyusha has committed suicide
    so, this article sort of covers the same .
  • all astrological reason in the horoscope for pratyusha in regard to committing suicide is covered.
  • suicide is a very unfortunate event and prevention is always better than cure.
  • Please look at the FULL Story overview below.
  • Pratyusha Banerjee was an Indian television well known actress.
  • She started her career with the Hindi serial Balika Vadhu as Anandi which was very popular.
  • She was fondly known as Anandi by her TV audience.

  • Balika vadhu details

  • Balika means child and vadhu means bride. This TV serial basically talks about Indian TV soap Opera .
  • It has been on air from year 2008 to 2016 with around 2200 episodes of this serial have been there.
  • This article also talks about what made the serial Balika vadhu so popular.
  • Now Balika Vadhu is a TV serial and as a name as it states it is basically the child bride.
  • this serial talks about the life in our Indian state Rajasthan society.
  • where it connects to child marriages & the focus is on Anandi(Pratyusha) and Jagdish two small children.
  • who get married in their childhood .

  • Horoscope Reincarnation Hitler Adolf karma Past Life kundli Predictions

    horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictionshoroscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    About this article

  • This article at length based on Horoscope Talks about the Past Life re-incarnation karma of Adolf Hitler Vedic astrology principles.
  • It talks about Hitler’s peculiar personality, health, career, job, social status, and many other factors of past life reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli and connects them to this life time reincarnation karma.
  • A highly interesting article on the super science of Vedic astrology and reincarnation karma – now to a certain extent proven by modern science (Brian Weiss) as well.
  • horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    What is Re-incarnation & Past Karma Life Kundli or Horoscope ?

  • reincarnation or past life karma is an ancient concept that believes in evolution for the soul though various animal or human bodies as the case may be to perfection!
  • it is followed strongly in Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, and also was followed in mystic traditions of Christianity and Judaism(cabbalah accepts reincarnation karma and do does agashan masters of the Egypt).
  • Amongst the Semitic religions, Islam strictly denies the re incarnation concept, but a few sects near turkey it seems follow the same.
  • Itโ€™s a very powerful concept to continuous improvement of souls and explains why some people are born blind, or weak or live only for a few hours etc- suggesting GOD is genuinely merciful and just and so are his laws.:)
  • That means there is a cause to every and any malady we have in this life time to our past life time reincarnation!
  • personality horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    The Basic Profile of Past Life karma or re-incarnation of Adolf Hitler
    conflicts health issues legal horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    Are the conflicts, health issues and fights visible int this life also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?

  • Based on Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli he has the main planet Venus impacting his past life and it is in the 12th bhava.
  • so as Venus also controls enmity and bad health for Adolf Hitler.
  • It suggest that in his past life reincarnation karma Hitler had prolonged conflicts & also health issues to do with sugar and also kidneys.
  • we note the conflict energy of past life is carried over this this life reincarnation karma for Adolf Hitler based on re-incarnation karma kundli or horoscope of his.
  • sex health syphilis horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    Are the sexual issues like syphilis in this life time also visible for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?

  • As Venus is weak here in the 12th bhava or house for the kundli or horoscope so severe sexual problems and mental problems could also be there for Hitler in his past life.
  • mental stress disorders bpd horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    is the mental issues like BPD or borderline personality disorder int this life time issues reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?

  • so we come to know from reliable sources that Hitler had sexual problem of syphilis and also BPD or borderline personality disorder.
  • so one can see that Hitler inherited these mental problems and traits from his past life reincarnation karma.
  • In this life time reincarnation karma Adolf Hitler had skin problems, note in Hitler’s previous life time mercury was in 12th house or bhava of past life reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli making him prone to skin diseases and mental issues in previous life time as well.
  • kindly note that in Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli mercury rules the mind or long-term thinking of his so causing him severe mental issues in the past life as well.
  • stubborn mental problems horoscope reincarnation hitler Adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    is stubbornness or other mental issues reflected int this life for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?

