About this article?
This is a highly interesting Vedic astrology-based article , looking at what would have caused the suicide or murder of Michael Jackson based on his Horoscope or Kundli.
Which planetary energies or Yoga’s made Michael Jackson so deft in music and dancing- based on his Horoscope(kundli)
The role of the legendry shadow planet rahu(dragon’s head) and 6th bhava lord are evaluated in depth in his murder conspiracy.
The article also looks at length on what makes Michael Jackson so keen on music and arts.
Plus which planets in the Horoscope or Kundli of Michael Jackson gave him great success , name fame and wealth in life :)?
which Yoga’s made Michael Jackson a world figure based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

Birth Horoscope or Kundli Details Of Michael Jackson:
Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – 10 AM, Gary Indiana)
At the time of event of Michael Jackson’s life coming to an end, based on Vedic Astrology:
Dasha- Antar dasha Running is Mercury-Rahu Up to Jan 01, 2010.

His Numbers and Some Astro- Numerological Interpretations:
Why Michael Jackson’s Destiny was Music based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
why was Music in Michael Jackson’s Blood based on his Horoscope(Kundli)?:
Venus or shukra the karaka for music is in the 12th house of Horoscope. It is in cancer(karkat rashi) sign.
so absorbs energy of moon or chandra.
so gives Michael Jackson great imagination to write songs and creativity.
It also gives Michael Jackson to play and dance the best .
Libra sign or Tula rashi of Venus has rahu and Jupiter there in it.
so Venus or ability for music & dance for Michael Jackson has the grandness of Jupiter and so is the great grace of Jupiter there.
So does rahu or dragon’s head give Michael Jackson the innovative ability and being extra or out of the air ability 🙂 in his music and dance.
The 2nd house lord = Venus = speech. Has the benefic Jupiter to sweeten it.
Also the lord of speech sits in the house of money- so brings ion money through art.
But as it is weak- suggest outflow of money for luxuries/comforts and at the same time connects the flow of money to his religious beliefs (9th house).
Also house 2 has an aspect of a good enough mars or mangal– sitting in 8th house.
So one could expect rough aspects coming into the speech- along with sweetness of Jupiter.
So is the Virgo or Kanya rashi lord mercury sitting on the lagna or ascendant of Michael Jackson. Now Virgo is 6th sign and close to Venus or shukra( as Venus is number 6).
so is mercury suggesting good ability to communicate or sing. with great dignity as sun is there in the kundli or Horoscope of Michael Jackson.:)
A strong sun suggests great initiative to sing and communicate at Michael Jackson’s end is there.
so is an aspect of Moon the imaginative and innocent moon. again suggesting great imagination to Michael Jackson.:)
so all this helps Michael Jackson to sing.
so is Venus sitting in cancer sign as discussed above, so again great dexterity in music is there for Michael Jackson. 🙂

what do the numbers or Numerology Or anka Jyotish say about musical ability of Michael Jackson?
He was born on 29th Of August= Now 29th = 2+9 = 11 = Now this is a master number of fame and fall both. Also it makes the Michael Jackson’s idealistic about matters.
This idealism could have given Michael Jackson focus on music, un distracted by only being “practical”
Birth date = 29= 2-9, 2= Planet Moon the 9 = Planet Mars gives sudden impulse and action which was seen in his life.

what does the Vedic astrology say about proneness of Michael Jackson to being burn or accident prone based on his Horoscope?
we note that the planet for confinement and hospitalization and also hurts moon is in the 7th bhava or markesh(killer) house of Michael Jackson’s Kundli or Horoscope.
so does it aspect the lagna or ascendant.
so he is more prone for hurts and hospitalization naturally based on his Horoscope or Kundli.
The 8th house lord Jupiter is in 3rd bhava or house along with rahu(dragon’s head).
so suggest that due to his own rash and sudden actions Michael Jackson could also hurt himself .
It has an aspect on the 7th house. so does it suggests hurt Michael Jackson’s public image.

what do the numbers or numerology(anka Jyotish) say about proneness of Michael Jackson to being burn or accident prone?
now in any Horoscope or Kundli 9= mars = Rules Fire/Injury/Operation possible or prone to, we know what role fire/operations has played with him.
He burnt his hair while shooting etc.
Michael Jackson’s destiny number = 29 + august (8) +1958(23) = 11+8+5 = 24 = 2+4 = 6 = Is Planet VENUS or shukra for his horoscope.

