About this article?
This article at length deals with various Yoga’s or planetary combinations in any Horoscope or Kundli for wealth, status, Kingship, leadership, intelligence like Shubha ashubha ( lucky and un lucky)Yoga, Gaja kesari (elephant saffron Yoga)Yoga, kamala Yoga, Parvat( mountain) Yoga,Lakshmi Yoga etc, so over 10-15 Yoga’s and their operating principles are discussed here.
So is the knowledge then practically applied to celebrities like sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, sri rahul Gandhi ji and smt Priyanka Gandhi ji to give a practical idea of the situation.
As an additional help in the last section itselkf the Yoga’s for Nobel Prize winner Albert Einstein, C V raman and worlds greatest Mathematician Ramanujan is Given.

What is the Basic Over view of Yoga’s and their operating Principles?
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 1 and 2)
If there be a benefic in Lagna or ascendant , Shubh Yoga is produced, while a malefic like Saturn, mars, rahu or ketu etc in Lagna or ascendant causes the negative Yoga Given below
Ashubh Yoga.
If the Benefics like Jupiter, Mercury, venus and moon are present in both Vyaya or 12th house of Horoscope and Dhana or 2nd house or Bhava of the Horoscope
Shubh Yoga
If Malefic like Saturn, rahu, ketu or mars are in both Vyaya and Dhana Bhava cause Ashubh Yoga.
The person having Subha Yoga or positive Yoga will be good at talking or communicating’s , would have wealth and charm both.
benefic or malefic directly help the lagna or the ascendant of the person .
so does the good planets give good qualities to the person and bad planets give negative qualities to the person.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 3 & 4) <>.
If Jupiter or Guru be in a Kendra from ascendant or Lagan, or from Moon rashi and be in conjunction with, OR getting a aspect from benefic then this Yoga is formed.
-But having said that there should be no debilitation, combustion or inimical Rashi or zodiacal Moon sign ,then a proper Gaj Kesari Yoga is formed.
a person born in Gaj Kesari Yog,will be grand and different, money and intelligence is there.
he or she would have great qualities or virtues and would please the Boss : ).
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 5 & 6) Amal Yoga>>.
If there are benefics like Jupiter , mercury , Moon or venus in the 10th house of the horoscope with respect to ascendant or Moon lagna then , Amal Yoga is there in the Horoscope.
The amal Yoga gives good image and name Amal, the person gets good respect from state and his or her boss or manager.
The pleasures would be high and would connect deeply to relatives and love them as well.
so would be wealth high. would be charitable and would follow dharma.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 7-8) <>.
Benefics like Jupiter, Moon, mercury and venus in Kendra’s or central houses like 4, 7, 10 and 1st will Give Parvat Yoga.
so is the 7th house or the Yuvati bhava and the 8th house the Randhr Bhava wither be free from planets or have benefic only.
The person born with parvat Yoga is fond of fun, he has good money or wealth, could lead a village or city , would donate a lot and would learn the Vedic sciences or shastras.
explanation :
Benefics in Kendra’s mean the lagna or ascendant gets good energy – so does the 4th house of mind and emotions, and 10th house of karma.
so any benefics like mercury, venus or Jupiter here make one wealthy , good assets and also charitable as house or karma or 10th also gets energy.
Good thinking and action gives them a good desire to grow well, have fun and lead people with are impeccable qualities.
as 8th house is mischief make of sudden problems and 7th house markesh, so they have to be vacant to get uninterrupted energy of this Yoga.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 9-10) <>.
a) If the fourth house lord and Jupiter or Guru be relatively placed in Mutual central positions or Kendra’s( 1,4,10,7 form each other). Plus the ascendant lord is strong then this kahal Yoga is there.
b) Second possibility is if the fourth house lord , if in exaltation or own sign plus in conjunction with the 10th house lord then Kahal Yoga is formed .
Effects :
The person would have good charm and energy. The adventure level would be high.
He could be a great manager or leader of armed forces as well.
Or leader of a company. so could he be a leader of large set of people.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 11-12 Chamar Yog>>.
If ascendant or lagna Lord is exalted and in central houses or Kendra and receives a aspects from Jupiter or Guru, Chamar Yog is there in the Horoscope or Kundli.
