Rio Olympics 2016 Indian athletes Predictions- august : manika-batra ,apurvi chandela-praveen rana- Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish


Rio Olympics 2016 Indian athletes august : manika-batra ,apurvi chandela-praveen rana- Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish


The rio Olympics games starts on 5th of august and ends on 21st of august 2016. India has fielded athletes for events like archery,gymansatics,atheletics,Boxing,Badminton,Golf,Hockey,judo, rowing, shooting, swimming, table tennis & weight lifting.

The participants that could make India proud are :

  • Jitu Rai(shooting)
  • Praveen rana(wrestling)
  • Khushbir kaur -20 KM race walk
  • Apurvi Chandela – air rifle
  • Sandeep tomar 57 KG Free style
  • Laxmirani manjhi – archery
  • Prakash nanjappa 50 meter air pistol
  • Nitendar singh rawat- marathon
  • Manika Batra- table tennis
  • Kyanan chenai – shooting,Mens trap
  • Prarthana Thombare- women’s double tennis

Rio Olympic Games 2016 begins on

Friday, August 5

and ends on

Sunday, August 21

rio Olympics games- what does India(Bharat) to get out of it ? Based On Vedic Astrology or Jyotish :

Now let us look at what vimshottari dasha period India runs  now?

It runs moon-mars till start of 2017.

Mars rules 12th house( of losses plus foreign lands) and also 7th house( of relationships)  it sits in 2nd house of wealth and status. The dhana bhava.

A malefic transit of mars and Saturn in 7th house of India –upon natal ketu, could give issues in relationships with foreign lands( we recently had Chinese incursions and also conflict  with Pakistan in regard to the Kashmir issue in the news).

But at the same time Ketu could give significant gains in image as well which one may not be able to imagine.

So one might have unexpected happening in India’s Image- that is either it could become a shooting start and win more than expected medal or simply go down GOD forbid. But mars ruling 12th house strongly suggest gains through foreign lands(Olympic event is in foreign lands) so this gain could come in.

In D09( Navamsa of India), Mars rules gains and fortune and aspects the 4th house of publics image and send s energy to action house. So  macho  events like wrestling, judo & boxing could give great results.

rio Olympics games- India(bharat) – the Impact of Transits and sub-sub periods

  •   India  runs Moon-mars-rahu  , this could give surprises to India in terms of results. un expected results could happen.The recent overturn un narsingh yadav the prime wrestling contestant is a living proof of rahu’s involvement here in the games.
  • Venus the lord of ascendant is weak in transit in 4th house of public image, Sun the planet that rules public image for India is weak almost the entire games barring the last week when it could give some good results.
  • The Only protector is mercury- that is in Leo and could be a bit supportive- but not as much.
  • Jupiter that might create obstacles or unexpectedness the lord of house of 8th is already weak in transit- so it infact affects the house of image of India
  • So India’s performance as per present expectations may be just slightly  below average- I would put it at 4.0 out of 10.Also there would be bunch of surprises & unexpected events results due to rahu-ketu(like in case of wrestler narsingh yadav). Player expected to perform better may not perform that well, but players with lesser expectations may perform better.The over all comfort with the results would be less (The loss of match in 59th minute in hockey and abhinav bindra a gold medalist not even getting bronze is a confirmation of the planetary effects of rahu & ketu) India would do well on dates like 6,12,11,24 and also to a lesser extent on 9,18 August
  • We at personal level Pray to GOD for India to perform its best.
  • How Your Wealth,Comfort in Life and Riches related to Your Lord of ascendant or Rashi or moon sign? Based on vedic Jyotish
  • The Health Of New Born Child?Conditions or environment- Vedic Astrology
  • Health Horoscope:What is the relation Health Problems & Our Body Parts in Horoscope To Our Birth Chart?Vedic Jyotish

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  • fifth house lord In Kundli (horoscope) Impact OR Putra’s Lord in Various Houses – Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish


