About this article?
This is a highly interesting article about the Horoscope or Kundli Analysis of Barack Obama the 44th US president.
The article based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology is able to tell intimate details about Barack Obama .
like what made him the president of USA despite being a black and from a Humble background?.
What planetary combinations in Kundli or Horoscope made Barack Obama win in the 2nd term as well ?
All based on Unique Yogas, or planetary combinations found on this Horoscope or chart of Barack Obama’s Kundli or Horoscope.
The article accurately connects the Life events of Barack Obama with the astrological cycles in the cosmos, 🙂 that would also be highly interesting for any reader.:)
So a lot of coincidences one would see in astrology as well.
Later in the article it talks in depth about Barack Obama’s life, education, early childhood, and career and much more.

But Barack Obama also suggested that he was a devout Christian and believed in resurrection of Christ.

USA X-President Barack Obama Birth Details & horoscope & Numerology or Numbers:
Name: Barack Obama
Date of Birth: Friday, August 04, 1961
Time of Birth: 19:24:00
Place of Birth: Honolulu
Longitude: 157 W 51
Latitude: 21 N 18

What in Kundli or Horoscope gave Barack Obama such a distinct personality to win ?
A strong Saturn or Shani dev on the lagna(ascendant) gives great discipline to Barack Obama in is Kundli or Horoscope.
This gives Barack Obama an ability to plan and deliver things better.
Saturn or Shani sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi has ketu there, that is dragon’s tail.
so suggest that Barack Obama would have keen sense of analysis and thought to solve the USA Presidential thoughts along with High discipline levels based on his Kundli or Horoscope.
so the ability to plan that is number 8 and ability to analyse number 7= 8+7 in Barack Obama’s Kundli or Horoscope, gives him unique ability to solve USA presidential matters.
Mars or mangal the 4th bhava lord is in 8th bhava or house, that is Leo sign or simha rashi.
gives Barack Obama in is Kundli or Horoscope great courage and initiatives to face the vastitudes of life.
it gives him great action to get things done that was needed at his end for being the president of USA or America.
Jupiter or guru having Saturn or Shani dev close suggests a strong influence of Saturn or Shani on the personality of Barack Obama’s Kundli or Horoscope.
But a weak Jupiter in Capricorn(makar rashi) may suggest that he would be average on religion or not too deep in that conventional sense.
An exalted moon in taurus or vrishabha rashi suggest Barack Obama’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest a strong mind.
that is not biased and is able to take on the vicissitudes 🙁 of life of a president.
Virgo or mercury prominent in Barack Obama’s Kundli or Horoscope give shim quick intelligence to understand a matters or things.
Sun is in opposition to lagna or ascendant with Saturn, so a career to do with leadership is clearly suggest for Barack Obama’s Kundli or Horoscope.

What are USA President Barack Obama’s Struggle and Rise to the top- How astrology and his Horoscope or Kundli explains the same?:

USA X-President Barack Obama’s struggle and Rise to President-ship
USA X-President Barack Obama’s has a Capricorn Horoscope or Makar rashi from ascendant and Taurus Horoscope(vrishabha) from Moon sign.
USA X-President Barack Obama’s birth chart indicates that he runs the planetary period of mars or mangal from 71 to 78( mars is very weak and old ).
It rules house of family/mind(4th house) and gains(11th house).
Mars or mangal a naturally aggressive planet and it is weak- it severely affects USA X-President Barack Obama’s family and yes gains.
Which is true we know. In Rahu period( Rahu = Uranus and is same as Dragon’s Head), he lost his father, though lord of father moon is very strong in Kendra.

what Wikipedia says about his father.
“Died 24 November 1982 (aged 46)
Nairobi, Kenya[4]
Cause of death”
USA X-President Barack Obama’s runs rahu-Jupiter, Jupiter represents house of father(9th house) ,
and also rules 12th (bad health)and aspects a long-term relationship.
Rahu or dragon’s head is badly placed In 8th house of death and also the karaka or representative of father = sun.
USA X-President Barack Obama’s Rahu(dragon’s head) also sends the malefic energy to his family/status and also family and mind.
Also may be more inclination to politics.
AS rahu(dragon’s head) supports politics , USA X-President Barack Obama’s joined politics in this time frame. Rahu runs from (1981 to 1996).

