About this article?
This article at length discusses based on Kundli or Horoscope about the career or Job of Sri Manmohan Singh ji (former prime minister of India).
It also looks at astrological factors to make him a renowned politician of India and also as a Financial expert or Guru ;).with great career in the same earlier.:)
The article tries to understand based on Planetary combinations or Yogas on what made Manmohan Singh so successful as a Finance Minister Of India and also as a prime ministers as a career of a politician .
This interesting astrology article goes to the root causes of What makes manmohan Singh ji so successful, intelligent also have a happy family life.;), based on all the planets in his Horoscope.
which planets based on Horoscope or Kundli gives Manmohan Singh ji such a Deep education like PhD in economics.;)
The latter part of the article looks at longevity or lifespan of Manmohan Singh ji based on Vedic astrology Horoscope .

Manmohan Singh Career Horoscope- know what makes him so different and Unique from others ? 🙂
Birth details of Sri Manmohan Singh JI for Horoscope:
Name: Manmohan Singh
Date of Birth: Monday, September 26, 1932, Monday ekadashi
Time of Birth: 14:00:00
Place of Birth: Jhelum
Longitude: 72 E 10
Latitude: 31 N 50
Time Zone: 5.0

what is the career Horoscope of manmohan Singh ji? what made him an economist of par excellence and relatively stable prime minister of India?
Now let us look at the TENTH HOUSE or the karma bhava of his
What aspects does the house of career or karma for manmohan Singh ji cover?
This house of career basically covers matters related to his career, his Karma &.
The kind of deeds or work he would do and get authority and name.

Does sun or Surya Give Manmohan Singh ji great insights in Mathematics helping him in economics career?
for he has Sun or surya in 10th(tenth) house is in harmony with the number 10 =1+0=1 of 10th house and also of Saturn.
so gives learning and good fame to the person as mercury budha is there in the tenth bhava or house of his it gives him good intellect and especially to do with economics or money and mathematics.

Do planets suggest domestic happiness for manmohan Singh ji?
He would have good wealth and he may open up health care centres as sun is vitality and Saturn is the hospitals.
Sri Manmohan Singh ji’s chart or horoscope is full of domestic happiness and prosperity of daughters .
does the kindly or Horoscope of Sri Manmohan Singh ji suggests great success in life ? 😉
This combination in the kundali or horoscope of his is Good for name /fame and success in political and military careers which is all true for him .
Good position for him is generally attained as sun here is in Kendra.

What stars made Sri Manmohan Singh ji (x-Prime Minister India) Take Economics as His career Initially and excel in the same?
as we know that he got his Higher degrees from university of Cambridge as he was member of Saint John’s College

Which planets in Kundli or horoscope of Sri manmohan Singh ji give him Great speaking ability helpful for his career?
now looking for the house of Education for Sri Manmohan Singh ji .
It is the 2nd house/ 4th house and the 5th house for his horoscope.
So looking at the 2nd bhava of the family house and education of Sri Manmohan Singh ji we have Lord Saturn or Shani dev sitting there that is strong in Capricorn itself .
Also note Saturn or Shani is a slow planet and 2nd bhava is for speech 🙂 so Manmohan Singh ji spoke slowly and deeply. :).
Which planets in the Horoscope or Kundli of Manmohan Singh ji give him a PHD or doctorate in economy, giving him a boost in his financial career?;)
so a strong Saturn or Shani dev here suggest a long-drawn study process for Sri Manmohan Singh ji .
That could belong drawn as PHD or doing a doctorate. yes he is a doctor in economic.
also note that Jupiter or Guru which is the lord of lagna is also Lord of 4th house of education for him.

what role in the horoscope or Kundli of Manmohan Singh ji does Jupiter(Guru) and ketu(dragon’s tail) play for Higher educational qualifications?
As Jupiter is very strongly placed 9th house of higher education in the Leo sign or Simha rashi :).
so this also very clearly indicates that person(Sri Manmohan Singh ji ) could go for higher education . Now as Ketu or dragon’s tail is also there.
so ketu or dragon’s tail is Number 7 so that means something to do with the research and investigation that Sri Manmohan Singh ji did indeed :).

which planets in the Horoscope(kindly) make Manmohan Singh ji so polite and sweet in his speech and communications, helping him in his political career?
Manmohan Singh Ji’s 5th house lord is mars or Mangal and it is weak and debilitated.
we need to note that he was very feeble or very polite in communications at time.

