Horoscope Salman Khan Wife and Reincarnation & Past Life Analysis

horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysishoroscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
About this article?

  • This interesting article looks at the present life lovers and marriage conditions for the bollywoood star salman khan-like somy ali , aishawrya rai bachchan etc.
  • it also then checks the status of the previous life time marital or love conditions for the same. Looks at the core karma of salman khan that kept him away.
  • it checks if there is continuity of karma for delays or issues in relationships.
    Then this article wonderfully checks all with an additional system of Vedic astrology to confirm the past life karma.
    Such articles are rate and very insightful and helpful.
  • love affairs horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    Salman Khan on what is know about this love life or wife ?

  • The love life of actor Salman khan as we know has been varied and also dry in some sense. he himself has accepted the same. it at times is colorful, but at the end of the day he could not get married.
    yes he has had love flings with film heroines like Katrina kaif and so also Aishwarya rai. again there is one more like somy ali.
  • Salman often jokes about his bachelor status, and during recent public appearances, such as the launch of Bigg Boss 18, he humorously hinted that he prefers partners who “run away” from him, underscoring his relaxed approach toward relationships.
  • salman khan is OK with his not being able to get into deeper relationships.He or salman khan infact once suggested that if he is not getting to marrying any one it is netter, as he has come criminal cases against him.
  • salman khan continues to have a single status at this point of time.
  • he is also being said to be dating Romanian actor lulia vuntur. so only thing that is confirmed for him s that he has had multiple affairs and yet not gotten married.
  • horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysislove horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    what does the Horoscope of Salman Khan say about his life partners or lovers? so also why he could not get married?
    love and relationships 7th house lord venus in 10th house Capricorn for salman khan horoscope

  • The 7th house lord is venus, so he or salman khan would have deep love affairs.
    so also the lovers could be more beautiful as well.
  • so again 7th lord being in 10th lord means he or salman khan would be very active love affairs matters.
    due to 4th aspects , it could impact his family and image as well.
  • so as the dispositer is Capricorn or saturn. so ego issues in relationships could come in.
  • there could be delays and possible dryness over time in relationships.Love and travel for love could be very important for salman khan.
  • so also for salman khan due to dispositership of Capricorn or makar rashi, the relationships could be very practical and down to earth and transactional in nature as well. but sure venus influence could make it very deep and colorful as well.
  • love and relationships 7th house lord venus in 10th house with Mars Lord of lagna and 8th for salman khan horoscope

    Now venus is in connection with lagna lord mars . so the relationships could be passionate and many a times make and break ones.

  • we see its make and break ones and he has it seems had around 10 girl friends!
  • so also 8th lordships could means sudden breaks in relationships as well. many of his relationships could mostly mean hidden as well for the same reasons.
  • so also mars position for salman khan makes him bold and courageous in love and relationships matters.
  • love and relationships aspect of exalted rahu in 2nd house on the 7th house lord for salman khan horoscope

  • Rahu or dragon’s head is in strength or say dragon’s head is in strength. so means it can help salman khan to keep his hidden relationships or maintain the same.
  • so also unexpected sudden surge of political and other issues could come in for the same.
  • same happened with vivek oberoi, when both were involved with aishwarya rai.
  • vivek oberoi had a press conference accusing salman khan for various matters.
    but as said sudden and rash breakups for relationships and severe fights could also be there.
    so also rahu could make salman khan interested in relationship with women out of his religion.
  • salman khan is a Muslim but most of his affairs are with Hindu women.
  • so also it could mean affairs with non conventional women for salman khan.
  • horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of Salman Khan say about his past life time core, basics ?

  • Now to study or know what kind of wife or life partner Salman Khan had in his previous life reincarnation, we need to study his basic life in past life.
  • so also some comparisons to this life time of Salman Khan is also done.
  • Lagna lord Jupiter or Sagittarius in 7th house Gemini sign

  • so Jupiter or guru in his 7th house suggests salman khan in his past life reincarnation was connected to women who were very benevolent and dhramic.
    so the life partner was deeply religious and also spiritual in nature.
    Jupiter is the lagna lord in 7th, so he was closely connected to his life partner in past life.
  • so also he himself or salman khan followed dharma and ethics to fair extent. but there is a form of guru chandaal Yoga with the planet of dharma guru in Libra sign, so there is a mix of sense pleasures and dharma both for salman khan in his past life reincarnation horoscope.
  • so also 4th house lord is also Jupiter or guru, so travels were there for salman khan in his past life reincarnation. So also there was a strong support for family member for salman khan in his previous life reincarnation. so is true in this life time as well.
  • sun or surya the 9th lord in lagna

  • planet sun the lord for 9th house of dharma and luck in lagna for salman khan in his past life reincarnation horoscope. this suggests that his life partner in previous life time where of high dignity. so also they were luck for him and with high opulence and name and fame.
  • all this is true in this life time as well for him.
    Mercury the dispositer is in 12th house for salman khan in his past life reincarnation horoscope. so it means there could have been delays in previous life time as well in marriage for him. so also mercury is with malefic ketu or dragon’s tail. so what it means a sudden break up
  • of marriages was also possible. so delays and possible breakups were there in salman khan in his past life reincarnation.
    so all this closely connects to love life of salman khan in this life time as well.
    so this is a carried over karmic trait.
    so also sun in lagna could give him or salman khan and his lover high dignity and spirituality as well.
  • cross check horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    Cross check of the same by other astrological methods

  • In past life reincarnation horoscope of salman khan Jupiter goes to Taurus sign and with exalted rahu there. so he had a lavish and luxury life style in previous life time as well like je has now. rahu deals with under world and also movies and films.
  • so he could have been in movies or dramatics in previous life time. but sure there is a kind of guru chandaal Yoga with Jupiter or guru going to Taurus sign which is ruled by venus the planet of pleasure and luxuries. but rahu is rebellious and wants control and fun. so something similar to what we found above in the analysis :). so the two analysis match here .
  • so also mercury on Scorpio influence is there on Jupiter. that means he was studying as well in past life. like in contrast to this life time where studying is out of question. he was studying and yes he knew good money management as well.
    Saturn in Pisces at the back of Jupiter means he possibly did spiritual patsies or dharma as well in previous life time. as we see it in above analysis as well. so there is a match for spirituality here.
  • horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of Salman Khan say about his past life time wife and how it connects to His love life of past life reincarnation to this life time for salman khan?
    Love and marriage Lagna Lord Jupiter in 7th house Gemini for salman khan past life reincarnation horoscope
    Now Gemini is a changeable and fn loving sign.

  • so sure he or salman khan in his past life reincarnation was fun and thrill loving as well.
  • like flamboyant he is in this life time also.
  • 🙂
    so there is a continuity of karma here.
  • so also it suggest that in past life reincarnation salman khan was very socials and outgoing in terms of love.
  • he would also have had minor and major affairs.
  • Just like he has had in this life time.
  • so also it suggest salman khan in his past life reincarnation had overtly unsure or not so mature and philosophical love relationships which did not last long.
  • he was into socials and fun and maintaining good social circle in his past life time as well.
  • Love and marriage mercury 7th lord in 12th house for salman khan past life reincarnation horoscope

  • for salman khan in his past life reincarnation love and related issues were there always.
  • like delays or other problems in marriage.
  • that is relationships fizzling out.
  • we have see this happening for him in this life time as well.
  • so also he might have had connections with foreigners in past life time.
  • which is 100% true and in this life time also lulia vuntur from Romania is her girl friend for long.
  • salman khan might have faced difficulties in the past life reincarnation to hold on to the relationships.
  • Love and marriage mercury 7th lord in 12th house with ketu for salman khan past life reincarnation horoscope
    Ketu means contraction and ketu also means dharma.

  • so salman khan in his past life reincarnation had deep connection with life partners who were deep into dharma or religion.
  • this we confirmed above as well.
  • so also ketu could have caused added stress and breakages in relationship for salman khan in his previous life reincarnation.
  • he had issues in communication to people he was in love with in his previous life time reincarnation.
  • relationships could have cause deep transformation in salman khan to learn more about his life.
  • cross check horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    cross checks for life partner of Salman Khan by other astrological systems

  • Taking venus on Sagittarius sign in the PLA or past life reincarnation horoscope of salman khan we see it comes on ascendant and aspects the 7th house.
  • so also it could make venus combust.
  • so also venus connects to mars and Moon the next.
  • so mars is aggressive and exalted.
  • so means very passionate connections were there for salman khan in his previous life reincarnation.
  • this confirms on what we found earlier.
  • so also moon gives a changeable and flamboyant nature to love life of salman khan.
  • as is true in this life time as well.
  • so also moon suggest fair and beautiful girls.
  • venus on the Sagittarius sign suggest that ladies were dharma or religious and with good nature.
  • something similar continues as Jupiter aspects the 7th house.
  • so high element of dharma was there in previous life time as well for him.
  • venus had mercury and ketu behind it.
  • so means the love relationships could have gotten cut as well.
  • which is true for him in this life time as well we just saw above.
  • so also the ladies he connected to in past life time were very quick minded and intelligent and so also had good sense of money as well.
  • conclusion horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis

  • One can see what happened in past life reincarnation of salman khan something similar happened in this life time!.
  • This we call continuity of karma.
  • we also checked all by two astrological systems.
  • so also things like marriage delay or sudden issues in relationships continued from previous life reincarnation to this life time.
  • so also the ladies involved with salman khan in previous or this life time both were of high dignity and beautiful.

  • Horoscope Ratan Tata Wife and Reincarnation & Past Life Analysis

    reincarnation ratan tata wife reincarnation ratan tata past life
    About this article?

  • This article is unique and connects the past life reincarnation marriage status of the legend ratan Tata with his this life time status.
  • This article analyzes love life of Tata in this life time plus it looks at the karma of ratan Tata ji on what caused a void in his life in this life time. so also looks at continuity of karma.
  • so also it applies 2 systems of Vedic astrology to corroborate the truth of reincarnation.
  • simi grewal ratan tata marriage past life
    ratan Tata on what is known about this love life or wife ?

  • It seems at one time the bollywood actress simi grewal was interested in marrying sri ratan Tata ji.
    Although she eventually wed someone else. so also Simi Grewal previously disclosed that she had dated Ratan Tata for a short while.
  • The two remained good friends in spite of that later on in life .
  • we know that sri Tata, 86, spent a long time unwell and passed away in Breach Candy Hospital.
  • so as a sensitive and connecting comment simi grewal write for sri ratan Tata “They say you have gone,” Simi wrote in her poignant homage to Ratan on X.
  • Known for his quiet style, Ratan Tata has occasionally given peeks into his private life. as he generally kept to himself.
  • He once talked about having had a big romantic relationship while living in Los Angeles USA.
  • He was on the verge of marriage after falling in love while working for an architecture business.
  • However, the 1962 India-China War-related events led to the breakup of the alliance and he had to leave the girl.
  • Even though Tata wanted to stay in touch with her and take her with him when he returned home to take care of his sick grandmother, the woman’s parents disapproved of her traveling to India, which caused the separation of sri rata Tata and the lady .
  • as suggested above Tata was also connected to socialite and actress Simi Grewal, with whom he had a strong relationship at one time of life.
  • Grewal stressed that his lack of income never drove him, calling him a “perfect gentleman” with a modest demeanor and a sense of humor and quietness .
  • Despite the fact that their relationship did not result in marriage, they have both spoken well of one another all over life. This demonstrates the respect they still have for one another.
  • reincarnation ratan tata horoscope past lifelove reincarnation ratan tata past life
    what does the Horoscope of ratan Tata say about his life partners or lovers? so also why he could not get married?
    Love & Relationships in this life time for ratan Tata Mercury (7th Lord of Gemini) Combust in Lagna
    Communication and Harmony Issues:

  • Relationship communication may be difficult when Mercury, the seventh lord of Gemini, is combust in the Lagna.
  • Ratan Tata can find it difficult to communicate his feelings or feel that his partner doesn’t understand him.
  • Additionally, combustion exacerbates mental restlessness or sri Tata ji , which makes it challenging for Ratan Tata to keep partnerships consistent. So we can see a reason why he could not get married or keep a relationships for long.
  • In romantic relationships, Ratan Tata may encounter misunderstandings, excessive analysis, or disagreements.
  • This placement implies that in order to prevent misunderstandings with his partner, Ratan Tata needs to improve his communication skills and patience. which he has also accepted openly that he could not for some reason or other continue the communication with the person.
  • Possibility of Relationship Issues: Because Mercury is so close to the Sun (combustion), there is a risk of ego conflicts in intimate partnerships for ratan Tata. though sure sri ratan Tata was mostly soft and cooperative , it could also means a conflict of goals could have been there between him and the lady.
  • Given Mercury’s emphasis on rationality, Ratan Tata may draw intelligent companions who want emotional understanding, which might be difficult. sure intelligent companion like simi grewal he had, though he did not continue with her.
  • This placement, even though it is in the Lagna, suggests that partnerships can be stressful or feel like a burden. so may be due to this burden he left the relationships in between.
  • But over time, with self-awareness, Ratan Tata can make meaningful connections and enhance his communication abilities. but may be age catched over time
  • Love and Relationships in this life time of ratan Tata : Mercury (7th Lord) Conjuncts Venus (11th Lord)
    Romantic Relationships That Pay Off:

  • Venus, the eleventh lord, and Mercury, the seventh lord, form amiable and happy partnerships. so despite having make break relationships – ratan Tata was able to strike happy partnerships. evident form Simi grewal still speaking well for him.
  • Ratan Tata is likely to have attractive, wise, and powerful people in their social circles as romantic partners. attractive and wise partners is very clear from profile of simi grewal.
  • Partnerships provide social and economic benefits in addition to emotional fulfillment.
  • Mutual delight, camaraderie, and similar values are highlighted in the relationship dynamics.
  • Ratan Tata tends to draw lovers who share his intellectual or artistic interests since love thrives in social or creative contexts. sure he was a humanitarian and shared his god and benevolent thoughts with everyone.
  • Social networking and successful marriages: This combination implies that Ratan Tata achieves success through alliances and teamwork.

  • Social networks or groups frequently foster marriage and love partnerships. So sure ratan Tata got friends and may be his lovers from his network and relationships.
  • In relationships, Ratan Tata is likely to find peace and happiness with a partner who helps him achieve his long-term objectives and aspirations.
  • Relationships become a source of fulfillment and advancement because of this positioning, which promotes candid communication and emotional connection.
  • Love and Relationships of ratan Tata in this life time: Mercury (7th Lord) Conjuncts Sun (9th Lord) in Lagna
    Relationships Influenced by Values and Principles:

  • In Lagna, Mercury, the seventh lord, joins Sun, the ninth lord.
  • Ratan Tata had High aspirations, common beliefs, and philosophical perspectives all play a part in Tata’s marital and love relationships. so sure his high aspirations for work and his responsibilities worked against his getting married.
  • Ratan Tata might draw in a spouse who values morality and intellectual stimulation and who places a high value on spirituality and personal development.
  • Relationships may turn into a quest for self-discovery, and there may be a propensity to search for meaning and purpose in love. so if ratan Tata had not searched for love and meaning, he could have randomly selected and women and simply got married. but that did not happen.
  • However, if both spouses have strong beliefs or are resistant to compromise, ego conflicts could occur.
  • Attraction to Influential Partners: Based on this combination, it appears that Ratan Tata is attracted to partners who possess prestige or leadership abilities. This could be true but better known if someone had interviewed him 🙂 on this.
  • Relationships with people from other cultures may be formed, either through travel or educational settings.
  • Relationships benefit from the warmth and vibrancy that the Sun brings, but it may also lead to dominance issues when one spouse or Ratan Tata tries to establish control. This type of control ratan Tata ignored and moved on his path for marriage.
  • Maintaining long-term harmony requires striking a balance between individual liberty and respect for one another.
  • reincarnation ratan tata past life
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of ratan Tata say about his past life time core, basics ?

  • Now to study or know what kind of wife or life partner ratan Tata had in previous life reincarnation, we need to study his basic life in past life.
  • so also some comparisons to this life time of ratan Tata is also done.
  • Lagna Lord Sun in Sagittarius, the Fifth House for sri ratan Tata in his past life reincarnation horoscope

  • Ratan Tata’s personality in past life reincarnation was more imaginative, perceptive, and philosophical as the Lagna lord Sun is positioned in the fifth house in Sagittarius. This sensitivity and imagination is reflected for him in this life time as well. he is highly sensitive and caring for people.
  • The pursuit of wisdom, greater knowledge, and individual expression are highlighted by this placement.
  • Ratan Tata is probably would have done well leadership positions, teaching, or educational fields. in his past life. this respect for learning or infact higher learning is reflected in this life time as well for him.
  • Ratan Tata was adventurous, upbeat, and drawn toward spiritual or moral endeavors due to the influence of Sagittarius or dhanu rashi. sure in this life time he is slightly upbeat may be in youth but mostly humble and relaxed.
  • Success was there for ratan tata through children, business endeavors, or artistic abilities may also be favored by this placement.
  • Ratan Tata liked to express himself and may have assumed leadership positions in intellectual or creative endeavors, earning praise for his concepts in his past life reincarnation. the high caliber leadership and creative abilities are still obvious in his this life time as well.
  • Mercury, the second lord, is conjunct the Lagna Lord Sun in the fifth house for sri ratan Tata in his past life reincarnation horoscope .

  • Ratan Tata’s intelligence, communication abilities, and financial prospects are all strengthened by the potent combination of the Lagna lord Sun and the second house lord Mercury in the fifth house.
  • Ratan Tata was skilled in writing, education, finance, and business because of this mix, which cultivates eloquence, inventiveness, and analytical thinking in his past life reincarnation sojourn. The basic inventiveness and a sense of finance is still there for him in this life time.
  • Ratan Tata may employ ratan Tata’s skills in speculative endeavors such as investing or the stock market.
  • Ratan Tata had intellectual prowess and potential for money through speech, education, or creativity also contribute to ratan Tata’s sense of self-worth in his past life. he is still rated in this life time a fair quality of intellectual and a visionary.
  • Nonetheless, in both personal and professional contexts, excessive analysis and ego-driven communication he should have avoided. but seems his ego was naturally handled and subdued for this life time! he is evolved and born very humble , caring and a humanitarian person who wants to be sensitive ,caring and do good to others.
  • In the Fifth House, Lagna Lord Sun Conjuncts Venus (3rd Lord) for sri ratan Tata in his past life reincarnation horoscope .

  • In his past life reincarnation sojourn sri ratan Tata was with a fascinating, artistic, and expressive personality is produced as the Lagna lord Sun and the third house lord Venus meet in the fifth house.
  • Popularity in social circles and success in artistic, media, or creative pursuits are the results of this combination were there for him. sure he is highly popular in media and social circles in this life time as well.
  • Ratan Tata may have been passionate in writing, performing arts, or communication, and she thrives in roles that call for charisma and self-expression.
  • Venus or shukra brings sophistication and tact, which makes Ratan Tata adept at building amicable relationships in the previous life reincarnation or rebirth and is highly true for this life time of this as well.
  • Along with benefits from siblings, pastimes, or artistic endeavors, romantic connections or love affairs may play a significant role in Ratan Tata’s previous life time as well.
  • reincarnation ratan tata past life cross check
    cross checks for life of ratan Tata by other astrological systems

  • Jupiter or guru in Sagittarius sign gives high dharma and karma and great karma for ratan Tata in his previous life time. maybe it is his this karma of doing good and good knowledge and help for others made him born with a silver spoon in his mouth in this life time. so also sun, mercury and venus are there. so means a high dignity life was there for sri ratna Tata in his previous life reincarnation as well .
  • plus he had all luxuries of life as venus is there. so also good at studies and money management he was in his past life due to mercury.
    so almost the same as what we have analyzed above.
    so also his Saturn or shani dev goes to Aquarius or kumbha for his past life reincarnation work and is with mars or mangal. so clearly high management work and niche work ratan Tata had which is 100% true for this life time as well for him.
  • love reincarnation ratan tata past lifereincarnation ratan tata past life horoscope
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of ratan Tata say about his past life time wife and how it connects to His love life of past life reincarnation to this life time ?
    Mars in the Seventh House: Spouse or Partner

  • Relationships may experience intensity, passion, and sporadic conflict while Mars is positioned in the seventh house. as mars is the planet for fights and conflicts and high energy.
  • so given the mars energy of high passion It is probable that Ratan Tata will have a dynamic and outspoken spouse or partner, who may be brave, independent, or headstrong.
  • Although disagreements or fights for power may occasionally occur, this placement indicates that the partnership will be vibrant and exciting. this is due to mars energy.
  • Mars in the 9th house of ratna Tata, attract him to relationships of high passion and energy. so also high passion levels give him good foot hold on relationships. Mars adds drama to the life of ratan Tata.
  • Wife or lover, Saturn is the 7th House Lord (Aquarius) in the 8th House (Pisces).

