Your Past Life Incarnation ,Re-birth & Karma Report( based on Combined Power of Nadi, Vedic Astrology, Western Astrology, Yavan Anka Nadi , Higher Divisional or Varga Charts and Several Other Methods) & Coming 3 Years Predictions & connection to Past Life karma of the Same- This Report Can Change your Life for Good!
Why is Past Life or previous a fact of Life?
- Past life or our previous birth incarnation and rebirth is one of the fundamental & a highly logical premise on which Vedic astrology works . Also many of the world’s great religions like Hinduism,Budhism,Jains,Sikhs,sections of Jewish and Christian community and many others also believe in re-birth.
- One can see that there is no reason one person is born blessed with beauty, wealth and comfort and other person is born ugly and with no money. We all know, GOD cannot be un just with anyone of us. He is has created laws and if we break it – we get rewarded or punished- till we learn the lessons we have to learn on this earth.
- Just like the ticket one gets from the traffic police if one violates a signal at traffic light. Something similar is the law of reincarnation or rebirths
Recent experiences by qualified Doctors(psychiatrist) about past life .
- Many of the parapsychologist and psychiatrist have done a keen study of the subject and came up with convincing proofs for the same. Infact a bestseller by brian wiess would be of interest , who published his accounts on past life regression in a book:
- Many Live and Many Masters- worlds Best seller On Past Life & Reincarnation CLICK HERE to View The Book
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Why you should buy this Past Life re-incarnation, re-birth and Karma report?
That is like western astrology, Vedic astrology,d1, d9, d12 or other divisional chart , Several Nadi systems.
Plus there are no cross checks, as only singular methods exist.
Which can in some cases give in-correct or not so correct results.

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VIEW SAMPLE LATEST-Selected PartsCONFIDENTIAL:Your Past Life Incarnation,Re-birth & Karma Report-vedic astrology & Numerology-3 year Predictions
” …I am really startled to see the accuracy in the combo report and what is happening in my life now sir. Yes, suggestions have helped me a ton to love my current work and do some important changes- that is helping me to earn more, be relaxed and more healthy and positive in life..Thanks, now I am a winner in life and am smiling always. Many thanks and May GOD bless you
A K singh”
( Basic Plus Hebrew Numerology)Past Life Incarnation, Re-birth & karma COMBO REPORT(Vedic Astrology PLUS Yavan anka nadi, nadi astrology,nakshstra, varga charts, western astrology ALL Combined Report) – How your past life connects to present problems and situations based on combined power of Vedic Astrology and anka nadi of the Yavan(Originally Vedic Swara Vigyan)? This Report is very Unique,powerful and Highly Accurate can Change your life for Good.
- In this Past Life Incarnation, rebirth & karma REPORT(Vedic Astrology Based PLUS Yavana Nada Nadi(Vedic Swara Vigyan))- you get additional value apart from the BASIC Report above, the value of cross checking your past life based on Vedic astrology and Also Yavan anka nadi, nakshatra, varga charts, western astrology, nadi astrology . This is a rare opportunity for anyone
- The combined power of both these sciences makes it powerful & authentic reference for solving any problem of life be it love/career/money/health/family/legal etc.
- The combo report is very Rare & Unique in the world. It is also highly accurate as it combines and cross validates the power of various methods of astrology and anka and nadi(Originally Vedic Swara Vigyan).
- Due to cross validation of Vedic astrology & Hebrew Numerology the world’s most powerful systems of divination, any errors or mistakes due to incorrect birth time is taken care of automatically and know exactly, that you had past and numerology and astrology both point to the same destiny of yours in this life time or incarnation.
- AND also would help to help you connect to your inherited from past life talents, traits, attitudes from past life at physical/mental or spiritual level.
- You get a combination of powerful remedies and suggestion based on both Vedic astrology and also Hebrew Numerology(Swara Vigyan). So by following report & suggestions sincerely , you significantly increase your chances of success in any area of your life be it love/marriage career/money/family/marital/children/health or money matters with the right attitude in alignment with your past karma-helping you life a much happier and fulfilling life!
- The COMBO Vedic Astrology, naskshatra,nadi astrology, western astrology,varga charts yavana anka nadi based past life report is a hand-written over 60-100 pages report by an expert Vedic astrologer & Numerologist 25+ years experience in Jyotisha & Numerology, spending over 40 hours in writing & checking the report.