What role does mars or Mangal Play in the Horoscope or Kundli of Manmohan Singh ji?
Mars or Mangal dev is sitting in the 8th house.
so it is very close to Venus(shukra) a smooth as well so despite Mangal(mars) the 5th house lord(long term thinking) weakness .
Sri Manmohan Singh ji has good sanity and stability of mind :).

Does the planet Moon also suggest higher education or PhD for Manmohan Singh ji based on His Horoscope? he eventually takes up job or career as an economist.
Also moon strength of moon is good in own sign and is in the Bhava Madhya for Manmohan Singh Ji .
at the same time looking at the 9th house the house of Higher Education for Sri Manmohan Singh ji .
we find Leo is there and ruled by sun(surya).
sun sits in the friendly sign of Virgo(Kanya rashi) at 10 degrees and is close to Mercury .

what is the role of Mercury in Manmohan Singh Ji’s Horoscope to suggest work or career in finances and commerce?
mercury or budha deals with finances and Commerce and especially the Virgo sign . it is also combust and close to sun or surya dev.
it is around 8 degrees & only 3 degrees apart from sun.

Is the career in finance or being the finance minister of India written on the wall:0 for Sri manmohan Singh ji in his horoscope(kindly)?
Mercury or Budha rules the 10th House(career) and that is the sign of Virgo or Kanya rashi.
all this clearly indicates that Sri Manmohan Singh ji ‘s career or profession studies would be connected to do with Mercury(Budha) the planet for Commerce & economics and other studies .

Does mercury or Budha and Jupiter or Guru Indicate deep focus for manmohan Singh ji based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
The Mercury or Budha also aspects the 4th house of studies as well for Manmohan Singh.
so by now is it 100% clear that Sri Manmohan Singh ji will go for studies and the study would be to do with areas like commerce or economics .
also he will go very deep because Jupiter (guru) is just behind in the 9th house and giving support to mercury in the horoscope.

Does Sun or surya give him distinction in life & career as well?;)
Sun or surya close to mercury suggest distinction studies for Sri Manmohan Singh ji and also sun suggest Political career as well. 🙂

now what Unique planetary combinations made Manmohan Singh Ji join politics as a career later on after minister of India?

what roles do sun or surya play for Manmohan Singh ji for his career in Politics? 😉
Sun or surya as discussed above is a planet for politics and it is strong for Manmohan Singh ji .
as sun or surya it rules the 9th house of Manmohan Singh Ji, and it is sitting in the house of career.
so career could be doing with politics or politicians or some leadership career :).

does Jupiter or Guru blesses Manmohan Singh based on His Horoscope for success in Politics and leadership?
lord of Lagna is Jupiter the planet of dignity sits in the Leo sign or Simha rashi .
That means that lagna(ascendant) or the self of Manmohan Singh ascendant gets the good energy of Sun .
🙂 that is leadership or politics . It also gets good energy of Jupiter or Guru.
9th bhava also blesses the lagan or ascendant of Sri Manmohan Singh ji .

What gives Sri Manmohan Singh ji great public image?
What is the role of 9th house for manmohan Singh ji to give him great name and fame in career and job?
9th house is a house of great blessing for Manmohan Singh .
It has a strong yoga to catapult Sri Manmohan Singh ji into big positions in politics or anything and giving great dignity to him.

Does ketu(dragon’s tail) play a role in the Kundli or Horoscope of Manmohan Singh ji to give him great image in life and d career as a prime minister?
plus note that Ketu(dragons head) is there in the 9th house or bhava.
so that gives Sri Manmohan Singh ji exceptional dignity .he clearly was the prime Minister of India.