    • If the fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in Lagn or ascendant, the person will be insightful, be enriched with progeny satisfaction( as the lord of 5th house gains energy from 1st house), be a person who may spend less ( as 1st house is 12th from dhana bhava or house), be slanted and will take other peoples riches or wealth.
    • If the fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in second house or  Dhan Bhava, the person will have numerous children and riches( as dhana bhava magnifies the effects of the 5th house the house of children), be respectable, be connected to his life partner( as 2nd house has a connection with the life partner or family) and be popular.
    • In the event that fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in the third house or Sahaj bhava- the house  for valour and siblings, the person  will be connected to his co-borns or brothers and sisters- as a strong connection between the house of trines(5th house) and house of siblings is there. be a story teller and a grumpy person and be constantly keen on his own work.
    • If fifth house lord or   Putr’s Lord is in the fourth house or  Bandhu Bhava, the person will be cheerful and friendly, with maternal bliss( a trine house 5 connecting with Kendra house 4),will  riches and knowledge and be a ruler, or a clergyman, or a preceptor.
    • fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in Putra Bhava or fifth house , the person  will have children( strong 5th house energy is there), if the lord is  identified with a benefic; there will be no issues, if malefic is identified with fifth house lord or  Putr’s Lord, set in Putra Bhava. Putr’s Lord in Putra Bhava will, notwithstanding, make one ethical and dear to companions. Trine house lord the house of thinking in trine makes a good combination.
    • If fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in sixth house or Ari Bhava, the person will have  such children, who will be equivalent to his enemies as the lord settles in the house of disputes and conflicts(6th house), or will lose them, or will obtain a received, or adopted child.
    • If fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in the seventh house or Yuvati Bhava, the person will be fair, exceptionally religious( 5th house is of deep thinking and 5th house lord in Kendra reinforces this in terms of religious thinking), will get  progeny satisfaction and be useful to others.
    • If fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in Randhr Bhava or the eighth house , the person won’t have much progeny satisfaction( as the eight house is house of death), be grieved by hack and pneumonia problems( as 5th house is lower part of lungs and stomach and 8th house kills any one in contact with the same), be given to outrage and be without joy- as thinking of 5th house is affected by negative thinking of the 8th
    • fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in ninth house or Dharma Bhava, the person  will be a ruler, or equivalent to him( a trine lord in the house of luck= 9th house), will creator treatises( as the knowledge of 5th house would be blessed by the knowledge Guru Jupiter the karaka for 9th house), be renowned and will sparkle in his community or group.
    • If fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in tenth house or Karma Bhava, the person  has  a Raj Yoga and would have different delights and be extremely renowned.
    • In the event that fifth house lord or  Putr’s Lord is in eleventh house or  Labh Bhava, the person  will be found out, dear to people, be a creator of treatises, be extremely skilful and be invested with many  children and riches( the trine lord of 5th magnifies the good of the 11th house).
    • On the off chance if fifth house lord or Putr’s Lord is in twelfth house of expenditure or Vyaya Bhava, the person  will be dispossessed of satisfaction from his own children, will have a received, or obtained a child.

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    Salman Khan acquitted in chinkara poaching cases by Rajasthan High court-Kundli Or Horoscope By Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish

    salman profile

    Salman Khan acquitted in chinkara poaching cases by Rajasthan High court-Kundi Or Birth Horoscope Analysis By Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish


    Salman khan Got relief from the Rajasthan High court at Jodhpur as it acquitted him in two of the cases to do with poaching of chinkara( variety of deer) on 25th July 2016(Monday). He was booked under wildlife protection act in the village of bhawad on 26 n 27th September 1998.

    The trial court (CJM) had convicted him for both these cases & sentenced him to one year and 5 year imprisonment on the dates of February 17, 2006 and April 10, 2006 respectively.

    Salman Khan  had then appealed to the Rajasthan high court challenging a lower court’s verdict regarding .

    Birth date: 27th of  December 1965

    Birth time: 14 hours 37 min.

    Birth place: Indore, MP, India

    salmankhanH horoscope chinkara jodhpur high court aquittal

    Salman Khan Chinkara Poaching Case Analysis :

    Salman Khan – what caused him to get embroiled or Booked for the Chinkara Case in September 1998? Based on vedic Astrology or Jyotish

    • I had already predicted in my other articles(please refer articles below) that this year 2016 would be great and the reason for the same.He is running Jupiter-moon till April 1999.
    • The maha dasha lord Jupiter( guru) is very weak and retro gate and rules 9th house and 12th house of confinement or getting into  a legal conflict.
    • Jupiter the maha dasha lord sits on mercury(budha) sign Gemini(mithuna rashi) in third house of initiatives and Virgo or kanya rashi rules 6th house of litigation and issues.
    • Jupiter is also said to be the law master, being retro gate could give some negative effects-like getting into the legal tangle.
    • Also mercury the dispositer of Jupiter is in a malefic house of 8th, getting energy from rahu. This combination of energy reinforces the possibility of getting unexpectedly into a legal tangle.
    • So the maha dasha lord clearly suggests possibility of a legal tangle here for salman.
    • He is running the period of moon ruling his public image and home and sitting in 11th house. Saturn (shani)also sits close to moon(Chandra), and moon gets good energy from Saturn( shani) helping him to procure a palatial house.
    • Saturn connects to his hour of career & gains. Now Saturn is very weak and retro gate in transit in Aries at 8 degrees .Almost exactly conjunct with his natal mars ruling 8th house unexpected trouble.
    • So Saturn is not able to give the protection to salman khan’s moon and also mars and Saturn clash cause an angry outburst in 1998.