How was Jupiter or Guru Main Period and Presidentship in Kundli or Horoscope of Barack Obama?:
The he runs Jupiter main period.
Jupiter or Guru though weak is In Kendra( 1st 4th/7th house are Kendra houses).
Jupiter or Guru in Kundli or Horoscope Absorbs good energy from mercury or budha in Horoscope of USA X-President Barack Obama’s.
In Kundli or Horoscope it is the lord of windfalls and sun, which could give him troubles- but as well un expected gains! Jupiter in any Kundli or Horoscope is actually the karaka or significator for luck & fortune :).
USA X-President Barack Obama’s runs Jupiter-moon, when he was to be elected as the president first time.
Wikipedia says “The presidential transition period began following Osama’s election to the presidency on November 4, 2008.”
Moon in Kundli or Horoscope for President Barack Obama’s is very strong I Taurus(vrishabha rashi) as per Vedic astrology.
It rules the house of NEW CONECTIONS( 7th house) of Kundli or Horoscope of Barack Obama and gets energy from sun or Surya , the shadow planet = rahu/Uranus and mars or mangal- in 8th house.
So over all gets un expected and sudden energy and thrust for leadership gains ad also as mars rules 4th house of public life.
this house in the horoscope also gets energy and weakness of mars or mangal is compensated.
We know the results.

“why was a USA X-President Barack Obama’s was elected to a second term on November 6, 2012, based on Kundli or Horoscope?”
Again Jupiter –Rahu runs.
Rahu or dragon’s head we know has a key role for USA X-President Barack Obama’s to play, his date of birth =4= rahu/Uranus and would help him climb the ladder.
Rahu or dragon’s again shares energy with Mars or Mangal( 4th house ruler= public life) and yes Sun= Public life.
Also rahu or dragon’s head a planet of politics and sitting in 8th– gives him an edge.
We know the results!

Future Predictions:
Barack Obama runs major period of Saturn or Shani dev in his Kundli or Horoscope.It rules 1st and 2nd house and sits in 1st house.
Barack Obama would do just OK. As Saturn or Shani dev are weak- but gets some energy from other planets.
Barack Obama based on his Kundli, or Horoscope would like to focus on relationships more now. Jupiter or Guru could make his life a bit tough.
Also trouble through religious fanatics possible- due to Jupiter or Guru ruling 12th house.
Just a slight indication- but not a strong one.
So could cause ego clashes or clashes I regards to view points with them.
We sincerely wish USA x President Barack Obama long and fruitful life.

What do people say about USA x President Barack Obama- Astrology Perspective(Wikipedia):
The presidential transition period began following Obama’s election to the presidency on November 4, 2008.
He was elected to a second term on November 6, 2012.
Regarding His father Died 24 November 1982 (aged 46)
Nairobi, Kenya, cause of death= accident( generally a rahu-mars combination)
Barack Hussein Obama born August 4, 1961) is the 44th and current President of the United States, and the first African American to hold the office.
Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review.
He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
President Barack Obama served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004, running unsuccessfully for the United States House of Representatives in 2000.

Over view of Barack Obama ?
Barack Obama is the 44th president of USA and elected twice from the year 2009 to 2017.
Barack Obama fought elections from the democratic party.
Yes as an experience he had worked as a USA senator from the state of Illinois.
Barack Obama did his graduation from the Columbia University and also worked for the community.
Barack Obama also became the civil rights attorney & into academics teaching of constitutional law.
Barack Obama then around 2007 in Illinois tried to run for elections of US senate.
In 2008 v was nominated by the democratic party for the presidentship and he won it.
Barack Obama also got the 2009 peace prize.
As per Barack Obama’s foreign policy he increased the troop levels in Afghanistan

Early Life and career of Barack Obama ?
Barack Obama was born to a mother whose parents were from Europe.
but the father of Barack Obama was African.
Barack Obama’s father was dark complexioned and his mother white complexioned.
Barack Obama’s father was from Kenya and worked as an economic analyst. He went to heavenly abode in a car accident.

What is the education of Barack Obama ?
Barack Obama did his schooling from the Assisi catholic school.
when Barack Obama was young he and his mother moved to Indonesia to his step farther . Barack Obama did his schooling in Indonesia as well.
Barack Obama’s mother was an anthropologist.

Early Family life of Barack Obama?
Family a personal life Barack Obama lived with anthropologists Sheila Jager. he promised to her, but her parents declined.
In 1989 Barack Obama get Michelle Robinson, they dated and fell in love with each other.
Barack Obama also plays basketball.
yes Barack Obama suggest that his marriage with Michelle and being the president of USA has made him a feminist as such.

What is the education of Barack Obama ?
Barack Obama did his schooling from the Assisi catholic school.
when Barack Obama was young he and his mother moved to Indonesia to his step farther . Barack Obama did his schooling in Indonesia as well.
Barack Obama’s mother was an anthropologist.

What are the religious views of Barack Obama?
Barack Obama is basically a protestant Christian. but was not raised in for
as religion.
Barack Obama suggested his mother was not religious, but highly spiritual.
he suggested his father was an atheist and the step father as a person who did not find religion of much utility as such
working through the black churches he got the power of churches for the transformation