The chamar Yoga is also there if two benefics like Jupiter, venus, mercury and moon ( any one of them) is in.
Lagna or ascendant , or Dharma or ninth house , or Karma of tenth house , or Yuvati or seventh house or Bhava of the Horoscope .
The effects of Chamar Yog is that the person has good knowledge, has good longevity , and speaks well and is good at skilled arts.
Plus gets good honor from the state or the government.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 13-14. <>.
a)If the ascendant or lagnas lord has strength, Plus the 5th and 6th house lord are in Kendra’s or central position form each other(1,4,7,10), Shankh Yoga, is there .
b) also if the ascendant or lagna lord and karma lord both are in Moveable signs like aries,cancer etc, Plus the Ninth house lord of dharma is strong so the shankh Yoga is there.
so the shankh Yoga Gives sons, also wife and wealth to the person.
the person is smart, also helpful and kind, , bright and with good merit and longevity .li>
The 5th house deals with kids and children, intelligence and 6th house deals with challenges.
so when lagan is strong and the 5th house is well challenged by 6th, so the best in intelligence and kids or children comes out.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 15-16 <>.
If the 12th, 1st or lagna (ascendant) & 2nd and 7th house has planets occupying it .
PLUS the ninth house lord or dharma lord is strong it gives a bhairi Yoga.
Also one more kind of bhairi Yoga is there if Jupiter or Guru, venus and lagna or ascendant are in central positions or Kendra bhava or 1,4,7,10th bhava.
Plus the Lord of the ninth house or dharma bhava Lord is strong.
The effects of Bhairi Yoga are that the person would have spouse, son and good wealth.
The person would be like leaders and have good name and virtues.
The behavior would be generally good and He would be happy with pleasures of life.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 17 <>.
This Mridang Yoga Happens if the ascendant lord or lagna lord is strong.
Plus other planets occupy either Kendra’s( central position 1,4,7,10).
or angular houses or konas(1,5,9) .
OR in exaltation signs or rashi of theirs.
The person would be like a King or a leader of people and also be happy.
king, or equal to a king and be happy. explanation:
As here the lagan or ascendant is strong and all the energy gets channeled in Kendra bhava or angular houses of the Horoscope, so makes the person Kingly in nature.
alternatively similar results come as planets are strong in the exaltation signs
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 18 <>.
if 7th house lord or Yuvati lord is in the 10th house of karma and the 10th house of karma lord is exalted .
PLUS in conjunction with the 9th house or dharma lord
Shrinath Yoga is formed in the Horoscope.
The person having Shrinath Yoga in Horoscope or Kundli will be equal to God’s of GOD’s
that is the devendra term is sued for the same.
Explanation :
as the 7th house or bhava of Job and partnerships is in the house of actions.
so mean the person would be a master in making contacts.
Plus the karma bhava or 10th house lord is exalted and strong and is in conjunction with 9th house lord of dharma lord.
so a strong energy of dharma is also there along with making connection.
So this makes the person the GOD of GODS or helping in connecting various GODS.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 19-20. <>
a) If the 10th house or karma lord is in the 5th house.
PLUS mercury is in central house or Kendra .
Plus sun or surya is with strength in the zodiac sign Leo or simha rashi.
Then the sharad Yoga in any Horoscope is formed.
b) also if mercury, Jupiter is in angular or kona houses from Moon to Chandra rashi.
Also Mars or is in the house of gains or 11th house.
This sharad Yoga gives good spouse , sons or male child and money to the person.
So also gives the person good knowledge and a scholarly disposition .
he or she is also happy and close to boss and follows dharma and has virtues.
The source of knowledge and wealth and children Jupiter is in angular houses or Kona bhava.
plus mercury the source of money and intelligence and knowledge.
So naturally all these good things would be there.
Plus mars in the 11th house of money and gains, so by actions or karma the person would get all.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 21-22. <>.
If the good planets like Jupiter, Mercury, Moon and venus are in the 9th and 1st house.
Also Mixed good and bad both in the 5th house of the horoscope.
Plus negative or malefic like Saturn , rahu and mars in the 11th house of the horoscope, then matsya Yoga is formed.