  • Saturn deals with karma and so the relationships could be karmic in nature for ratan Tata in his previous life time reincarnation we well. we can see the continuity of karma here for ratan Tata.
  • Saturn or shani dev adds to seriousness of the relationships, so ratan Tata should expect this. so also Saturn or shani dev is a planet of delays and problems. so means ratan Tata might have had delays in marriage in past life reincarnation as well.
  • Saturn the planet of sainthood and reflection , suggest the life partner might have gotten recluse.
  • Saturn has its sensitive element within. so Saturn or shani dev introduces sentimentality as well. so also sensitivity.
  • Wife or lover, Mars is the ninth Lord in the seventh house.

  • Ratan tata had an ambitious spouse as mars the lord of 9th house ruled by Jupiter is in 7th house. so also she could be travelling a lot.
  • Now 9th house is dharma, so also mars a malefic. so when 9th house lords mars is in 7th house, means a lot of philosophy and dharma was there in ratan tata’s past life reincarnation wife. so was there a lot of philosophy in her. so also his previous life reincarnation wife loved to travel. Now one can see continuity of karma and simi grewal a some time girl friend of ratan tata with similar traits .:)
  • The 9th house is the house for luck and fortune, so also mars the 9th lord in 7th house means luck stimulated by past life good karma. so also in previous life incarnation for ratan Tata, it was a great fortune after marriage. yes in this life time he could not get married at all. so also good energy of 9th house or benefic energy of 9th house mixes with mars and 7th house, suggesting the partner would have been very motivating for him.
  • The connection has a feeling of progress and adventure, which makes it a potent source of challenge and personal development.
  • Mars gives feeling and adventure to life of Ratan Tata in his previous life reincarnation.
  • other astrological systems reincarnation ratan tata past life
    cross checks for life partner of ratan Tata by other astrological systems

  • Now if we take venus to Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi. we find venus or wife or life partner of ratan Tata ji in his previous life reincarnation re-birth has influence of mars or mangal.
  • the life partner was action oriented and passionate as we derived above.
  • so also she was very secretive and aggressive as well. something similar to what we found earlier. Venus has influence of the rahu and ketu axis. so there was a high rebel element in the lady.
  • so also she might have been close to dharma. note there ketu or dragon’s tail is there influencing venus. earlier we had the 9th house lordship. so over all dharma and religion was very important for the pervious life reincarnation life partner of ratan Tata ji. There is a trailing Moon influence to the lady. 🙂
  • so she was fair complexioned and travelling. rahu ketu influence on venus suggests unexpected sudden issues to the life longevity of the life partner of Ratan Tata ji in previous life reincarnation. so he might have felt absence of life partner, which is visible in this life time as well.
  • so also we have sun mercury and venus just one sign ahead of Scorpio. exactly similar to we had sun venus mercury in the lagan for ratan Tata.
  • so same analysis like high dignity , quick mind and beauty and care was there in the previous life time life partner of ratan Tata.
  • conclusion reincarnation ratan tata past life

  • Like a super science we can see that past life reincarnation Horoscope of ratan Tata was somewhat close to what it is in this life time is matching at least 80%.
  • This we call continuity of karma.
  • so also the 2 methods used for deriving past life reincarnation match almost 80-85 %!
  • it was high dignity and at a different level.
  • his life partner had left a void in previous life time, which he faced in this life time.
  • yes she was beautiful and dharma now confirmed by several methods.! had he rectified the void situation of the previous life reincarnation with remedies in this life time, he would have been better off may be in marital matters.

  • Horoscope Shahrukh Khan Wife and Reincarnation & Past Life wife Analysis

    horoscope shahrukh khan wife reincarnation past life wife analysishoroscope shahrukh khan wife reincarnation past life wife analysis
    About this article?

  • This article is unique and powerful and it checks this life time wife for shahrukh khan and so also his previous life time wife based on past life karma or reincarnation Horoscope.
  • It looks at what kind of life style shahrukh khan had in previous life time and how it connects to this life time. so also how the energies of previous life time wife or life partner of shahrukh khan connect to this life time wife Gauri khan.
  • what makes gauri khan so successful in arts and creative efforts and with high dignity in this life time. so also it investigates on what was life of shahrukh khan in previous reincarnation as compared to what it s now.
  • gauri khan reincarnation past life wife analysis
    Some basic details about Gauri khan who we would study in this article

  • Gauri Khan is an Indian film producer, interior designer, and businesswoman who was born on October 8, 1970, as Gauri Chhibber. so one can see that there is initiatives of sun energy there, plus creativity of venus in designing and film producing. so also rahu energy is there and Saturn or shani dev for food producing and industry set up for clothes by her.
  • Although she is best known for being Shah Rukh Khan’s wife in Bollywood, she has had a prosperous career of her own. once again prosperity is by venus or shukra in the chart.
  • Along with her husband, Gauri co-founded Red Chillies Entertainment in 2002.
  • Since then, the two have worked together to produce a number of popular Bollywood movies, including the box office hits Main Hoon Na, Om Shanti Om, Chennai Express, and Happy New Year. many of these movies have been big hits.
  • She has made a substantial contribution to the Indian cinema industry in terms of both production and creative aspects of filmmaking. So again we can talk about her creativity and innovation.
  • Apart from her work in movies, Gauri Khan has made a name for herself as an interior designer. This needs great creativity and imagination as well.
  • In 2017, she established Gauri Khan Designs, a renowned name in premium design, and it has since grown.
  • Gauri’s work is renowned for its subtlety, elegance, and modern look.
  • She has worked with high-profile clients, including celebrities.
  • Gauri Khan is a well-known figure in the entertainment and design industries, juggling her many business endeavors and her family.
  • She is respected for her inventiveness, commercial sense, and ability to combine elegance and substance in a seamless manner.
  • gauri khan horoscope shahrukh khan
    what does the Horoscope of shahrukh khan say about Gauri khan his this life time wife?

  • for shahrukh khan’s Horoscope we look at his 7th house lord. that is Saturn and its placement. The characteristics of the partner are reflected in both Saturn and Aquarius or kumbha rashi as the 7th house lord Saturn is in its own sign, Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi).
  • A spouse’s intellectual, unconventional, and humanitarian qualities are enhanced by the placement of Saturn in Aquarius, the sign that rules partnerships, marriage, and relationships as the 7th house’s ruler.
  • aquarius or Kumbha gives gauri khan high intellectual qualities and innovative abilities. yes she has them all and she created design and films with all this. so all this goes to her credit.
  • The spouse’s personality

  • The partner most likely have a sensible, mature, and responsible disposition. which is evident by the success of gauri khan in business life and so also in personal life as well. she has handled shahrukh khan’s affairs very well.
  • shahrukh khan’s Horoscope suggest that he may take a serious attitude to life and relationships, appreciating consistency, self-control, and long-term commitments, as Saturn is the 7th lord. so we know shahrukh khan is still stable with his first wife gauri.
  • Along with being autonomous, progressive, and socially concerned, Aquarians are frequently interested in endeavors that advance society. so this is the personality of gauri khan, she is progressive. her getting married to Muslims in 1990’s itself suggest that she was quite open and progressive of her times.
  • so also shahrukh khan’s Horoscope suggest that his spouse gauri khan may be interested in science, technology, social issues, or both and have an analytical mind. so again gauri khan also helps society doing donations etc.
  • so also gauri khan frequently think logically and rationally, and they might value spiritual or intellectual discussions above sentimental or romantic ones. her being a class apart in creating business niche is a proof of the same .
  • Saturn’s influence may cause the relationship to develop slowly at first, but once it does, it will be strong and stable. the results of the relationships are clear to all of us.
  • Outward Look and Way of Life

  • In terms of physical characteristics, the spouse gauri khan may be tall or slender, with a calm or restrained manner, which is indicative of Saturn’s controlled energy. so yes gauri khan is tall and more towards slimmer side.
  • shahrukh khan’s wife could give off the impression of being modest in appearance and preferring practicality and simplicity to excess.
  • Additionally, the spouse of shahrukh khan or gauri is probably going to lead a disciplined lifestyle that prioritizes routine, health, and work ethics. so sure she is not a party person and leads a more disciplined life.
  • Given that Aquarius is an air sign, the spouse may have a distinct sense of style that strikes a balance between realism and a hint of unconventionality.
  • shahrukh khan’s Horoscope suggest that his life partner could also be drawn to work that is focused on the community, academic endeavors, or humanitarian causes.
  • Their marriage ( marriage of sharukh khan and gauri khan) will probably be built on equality and respect for one another, with a great focus on friendship and common values.
  • past life reincarnation re birth
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of shahrukh khan say about his past life time core, basics ?

  • Now to study or know what kind of wife or life partner shahrukh khan had in previous life reincarnation, we need to study his basic life in past life. so also some comparisons to this life time of shahrukh is also done.
  • In the Past life Horoscope (PLA) of shahrukh khan’s Mars, the ruler of Aries, delivers a complicated blend of tremendous energy, unforeseen life events, and transformative experiences when it is placed in the 8th house with Ketu and Mercury, the lord of the 6th house. so in his previous life incarnation shahrukh khan might have had a tough and very aggressive un predictable life. but so also due to ketu he could have been close to dharma or religion. so again he could have been very passionate and aggressive whatever he did. the same passion is visible in this life time for films in shahrukh khan.
  • The 8th house is in charge of issues pertaining to metamorphosis, concealment, abrupt shifts, longevity, and occult knowledge. so also there is a possibility of occult knowledge to shahrukh khan in previous life time. as rahu ketu axis is also there, it could be to do with religions which are non Vedic. Like Christianity, Islam or Judaism as well.
  • With Mercury as the lord of the sixth house and Mars opposite Ketu, the person may be bold and resolute but also vulnerable to unforeseen setbacks or difficulties in life. so he had chronic ailment, thefts and conspiracies in previous life reincarnation . sure he has conspiracy in this life time as well his son got jailed but still better than his previous life time.
  • Mercury also adds themes of rivalry, conflict, and health-related concerns.
  • Characteristics of the Mind in past life reincarnation for Past life Horoscope (PLA) of shahrukh khan and this life time connection

  • shahrukh khan probably had a strong sense of independence, be very private, and have a keen curiosity about taboo or hidden topics like psychology, spirituality, or metaphysics. So he could have been a maulana or a religious preacher in his life time. be it for Jews or also Christian father.
  • When Mars is in the eighth house, a person may possess strong resolve, fortitude, and the ability to manage difficult situations well. so he had all this and continues to come to this life time as well.
  • The native may be better able to concentrate on spiritual or mystical endeavors thanks to Ketu, the planet of detachment and spiritual insight.
  • This could make them more introspective and drawn to the occult or esoteric domains.
  • But this combination can also result in impulsivity or a propensity to behave hastily, especially when there’s danger or disagreement. so he has carried on this impulsivity in this life time as well.
  • While Mercury’s influence from the 6th house might help shahrukh khan in past life reincarnation become more analytical and sharp-witted, it can also cause mental unrest and over thinking in his previous life times. he has been a bit jumpy in this life time as well. 🙂 observe him in his movies.
  • Events and Difficulties in Life in his previous life time and this life time connection

  • due to mars lordships and in 8th house it comes to life events, this combination portends a life filled with abrupt and erratic shifts, especially when it comes to relationships, health, and money for shahrukh khan in previous life reincarnation. Now in this life time he has been pretty stable. 🙂 so this karma he has worked out somehow.
  • The native may encounter unanticipated difficulties or foes in hiding. the secret enemies part is true for shahrukh khan in this life time as well, but less and more controlled.
  • Mars and Ketu in the eighth house may bring about a dramatic change in one’s life, perhaps brought about by obstacles that force one to mature.
  • Inheritances, shared resources, investments, and financial matters could all involve varying fortunes, particularly because of Ketu’s detached attitude. so as we shared he as more of a maulana of jewish or Muslim or also father of Christian faith in previous life sojourn.
  • In this combination, health complications associated with Mercury (the lord of the sixth house) may include nervous system illnesses, skin problems, or digestive disorders. we don’t know if he still suffers from these unless in this life time,.
  • Conflicts at work or in the court system could also put the native’s forbearance and patience to the test.
  • Notwithstanding these obstacles, the native’s inner fortitude and resourcefulness can result in substantial personal development, especially in the areas of spirituality and self-awareness.
  • Basic cross check of the past life reincarnation of shahrukh khan by other methods

  • Jupiter gets into Taurus and gets energy of rahu and ketu and also mercury and mars. so he was an complex combination of action energy and non conventional or different thinking in previous life time. so all the core energies are getting confirmed now.
  • past life horoscope shahrukh khan gauri khan
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of shahrukh khan say about his past life time wife and how it connects to gauri khan in this life time ?
    astrological comparison of shahrukh khan this life time wife and past life time reincarnation wife ?

  • The life partner so sharukh khan in previous life reincarnation was likely to combine Sagittarian intellect and adventure with Venusians charm when Venus, the lord of the 7th house, is placed in Sagittarius in the 9th house. so one could expect more dharma inclination of wife of shahrukh khan in previous life time. so also more optimism. yes gauri khan is more innovative and philosophical in that sense.
  • Venus is the sign that rules relationships, love, and beauty; Jupiter rules Sagittarius, which provides traits like spirituality, higher education, and a passion for travel. so education and higher learning and spirituality could have been her focus. all this gels with the maulana saheb possible profile of shahrukh khan in his previous lifetimes.
  • The combination points to a partner of previous life time reincarnation of being free-spirited, philosophical outlook on life and an attractive, pleasant manner.
  • The spouse’s personality past life time and how it connects to gauri khan in this life time

  • The partner is probably highly intelligent, well-educated, and passionate about spirituality or philosophy.
  • They might have a strong moral compass and frequently pursue knowledge of the higher good.
  • Due to their Sagittarius sign, they will likely cherish independence in both thought and behavior.
  • They may also enjoy traveling, experiencing new places, and learning about novel concepts.
  • They will take an open-minded, liberal stance on partnerships, emphasizing mutual respect and growth.
  • The partner is probably going to be upbeat and vibrant, and you might enjoy spending time with them because of their adventurous spirit and sense of humor.
  • Prioritizing intellectual compatibility, they will look for a mate who enjoys learning and discovery as much as they do.
  • Outward Look and Way of Life of past life time wife of shahrukh khan and gauri khan

  • Venus’s influence is likely to manifest physically in the spouse’s pleasing appearance and attractive or young aura for his wife in previous li8fe time reincarnation . venus has a strong influence on gauri khan as well she is a great designer and has invested into films as well.
  • Because Sagittarius is an easy-going sign, they may have an air of informality mixed with grace and elegance. Sagittarian traits are somewhat there in gauri khan but not fully.
  • Their fashion sense is probably understated yet elegant, with a penchant for practical yet cozy clothes that accentuate their sense of adventure.
  • The partner of the previous life time of shahrukh khan will take pleasure in traveling, being outside, and partaking in intellectually stimulating hobbies such as reading, picking up a new language, or going to cultural events. this has some overlap with activities of gauri khan.
  • They could also have a spiritual bent and be drawn to philosophical or religious activities.
  • All in all, their life will be harmonious and balanced, combining the search for truth and greater wisdom with the pursuit of pleasure and beauty.
  • The partner of past life time of shahrukh khan likely to be self-assured, self-reliant, and charismatic when the Sun, the lord of the fifth house, is positioned in the seventh house. this innovation and independence still continues in this life time for gauri khan.
  • The spouse was likely to be self-assured and have leadership abilities because the Sun is a symbol of authority, vitality, and self-expression.so again this is a carried on trait and is present in his wife gauri khan in this life time as well.
  • They might exude confidence and charisma in social settings, endearing themselves to others with their powerful presence.
  • This placement frequently suggests that his past life time life partner values respect and appreciation in relationships and may be an independent, dignified person.
  • They probably take pride in the partnership and are driven, ambitious, and supportive of each other. so his life tumults and connections to dharma had full support from this wife from previous life time.
  • Even if they occasionally might have strong beliefs or a domineering demeanor, their dedication to one other’s development and achievement will probably result in a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.
  • Basic cross check of the past life reincarnation spouse of shahrukh khan by other methods

  • venus if we take in Scorpio sign, we have mars and ketu and mercury there. so also on the back is sun in Libra.
    so high dignity and independent lady is predicted. so also highly action oriented and passionate due to mars and ketu. so again connected to religion or karma as well. once again innovative .
  • conclusion horoscope shahrukh khan wife reincarnation past life wife analysis

  • Like a science we can see that past life reincarnation Horoscope of shahrukh khan was somewhat close to what it is in this life time.
  • but sure he got more relief in life in this life time and it was more stable and successful in bollywood. so also he is more into films than being a religious head or maulana may be in the past life reincarnation.
  • but sure the energies of wife or life partner are similar with more of venus and sun , that is aesthetic sense and art and so also high dignity due to venus .
  • it was high dignity and at a different level.
  • he had similar name and fame and opulence in previous life time, but not to the level he has in this life time.
  • so also his career was connected to arts and theatre or films.
  • so also being religious in previous life reincarnation he got so much success in this life time!.
  • //——————————————————————————————————————-

    Astrology Reincarnation Aamir khan rebirth predictions

    astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictionsastrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions

    About this article?

  • In this article , we at length look at past life reincarnation journey of the aamir khan.
  • we look at his career, family life and life in general and how it was in the past life reincarnation.
  • This is done using the parashari astrology systems and some other systems to do additional checks to see if we have arrived to the right conclusions.
  • we find a lot of similarity in karma patterns.
  • we also find how he was in show business, travel, being in limelight or cinema in previous life reincarnation or Purvajanma as well.
  • The article also connects how past life karma of aamir khan connects to his present life karma.
  • we get to know how karma tracks us or the soul from incarnation to incarnation!
    basic structure astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions
    How was the basic structure of aamir Khan in his previous life reincarnation or re-birth?
    Libra Ascendant, Venus in the Fifth House, Libra Lagna Lord in the Fifth House:

  • Venus becomes the Lagna lord when Libra or tula rashi is the ascendant, and its position in the 5th house suggests a close relationship with imagination, learning, love, and financial speculation for aamir khan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth as well.
  • Success in creative or intellectual endeavors, as well as artistic inclinations and a refined sense of beauty, are frequently associated with this position of venus was also there.
  • as venus the planet of creativity and beauty and so also films gets into the 5th house of creativity and higher expression.
  • so all these things are accentuated.
  • With this location of venus or shukra , Aamir Khan might succeed in the entertainment, artistic, educational, or investment domains in his previous life incarnation as well or past life.
  • The planet Venus is also a passionate and love-enhancing planet in the 5th house, which helps to create a harmonious and captivating personality.
  • so all this was true what is true in this life time of having a captivating personality and creativity in personality in his previous sojourn as well.
  • we can see 100% correlation here.
  • This placement was auspicious for creative endeavors, parenting, and riskier endeavors like investing in the stock market.
  • so we can see high risk behaviors of aamir khan was there earlier as well and this is a carried over trait of his.
  • Libra Lagna Lord (Venus in Kumbha Rashi) in Aquarius or kumbha rashi

  • Venus, the Libran ruler, mixes the elegance and beauty of Venus or shukra graha with the creative and inventive force of Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi).
  • We know that venus means creativity and so also Aquarius means innovation and new ways of doing things.
  • so a mix of this gives aamir khan high creativity and innovation in previous life incarnation as well.
  • this is a carried on trait of his.
  • Because of this positioning, Aamir Khan was seen as progressive, idealistic, and humanitarian.
  • in his previous existence as well Venus in Aquarius inspires a desire of independence of Aquarius or kumbha , individuality again of kumbha or Aquarius, and nontraditional partnerships.
  • Individuals with this placement might be drawn to professions in huge organizations, social reform, or technology or some niche work for him in past life reincarnation.
  • Venus and Aquarius make a futuristic or inventive combination that boosts creativity and helps people succeed in areas where creativity and innovation meet.
  • all these qualities of being innovative and futuristic are still there in aamir khan in this life time incarnation as well.
  • 🙂

    Strong Saturn-Venus Conjunction in Kumbha Rashi, with Venus in Aquarius:

  • A powerful Saturn in its own sign of Aquarius denotes duty, self-control, and an attention to long-term objectives.
  • the energies of Saturn get shared with venus or lagna of aamir khan in previous life.
  • so clearly the high discipline aamir khan show in this life time was there in previous life time reincarnation as well.
  • Saturn or shani in Aquarius offers progressive concepts and social improvements a methodical approach.
  • aamir khan continues with the same approach in this life time as well.
  • His movies of lagaan etc clearly reflect his high discipline and socials improvement for a success.
  • When Saturn and Venus align as is the case for him, it can bring creativity and pragmatism into harmony, paving the way for successes in artistic endeavors through rigorous and focused work.
  • This combination frequently denotes success in occupations involving technology, innovation, or big businesses where one’s creative or social ideals are realized via consistent, diligent effort.
  • so all his could have been true for aamir khan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth .
  • so he could have been involved in big business or matter involving deeper effort.
  • Relationships can also become more stable when Saturn and Venus align, but there may be delays or new duties when it comes to matters of love and partnership.
  • some cross checks for past life reincarnation with other methods for aamir khan general traits
    Jupiter in his previous life reincarnation gets into Pisces sign with sun and mercury.

