About this article :
This article in depth studies Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Horoscope or Kundli to know what made him so smart in technology to even create world famous chrome.
Plus what stars and Yoga’s in Sundar Pichai’s Horoscope or Kundli made him such a success with name and fame- all with him. 🙂
The article also Looks at the Horoscope of sundar Pichai for such a wonderful family life and his wife .:)
so in summary highly interesting and unique article on What planetary combinations make sundar Pichai so successful in life ?
Sundar Pichai’s affluence, success and leadership is analyzed based on Vedic astrology Yoga’s or planetary combinations in detail in the last section of the article.:)
What opportunities and challenges lies ahead of him ?
Using divine Science of Vedic Astrology.

Birth Details sundar Pichai:
Date of Birth :- 12th July, 1972
Time of Birth :- Not Available
Place of Birth :- Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Which planetary combinations in the Natal Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai( Google CEO) suggest great rise in career?:
Sun the lord of 3rd house of Sundar Pichai’s Horoscope or Kundli is in lagna( ascendant) of the horoscope.
so clearly gives him distinction and originality.
sun or surya dev means name and fame, so sundar Pichai was bound to get fame and name.
sun in Pichai’s Horoscope or Kundli sits on the Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi, so is strong in that sense.
It also suggest the person would do many things on his own.
sun also promises rise in the corporate ladder.
The 7th aspect on the lagan or ascendant of Pichai’s Horoscope or Kundli suggests expansion and dignity for him.
so expansion in career and name and fame was bound to happen for him.
so is Jupiter in own sign a promise of prestige for Pichai’s Horoscope or Kundli and also great money or wealth.:)
also suggest ethical conduct for sundar pichai that helped him reach the top of the ladder at Google.
The dispositer of sun or surya is mercury or budha, it has the new planet Pluto on it.
so naturally sun or surya dev gets good energy of the innovative and new energy planet Pluto as well. 🙂
This kind of energy like SUN + MERCURY + JUPITER + PLUTO all combined helped sundar Pichai to be able develop chrome and also reach such dizzy heights in Google.

Which planetary combinations in the Natal Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai( Google CEO) suggest great technology skills?:
Technology is by mars or mangal and it is with ketu or depth of though in the moon sign of cancer.
so technology and depth naturally comes in sundar Pichai’s Horoscope or Kundli.
Mercury the lagna lord is also there in the 2nd bhava or house.
so mercury deals with Mathematics, computation as needed for technology & management as well.:)
so KETU + MARS + MERCURY in the Moon sign of CANCER indicate the MIND of personality of sundar Pichai is naturally tuned for technology and also management.
sun in the lagna and being lord of initiatives , gives good name to him as well.
A strong Moon is the dispositer of the above 3 planets( ketu, mars and Mercury) in 2nd bhava.
so as it is strong on own sign- so sundar Pichai’s Horoscope or Kundli blessed with a strong mind despite have weak mars.
so emotional issues or anger of mars would be readily handled well by sundar Pichai.

What planetary combinations and Yoga’s Give super large home for sundar Pichai and a Great Family life & wife? :):
Given the Horoscope of sundar pichai the relationships with his wife and his wife is represented by planet Jupiter or Guru .
that is retrograde but in own sign and in 7th bhava.
so this speaks really high for world image for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai and also his wife.
as Jupiter means blessings and growth and good luck.:)
also for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai it gives him land , conveyances and family honor etc as his 4th house lord in the Horoscope is in the 2nd house of the Horoscope. so wealth and money gains are there.
Mercury also gives him good ability to speak and communicate ( much needed in management roles) to be a big success.
Jupiter in the 7th house suggest for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai that his wife would be dignified and a nice lady for sure.
Barring regular tiffs 🙂 that happen in any household it would be a great for him and good support to sundar pichai.

