Shatbisha Nakshatra is in the Aquarius sign from 6-40′ To 20-00′ Aquarius)
About Shatbisha Nakshatra – Quick Overview
Shatabhisha Nakshatra, also known as Shatataraka Nakshatra, is the 24th Nakshatra in Vedic astrology.
It is ruled by the planet Rahu and spans from 6°40′ to 20°00′ in the Aquarius zodiac sign.
The name Shatabhisha translates to “hundred healers” or “hundred physicians,” highlighting the healing and mystical qualities associated with this Nakshatra.
This Nakshatra is represented by a circle, symbolizing containment, mystery, and the cosmos.
Symbolism and Deity of shatbisha nakshatra
The symbol of Shatabhisha is an empty circle or a thousand flowers, which signifies healing, introspection, protection, and mystery.
The circle represents unity, wholeness, and the cyclical nature of existence, indicating that people born under this Nakshatra often seek completeness and balance in their lives.
The presiding deity of Shatabhisha is Varuna, the god of the cosmic waters and the guardian of moral law and truth.
Varuna is associated with the oceans, rivers, and other bodies of water, reflecting the cleansing and purifying aspects of this Nakshatra.
Varuna’s connection to the sky and the unseen aspects of life signifies the mystical and secretive nature of Shatabhisha natives.

what is the astrological signature of the Shatbisha nakshatra?
Your moon or Chandra or lagna(ascendant) is in shatbisha nakshatra or star grouping in your horoscope or kundali(birth Chart).It is the 24th nakshatra of the zodiac.
The shatibisha nakshatra is entirely in Aquarius or kumbha rashi and the lordship is of rahu for the nakshatra.
Rakshasa or demon type
Star or flowers, a hundred physicians, an empty circle
basic motivation in life
right activity or dharma
God of water or varun dev
Lucky letters: Go Saa See Soo
Colour: grey
Lucky Numbers4 and 8, if not then use 3
Something Interesting about Shatbisha Nakshatra

Characteristics of Shatabhisha Nakshatra Natives
Healing and Mystical Abilities:
Individuals born under Shatabhisha Nakshatra are often drawn to healing professions, alternative medicine, and mystical or esoteric practices.
They possess a natural ability to heal, not only physically but also mentally and spiritually.
This healing quality can manifest in careers like doctors, therapists, or spiritual healers.
Introspective and Analytical:
Shatabhisha natives are highly introspective and analytical.
They have a deep interest in exploring the mysteries of life and the universe.
This quality makes them great researchers, scientists, and philosophers.
They are known for their keen observation skills and ability to delve into the depths of any subject they are interested in.
Secretive and Reserved:
People born under this Nakshatra can be quite secretive and reserved.
They prefer to keep their thoughts and emotions private and may not open up easily to others.
This can sometimes lead to a sense of isolation or loneliness, but it also gives them a unique perspective on life, allowing them to see things others might miss.
Innovative and Independent:
Shatabhisha natives value independence and have a strong desire for freedom.
They are innovative thinkers who are not afraid to challenge the status quo.
Their independent nature makes them great leaders and pioneers, but it can also lead to rebellious tendencies, especially when they feel restricted or controlled.
Shatbhisha Nakshatra Traits :
Are shatbisha people like healers? 😉 what give them so much of courage? Shatbhisha Nakshatra is a part of the kumbha rashi or the water bearer(kumbha), basically pouring the nectar down to the humanity.
do shatbisha people have great ability to win over people? 😉It actually means doctors or hundreds of healers together by the divine nectar.
Shatbisha the nakshatra in the 11th sign and ruled by Rahu. This gives exceptional qualities of courage, vitality, forbearance and ability to win in the person. This is a good nakshatra for kinds.
Are the shatbishaj nakshatra people charitable in nature? Shatbhisha Nakshatra has The positive Rahu and Saturn or Shani combination could make you truthful, principled and charitable.
Do shatbishaj People have connection to GOD and Great interest in astrology? You may have good writing skill and excellent memory. There could be interest in astrology and psychology in you.
What is the deity & symbolism of shabishaj people?The deity or this Shatbhisha Nakshatra is Varuna. that is the lord of rains and yes divine nectar. It brings in wisdom to the person and is the GOD or the God energy of healing as such.
Does shatbisha nakshatra represents obstacles in any Horoscope or Kundli? It is the lord of illusion or mayic forces and is a divine hear.
varun dev protects from all the maladies represented by Saturn- like obstacles, hurts, debts and sun etc, especially the sixth house in any horoscope or kundali.
This Shatbhisha Nakshatra gives the positive capabilities of Saturn and yes Rahu of a hardworking nature, methodical approach, honesty and ambition. It gives protection to the sins.
What makes shabisha Nakshatra people so philosophical in life? As moon and Venus energies plus Saturn 11th sign energies are there- Shatbhisha Nakshatra may want seclusion or may stay secretive. They have a very philosophical and religious mind due to the sign of Aquarius being here.
It represents the crown chakra and brings in the healing.
Could the shatbishaj Nakshatra People be prone to rashness? Rahu gives some rashness and Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi some adamant attitude- so this combination could make you daring, adamant and bold in nature.
Do shatbisha Nakshatra people defeat their enemies?You would defeat your enemies- but be opinionated
You could be independent with artistic in nature.

