What is NADI Astrology & how do various systems of Nadi Work ?
Nadi astrology is the most ancient & authentic of the world! It was developed by various sages Like Bhrigu,
Agastya, shuka and etc.
As a result there are various systems of Nadi, like agastya nadi, Bhrigu nadi,
nandi naadi, chandra kala nadi , shuka nadi, stellar nadi etc.
Various nadi systems function differently. but the operating principles are the same.:)
How does Bhrigu and Nandi nadi astrology work?
It being one of the most Popular systems of Nadi astrology. So Bhrigu or nandi nadi, does not need the lagna or the ascendant. 🙂 so how does it find out the results like parashar astrology?
It’s by looking at relative distribution of the energies with respect to planets.
That is say for example for career one could look at how the energies are distributed near the planet Saturn or shani dev etc or for wife one could look at the planetary configuration near Venus etc.
Is jaimini system of Vedic astrology like nadi astrology ?
Infact jaimini system of Vedic astrology , which takes the highest longitude is the lagan in the navamsha or d9.
Highest longitude means the planet that is absorbed maximum energy from sign and then it becomes the atma karaka and for study of soul this planet is studies in the d9 chart or amatya karaka that is the next highest degree planet that is studied.
so in a way Jaimini astrology is also a nadi system at least to the way I look.
What are other Higher Nadi Astrology systems in Nadi Astrology(chandra kala nadi etc) ?
In chandra kala nadi any sign is divided into 150 equal parts and each part assigned with a planetary or sun sign or rashi energy.
based on the placement of lagna, or the planets a division which is 30/150 degrees wide = 12 minutes in size is identified.
So is every division having a connection with some mythical energy like say “sarpa” snake or “trader” etc to get more information on the same.
Now based on correlation of this d150 chart with d60, d20, d12, d9, d10, d1 a lot of information could be derived about the person That includes health, wealth , job , career and love. Plus past life reincarnation or rebirth as well. 🙂
so nadi system can give a lot of information in this fashion.
How does nadi astrology with leaves work ?
This systems of Nadi astrology is written by masters in Vedic astrology.
saint agastyar or Bhrigu or lord shiva to Mata Parvati etc.
Based on Thumb print it is correlated with the 108 sub nakshatras and corresponding nadi leaves.
after questions and finetuning the exact leaf is found and predictions made.
But seems 95% of such people are not authentic and just give predictions based on rashi after asking trick questions.

What Kinds of NADI Astrology is there ?
As discussed above the core Nadi astrology systems are siva or shiva nadi, bhrigu nadi, nadi, chandra kala nadi, setallar nadi, swara nadi and many more.
All systems of nadi are powerful and potent and can give very unique insights about any person in all areas of life.
all it takes good passion, knowledge and concentration plus sadhana to make all this happen.

Why is NADI Astrology so IMPORTANT ?
Nadi astrology is very important as it looks at the horoscope differently and comes up with extraordinary insights into the life of any person- be it in area of luck, fortune, children, job, money, success, travel etc.
nadi astrology can help to trace life of any person from childhood to oldage independent of dashas only based on Jupiter, Saturn and rahu transits(This is mostly true for Bhrigu nadi).
also if the dasha system is used still sue of d150 or 150th division of sign( as Only in chandra kala nadi) to get information of the person. which is bound to be highly accurate.
even if lagna or ascendant is incorrect or not so correct( this can be done with BTR or broth time rectification),still the planets mostly are in the correct nadi.
We follow a Highly Scientific and Comprehensive system of Nadi Astrology for highest accuracy and completeness.

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What are the Fundamentals or Basics of Bhrigu Nadi Astrology ?

What is the heart of Nadi astrology Horoscope study ?
So in nadi astrology Mercury or Budha is the karaka for education and Jupiter or Guru is the Karaka for children or births of the same.
Saturn or shani dev is standard for Job or career or profession.
Venus or shukra is considered for lover or marriage matters in nadi astrology.
so is ketu for pilgrimages or distant travels for dharma.
different things are manifested to various events like child birth or marriage or love or travel to dharma places happens by Jupiter or Gurus transit on various planets in the Horoscope or Kundli in nadi astrology.
Like karma or career karaka is Saturn or shani and transits suggest changes.