The person is well learned , good character and with dharma, very Kind.
Plus with virtues and strong and could be an astrologer.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 27-28. <>.
If the 9th house or Dharm’s Lord is in a centre house(1,4,7,10) or say Kendra on its Mooltrikona or main Rashi(like venus in Libra or Tula rashi).
or own Rashi(like sun in Leo).
or the planet is in exaltation.
Plus the ascendant or Lagn’s Lord is strong enough so Lakshmi Yog Is there .
The person with Lakshmi Yoga has a status of the king or CEO : ), is also good natures and has good virtues.
he or she could have son and a lot of wealth or money.
The name is good and so are the morals of the person.
a strong 9th house in placement and in Kendra house(1,4,7,10) ensures great good past life karma and fortune.
so is it reinforced by a strong lagna or ascendant.
so that means the person would have all good qualities and be like a king.
plus as 9th house is 5th from 5th, so deals with children as well, so one could have sons and get fam.
e due to 9th house and lagan strength the morality of the person could also be stronger.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 31-32.
if Jupiter or is placed in the second house or say 5th house.
Plus it gets aspects from venus and mercury or budha the benefics.
Then kalanidhi Yoga is formed in the Horoscope .
Less health problems to the person, with respect from the state. So is the person wealthy and learned in shastras.
here guru or Jupiter the karaka for money is in second house or fifth house so suggest great money in any case.
so also if it gets good energies of intelligence of mercury or Budha and venus the planet of luxury, great money could flow to the person.
Plus due to Jupiter the planet of dignity in 2nd house of wealth and status r in the 5th house of learning cause one to be healthy , optimistic and get respect from people in high positions.
plus gives good learning’s as well.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 33-34 <>
The ascendant lord or Lagn’s Lord call X . Then the dispositer of this X or lagan lord call it Y.
Then the navamsha or d9 dispositer of the planet Y ,c all it Z.
so if all X, Y and Z are in Kendra or central house or trines then Kalpa drum Yoga is formed.
the dispositor of
>>One with Kalpa Drum Yoga n the horoscope or Kundli will be royal in nature and leaders , also follow dharma or ethics, have good mercury and also would love war : ).
this clearly indicates the lagan or ascendant is very strong and been in d9 or navamsha the strength is there.
so naturally the person is like a king and with good conduct.
so due to inner strength would-be fond of war and also have good wealth as well.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 35-36. <>.
If from the 2nd house of the horoscope , good planets or benefics like Jupiter, Mercury, venus or moon are in the second house and the twelfth house and the 8th house of horoscope, then Hari Yoga is there.
Also alternatively if from the 7th house lord or Yuvati lord , if the 4th, 9th and 8th house are occupied by benefics as mentioned.
Hari Yoga is formed in the Horoscope
The person would have good dignity and honor in society and wealth.
Astrology Yogas or planetary combination >><>
If from the lagan or ascendant lord 4th, 10th and 11th houses or rashis or zodiacal sign are occupied by benefic like Jupiter, venus, Moon and Mercury.
Then Brahma Yoga is formed in the Horoscope.
The person has wealth, male children and is happy.
explanation :
So the lagna or ascendant or self is strong and good planets or benefics in Kendra bhavas like 4 and 10 .
and also these
house like 4, 10 and 11th correspond to assets, name and fame, career or job and gains and gifts.
so benefic there bless people with happiness( fourth house) and make them learned , with assets or wealth( 4th and 11th house) and with sons.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 37. <>.
if all the good or benefic planets like Jupiter, mercury, moon and venus be in the 8th house and 7th house from the ascendant or lagna.
Plus there should not be any conjunction or aspect from malefic like rahu, ketu , Saturn or shani dev or mars.
then the lagan adhi Yoga in the Horoscope is formed .
This could make some one great and good at learning plus good knowledge of Vedic sciences or shastras.
Plus also makes him happy.
As one can see there is positive focus of energy on 7th house and 8th house (hidden learning) of horoscope by good planets.
So is the positive energy so one is happy as good planets aspects lagna or ascendant and also 8th house deals with secret sciences or shastras.
Astrology Yogas OR Planetary Combinations in a Horoscope(Kundli) 38-39<>.
