Get Your Detailed & In Depth Longevity & Life Span Horoscope Predictions Report- Covering All aspects of Longevity & Life Span , based on Tested Principles of Classical vedic Astrology!
• This is a hand written Longevity Report based on classical Vedic Astrology & Jyotisha Principles, which helps you take complete control of your Life, and plan it much better and lead a much happier & relaxed life style!
• Using this Longevity Basic Report or Life Basic Span Report, that uses the proven methods of Classical vedic astrology to find out expected span of anyone’s life.
• That is it tells in which category the life span or longevity of any person is- like a) Balarishtha(Early death) or less than 8 years.b) Alpaayu(short Life) or 8 to 32 years c) madhyaayu (medium Life) or 32 to 75 years d)Purnayu(Full life) 75 years to 120 years! All evaluated based on a detailed set of Classical Vedic astrological combinations and considerations.
• The report tells you exactly which set of planets could be the primary/Secondary or Tertiary determinants for your longevity.So that you could take preventive measures and be careful in malefic dashas or transits of the primary or Secondary Determinants- to avoid sudden illness, mishaps,accidents and other problems.
• Your D1(Lagna), d9(Navamsa) and Moon Chart is studied for greater completeness and accuracy.
• The report also tells you in detail about coming 2(two) dashas or major planetary periods, on what precautions you could take along with powerful, almost zero cost remedies to help you.
• We also have a Longevity ADVANCED Report-that has ALL what is in the Longevity Basic Report Above PLUS that is based on PINDAYU Method to do Objective & more Accurate calculations of your Longevity due to each planet in your Horoscope or Kundli and accounting for your Longevity Arc, Chakrapathi Harana, Shatru Kshetra harana,Ashtanga Harana and Krurodaya Harana adjustments for your Longevity.
• You get a complete set of FREE Remedies to ward off evils due to primary,secondary determinants of longevity or life span and your Over All Health & vitality matters- that are so important for us all.
• It is a over 12 PLUS Page report, handwritten by and expert vedic astrologer spending from 60 to 120 minutes to give you much better control on your life and people whom you love.An Invaluable guide of life for anyone.
• Good Quality & Reliable Astrology Report, Assured by IIT Alumnus(World Class Experts in Vedic Astrology & Numerology)!
• Full confidentiality maintained about you and the safety of your data.
• Get All the above mentioned features & gains for you in around a 12 page in-depth Longevity & Lifespan Report Personalized for your Birth Horoscope Covering every aspect of your Longevity & Life span related matters , Prepared by a World Class Vedic Astrologer.
60$/3998 Rs. 50% OFF:
30$/1499 Rs. .
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• This is a hand written Longevity Report based on classical Vedic Astrology & Jyotisha Principles, which helps you take complete control of your Life, and plan it much better and lead a much happier & relaxed life style!
• Using this Longevity Basic Report or Life Basic Span Report, that uses the proven methods of Classical vedic astrology to find out expected span of anyone’s life.
• That is it tells in which category the life span or longevity of any person is- like a) Balarishtha(Early death) or less than 8 years.b) Alpaayu(short Life) or 8 to 32 years c) madhyaayu (medium Life) or 32 to 75 years d)Purnayu(Full life) 75 years to 120 years! All evaluated based on a detailed set of Classical Vedic astrological combinations and considerations.
• The report tells you exactly which set of planets could be the primary/Secondary or Tertiary determinants for your longevity.So that you could take preventive measures and be careful in malefic dashas or transits of the primary or Secondary Determinants- to avoid sudden illness, mishaps,accidents and other problems.
• Your D1(Lagna), d9(Navamsa) and Moon Chart is studied for greater completeness and accuracy.
• The report also tells you in detail about coming 2(two) dashas or major planetary periods, on what precautions you could take along with powerful, almost zero cost remedies to help you.
• We also have a Longevity ADVANCED Report-that has ALL what is in the Longevity Basic Report Above PLUS that is based on PINDAYU Method to do Objective & more Accurate calculations of your Longevity due to each planet in your Horoscope or Kundli and accounting for your Longevity Arc, Chakrapathi Harana, Shatru Kshetra harana,Ashtanga Harana and Krurodaya Harana adjustments for your Longevity.
• You get a complete set of FREE Remedies to ward off evils due to primary,secondary determinants of longevity or life span and your Over All Health & vitality matters- that are so important for us all.
• It is a over 12 PLUS Page report, handwritten by and expert vedic astrologer spending from 60 to 120 minutes to give you much better control on your life and people whom you love.An Invaluable guide of life for anyone.
• Good Quality & Reliable Astrology Report, Assured by IIT Alumnus(World Class Experts in Vedic Astrology & Numerology)!

• Full confidentiality maintained about you and the safety of your data.
• Get All the above mentioned features & gains for you in around a 12 page in-depth Longevity & Lifespan Report Personalized for your Birth Horoscope Covering every aspect of your Longevity & Life span related matters , Prepared by a World Class Vedic Astrologer.
30$/1499 Rs. .

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