What are the aspects primarily studied in nadi astrology Horoscope(kundli) study?
In nadi astrology especially the second aspect or the planets in the 7th house form the planet or even the 12th house are considered very important.
so are the planets in the second house or bhava considered very important.
The next is exchange of signs like Saturn in mars sign Aries and mars in Saturn sign like Capricorn, or makar rashi.
this energy exchange is studied in nadi astrology.
Then is the TRANSIT of Jupiter that formed .
the results are as per the sign it transits.

What are the adjacent houses to be studied in nadi astrology Horoscope(kundli) ?
So one could study Nadi astrology with a specific focus like for love and marriage Venus could be chosen.
this is called the karaka or the signifactor of the planet.
Then next consider the adjacent houses of the planets that is the twelfth and second house and the seventh house and you get the full energy exchange for the planet in nadi astrology.
as Moon is mutable, so the position of the same is taken negligible.

How in Nadi astrology dragon’s head could cause money outflows and trouble to sister?
It is said in transit Jupiter the karaka for money if it connects to a malefic like mars or mangal, outflows of money could happen.
especially if it is third from Moon or Chandra lagna or ascendant.
as third house is the house of action and so is mars the karaka for action.
Plus Jupiter rules 12th sign of Pisces hence expenditure as well.
so a combination of Jupiter and mars could create heavy outflows.
Now as Jupiter or Guru if connecting to Rahu or dragon’s head sets the context to negative events.
Now we know Moon is also karaka for sister and mother.
Now if natal Moon is 12th from the Jupiter or Guru, so suggest outflows or sever health issues to sisters.
that also when in transit Jupiter contacts Rahu or dragon’s head.
so double negative energy causes this problem.

How could wealth and status be judged by nadi astrology ?
Venus is the planet of affluence and Venus or shukra in the own sign of Taurus could promise good money flows to the person and status.
so also gives a good house to the person for sure.
also note mars in the second house from Saturn mean Fights due to action.
If say mars is conjunct with Venus in the second house from Saturn.
so clearly mars means aggressive actions connected to family feuds or Venus or shukra.
Note Moon represents a person or self, close to weak Saturn suggests lowly person.
Say Jupiter or Guru in n transit would be in Pisces or meena rashi, plus say and 2 signs away from jeeva karaka Jupiter , so in 3rd cycle of Jupiter or Guru.
{Meena rashi or Pisces sign }{No planet } {2 signs away Jupiter or Gurur the jeeva karaka} .
That is 12 x 3= 36 years -2 signs is 34 and 35th year is the time for gain in money matters.
{sign= Sagittarius-==> Jupiter}–>{Sign Scorpio => SUN + MERCURY}–> {sign= Libra or Tula rashi ==> VENUS}
say if 11th house from natal Jupiter Venus is there, so means greatness of Venus.
that is Home.
so the person could have a big home for self.
Note Libra is 11th sign form Sagittarius.

How to know about marriage or love proposal education in Nadi astrology ?
Now in transit if Jupiter or Guru the jeeva karaka connects to Virgo sign or kanya rashi, as mercury rules it.
so education could get Boost , especially if based on commons sense it is a time for education.
so also Venus means love sex and marriage.
if jeeva karaka Jupiter contacts it so possibility of love or marriages is there.
Now mercury or the planet Budha if say with malefic like Saturn or sun.
Plus say if we progress mercury it connect to rahu in the second house from the same.
so also in the 3rd house from the same you have malefic mars.
so clearly badly placed in Aries or mesha rashi enemy sign mercury the karaka for education, and in progression meets rahu and mars, so a lot of troubles in education for the person could be there.
{ Mercury} 7 houses away{Mars}
Now mercury is the karaka for education.
Plus mars is a natural malefic and opposite to mercury, so one could face opposition and issues in career & education.
{Mercury+ venus}–>{Ketu or dragon’s tail}
So is ketu or dragon’s head if in Virgo or kanya rashi a mercury or budh sign, so creates issues in education of the person.
But mercury has venus the creative planet say with it and ketu next to it.
so one could be well versed in languages.
{Sagittarius ==> Jupiter} —> 4th sign from It is is {Pisces= meena rashi}
Now if say Jupiter or Guru is in the own sign of Jupiter (Sagittarius), then very clearly the person could have deep knowledge of scriptures.
So also person could be well versed in Vedic lore as Jupiter deals with Vedas.
So also if the 4th sign from Jupiter that is Pisces or meena rashi is also ruled by Jupiter or guru.
So this suggests the family is also noble as Jupiter is also naturally very strong in the friendly sign of Sagittarius or Dhanu rashi.
{Scorpio ==> SUN+ MERCURY }–> {Sagittarius ==> Jupiter} —> 3 sign away {Aquarius or Kumbha = Rahu or dragon’s head}
So as Father is represented by sun or surya has a strong Jupiter in dhanu rashi (Sagittarius sign) clearly means great learning of Vedas or holi knowledge.
So also in progression as Jupiter connects to rahu in Aquarius or Kumbha rashi, so knowledge of Vedas is in grand-father as well.