  • Mercury and Venus both on an Aries sign or mars sign gives him agitation in mind.
    also Taurus or vrishabha the lord give him the basic stubbornness he is caring over the previous reincarnation karma.
  • taurus people are stubborn we know.
    Note the dispositor mars is in own sign or Aries, so suggest that this mars energy goes to the lagan and also the planet mercury, so anger and action both were there strongly in his past life as well.
  • also he may have been issueless or kid less in the past life as well or a mild chance of one kid is there. as Jupiter is very strong, but with malefic ketu for Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
  • Saturn or Shani dev in the cancer sign or karkat rashis in Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli makes him a bit depression prone .
  • combined with weak mercury and weak Venus or shukra( on a strong dispositor like mars or mangal) makes him prone to mental disorders like BPD or borderline personality disorder.
  • that gives him sudden surges to do things and taurus or vrishabha makes Hitler stubborn.
  • career job horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    How did Adolf Hitler Career the past life Karma traits based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
    management leadership horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    was good management skills and into spirituality or somewhat dharma inclination int this life time also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?

  • Moon in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi with ketu (dragonโ€™s tail)suggest that some good spiritual karma of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli was there in the past.
  • thatโ€™s why he was able to do so much in this world. despite the negative aspect.
    also Saturn or Kumbha primarily and also cparicron to a lesser extent influences the past life karma or reincarnation of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
  • it suggest his actions were to do with management of people or large set of downtrodden people . also he was inspiring them 11th sign of Aquarius or kumbha.
  • this is exactly what Hitler did in this life time inspiring the Germans ( Nazism) and to overthrow the Jews and others to create his own regime in the world.
  • so one can clearly see the continuity of actions form the previous life reincarnation karma to present life actions for Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
  • inspiration Aquarius horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    was good inspiration in this life time also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?
    so strongest influence on karma for past life reincarnation karma or Hitler was Saturn or Shani dev or the people suppressed. he was also a great inspirational person to them due to kumbha rashi or Aquarius sign.
    world born country of broth city horoscope reincarnation Hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    Which country was Adolf Hitler born in Past Life re-incarnation ?
    Countries Hitler might have been born in his past life reincarnation karma?

  • so the countries based on Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli where he could be born is Cyprus.
  • it could also be Tasmania, also it could be Ireland. also it could be Capri and Rhodes. also the Greek Islands, Cuba near USA, East Timor, Serbia, if in south Africa or could be Tanzania, South Africa , and Yemen.
  • as Venus or shukra energies are strong so it could be most probably Greek islands or Ireland
  • Cities Hitler could have been born in his past life reincarnation karma ?

  • Cities that are ruled by the vrishabha rashi include Lucerne, Eastbound, Eastbourne.
  • and also Hastings, plus Palermo, Leipzig, also St. Louis and Dublin.
  • Note Jupiter or guru being very strong in the hidden bhava of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
  • suggests that Hitler might have deep connection with mystic east or India . we know he was fascinated by swastika.
  • family money background horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    what was The Basic Money, Family and Luck factors of Past Life karma re-incarnation of Adolf Hitler?
    family horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    Is the disrupted family life in this life time also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?

  • the family life of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli is distinct and unique .
  • That is Hitler was in past life reincarnation born in an aristocratic family
  • but it was disturbed, or other Hitler had traveled far away from this native place.
  • so the family life and mind both had a lot of vicissitudes for Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
  • also a string connection with the only child is there for Adolf Hitler .
  • yes Venus does suggest health issues to the child in Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli and also very strong level of legal conflicts for Hitler in his past life.
  • we see there is a continuity of karma here as Eva Braun the lover of Hitler tried suicide twice.
  • money wealth horoscope reincarnation hitler adolf karma past life kundli predictions
    Is the severe ups and down in life in this life time for him also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?

  • also Hitler had multiple relationships with women in the past life time as well. (syphilis is a venereal disease that he got in this life time as per google.
  • so clearly the seed of sexual conduct was there long back as well in past life).
  • so due to weak Venus and connection with strong mars or mangal the social passions for Hitler were strong enough in past life as well to control or handle.
  • so this lead to multiple relationships in his past life reincarnation karma as well.
  • also Jupiter very strong in Jupiter or Guru does promise great wealth, but at the same time moon and ketu nearby & weak mercury suggest there were great ups and down in money flows and status of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
  • conclusion horoscope reincarnation Hitler Adolf karma past life kundli predictions

  • we observe that very clearly Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli his present life time incarnation .
  • In regard to personality, career or job, money and family status was similar if not the same in the past life time.
  • the moral of the story is that we take the seed tendencies of the past life time in this life time as well.
  • if we are able to work on past life krama we can change anything in life.

  • All above content personal opinion for entertainment purposes only .