If Lagn’s Lord or ascendant strong in 2 divisional in vargottama chart in Parijatamsha .
The effects of this is immunity from health problems and happiness in life
This happens when any planets in 3 divisional charts is either in own sign so more strong or exalted to in the Mool trikona sign so Uttamamsa .
If the planet is strong in 4 divisional charts then gives great wealth, riches and gains and this is Gopuramsha.
in Simhamsha the planet has to be strong in 5 divisional charts.
This makes the person like a King or Royal .
a planet is said to be in Parvatamsha or mountain amsha if it is strong in 6 divisional charts.
Makes one an intellectual or a scholar.
a Planet is said to be in Devalokamsha if strong in 7 divisional charts of the Horoscope . It gives great money and wealth and conveyances or cars etc.
A planet is said to be in Iravatamsha if strong in 9 divisional charts of the Horoscope or Kundli.
As a result it makes a person very popular and also gives him or great respect from the state or the rulers.
— will make one famous and honored by kings.
vargottama means a planet sitting in same rashi or zodiac sign in d1 chart and same sign in d9 or navamsha chart .
so clearly in all the above cases if lagan ascendant is strong.
so the strength of lagan is discussed here to give great results.

What are some of the Yogas in the Horoscope of Sri rahul Gandhi ji and what is the impact of these same?
Gaja kesari Yoga
rahul Gandhi Jupiter is in 10th house from lagna .
Though in an inimical rashi Libra or Tula rashi but still good enough.
Give rahul Gandhi good enough intelligence and virtues to stand on his feet.
Though Jupiter not being very strong so intensity of the Yoga would be a bit less.
But still his wealth and name and fame would be above average as such.
Amal Yoga
Rahul Gandhi has Jupiter a benefic in the 10th house.
this Jupiter does aspect the fourth house of family as well for him.
Parvat Yoga
Partial parvat Yoga is there as rahul Gandhi jus has Jupiter in tenth house and venus in the seventh house but Saturn in the fourth house, so part blocking is there.
so gives rahul Gandhi ji good wealth no doubt, make him charitable in his approach towards life.
rahul Gandhi ji would love fun and has the abilities to lead people.
Plus this Yoga also makes Rahul Gandhi popular as well.
kahal Yoga
for rahul Gandhi ji a weak kahal Yoga is formed as the bandhu lord Mars is 5th from Jupiter so is in trines.
so still some basic goof energy is there.
Lagan lord is not strong.
so over all fair enough energy, the ability to manage people and ability to lead people is there in rahul Gandhi ji.
Trimurthy Yoga
Rahul Gandhi has partial Trimurthy Yoga as the dhana or second house lord is Saturn or shani and Saturn sits in the fourth house.
so the next house or putra bhava has the benefic mercury in it.
also the eight house form it has Moon though debilitated in the Scorpio sign.
Yes 12th bhava from Saturn is vacant.
so over all this Yoga makes a person happy and wealthy and learned as well.

What are some of the Yogas in the Horoscope of Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji and what is the impact of the same?
shubha ashubh Yoga
for sri Rajiv Gandhi ji the 8th lord is in the lagna or ascendant, so makes him a great manager.
he also had the ashubha Yoga in fact double ashubha Yoga, that unfortunately caused him to move out of this world due to assassination attempt.
Mars a natural malefic is also lord of the eight house of his horoscope and is in lagan, so makes him accident or operations prone.
sadly that’s what happened.
but Mars also gives him good engineering and management abilities.
yes sri Rajiv Gandhi ji was a great pilot and also was the esteemed prime minister of India bringing out many changes in India.
Gaja kesari Yoga
Jupiter is with moon in the 12th house of the Horoscope of sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, giving him fair gaja kesari Yoga.
also Jupiter is blessed with mercury and Moon energy in the 12th house from lagna and 1st house from Moon.
This gives him high dignity, make him very intelligence and with great virtues or qualities.
Infact all the 3 family members have this Yoga.
kahal Yoga
Kahal Yoga for Rajiv Gandhi ji is in both ways.