when could a person marry in nadi astrology?
so if the person is of marriageable age and Jupiter or Guru contacts in one of its rounds to Venus the planet of love.
so one is bound to get married.
that times.
Now we look at the next planet, say it is karma or job karaka Saturn or shani dev.
so Jupiter after Venus connects to Saturn or shani dev.
once could get a good job if Saturn is exalted or in a good position.
:)That is own sign etc.
Venus denotes marriage love and wife.
{venus or shukra} {Jupiter or Guru in next sign to venus in 12th from Jupiter}
so if Jupiter is 12th from the same so issues in married life.
Jupiter = self and Venus is wife.

How could nadi astrology help to know about character and nature of spouse or husband and wife of any person ?
now to know about this wife we study Venus or shukra.
say if it is with Jupiter or guru.
Jupiter is in the sign of cancer and moon the lord of cancer is in the sign of Jupiter say Sagittarius or Pisces call it dhanu rashi or meena rashi.
so this does not spell a great energy for the wife of the person.
The nature and character of the person is questionable.
How to know about health of wife in nadi astrology Horoscope or Kundli ?
Now as say some planets are there adjacent to this Saturn or shani dev, we don’t progress the Saturn more over the chart at this time.
health issue to wife of person would be there as Venus if it is with malefic sun or surya, plus say Saturn or shani the malefic behind it.
Saturn or shani transit over Venus or shani dev over shukra could mean health issues to wife.
{Sign= LEO ==> VENUS} –> 3 signs away {transit Jupiter}
From natal venus say in the 3rd sign of action jeeva karaka Jupiter comes so one may perform good actions like marriage for home.
as Home= venus and 3rd house is action.
{Sign= LEO ==> VENUS + MERCURY} –> {Sign= LEO= KETU or dragon’s tail}
Now for the wife all the energies are taken based on Venus.
so say health venus is in Leo sign, so health or physical Boy of wife affected.
so also the next sign is Virgo so sex as it is 6th sign and number of venus.
Plus venus is also the planet for sex, so vaginal problems a high chance,.
How to know about love, sex and passion of any person based on nadi astrology Jyotish Horoscope or Kundli?
so if there is anca exchange of energy with planets like mars or mangal or Venus or shukra , the key planets of passion.
so one would be very passionate and sexed as well.
Now if mercury the female planet and the planet for multiplicity and duality as well are there with Venus so would have relationships with many women as such.
Infact sex relationships would be higher.
How to know if the person might have connections or contact or love affairs with a widow lady based on nadi astrology Jyotish – kundli or Horoscope ?
Now say if rahu is close to venus or women, so it suggest a women.
Then if we progress venus to get more information it connects to Moon or the mother of the native or person.
so as this widow energy of rahu and venus combined connects to Moon in the Horoscope or Kundli, so the widow could be connected to related to the mother of the native.
Connection to Venus makes her beautiful.
How is Illicit LOVE relationships with a widow and pregnancy Guessed based on nadi astrology jyotish Horoscope or Kundli?
now as venus or shukra and rahu close in the chart or Horoscope , the person could have illicit relationships with the widow.
she could have gotten pregnant, as progressing venus .
so say next house to Libra there is sun and Jupiter both enemies of venus, so suggest possibility of conflict and poisoning of the women.
{SCORPIO SIGN = (Sun) + (Venus) }<----{LIBRA Sign= MOON} .
Now for a Male chart family life is determined by his wife or Venus or shukra , plus Venus also stands for home or family.
If say Venus is not comfortable in say Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi and has its enemy sun over there, so means wife is not happy and so the family not happy.
so also Moon the mind or self of person if it is in 12th from Venus, so mind of the person is stressed due to women and family matters.
so also sun or surya with Venus suggest good or high quality family.