  • so sure he had great talent and dignity and dharma in previous life time as well.
  • so also aligned to dharma as well.
  • again he had a high dignity life in previous life time as well.
  • so again he was intelligent and quick to understand things as he is in this life time.
  • but he had certain issues in his hasty and indirect thinking and what he spoke.
  • career job astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions
    work or career of aamir Khan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    Career Lord: Moon, 10th House Lord in Cancer:

  • The Moon becomes the ruler of career and public image while Cancer is in the 10th house.
  • As the lord of the tenth house, the Moon implies a cyclical or variable professional path, marked by periods of expansion interspersed with moments of introspection.
  • So in the past life reincarnation of aamir Khan had a career that was fluid and travelling one.
  • so also it could have to do with cinema or travel due to moon energies.
  • Aamir Khan, whose career is ruled by the Moon in past life , may succeed in industries that deal with nurturing, care, or emotions, like healthcare, hospitality, or counseling.
  • so also in this life time he is dealing with emotions and care.
  • Although the Moon’s influence frequently results in public attention, it can also bring about emotional engagement in the workplace.
  • so again he was in public glare in previous incarnation as well, so sis it true for him in this life time as well.
  • His Careers may have included travel, adjustments, or public interactions; intuition and adaptability are frequently the keys to success.
  • so apart from film industry he might have been in public dealings or feelings related careers.
  • The Lord Moon is located in the 10th House.

  • the 10th house’s ruler, the Moon in the 10th house promotes both public awareness and employment opportunities for aamir khan in previous life reincarnation .
  • as the 10th house is public and moon is travel, so combined means travel in the public.
  • With this placement, Aamir Khan may have had a prominent public or leadership role in a career that is frequently very visible.
  • so 🙂 clearly he was very famous in previous life reincarnation also.
  • A caring approach to career can be indicated by the Moon’s position in the 10th house, which qualifies aamir for leadership positions requiring emotional intelligence and sensitivity.
  • so leaderships, sensitivity and emotional intelligence is highly there in aamir khan in this life timer as well.
  • But the Moon’s erratic behavior could lead to ups and downs in a career.
  • so did aamir khan have ups and downs in this life time as well.
  • This placement also raises the possibility that emotional or familial issues, as well as flexibility in the face of change, could affect one’s reputation and level of success.
  • so also he or aamir khan had familial issues in this life time as well.
  • he married twice or divorced at least once.
  • more reports of possible 3rd marriage were also in.
  • some cross checks for past life reincarnation with other methods for career general traits

  • Saturn or shani in Capricorn, means he had an original work and lot of hard work was involved in the same.
  • Moon aspects Saturn from cancer sign.
  • so again it could have been a public job and to do with human emotions and sensitivity as is the case with films.
  • so over all the structure of past life of aamir khan matches in both lifetimes.
  • family astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions
    Family Life of aamir Khan in his previous life reincarnation or re-birth?
    Saturn in Capricorn with Venus and Rahu in the 5th House, or the 4th House Lord Saturn:

  • Placed in the 5th house, Saturn or shani dev , the ruler of the 4th house (home, domestic life, and emotional foundations), suggests that responsibilities pertaining to children, education, or creative endeavors may contribute to stability in the household in his previous life reincarnation.
  • so aamir khan did have responsibilities for kids children and creative deliveries or films or related work in previous life time as well.
  • 🙂
    This location implies a serious attitude to creative and emotional issues, which frequently requires Aamir Khan to put in a lot of effort in order to feel emotionally fulfilled in his previous earthly sojourn.
  • we can see he is still not emotionally satisfied in this life time and want high perfection in films he does to do so.
  • Although Saturn or shani in the 5th house might cause delays or difficulties with children or risky endeavors in his previous life reincarnation, it also might have brought in structure and discipline, which eventually leads to success in these areas for him.
  • the same discipline continues in this life time as well for aamir khan.
  • Given that Rahu, the North Node, and Venus, the Lord of the Eighth House, are both in the Fifth House, Aamir Khan might have gone profound and life-changing experiences in the areas of love in previous life time .
  • so also sued his creativity, and risk-taking—sometimes by using unusual methods.
  • so also in this life time in movie like ghazni and lagaan aamir khan uses creative and risk taking ventures to re establish himself in movies.
  • so same traits continue.
  • 8th House Lord and North Node, with Venus and Rahu in the 4th House Lord in Capricorn:

  • The placement of Saturn or shani dev , the lord of the fourth house, in Capricorn alongside Venus and Rahu r dragon’s head adds complexity to one’s emotional and domestic life of aamir khan in past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Changes pertaining to home, family, and emotional stability would have been profound, abrupt, and transforming when Venus, the lord of the eighth house, aligns with Rahu for aamir khan.
  • as we shared earlier similar trends are there in this life time as well.
  • This placement might result in a peculiar or out-of-the-ordinary home setting for aamir khan in past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Rahu’s presence suggests outside influences or abrupt, unforeseen circumstances that affect family life or property-related issues.
  • Rahu’s or dragon’s head’s erratic character necessitates careful handling, yet this combination can also result in material rewards through real estate, inheritance, or speculative endeavors.
  • so rahu and venus in his horoscope indicate the instability in married life and this life time as well.
  • we have discussed his divorces and affairs as well.
  • some cross checks for past life reincarnation with other methods for aamir khan family patterns traits

  • venus the karaka for family is taken back on Capricorn or Saturn ruled sign makes it dry and arid for family matters for aamir khan in past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • so also venus has aspect of Moon , that is a traveler.
  • so again there is fluidity in married life and family of past life of aamir khan.
  • this is continued trait for this life time as well.
  • conclusion astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions

  • Like a science we can see that past life reincarnation of aamir khan was very close to what it is in this life time in terns of career, love or family life.
  • be it the general life.
  • it was high dignity but t the same time abrupt as well.
  • he had name and fame and opulence as he has in this life time.
  • so also his career was connected to arts, something unique and theatre or films.
  • so is the same in this life time.
  • The only thing is his family life was abruptly affected.
  • something similar to what he has in this life time.

  • Astrology Of Reincarnation Amitabh Bachchan re-birth Analysis

    reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm amitabh bachchan

    About this article?

  • In this article, we at length look at past life reincarnation journey of the majestic and king amitabh bachchan.
  • we look at his career, family life and life in general.
  • using the parashari astrology systems and some other systems to do additional checks.
  • we find a lot of similarity and surprises as well.
  • we also find how he was in show business or cinema in previous life reincarnation or Purvajanma as well.
  • The article also connects how past life karma connects to his present life karma. we get to know how karma tracks us or the soul from incarnation to incarnation.
    reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    Reincarnation Horoscope of amitabh bachchan
    reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    How was the basic structure of amitabh bachchan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    Ascendant Lord Venus in Debility in the 12th House:

  • Relationships, money, and self-worth issues can all be impacted by Venus’s debilitation in the 12th house for sri amitabh bachchan in his past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Losses, costs, and solitude was represented by the 12th house, and the inherent peace and comfort that Venus offers was weakened by a weak Venus for amitabh bachchan’s life in purva janma or previous life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Amitabh bachchan could had experienced problems in intimate relationships, struggle to feel emotionally fulfilled, or feel cut off in his previous reincarnation. which is quite opposite to this life time 🙂 as he is very emotionally fulfilled here.
  • Financial issues could be brought on either case less expenditure or unreported costs for him. Yes he did face some financial issues in this life time as well when he was broke- but most of it he recovered.
  • he was Participating in spiritual or humanitarian endeavors in previous life reincarnation.
  • To restore emotional equilibrium, amitabh bachchan might turn to spiritual activities or seclusion for comfort. This is yet to be seen in this life time. though he has gone deep into Yoga etc in this life time.
  • Ascending Lord in Virgo Sign:

  • amitabh bachchan with the ascendant lord in Virgo is likely to be analytical, realistic, and meticulous in his previous life incarnation. he continues to had the same talent in this life as well as he carries on the same in KBC or kaun banega crorepati serial managing and handling so many people so well.
  • A Virgo person is methodical in their approach to life and places a high emphasis on routine, health, and service. so he was quite regular and methodical in previous life reincarnation. the same skill or discipline in this life time has given him so much of success!
  • amitabh bachchan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth may had a propensity for overanalyzing things or being unduly critical of other people or himself, but He was probably strong in was as that call for organization and critical thinking.
  • Amitabh bachchan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth may be drawn to careers of health care , communications, or customer service, and their methodical approach to work helps him succeed in these domains. so also careers to do with arts or films or anything creative. the same continues in this life time as well.
  • amitabh bachchan in previous life time needed to exercise caution, though, so that in their quest for perfection He don’t become overly rigid or worried. the quest for perfection is still high in this life time as well! It is this perfection that to amitabh bachchan so high in life.
  • Ascending Lord with Strong Mercury:

  • Amitabh bachchan had improved mental capacity, communication skills, and adaptability as the ascending lord is conjunct or connected with a strong Mercury even in previous life times or reincarnations.
  • Amitabh bachchan in previous life time with Mercury’s strength has a sharp mind, which makes him articulate, witty, and quick learners even that incarnations. he still retains his wit and Humor in this life time! one can very well see that in films and also KBC serial.
  • Because Amitabh bachchan was able to communicate ideas clearly and efficiently, this combination was advantageous for him in previous life time for vocations in writing, teaching, business, or communication. Films and other creative industries need all these talents.
  • He also had enhanced problem-solving abilities and was easily able to adjust to changing surroundings in his previous life time.
  • Social contacts and relationships were also enhanced for amitabh bachchan in previous life time because He was typically cordial and interesting. his cordiality is still reflected in his behavior in this life time.
  • To prevent anxiety, it can be necessary to strike a balance between cerebral energy and physical grounding.
  • Ascendant Lord with powerful Sun:

  • Amitabh bachchan ‘s self-expression, confidence, and leadership abilities was enhanced when the ascendant lord is linked to a powerful Sun for his previous life reincarnation horoscope. the same leadership qualities are strongly reflected in this life time.
  • Because of the clarity and sense of purpose that the Sun’s strength offers, Amitabh bachchan was driven and ambitious to succeed even in previous life time. so we see continuity of the same energy here in this life time!
  • In both their personal and professional spheres, He was frequently seen as authoritative individuals due to their inherent charisma.
  • Success in leadership roles, politics, or positions of authority was encouraged by this combination, allowing him to shine.
  • However, the powerful Sun can sometimes make Amitabh bachchan appear domineering or self-centered in his previous reincarnation, so He may had to watch out for ego or an oppressive attitude. Now this was true with amitabh bachchan in previous part of his life time but now it is not true for hi.
  • The idea was to strike a balance between confidence and modesty in his previous life time. which is true for this life time as well. he is quite modest and also a great success as well at the same time!
  • some cross checks here of past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji using other methods

  • Jupiter if taken to Gemini clearly suggest that amitabh bachchan was quick witted and highly creative and communicative in previous life time as well.
  • so also a fair Saturn close by in Taurus sign, gave him fair strength and philosophy in previous life times as well.
  • he continues to have the same philosophy in this life time as well.
  • Mars the lord of 11th house form Gemini suggest that it was a high action career even in previous life time of amitabh bachchan .
  • Jupiter in rotation first connects to rahu, so it could mean a work in film industry itself or something to do with diplomacy or communication related work.
  • career job reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    work or career of amitabh bachchan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    The exalted Jupiter is in the 10th house of career of IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji ,

  • IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji his, domains of reputation, public life, and the workplace were extremely fortunate. just like they are in this life time.:) he has a fully fledged raja Yoga of great life in films and success and now he does TV advertisements and KBC serials etc .
  • Jupiter or guru is symbolic of ethics, intelligence, and quick progress while it is in exaltation (in Cancer), making him well-liked in both his field and society in the past . very close to what is there in this life time.
  • This location of Jupiter represents a prosperous person who maintains moral principles, intelligence, and integrity.
  • He in his past life rebirth or reincarnation would usually looked up to as mentors, advisors, or leaders in their field because of their innate capacity to inspire others. The ability to inspires others is there in this life time as well.
  • hw could have greatly preferred to work in the disciplines of education, law, philosophy, spirituality, or any other subject that calls for knowledge and discernment in past life reincarnation of his .
  • Amitabh bachchan probably had a steady, long-term development that raised him to a high social standing and wins him honor and respect even in his past birth.
  • Jupiter’s exaltation will reward their efforts, leading to long-term riches predicated on moral behavior. so is it true in thus life time and he has all the great riches desired by all.
  • 10th House career Lord Moon in Lagna (Ascendant) of IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji :

  • When the 10th house lord Moon is in the Lagna (Ascendant),Amitabh bachchan career connected to public life is highlighted in his IN past life reincarnation or rebirth .
  • His identity, emotions, and professional aspirations was closely related, according to the Moon’s placement in the first house to his self.
  • he often had a deep emotional connection to his line of work, which often influences who He was .
  • He most likely had a public presence or operate in a profession that requires frequent interpersonal engagement.
  • This placement may help Amitabh bachchan develop empathy and compassion, which is beneficial in fields like social work, counseling, or health matters in previous li8fe time .
  • However, He should have ensured that job highs and lows don’t had an excessive effect on his mental health because their emotional nature can affect how He leads in their professional life in previous life time. we know his professions was intense in past life time and this life time as well. so also he was somewhat affected mentally by this. but he being initiated in Yoga etc is much better off.
  • Lord of the Tenth House career lord in Libra Sign in the IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji :

  • as the lord of the tenth house is in Libra, the sign of harmony, balance, and relationships, Amitabh bachchan is most likely pursued in diplomatic relations, negotiation, or artistic expression. diplomatic roles he still does in this life time, when you watch him in KBC.
  • Libra is a sign that rules the tenth house and is strongly associated with justice, equity, and teamwork in the workplace.
  • Amitabh bachchan may have been successful in professions like public relations, politics, law, or partnerships that call for harmony and tact. now movie and cinema and arbitrators role, in KBC he is playing the role for public relationships essentially.
  • He was adept at managing relationships in the workplace and often approach their task with charm, reason, and strategy. he has care and adaptive nature in this life time as well.
  • He may need to proceed with caution, though, as it can be challenging for him to make important decisions in their professional lives if He was extremely indecisive or if He rely too much on the approval of others.
  • some cross checks here of IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji using other methods

  • Saturn the karaka for job in its transit would first connect to exalted Jupiter.
  • this gives him great finesse in acting in previous life reincarnation. so also Saturn is in Aries sign or mesha rashi.
  • so some action oriented and leadership work he was doing. in this life time also he is doing a leadership or master hero role.
  • That’s what we call him maha nayak.saturn has an aspects of Moon or mind in Libra the sign of arts and theatre.
  • so clearly a strong influence on arts and theatre was there on amitabh bachchan’s career in previous life time.
  • family reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    Family Life of amitabh bachchan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    the Fourth House’s Lord Saturn in the Eighth House of the Family IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji

  • Family matters could get more difficult and complex for amitabh ji in past life reincarnation as Saturn, the fourth house’s lord, is in the eighth house. so in this life time he is with jaya bachchan ji much better settled and with better status .:0 we will check this with other methods below.
  • Whereas Saturn is associated with responsibility, planning, and delays, the eighth house is associated with transformation, dormant issues, and sudden changes. so thats what amitabh would have experienced in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • This combination may indicate a strict, conventional, or overly committed family environment in his previous life existence.
  • There may be obstacles or challenges related to family life, property matters, or inheritance.
  • Amitabh bachchan person may have experienced emotional isolation from others or be overburdened with responsibilities that had a negative impact on family relationships in his previous life time.
  • However, Saturn’s influence also encourages fortitude and endurance, which helped Amitabh bachchan deal with difficult familial situations gradually and patiently. The emotionalism and higher sensitivity and fortitude is still to be seen in this life time.
  • Family: Lord Saturn in Taurus, 4th House IN past life rebirth or reincarnation of Sri Amitabh bahchchan ji

  • Saturn or shani dev , the ruler of the fourth house, is found in Taurus or vrishabha sign , the sign that is ruled by Venus.
  • This suggests that tradition, stability, and material comfort was likely be important aspects of family life; nevertheless, these qualities may develop gradually and steadily. the traditions are still strong in this life time for amitabh bachchan ji. so this is a continued karmic trait.
  • Taurus is a practical sign that likes security, thus the family environment might have revolved around creating long-term stability, especially with reference to property or wealth.
  • Even though Saturn is in the comforting and secure sign of Taurus, its placement may also result in delays or labor-intensive commitments.
  • Families also might be valuing traditions and practical lifestyles, even if Saturn can cast a gloomy shadow over family relationships and prioritize practical goals above expressive emotions IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji . so just like amitabh bachchan had affairs in this life time, he might have had in previous incarnation and gloom would have gotten covered.
  • Exalted Jupiter Aspected the Fourth House in previous life reincarnation of amitabh bachchan or purvajanma or say rebirth: ji

  • The fourth house is aspected by Exalted Jupiter (in Cancer), which brings wealth, development, and favorable aspects to matters with family and self-perception in his previous life existence.
  • Jupiter’s aspect provides harmony, discernment, and emotional support within the family for him. in this life time also he has all support and security in life.
  • This characteristic alludes to a devoted, kind, and spiritually-minded family environment that places a high value on values like compassion, knowledge, and traditions.
  • Amitabh bachchan may have had favor in their family and community since He was typically viewed as reasonable, devout, and charitable individuals. amitabh bachchan in this life time also is very devout and charitable guy. He gives big donations.
  • This placement strengthens the foundation of family life and gives prosperity, security, and emotional joy.
  • Amitabh bachchan ‘s home life is most likely a peaceful and developing environment, and their moral character and strong familial bonds contribute to their favorable public perception.
  • some cross checks here for past life reincarnation or Purvajanma for amitabh bachchan

  • Venus has mercury, sun and mars with it in the horoscope.
  • venus is in debility so issues in family life were there.
  • but a nice environment mix of intellectualism , fun and thrill and dignity was there.
  • all which is there in this life time as well.
  • Jupiter is exalted in the 11th house in cancer, so a high dignity family life like it is in this life time was there.
  • conclusion reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm

  • Like a science we can see that past life reincarnation of amitabh bachchan was very close to what it is in this life time.
  • be it the general life.
  • it was high dignity and at a different level.
  • he had name and fame and opulence.
  • so also his career was connected to arts and theatre or films.
  • so is the same in this life time.
  • The only thing is his family life was a bit bad and affected.
  • which is much better in this life time.

  • Astrology Nadi Mother Predictions Bhrigu

    astrology nadi bhrigu nandi motherastrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    About this article?