The basic Natal Horoscope or Kundli Analysis and Predictions for Sundar Pichai(new Google CEO):
Sundar pichai based on his solar horoscope as exact time is not available, has Gemini ascendant. Gemini sign is ruled by planet mercury.
This planet mercury revolves around sun very fast, so makes people ruled by the same very restless.
Mercury also rules IT= Information Technology, we know Google is into internet searches( Internet is a part of IT)
Gemini is an airy sign and lives in the west direction. Sundar pichai has done well in the west( USA).Air deals with internet, especially the wireless connections. He is very much into an internet company Google.
The sign is strong in nights and lives in the west.
If the lord of the ascendant/lagan of sundar pichai(Google new CEO) is in the 2nd house(Dhana bhava= wealth house and status house),
so sundar pichai is bound to gain in wealth, status, would be endowed with good qualities . Sundar pichai would be also religious minded, honored .
Based on the news paper reports most of the above things have been confirmed to be accurate for sundar pichai

is there a shubha ashubh Yoga for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai ?what are the effects of the same on his Life
In the Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai sun the malefic is in the Lagan or ascendant, this causes a ashubha Yoga apparently for him.
But as it is in the friendly sign of Gemini, so it is giving good results in terms of Name, fame and wealth and all to Him :).

is there a Gaja Kesari Yoga for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai ?what are the effects of the same on his Life
A Gaja kesari Yoga is there for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai , as from Lagna Jupiter is in the Kendra bhava that is retrograde in the 7th house of the Horoscope or Kundli of His.
so makes sundar Pichai grand and different from others, Giving him great virtues to rise to the CEO level of company like Google.
so does it Give sundar Pichai good money and intelligence to solve complex problems like chrome delivery.
Rest is all history we know that.

is there a parvat Yoga for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai ?what are the Impact of the same on his Life
partial parvat Yoga is there for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai as Venus a benefic is in the lagan or ascendant that is the Moon Lagna.
The seventh house from lagan has Jupiter that is very strong.
so the Parvat Yoga is there, but not very strong for sundar Pichai.
So is the planet Mercury there in the lagan or ascendant of the Moon sign.

is there a Kahal Yoga for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai ?what are the effects of the same on his Life
There is above average Kahal Yoga, for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai a the fourth house lord mercury is just fair in the Moon or Chandra Lagan or ascendant.
There is not a strong energy exchange with Jupiter or Guru in the Kundli or Horoscope.
but still it manifests in some sense as Jupiter or Guru is in Kendra fro Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai .
It is in the 7th house and aspects his personality or lagan Giving him the ability to be a leader and senior most manager of large team of Google.
The second condition of kahal Yoga for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai , Moon lagan is naturally filled but as fourth house lord is Mars , it is a bit weakened in the cancer sign, but so is it the 10th house lord as well.
so again a weak kahal Yoga is formed, but good energy exchange due to Jupiter supports it.

is there a Shrinath Yoga for Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai ?what are the effects of the same on his Life
something similar to shrinath Yoga is there for the Horoscope or Kundli or sundar Pichai.
i) there is a connection of 10th and 7th House lords.
ii) The tenth house lord is same as Jupiter in the 7th bhava and is strong and retrograde in a friendly sign of Sagittarius or dhanu rashi.
so giving Horoscope or Kundli or sundar Pichai a strong enough shrinath Yoga or planetary combination.
this makes a person equal to GOD.
🙂 Now Google rules the world.
what do you think about the CEO of the same? 🙂 yes he is like a King.

2016 horoscope predictions for Sundar Pichai(new Google CEO)
Sundar pichai’s Jupiter transits in his 3rd House helps in making one’s initiatives successful in year 2016. It gives him the company and surrounding of good and healthy minded people.
It could help in getting job recognition .Due to aspect on 9th house, this transit could help the male seniors(his father) of the person and yes help the person get good fortune and incline to dharma/religion or ethics.
Rahu transit in 3rd could give him some slight nightmares especially after July 2016 in his projects, or new initiatives. He might start un conventional projects by march ending 2016. He has to be careful about his image and some issues to do with employees at Google.