How could one know about his or her education type in nadi astrology?
Now as if we want to know what kind of education.
we have to know the full set of energies in the horoscope or Kundli.
say if in Horoscope mercury is in the sign of Venus and also is conjunct with Saturn.
so clear possibility of creative or arts education in engineering or construction line.
How can we know more about education in the nadi astrology Horoscope?
About the education we check mercury or budha planet.
if say it is in enemy sign of cancer or karkat rashi, so education is affected.
But Jupiter nearby still suggest that he would learn well in life.
dragon’s tail or ketu even suggest one going into research related work.

How could nadi astrology help to know about education of a person in more detail ?
Mercury is a planet for education and any energy exchange or conjunction of ketu or number 7 a studious planet indicates one could be good in studies.
also note ketu is a flag, so education would be with grace .
How to know about Good education in Nadi astrology Horoscope or Kundli ?
If the karaka for education or signifactor is placed in a friendly sign and say with exalted Venus and sun.
so the person gets good education.
Plus to get more details, we progress it ahead, it connects to ketu ( dragon’s tail) and say Jupiter.
so suggest one could get into research career.
How to get to know about EDUCATION related issues based on bhrigu nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
education is by mercury, now if we progress Jupiter, before connecting to mercury in the 12th year in the 2nd round of Jupiter or Guru.
say it connects to enemy Venus or shukra, plus say ketu or dragon’s tail aspects Jupiter in its 9th aspect that time.
this is a planet of contraction.
so malefic energy of ketu plus Venus, both enemies of Jupiter and then contacting mercury- suggests that in the 12th or 13th year the person could have education loss or break.
as Jupiter is situated with Venus in cancer sign or karkat rashi and say mercury is next in Leo or simha sign.
Ketu or dragon’s tail is strong in the Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi.
Then obvious at the age of 12 years or 13 years break in education is there as Jupiter the carrier of malefic energy would hard education of the person.
{ cancer sign or Karkat rashi ==> JUPITER + VENUS and ASPECT of KETU} ==>{ Leo sign or simha rashi = MERCURY is there}

Can the Name or Other things about the person be gotten from Nadi shastra?
so one can also come close to the name of a person, as Jupiter or Guru in nadi astrology represents the personality.
the influences that Jupiter or Guru gets define the name and personality of the person.
so are the adjacent planets around Jupiter and the sign of Jupiter that defines the personality of the person and name as well in nadi astrology .
Like if say Jupiter is in the 5th bhava of the horoscope in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi and we have rahu in 6th or 4th house is the adjacent, so rahu has a role to play in terms of say Head.
as rahu is the dragon’s or the demons head.
How to know personality in nadi astrology Horoscope ?
jeevakaraka or the person is Jupiter or Guru.
The association of energies with it tells us about the place of birth, just life it happens in parashari astrology.
so say in the 7th aspect of Jupiter Moon is there, so it could mean beautiful females or drinks nearby the place.
Or say if the planet of Moksha or ketu( dragon’s tail) is ahead or in back of Jupiter or Guru so pilgrim centre is there.