Jupiter is the bandhu or 4th house lords naturally it is in Kendra with Guru or Jupiter :).
also the 10th house lord mercury aspects Jupiter or is in conjunction with same in the 12th house and Jupiter is strong in the Leo sign or simha rashi.
so naturally makes Rajiv Gandhi ji adventurous and a great leader and manager.
It makes him a natural leader to a large set of people for sure.
🙂 we know he was the prime minister of India.
chamar Yoga
Less intense chamar Yoga is there for sir Rajiv Gandhi ji as lagna or ascendant gets drishti of Guru and by Chandra lagan it is in lagan so Kendra bhava or house.
yes lagan is not exalted but still strong.
so the chamar Yoga is there for Rajiv Gandhi Ji, giving him a value like king and has good honors.
Long life affected due to mars else good naturally longevity was promised.
It gives him good knowledge levels as well.
😉 he would have great skills as well .
sure he was a pilot as well.
shankh Yoga
IN principle Rajiv Gandhi jis Lagna mercury is strong in the friendly sign and 5th house lord and 6th house lord is Saturn.
Saturn naturally is with itself , yes though no mutual Kendra still the shankh Yoga is formed.

What are some of the Yogas in the Horoscope of Smt Priyanka Gandhi ji and what is the impact of the same?
Gaja kesari Yoga
Priyanka Gandhi has a much stronger Gaja kesari Yoga than her brother Rahul Gandhi.
so makes her more positive and wealthy as well.
She would also have great virtues due to Jupiter sharing the positive energy with lagna or ascendant.
All this give Piryanka Gandhi ji great virtues and ability to solve matters.
Kahal Yoga
For priyanka Gandhi ji as well as the lagna lord or Gemini or mercury is strong enough on the seventh house of her and there itself Jupiter or Guru us there.
So the condition for Mutual placement of Jupiter is satisfied, creating a strong kahal Yoga for her.
Note the bandhu bhava or House lord for priyanka Gandhi ji is again Virgo or kanya rashi , ruled by mercury, so above analysis and Yoga does apply.
so makes priyanka Gandhi ji , daring and adventurous and with good enough management skills.
Gives her good energy to manage or solve matters.
so is the ability to lead a large set of people there.
chamar Yoga
Priyanka Gandhi Ji has an equivalent of chamar Yoga.
Kindly note the lagan lord of Gemini or Mithuna rashi is in the seventh house in Jupiter sign and Jupiter in the seventh aspect send energy to lagna or ascendant of hers,
so makes her like a king and gets all respect like a king or a leader.
This Yoga Gives priyanka Gandhi Ji good knowledge as well.
she would also be good at speaking and yes good enough in arts as well.
shankh Yoga
a partial shankh Yoga is formed for Priyanka Gandhi ji as the 9th house lord Saturn is not very strong but OK in the Taurus sign in 12th house.
Plus lagna lord that is mercury and karmas lord that is Jupiter both are in the 7th house in Sagittarius sign or dhana rashi.
as Sagittarius is a mixed sign, so partial shankh Yoga is there for priyanka Gandhi ji.
so she will be endowed with wealth or money that is 100% true.
she will get married plus have sons.
she will also have merit plus be long loved or have good longevity as well.
so all this is 100% true.
Uttanmasha Yoga
For priyanka Gandhi ji her lagna or mercury is placed in atleast 3 divisional charts with good energy.
so gives her good knowledge, power and wealth and status as well.
so basically t is Uttamsha

We can clearly see how the Yogas indicate the greatness in the Horoscopes of the 3 people of the same family.
be it sri rajiv or rahul Gandhi or smt. Priyanka Gandhi ji.
so it’s generally written on the wall : ) .

What are the Yoga’s in the Horoscope or Kundli of CV Raman the Physics Nobel Prize winner ?
Shubha -Ashubh Yoga in Kundli or Horoscope of C V Raman
fro sri cv Raman ji there is a shubh cum -Ashubh Yoga both as mercury and sun both are in lagna.
mercury in ascendant gives c v Raman, great quickness and intelligence to figure out the Raman effect.
so also mercury rules the 9th and 12th house for CV Raman, so blessings from past life or previous life time karma is there in matters of mathematics and Physics for him.
so also mercury being lord of 12th gives gains or recognition from foreign lands for CV Raman’s Horoscope.