    Salman Khan – what caused him to Get  Acquitted  for the Chinkara Case in 2016?His Future in 2017- Based on vedic Astrology or Jyotish

    • In Year 2016, he is running Saturn-rahu. Now both Saturn(shani) and rahu are in harmony with each other as they are called the cousins.
    • Also Rahu is exalted in 2nd house of Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi , the house(dhana bhava) that rules gains , status and wealth flows. He got status by acquittal and his movie sultan is doing well.
    • As he continues to run rahu in 2017 as well, he will continue to grow in stature. The only thing is in 2017 he have more delays and surprises that heeds to deal carefully, else OK.

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    The Impact of Bandhu’s Lord( or fourth house) in houses in Kundli Or Horoscope-Vedic astrology or Jyotish


    The  Impact of Bandhu’s Lord( or fourth house) in Various Bhavas or houses in Kindly- based On Vedic astrology

    The fourth house represents the mother or the mind or the family and comforts(home and house) of the person in one’s kundli or birth Horoscope. Good strength and placement of this lord is imperative for a happy and prosperous  family life.


    • If the Bandhu’s Lord(fourth house lord) is in Tanu Bhava(The first house of self and personality) in your kundli, the person  will be enriched with learning, ethics, decorations, terrains, movements and maternal satisfaction, as fourth house deals with family, home and decorations.
    • In the event that Bandhu’s Lord ( Fourth house lord)is in Dhan Bhava or the second house of wealth and status in the kundli, the person will appreciate delights, a wide range of riches, family life and respect and be daring. He will be crafty in manner.
    • If Bandhu’s Lord is in Sahaj Bhava or third house the house of valour kundli, the person  will be valorous, will have hirelings, be liberal, ethical and altruistic and will have self-earned riches. He will be free from ailments or health troubles.
    • If in the kundli Bandhu’s Lord is in Bandhu bhava the fourth house, the person will be a priest and will have a wide range of riches. As one can clearly see a re enforcement of energies of the fourth house in your birth chart or kundli.He will be skillful, idealistic, noteworthy, educated, glad and be very much arranged to his life partner.
    • In the event that Bandhu’s Lord( the fourth house) is in Putr Bhava or fifth house in your kundli or birth horoscope, the person will be upbeat and be enjoyed by all. He will be dedicated to Śrī Vishnu or lord Krishna, be upright, decent and will have self-earned riches.
    • In the event that Bandhu’s Lord is in Ari Bhava or the sixth house of debt , bad health and fights un your kundli or birth chart, the person will be without maternal satisfaction( as 6th house sends malefic energy to home or comforts of life), be given to outrage, be a hoodlum and a seer, be free in real life and be incapacitated.
    • Say Bandhu’s Lord (fourth house)is in Yuvati Bhava or seventh house in your kundli or birth horoscope . As both are Kendra houses- the person  will be blessed with a high level of training, will give up his patrimony .May not be able to speak well in parties.
    • If  Bandhu’s Lord(fourth house) is in Randhr Bhava or eighth house of wastega end death and malefic influences in your kundli or birth horoscope, the person will be comfort, won’t appreciate much parental satisfaction and be equivalent to a neuter.
    • In the event that Bandhu’s Lord(the fourth house) is in Dharma Bhava or the ninth house in your kundli or birth horoscope, the person will be of high repute to the whole gang, be dedicated to God, be temperate, fair and invested with each place where there is joy.
    • If Bandhu’s Lord(Fourth house) is in Karma Bhava or the tenth house  in your kindly or birth Horosc ope, the person will appreciate illustrious respects, be a chemist, be to a great degree satisfied, will appreciate delights and will overcome his five senses or Indriyas.
    • If Bandhu’s Lord(fourth house) is in Labh Bhava or eleventh house gains in your kundli or birth chart/horoscope, the person  will have apprehension of mystery ailment( 11th house is 8th from 4th and 4th house represents your mind), he will be liberal, upright, magnanimous and accommodating to others.
    • If Bandhu’s Lord( fourth house) is in Vyaya Bhava or twelfth house of expenditure and vices,  the person in the birth horoscope or kindly will be without domestic comforts(as the 12rh house shares  energy with the 4th house of comforts), will have indecencies and be absurd and inactive( 12 th house deals with indiscreet sexual conduct and 4th house is the mind).