How could nadi astrology help to know about personality of a person ?
but mercury or budha is also for intellect or discrimination any aspect of malefic like mars or mangal or rahu or dragon’s head could create issues and anger plus ego for the person.
as Rahu or dragon’s head stands for ego.
It gives good enough pride as well to the person.
How doe Jupiter define great personality and color of skin based on nadi astrology Jyotish horoscope or Kundli?
say if Jupiter is strong or exalted, what does it say about the personality? it clearly says the person would have great personality and as color of planet Jupiter is yellow the color would be yellow.
What does nadi astrology or Jyotish say about PERSONALITY of a person based on Horoscope or Kundli?
now to know about personality of anyone we look at the conjunction of planets in the same sign or the next house or sign.
say Venus the benefic is with Jupiter or Guru.
so the person could have very good manners and great comforter as Venus is number 6 or comforter.
Plus Mercury means speech & education and if it is next, so speech and education would be close to the person.
so also as Jupiter is the self or lagan or ascendant, with planet of sex Venus there, the sexual conduct needs some care as such.
Venus is women so person may have connection with several women.
How to get information about the PERSONALITY of the person based on nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
Now Venus with Jupiter suggests the person would have good luxury home, lands and comforts.
Plus so would he have good knowledge of scriptures if ketu or dragon’s tail aspects the planet Jupiter in the Horoscope or Kundli.
How to get information about PERSONALITY and LIFE EVENTS of a person based on nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
Mars or mangal is a planet of dignity, and politics – so if say in the cycle Jupiter is the next planet.
so means the self absorbs good energy of Mars or mangal or good people.
so progression of mars gives some insights into personality and events of the person.
we look at the nearest planet in Horoscope of Kundli to Jupiter in transit.
so also soothing effects of Jupiter suggest he would also win over his enemies.
Venus or shukra if next to Jupiter or guru, the person is creative and intelligent.
also if sun or surya dev the karaka or signifactor of father , has it mool trikona sign Leo or simha with mercury, and Jupiter is having sun as the 3rd planet.
so {Jupiter(jeeva karaka)} –> {Venus} –>{ sun( with mercury in Leo)}.
so the above Yoga or combination males the person as intelligent as well due to mercury energy.
{Sign = SCORPIO +Jupiter}
So as Jupiter or Guru deals with dignity and ambition and when it is in Scorpio sign or research and action.
as Scorpio or vrishchika rashi is ruled by action planet mars or mangal ruling action and management.
so give great action ability in the person.
{sign =Leo Saturn}–>{sign= Virgo= SUN}–>{sign = Libra =Mars}
Now if say sun or the self or vitality is placed between Saturn and mars in any Horoscope, then that means a lot of suffering to the person.
{sign = Libra ==>No planet}–>{sign = Scorpio ==>Jupiter} –>{sign = Scorpio ==>No Planet }
so also if Jupiter or jeeva karaka has no planets adjacent to it, means the person is born in a place where no neighbors or fewer neighbors are there.
{ sign= Taurus==> Saturn} —-> 7th aspects { sign= Scorpio ==> Jupiter }
Now Jupiter or Guru is dharma and if it has say aspect of Saturn, so good qualities of Jupiter and Saturn both would be there.
so also Saturn is karma karaka, so means person would be both towards dharma or Jupiter , plus action oriented in life.

What does the nadi astrology symbolism say about rahu, Ketu (dragon’s head and Tail) and Saturn or shani dev?
Now in nadi Ketu or dragon’s tail is the fag end.
so it is symbolic, so if say ketu or dragon tail comes with Saturn or shani that represents house, then it means the kitchen garden of the house.
or the fag end of the house.
so also if Moon is there with Saturn above, moon being a watery planet it could mean a pond in the lawn etc.
so one has to draw correlations and very nice analysis could be done in this regard.

How to know situation around Birth of a person in nadi astrology just like classical Vedic astrology in any Horoscope or Kundli ?
Now we could know about where a person was born just like we do in other classics based on jeev karaka Jupiter position
and associated planets.
so say rahu or dragon’s head is close to Jupiter or Guru in the Horoscope or Kundli.
so suggests the wall or house one is born is not great.
How to know more about a person based on jeeva karaka Jupiter or Guru in the kundli or Horoscope in nadi astrology or Jyotish?
so also if mars is adjacent to Jupiter, so clearly the person is smart and brave as mars or mangal gives bravery for sure.
plus say the planet of beauty Venus aspects mars, so as mars is associated with Jupiter here, so sharing of energy so would be good looking as said earlier.
But Venus is also wife, so wife connecting or Giving gains to him.
from mars to Jupiter.
Venus means luxury so riches could be there for him : through wife.

How could Jupiter or Guru heal a situation in Nadi astrology ?
So now if Venus or wife is progressed and say in the subsequent house when Venus connects to Moon related sign or Venus gets debilitated would be a tough time for the wife or Venus.
when Jupiter come in Leo or simha rashi or any rashi from where it aspects the planet Venus the healing of the person take place.
so in nadi astrology, say Venus represents wife and you want to study it.
then progress 1 year per Sign and study conjunctions etc.
so also good aspects of Jupiter or Guru on Venus or any negatives situation would tell you if the problems that started has been rectified or not.

How is Saturn and Jupiter for austerity in nadi astrology ?
Aspect of Saturn or shani dev on Jupiter or the Jeeva karaka Guru suggest a saint like nature.
especially if Saturn say is placed on a Good dispositer like Pisces or meena rash that itself is ruled by Jupiter or Guru.
Saturn or shani dev takes one towards dharma and austerity as well.