The planet sun in the lagna gives great initiative to C V Raman’s Horoscope despite some ego hassles which we are not sure as such.
so does it suggest frequent travels to foreign lands.
Kahal Yoga in Kundli or Horoscope of C V Raman
a strong Kahal Yoga is there for scientist sri CV Raman, we see Jupiter is ins Scorpio, so helps him to dig into physics subjects.
🙂 so also blesses him with an army of students.
It also makes c v Raman adventurous in the areas of Physics and fair enough wealth is also there for him.
chamar Yoga in Kundli or Horoscope of C V Raman
A mild chamar Yoga is there for sri C V Raman ji, Lagna is not exalted but strong in the Scorpio sign, so also Jupiter blesses it in the second bhava or house itself.
so he is bound to be honored by the state or the Givernmnet,yes he got the Nobel Prize for Physics.
he was indeed versed in many matters.
so was C V Raman ji a great scholar and very eloquent in terms of speaking in public or communications.

What are the Yoga’s in the Horoscope or Kundli of ramanujan the Greatest Mathematician of the last centuries ?
Gaja kesari Yoga in Kundli or Horoscope of Ramanujan
Ramanujan also has partial gaja kesari Yoga.
as from his Moon Lagan or ascendant or rashi planet Jupiter is in ninth house or trines, so in that sense it is close to kendra bhava.
so Good energy exchange is there.
Jupiter is in close conjunction with the benefic mercury, so this is a benefic, clearly mercury + Jupiter giving edge to ramanujan in mathematics .
so he had Both the deep thinking of Jupiter or guru from the previous life karma or reincarnation.
Plus he also had the quick and analytical mindedness of mercury or Budha.
sop the combination of mercury and Jupiter made ramanujan very deep and quick in life or mathematics.
so naturally makes him quick and smart in solving problems.
ramanujan also had great virtues in him.
we know his partner hardy had great praise for him.
so did he have fair wealth after travelling to England or United kingdom.
Amal Yoga in Kundli or Horoscope of Ramanujan
For ramanujan, there is an Amal Yoga as n his Horoscope Moon is in Pisces or meena rashi in the tenth house of Karma in his Horoscope.
so Moon here gives him deep knowledge of the other world as well as Pisces or meena rashi it is on.
So also he used to talk about devi or goddess teaching Him mathematics.
Moon is on a Jupiter sign, Giving his brains the right imagination and depth to get into problems of mathematics well.
so also it inclined ramanujan towards dharma.
he was not ready to travel to UK or England based on his religious beliefs.
Kahal Yoga in Kundli or Horoscope of Ramanujan
A weak Kahal Yoga is there for Ramanujan.
the bandhu is lords is mars of the Scorpio sign and is conjoined with Jupiter or Guru
forming a mild kahal Yoga.
Lagna or ascendant for Ramanujan is Fair enough.
so it did give him some benefits and accolades from the world Like United Kingdom.
so that’s what best he could get.

What are the Yoga’s in the Horoscope or Kundli of Albert Einstein the Physics Nobel Prize winner for theory of relativity?
gaja Kesari Yoga in Kundli or Horoscope of Albert Einstein
partial gajkesari Yoga is there for Albert Einstein.
It’s not very strong but still it blesses his 4th house from Moon lagna.
so makes him great person, his mind open and forgiving 🙂 and good expanding intelligence to discover theory of relativity.
so also Albert Einstein had many virtues as well.
he was a deep thinker and great man as well.
all reflected with Jupiter or guru in the fourth house and aspects the 10th house.
Kahal Yoga in Kundli or Horoscope of Albert Einstein
kahal Yoga Albert Einstein.
From moon sign for Einstein Albert he had strong lagna or mars the lord of Scorpio signor vrishcika rashi.
yes he was a digging genius and dug into theory of relativity .
:)so also Jupiter is lord of the 4th house from moon and obviously in kendra with respect to itself.
:), is he was bound to have wealth.
🙂 yes he must have got good wealth with his Nobel Prize money.
Plus sure he had an army of people working and researching with him.
so was he a great guide to many people.
all this for kahal Yoga is true.