  • This is a very unique and insightful article of Bhrigu Nandi nadi using the same to predict about mother and relationships for any person.
  • so primarily based on position and energy exchanges of Moon or chandra position in the horoscope and may be the energies shared with 4th house lord form Jupiter or Moon the mother related information is derived.
  • So also this idea of how Moon and 4th house from Jupiter influences the health, nature and personality of mother is explained in detail in a section below.
  • so again in this article several examples are given to elaborate the above points.
  • Plus a clear cut way from judging mother based on horoscope or Kundli is elucidated for you below.
  • Once again for more insights and clarity the kundli of sri rahul Gandhi Ji studied and detailed information about this mother Smt. Sonia Gandhi ji his mother of India is derived from the same.
  • mother astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    How is Mother or Mother figure understood in Bhrigu Nandi nadi astrology?
    Moon and mother examples astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the mother is primarily represented by the planet Moon and the 4th house from Jupiter or Guru in the birth chart. So the strength and weakness and energy exchanges with these two things, namely moon and 4th house from Jupiter tells us great details about mother of the person./
  • so also as we know Moon signifies emotions, nurturing, and the overall psychological makeup influenced by the mother, while the 4th house governs the home, early childhood, and maternal influences.
  • mother astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Key Factors for Predictions Regarding Mother in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Astrology:
    Moon’s Placement and Condition:

  • The position, strength, and aspects of the Moon or chandra dev play a significant role in determining the nature of the mother and her impact on the native’s or person’s life.
  • A well-placed Moon indicates a nurturing, supportive, and emotionally balanced mother, while an afflicted Moon might suggest emotional challenges or difficulties related to the mother.
  • So again say Jupiter energy by dispositership or by aspect is there for moon, then that means high dignity and dharma mother.
  • 4th House from Jupiter placement or even moon and It’s Lord:

  • The 4th house represents the mother, home environment, and early upbringing of anyone .
  • The sign in the 4th house, the condition of its lord, and any planets placed in or aspecting the 4th house provide insights into the mother’s characteristics, health, and relationship with the native.
  • aspects drishti astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Conjunctions and Aspects:

  • Any conjunctions or aspects between the Moon, 4th house lord, and other planets can modify the predictions about mother.
  • For example, a conjunction of the Moon with benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus often indicates a loving and wise mother or high dignity and dharma oriented mother.
  • In contrast, malefic influences such as Saturn or Rahu might indicate a strict or distant relationship or at least a good manager the mother is.
  • moon chandra astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Karaka (Significator) Planets:

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the influence of karaka planets (significations) is crucial.
  • The Moon, as the karaka for the mother, must be analyzed for its sign, house placement, and any aspects to understand the depth of maternal influence in the native’s life.
  • predictions astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Positive Influences:

  • When the Moon and 4th house lord are well-placed and associated with benefic planets, the native or person enjoys a close, harmonious relationship with the mother.
  • The mother may play a significant role in providing emotional support, guidance, and stability for the person.
  • The home environment is likely to be nurturing, contributing positively to the native’s emotional development.
  • challenges astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother

  • If the Moon is afflicted or the 4th house or even the 4th house lord from Jupiter is under the influence of malefic planets, the native might experience emotional challenges or separations related to the mother.
  • This could manifest as a distant or strained relationship, health issues concerning the mother, or a home environment that lacks emotional warmth.
  • The person might need to work through deep-seated emotional issues related to early childhood and the mother’s influence.
  • The wonderful Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology offers a detailed and nuanced approach to understanding the maternal influence in a person’s life, considering both the spiritual and practical aspects of the relationship between the native and their mother.
  • mother astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Bhrigu Nandi nadi some specific examples for Mother

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the analysis of the mother is derived from a detailed examination of the Moon, the 4th house, and other relevant factors in the birth chart.
  • Here are a few examples to illustrate how predictions related to the mother might be made:
  • moon astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Example 1:
    Moon in Own Sign:

  • If the Moon is placed in Cancer in the 4th house, it is in its own sign, which gives it strength naturally.
  • This indicates a strong, nurturing, and emotionally supportive mother.
  • The native is likely to have a close and harmonious relationship with the mother, who may be protective and deeply involved in the native’s life.
  • The home environment is warm and emotionally fulfilling, contributing positively to the native’s sense of security and well-being.
  • moon saturn conjunctions astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Example 2: Moon Conjunct Saturn in the 4th House from Jupiter
    Moon with Saturn:

  • If the Moon is conjunct Saturn in the 4th house, it suggests a more disciplined, perhaps strict, or distant relationship with the mother.
  • The mother might be a person of strong principles, possibly reserved in expressing emotions, which could make the native feel emotionally restricted or unloved at times.
  • The home environment might be structured but could lack warmth, leading to a sense of duty or responsibility rather than emotional fulfillment.
  • rahu dragon's head astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Example 3: Moon in the 12th House with Rahu Aspecting the 4th House
    Moon in the 12th House:

  • If the Moon is placed in the 12th house with an aspect from Rahu or dragon’s head to the 4th house, it indicates a complicated relationship with the mother. As rahu or dragon’s head makes things complex and un predictable.
  • The mother might be physically distant, perhaps due to frequent travels or health issues, or there might be an emotional disconnect.
  • Rahu’s aspect can create confusion or a sense of detachment.
  • The native may feel a lack of emotional security or have unresolved issues related to the mother, possibly leading to subconscious fears or anxieties.
  • jupiter guru astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Example 4: 4th House Lord in the 7th House with Jupiter’s Aspect
    4th Lord in 7th House:

  • If the 4th house lord is placed in the 7th house and is aspected by Jupiter, the native’s mother may have a significant influence on their relationships and marriage.
  • The mother could be a guiding force in the native’s choices related to partnerships.
  • With Jupiter’s positive aspect, the mother is likely wise, supportive, and provides valuable advice regarding marriage and partnerships, contributing to a balanced and harmonious relationship with the native’s spouse.
  • scorpio ketu or dragon's tail conjunction astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Example 5: Moon in Scorpio in the 4th House, Ketu in 4th House

  • Moon in Scorpio: When the Moon is in Scorpio, especially in the 4th house with Ketu also present, it suggests a complex and potentially challenging relationship with the mother.
  • The mother might be intense, secretive, or emotionally volatile situation in family or with mother.
  • Ketu’s or dragon’s tail presence can indicate a past life connection but also bring detachment or unusual circumstances around the mother.
  • The person might experience emotional turbulence at home or a sense of disconnection from maternal warmth, possibly leading to spiritual introspection or seeking emotional solace elsewhere.
  • 4th house lord in 9th astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Example 6: 4th House Lord in the 9th House with Benefic Aspect
    4th Lord from Jupiter placement in 9th House:

  • If the 4th house lord is placed in the 9th house, and receives an aspect from a benefic planet like Venus or Jupiter, it suggests that the person’s mother is a person of wisdom, possibly involved in teaching, religion, or higher knowledge.
  • The mother might instill strong moral values and support the native’s education and spiritual growth.
  • The relationship is likely to be positive, with the mother playing a key role in shaping the person’s beliefs and philosophical outlook on life.
  • summary astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Summary of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Analysis of Mother:

  • These examples show how Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology takes into account various placements, aspects, and conjunctions to derive predictions related to the mother.
  • The Moon’s placement, the condition of the 4th house and its lord, as well as the influence of other planets, collectively help astrologers understand the nature of the mother, her influence on the native, and the quality of the relationship between the native and their mother.
  • astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Some practical examples of Bhrigu Nandi nadi astrology and Mother

    –>{Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn +mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}
    how to know about MOTHER based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?

  • Moon is mother and strong in Libra.
  • So also sun is strong in the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
  • so also 12th sun or father is Saturn , so expenditure on poor or Saturn is there by father.
  • so also next to moon as Saturn is there so money outflows for poor by mother is there.
  • {Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn + mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}—————————–>{cancer = rahu or dragon’s head}
    how to know about MOTHER & DAUGHTER and Overall HEALTH based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?

  • Venus or shukra is the daughter, it carries the energy of daughter.
  • but if we progress the chart, so there is NO planet between Venus and rahu.
  • so Venus gets first into rahu and get malefic by the energy.
  • then from rahu to moon or mother there is no planet, so the moon or mother receives a sick daughter.
  • this causes the problems.
  • so As Venus or shukra meets the Moon or Chandra dev in the next after meeting Rahu or dragons head before the same , the mother or the moon witnesses the passing away of a daughter that is Venus planet .
  • rahul gandhi astrology nadi bhrigu nandi motherhoroscope rahul gandhi astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mothersonia gandhi astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Rahul Gandhi ji’s Mother Smt. Sonia Gandhi ji analyzed based on Bhrigu nandi astrology and Horoscope of Rahul Gandhi Ji
    moon astrology nadi bhrigu nandi mother
    Moon in Scorpio, Rahul Gandhi Ji mother smt. Sonia Gandhi predictions

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the Moon in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi , though traditionally considered debilitated, can still yield positive outcomes depending on various factors like aspects from benefic planets, the placement of other key planets, and the overall strength of the chart.
  • Positive Predictions for Moon in Scorpio Regarding The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji :
    Strong Emotional Depth and Resilience:

  • When the Moon is in Scorpio, The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji is likely to have a deep emotional strength and resilience.
  • Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji may have gone through significant life challenges and emerged stronger, instilling in Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji a similar ability to face difficulties with courage.
  • The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji might teach Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji the importance of emotional endurance and transformation, helping him or rahul Gandhi ji navigate through tough times with determination.
  • Intuitive and Protective Nature of The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji :

  • The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji may possess strong intuitive abilities, often sensing what Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji needs before he even expresses it.
  • Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji could be highly protective, with a strong desire to shield Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji from harm, both emotionally and physically and or from his Political rivals.
  • This intuitive connection can lead to a deep bond where The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji is seen as a source of wisdom and guidance.
  • Influence on Spiritual Growth of The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji on rahu Gandhi ji:

  • Scorpio’s or vrishchika connection with transformation and the occult can suggest that The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji has a
  • significant impact on Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji’s spiritual or psychological growth of his .
  • Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji might encourage Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji to explore deeper aspects of life, such as spirituality, meditation, or psychology, leading to profound personal growth.
  • The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji may introduce Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji to practices or philosophies that help them understand and harness their emotional power.
  • Support in Crisis Situations:

  • The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji is likely to be a reliable source of support during crises.
  • Her presence is stabilizing, and Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji may excel in helping Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji navigate through emotional or life challenges.
  • This support can foster a deep trust and reliance on The mother or Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji , who is seen as a strong pillar in Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji’s life.

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    Astrology Nadi Bhrigu Father Predictions

    nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    About this article?

  • This is a very unique and insightful article of Bhrigu Nandi nadi using the same to predict about father and relationships for any person.
  • so primarily based on position and energy exchanges of sun or surya and may be the energies shared with 9th house lord form Jupiter or sun the father related information is derived.
  • so again in this article several examples are given to elaborate the above points.
  • Plus a clear cut way from judging father based on horoscope or Kundli is elucidated for you below.
  • again for more insights and clarity the kundli of sri rahul Gandhi Ji studied and detailed information about this father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji the former prime minister of India is derived from the same.
  • nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    How is father or father figure understood in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology?
    Basic Overview

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the concept of the father and predictions related to him are derived from the analysis of specific planetary placements, aspects, and combinations in a person’s chart OR horoscope or Kundli.
  • The Sun is typically considered the primary significator of the father, representing his influence, relationship, and the individual’s inheritance of paternal qualities.
  • Additionally, the 9th house is often associated with the father, indicating his fortune, blessings, and role in the individual’s life.
  • sun surya nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    1. Sun’s Position and Aspects:

  • The position of the Sun in the natal chart is crucial in understanding the father’s role and influence.
  • A strong and well-placed Sun generally indicates a positive and supportive relationship with the father, often reflecting his strong character, leadership qualities, and potential for success.
  • Conversely, a debilitated or afflicted Sun might suggest challenges, such as health issues for the father, a distant relationship, or struggles in gaining his support or approval.
  • house of horoscope nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    2. 9th House from Jupiter or even sun or surya suggest more about Father’s Influence:

  • The 9th house, being the house of dharma, fortune, and higher principles, also plays a significant role in predicting matters related to the father.
  • The placement of the 9th house lord, any planets in the 9th house, and aspects to this house give insights into the father’s influence on the individual’s or person’s life.
  • A strong 9th house typically indicates a father who is wise, respected, and has a significant positive impact on the person’s values, education, and overall fortune.
  • If the 9th house is weak or afflicted, it may indicate challenges in the relationship with the father or difficulties in receiving his guidance and support.
  • planets conjunctions nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    3. Planetary Combinations in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi:

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, specific planetary combinations and their influence on the 9th house and Sun can offer detailed predictions about the father.
  • For example, a combination of the Sun with benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus can indicate a harmonious and supportive relationship with the father, along with his prosperity and good fortune.
  • On the other hand, the presence of malefic planets like Saturn or Rahu in relation to the Sun or 9th house can point to difficulties, obstacles, or a karmic bond that requires resolution.
  • Through a detailed analysis of these factors, Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology can provide nuanced predictions about the father’s role in the individual’s life, the quality of the father-child relationship, and the impact of the father’s fortunes on the individual’s destiny.
  • nadi astrology father nadi astrology father
    More Details and practical examples for Nadi based Father Analysis for help
    sun nadi astrology father
    1) Sun’s Positions and aspects in horoscope Bhrigu nadi example father analysis & more details
    In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the Sun represents the father, authority, self-esteem, and the soul’s vitality.

  • Its position and aspects in the horoscope provide significant insights into the father’s character, influence, and relationship with the native.
  • Here’s an example analysis of the Sun’s positions and aspects concerning the father in a horoscope:

  • Kindly note different house positions are taken with respect to either position of Jupiter or Position of sun .
  • 1. Sun in Different Houses:

  • Sun in the 1st House:
  • The father plays a pivotal role in shaping the native’s identity and personality as sun is father and sun sits into he first house itself.
  • The native may inherit leadership qualities, confidence, and a strong sense of self from the father.
  • However, there could be occasional clashes due to strong egos between father and son.
  • Sun in the 4th House:

  • The father may have a significant impact on the native’s home environment and emotional well-being.
  • This placement can indicate a father who is deeply involved in family matters or one who exerts authority at home.
  • The relationship may be warm but could also involve power dynamics.
  • Sun in the 9th House:

  • This placement often signifies a father who is philosophical, religious, or highly educated. As sun is father karaka and 9th house is for dharma or religiousness
  • The native is likely to look up to the father as a guide or mentor.
  • The father may be involved in law, education, or spirituality, and the relationship is generally respectful and harmonious. As 9th house again deals with dharma, spirituality and having Jupiter as the karaka means connected to legal matters.
  • Sun in the 10th House:

  • The father is likely to have a prominent public role or career, and the native may inherit a strong sense of ambition and duty from him.
  • The father’s influence on the native’s career is profound, and there is often a desire to live up to his expectations.
  • 2. Sun’s Aspects in the Horoscope:
    Sun Aspecting the 7th House:

  • The native’s father may have a strong influence on their views of partnerships and marriage.
  • There could be a desire to find a partner who embodies qualities similar to the father or one who commands respect and authority.
  • Sun Aspecting the 3rd House:

  • The father’s influence may shape the native’s communication style, courage, and relationship with siblings. As 3rd house deals with initiative and ability to communicate
  • This aspect suggests a father who encourages the native to be assertive, articulate, and proactive. as again there is an energy exchange of sun the father and 3rd house of initiatives
  • Sun Aspecting the 11th House:

  • The native’s social circle, friendships, and long-term goals may be influenced by the father’s values and guidance. As sun is father and thee is energy shared with 11th house for socials circles and well wishers.
  • The father may play a role in helping the native achieve their aspirations, and there could be significant gains through paternal connections.
  • 3.Sun’s Conjunctions:
    Sun Conjunct Mercury:

  • The father may be intelligent, articulate, and involved in fields related to communication, business, or education. As mercury is the karaka or signifcator for education, communication and business etc. , so sun close by suggest good exchange of these energies.
  • The native might share a close intellectual bond with the father, often seeking his advice and insights. Mercury or budha also deals with intellectualism , so being close to sun or father so good bonds would be there.
  • Sun Conjunct Saturn:

  • This conjunction can indicate a strict, disciplined, or authoritative father. As saturn or shani dev adds to discipline and authoritative nature of father
  • The native may experience a sense of responsibility or duty towards the father, but the relationship could also involve challenges, delays, or hardships.
  • Sun Conjunct Jupiter:
    The father may be wise, generous, and spiritually or morally inclined.
  • The native is likely to receive strong moral and ethical guidance from the father, and the relationship is usually one of mutual respect and support.
  • 4. Sun in Different Signs:
    Sun in Leo:

  • The father may be authoritative, proud, and charismatic.
  • Leo is a sign of loyalty and pride and sun here gives this to father as well/
  • He or the father could hold a position of power or influence, and the native might inherit a strong sense of dignity and leadership from him.
  • Sun in Scorpio:

  • The father may be intense, secretive, and deeply emotional.
  • There could be a profound, transformative influence on the native, with the father playing a key role in shaping the native’s psychological and emotional landscape.
  • Sun in Aquarius:

  • The father may have unconventional or progressive views. Aquarius is the sign of idealism and non conventionality, so sun connecting to the same suggest father would be non conventional.
  • He could be involved in humanitarian causes or possess a strong sense of social responsibility.
  • The native might develop a unique perspective on life, influenced by the father’s ideals.
  • Example Analysis:

  • Let’s say the Sun is placed in the 10th house in Leo, conjunct Mercury, and aspecting the 4th and 7th houses.
  • Sun in the 10th House in Leo:

  • The father is likely to have a strong presence in the public sphere, possibly in a leadership role or a position of authority. As 10th house is the house of Job, status and action and position, so clearly father could be in a good position and status.
  • He might be proud, ambitious, and determined, with a focus on achieving success and recognition. so again 10th house is 10=1+0=1, so again sun number, so double sun energy could give a high pride to the father. 🙂
  • The native may feel a sense of responsibility to uphold the family’s reputation and might pursue a career that aligns with the father’s ambitions.
  • Sun Conjunct Mercury:

  • The father could be highly intellectual, articulate, and involved in communication, business, or educational fields. As discussed above sun is close to mercury so education and intelligence is transferred to father.
  • The native is likely to share a close intellectual connection with the father, often turning to him for advice and guidance in these areas.
  • Sun Aspecting the 4th House:

    rupadh15#The father’s influence extends to the home and family life, where he might take a dominant role. 4th house is primarily for family matters and sun connection to the same could give strong influence of father to the same.

  • The native may feel a strong sense of duty towards maintaining the family’s honor and values.
  • Sun Aspecting the 7th House:

  • The father’s values and beliefs might significantly influence the native’s approach to relationships and marriage. as 7th house deals with marriage and love, so also sun with father so connection could suggest that influence of father for love and relationships matters.
  • The native might seek a partner who embodies qualities similar to the father or one who is equally strong-willed and authoritative.
  • Summary:

  • In this example, the Sun’s position and aspects suggest a father who is authoritative, ambitious, and intellectually inclined, with a strong influence on the native’s career, home life, and relationships.
  • The native may experience a deep sense of responsibility towards upholding the father’s values and achieving success in life.
  • The relationship is likely to be one of mutual respect, with the father playing a key role in guiding the native’s path.
  • 9th house from jupiter or guru nadi astrology father
    2) 9th house from Jupiter, Fathers influence with example in Bhrigu nandi nadi

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the 9th house from Jupiter to guru plays a significant role in understanding the influence of the father and other paternal figures on the native’s life.
  • The 9th house is associated with Dharma (righteousness), higher knowledge, spirituality, and blessings from the father.
  • When analyzing the 9th house from Jupiter, we can gain insights into the father’s impact on the native’s life, including their values, spiritual beliefs, and overall guidance.
  • 9th House from Jupiter – Father’s Influence:

  • 1. Planets in the 9th House from Jupiter:
    Benefic Planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon):

  • If benefic planets are placed in the 9th house from Jupiter, the father is likely to have a positive influence on the native. As 9th house is for father and is good energies or benefic planets are there, so means the father wields a positive influence on the person.
  • The father may be supportive, wise, and provide valuable guidance.
  • The native may inherit good fortune, a strong moral compass, and a love for learning or spirituality from the father. As good energies in the 9th house not only support father, but also share the good energies to the person.
  • Malefic Planets (Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu):

  • If malefic planets are present, the father’s influence might involve challenges or hardships. malefic planets in 9th house means the father’s lagna gets tough energies. so challenges to the father are there.
  • The father may be strict, disciplined, or demanding, and the native may face obstacles in their relationship with him.
  • However, this influence can also lead to growth through adversity, teaching the native resilience and perseverance.
  • 2.Example Analysis:

  • Let’s consider a horoscope where Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house, and the 9th house from Jupiter falls in the 11th house, where Saturn is placed.
  • Jupiter sign in the 3rd House:

  • Jupiter sign in the 3rd house from Jupiter suggests that the native’s approach to communication, courage, and relationships with siblings may be influenced by philosophical or ethical considerations.
  • The native may seek wisdom and higher knowledge in everyday interactions.
  • 9th House from Jupiter in the 11th House:

  • The 11th house in regular horoscope represents gains, social networks, and long-term aspirations.
  • When the 9th house from Jupiter or the nadi horoscope falls here, that clearly means that father’s influence is likely to be significant in shaping the native’s goals, friendships, and aspirations.
  • The father may play a key role in helping the native achieve their dreams or in guiding them towards fulfilling their ambitions.
  • Saturn or shani in the 11th House (9th House from Jupiter):

  • With Saturn or shani in the 11th house of regular horoscope and 9th house from Jupiter , the father might be seen as disciplined, cautious, or even somewhat reserved. As karaka for 9th house of regular horoscope is Jupiter and so is it for the 9th house form Jupiter. excess Jupiter energy could take someone within self.
  • The father’s influence may emphasize the importance of hard work, persistence, and responsibility in achieving one’s goals.
  • The native might feel a sense of duty or obligation towards the father’s expectations, and the relationship could involve a mix of respect and sternness.
  • While the father’s influence may not be overly nurturing or expressive, it instills a strong work ethic and a practical approach to life.
  • The native may face delays or challenges in achieving their aspirations, but these experiences could ultimately lead to greater wisdom and maturity.
  • Summary:

  • In this example, the 9th house from Jupiter or guru falls in the 11th house in the regular horoscope, and the presence of Saturn or shani dev there indicates that the father’s influence is focused on teaching the native the value of perseverance, discipline, and hard work.
  • The father may be a guiding force in the native’s pursuit of long-term goals, though the relationship might involve challenges or a sense of duty.
  • This analysis reflects the Bhrigu Nandi Nadi approach, where the father’s influence is seen as a key factor in shaping the native’s path, with specific emphasis on the lessons imparted through the planets influencing the 9th house from Jupiter.
  • planets bhrigu combinations nadi astrology father
    3) Planetary combinations in bhrigu nadi that point towards father and examples of analysis of the same.