What is the role of VENUS or shukra for music in case of Michael Jackson’s Kundli or Horoscope?.

What does Vedic astrology say about Michael Jackson’s Venus energy in his Horoscope(Kundli) ?
Venus or shukra is greatly placed for Michael Jackson in cancer sign or karkat rashi.
so Venus equal music and moon is imagination and creativity.
so both these combine to give great artistic and musical ability to Michael Jackson’s Horoscope.
With Jupiter(guru) and rahu(dragon’s head) in the Libra sign or Tula rashi, suggest that great dignity and value to Michael Jackson is there.
so would he be very innovative in his approach to music and dance.:)

What does numbers or numerology or anka Jyotish say about Michael Jackson’s Venus energy in his Horoscope(Kundli) ?
Also this Venus or shukra number has come from 24 = 2-4, where number 4 = RAHU(dragon’s head) or one could say Uranus having strong role in Michael Jackson’s horoscope or Kundli.
So one can know what kind of music RAHU(dragon’s head) in Michael Jackson’s Horoscope could create- generally a practical, innovative, but totally out of convention kind of music and dance.
It is not a sattvic(such classical) Music as such- but it had a class of its own.
Michael Jackson’s Birth sign = VIRGO or Kanya rashi= 6th sign in Michael Jackson’s Horoscope or Kundli,.
This again reinforces his taste for music and also to some extent Leo=Planet ruling it is Sun= in his horoscope or kundli.
Again gives the spirit of independence and leadership to Michael Jackson’s ,which leadership is channelized towards music.
Which we is all we know actually has happened.

why did Michael Jackson love music based on his Kundli or Horoscope(Kundli) ?
Very clearly venus is in the moon sign of cancer. so this indicates a strong love in heart of Michael jackson for music as Moon is the heart and mind of the person. 🙂
Mars ruling the heart and mind of Michael jackson is in the 9th house of horoscope with ketu or dragon’s Tail in aries sign or Mesha rashi. so clearly suggest whatever Michael jackson does, he will do with with passion.
The 4th aspect of Mars or mangal is on 12th house very music karaka venus or shukra is there- so clearly suggest miachel jackson would do music with passion.

why did Michael Jackson love music based on his Numbers or Numerology?
Let us see what was in Michael Jackson’s heart motivation by adding the vowels of his name.
14/5+11+7= 23 = 5
For Michael Jackson 5= mercury = freedom in his horoscope or Kundli and so is the first vowel total = 14 = 5 negative- giving a basic restlessness in Michael Jackson to do new things.
always on move at heart. Which was obvious in Michael Jackson’s music albums.
You can see number 11= Moon and sun energy in Michael Jackson’s Horoscope in the middle indicating idealism also it is in his birth date- which if had not got.
Michael Jackson could not have reached these heights.
Also number 11 gives a lot of stress as a person is inspired and at times are not able to be grounded.

Why Michael Jackson’s destiny Was Music based on his Kundli or Horoscope? What planetary energies in his Horoscope or Kundli or Yoga’s Got Michael Jackson into drugs and luxuries?
Astrologically- a weak/old rahu( dragon’s head) is sitting on the ascendant- so we know why he was un-conventional /sudden and hidden in many ways.
Drugs also come under purview of Rahu or dragon’s head.
Also this rahu-Ketu axis affects his relationships for Michael Jackson’s horoscope.

which planets in Horoscope or Kundli of Michael Jackson shaped belief in Religion and other Beliefs:
Aspect of rahu or dragon’s head on 9th house of Michael Jackson’s Horoscope or kundli- suggests a reversal in religious beliefs to an extent- which did happen, as Michael Jackson later accepted Islam.

