About this article?
This is a highly interesting article that discusses the longevity or lifespan is.;)
It suggests how longevity or life span for any horoscope or Kundli is evaluated.
In this article The basic things that are taken into consideration are the Lagna or ascendant and also the 8 house Lords for any horoscope.
also longevity is evaluated based on benefic and malefic energy flows in any horoscope in kendras(1,4,7,10), trikona(1,5,9) and yes the negative houses like (3,6,8,12) houses.
Then in this article the role of longevity is evaluated based on the role of markesh bhavas and the malefic planets in the horoscope or Kundli.
That is the functional malefic and also the natural malefic like Saturn, ketu, mars and rahu etc.
In the article the role of Nakshatra for any longevity calculations in Kundli is also looked at.
Then as a PRACTICAL EXAMPLE the longevity evaluation for our beloved x-prime minister of India Shri Rajiv Gandhi ji is done to explain the above principles.
who lived every short life alas 🙁 and lost his life in an accident.

what is Longevity or life span in any horoscope or kundli?
longevity or life span for a horoscope of a person or how long a person lives is determined by the total life force or prana GOD has put in the body at the time of birth MINUS all the negative or Universal forces that work against on the person .
This includes role of functional malefics like 3,2,6,8,11, and 12th house lords and also natural malefic like sun(suryadev), mars(Mangal), ketu(dragon’s tail), rahu(dragon’s head) and weak moon and additional factors impacting the healthy energy flows in any horoscope.
so Longevity or life span it is a sum total of the effect of your energy in the body.
The malefic or bad effects from the past life bad Karma . so the Karma total suggests longevity or the life span of the person .
it could be 10 years or say 40 years that is madhya- ayu it or it could be 80 to 120 years.

The role of lagan or ascendant & eighth house or bhava lords in longevity or Lifespan in any Horoscope or Kundli?
Now looking at longevity or lifespan based on Lagna or ascendant . the stronger is the lagan the higher is the longevity or life span. the same applies to the 8th bhava or house strength, in any horoscope or Kundli.
The same evaluations of lagna and 8th house strength are done from the surya lagan and also Chandra lagan or the moon chart.
The effects of natural malefic and also functional malefic like 3, 6,8,11th and 12th house lord’s impact the overall longevity.
so do the benefics like jupiter,mercury and venus influences help in longevity.
also note that 8th bhava is the life giving house as it is next to 7th bhava that is the markesh bhava.

What is the role of Markesh or malefic bhava’s(Houses) in longevity or lifespan of any Horoscope or Kundli?
The markesh bhavas or houses in any horoscope or kundli have a strong role to play in longevity or life span.
any planet in these houses or connected to the house lord is a killer kind of planet and cause one to leave for the heavenly abode depending on many other factors.
Primary markesh or killers = 2nd bhava and 7th bhava house lords
secondary markesh or killers= 8th house and 3rd house lords.
tertiary markesh or killer= 6th and 8th house lords.

what is the role of Nakshatra’s or Birth stars in the Longevity or Lifespan determination of any Horoscope or Kundli?
Now looking the Nakshatra 27 nakshatras in the cosmos of any horoscope or kundli. say based on lagna lord and 8th House Lord based on Chandra Lagna and other Lagna if it is in a malefic or negative nakshatra – the longevity gets reduced.
say for simha lagna or Leo ascendant sun is the lord of the horoscope, it sits in the moon nakshatra. now moon rules the 12th house in Leo lagna . so it saps all energy from the lagan.
so here we note sun placement in 12th house or in moon nakshatra would have similar effects to reduce longevity. 🙁
but sure benefics like Jupiter, mercury, venus or 4th, 9th and 1st bhava lord or even 10th bhava or Kendra lords can increase it significantly :)).

PRACTICAL EXAMPLE Longevity & life span- kundli & horoscope (birth chart) sri Rajiv Gandhi prime minister India
Birth Details & horoscope(Kundli) of Rajiv Gandhi ji:
Rajiv Gandhi
Name: Rajiv Gandhi
Date of Birth: Sunday, August 20, 1944
Time of Birth: 09:53:40
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Longitude: 72 E 50
Latitude: 18 N 58
Time Zone: 5.5

Strength of Lagna for Rajiv Gandhi ji
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , mercury(budha) is the lord of the horoscope or the ascendant as Virgo rules his first house that is the kanya rashi. This planet mercury is weak and old at 28 degrees in the twelfth house or bhava- so is weakened somewhat.
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , Mercury is also hemmed with malefic like mars in the first house or bhava and rahu in the eleventh house or bhava.
But mercury is fair in total dig bala at 51.3 value giving fair amount of strength- that made him the prime ministers of India one time.
Strength of 8th (Eighth) bhava for Rajiv Gandhi ji
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, the eight house or bhava is ruled by malefic mars or Mangal that sits in the first house or bhava. Making him more accident prone and sudden leaving the earth is possible due to eighth house ruler ship.
Given the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , The longevity lord mars is weak at 1:17 degrees.
The total digbala is fair at 37.4 for mars or Mangal.