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, planetary combinations play a crucial role in understanding the influence of the father in an individual’s life.
  • The father’s influence is often derived from the placements, aspects, and conjunctions of certain planets, primarily the Sun, Jupiter, and the 9th house and its lord.
  • Below are some key planetary combinations that point towards the father and examples of how these combinations can be analyzed.
  • Key Planetary Combinations Indicating Father:
    Sun in Relation to Jupiter:

  • The Sun represents the father, authority, and the soul.
  • Jupiter symbolizes wisdom, Dharma, and guidance.
  • A strong connection between the Sun and Jupiter, whether through conjunction, aspect, or placement in the same sign, usually indicates a positive and guiding influence from the father.
  • The father may be wise, spiritual, or hold a significant position of authority.
  • Sun in the 9th House:

  • When the Sun is placed in the 9th house, it directly connects the father to themes of Dharma, spirituality, higher education, and morality.
  • The father might be a mentor or spiritual guide in the native’s life, instilling strong values and ethics.
  • 9th Lord and its Connection to the Sun or Jupiter:

  • The 9th lord’s placement, especially when connected with the Sun or Jupiter, can reveal the father’s role in the native’s destiny.
  • A harmonious relationship suggests support and blessings, while a challenging aspect might indicate lessons learned through struggle or conflict.
  • Saturn’s Aspect on the Sun:

  • Saturn’s aspect on the Sun can indicate a more disciplined, authoritative, or even distant relationship with the father. As sun is for father and saturn or shani dev aspects adds to discipline levels to the relationships in father and son.
  • The father may impose strict rules, or the native may feel a sense of duty or responsibility towards him.
  • This combination can also show a karmic bond where the native must work through issues related to authority or discipline.
  • Mars and Sun Connection:

  • A conjunction or strong aspect between Mars and the Sun can indicate a dynamic and sometimes challenging relationship with the father.
  • The father may be a strong-willed, assertive, or even aggressive figure. As we know mars or mangal is an aggressive and assertive planet.
  • so also the native may inherit these qualities or struggle against them.
  • Example Analyses of Father’s Influence in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi:
    Example 1: Sun Conjunct Jupiter in the 10th House
    Sun and Jupiter in the 10th House:

  • The father is likely to be a respected authority figure, possibly involved in a profession related to education, law, or religion. As sun is father and Jupiter here the planet of dignity and gains, naturally adds all this to father.
  • The native may have inherited a strong sense of ethics, leadership qualities, and a deep respect for tradition and duty.
  • The father’s influence might guide the native towards a successful and honorable career, with a strong emphasis on moral values. As clearly Jupiter stands for moral values and honor and all this is exchanges with the father as sun is there the karaka or signifcator for father.
  • Example 2:Sun in the 9th House with Saturn’s Aspect
    Sun in the 9th House:

  • As sun is father and 9th house is spirituality. so that means The father may be deeply involved in spiritual or religious activities, serving as a guide or mentor in the native’s life.
  • However, as saturn or shani dev or shani dev is strict planet so Saturn’s aspect could indicate a strict, disciplined approach, where the native might feel pressured to live up to the father’s high standards or expectations.
  • The relationship may involve significant responsibility, and the native could experience delays or obstacles in fulfilling the father’s aspirations.
  • Example 3: Mars Conjunct Sun in the 1st House
    Mars and Sun in the 1st House:

  • As sun is a positive house of sun and sun itself is positive and assertive and so again mars is aggressive and decisive. so The father may be a strong, assertive, or even dominating figure in the native’s life.
  • so also The native might inherit a strong will, courage, and a competitive spirit from the father.
  • However, this combination can also lead to conflicts, especially if the native feels overshadowed by the father’s assertiveness or demands.
  • The father’s influence might push the native towards pursuing leadership roles or competitive careers.
  • Example 4: Sun in the 8th House with Rahu

    Sun in the 8th House with Rahu: The father’s influence might be mysterious, intense, or involve hidden aspects of life.

  • There could be secrets or unspoken issues within the relationship, or the father might be involved in fields related to research, metaphysics, or the occult.
  • The native could inherit a deep curiosity or interest in exploring the unknown, though the relationship with the father may be complex or challenging to navigate.
  • Example 5: Sun in the 5th House Trine to Jupiter
    Sun in the 5th House Trine to Jupiter:

  • As Jupiter in trine means good energy exchange between Jupiter and sun.
  • so The father’s influence is likely to be positive and supportive, especially in matters related to education, creativity, and progeny.
  • The native may benefit from the father’s wisdom and guidance, leading to success in academic or creative pursuits.
  • The father might encourage the native to pursue higher education, artistic endeavors, or spiritual practices.
  • Conclusion:

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the analysis of the father’s influence is multifaceted, involving a deep understanding of the planetary combinations involving the Sun, Jupiter, the 9th house, and related aspects.
  • Each combination offers unique insights into the father’s role in the native’s life, shaping their personality, values, and life path.
  • Through these examples, we see how different planetary configurations can depict varied relationships with the father, ranging from supportive and guiding to challenging and transformative.
  • examples of nadi nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    Some practical examples of Bhrigu Nandi nadi astrology and father
    {Aries = Jupiter or Guru} —–>{Libra = sun }
    How is High Government service indicated for the FATHER using nadi astrology ?

  • sun the karaka for Father is say in Aries sign and has an aspect of Jupiter in Aries or mesha rashi.
  • so speaks of high dignity to the father and possible government service.
  • so also father or and would be honored by Government due to Jupiter or Guru aspect.
  • also as mars is next and in Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi, so the father could have land as well .
  • as Scorpio stands for under the earth stuff and mars deals with lands and connects closely to sun or mars.
  • {cancer = Saturn and ketu or dragon’s Tail} –>{Leo}
    how his high status to FATHERS job indicated in the Horoscope using nadi astrology ?

  • so as Saturn represents career and Leo lord sun is father , so the next energy to fathers work( Saturn) is Leo or simha.
  • so father would have good work.
  • especially government Job.
  • {Cancer= Saturn } –>{ Leo = Sun}
    How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology if the FATHER of the person faced issues at the time of Birth of that person based on Horoscope or Kundli?

  • if in say a natal chart, sun the representative of father is crossing Saturn or shani dev, especially if Saturn or shani is weak.
  • so means the father of the person could have faced troubles at the time of birth of the person as sun crosses over a stressed or not in a good state Saturn.
  • As in this case sun absorbs bad energy.
  • it is simply retrogressed few signs back!
  • {Cancer= Saturn } –>{ Leo = Sun}–>{ Virgo = Venus + mercury }
    How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology if the FATHER of the person had Good dignity or name based on horoscope or kundli?

  • Now looking at sun the karaka for father , say it’s in Leo.
  • so good it means the person or the father of the person had good government job and dignity as well.
  • also could have had lands as Leo gets strengthen.
  • {Taurus or vrishabha = Ketu or dragon’s tail }->{Gemini = Mars or mangal } ->{cancer = Jupiter and sun}
    How Nadi astrology could Suggest FATHER would be HIGH DIGNITY person based on kundli or Horoscope?

  • As sun or surya dev is father of a person and sun with Jupiter that is exalted, indicates dignity.
  • so father of the person would be a high dignity person.
  • {cancer= venus } –>{leo= Mars} –>{ Virgo= sun + mercury+ dragons head or rahu + Jupiter + Saturn}
    How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope suggest that there is flow of negative energy of FATHERS sin to the person ?
    Sun is the karaka for father, so also rahu connects to previous life incarnation and sins etc.

  • Now mercury means money , so also suggest that there could be loan of sins for the father of the native that need to be cleared.
  • { Aries= Sun } ->{ Taurus = Venus + Mercury}
    How does nadi astrology Help us to tell about work or JOB or profession of FATHER of the person ?

  • Now sun or surya is father, so if say it is exalted in Aries sign or mesha rashi.
  • so naturally indicated good status to father.
  • so also 2nd house from sun means the way of earning of father.
  • now when it has Venus there, so means one could work for beauty and care work as Venus is also strong in Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi.
  • so also the father could be working for some care industry, or female related products, pottery or fridges or decoration items at home.
  • Mercury also suggests that father would use his speech and good intelligence .
    How based on nadi astrology trouble to FATHER at the time of birth?

  • Sun or surya is the karaka for father and Saturn the or shani dev the karaka for trouble.
  • so sun or father is with Saturn, plus sun is in debility in Libra sign or Tula rashi.
  • so means the father of the person may have a lot of trouble on birth of the child.
  • {Scorpio = Saturn +mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}
    how to know about FATHER’s learning and CAREER based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?

  • Sun is in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi, so clearly suggest good thinking and Godly father as SUN is the karaka or signifactor for father figures.
  • as also as Sagittarius or dhanu is ruled by Jupiter or Guru and it stands for learning.
  • so the person ‘s father could have great learning’s as well.
  • Now as a second interpretation as sun is strong in dhanu, so form this aspect as sun is karaka for government.
  • so also ketu or dragon’s tail is next sign in Capricorn, so father could have got good gains from the government.
  • so name and fame from the government.
  • {Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn + mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}.

  • how to know about FATHER’s Health and LONGEVITY based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?

  • The person will lose his father at the age of 47-49 as that times Saturn would be on natal rahu and both seems for sun or father .
  • The personal mother will
    predecease her husband (Rahu is 1n Cancer sign or karkat rahu far away from Venus with no
  • in between).
  • {Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
    Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about tough periods for FATHER or father figures person’s Horoscope ?

  • SUN is already weak on the enemy sign that is Aquarius or kumbha.
  • so also Saturn or shani dev in transit with approximately 2.
  • 5 years per sign would reach sun in worst vase 2.
  • 5×4 years, that is 12 years.
  • so gochar of Saturn over sun would be tough for father.
  • rajiv gandhi nadi bhrigu nandi astrology fatherrahul gandhi kundli nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    Rahul Gandhi ji’s Father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji analyzed based on Bhrigu Nandi astrology and Horoscope of Rahu Gandhi Ji
    sun and mars nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    sun or surya is in Gemini sign or mithuna rashi with mars or mangal , rahul gandhi father predictions

  • In Vedic astrology, the Sun (Surya) represents the father, authority figures, and one’s relationship with them. When the Sun is in Gemini or mithuna rashi, and especially if it is accompanied by Mars, it creates a unique dynamic regarding the father’s influence and the relationship with rahul gandhi ji.
  • Let’s explore this with a focus on Rahu, Mars, and their implications.
  • gemini nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    1 Sun in Gemini:

  • The Sun in Gemini indicates a father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji who is intellectually inclined, communicative, and possibly involved in fields related to communication, media, writing, or intellectual pursuits.
  • We know that sri Rajiv Gandhi ji introduced the great communications guy sam Pitroda and we have the telecom revolution.
  • Gemini’s dual nature can suggest a father or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji who has a versatile or multifaceted personality. As he was a able to fly planes and so also handle politics deftly.
  • The relationship of rahul gandhi ji with the father may be based on intellectual connection, dialogue, and a shared interest in learning and ideas.
  • However, there may also be a tendency for debates or differing viewpoints, given Gemini’s influence. so clearly suggest a healthy intellectual environment for the Gandhi family
  • mars and sun conjunct nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    2 Sun Conjunct Mars:

  • When Mars is conjunct the Sun, it often adds intensity and dynamism to the father’s personality or for sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
  • Mars or Mangal brings assertiveness, courage, and a competitive spirit in sri Rajiv Gandhi ji making home strive to make India a telecom power.
  • The father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji due to this was strong-willed, energetic, and possibly involved in fields requiring physical activity or leadership, such as politics, military, or sports.
  • The relationship of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji with his son rahul gandhi ji might be marked by both respect and occasional conflict, as Mars can also bring about a certain level of aggression or dominance.
  • This combination can make the father a powerful figure in the person’s life, but it can also lead to power struggles or differences in approach, especially in situations where both parties have strong opinions.
  • rahu dragon's head nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    3 Sun, Mars, and Rahu’s Influence( as 5th aspects of rahu or dragon’s head for rahul Gandhi is there):

  • The presence of Rahu (the North Node of the Moon or call it dragon’s head ) adds another layer of complexity.
  • Rahu is known for amplifying ambition, unconventional behavior, and desire for power or recognition for sri Rajiv Gandhi ji. but this was not true to that extent for sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, so due to his nice karma and prayers this nature or aspects was reduced or reduced
  • When Rahu influences the Sun and Mars in Gemini, it can indicate a father who is ambitious, possibly controversial, or involved in non-traditional fields.
  • Rahu’s energy might create a sense of restlessness or unpredictability in the father’s or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji’s actions or decisions at times. but mostly he was a very calm person
  • The relationship of rahul gandhi ji with the father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji could be marked by periods of intense interaction, sudden changes, or even misunderstandings due to Rahu’s shadowy nature.
  • In summary,

  • the combination of Sun in Gemini with Mars and Rahu suggests a father figure sri Rajiv Gandhi ji who is dynamic, intellectually active, and potentially involved in influential or unconventional pursuits.
  • The relationship might be complex, characterized by intellectual engagement, strong opinions, and the possibility of occasional conflict or power struggles. But this power struggle was not there due to nice nature of both sri Rajiv Gandhi ji and rahul gandhi ji and sri Rajiv Gandhi ji died too young.
  • Rahu’s or dragon’s head influence indicates that the father might have a larger-than-life presence, with significant ambitions or involvement in unique, possibly controversial areas.
  • mercury in taurus nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    mercury in Taurus sign just behind sun in Gemini for rahul gandhi father predictions

  • When analyzing the astrological chart for predictions related to the father sri Rajiv Gandhi join the context of Rahul Gandhi, the position of Mercury in Taurus, just behind the Sun in Gemini, offers specific insights.
  • Here’s how these placements influence predictions about the father:
    taurus vrishabha nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    1 Mercury in Taurus:

  • Mercury in Taurus suggests a father or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji with practical intelligence, a steady communication style, and a strong focus on material stability and security. He was able to manage the who country and party on basis of the same
  • Taurus is an Earth sign, associated with values like consistency, perseverance, and a focus on financial and material well-being.
  • The father or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji might be someone who values tradition, has a practical approach to life, and possibly has a strong influence in financial matters or a career connected to wealth and resources.
  • mercury combustion behind sun nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    2 Mercury Behind the Sun (Combustion):

  • When Mercury is positioned close to the Sun, but in the previous sign (Taurus), it is considered combust, meaning its energy is overshadowed by the Sun’s powerful rays.
  • In this scenario, the father or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji may have strong, dominant opinions, potentially overshadowing the intellectual or communicative aspects represented by Mercury.
  • The father or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji might have a powerful, authoritative presence, due to his dynamic personality which could make it challenging for others (including the individual) to express themselves freely or have their ideas fully recognized within the family dynamic.
  • sun in gemini nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    3 Sun in Gemini:

  • The Sun in Gemini represents a father or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji who is intellectually driven, communicative, and possibly involved in areas related to communication, education, or media. This was 100% true for sri Rajiv Gandhi ji
  • This placement suggests that the father values knowledge, is versatile, and possibly has a dual nature or engages in multiple pursuits.
  • However, with the Sun in Gemini and Mercury just behind it in Taurus, there could be a slight disconnect or a difference in approach between the father’s broad intellectual interests and his practical, material concerns.
  • rajiv gandhi nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    4 Influence on the Father-Son Relationship:

  • The combination of Mercury in Taurus or vrishabha rashi and the Sun in Gemini indicates that the father or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji may have a multifaceted personality, blending intellectual pursuits with a strong focus on material and financial stability.
  • However, due to Mercury’s combustion, the father’s or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji’s authority or strong personality might sometimes overshadow the communication or intellectual exchange within the relationship, potentially leading to a situation where the father’s voice or decisions dominate.
  • This placement suggests a father who is both intellectually active and materially grounded, possibly involved in important financial or administrative roles.
  • The relationship of sri rahul gandhi ji with the father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji may be marked by respect for his authority and intellect but could also include challenges in fully expressing or asserting one’s own ideas and perspectives due to the father’s dominant presence.
  • jupiter guru nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    Jupiter or guru in Libra 9th aspect on sun rahul gandhi father predictions

  • In Vedic astrology, Jupiter (Guru) is considered a benefic planet known for its wisdom, expansion, and blessings.
  • When Jupiter is in Libra and aspects the Sun, particularly in the context of a figure like Rahul Gandhi, this combination provides important insights into the father’s or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji’s role and influence.
  • jupiter or guru in libra nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    1. Jupiter in Libra.

  • Jupiter or guru in Libra signifies a strong focus on balance, justice, harmony, and relationships.
  • Libra is the sign of partnership, diplomacy, and fairness, and when Jupiter is placed here, it enhances these qualities.
  • The father or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, influenced by this placement, is likely to be a person who values fairness, justice, and harmonious relationships.
  • He might have been involved in professions or activities related to law, diplomacy, or social justice, where maintaining balance and harmony was key. yes sri Rajiv Gandhi ji was involved with socials justice as a prime minister.
  • This placement indicates a father or sri Rajiv Gandhi ji who imparts wisdom to rahul gandhi ji in the areas of social justice, fairness, and ethical conduct, and who possibly holds strong views on maintaining equilibrium in both personal and public life.
  • sun nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    2. Jupiter’s 9th Aspect on the Sun.

  • Jupiter’s 9th aspect is considered highly auspicious, as the 9th house itself is associated with higher wisdom, dharma, and blessings from elders.
  • When Jupiter aspects the Sun, especially in a figure like Rahul Gandhi’s context, it suggests a relationship with the father that is imbued with wisdom, guidance, and a strong moral foundation.
  • The father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji would likely be seen as a mentor and a source of ethical guidance.
  • The influence of Jupiter on the Sun enhances the father’s role as a teacher, guiding the individual in matters of righteousness, higher learning, and moral duties.
  • This aspect also suggests that the father may have had a significant influence on the individual’s philosophical outlook, education, and understanding of justice and fairness.
  • The relationship with the father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji is likely to be one where respect, learning, and mutual understanding are emphasized.
  • Jupiter’s benefic aspect also suggests that the father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji might have been a source of blessings, protection, and wisdom in the individual’s life or sri rahul gandhi ji , shaping their values and principles in a positive manner.
  • rahul gandhi nadi bhrigu nandi astrology father
    3. Implications for Rahul Gandhi.