Looking Inside the Mind of Michael Jackson?:
Moon = mind in 6th house in Saturn =weak and bit single track.
Aspect of Jupiter or Guru in Michael Jackson’s Horoscope or kundli. inclines towards religion/occult as well and Jupiter sitting on Venus sign also shows effect of aesthetics if music on mind.
Aspect of sun or surya in 12th house on mind- suggests person will forego self for others.
So this is a very brief prime facie analysis for the readers.

What is the case of Death for Michael Jackson?
(a) 8th house lord = mars or Mangal, sitting in 8th house, suggest pitta/attack or underworld for Michael Jackson’s horoscope or Kundli.
(b) Aspect of Jupiter or Guru- water, also rules heart and family matters for Michael Jackson’s Horoscope or Kundli
(c) Aspect of sun in 12th house – which says, neglect of self or even suicide for Michael Jackson’s Horoscope or Kundli.
(1) But as maximum impact is mars or mangal- so it could be pitta/fire created due to drugs.
Also mars or Mangal rules third house in Michael Jackson’s Horoscope or Kundli= chest/heart possibly being affected as Saturn is also sitting over there.
(2) As Mars or Mangal sits in 8th house/hidden attacks, or some hidden aspect or under-world or hidden people attack could also be there.
But in Navamsha or the d9 chart of Michael Jackson’s horoscope or Kundli- Mars or mangal rules 4/9 house or bhava in the Horoscope.
it sits in 5th, which is Jupiter’s sign( guru rashi) and also 4th house has Jupiter sitting in it.
As Jupiter or Guru is a Maraka for Michael Jackson. Also as Jupiter or Guru rules 12th house- it still leaves some lingering doubts.
i)So most probably it was point number (1), the pitta generated fire as Rahu’s period (dragon’s head)is running- so would increase the drug intake and hence the heat due to the same for Michael Jackson.
ii)ALSO note MARKESH for Michael Jackson’s Horoscope or kundli = JUPITER or GURU, which gets malefic energy from RAHU(Dragon’s Head) in the antar dasha and hence gets charged to kill.
Also in Transit Jupiter or Guru is in 6th house of Horoscope or Kundli of disease so gets full disease energy and also it sits in 2nd house(which again is the house of 2nd Markesha/killer for him =Venus)
But yes as rahu(dragon’s head) rules underworld or hidden people in any horoscope or Kundli, so they might have plotted it or planned it against Michael Jackson.
though the death actually might be basically caused due to Vata/Stress increase due to Rahu in dasha and ruling the self.
leading to pitta/fire increase in Michael Jackson- that in turn leading to heart attack- but it could have been planned.
This needs a more focused analysis-which I would do at a later date.

what are the Natural Forces- of astrology/numerology working on Michael Jackson(May His Soul Rest in peace) Horoscope?
I am sure- Sri Michael Jackson Ji(may his soul live in peace)- Must have had the best of astrologers.
may be doing some rahu(dragon’s head) remedies could have averted the “inevitable” or reduced his pain to an extent.
YES, to an extent natural forces can be manipulated by intense and directed prayers, donations, anushthanas and mantra chanting.
Anyways we all have lessons to learn for the future. The key is to protect we intelligently by effective use of astro-numerology based on house horoscopes and numbers.

Who was Michael Jackson ?
As per Wikipedia:
“Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, and actor.
Called the King of Pop, his contributions to music and dance, along with his publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.”
His Death:
“Jackson died of acute propofol and benzodiazepine intoxication on June 25, 2009, after suffering from cardiac arrest.
The Los Angeles County Coroner ruled his death a homicide, and his personal physician, Conrad Murray, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.
Jackson’s death triggered a global outpouring of grief, and a live broadcast of his public memorial service was viewed around the world.”