How is father represented in nadi astrology by planet SUN or surya?
Now in nadi astrology sun is for father and is in the Virgo sign that is the 6th house of vegetation or even crops and farming.
so is next the conjunctions and dispositer of sun or surya dev found.
Like if is in Scorpio sign so father must have worked very hard in life and could be a researcher as Scorpio or vrishchika rashi being the hidden sign deals with the same.
now if the next house planet is Saturn or shani dev and for some reason has conjunction with mars or is in the sign of Mars like Aries or Scorpio, or mesha rashi and vrishchika rashi.
then there is a high chance the father or sun could be dealing with agriculture as Saturn and mars both deals with farming.
Now a lot of symbolism comes in like Saturn is son of sun.
so if it sits close to sun, means fathers money or lands is distributed with the children.
so also mars aspect is there if in case or dispositer s mars, means brothers- so means again it could be distributed amongst the brothers as well of the father.
about father again in nadi astrology Horoscope or Kundli ?
Now say sun and moon together in Gemini and sun moves to cancer and Moon to Leo.
so naturally they exchange energies here in the progression.
so when this progression happens sun the father connects closely to Moon in Leo(moon moves faster) with say Jupiter and ketu or dragon’s tail.
so due to Moon = women and Jupiter and ketu temple, there is a connection of father sun with the lady in a temple.
due to sinful acts born in low caste in this life time.
so are there a lot of trials and tribulation in life.
How to know one could have more money than father itself in nadi astrology jyotish horoscope or Kundli ?
say Jupiter or Guru is exalted, so more money to the person.
now say Venus and mercury are in Aries sign, so money would be high for this person.
may be higher than his father itself.
{Sign = CANCER +Rahu or dragon’s Head } <--{Sign = LEO + transit Jupiter} go back 4 signs <--{Sign = SCORPIO +Jupiter}
Now in say 33rd year Jupiter or Guru is 4 signs away from natal sign Scorpio or vrishchika rashi.
This is the Leo sign or simha rashi.
This has rahu or dragon’s head in the preceding sign or cancer sign or karkat rashi.
so does it have aspect of Saturn 10th.
so Natal rahu behind Plus Natal mars aspects on the Leo sign, makes the transit Jupiter or self uncomfortable for money and other matters.
{Saturn = karma or action karaka}–>{sun}–>{Mercury + venus}
as sun is father and Saturn is karma karaka and Venus and mercury sin money gains.
so action of gains through father is there.
{Sign = PISCES + natal Rahu or dragon’s head} } go back 4 signs<--{Sign = SAGITTARIUS + transit Jupiter} <--{Sign = SCORPIO +Jupiter}
so energy exchange of natal rahu and the transit Jupiter in the 37th year could cause problems for money matters.
How to get information about FATHER and OTHER DETAILS of a person based on nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
Now sun the father is in Pisces sign or meena rashi and the next sign Aries sign or mesha rashi has Venus and Saturn, both enemies of sun- so father could have a lot of enmity as such.
but say if next sign Aries gets transit of sun or surya.
so that Gives his father good strength as Aries is just next to placement of sun in Pisces sign.
he will win over the people or enemies represented by Saturn and Venus.
as sun has Venus and Saturn the next , so in transit of sun in Aries, the natal sun gets good energy.
so due to Venus and Saturn, one for cash and luxuries and other for landed property- both his father would get,.
How to get information about FATHER’s WIFE or MOTHER based on nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
say Venus or shukra is in the next sign to sun the karaka for father.
so as Venus is wife and is adjacent to sun, so closeness is suggested.
but so also in Aries or mars sign so land, so the life partner would be from the native place of father.
FATHER or karaka sun has Leo as its Mool trikona sign.
{sun}–>{LEO with mercury}
so mercury is there, so father deals with commerce or money making stuff.
How to get information about LONGEVITY of FATHER based on nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
Now as sun or father is in Pisces sign, the 12th sign meena rashi of finality.
say ketu or dragon’s tail is the only planet behind it.
this is also moksha karaka.
so moksha from sun in Pisces or meena rashi Plus Ketu to dragon’s head is indicated.
so moksha one gets in Pilgrimages.
so is ketu malefic for longevity and sun in Pisces the last sign also affects longevity.
so the longevity of father gets commopleted on a pilgrimage.
Say in transit Saturn or shani dev the karaka for longevity when over natal Saturn in 3rd round 27 x 3 = 81 years it comes on natal saturn on Aquarius or Kumbha sign in any horoscope.
High Saturn energy means longevity closed.
so transit Saturn over natal Saturn that is in Saturn or shani sign Kumbha itself defines longevity.

How to get information about PROPERTY and ASSETS based on bhrigu nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
mars or mangal just previous sign to Venus and Jupiter.
so clearly the person would have a built house.
Mars is karma or action and also connects to land.
plus aspect of ketu and rahu axis on Venus the karaka for house suggest legal issues could arise there.