what is the negative side of Shatbisha nakshatra?
Do the shatbisha nakshatra feel themselves as the Victim of circumstances? Shatbisha people on the shadow side due to Saturn negative effects may feel lonely or depression may come up due to Saturn and moon conflict of energies. They may feel neglected or paralyzed due to the Saturn or Shani dev effects. Obstructions and obstacles in life. One may feel a victim of circumstances if Saturn or Shani dev is weak in the kundali or horoscope.
could shatbisha nakshatra people become dishonest at times? 😉 As Shatbhisha Nakshatra is demoniac in nature or rakshasa type- it could give the harsh speech and yes dishonesty as well due to the moon and Saturn conflicts.

what happens if your lord of seventh house or marriage Shatbisha nakshatra ?
Could shatbisha people rise very high in life in career?If the lord of the 7th house is in Shatbisha nakshatra, it could make your life partner reliable and very soothing to interact with. he or she could have cooling effects when you meet. It could also mean a person who is very honest in the relationships and would rise high in the career due to the same.
Relationships and Compatibility
In relationships, Shatabhisha natives are often loyal and dedicated partners.
However, their secretive and reserved nature can sometimes create barriers to intimacy.
They need partners who are understanding and patient, allowing them the space to open up at their own pace.
Shatabhisha is most compatible with other Nakshatras that appreciate their depth and independence, such as Swati, Anuradha, and Shravana.

what happens if your lord of tenth house or career for Shatbisha nakshatra ?
what kind of work do the shatbisha people do in their career? If the 10th(tenth house of career or karma) lord is in the Shatbisha nakshatra , gives a very healing touch if he or she is a manager or the leader of the organization. Shatbhisha Nakshatra here means one is methodical and hardworking in doing work and yes one could be trusted for honesty. the person has the good capability to follow the processes and slowly and steadily reach the top of the organization.
What are Shatbisha nakshatra CAREER Choices?
could be the shatbisha people take the profession of doctors and also mechanical engineer and mathematician’s .logic and healing oriented people ;)? 😉A strong Saturn for Shatbhisha Nakshatra means good as the manager, yes healing or being doctors, Ayurveda acharyas, massage specialists -would come naturally to them. so would healing sciences like astrology come to them. they could do well in any engineering, being electricians, mechanical engineers, and the design of aircraft. They could also do well as managing processes, clerical job, working or science or nuclear science s as the 11th sign of the new age is there. Shatbhisha Nakshatra could do well in mathematics and astronomy due to Rahu and Saturn combination.
Professional Life and Career – choices more
Shatabhisha Nakshatra natives excel in careers that involve healing, research, and innovation.
They may find success in fields such as medicine, psychology, astrology, technology, and scientific research.
Their analytical mind and problem-solving abilities make them valuable assets in any profession that requires critical thinking and attention to detail.
They may also be drawn to careers in spirituality, mysticism, or any field that allows them to explore the deeper aspects of life.