Malefic Hemming considerations- eighth bhava lord and also lagna Horoscope(Kundli) for sri Rajiv Gandhi JI
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, The first bhava lord is hemmed by malefic rahu and mars as discussed above.

Ayushkaraka Saturn or shani dev in Horoscope(Kundli) for Rajiv Gandhi ji
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, Saturn(shani) is fair in the tenth house or bhava in Gemini sign or mithuna rashi.
But it is in Kendra and so gets some strength.
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , Saturn(shani) is at 32.97 digbala.
strength of moon for Rajiv Gandhi ji
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri rahul Gandhi ji, Moon(Chandra) is fair but in the twelfth bhava or house.
It is hemmed between malefic rahu and mars
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , Also note that moon rules the eleventh bhava, has the energy of rahu(dragon’s head) coming in to the same.
His moon has some blessings of Jupiter(guru), mercury (budha) and Venus(shukra)

Malefic placements in Horoscope or Kundli for Rajiv Gandhi JI
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, rahu is in eleventh house, mars is in first bhava Kendra and ketu is in trikona house(angular house) the fifth house or bhava , Saturn again is in Kendra or the tenth bhava.
This combination again is not good at all for longevity as kendra’s are like he nervous system of any person or horoscope.
Markesh Identify for Rajiv Gandhi president Congress(India)
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, The markesh for Rajiv Gandhi ji is Jupiter and Venus both the lord of seventh house and the second house as well.
Note he ran rahu-ketu dasa when he was attacked.
Ketu also aspects the mars or Mangal of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji. Ketu sits in the sixth bhava from moon.
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji .
In the d9 chart or the navamsha ketu sits in the seventh bhava the markesh and also rahu sits in the lagna or ascendant.
Ketu sits close to mars or Mangal the killer again in the seventh bhava or markesh.
So ketu absorbs all the negative energy of mars as well and also it is said “kujvate ketu” that is like mars ketu is so ketu(dragons tail) has become fiery like mars(Mangal) and hence the explosion was used to assassinate sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , Rahu the dasha lord for sri Rajiv Gandhi ji sits with Jupiter the markesh in the d1 or lagna chart.
Also ketu(dragon’s tail) the malefic sits on sun or surya the lord of the twelfth bhava.
Nakshatra or birth star based malefic identify for Rajiv Gandhi longevity or lifespan analysis
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , His Jupiter(guru) is sitting on magha nakshatra or star- ruled by ketu a natural killer
Given the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , Venus the second lord is sitting on purva phalguni nakshatra or star-ruled by Venus(shukra) again.
The eighth lord mars are sitting on uttar phalguni nakshatra or star-that is ruled by planet sun or surya.

A look at the moon chart of Rahul Gandhi
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , From his(Rajiv Gandhi ji’s) moon Jupiter rules his eighth bhava is in the first bhava.
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , Mercury and Saturn become markesh for him.
Jupiter(guru) is again in magha – ruled by ketu.
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji , So ketu is a killer for him. He was killed in rah-ketu dasha or bhukti unfortunately.
We pray for peace of his gentle soul.
About Rajiv Gandhi India- Prime minister India Congress party
Sri Rajiv Rajiv Ratna Gandhi ji was born on 20 August 1944 and left for his heavenly abode on 21 may 1991.
Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji was the 6th(sixth) Prime Minister of India, serving from the years 1984 to 1989. He had to take office in 1984 after assassination of his respected mother, Prime Minister smt. Indira Gandhi, and he became the youngest Indian Prime Minister at the age of 40.
Sri Rajiv Gandhi was from the politically powerful Nehru–Gandhi family, who had been associated with the Indian National Congress party.
his maternal grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru was Prime Minister. Rajiv Gandhi ji had attended college in the United Kingdom.
He had returned to India in 1966 and became a professional pilot for the state-owned Indian Airlines.
In the year 1968 he married Sonia Gandhi; they settled in Delhi to a domestic life with their children Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.