How to know more about father figures based on nadi astrology Horoscope ?
so if you want to know about father for any horoscope or Kundli.
Look at sun or surya dev.
so is the sun or planet fro father connects to Aquarius while moving forward or making transit conjunctions with the natal chart you get to know more about the father of the person.
If next to sun we have mars or Saturn, Father could be in the profession of machines.
so also it can be confirmed if rahu or dragon’s head and mars or mangal are there with it.
Mars is clearly sharp edged weapons or machinery and Rahu has influence on industries.
so as Venus for the father is good , so clearly the father of the child could earn well from disputes of people to do with machinery.
{MARS}–>{KETU or Dragon’s Tail }
Now property is represented by mars or mangal in nadi astrology.
if Mars has ketu adjacent in next sign, so possible property issues.
so also legal issues could come as ketu adjacent.
{VENUS} + { transit Jupiter}
As Jupiter in transit comes over natal venus say at any age of 58, great gains of property and money would be there.
so if the jeeva karaka Jupiter or guru is placed in the Capricorn sign or makar rashi along with dharti putra mars or mangal dev.
so one could get property from parents.
so also OK for agriculture due to strong mars and cattle breeding as Jupiter plus mars together.
so cattle breeding etc.
Also rahu or dragon’s head means grandfather, so if say mercury and Venus are nearby.
suggest grandfather had good property.
here adjacent means one house ahead or back.
As it is a paternal grandfather, so Venus suggests parents inherited it.
As sun is there or father is there, so in the story father inherited the property.
Saturn or shani dev and rahu or dragon’s head if together in the horoscope, so the vata or stress energy increases.
that means the person could have wind or vata related troubles.
Now as Saturn or shani dev and rahu(dragon’s head) are next or sun = father, the old house by father has to be demolished.
so is Venus the house close to sun there n the Scorpio sign an next is rahu and Saturn.
So demolition is possible for the house.

How could the Mothers nature be found by nadi astrology Bhrigu ?
so if you want to know about the mother of the child , that is by MOON is the Karaka for mother for the person.
Moon is close to Saturn and Saturn connects say closely to mars or mangal.
Now if moon has energy of Mars and rahu both and does not speak well for the mother or demoniac in nature.
How to know one could have more money than Mother in nadi astrology jyotish horoscope or Kundli ?
Now say we check for mother from Moon, so if it is in Virgo or kanya rashi the 6th sign, so the mother would be caring smart and faithful as earth sign and stable.
now sun or the father of the person is in the Moon’s exaltation sign Taurus or vrishbha, means there is a good connection of sun and moon.
so the mother would be faithful to the husband.
so also the 6th sign of kanya rashi give beauty to her as well.
How to get information about MOTHER of the native based on nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
now say for judgment on mother, we look at Moon.
say mars or mangal is with it and rahu or dragon’s head just behind it.
so does spell troubles to mother for the native.