  • Given the context of Rahul Gandhi, whose father, sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, was a prominent political leader, this astrological combination underscores the strong influence of his father in shaping his moral and ethical framework.
  • Rajiv Gandhi was known for his focus on modernizing India, maintaining secularism, and promoting social justice—qualities aligned with Jupiter in Libra.
  • The aspect of Jupiter on the Sun highlights the inheritance of these values and the deep respect for his father’s teachings and vision.
  • It suggests that Rahul Gandhi might feel a sense of duty to uphold the principles his father stood for, especially in areas related to justice, fairness, and social harmony.
  • In summary, Jupiter in Libra with its 9th aspect on the Sun indicates a father who is a guiding force, deeply involved in promoting fairness, justice, and harmony.
  • The relationship with the father is marked by respect, wisdom, and a shared commitment to ethical principles, which likely plays a significant role in shaping the individual’s public and personal life.

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    Astrology Nadi Bhrigu & Family Life Horoscope

    bhrigu nadi astrology family lifefamily bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    About This article

  • This is an article on bhrigu nadi astrology for family life.
  • It first in detail covers the basic principles involved to evaluate the family life of any person or country.
  • be it Venus or Shukra or be it Jupiter health.
  • so also house with respect to Jupiter or even venus like second, fourth or even fifth are evaluated.
  • so again the role of mars or mangal and Saturn is evaluated to get more complete view of the situation.
  • so also real examples are taken to explain the situation.
  • Then later as a practical example the case or example of the Bollywood celebrity Mr. Amitabh bachchan 🙂 is taken to explain matters in much more detail for family life.
  • family life bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    How is Family Life Looked at in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology?

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, family life is deeply influenced by the placements of specific planets and houses in the natal chart.
  • The fundamentals of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi focus on the interplay between the planets, their positions, and their aspects to determine the quality of an individual’s family life, including relationships with parents, spouse, children, and extended family.
  • Key Elements in Family Life According to Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
    The below mentioned descriptions in bhrigu nandi nadi are with respect to the position of Jupiter or jeeva karaka for life force of the system or even venus.

  • so in bhrigu nandi nadi we check the energy distributions with respect to venus and Jupiter or shukra and Guru both.
  • houses related to family life bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    1. Houses Related to Family Life:
    2nd House (Family and Speech):

  • The 2nd house is crucial as it governs family life, wealth, and speech.
  • The condition of the 2nd house and its lord reflects the harmony and prosperity within the family.
  • A strong and well-aspected 2nd house indicates a supportive and loving family environment, while afflictions can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • 4th House (Home and Mother):

  • The 4th house represents the home, domestic environment, and relationship with the mother.
  • It plays a significant role in determining the peace and stability within the household.
  • A well-placed and strong 4th house ensures a nurturing and peaceful home atmosphere.
  • 7th House (Spouse and Marriage):

  • The 7th house governs marital life and relationships with the spouse.
  • The placement and condition of the 7th house and its lord provide insights into the quality of the marriage, the bond with the spouse, and the overall happiness in married life.
  • 9th House (Father and Ancestors):

  • The 9th house relates to the father, paternal influences, and the blessings from ancestors.
  • A strong 9th house indicates a good relationship with the father, respect for traditions, and strong family values.
  • planets bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    2) Planets Influencing Family Life:

  • The Moon is a key planet in Nadi astrology as it governs emotions, mind, and maternal aspects.
  • Its placement and aspects influence the emotional harmony within the family and the nurturing qualities of the mother.
  • A well-placed Moon indicates emotional stability and a caring family environment.
  • Venus:

  • Venus or shukra is the planet of love, harmony, and relationships.
  • Its influence is significant in marital life and overall family harmony.
  • A strong Venus brings love, affection, and understanding within the family, particularly between spouses.
  • Jupiter:

  • Jupiter represents wisdom, children, and blessings.
  • A strong Jupiter in the natal chart ensures good fortune, harmonious family life, and a positive relationship with children.
  • It also indicates respect for elders and adherence to family traditions.
  • Saturn:

  • Saturn’s influence can bring stability and responsibility but may also introduce challenges, delays, or restrictions in family life.
  • Its placement needs to be carefully analyzed to understand its impact on family relationships and domestic happiness.
  • Mars:

  • Mars or mangal represents energy, assertiveness, and sometimes aggression.
  • Its influence on family life can be twofold: it can either bring protection and assertiveness in family matters or lead to conflicts and disputes if poorly placed.
  • aspects conjunctions bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    (3) Aspects and Conjunctions:

  • The aspects (drishti) and conjunctions of planets play a significant role in determining the dynamics of family life.
  • Benefic aspects on the 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 9th houses or their lords enhance family harmony, love, and prosperity.
  • Conversely, malefic aspects or conjunctions can create challenges, misunderstandings, or conflicts within the family.
  • Practical Application in Family Life Analysis:
    Positive Indicators:

  • A well-placed Moon and Venus in the 4th or 7th houses, without malefic afflictions, indicate a loving and peaceful family environment.
  • Jupiter’s influence on the 2nd, 4th, or 9th houses suggests strong family values, good relationships with children, and overall prosperity.
  • A strong 2nd house with benefic aspects indicates wealth accumulation and harmonious family interactions.
  • Challenges:

  • Afflictions to the Moon, especially in the 4th house, can lead to emotional instability, issues with the mother, or a turbulent domestic environment.
  • Mars in a difficult position, especially if influencing the 4th or 7th house, can lead to domestic disputes or aggression in family matters.
  • A weak or afflicted 7th house may indicate challenges in marital life, such as misunderstandings or lack of harmony between spouses.
  • conclusion bhrigu nadi astrology family life

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, family life is intricately connected to the placements and influences of specific houses and planets.
  • By analyzing the 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 9th houses, along with the condition of planets like the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars, astrologers can provide insights into the quality of an individual’s family life, potential challenges, and ways to enhance harmony and happiness within the family unit.
  • The interplay of these factors offers a comprehensive understanding of family dynamics in the context of Vedic astrology.
  • real life examples bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Real Life example Horoscopes explained?
    { Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter}–>{Aquarius = dragon’s head or rahu}–>{Pisces= No Planet}–> { Aries = no planets}
    How to know Possibility of child Birth and wealth from any Horoscope ?

  • In 36th year Jupiter comes back to Sagittarius sign, so possibility of child birth and wealth gains.
  • in 37th years Jupiter on natal Jupiter again good fun and gains.
  • { AQUARIUS Sign = JUP+ VENUS+ MARS + SUN} —–>{TAURUS sign = SATURN}——->{LEO = ketu or dragon’s tail}
    How to predict effects of child Birth (after effects) based on nadi astrology?

  • Jupiter or Guru in the mid 2nd cycle goes to LEO sign.
  • where we have ketu there.
  • plus aspect of natal Jupiter is there.
  • so is Leo(simha) friendly to Jupiter .
  • so due to this strong Jupiter energy child birth could happen to the lady.
  • but being in the Rahu ketu axis (dragon’s head and dragon’s Tail)could bring in sorrow for her.
  • { AQUARIUS Sign = JUP+ VENUS+ MARS + SUN} —–>{TAURUS sign = SATURN}——->{LEO = ketu or dragon’s tail}
    In a FAMILY how to predict possible trouble to love or life partner using nadi astrology ?

  • When Saturn or shani dev in transit so over mars = the lover or partner already with rahu.
  • so the combination of Saturn Plus rahu Plus mars would give great trouble to the life partner or lover.
  • {Taurus or vrishabha rashi = Moon} —>{cancer = Rahu or dragon’s head}
    based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict about the kind of FAMILY Life?

  • As family is represented by 2nd house and 4th house or Taurus or vrishabha rashi or vrishabha rashi or vrishabha rashi sign and cancer signs( vrishabha and karkat rashi).
  • these signs have moon or Chandra and Rahu or dragon’s head placed in it
    life will be unhappy as Mars meets the Moon and Rahu or dragon’s head in his transits.
  • so 2nd and 4th bhava of family get impacted .
  • amitabh bhrigu nadi astrology family life horoscopebhrigu nadi astrology family life amitabh bachchcan
    How is Family Life of Bollywood star Amitabh bachchan based on Bhrigu Nandi nadi?

  • When Venus or shukra is in Virgo or kanya rashi, its debilitation can manifest as difficulties in expressing love and maintaining harmony within the family.
  • Amitabh Bachchan does not tendency to be overly analytical or critical, which can create an emotionally closer or sweet atmosphere at home.
  • This is because of vipreet raj Yoga position of venus in 8th house as per regular parashari horoscope.
  • The usual warmth and affection associated with Venus may be high, leading to deeper understandings or a sense of connect in family relationships for Amitabh Bachchan.
  • This placement often causes the person to focus on practical concerns, which may also balance the emotional needs of family members, resulting in a nurturing environment.
  • yes Amitabh Bachchan ji fell in love with a women in Youth and that might be a reflection of venus being in debility.
  • but most of it is balanced with his attitude plus vipreet raj Yoga.
  • However, the presence of Vipreet Raj Yoga, which occurs when the lords of the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses are positioned in a way that creates this auspicious yoga, can significantly alter these challenges Amitabh Bachchan partial felt in love extra affairs etc .
  • plus so also when he lost all money or almost all money and had to restart his life.
  • he started the work with KBC or “kaun banega crorepati” and also ” Mohabbatein” movie.
  • so we see that Vipreet Raj Yoga for Amitabh Bachchan it has the power to turn adversity into opportunities for growth and success.
  • In the context of family life, this means that the initial difficulties brought by Venus in Virgo can eventually lead to positive transformations.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may find that, through overcoming these challenges, the family unit becomes stronger, more resilient, and more harmonious.
  • The struggles they face in relationships can lead to greater understanding, mutual respect, and deeper emotional connections.
  • Ultimately, while Venus or shukra in Virgo may initially cause tension and emotional distance within the family of Amitabh Bachchan, but the Vipreet Raj Yoga suggests that these challenges will be met with unexpected growth and harmony.

  • The family may experience prosperity and support that comes from learning to navigate and overcome difficulties together.
  • Over time, Amitabh Bachchan may develop a more balanced approach to love and relationships, leading to a more fulfilling and enriched family life, where practical concerns and emotional needs are better integrated.
  • jupiter the jeeva karaka bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    What are the Effect on Family of Amitabh Bachchan as 4th house from jeeva karaka Jupiter exalted in cancer or karkat rashi of Amitabh Bachchan has Libra sign a or Tula rashi and Moon placed in it ?

  • When the 4th house in a natal chart has the Libra sign and the Moon is placed in this house, it creates a unique blend of influences that deeply impact Amitabh Bachchan’s family life, home environment, and emotional well-being.
  • 1. Emotional Harmony and Balance:

  • Libra in the 4th House of Amitabh Bachchan from Jupiter lagna or bhrigu Nandi nadi:
    Now Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, harmony, and beauty.
  • When Libra governs the 4th house, it brings a strong desire for peace, balance, and fairness within the family and home environment.
  • so all this Amitabh Bachchan would get in his family life .
  • Amitabh Bachchan is likely to strive for a harmonious household, valuing cooperation, and avoiding conflicts as much as possible.
  • They may have a natural inclination towards creating a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing home that serves as a sanctuary for themselves and their family.
  • Moon in Libra in the 4th House from Jupiter position or Bhrigu nandi for Amitabh Bachchan :

  • The Moon represents emotions, the mind, and one’s inner self.
  • When the Moon is placed in Libra in the 4th house, Amitabh Bachchan’s emotional nature is closely tied to their home life- this naturally heals and helps the family.
  • Amitabh Bachchan find emotional fulfillment through maintaining harmony and balance in their family relationships.
  • The Moon in Libra also enhances the need for emotional connection and understanding within the family, making Amitabh Bachchan nurturing and supportive towards loved ones.
  • However, they may also tend to avoid confrontations, which can sometimes lead to unresolved issues being brushed under the rug.
  • 2. Impact on Family Relationships:
    Amitabh Bachchan would have Nurturing and Caring Environment:
    For Amitabh Bachchan’s nadi horoscope The combination of Libra and the Moon in the 4th house creates a nurturing and caring family environment.

  • Amitabh Bachchan is likely to be very protective of their family members and will go out of their way to ensure that everyone feels emotionally secure and valued.
  • This placement often indicates a strong bond with the mother or a maternal figure, as the 4th house and the Moon both represent the mother in Vedic astrology.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may have been raised in a loving and supportive home, and they seek to recreate this atmosphere in their own family life.
  • Desire for Peace and Aesthetics for Amitabh Bachchan:

  • The influence of Libra emphasizes a strong desire for a peaceful and beautiful home.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may be inclined to decorate their living space in a way that reflects their love for harmony and elegance.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may also prefer a calm and balanced family atmosphere, avoiding drama or unnecessary conflicts.
  • This desire for peace can lead to a family life that is generally harmonious, with a focus on mutual respect and understanding.
  • However, there may be a tendency to compromise too much or avoid difficult conversations in the name of keeping the peace.
  • 3.Challenges and Growth:
    Avoidance of Conflict:

  • One potential challenge of having Libra and the Moon in the 4th house for Amitabh Bachchan is a tendency to avoid conflicts or difficult emotions.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may prioritize maintaining harmony over addressing underlying issues, which can lead to suppressed feelings or unresolved tensions within the family.
  • It’s important for them to learn how to navigate conflicts in a constructive way, rather than simply avoiding them.
  • Emotional Dependence:

  • The Moon in Libra may also indicate a certain level of emotional dependence on family members.
  • One can in this age also find Amitabh Bachchan crying for his mother and father.
  • Amitabh Bachchan might seek constant reassurance or approval from loved ones, which can sometimes lead to an overreliance on others for emotional stability.
  • Learning to develop a strong sense of self and emotional independence can help them maintain healthy and balanced relationships within the family.
  • Conclusion:

  • for am as Libra or Tula rashi in the 4th house and the Moon placed there, family life is marked by a deep desire for emotional harmony, balance, and beauty.
  • Amitabh Bachchan is likely to create a nurturing and peaceful home environment, where relationships are characterized by mutual respect and understanding.
  • However, they may need to be mindful of the tendency to avoid conflicts or become emotionally dependent on family members.
  • By embracing open communication and emotional independence, they can foster a more resilient and balanced family life.
  • father mother amitabh bachchan bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    How 4th house of family of Amitabh Bachchan influenced by mercury, sun and mars, impacts his family including father and mother ?

  • here for Amitabh Bachchan’s 4th house, which governs family life, home, and emotional foundations, is influenced by Mercury, the Sun, and Mars, it creates a complex dynamic that impacts the Amitabh Bachchan relationship hi their family, Amitabh Bachchan’s approach to domestic matters, and their emotional stability.
  • Each of these planets brings its own energy to the 4th house, leading to both positive and challenging effects on family life.
  • Sun gives him a high dignity father sri harivansh rai bachchan.
  • so also intelligent and quick mother smt. Teji bachchan.
    mercury budha amitabh bachchan bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    1.Mercury’s Influence on the 4th House:
    Communication and Intellectual Environment:

  • Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, and reasoning.
  • When it influences the 4th house, it suggests that communication plays a central role in the family.
  • Amitabh Bachchan is likely to value open and clear dialogue within the household, often engaging in intellectual discussions or debates.
  • This placement can indicate a family environment where learning, education, and mental stimulation are highly encouraged.
  • Amitabh Bachchan’s father was by the way very educated- i meant sri harivansh rai bachchcan.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may also have a strong attachment to his siblings or a close-knit relationship with them, as Mercury rules over such relationships.
  • Potential Challenges:

  • However, Mercury’s influence can also lead to a more rational and detached approach to emotions at times for Amitabh Bachchan.
  • but this has luckily not happened for Amitabh Bachchan.
  • Amitabh Bachchan might prioritize logic over feelings at times, which can sometimes create a disconnect in understanding the emotional needs of family members.
  • but we know in KBC or “Kaun banega corepati ” he is very logically able to manage the members.
  • then emotionally connect and come out of the situation.
  • if Amitabh Bachchan did not have had such a large exposure to films, Yoga and exercise and counseling etc .
  • There may be a tendency to overanalyze situations for Amitabh Bachchan, leading to a lack of emotional warmth or an overly critical atmosphere within the home.
  • so luckily these things don’t impact him.
  • sun amitabh bachchan bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    2. Sun’s Influence on the 4th House:
    Leadership and Authority in the Family:

  • Amitabh Bachchan was born to a high dignity father due to this energy.
  • The Sun represents authority, leadership, and vitality.
  • Its influence on the 4th house suggests that Amitabh Bachchan or a family member (often the father) plays a dominant or central role in the household.
  • this is obvious Amitabh Bachchan is highly popular.
  • There is likely a strong sense of pride and identity connected to the family, and Amitabh Bachchan may feel a deep responsibility towards maintaining the family’s honor and status.
  • This placement can indicate a family environment where one parent, typically the father, is a significant figure who influences the values and direction of the household.
  • Potential Challenges:

  • While the Sun brings warmth and vitality, it can also bring ego and a desire for control for Amitabh Bachchan.
  • but Amitabh Bachchan has many other strong planets that dominate and reduce the impact of sun in his horoscope or Kundli.
  • If the Sun’s energy is too strong or afflicted, it may result in power struggles within the family or a dominating presence that overshadows the emotional needs of other family members.
  • Amitabh Bachchan might feel pressure to live up to certain expectations or standards set by the family, leading to potential conflicts or feelings of inadequacy.
  • But again these planetary effects have been balanced well.
  • mars mangal amitabh bachchan bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    3.Mars’s or mangal Influence on the 4th House:
    Amitabh Bachchan has Drive and Energy in Domestic Matters:

  • Mars is the planet of energy, action, and assertiveness.
  • Its influence on the 4th house indicates a dynamic and sometimes intense family environment for Amitabh Bachchan.
  • we know his wife jaya bachchan is a great bollywood artist and now a politician and so is his son and daughter in law great artists.
  • so this energy is there.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may have a strong drive to protect and defend their family, showing a lot of initiative in domestic matters.
  • There could be a proactive and determined approach to managing the home, with a focus on achieving goals and overcoming challenges.
  • Mars can also bring a sense of independence and assertiveness within the family, encouraging self-reliance and strength.
  • Potential Challenges:

  • On the downside, Mars can introduce conflicts, impatience, or aggression into the family dynamic for Amitabh Bachchan.
  • The household may experience some arguments or power struggles, especially if there are differing opinions or strong personalities.
  • but luckily Amitabh Bachchan is able to manage it due t o his high education, pujas and other factors.
  • May be in earlier days Amitabh Bachchan may have a tendency to be overly assertive or confrontational, which can lead to tension or discord within the family.
  • Mars’s energy needs to be carefully managed to avoid turning the home into a battleground.
  • 4.Combined Effects on Family Life:
    Dynamic and Active Environment:

  • The combined influence of Mercury, the Sun, and Mars creates a dynamic and active family environment where communication, leadership, and action are highly valued.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may come from a family that is intellectually stimulating, ambitious, and driven to achieve.
  • There is likely a strong emphasis on education, discipline, and maintaining a certain status or reputation within the community.
  • Balancing Intellectual and Emotional Needs:

  • While these influences can lead to a highly productive and motivated household, there may be challenges in balancing intellectual pursuits with emotional needs.
  • The family of Amitabh Bachchan might focus more on achieving goals or maintaining appearances rather than nurturing emotional connections.
  • It’s important for the individual to be mindful of this potential imbalance and work towards creating a more emotionally supportive environment.
  • Potential for Conflict and Resolution:

  • The presence of Mars and the Sun can bring about power struggles or conflicts within the family of Amitabh Bachchan, especially if different members have strong opinions or a desire for control.
  • However, Mercury’s influence can help mitigate these issues for Amitabh Bachchan’s family by encouraging open communication and intellectual problem-solving.
  • If managed well, the family can use their collective energy and intellect to overcome challenges and strengthen their bonds.
  • Conclusion:

  • The influence of Mercury, the Sun, and Mars on the 4th house suggests a family environment for Amitabh Bachchan that is intellectually stimulating, ambitious, and dynamic.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may experience a blend of strong leadership, active engagement in domestic matters, and a focus on communication within the household.
  • However, these influences also bring challenges, such as potential power struggles, a tendency towards conflict, or a lack of emotional warmth.
  • To create a balanced and harmonious family life, it’s essential to integrate the strengths of each planet while addressing their potential downsides, fostering both intellectual and emotional well-being within the family.
  • leo simha amitabh bachchan bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    Based on bhrigu nandi nadi Leo or simha rashi in the 2nd house and rahu in 2nd house of Amitabh Bachchan and corresponding family effects?