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    What’s The Impacts of third house lord(sahaja bhava) in houses in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart) – Based On Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish

    brother-sister third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions

    About this article ?

  • The article below in depth explains the role of third house or sahaj Bhava in any Kundli or Horoscope.
  • It further goes to discuss the impact of third house or sahaj bhava lord placement in various houses of the Horoscope or kundli.
  • Based on placement of 3rd house lord it discusses anyone’s happiness, initiatives, foreign travels, Job, career, love matters , money gains etc.
  •  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions
    What’s The Impacts of third house lord(sahaja bhava) in Various Bhavas or houses in any Horoscope– Based On Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish
    valour courage  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions

  • The third house or the sahaja bhava in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart) deals with your valor and courage.
  • The third house in any Kundli or Horoscope deals with your siblings( brothers and sisters).
  • Also The strength and placement of the lord of 3rd house gives an indication about what would be the outcome of your initiatives ( business) or projects and also about your brothers and sisters.
  • If that Sahaj’s Lord is in Tanu Bhava or the first house , in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart) the person will have independent riches.
  • The person will be loving, be valorous and be shrewd, but without learning. As 1st house is 11th from 3rd house so placement here takes away learning.
  • negative habbits  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions

  • If in case Sahaj’s Lord( third house) is in Dhana Bhava or second house of wealth in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart),the second house being twelfth from third house .
  • Then the person will be chunky, without much velour or courage , won’t do very well in projects, be not cheerful and will have an eye on others’ spouses and others’ riches.
  • The actions of the person get sullied or darkened as 12th house deals with sex and 3rd with action or initiatives.
  • brother sister  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions

  • If the Sahaj’s Lord is in Sahaj Bhava or the third house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • The person will be blessed with bliss through co-born and will have riches and children, be bright and to a great degree cheerful.
  • happiness family  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions

  • If the Sahaj’s Lord(Third house) is in Bandhu Bhava or fourth house of home/family or mother in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the person will be cheerful, rich and clever, however will procure an insidious life partner.
  • life partner lover  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions

  • If the Sahaj’s Lord(Third house) is in Putra Bhava or the fifth house, the 5th house being the house of children in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the person will have children and be upright.
  • In the event that in the process Sahaj’s Lord be yuti or conjunction with, or gets a Drishti (aspect) from a malefic, the person will have an impressive spouse.
  • If Sahaj’s Lord(Third house) is in Ari Bhava or the six house of enmity, debt and health in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the person will be antagonistic to his brothers and sisters( as 3rd house is brothers and sisters).
  • Also the person be wealthy, won’t be very much inclined to his maternal uncle and be of high repute to his maternal auntie.
  • The 6th house is 3rd form 4th house of mother.
  • so means brother of mother , but 3rd house is 12th from 4th– so such results are there.
  •  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions cheerful negative sad

  • if in case Sahaj’s(Third house) Lord is in Yuvati Bhava or the seventh house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the person will be keen on serving the ruler.
  • He won’t be cheerful in childhood, however the end of his life he will be upbeat and good.
  • anger emotions  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions

  • If in case Sahaj’s(Third house) Lord is in Randhr Bhava or the eighth house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • The person could be a hoodlum( as action of 3rd house and bad habits and company of 8th house connect).
  • The he will infer his business serving others and will bite the dust at the door of the regal royal residence.
  • If Sahaj’s Lord(Third house) is in Dharma Bhava or the ninth house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the person will need fatherly ecstasy, will make fortunes through spouse and will appreciate progenic and different delights.
  • If Sahaj’s Lord (third house lord)is in Karma Bhava or the tenth house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the person will have all terrains of bliss and independent riches and be keen on sustaining insidious females.
  •  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions

  • If Sahaj’s Lord(Third house) is in Labh Bhava or the house of gains in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • then person will dependably smart in exchanging things, be smart, despite the fact that not educated, be bold and will serve others.
  • sex indulgence  third house sahaj bhava horoscope kundli predictions

  • If Sahaj’s Lord(third house) is in Vyaya bhava or the twelfth house of expenditure and not so good actions in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • the person will spend on not so good deeds, will have an insidious father and will be lucky through a female.

  • The effects of Dhan’s Lord or second house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart)- Vedic Astrology or Jyotish

    pound-wealthhoroscope kundli second house bhava status wealth money predictions

    About this Article?

