About this article
This article at length based on Horoscope Talks about the Past Life re-incarnation karma of Adolf Hitler Vedic astrology principles.
It talks about Hitler’s peculiar personality, health, career, job, social status, and many other factors of past life reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli and connects them to this life time reincarnation karma.
A highly interesting article on the super science of Vedic astrology and reincarnation karma – now to a certain extent proven by modern science (Brian Weiss) as well.

What is Re-incarnation & Past Karma Life Kundli or Horoscope ?
reincarnation or past life karma is an ancient concept that believes in evolution for the soul though various animal or human bodies as the case may be to perfection!
it is followed strongly in Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, and also was followed in mystic traditions of Christianity and Judaism(cabbalah accepts reincarnation karma and do does agashan masters of the Egypt).
Amongst the Semitic religions, Islam strictly denies the re incarnation concept, but a few sects near turkey it seems follow the same.
It’s a very powerful concept to continuous improvement of souls and explains why some people are born blind, or weak or live only for a few hours etc- suggesting GOD is genuinely merciful and just and so are his laws.:)
That means there is a cause to every and any malady we have in this life time to our past life time reincarnation!

The Basic Profile of Past Life karma or re-incarnation of Adolf Hitler

Are the conflicts, health issues and fights visible int this life also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?
Based on Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli he has the main planet Venus impacting his past life and it is in the 12th bhava.
so as Venus also controls enmity and bad health for Adolf Hitler.
It suggest that in his past life reincarnation karma Hitler had prolonged conflicts & also health issues to do with sugar and also kidneys.
we note the conflict energy of past life is carried over this this life reincarnation karma for Adolf Hitler based on re-incarnation karma kundli or horoscope of his.

Are the sexual issues like syphilis in this life time also visible for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?
As Venus is weak here in the 12th bhava or house for the kundli or horoscope so severe sexual problems and mental problems could also be there for Hitler in his past life.

is the mental issues like BPD or borderline personality disorder int this life time issues reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?
so we come to know from reliable sources that Hitler had sexual problem of syphilis and also BPD or borderline personality disorder.
so one can see that Hitler inherited these mental problems and traits from his past life reincarnation karma.
In this life time reincarnation karma Adolf Hitler had skin problems, note in Hitler’s previous life time mercury was in 12th house or bhava of past life reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli making him prone to skin diseases and mental issues in previous life time as well.
kindly note that in Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli mercury rules the mind or long-term thinking of his so causing him severe mental issues in the past life as well.

is stubbornness or other mental issues reflected int this life for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?
Mercury and Venus both on an Aries sign or mars sign gives him agitation in mind.
also Taurus or vrishabha the lord give him the basic stubbornness he is caring over the previous reincarnation karma.
taurus people are stubborn we know.
Note the dispositor mars is in own sign or Aries, so suggest that this mars energy goes to the lagan and also the planet mercury, so anger and action both were there strongly in his past life as well.
also he may have been issueless or kid less in the past life as well or a mild chance of one kid is there. as Jupiter is very strong, but with malefic ketu for Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
Saturn or Shani dev in the cancer sign or karkat rashis in Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli makes him a bit depression prone .
combined with weak mercury and weak Venus or shukra( on a strong dispositor like mars or mangal) makes him prone to mental disorders like BPD or borderline personality disorder.
that gives him sudden surges to do things and taurus or vrishabha makes Hitler stubborn.

How did Adolf Hitler Career the past life Karma traits based on his Horoscope or Kundli?

was good management skills and into spirituality or somewhat dharma inclination int this life time also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?
Moon in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi with ketu (dragon’s tail)suggest that some good spiritual karma of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli was there in the past.
that’s why he was able to do so much in this world. despite the negative aspect.
also Saturn or Kumbha primarily and also cparicron to a lesser extent influences the past life karma or reincarnation of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
it suggest his actions were to do with management of people or large set of downtrodden people . also he was inspiring them 11th sign of Aquarius or kumbha.
this is exactly what Hitler did in this life time inspiring the Germans ( Nazism) and to overthrow the Jews and others to create his own regime in the world.
so one can clearly see the continuity of actions form the previous life reincarnation karma to present life actions for Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .

was good inspiration in this life time also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?
so strongest influence on karma for past life reincarnation karma or Hitler was Saturn or Shani dev or the people suppressed. he was also a great inspirational person to them due to kumbha rashi or Aquarius sign.

Which country was Adolf Hitler born in Past Life re-incarnation ?
Countries Hitler might have been born in his past life reincarnation karma?
so the countries based on Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli where he could be born is Cyprus.
it could also be Tasmania, also it could be Ireland. also it could be Capri and Rhodes. also the Greek Islands, Cuba near USA, East Timor, Serbia, if in south Africa or could be Tanzania, South Africa , and Yemen.
as Venus or shukra energies are strong so it could be most probably Greek islands or Ireland
Cities Hitler could have been born in his past life reincarnation karma ?
Cities that are ruled by the vrishabha rashi include Lucerne, Eastbound, Eastbourne.
and also Hastings, plus Palermo, Leipzig, also St. Louis and Dublin.
Note Jupiter or guru being very strong in the hidden bhava of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
suggests that Hitler might have deep connection with mystic east or India . we know he was fascinated by swastika.

what was The Basic Money, Family and Luck factors of Past Life karma re-incarnation of Adolf Hitler?

Is the disrupted family life in this life time also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?
the family life of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli is distinct and unique .
That is Hitler was in past life reincarnation born in an aristocratic family
but it was disturbed, or other Hitler had traveled far away from this native place.
so the family life and mind both had a lot of vicissitudes for Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .
also a string connection with the only child is there for Adolf Hitler .
yes Venus does suggest health issues to the child in Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli and also very strong level of legal conflicts for Hitler in his past life.
we see there is a continuity of karma here as Eva Braun the lover of Hitler tried suicide twice.

Is the severe ups and down in life in this life time for him also reflected for Adolf Hitler in his past life karma reincarnation horoscope as well?
also Hitler had multiple relationships with women in the past life time as well. (syphilis is a venereal disease that he got in this life time as per google.
so clearly the seed of sexual conduct was there long back as well in past life).
so due to weak Venus and connection with strong mars or mangal the social passions for Hitler were strong enough in past life as well to control or handle.
so this lead to multiple relationships in his past life reincarnation karma as well.
also Jupiter very strong in Jupiter or Guru does promise great wealth, but at the same time moon and ketu nearby & weak mercury suggest there were great ups and down in money flows and status of Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli .

we observe that very clearly Adolf Hitler’s past life reincarnation karma Horoscope or Kundli his present life time incarnation .
In regard to personality, career or job, money and family status was similar if not the same in the past life time.
the moral of the story is that we take the seed tendencies of the past life time in this life time as well.
if we are able to work on past life krama we can change anything in life.
All above content personal opinion for entertainment purposes only .