Your In-depth WEALTH & MONEY Horoscope & Investment Report:2017-18/19/20 & Coming Years
1. This is a Handwritten & Accurate Report written by an expert Vedic Astrologer of over 25+ Years experience in Vedic Astrology In India and USA.
2. The report covers each and every aspect related to your wealth & status, money or financial matters gains or losses combinations or Yogas in your horoscope.
3. It tells you exactly based on your horoscope(kundli) that which areas or job would give you maximum benefits of money and gains and why.You are applying vedic astrology in a very constructive manner.
4. You also get coming 3 years finances predictions plus a BONUS of coming 12 months in monthly details. That you could refer to anytime for making better money or financial decisions.
In short this report gives you the golden key to Goddess lakshmi and king kubera of wealth.
5. The astrologer spends at least 120 minutes or 2 hours writing this report which is highly personalized,accurate and reliable.
6. This report helps you to take full control of your finances & Money flows. Also how to gain maximum wealth flows and from your investment returns.
7.You will get to know Know how much wealth you can actually Earn Or Accumulate.
8. Get as a BONUS Powerful yet Simple remedies that you can easily perform to Solve & enhance Your Wealth & Investment related matters.
9. Get Month by Month (2017-18) & Yearly suggestions(coming 12 months) for Wealth & Investment Improvement.
10). Good Quality & Reliable Astrology Report, Assured by IIT Alumnus(World Class Experts in Vedic Astrology & Numerology)!
11) Get All the above mentioned features & benefits discussed in around a 15 page in-depth Wealth & Investment Report Personalized for your Birth Horoscope Covering every aspect of how to enhance your Wealth related matters and Investments, Prepared by a World Class Vedic Astrologer.
50% OFF:60$/3998 Rs.
30$/1499 Rs. .( ORDER NOW To Get Your 50% Discount Now!)
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VIEW SAMPLE – LATEST: Money & Wealth Horoscope 2017-18-19-20 onwards Plus Investment Report
VIEW SAMPLE: Money & Wealth Horoscope 2017-18-19-20 onwards Plus Investment Report
If You Want To Know More About This Report- please continue reading below:
How are Your Wealth Flows & Investments Affected by Planets In Your Horoscope?
Apart from the planning and the hard work, we all put in our best efforts-but different people get different results in terms of Money or wealth gains, or Investment returns. Why?
The reason is ,the results also depend on the strength of the planets that rule your Houses for wealth in Your Birth Chart, also the strength or weakness of signifactors or Karakas for wealth & investment in your birth chart, along with the planetary combinations or conjunctions( like Yogas-laksmi Yoga, Kuber Yoga etc.), that are there in your birth chart. Plus as time passes by, new combinations or Yogas for wealth are formed and destroyed.
The Process of Preparation Of Wealth & Investment Report.
Give the above mentioned factors affecting wealth flows and results of our investments. Your birth chart is closely studied by an accomplished Vedic Astrologer to exactly ascertain the strength of the houses in your birth chart that control wealth flows and investment. Also your natal Yogas or combinations that could promise great wealth or otherwise are studied.
Then the combinations that change with time due to planetary transit and Your Dashas are studied to predict the month by month effects of coming 12 months(2017-18) & an overview of wealth pattern for coming 3 years(2018-2019-20).
What do you Gain from The report?
You will get know your natal potential to generate and accumulate wealth. Areas that would be supportive for you to increase wealth flows and accumulation of the same. Which month or year could give you good returns for investment and which cannot is given.
What Do You Get In This Report?
• You Get know which areas of work or business could Give you the best return on your money and time.
• What kind of investments would work out for you and which investments would not & why.
• Good and Bad wealth combinations and Conjunctions- that could hasten or Hinder wealth flows to you.
• Coming 12 months (2017-18) & 3 years overview good times and not so good time for wealth flows and investment returns.
• Based on your Birth Horoscope – what are the best possible avenues for you to earn money. That is lines of businesses/career options which will give you maximum success in terms of money.
• Get to know what planetary combinations or Yoga’s help you in getting money and which hinder or block your money flows.
• Get a Year by Year overview of Coming 3 Years s regarding Money or Financial flows/opportunities generated for money- based on your dashas(planetary periods) & planetary transits for your Birth Chart.
• Simple , yet powerful remedies to solve your financial problems easily .
50% OFF:60$/3998 Rs.
30$/1499 Rs. ( ORDER NOW To Get Your 50% Discount Now!)
Delivery within 72 Hours in PDF format through E-Mail in Your Inbox!
VIEW SAMPLE- LATEST:Money & Wealth Horoscope 2017-18-19-20 onwards Plus Investment Report
VIEW SAMPLE: Money & Wealth Horoscope 2017/18/19/20 onwards Plus Investment Report
Customer Reviews:
” …Knowing about money flows,that is when & how much money comes to me and how much is my expenditure year wise on family & my business is critical for my success. As this helps my work to grow and I stay in peace.Thanks , I got a clear cut picture for the year wise- by your graphical charts especially.My special thanks for the simple money yantra you have suggested- I have drawn it myself & it has helped me to build up more money discipline to save more by better decisions. I find myself lucky & relieved to handle my finances well now.
Anil k India”