What is the Role of ketu(dragon;s tail) and Jupiter in Manmohan Singh ji’s horoscope or Kundli to Give him great public image in career as a finance specialist and also as a prime minister of India? 😉
Also ketu(dragon’s tail) and Jupiter in 9th bhava very clearly suggest that he would incline towards dharma or religion as well .
Sri Manmohan Singh ji would be following the ethics which is hundred percent true for him. also his public image would be great.
Jupiter and ketu in 9th house very clearly suggest that he will have larger or very exalted public image.
As Ketu functions as a flag and makes things infinitely more powerful for Sri Manmohan Singh ji despite weakness of mars .
but still Jupiter the lord of public image in 9th bhava makes him a great Public Figure.

does moon give great clarity of thought to Manmohan Singh in his career based pm the placement in his horoscope or Kundli?
Mars and moon connects Venus in the 8thy house . Venus rules the 11th house of gains and also moon .
So gains from friends are there.
Moon which is strong for Manmohan Singh Ji gives him good enough and clear thinking.

Does Saturn or shani indicate the manmohan Singh as his karma or career in politics would also work for the down trodden people?
Additionally a very strong Saturn(shani) the second bhava .so great for Sri Manmohan Singh ji wealth and status again- so great status again predicted here :).
Also strong Saturn means connect to the public and the downtrodden within India .
as it is very strong for Manmohan Singh Ji and yes slowly all his wealth and status would grow for sure.

what made manmohan Singh such a unique personality?
now let us look at the tanu bhava of in the kundali or horoscope of Sri manmohan Singh ji ( ex-prime minister of India) .
Let us check his personality, looks, attitude, temperament, and basic strength of his horoscope.
do the planets in the horoscope of Manmohan sigh ji Indicate an ethical conduct based on positioning in his horoscope or Kundli?The lagan lord or the ascendant is in the in-9th bhava or house .
this makes him fortunate and protector of religion that is dharma and ethics. Sri manmohan Singh ji has been a greatly ethical person we all know.
doe the planets make manmohan Singh greatly religious? what does his horoscope or Kundli say?
This makes him religious( he is turbaned and does follow Sikhism closely).
He could be Fair at speaking as Saturn is strong enough but vakri or retrograde. September 26, 1932, Could get good money due to the lagna lord Jupiter being blessed in the ninth bhava or house.
which is true that he earlier served as an economic advisor and later as prime minister of India.

What makes manmohan Singh ji the x prime minister of India and a happy family man?

what roles does Saturn or shani dev play in his horoscope to give him a great political career?
Sri manmohan Singh ji would get gains from spouse and children as one has to note he is born on 26th = 2+6= 8= Saturn or shani dev that made him the prime minister of India and lord of 2nd bhava as well is Saturn.

How does Venus bless the family life of Manmohan Singh ji?
Plus based on in the kundali or horoscope of Sri manmohan Singh ji he was born at the cusp of Virgo and Libra or Kanya and Tula rashi .
now Tula is Venus ruled and so is “6” in the 26 date, so double Venus blesses his family life and children.

what does the Horoscope or Kundli of Manmohan Singh ji say about his father’s career and overall financial placement?
His Father may be well placed in Pakistan, and one will earn well from inheritance and paternal property .
Father could be relatively known, philanthropic and also a god-fearing person.
How does Jupiter or Guru in the horoscope of manmohan Singh ji help him in learning and also his career or job?
Jupiter would make him very ambitious .
He would gain knowledge all over his life as all is true he kept learning the economics and yes politics all over his life .