  • This highly interesting article on the second house or bhava of any Horoscope or Kundli and covers the predictions for wealth, money, status, image, family, and face etc for second house.
  • Also the predictions of second house lord in various houses of the Horoscope or Kundli are covered.
  • It also investigates how the second house lord could make someone a prince:) (very rich :)) or a pauper :((poor :().
  • Or make someone equal to a king or spend too much money on matter or say spend less etc.:) all covered below.
  • How is the Family connections of anyone is also given from the second bhava in detail below.
  • Also what are the planetary conditions that cause less comfort or gains from the family – all covered in detail.
  • The article also covers how is the second house or bhava lord is sufficiently strong, then one could support many more people by his earnings.
  • Also if the second bhava house is weak and afflicted , how the person may have to toil a lot for earning.
  • second house horoscope
    What is the Role of the 2nd House or bhava for any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • The second house or Dhana bhava deals with wealth, family, speech, and status of a person in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • The strength ,weakness and placement of this lord determines what kind of wealth and status or family life the person might have.
  • family dhana bhava second house kundli horoscope
    How could the 2nd(second) house of any Horoscope or Kundli cause any one to have a strong connection to his family and extended family :)?

  • If the lord or ruler of the 2nd house of any kundli or Horoscope is a natural benefic planet(like Jupiter or Guru, strong mercury or budha, Venus etc).
  • and is situated in Kendra( any house like 1,4,7,10) or in its sign of exaltation or is in a friendly sign(Like sun in Virgo is friendly sign) or in a sign of a benefic.
  • the person has a strong connection with his family and extended family and rears that up & also the speech is very nice as such.
  • so obviously if 2nd bhava or house lord is strong, naturally the speech is very good.:) .
  • also a strong 2nd house of any kundli or Horoscope gives great sense of extended family as such.
  • family dhana bhava second house kundli horoscope
    How could the 2nd(second) house of any Horoscope or Kundli cause any one to eb a great supporter his family and extended family :)?

  • if the lord of the lagan or ascendant is also strong and in its sign of exaltation(like Saturn or Shani in libra for Capricorn or Aquarius ascendant).
  • and if there is a benefic in his exaltation sign in the 2nd house.
  • also there is an aspect of a benefic .
  • then the person is a supporter of many people as an extension of his or her family.
  • the reason is that 2nd house or bhava of kundli or Horoscope is family. if the self or lagan is strong.
  • and so is the 2nd bhava, the person is generally a good person and treats large set of people as his own family.
  • protector dhana bhava second house kundli horoscope
    How could the 2nd(second) house of any Horoscope or Kundli cause any one to be a great protector of others :)?

  • If Jupiter or Guru occupies its own sign(Sagittarius or Pisces) in the 2nd house or if Venus or Mercury are strong n own sign or exalted.
  • so also if these planets Jupiter, mercury and Venus are in their sign of exaltation or friendly sign and further strengthen in the 4th house of kundli or Horoscope, .
  • the person is helpful and protector of others.
  • Naturally strong benefics in the 2nd bhava or house of any kundli or Horoscope, gives good vibrations for family related matters for anyone.
  • so apart from treating others as a part of family he or she would be a good protector or others as well.
  • negative no help dhana bhava second house kundli horoscope
    How could the 2nd(second) house of any Horoscope or Kundli cause not much help form the family and for his living :)?

  • If the lord the 2nd house is a natural malefic(like Saturn, Mars or mangal or say rahu or ketu sits in the 2nd bhava) .
  • plus the additional condition is that it happens to be associated with or there is an aspect of by malefic like Saturn, mars or rahu, ketu.
  • also say the 2nd house lord of a horoscope or kundli is in his sign of exaltation and if the lord of the Ascendant is weak & associated with it.
  • the person has not get any help in his livings.
  • less comfort dhana bhava second house kundli horoscope
    How could the 2nd(second) house of any Horoscope or Kundli cause not have much family comfort in life :)?

  • also if in any horoscope or kundli there are many natural malefics in the 2nd house and the lord or the ruler of the 2nd house is weak.
  • There is also aspect from malefics(like Saturn, mars and rahu ).
  • Plus the lord of the lagna or ascendant is placed in any of the malefic houses (6th or shatru , 8th or randhr bhava or 12th or vayya bhava) with malefics as explained.
  • the person would not have any family comfort in life .
  • second house horoscope wealth money
    What is the Impact of Second House Or bhava(wealth) lord in Various Houses of the Horoscope?
    second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 1 House of the kundli?

  • If the Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Tanu Bhava the ascendant in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • As this gives good energy to the self or ascendant – the person will be enriched with children and riches but could be at times antagonistic to his family.
  • Also in some case the person could be lascivious or towards sex matter, or remorseless and will carry out others’ occupations or work.
  • king raja yoga second house bhaav horoscope kundli
    How could second house or 2nd bhava of Kundli or Horoscope make any one like a king :)?