Spiritual Aspects of shatbisha nakshatra
Shatabhisha Nakshatra has a strong spiritual aspect, driven by the influence of Varuna and Rahu.
Natives of this Nakshatra are often drawn to spirituality, mysticism, and the occult.
They have a natural inclination towards meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices that allow them to explore their inner world.
Their quest for truth and understanding often leads them to seek answers beyond the material world, making them deeply spiritual beings.
Shatabhisha Nakshatra is deeply imbued with spiritual qualities, influenced by its ruling deity Varuna, the god of cosmic waters, and Rahu, the shadow planet.
This Nakshatra is often associated with deep introspection, mysticism, and the quest for inner truth.
Individuals born under Shatabhisha are naturally inclined towards exploring the metaphysical and spiritual realms.
They possess an inherent curiosity about the mysteries of life and the universe, which drives them to seek knowledge beyond the material plane.
Meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices are often integral parts of their lives, providing them with the tools to connect with their inner selves and the divine.
Their introspective nature allows them to understand the deeper aspects of existence, making them wise beyond their years.
The spiritual journey of Shatabhisha natives often involves healing and transformation, not only for themselves but also for others.
They are seen as natural healers, with the ability to cleanse and purify the energies around them.
This healing capacity extends to emotional and psychological healing, making them compassionate and empathetic individuals who can provide solace and support to those in need.
Their association with Varuna signifies a connection to the universal flow of life, water being a symbol of purification and rejuvenation.
This Nakshatra teaches that true healing and spiritual enlightenment come from embracing the truth, facing one’s fears, and cleansing the mind and soul of negativity.
Through their spiritual pursuits, Shatabhisha natives can achieve profound insights and wisdom, guiding others on their paths to spiritual awakening.

Challenges with Health and Addictions:
Due to the influence of Rahu and the association with Varuna, Shatabhisha natives may face challenges related to health and well-being.
They may be prone to chronic illnesses, especially those related to the nervous system or mental health.
Additionally, there may be a susceptibility to addictions or escapist behaviors as a way to cope with their intense inner world.
Shatabhisha Nakshatra, governed by the enigmatic planet Rahu and associated with the deity Varuna, can influence certain health issues, primarily due to its strong connection with hidden and mysterious aspects of life.
Natives of this Nakshatra may be prone to health problems that are difficult to diagnose or treat, often related to the nervous system, mental health, or chronic conditions.
The influence of Rahu can cause stress, anxiety, and mental disturbances, leading to psychosomatic ailments.
Conditions such as depression, insomnia, and other anxiety-related disorders are common among Shatabhisha natives due to their tendency to over think and internalize their emotions.
Their introspective nature, while a source of wisdom, can also make them susceptible to feeling isolated or misunderstood, further impacting their mental well-being.
Another area of concern for Shatabhisha natives is their vulnerability to addiction and escapist behaviors.
The influence of Rahu often leads to a fascination with substances that alter consciousness, which can manifest as tendencies towards alcohol, drugs, or other addictive behaviors.
This Nakshatra’s association with water also suggests a susceptibility to issues related to the blood and circulatory system, such as high blood pressure or fluid retention.
Additionally, Shatabhisha’s symbol, the empty circle, signifies the need for containment and boundaries, indicating potential issues with immunity or bodily defenses.
To maintain good health, it is crucial for Shatabhisha natives to adopt a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, meditation, and a diet that supports their mental and physical well-being, helping them channel their intense energies positively.

Looking at role of shatbisha Nakshatra for a celebrity of India
now we look at the horoscope(kundli) of a celebrity of India . the lagna is Aquarius or Kumbh Rashi. we know that here is where shatbisha nakshatra is there.
so that strongly influences his personality 😉
also being the 24th Nakshatra and Ruled By Aquarius sign(kumbha or Saturn) and sitting in the 4th bhava of this celebrity makes him very popular even in old age of 75+ ;). also it helps him to invent new styles of acting.
Note that rahu or dragon’s head ruling the influences of shatbisha. so the e public image of this person is a very distinct and he is very popular public ;
nakshatra ruling 11th sign and having Rahu and 24th Nakshatra that is ruled by Venus it gives great healing capabilities to the person. so overall this person even though lost his images him was able to manage it well;). so is about money, he lost it in investments but still regained it very .
He revived his career ;0 and later reinvented his career and now he is again doing something in the TV that is a national level show. so we can very clearly see the healing effect of shatbisha Nakshatra in career . in fact in his family life he was engaged in deep love affair , but instead of family being broken his shatbisha nakshatra influence revived his family life as well.
Shatbisha Nakshatra 2018 Predictions for you
For property, matters could do better, but be careful of cheats. For people in Job- great growth in salary and much more work and salary for you.
Students studying, if they work hard is done in a planned way success would be at their door. Also self-employed would get large projects to handle./li>
Love and relationships matters could be just fair this time, spare time for love matters.
2018 ending after October love matters could become unstable a bit. so just do Shiva Chalisa to get relief.