About this Article ?
This article gives very interesting analysis based on Horoscope of TV anchor in regard to his education, career, Family life, wife, and parentage etc.
It also analyses Arnab Goswami’s Horoscope or Kundli to check how he got so much of Popularity, fame and success in life and career based on same.
This article later in detail analyses the Career Horoscope and other aspects of Life of Popular TV anchor Arnab Goswami
Based on Arnab Goswami’s Kundli or Horoscope one can discover many secrets of the Planetary Yoga’s.
That made Based on Arnab Goswami’s sky rocket in career based on His Kundli or Horoscope ;)? .
It also looks at what planetary combinations make Based on Arnab Goswami’s quick witted, wealthy, and yes successful in Life ?Is it Jupiter, Saturn, or Pluto?
Also What planets make Based on Horoscope make Arnab Goswami a good anchor? Is it Pluto or Saturn that makes him click :)?
The article further explores if Based on Arnab Goswami’s is bound to get Name and Fame in Life due to Planetary Yoga’s of his Life?
Is Based on Arnab Goswami’s Horoscope or Kundli he is stress prone? :(.If yes, then why?
The article also explores in Horoscope on what gives Arnab good looks and personality?
which planets give Based on Arnab Goswami’s good communication skills?
Which exact planet in the Horoscope or Kundli gives Arnab Goswami courage to speak?
Or what makes Based on Arnab Goswami’s work for the down-trodden people Of India based on His Horoscope and planets?
The article also analyses Horoscope on what makes Arnab Goswami click or got popular in his TV related career and as a Journalist.:) .
You will also get to know the reason for Arnab Goswami’s big success :0..
Also how did Saturn or Shani dev in his horoscope give Based on Arnab Goswami’s success in NDTV and later?
All secrets about Based on Arnab Goswami’s life are answered 😉 .

Birth Details of Arnab Ranjan Goswami:
• Arnab Ranjan Goswami
• 9 October 1973 (age 44)
• Tuesday
• Guwahati, Assam, India

What Planetary conditions in The Horoscope Made Arnab Goswami choose the TV anchor ship career? and take it to great success ? 😉
Now what planetary conditions of Horoscope or Kundli made Arnab Goswami such a big anchor?:) so much of success and name.;)

Now what in the horoscope of Arnab Goswami makes him quick and intelligent and a great anchor?
so first let us look at what are the basic needs of an Anchor. we know the anchor should have very well at communication skills.
so now if you look at the Surya Lagna of Arnab Goswami ,it is with Virgo sign or Kanya rashi.
So being the 6th sign so Virgo also behaves like Venus gives Arnab Goswami a homely & welcoming face .
It also gives Arnab Goswami’s very quick Intelligence and intellectual mind set.

What roes does Pluto play in the horoscope or Kundli or Arnab Goswami to make him a brilliant anchor?
In the horoscope or kundli of Arnab Goswami we also note that Pluto and Sun are in the lagan .
Pluto gives high energy to Arnab Goswami’s mind and helps him to excel.
It also helps Arnab Goswami to think in a different way .
That is his talking and presenting himself to the public would be different from other anchors 🙂

Are there planets in horoscope(kundli) or Arnab Goswami that could cause stress to him?
The planet sun in the lagan or ascendant of his Horoscope (kundli)give him great name.
as sun is in its own house of Virgo or Kanya Rashi . But being the lord of 12th house gives stress and possibility of loss of name as well.
also, Sun being The Lord of office & image for Arnab Goswami as well. so, there is a possibility of health being affected for Arnab Goswami whenever the sun period runs. 🙁

What kind of planetary energies in the horoscope or Kundli or Arnab Goswami gives him great looks and personality? 😉
as Mercury the lagan(ascendant) for Arnab Goswami is a strong in the Libra sign or Tula rashi. so again, gives Arnab Goswami good looks plus also gives him good intelligence & wisdom to solve problems.
It also gives attractive appearance being 7th sign and ruled by Venus . It has the same number 5 as his business of TV and media part form number 5=mercury. 🙂

What gives Great Communication skills to Arnab Goswami
we note that for Arnab Goswami’s horoscope the planet mercury or budha is in the 10th house of career . mercury rules communications and journalism .
So being in the 10th House of horoscope or kundli gives powers to the person or Arnab Goswami.
this is 100% true.

What planetary combinations Gives great wealth and money to Arnab Goswami
Arnab Goswami would also have wealth because mercury rules the 10th House . so, both 1st and 10th house get strong for Arnab Goswami .
so Arnab Goswami would do good work to ensure that he gets wealth . It ensures wealth for his father as well at an early age. 🙂

What makes Arnab Goswami a person with initiative based on his Kundli or Horoscope?
In the horoscope(Kundli) of TV anchor Arnab Goswami he has Ketu and Saturn in the 10th House. so Saturn in the 10th House means he will n go to very senior position .
As Saturn or Shani rules the 10th and 11th sign and both are in one series(10 and 11 have tens place as ‘1’ 🙂 . all this makes an Arnab Goswami a Brave person.