  • Given if the lord of 2nd house of any Kundli or Horoscope is located in its sign of exaltation like Leo or simha rashi lord is in Aries sign or Mesha rashi .
  • or in its Mool trikona sign(positive) sign.
  • like Venus or shukra is lagan or ascendant lord and is placed in the Libra sign or Tula Rashi in the 2nd house.
  • Also the lord of the lagna is strong in the Kundli or Horoscope, and the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the 2nd house.
  • It is also located in Kendra bhava( 4,7,10,1 houses of horoscope).
  • The person goes to very senior position or rules as a king.
  • It’s like for example the Leo lagna is there in the 2nd bhava, and sun is itself in strong sign of Aries.
  • also the lagna or ascendant or self is very strong. Makes one enjoy great status and benefits of life :).
  • kind pleasures second house bhaav horoscope kundli
    How could second house or 2nd bhava of Kundli or Horoscope the person enjoys King Like pleasures :)?

  • also if in any Kundli or Horoscope If the lord of the 2nd(second) house is located in its sign of exaltation(like sun in Aries as discussed above).
  • Or in its Mool trikona sign (positive) sign(Like for Libra ruling the second bhava Venus is in the Libra sign), in the second house.
  • also the additional condition is that the lord of the lagna or ascendant is strong.
  • also the lord of the sign or rashi occupied by the lord of the 2nd house or bhava is located in Kendra and gaining more strength, the person becomes king like or enjoys king like pleasure.
  • as second house or bhava is strong, so is lagan or ascendant and so is the dispositor of the second bhava very strong to give a great status of a king :).
  • people masses crowd second house bhaav horoscope kundli
    How could second house or 2nd bhava of Kundli or Horoscope make one have lot of obstacles in earnings?

  • If the 2nd house of any Kundli or Horoscope has a malefic planet like Saturn(Shani), mars(mangal) and or Rahu(dragon’s head) or Dragon’s tail.
  • Plus the additional condition is that the lord of the 2nd(second) house is associated with or aspected by malefic planets.
  • The person would earn his living with many obstacles .
  • family second house bhaav horoscope kundli
    How could the 2nd house or bhava of any kundli or Horoscope suggest that one could support at least 20 people in life ?

  • but on the contrary if the lord of the 2nd(second) house or bhava of Kundli or Horoscope is associated with natural benefics (like Jupiter, Venus, moon, mercury) .
  • Also the Moon or Chandra is in the 2nd house of Kundli, or Horoscope is in the Paravatamsha.
  • so in this case the person can help at least 20 people in their earnings or livelihood.
  • people second house bhava horoscope kundli
    How could the 2nd house or bhava of any kundli or Horoscope suggest that one could support at least 300 people in life ?

  • If the lord of the 2nd house(second bhava ) of any Kundli or Horoscope is placed in his sign of exaltation or in friendly sign(like say if Gemini or mithuna rules the 2nd bhava or house and is placed in the Virgo sign).
  • or in his own sign( once again for mercury own sign is Virgo and so is the exhalation).
  • Or if in case it occupies the -Simhaasan-division or the Paravalaatnsha division in the varga charts & is aspected by benefic Jupiter(Guru) in any Kundli or Horoscope.
  • The person is blessed with good gains and rules over 300 people.
  • lf the lord of the 2nd house is in its highest degree of exaltation
  • family second house bhaav horoscope kundli
    How could second house or 2nd bhava of Kundli or Horoscope make any one like a king :)?

  • if the lord of the 2nd house(second house or bhava) is in its highest degree of exaltation and is also well aspected by benefic Jupiter or Guru .
  • additionally the 2nd house(second bhava) too is well placed, the person has to capability to rule or control over a thousand people.
  • summary second house bhaav horoscope kundli
    summary of second house or 2nd bhava of Kundli or Horoscope- what is the Impact:)?

  • so one can easily see the greatness of the 2nd house(second house) and also its lord .
  • It also indicates indicates support of other people by the person. so there is an outflow of energy and help as well here.
  • so with better benefic energy in the second bhava or house the person accumulated wealth is better utilized.
  • so if say Jupiter or Guru aspects the 2nd house or lord so to help of others in dharma matters.
  • if 2nd bhava or house lord is in 4th bhava of masses so gain of masses is there.
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 2 House of the kundli?

  • if in case Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Dhan Bhava or the second house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • So as Dhana bhava represent the family and gains.
  • the person will be well off, glad, and could have two, or more spouses(wives :)- is just an indication and may not be true) .
  • Also may have problems in having of offspring or children.
  • second house horoscope kundli

    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 3 House of the kundli?