What makes in the Manmohan Singh ji a great economist and a person eager to learn?
He would follow the path of dharma or the ethics .
Based on the horoscope he could be eager to learn .
Also may have a good judgement due to Jupiter or Guru he infact got the economic liberalization in 1991 and helping Indian economy .
yes was goal oriented and very focused on his goals that made him such a success as economist and also politician.
He would also have quick witted .
Jupiter or guru here makes him generous and have empathy for others .
There is a slight chance of his being self-righteous but as Jupiter is in the 9th bhava of dharma he is blessed due to that .
Also he could be too much attached to convention .
Sri manmohan Singh ji might also have love nature as such he is a very kind and nice person .
A great change in life between after 53 years . You would normally be medium height, with broad face, small nose, and small ears .
You might also be regular in physical exercise . You have to avoid nervous exhaustion of any kind due to mercury

The longevity and Lifespan of Sri Manmohan Singh ji ?
what does the lagan of Manmohan Singh ji’s say about his longevity or life span?
now looking at the longevity or lifespan chart of Sri Manmohan Singh ji . For Manmohan Singh Ji at the lagna(ascendant) Lord is sitting in the ninth house and with Ketu(dragon’s tail) .
so this it suggest very strongly that the person would be of value or with the very high longevity.
As because Jupiter is the Planet of expansion and dignity increases the -strength of the longevity for Sri Manmohan Singh ji .

what is the role of Venus and moon in longevity or lifespan of manmohan Singh ji?
Moon or Chandra the 8th House Lord which is also very strong, and moon connect with Venus and are very close in degrees to Venus or shukra.
Now Venus or shukra is the lord of Gains so this again longevity of Sri Manmohan Singh ji is enhanced 🙂 significantly

what roles doe’s mars play in the longevity or life span of manmohan Singh ji? 😉
Also for moon apart from it being the ruling the sign of cancer or karkat Rashi it gets lot of strength by Venus being there .
yes mars or Mangal be a problem creator that means accidents and operations .

what is the role of Saturn for the longevity or life span of Manmohan Singh ji?
For Sri Manmohan Singh ji is Rahu is there and it is sitting in the 3rd house the secondary markesh.
also Saturn or shani The Lord of 2/3 is house very strong for him definitely indicates longevity as Saturn is Ayushkaraka and stands for long life.
certain periods and Rahu periods could not be great for Sri Manmohan Singh ji’s he4alth and happiness.
What is the key Role of navamsha or d9 Horoscope for Sri Manmohan Singh ji’s Longevity or Life span?

what is the role of d9 or Navamsha horoscope or Kundli or Manmohan Singh ji for his longevity or Life span?
In d9 or Navamsha chart for Sri Manmohan Singh ji Saturn is very strongly placed in the 5th house .
and Venus the lord of lagan or ascendant is there and strongly. This gain reinforces his longevity for Sri Manmohan Singh ji .
Saturn or shani is karaka for longevity and it is well placed in Navamsha for Sri Manmohan Singh ji . It is sharing good energies with Venus or shukra.

what is the advice for accidents and operations for Manmohan Singh ji?
Mars(mangal) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) are sitting in the lagna so accidents and operations both needed of care for Manmohan Singh Ji.
The planet moon is also very well placed in the third Bhava so secondary markesh for d9 or Navamsha is Sagittarius or Dhanu rashis.
Moon the 8th house lord in the Lagna or ascendant chart sits in the 3rd house and is strong in Jupiter sign. so good for longevity for Sri Manmohan Singh ji . 🙂

what is the role of d9 or Navamsha chart or horoscope for Manmohan Singh jis in longevity or lifespan?
Also the navamsha or d9 chart lagna lord is Venus(shukra) which is well placed in a friendly sign with is with Saturn or shani dev .
so all this helps longevity and Venus which is the lord of house of longevity for Manmohan Singh Ji in the d9/Navamsha chart.

Does the Horoscope or Kundli of Manmohan Singh ji predict deerghayu or good longevity or life span? 😉
Venus by itself is in the fifth house with Saturn that is connected to lagna.
The malefic Ketu(dragon’s Tail) and Rahu(dragon’s head) are in Kendra .
and yes Saturn or shani is in Trikona sign. but Saturn or shani dev us strong . so it indicates good age of 90 to 100 years !!!
we wish Sri Manmohan Singh ji 120 years of Health and disease less life .