What planet in the horoscope makes Arnab Goswami work for Downtrodden people?:)
the person could work for downtrodden people as Saturn or Shani connects to downtrodden people and 10th house to work or karma.
we know that TV journalism of Arnab Goswami is essentially to bring in justice within the Indian society and help the downtrodden people .
as Shani or Saturn rules justice and equality so suggest that person would do justice to the people .

How does Ketu(dragon’s tail) in horoscope Give courage to Arnab Goswami ? 🙂
for Arnab Goswami Saturn here in the 10th makes him more inclined to justice for people through Journalism.
the planet ketu or Dragon’s tail there in the 10th House makes Arnab Goswami very strong and bold in his approach . as ketu is just like mars or Mangal.
ketu is like Mars and gives aggression and action to Arnab Goswami. ketu being there also says that that Arnab Goswami stay about away from the negative deeds. ketu is a secretive planet so gives great cleverness to Arnab Goswami 🙂

Arnab Goswami personality horoscope what made him do so different in personality, looks , and attitude(temperament)?
what gives Arnab Goswami so quick intelligence to connect to politicians or film stars and come up with instant answers? 🙂
As mercury of Arnab Goswami the TV anchor is very strong in the horoscope .
it is Virgo the planet of intelligence so this lagna lord would give Arnab Goswami a flair for music and also very good intelligence and gains in life and also good looks as well.
• we already know that Arnab Goswami is a very quick witted, intelligent, and yes has good communication skill like mercury has.

What Numbers or planetary energies Give Arnab Goswami so much of name and fame? 🙂
we also note that the sun total of his number 9 October 1973 = 9+10+ 20 = 39 =12=1+2=3 = Jupiter.
so, a planet of connecting toe people good creativity in words and yes ability to connect to a large set of people.
This is what a TV anchor does in real life.
Jupiter has its blessings etc for him and has given him good money. It gives him good name fame and expansion.

What should Arnab Goswami based on his Horoscope do to maintain his image well?
In the horoscope or kundali of Arnab Goswami Sun or surya is in the first house, this gives him a different and unique personality.
It could give Arnab Goswami a good image which again is very true for him as Arnab Goswami has been a star anchor.
but also, at the same time proper ethics must be followed to maintain his image based on sun in the first house.
we know he had to face the flak from Sunanda Pushkar’s husband Shashi Tharoor in terms of defamation case filed against him or Arnab.
• Arnab Goswami faced similar trouble while commencing on Kerala people. so here the malefic nature of sun is playing the role.
• Based on horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami One may have aimless wanderings as well and a lot of body heat as sun generates more pitta or heat in the body of Arnab Goswami.

What gives Arnab Goswami great wealth and status in TV society? 😉
Based on horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami, As the Lagna Lord or ascendant is in Dhana bhava or 2nd house of his kundali it means gain and status to self and also luxury and comfort is there.
And also suggests good money by speaking as mercury the lord of speaking is in the second bhava.

What role does Saturn and ketu play for the career of TV anchor Arnab Goswami ?

Saturn in 10th house of career Arnab Goswami
Yes we also note that Arnab Goswami has Saturn or Shani dev in the 10th house of career or karaka for career itself.
So gives him great growth and gains in his TV anchor ship career. It means a lot of wealth or him and success and name in foreign lands.
He or Arnab would do useful deeds for the society and could work as a judge or arbitrator for lesser fortune.
That is all 100% true. Later, Arnab Goswami may turn to agriculture or gardening as well.;).
Yes when Saturn or Shani dev is weak in transit it could make Arnab Goswami speak more lies and misuse his rights.

Ketu or dragon’s tail in 10 house of career Arnab Goswami
So ketu or dragons tail here in the 10th bhava or house gives name and fame to Arnab in his career.
and also he has good communication skills and could be fearless in his way of actions. Ketu(dragon’s tail) here is a friendly sign of Gemini or Mithuna.
so gains well in the art of war r when people are in conflict. That is what journalism is all about 😉

What planetary combinations in Horoscope or kundli Give Arnab Goswami such good qualities?
He would be good gainful, be also scholarly as second bhava or house deals with knowledge and so does mercury deal with intelligence and learning.
It makes Arnab Goswami happy, also you may be endowed with good qualities.

What planetary indication in the Kundli or horoscope of Arnab Goswami make him look still Youthful in 40’s?:)
Arnab Goswami could be lovers of art with Venus the lord of beauty and art in the Second bhava or house.
he may enjoy travel and must be travelling for journalism. he may also enjoy socializing . You would retain the vigour of your youth; he still looks Young at 44.

what Gave Arnab so much of wealth and status? His wealth horoscope
Looking at the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami As Venus is strong he may have a good way of speaking as we know as a TV anchor he has that sweet cum hard talk both.
and also you could get money suddenly. That what it is he was at NDTV and got 1 crore salary!
But as Venus is a bit week on the Scorpio sign for Arnab Goswami . He may have to take care on how speak and communicate. There could be issues in money matters when Venus main and sub period runs.
also note he is born on date 9th= mars /impulse and that also Tuesday this combination makes him and aggressive speaker for public and may be that is the USP he has.