  • if in case Dhan’s(second house) Lord is in Sahaj Bhava(Third house) or the third house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • AS the house deals with valor and courage.
  • The person will be valorous, astute, upright, obscene at times.
  • if the second bhava or house has a benefic all good effects come in.
  • But if in case that the lord of second house identified with a malefic, the person’s sexual conduct needs care.
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 4 House of the kundli?

  • If that the Dhan’s Lord(second House) is in Bandhu Bhava or the fourth house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • As this house, fourth deals with family, home, and comforts.
  • The person will get a wide range of riches.
  • In case Dhan’s Lord(second house or bhava lord) is with conjunction or with Guru that is the benefic Jupiter, he will be equivalent to a king :).
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 5 House of the kundli?

  • If in case Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Putra Bhava for the fifth house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • As the fifth house is a trine house the person will be rich ;).
  • The person , as well as his children will be determined to gain riches as the house of Dhana or wealth( second house) sends energy to the fifth house of children.
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 6 House of the kundli?

  • In case Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Ari Bhava or the sixth house alongside a benefic(like Jupiter, mercury, or Venus etc) in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • The person will pick up riches or gain money even from enemies( as sixth house is of enemies and benefic makes him or her to win from enemies).
  • If the Dhan’s Lord(second house) is yuti or conjunction with a malefic(like Saturn, rahu or ketu or mars or sun),then there will be misfortune through adversaries or enemies.
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 7 House of the kundli?

  • If that Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Yuvati Bhava or the seventh house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • The person will be dependent on others’ spouses ( wife or husband in some form), and he will be a specialist in some area of life.
  • If in case a malefic is in close conjunction or yuti with Dhan’s Lord(second lord), or by Drishti(aspect).
  • The person’s better half(husband or wife) could be of a not so acceptable nature or character.
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 8 House of the kundli?

  • If Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Randhr Bhava the eight houses of hidden things, land deals in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • The person will be investing with lands and riches.
  • Be that as it may, he will have constrained conjugal pleasures or sex life.
  • Also be deprived of joy from his senior siblings.
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 9 House of the kundli?

  • If that Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Dharma Bhava or the ninth house.
  • That is the house of luck and religion in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • The person will be well off, steady, skilful, have some extra gains in youth and will later on be upbeat .
  • Also will visit places of worship, following religious code and so forth.
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 10 House of the kundli?

  • If Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Karma Bhava(10th) or the house of karma(action) in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • The person will be lewd, decent, and learned( as Dhana bhava is 5th from 10th, the house of learning).
  • will have numerous spouses( husbands or wives in some cases) and many riches( action here of 10th house )gets connected to family life of 2nd house.
  • so more action in family life- means more marriages) , yet he will be deprived of dutiful joy.
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 11 House of the kundli?

  • If Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Labh Bhava or the eleventh house of gains in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • As gains(11th house) connect with wealth(2nd house) here.
  • The person will have a wide range of riches or money, be ever constant, fair, and well known.
  • second house horoscope kundli
    What are effects of 2nd(second House) lord of the Horoscope in the 12 House of the kundli?

  • If Dhan’s Lord(second house) is in Vyaya Bhava or the twelfth house, as twelfth house( 2nd) connects to expenditure house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart).
  • The person will be audacious at times, be without riches whenever 2nd bhava dasha run
  • he or she could be keen on other’s riches, while his eldest kid will not keep him upbeat or happy ;).

  • First House lord or Ascendant Lord (Tanu Bhava) in Houses in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart) – Vedic Astrology or Jyotish:


    First House lord or Ascendant Lord (Tanu Bhava)  placement – In Vedic Astrology or Jyotish:
    In Vedic Astrology the first house lord or ascendant lord is the backbone of the horoscope in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart). It represents your personality and yes your physical body. So when the first house lord sits in good house. So- it brings in good influences or energies to self or the body & if it sits in malefic houses- it brings in bad influences to self.