  • When Leo is in the 2nd house of a natal chart, and Rahu (the North Node of the Moon) is also placed there, Amitabh Bachchan’s approach to family, finances, and values is significantly influenced.
  • The 2nd house governs wealth, family resources, speech, values, and early family upbringing, while Leo, ruled by the Sun, brings qualities of pride, leadership, and a desire for recognition.
  • so also dragon’s head or Rahu, being a shadow planet, there intensifies and distorts the qualities of the house and sign it occupies, adding complexity to the interpretation.
  • so means as rahu is in Leo for Amitabh Bachchan, there could be unpredictable results for Amitabh Bachchan.
  • we know he has been a super star mostly, but at the same time he was in bad name or situation with his affair with rekha ji.
  • so also when Amitabh Bachchan had become totally bankrupt.
  • as 2nd house is for money flows and status.
  • leo simha amitabh bachchan bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    1. Influence of Leo in the 2nd House:
    Pride and Authority in Family Matters:

  • With Leo in the 2nd house, Amitabh Bachchan is likely to take great pride in their family background and heritage.
  • They may have a strong sense of identity tied to their family’s status, values, or wealth.
  • Leo’s influence can make Amitabh Bachchan feel responsible for upholding the family’s honor and reputation, often taking a leadership role within the family.
  • They may be seen as someone who brings energy, vitality, and a sense of purpose to family affairs.
  • Generosity and Display of Wealth:

  • Leo’s presence in the 2nd house can also lead to a generous attitude towards family members.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may enjoy sharing their resources or using their wealth to create a comfortable and luxurious home environment.
  • There is often a desire to display wealth or success, as Leo is associated with grandeur and showmanship.
  • This can result in a focus on maintaining a certain lifestyle or public image that reflects well on the family.
  • rahu dragon's head amitabh bachchan bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    2. Influence of Rahu in the 2nd House:
    Intense Desire for Wealth and Status:

  • Rahu or dragon’s head in the 2nd house intensifies Amitabh Bachchan’s desire for wealth, material possessions, and social status.
  • Rahu’s influence can create an insatiable hunger for financial success and a strong drive to accumulate resources.
  • This can lead to a focus on achieving financial goals, sometimes through unconventional or risky means.
  • Rahu’s presence may also bring an element of unpredictability or sudden changes in the family’s financial situation.
  • loss amitabh bachchan bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    Challenges in Family Relationships for Amitabh Bachchan :

  • Rahu’s or dragon’s head placement in the 2nd house can also cause challenges in family relationships.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may experience misunderstandings, conflicts, or a sense of detachment from family members.
  • Rahu’s influence can lead to a feeling of dissatisfaction or a sense that something is missing in family life, driving Amitabh Bachchan to seek fulfillment through material gains or external validation.
  • There may also be issues related to speech, such as speaking impulsively or using words that cause misunderstandings.
  • 3.

  • Combined Effects of Leo and Rahu in the 2nd House:
    Ambition and Power Struggles:

  • The combination of Leo’s pride and Rahu’s ambition can create a powerful drive to achieve wealth and status, but it can also lead to power struggles within the family.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may feel compelled to assert their authority or control over family resources, leading to potential conflicts or competition with other family members.
  • There may be a strong desire to be recognized as the leader or most successful member of the family, which can create tension or jealousy.
  • Fluctuations in Wealth and Family Stability:

  • Rahu’s or dragon’s head influence can bring instability to the family’s financial situation for Amitabh Bachchan, with periods of sudden gains or losses.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may experience fluctuations in wealth, possibly due to risky investments or speculative ventures.
  • This instability can affect the family’s sense of security and may lead to anxiety or stress related to financial matters.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may also need to navigate issues related to trust or honesty within the family, as Rahu can sometimes indicate deception or hidden motives.
  • Desire for Recognition and Validation in Amitabh Bachchan:

  • With Leo’s influence, Amitabh Bachchan may seek recognition and validation from his family and society for their achievements and status.
  • This desire can drive them to work hard to improve their financial situation, but it may also lead to a tendency to prioritize appearances over substance.
  • Amitabh Bachchan may need to be cautious about becoming overly focused on external validation at the expense of genuine emotional connections with family members.
  • conclusion amitabh bachchan bhrigu nadi astrology family life
    Leo or simha in the 2nd house, combined with Rahu’s presence, creates a powerful and complex influence on Amitabh Bachchan’s family life and approach to wealth.

  • Amitabh Bachchan is likely to take great pride in their family and may be driven by a strong desire for financial success and social status.
  • However, this combination can also bring challenges, such as power struggles within the family, fluctuations in wealth, and a tendency to seek validation through material gains.
  • To create a balanced family life, Amitabh Bachchan may need to focus on maintaining authentic relationships and managing their ambitions in a way that supports both their family’s well-being and their own sense of self-worth.

  • bhrigu parashar nadi astrology report
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    Astrology Nadi Bhrigu & Wealth Or Money Horoscope

    astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictionsastrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    About this article

  • This article at length talks about how wealth or money flows is evaluated in bhrigu Nandi nadi astrology.
  • be it based on planets like venus, mercury or mars or even Saturn or shani dev.
  • so again may be Jupiter as a benefactor.
  • so also roles of houses of the horoscope are evaluated.
  • That is the role of 2nd wealth flows, 10th or career, 11th the money flows and so also 6th the debts.
  • especially this is done with reference to Jupiter or even venus.
  • so again various examples of high money flows or debts or other issues are given.
  • At the end of the article.
  • practical example of mukesh ambani ji, the business tycoon’s horoscope is analyzed to check how he has gotten significant wealth and money flows.
  • all this is based on bhrigu nadi astrology.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    How is money or wealth status found in a Horoscope in Bhrigu Nandi nadi astrology

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the evaluation of money and wealth involves analyzing specific planetary positions, combinations, and house placements in a person’s horoscope.
  • The wealth and financial stability of an individual can be accessed through various astrological factors.
  • Here’s a detailed look at how money and wealth are evaluated in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology:
  • In nadi astrology or bhrigu Nandi astrology the money is evaluated primarily from venus.
  • venus or shukra the planet of opulence.
  • so also the 2nd bhava or house from Jupiter or Saturn or shani dev has relevance for money matters.
  • any conjunctions of 2nd bhava from Jupiter or Saturn with other planets indicate the possible source of money flows.
  • so also Jupiter or guru is signifactor of prosperity and gains.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions horoscope
    Key Houses and Their Significance for money and wealth matters in bhrigu Nandi nadi:
    2nd House:

  • Represents accumulated wealth, family assets, and financial security.
  • It is a primary house for evaluating a person’s financial status.
  • 6th House:

  • Deals with debts, loans, and financial struggles.
  • A well-placed 6th house can indicate the ability to overcome financial challenges.
  • 10th House:

  • Represents career, profession, and public status.
  • The income derived from one’s profession is evaluated through this house.
  • 11th House:

  • Indicates gains, income from various sources, and overall financial prosperity.
  • It is a crucial house for understanding one’s earning potential.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions planets
    Key Planets and Their Roles in wealth and money flows in bhrigu and nadi analysis :

  • Jupiter (Guru):

  • Symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and financial wisdom.
  • A strong and well-placed Jupiter is highly beneficial for financial growth.
  • Venus (Shukra):

  • Represents luxury, material comforts, and financial gains from partnerships and artistic pursuits.
  • Venus’s strength can indicate wealth through beauty, arts, and relationships.
  • Mercury (Budha):

  • Governs commerce, trade, and financial transactions.
  • A strong Mercury suggests success in business and trade-related activities.
  • Mars (Mangal):

  • Indicates property, land, and real estate.
  • Mars’s placement can show financial gains through real estate and property investments.
  • Saturn (Shani):

  • Represents hard work, persistence, and long-term financial stability.
  • A well-placed Saturn indicates wealth accumulated through hard work and discipline.
  • Rahu and Ketu( dragon’s head and dragon’s tail):

  • These shadow planets can indicate sudden gains or losses.
  • Rahu’s placement can show unconventional or sudden wealth, while Ketu can represent spiritual detachment from material wealth.
  • Yoga astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Important Combinations (Yogas):

  • Dhan Yoga:

  • Formed when the lords of the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses are well-placed and in mutual aspect or conjunction.
  • This combination indicates strong financial prosperity.
  • Chandra-Mangal Yoga:

  • The conjunction of the Moon and Mars can indicate financial gains through real estate and property.
  • Gajakesari Yoga:

  • Formed when Jupiter is in Kendra (quadrant) from the Moon.
  • This yoga signifies immense wealth and prosperity.
  • Lakshmi Yoga:

  • Formed when Venus is placed in its own or exalted sign, and the lord of the 9th house is strong.
  • This yoga indicates wealth and luxury.
  • Viparita Raja Yoga:

  • Formed when the lords of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are in mutual aspect or exchange.
  • This yoga can indicate sudden financial gains, often from unexpected sources.
  • Analysis Process in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi:

  • House and Planetary Analysis:

  • Astrologers examine the placement, strength, and aspects of the planets ruling the key houses (2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th) to assess financial potential.
  • Transits and Dasha Periods:

  • The influence of planetary transits and the specific dasha (planetary periods) on these houses and planets are analyzed to predict the timing of financial gains or losses.
  • Navamsa and Divisional Charts:

  • Detailed analysis using divisional charts like the Navamsa (D9) and other relevant divisional charts can provide deeper insights into financial stability and potential.
  • Combinations and Yogas:

  • Identification of wealth-related yogas and combinations in the horoscope to determine the overall financial prosperity.
  • Practical Applications:

  • Career and Profession:

  • Identifying suitable career paths that align with the strengths indicated by the horoscope for optimal financial growth.
  • Investment Strategies:

  • Guidance on favorable periods for investments in real estate, stocks, or other financial ventures based on planetary transits and dashas.
  • Financial Planning:

  • Personalized financial planning advice to maximize wealth and minimize potential financial challenges.
  • remedies solutions astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions

  • Suggesting astrological remedies like gemstone recommendations, mantra chanting, and rituals to strengthen weak planets or mitigate negative influences.
  • By analyzing these factors in a comprehensive manner, Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology provides a detailed and nuanced understanding of an individual’s financial potential, helping them make informed decisions to enhance their wealth and financial stability.
  • planets astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Wealth flows or money flows in Bhrigu nandi Nadi astrology – a deeper view of the Horoscope and planets

  • Kindly note for houses the relative positions of planets are taken for wealth flows either with reference to Jupiter or even venus and saturn.
  • depending on the situation.
  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the inflow and outflow of wealth are significantly influenced by the planets Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, as well as the houses associated with finance and career, namely the 2nd house, 6th house, 10th house, and 11th house.
  • Here’s a detailed analysis of how each of these planets and houses affects wealth inflows and outflows:
    saturn shani astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Influence of Key Planets on Wealth:
    Saturn (Shani):

  • Saturn represents hard work, discipline, and long-term gains.
  • When well-placed, Saturn can indicate steady and sustained financial inflows through persistent effort and disciplined financial management.
  • It is often associated with wealth accumulated over time through professions like engineering, mining, agriculture, and labor-intensive industries.
  • Outflow:

  • If Saturn or shani dev is poorly placed, it can lead to financial challenges, delays, and obstacles in wealth accumulation.
  • Expenses may arise due to legal issues, chronic health problems, or losses in business ventures due to a lack of discipline or strategic planning.
  • mars mangal astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Mars (Mangal):

  • Mars signifies energy, initiative, and entrepreneurship.
  • A well-placed Mars can bring financial inflows through dynamic and aggressive business activities, real estate, construction, and industries requiring physical activity or machinery.
  • Mars’s placement can lead to sudden and substantial gains, especially from real estate or land deals.
  • Outflow:

  • A poorly placed Mars can lead to impulsive financial decisions, accidents, or disputes that result in financial loss.
  • It may also indicate high expenses related to property repairs, legal battles, or medical emergencies.
  • jupiter guru astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Jupiter (Guru):
    Inflow: Jupiter is the planet of abundance, prosperity, and wisdom.

  • When favorably placed, it brings financial inflows through teaching, banking, finance, religious or spiritual activities, and advisory roles.
  • Jupiter’s aspect on wealth-related houses can enhance overall financial prosperity and attract opportunities for wealth creation.
  • Outflow: A weak or afflicted Jupiter can lead to financial losses due to over-expansion, poor financial judgment, or losses in speculative activities.
  • It may also indicate charitable expenses or financial drain due to lack of planning.
  • venus shukra astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Venus (Shukra):

  • Venus represents luxury, beauty, and material comforts.
  • A strong Venus can indicate financial inflows through industries related to arts, entertainment, fashion, cosmetics, hospitality, and luxury goods.
  • Venus’s influence often brings wealth through harmonious partnerships and creative endeavors.
  • Outflow:

  • Poorly placed Venus can lead to excessive spending on luxury items, relationships, or indulgences.
  • Financial outflows may occur due to overindulgence, addictions, or losses in speculative activities related to arts and entertainment.
  • houses astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Influence of Key Houses on Wealth:
    2nd House (Accumulated Wealth):

  • The 2nd house represents family wealth, savings, and financial security.
  • A strong 2nd house and its lord indicate steady inflows of wealth through inheritance, savings, and accumulated assets.
  • Benefic aspects or conjunctions with the 2nd house can enhance financial security.
  • Outflow:

  • A weak or afflicted 2nd house can lead to challenges in saving money and financial instability.
  • Malefic influences can cause unexpected expenses or losses through family disputes, poor financial management, or theft.
  • loss debt astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    6th House (Debts and Loans):

  • The 6th house represents debts, loans, and financial struggles.
  • While it primarily deals with challenges, a well-placed 6th house can indicate the ability to secure and repay loans effectively, leading to business expansion and financial stability.
  • Outflow:

  • An afflicted 6th house can lead to financial burdens through debts, loans, and litigation expenses.
  • Persistent health issues and employee-related costs can also drain financial resources.
  • career job astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    10th House (Career and Profession):

  • The 10th house governs career, profession, and public status.
  • A strong 10th house and its lord signify substantial financial inflows through professional success, promotions, and public recognition.
  • Benefic aspects on the 10th house can lead to lucrative career opportunities and financial growth.
  • Outflow:

  • A weak or afflicted 10th house may lead to career instability, job losses, or professional setbacks, resulting in reduced income.
  • Malefic influences can cause financial outflows due to career-related issues like legal disputes or reputation damage.
  • money flows income astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    11th House (Gains and Income):

  • The 11th house represents gains, income, and financial prosperity.
  • A strong 11th house and its lord indicate robust financial inflows through multiple income sources, investments, and social connections.
  • Benefic planets in the 11th house can enhance overall financial gains and support wealth accumulation.
  • Outflow:

  • An afflicted 11th house can lead to difficulties in achieving financial goals and potential losses in speculative investments or network-related ventures.
  • Malefic influences can reduce the effectiveness of social connections in generating income.
  • Combined Analysis:
    saturn shani astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Saturn’s Role with Houses:
    Saturn in 2nd House:

  • Can bring wealth through hard work and disciplined saving, but may also cause delays in wealth accumulation.
  • Saturn in 6th House: Indicates challenges with debts and loans but also the ability to overcome financial struggles through perseverance.
  • Saturn in 10th House:

  • Suggests steady career growth leading to long-term financial stability.
  • Saturn in 11th House:

  • Can bring gains through persistent effort and long-term investments.
  • mars mangal astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Mars’ Role with Houses:
    Mars in 2nd House:

  • Indicates aggressive financial growth through real estate or business, but potential impulsive spending.
  • Mars in 6th House: Suggests the ability to tackle debts but also potential for financial disputes.
  • Mars in 10th House:

  • Brings dynamic career growth with potential for substantial financial gains.
  • Mars in 11th House: Indicates gains through assertive efforts and risk-taking ventures.
  • jupiter guru astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Jupiter’s Role with Houses:
    Jupiter in 2nd House:

  • Brings wealth through wisdom, savings, and inheritance.
  • Jupiter in 6th House:

  • Can help manage debts effectively, but overexpansion may lead to financial strain.
  • Jupiter in 10th House:

  • Indicates professional success and significant financial inflows.
  • Jupiter in 11th House:

  • Enhances overall financial prosperity through multiple income sources.
  • venus shukra astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Venus’ Role with Houses:
    Venus in 2nd House:

  • Indicates wealth through luxury, arts, and harmonious family relationships.
  • Venus in 6th House:

  • Can lead to financial struggles through indulgences but also creative solutions to financial issues.
  • Venus in 10th House:

  • Brings success in careers related to beauty, arts, and luxury, leading to substantial financial gains.
  • Venus in 11th House:

  • Indicates gains through social connections and creative endeavors.
  • conclusion astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the evaluation of wealth inflows and outflows involves a detailed analysis of the key planets and houses related to finance and career.
  • By understanding the combined influence of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus on the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses, astrologers can provide insights into an individual’s financial potential and guide them in managing their wealth effectively.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictionsnadi astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Various Bhrigu Nandi examples to find money or wealth status and source of the same ?
    {Taurus = Jupiter or Guru} –> {Gemini = mars + ketu}–>{cancer = Saturn}–>{Leo=sun}
    How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology the earnings or MONEY flow based on Horoscope or kundli?

  • so also as karma karaka Saturn or shani dev for job has sun and Leo or simha in the 2nd bhava.
  • so person would be earning through government or a government employee.
  • {Libra = Venus + Saturn } –> { Scorpio = Sun}–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter+ Mercury }–>{Capricorn= ketu or dragon’s tail}
    based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict about the PROPERTY & HOME Matters?

  • Saturn comes on natal Venus and Saturn itself after 28x 2= 56 years.
  • so it means some karma to do with home stuff is there.
  • so he would renovate his house at that age.
  • Saturn on Venus could also make person leave the place he r she is there.
  • also at that time Jupiter is on Natal Rahu or dragon’s head.
  • so could make the person leave place.
  • {Libra = Saturn} ——>{Sagittarius = Jupiter }–>{Capricorn= KETU or dragon’s tail}–> {Aquarius = VENUS}–>{ Pisces = sun and mercury}
    How based on Nadi astrology or Jyotish, one could find out about MONEY or WEALTH status of the person ?

  • Jupiter or self has Venus in the 2nd bhava from same or the house of money , so the person would be very rich and with good money.
  • so also he would own a house.
  • }–>{Capricorn= moon and mars}–>{Aquarius or kumbha rashi= ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Pisces or meena rashi = Jupiter}
    –>{Pisces or meena rashi = No planet} –>{Aries or mesha rashi = sun & venus}
    How to know the MONEY matters or finances based on Vedic brighu nadi astrology using horoscope or kundli?

  • Saturn or shani dev is the karaka for money matters or 6th house in regular astrology.
  • so also here Saturn or shani dev is agitated in the Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi.
  • so he could have debts as such.
  • In 56th year Jupiter would have gone through cycle 4 times and half.
  • so around 56 years there could be gains in position as
    it’s in cancer and is exalted there.
  • mukesh ambani practical examples astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    practical real life example of Mukesh Ambani bhrigu nadi astrology
    venus sun ketu astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    What is Role of Venus, sun and ketu for wealth and money flows for mukesh Ambani ji?

  • For mukesh ambani’s horoscope venus is in 9th house of luck and bhagya from Jupiter .
  • Infact it is in trikona or angular houses so shares all good energies with Jupiter.
  • Venus is with its enemy sun, but sun is exalted.
  • so suggest highly significant wealth and opulence to mukesh ambani ji.
  • so also as sun is in Aries sign so wealth and opulence by a high level initiative is promised.
  • all this is 100% true looking at reliance industries.
  • !so also ketu or dragon’s tail is with high energy with venus.
  • so gains from electricity and communication so promised for mukesh ambani for sure.
  • again research and development would pay off well to mukesh ambani.
  • Ketu is again like a dhwaj or magnifies the abilities of sun and venus nearby.
  • so exceptional initiative, name and fame and so also wealth and opulence for mukesh ambani ji is promised by ketu.
  • so again software computers and TV etc could also give good gains to mukesh ambani ji.
  • so is mercury there, so communication or reliance 4g or communication and computers related success is promised for Mukesh ambani ji reliance industries.
  • saturn shani astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    What is Role of Saturn for wealth and money flows for mukesh ambani ji?