What planets in the horoscope(kundli) gives Arnab Goswami so much of twist and creativity in talk?
Looking at the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami As Venus or shukra is in the 3rd bhava or house of his .
it gives him connection to females and also good quality of creative expression.
The mental quality would be good for him .
but he needs to be careful on health and vitality as they would be affected. Given the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami.
he may be included a bit on Singing /dancing and fine arts may interest you. Financially success is affected.

What planets in Horoscope(Kundli)gives Arnab Goswami the cleverness to earn money through TV?
For the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami The planet mercury or budha the planet of learning in the second house or wealth and status.
It also gives good learning and religiousness to some basic extent at least.
Gives gains by business, lecturing & any commercial activity. One could become rich and highly intelligent. You may spend on charities or social cause. You could be clever or smart in earning and a bit thrifty.

what kind of actions based on Arnab Goswami’s Horoscope could give him great money and wealth? also what should he avoid, is it a honey trap he has to be careful about? 🙂
Looking at the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami ,As Dhana Bhava Lord is in Sahaj Bhava or the third house.
this combination could make Arnab valorous, wise, virtuous; element of lust could be there based on Vedic astrology .
He or Arnab Goswami will be blessed with money by your own effort and mind & yes partnerships or job.
must strive to be more truthful . he will have to work harder for domestic happiness . he might face issues in inheriting paternal property .
• He is bound to make some mark in life based on his stars

Arnab Goswami career horoscope? what made him do so well in career of TV or at NDTV?
Now Looking at the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami TENTH HOUSE or [AGNYA/KARMA BHAVA]
This house basically covers matters related to Arnab Goswami’s career, his Karma & the kind of deeds, his authority and name.

In the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami, strong mercury for him could give gains from the government.
also gain in position and one may do good deeds and get fame and name .

For the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami, as ketu is in the 10th or tenth bhava house , he would be strong and bold generally all this is very true for Arnab Goswami.
He must avoid any negative deeds in life. Arnab Goswami needs to have purity in resolves.
• he or Arnab may face generally many obstacles in undertakings due to ketu in the 10th bhava. It could make you clear in dealing with people.
• as ketu for Arnab Goswami is well placed, it will make him happy and somewhat religious as ketu is for dharma. he will read scriptures and visit pilgrimages and have dip in holy rivers.

Looking at the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami Saturn or Shani dev is in the 10th house. As the tenth house has a partial ruler ship of Saturn.
Saturn or Shani dec here makes the person or Arnab Goswami rich.
He may work for the downtrodden people by working for news he is doing the same .
The person could visit sacred rivers and shrines. The career may have sudden elevation and depression.
This is 100% true and we know that he had elevation and he was in an exalted position at NDTV and then had to suddenly leave and now again he is in a soup.
• For the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami Lord of 10th(tenth house) is in 2nd(second ) house gives good status in general with the dint of his effort. All this is 100% true.
• It gives wealth and status for sure in his life.
based the horoscope or Kundali of Arnab Goswami could hold a high position or a position of responsibility in life .
The inclinations towards religion might be less . You normally would think well of others.
One can clearly see that the surya kundali of Arnab Goswami is doing great in the world of media.
yes, he does have money /wealth and power.
Arnab Goswami’s success through speech or by communication is written on the wall as mercury rules his lagan .
and Arnab Goswami’s house career the tenth house and is in the house of speech that is the second house or bhava.
so over all he is bound to get success in media and TV related industries due to well-placed mercury.
Also Venus and yes ketu the planet to help him to exceptional action. That he has already done.

what are Some interesting facts about Arnab Ranjan Goswami?
Arnab Goswami or full name Arnab Ranjan Goswami was born on 9th of October 1973.
He is a topmost journalist from India. Also, he is the head or the managing director of the republic TV channel.
Sri Arnab Goswami ji was editor in chief and the popular news anchor for India news channel Times Now and ET now for 10 years from the year from the year 2006 to 2016.
The maternal grandfather of Arnab Goswami , Gauri, was a Communist and leader of the opposition in Assam for many years.
also, before Arnab joined NDTV in 1995 he had his start in careers in the Telegraph in Kolkata.
Arnab Goswami had to face trouble sin Tharoor defamation case for his wife Sunanda Pushkar.
It was stating bring purportedly calling a defamation case in social media.
Arnab Goswami has also been nominated for and received several awards Asian television
also, his comment on most shameless bunch of Keralites in media has ever seen has gone viral against Goswami .

Interesting Facts About Arnab Goswami?
Arnab Goswami is a TV anchor and is quite well known in the TV world.
he is also the chief editor Republic Media Network.
Arnab Goswami also served for NDTV and also was life of many love debates.
Arnab Goswami launched his own TV channel republic TV in 2017
his Father after retirement had joined BJP but was not very successful
Arnab Goswami is primarily a sociology graduate and also matters in social anthropology.
Arnab Goswami is married to samyabrata ray Goswami.
Arnab Goswami has hosted many show showing great celebrities like Hillary Clinton, Benazir Bhutto or say even Dalai lama.