    •  If the lord of  Lagn’s Lord be in Lagn itself in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the person  will be having  physical satisfaction and ability. As the strength of ascendant is very high so the energy and gains to self are high. He could be  savvy, whimsical minded, and could  have two spouses and will join with different partners.
    • If  the Lagn’s Lord is in Dhana bhava or second house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart). As the second house deals with wealth and status, it would profitable for the person, he or she would be insightful, glad, having  great qualities, be religious, decent and will have many long term relationships or spouses.
    • If Lagn’s Lord or first house lord  is in Sahaj Bhava that is the third house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), as the third house represent your courage level and people around you,  the person  will measure up to a lion in valour, also be enriched with a wide range of riches, be good, will have two spouses(Just an indication needs to be confirmed elsewhere), be savvy and cheerful.
    • If the  Lagn’s Lord or the first house lord  is in Bandhu Bhava or fourth house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart),as the fourth house represents  the mother and also aspects the 10th house of father, the person  will be having  fatherly and maternal satisfaction, will have many  siblings, could be obscene or emotional in behavior,be  righteous and beguiling.
    • In the event that Lagn’s Lord or the first house  is in Putr Bhava(fifth house) in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart),and the  fifth house presents children and thinking level of  person. the person  will have fair progenic bliss( children), will have to be careful about his kids, be respectable,could be  given to outrage and be of high repute to ruler.
    • If that the Lagn’s Lord is in sixth house or the Ari Bhava and conjunct  with a malefic in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart). That is the ascendant gets energy from the house of sickness and conflicts. the person  will be without physical bliss as sixth house is the house of diseases  and will be troubled by  people who oppose him or her, if there is no benefic Drishti or aspect on the lord of lagna or sixth house.
    •  In case the  Lagn’s Lord or the first house lord  is a malefic and is set in Yuvati Bhava or seventh house of marriage and long term relationships in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the person’s spouse won’t live very long). In the event that the Grah  or planet being referred to be a benefic, one will meander capriciously, have  penury(very less money) and be crestfallen. He will then again turn into a great person (if the said Grah or planet is strong). Like mars is a malefic and if it rules ascendant in case of Aries or Scorpio ascendant  and sits in seventh house  some of the above affects would be there on the contrary if say Jupiter is the ascendant in case of Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) or meena lagna( Pisces)  and Jupiter is placed in 7th house give great gains.
    • In the event that Lagn’s Lord is in Randhr Bhava or the eighth house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), as this house deals with investigation and matters hidden from you.the person  would  be an expert researcher, could be weak, secretive, be given to much outrage and will go along with others’ spouses.
    • In case  that Lagn’s Lord or first house lord  is in Dharma Bhava or ninth house,as this house 9th deals with luck and fortune in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart). the person  will be lucky, dear to individuals, be a lover of Śrī Vishnu or Vishnu God(Lord Krishna), be skillful, articulate in discourses and be blessed with spouse, children and riches. As ninth house is 5th from 5th and 5th house deals with kids- this benefit would be there.
    • If that Lagn’s or ascendants Lord is in Karma Bhava or the tenth house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), and as this house deals with your actions, career and father. The person will be enriched with fatherly joy, good  honor, would have distinction among men and will without a doubt have self-earned riches.
    • In the event that Lagn’s Lord is in Labh Bhava or the eleventh house in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the house of gains. the person  will dependably be blessed with gains , good  qualities, acclaim and numerous spouses. Spouses as in ancient times gains was measured in terms of wives or husbands one may have.
    • If Lagn’s or the ascendant Lord is in Vyaya Bhava  in the twelfth house and is without benefic Drishti/aspect and/or Yuti or combination in Kundli or Horoscope( birth chart), the person  will be deprived of physical bliss, will spend unfruitful and be given to much outrage. As twelfth house deals with expenditure and wastage so such results are given.

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    Legal Matters , Court Cases & Litigation Guidance Report-Along With Remedies based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish

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    Legal Matters, Court Cases & Litigation Guidance Report by A Highly Experienced Vedic Astrologer(25+ years)-Along With Remedies based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish

    What Causes Conflicts in life?

    • One may wonder what is the cause of conflicts or in the worst case litigation or court cases? The Vedic astrology or Jyotish has simple and direct answers for this.
    • Conflict is caused by affliction of lords of 6th house(primarily) or ari bhava, 8th house the randhr bhava or 12th house the Vyaya bhava to various houses.
    • Like aspect of a lord of 6th house to 7th house could cause conflicts in marriage and also job a 7th house the yuvati bhava deals with the marital and relationship. By natal aspect in your birth chart or transits(gochar) or dasha of the above planets in your birth chart(kundli) or horoscope.
    • Or say a malefic aspect of 12th house lord and may be 6th house lord of 4th house or family house could cause strong conflict or disputes and confinement or jail as well. By natal aspect or transits(gochar) or dasha of the above planets in your birth chart(kundli) or horoscope.
    • Also malefic planets like mars, Saturn and rahu-ketu could cause conflicts by natal aspects or in transit  or dasha effects in your birth chart or kundli(horoscope).
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    • Apart from the regular legal advice & counselling- Anyone who is in a conflict or dispute situation- be it marital, family, Job or Career related or property  or any other disputes this is a very valuable guidance.
    • Or if anyone is involved  in dispute of claims like medi-claims , Consumer Forums, Life Insurance  or is involved in Litigation related matters to do with the honorable courts or arbitration’s etc.

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