  • Mukesh Ambani, one of the wealthiest individuals in the world and the chairman of Reliance Industries, has a horoscope that reflects his immense wealth and business acumen.
  • While we can’t access Mukesh Ambani’s exact birth chart details, we can analyze the potential influences in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology that would typically indicate such immense financial success and business prowess.
  • The next house or 2nd house from Saturn or shani dev is Sagittarius.
  • the planet for opulence.
  • so also growth and dignity.
  • so also good image and good work would be done by mukesh ambani ji.
  • once again, Jupiter stands for growth and expansions and we know how much growth and expansion mukesh ambani ji has.
  • moon is also there so gains from travel industry is also thereof he wants to explores.
  • so again milk industry as well .
  • 🙂

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    Bhrigu Nadi & Akshay Kumar Horoscope Predictions

    akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli
    About this article?

  • This article at length discusses first the basic principles of Bhrigu nadi to apply to lover, sister, father, past life reincarnation, Job or career and finance .
  • Then it applies to Akshay Kumar’s the Films or Bollywood action Hero’s Life with great accuracy and detail as a practical example.
  • bhrigu nandi nadi predictions
    How are predictions Made in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi – avoid various aspects of Life Like father, sister, career, Money and finances, wife and so also reincarnation- so that later Akshya Kumar’s Horoscope we can better analyze

  • The below model or analysis covers how the basic things like father, sister, career, Money and finances, wife and so also reincarnation is analyzed in Bhrigu nandi nadi astrology.
  • father bhrigu nandi nadi predictions
    Father in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Astrology:

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the father’s role and influence are primarily determined by the Sun’s placement and its interactions with other planets.
  • The Sun represents the father’s authority, legacy, and the qualities inherited from him.
  • A strong and well-placed Sun in the chart signifies a supportive and influential father, who plays a vital role in shaping the individual’s character, values, and life direction.
  • For instance, if the Sun is conjunct with benefic planets like Jupiter, it indicates a father who is wise, ethical, and a source of guidance.
  • Conversely, if the Sun is afflicted by malefic planets like Saturn or Rahu, it may point to challenges in the relationship with the father, possibly marked by distance, conflict, or health issues.
  • The aspects of the Sun to other houses can reveal more about the father’s role in different areas of life, such as his influence on career (10th house) or on the individual’s spiritual path (9th house).
  • Moreover, the 9th house, often associated with the father, provides additional insights into his influence.
  • The condition of the 9th house lord and any planets placed there can depict the father’s fortune, his role as a mentor, and his impact on the individual’s destiny.
  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, the father is seen not just as a parental figure but as a significant force guiding the individual’s journey through life, offering lessons in both material and spiritual realms.
  • The father’s legacy, whether in the form of wealth, knowledge, or values, is a crucial component of the individual’s karmic journey, shaping their responsibilities and opportunities in this lifetime.
  • sister bhrigu nandi nadi predictions
    Sister in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Astrology:

  • The relationship with the sister in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology is primarily analyzed through the Moon and Venus, as well as the 3rd house, which traditionally governs siblings.
  • The Moon represents emotional bonds, while Venus can indicate the harmony and affection in sibling relationships.
  • A strong and well-placed Moon suggests a close, nurturing relationship with the sister, where emotional support and understanding are key aspects.
  • If Venus is well-aspected, it enhances the relationship, indicating a loving and cooperative dynamic, often with the sister playing a role in the individual’s emotional well-being and personal growth.
  • The 3rd house and its ruler provide additional insights, showing how the sister influences the individual’s communication, courage, and daily interactions.
  • mars mangal bhrigu nandi nadi predictions

  • When malefic planets like Rahu or Mars influence the 3rd house or are in conjunction with the Moon or Venus, it may point to challenges or conflicts with the sister.
  • These challenges could stem from competition, misunderstandings, or differences in life paths.
  • However, even challenging aspects often carry karmic significance, suggesting that the relationship with the sister may involve lessons in patience, understanding, and reconciliation.
  • In some cases, the sister may play a pivotal role in the individual’s life, not just as a sibling but as a catalyst for personal or spiritual transformation, especially if linked with key houses like the 9th (dharma) or 12th (moksha).
  • career job bhrigu nandi nadi predictions
    Career in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Astrology:

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the 10th house and its lord are the primary indicators of career and professional life.
  • The placement of the 10th lord, along with the influence of key planets like Saturn, Mercury, and Mars, determines the nature of the individual’s profession, the success they achieve, and the challenges they face.
  • Saturn’s influence typically indicates a career that involves discipline, structure, and long-term effort, often in fields like government, law, or engineering.
  • Mercury’s influence suggests a career in communication, trade, or intellectual pursuits, while Mars indicates roles involving action, leadership, or physical effort, such as in the military or sports.
  • The condition of the 10th house and its lord provides a clear picture of the professional trajectory, showing periods of growth, challenges, and achievements.
  • Additionally, the aspects of Jupiter or Venus on the 10th house or its lord can bring prosperity and opportunities for advancement, often indicating a career that aligns with ethical values or creative pursuits.
  • Rahu’s influence might suggest unconventional career paths, foreign connections, or sudden changes in professional life.
  • The career is seen as not just a means of livelihood but as a significant aspect of the individual’s karmic journey, where the professional experiences and choices reflect and shape their spiritual evolution.
  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, the career is closely tied to the individual’s purpose in life, offering a pathway to fulfill their dharma and contribute to society.
  • wife bhrigu nandi nadi predictions
    Wife in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Astrology:

  • The wife and marital relationship in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology are primarily analyzed through Venus, the 7th house, and the 7th house lord.
  • Venus, as the natural significator of love, marriage, and partnership, reveals the qualities of the spouse and the nature of the marital relationship.
  • A strong and well-placed Venus indicates a harmonious, loving marriage with mutual respect and affection.
  • The 7th house and its lord offer insights into the dynamics of the partnership, including the potential for happiness, challenges, and the overall stability of the marriage.
  • If the 7th house is influenced by benefic planets like Jupiter or a well-placed Venus, it suggests a supportive and fulfilling marriage.
  • Conversely, afflictions from malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu might indicate difficulties, delays, or karmic lessons in the marital relationship.
  • The condition of the 7th house lord and its interactions with other planets can provide more detailed predictions about the spouse’s character, the timing of marriage, and the challenges or blessings that marriage brings.
  • In some cases, the placement of Venus or the 7th house lord in specific houses can indicate a spouse who plays a significant role in the individual’s professional or spiritual life.
  • For example, a spouse represented by Venus in the 9th house might be a source of wisdom and spiritual support.
  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, the marital relationship is not only seen as a partnership in this life but often reflects deep karmic bonds from past lives, influencing the individual’s spiritual journey and personal growth.
  • reincarnation punarjanm bhrigu nandi nadi predictions
    Reincarnation in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Astrology:

  • Reincarnation and karmic patterns are central concepts in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, with the Moon, Ketu, and the 12th house playing key roles in understanding past life influences and their impact on the current life.
  • The Moon, representing the mind and emotions, holds the memories and impressions from past lives, influencing the individual’s desires, fears, and relationships in the present life.
  • Ketu, the South Node of the Moon, is particularly associated with past life karmas and spiritual evolution.
  • Its placement in the chart indicates the areas of life where the individual carries past life experiences, lessons, and unresolved issues.
  • The 12th house, often referred to as the house of moksha or liberation, provides insights into the individual’s spiritual journey, including their past life connections and the karmic debts they are meant to resolve in this lifetime.
  • The position of Ketu, especially in relation to the 12th house or the Moon, can indicate specific past life influences that shape the individual’s current experiences, particularly in relationships, career, and spiritual pursuits.
  • For instance, Ketu in the 7th house might suggest unresolved karmic ties with a spouse from a past life, influencing the dynamics of marriage in the present life.
  • Similarly, Ketu in the 10th house could indicate past life experiences related to career and social status, impacting the individual’s professional journey.
  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, understanding reincarnation and past life patterns is crucial for unraveling the deeper purposes of the individual’s life, guiding them towards spiritual growth, fulfillment of karmic duties, and ultimately, liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
  • akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli
    Review of Basic Nadi principles with an example to better Interpret Akshay Kumar’s Horoscope Given in the next section
    {Libra = Saturn } ———–>{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun}
    How to know about a Good career based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • Looking at the key signifactors of Job that is SATURN, or shani dev and so also Saturn is karma karaka or job karaka.
  • then next is SUN for image and job.
  • That is in the GEMINI sign or mithuna rashi.
  • so also Jupiter the creator for good things in life.
  • it is in Aquarius sign or kumbha rashi.
  • so as Saturn is in Libra and exalted, so is sun in friendly sign and so is Jupiter fair enough.
  • so all factors point to a high government job for the person.
  • Mars or mangal dev is in Pisces or meena rashi and is strong, so also mars strength means gains from lands.

  • so also mars in Pisces sign the twin sign for Jupiter or self.
  • so gains of lands go to self.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about gains from sister or wife based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • so as Jupiter is in Aquarius.
  • it takes 12 years for a round.
  • so also in 3rd round it comes over MERCURY, that is ins cancer sign.
  • That is 12 x 2= 24 years + 7 signs from Aquarius.
  • so Mercury is karaka for sisters and so gains from sisters and so also wife is possible.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about health issues in childhood based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • No as Jupiter or Guru or self is retrograde.
  • so instead of being in Aquarius, it could be treated in Capricorn as well as per nadi principles.
  • so also Jupiter is self or birth of the person.
  • so the environment Jupiter has suggests the environment at birth.
  • so also environment at birth is mother as well.
  • so as Jupiter in Capricorn or makar rashi is debilitated , so clearly health issues in childhood for the person and so also trouble to mother is.
  • As rahu or dragon’s head aspects Jupiter from Gemini sign so rahu or relates s strong, so gains at that time of toughness through relatives.
  • Now this weak and debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn if retrogression considered send energy in mercury in cancer sign.
  • this is next to SUN = father or adjacent to fathers sign.
  • so suggest .
  • so suggest some gains or possession to father and trouble as well.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about siblings or brothers and sisters based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • Jupiter or Guru is the self or the person .
  • now planets behind Jupiter or self suggest about siblings.
  • Now ketu is in Sagittarius in the above chart.
  • so simply removes the siblings or elder brothers.
  • so means there is no planet other than ketu for the person , so he is the eldest male member.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun + rahu or dragon’s head} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about wife of father based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • Now sun is father, it is in Gemini sign.
  • so also venus is wife is strong in Taurus or vrishabha and is strong there.
  • so also sun or father is with rahu.
  • so here the energy exchange is sun + rahu + venus.
  • means the person or the father( SUN) would be forced to marry a person not so of his choice.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about grief caused by relatives based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • Rahu or dragon’s head means relatives and as sun and rahu together.
  • so cousins or relatives of the person would cause a lot of grief as such.
  • Jupiter the self has mars or mangal is fair strength next.
  • The 3rd house lord from Jupiter or Guru is mars is closely conjunct to Jupiter or self.
  • so good enough siblings or brothers could be there.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about fathers being well versed on vedas and puranas and be devoted to GOD based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • Jupiter or Guru from Aquarius sign aspects the planet sun in Gemini.
  • so the sun or father gets good energy form Jupiter in 5th aspects.
  • so father could be fairly devoted to GOD.
  • so also vedas and ancient religious lore.
  • as sun is n Gemini sign ruled by mercury or budha and so also mercury is next to sun.
  • so in great strength.
  • mercury deals with study and learning and Jupiter with dharma.
  • these two energies suggest good learning in vedas and puranaas.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about conditions of gains of wealth based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • Now mars gains strength in Aries.
  • so transit it to Aries.
  • but then the next energy is venus that is exalted and strong.
  • venus is wealth and mars means trouble.
  • so also Aries is 3rd house from Jupiter or guru.
  • means when mars strong, it comes next to wealth house but in 3rd house of siblings.
  • so gains of wealth when sisters are in trouble.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about house or home one buys based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • In 40 years in 4th round of Jupiter .
  • there Jupiter connects to venus, that is 4th or home house.
  • but it is with closely Rahu in next sign of Gemini.
  • so he gets a good house , but that house could be old.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about timing of bad health to wife based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • In the 5th round as 5 is mercury Jupiter weak.
  • so before Jupiter leaves cancer, that is 54th years.
  • wife health & longevity issues.
  • as Saturn with negative energy of scorpio is also there.
  • When Jupiter transits Sagittarius he will retire
    Him form service and suffer from coughs, colds and piles.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about retirement and health issues to a person based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • When Jupiter or Guru transits Sagittarius or dhanu rashi, we have ketu or dragon’s head there.
  • now the transit lagna is Jupiter is in Sagittarius sign with malefic ketu.
  • so ketu is in dharma sign, so indicates retirement.
  • plus 4th bhava or Pisces has mars or mangal again malefic.
  • lagna Jupiter is weak in transit plus mars afflictions to 4th bhava, so lungs problem and cough is there.
  • so also 7th bhava has sun and rahu there.
  • these are both hot and tough planets.
  • so rahu connecting to 7th or 8th virtually gives piles as intestines are there involved.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about charities or remedies of killing a calf based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • The native killed calf grazing by giving a blow covered in the next section.
  • but for remedies he needs to do charity and visits places where a lot of cows are there.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about papa or sins of previous life incarnation based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • Now Jupiter was retrograde, but it is Capricorn sign.
  • now going to basic astrology Capricorn has Jupiter and astrologically mars or mangal is exalted here.
  • so the person will suffer from
    suffocating cough as the calf suffered.
  • Jupiter retrogression and weakness suggest something opposed to dharma has been done by the person.
  • so Capricorn has a connection to mars or mangal.
  • so the person is born a kshatriya or warrior class in previous birth.
  • Here in any case for previous birth we tale one sign back of the presents sign that is Aquarius fro Jupiter or guru.
  • Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn shows cow( Jupiter is cow) and calf, as mars exaltations sign and high energy.
  • Now mars is the key planet here above and exalted in Capricorn.
  • now it is in Pisces sign.
  • show horns as mars is weapons.
  • Now correlate all.
  • so also the previous energy ( sign prior to Capricorn having any planet)to Jupiter in Capricorn is ketu.
  • so this suggest the tail.
  • we need to do a lot of back tracking.
  • so also getting more information on Capricorn sign where Jupiter is mercury ahs an aspect , so means green fields.
  • Now Jupiter is between Saturn and mars , so conflicts of mind of person who killed a calf is given here.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } ———–>{Sagittarius= Ketu or dragon’s tail}->{Capricorn =}->{Aquarius = Jupiter} –>{ Pisces = Mars}—–>{ Gemini= Sun} –>{Cancer = Mercury}
    How to know about issues to the person due to wife based on Bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • Jupiter or guru in transit passes venus.
  • that is in the 5th round.
  • so also it comes over malefic sun and rahu or dragon’s head.
  • so creates issues to him but due to wife.
  • as Jupiter comes over venus.
  • As transit over sun , so change to new place is there.
  • so also earnings happen as mercury is there and will live upto 70 years of age.
  • as at 70th year touches ketu in Sagittarius in dhanu casing issues.
  • akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli
    PRACTICAL example of Filmstar Akshay Kumar
    brother sister akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli
    What are Akshay Kumar sister predictions based on bhrigu nadi astrology ?

  • The name of akshay kumars sister is Alka Bhatia.
  • they have been very friendly together.
  • Alka Bhatia is a divorcee as well.
  • Mars is younger siblings.
  • mars is very hot for akshay kumar as he is also khiladi kumar.
  • khiladi is sports and sports is again mars or mangal dev.
  • mars is in Scorpio, so sisters life is beset with problems.
  • she was a divorcee.
  • but so also mercury or budha is a karaka.
  • mercury is very strong, with ketu or dragon’s tail previous to it and moon.
  • so sister is smart and action oriented and beautiful due to Libra sign prior to it.
  • so also Moon is there.
  • father akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli
    What are Akshay Kumar father based on bhrigu nadi astrology?

  • He was a wrestler and a strong man and a role model for akshay kumar.
  • he was also an army officer and encouraged akshay kumar for sports.
  • sun or surya is father is very strong.
  • Gives strength to fathers personality.
  • gives him great dignity and position.
  • 4th aspects of mars suggest that his father could be in sports and armed services.
  • both are true he was a wrestler cum an army person as well.
  • weak venus and exalted Jupiter next give the father fair dignity.
  • career job akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli
    What are Akshay Kumar career based on bhrigu nadi astrology?

  • Akshay kumar came up into films as an action hero.
  • then he went into more of art and humor films like hera pheri etc.
  • but still his image is like a khiladi kumar.
  • success akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli
    What are Akshay Kumar great success point based on bhrigu nadi astrology?

  • The well known movie Khiladi (1992), which was directed by Abbas–Mustan where he demonstrated his karate skills .
  • so also started becoming the khiladi kumar.
  • This movie gave him the first breakthrough role as a lead hero.
  • so also he did many khiladi series like Main Khiladi Tu Anari (1994).
  • Then came the movie Sabse Bada Khiladi (1995).
  • then with rekha and rumoured for affair with her is Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi (1996).
  • some of the final movies was Mr.
  • and Mrs.
  • Khiladi in the series.
  • so in 1992 and 1993- Saturn or shani dev the karma karaka or job karaka is in Capricorn or makar rashi.
  • it aspects the exalted Jupiter 7th from it in cancer.
  • so also Saturn or karma or career of akshay kumar receives energy from exalted Jupiter or guru.
  • His movie khladiyon kaa khiladi came up very well.
  • so that time Jupiter is very strong in Sagittarius sign and his natal chart has sun or surya and also natal Jupiter there.
  • so again great name and fame and money to akshay kumar for the movie khiladiyon kaey khiladi.
  • so sun means great success in career and Jupiter here means money.
  • 2022 was a tough year for akshay kumar.
  • transit Jupiter or Guru was over natal Saturn.
  • so despite great promises obstacles were there for him.
  • so some prosperity is there,
    but sure rahu over natal rahu is in Aries.
  • so obstacles and immobility is there that could block matters.
  • Also Saturn is in Aquarius or Kumbha and aspects natal sun and Jupiter.
  • so fall of position or conflicts in career possible.
  • wife akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli
    What are Akshay Kumar wife based on bhrigu nadi astrology?

  • twinkle khanna is wife of akshay kumar and is very beautiful lady and daughter of Rajesh khanna.
  • the legend in the film industry.
  • they had a love marriage.
  • she is an Author , so also a Columnist, plus a Interior designer.
  • so again a Film producer Actress.
  • Venus the planet for wife is in high dignity Leo and with sun also there.
  • so clearly she comes form a good family( Rajesh khanna daughter).
  • plus great independent nature and career choices.
  • she has lead an independent career.
  • so also mercury which is strong is there in the previous sign Virgo or kanya rashi.
  • so the wife would be a writer, good communicator a well.
  • as all is 100% correct.
  • so also Jupiter is exalted in the next sign of cancer.
  • so highly educated and high dignity lady she would be.
  • all is true.
  • so also Jupiter exalted confirms high status for tar family of wife of akshay kumar.
  • that is twinkle khanna.
  • ?reincarnation past life akshay kumar bollywood bhrigu nadi horoscope kundli
    What are Akshay Kumar past life or reincarnation based on bhrigu nadi astrology?

  • Taking Jupiter in Gemini sign in the previous life reincarnation of akshay kumar.
  • mercury the ruler is very strong and is in own sign of Virgo and exalted.
  • so maybe he was a businessman or vyapri in the past life reincarnation.
  • so also very quick and good at academics.
  • this part doesn’t match with his this life time results.
  • But his life was not as high dignity as it is in this life time.
  • Saturn or shani dev aspects the planet mercury.
  • so sure he had fair dignity but delays and obstacles as well in previous life incarnation.
  • Mercury is with ketu and moon in Libra sign next.
  • so seems dharma or dharma and spirituality was high in akshay kumar in previous life time.
  • so was travel and fair enough Luxury was there.
  • Now cross checking this from parashari system reincarnation or punarjanm of akshay kumar.

  • using the moon chart given above.
  • Mercury again rules the 9th bhava and is in 12th bhava .
  • so foreign travels and inclination to dharma was clearly there in previous life time.
  • business overseas was there so he had good enough business capabilities in his [previous life incarnation.
  • reflected in his good success in this life time in management money and success.
  • Good gains from exports is there.

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