What made manmohan Singh Ji so knowledgeable and master of many subjects?
As his mercury or budha the karaka for knowledge is in the 10th bhava .
this give good knowledge in astrology or mathematics related areas for him as discussed above.
The person tends to acquire more and more knowledge we all know. He is a PhD from oxford.
The person with this planetary combination May be a scholar in many subjects and is respected.
all is true for Sri manmohan Singh ji he was a scholar in economics and yes political science .
His Eyes could have a defect, he was bespectacled . In the kundali or horoscope of his Mercury in 10th house is a good combination as third aspects the 4th house as well makes the person happy and straight forward which is all true for him.
In such situations The person like him becomes scholar in many subjects and focuses on acquiring fame and name. he will obviously get good success in actions.
Eye sight of his could be affected and he may have good command on mathematics , yes PhD in economy needs good mathematics.
His orthodoxy could be balanced out .
He would normally shy away from evil deeds and would do good deeds. he clearly has a chance of achieving name and fame in life .
Sri manmohan Singh ji could have a great intellect with good creative genius .
he would however be motivated by sense of urgency and sense of usefulness of work .

What made manmohan Singh ji become prime minister but still be dependent on Sonia Gandhi ji commands?
As 10th lord of Sri manmohan Singh ji is in 10th bhava, he could be very successful in your career and also command respect and honour.
This plus a strong sun and Saturn made him the prime minister of India in the rahu period.
But as mercury is strong in 10th– this gives home the economic degrees- but as mercury is combust in his horoscope or kundali- it kept him dependent on other like smt. Sonia ji instead of full command and control.
in his case he has to avoid being fickle minded that could be there due combust mercury.

what would be the role of Manmohan Singh in 2019 elections?.
He runs Jupiter(guru) Saturn till end of 2018 and then Jupiter mercury till almost end of 2019.
In Saturn period as Saturn (shani dev) rules 2/3 bhava or house of his, it could OK but he needs to take care of what he speaks as Saturn is retrograde for his kundali or horoscope.
But yes he will take initiative and is mostly OK health wise till April 2019.
As his mercury rules the seventh bhava or house of relationships and job and also his tenth bhava for job he could get a new opportunity to lead may be in opposition or in power.
he is surely to come back strongly in some shape or position mostly may be to do with Indian economy.
he would do well in the mercury time as a consultant to minister fore economy or money matters or speaking and public dealings.
we wish him or Sri manmohan Singh ji a long life.

What are some certain interesting facts about Sri Manmohan Singh ji our former prime minister of India?
Sri Manmohan Singh was the 13th Prime Minister of India and held the office from 22 May 2004 – 26 May 2014
He was the former prime minister of India was born 26th of September 1932. He is a great Indian economist and also a politician
Sri Manmohan Singh ji The first Sikh to hold the prime minister’s office, also he is the first prime minister since Jawaharlal Nehru who was re-elected after completing a full five-year term. That is twice.
he was Born in Gah (now in Punjab, Pakistan), his entire family & relatives migrated to India during the partition in 1947.
He got his doctorate in economics from Oxford, he also worked for the United Nations (UN) from 1966 to 1969.
He also later started his bureaucratic career when he was taken by Sri Lalit Narayan Mishra as an advisor in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
He was also the Chief Economic Advisor (1972 to 1976), he has also been the Reserve Bank governor from (1982 to 1985) and also Sri Manmohan Singh ji headed the Planning Commission head (1985–87).
In 1991, as India faced a severe economic crisis, newly elected Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao put Sri Manmohan Singh ji into his cabinet as Finance Minister. where He carried out several structural reforms that liberalized India’s economy.
Sri Manmohan Singh ji was never a member of the Lok Sabha but continues to serve as a member of the Parliament of India, he represents the state of Assam in the Rajya Sabha for the fifth term since 1991.
The article is written purely for research and education. Any other use of this article or interpretation or In appropriate use of the article would be the individual’s responsibility
We are assuming the birth data is accurate