How could father and son relationships be found by nadi astrology?
so also suppose we want to find relationships between child and father.
Now child himself or the person is Jupiter or Guru and father is sun the karaka or signifactor of the same.
so May be they are both in different houses.
But if say in-between we have Venus or shukracharya.
now Venus is enemy of Jupiter , so there could be opposition or enmity between the two.
That is between father and son.
Further the energy exchanges are looked into.
Like Venus or shukra is close to sun and hand has exchanged energy with say planet Mercury , the next plan to sun placed in the Horoscope.
so means there is an exchange of energy between the father and the children that is mercury or budha.
so as if Venus is in its own divisional sign in d9 or navamsha, so means strong enough.
That with sun suggest there is some exchange of energy here.
but as Venus means luxury and comforts and mercury means children and money- it could be sharing of good things in life of luxury, money or even lands.
say venus or shukra s is in next sign to Jupiter and sun is in next sign to Venus.
so we have {Jupiter} –> {Venus} –> {Sun} .
So as Jupiter is karaka for children and education, so means children would get good money, education and good name and fame.
Now say mercury and rahu is in the next sign, so rahu or dragon’s head is foreign lands.
so means one of the children may settle to foreign lands.
How to know about EDUCATION & CHILDREN based on nadi astrology jyotish Horoscope or Kundli?
the person would have good enough education as Jupiter is with mercury or budha in the next house.
so also if Jupiter and saturn or shani dev are the planets together .
so is the landed property and money .
Mercury and saturn or shani dev together with Jupiter the female planets could give him two daughters.
The male planet sun would give male children as well.
Jupiter is the karaka for children.
What does nadi astrology or Jyotish say about his SON or child based on Horoscope or Kundli?
as Jupiter is exalted with Venus and Jupiter or Guru is Putra karaka
so His son will be quite learned in ancient sciences or Vedas and will help his old parents.
{= RAHU + SATURN or SHANI dev } –>{ = SUN + MERCURY }—->7 signs away{LIBRA= JUPITER+KETU}
Say children are by Mars( male) and Venus( female).
Now mars or male children has karma karaka Saturn the next to it with rahu and 7th form the same is Jupiter and ketu.
so suggest sons could be in medical or Vedic profession.
as Jupiter deals with Vedic and ketu or dragon’s tail deals with Vedic Plus ketu or dragons is for surgeons and cutting professions as well.
{= VENUS or shukra dev } –> ==4 signs away y{LIBRA= JUPITER+KETU}
One daughter would be worried or have many troubles in life , as the next planet to Venus is Ketu or dragons tail along with Jupiter.
{Sign= LEO ==> VENUS} –> { Sign = VIRGO Sign ==> KETU +transit Jupiter}
Now as say in transit Jupiter comes over natal ketu, so Jupiter being karaka for kids suggests, that the kids could give trouble.
as Jupiter is also jeeva karaka.
also say mercury is daughter , so going in transit to 2nd from mercury could create issues as ketu is there.
{Sign= LEO ==> VENUS } –> {Sign= VIRGO= KETU or dragon’s tail}
Venus is also for daughter , so the daughter may also have vaginal problems.
?? children
{Sign= LEO ==> VENUS + MARS} –> {Sign= VIRGO= KETU or dragon’s tail + Transit JUPITER}
so say if this happens in 69-70th year, the daughter and son both would give great name to the person as 2nd bhava is fro wealth and status.

How could the sisters be tracked based on nadi astrology ?
Now Jupiter is treated as the physical body of the person.
so if there is a transit and a connection to various planets in the horoscope, so suggest connection to self.
Like as say Moon represents elder sister and is one sign ahead of Jupiter, so means His lender sister was born ahead of the person.
so also Venus represents younger sister, as it is a feminine planet, so Jupiter or the physical body of the person .
so in transit it suggest that Venus or little sister comes close to the physical body .
so means the sister is born.

how can one know about number and longevity of siblings or brothers and sisters in nadi astrology in nadi astrology Kundli or Horoscope?
Now if say if Mars the significator or karaka for siblings is nit he 6th sign or Virgo sign or Kanya rashi.
The expansion signifactor Jupiter or Guru is just ahead of it in Leo sign or simha rashi.
so clearly the person could have many siblings or male siblings or brothers.
But ketu or dragon’s tail the planet of contraction is nearby, the longevity of siblings get reduced by its presence.
Say also in case of sisters we look at Moon to Chandra.
say it has Venus the planet of Luxury there .
Plus say Moon is in dual sign of Gemini or Mithuna.
so atleast 2 sisters are there for the person.
But if say Rahu or dragon’s head is nearby or aspects the moon or Chandra, then health and well being of the sisters needs care.
say sun or surya dev is nearby, so good dignity to sisters, but being a malefic impacts the longevity of sisters as well.
How to get information about brothers or siblings in nadi astrology or Jyotish based on Horoscope or Kundli?
Now to know more about this person say we transit planet Jupiter ahead, so it connects to Mars as above, then say it connect to Saturn or shani dev in transit.
Now Saturn is 4th form the planet or karaka for brothers that are mars.
Plus say ketu or dragon’s tail is 6th from mars or mangal.
so person could take sanyasa .
as Saturn in 4th house spoils the family of the brother .
the first brother plus ketu in 6th from mars, aspects 10th house of karma, that means karma or action of penances.
Plus also aspect to 12th and 2nd house, so 12th house is dharma and travel and sexual pleasure they get cancelled by ketu or dragon’s tail.
so does the 2nd house or second house of family gets destroyed for the first brother.
so the person could become a saint or sannyasi.
As rahu is previous to mars and a dual or shadowy planet so two brothers possible.
{SCORPIO SIGN = (Mars) + (Venus) + (Ketu= dragon’s tail) + (Mercury)}
now brothers and sisters are derived from mars and Venus.
that is mangal and shukra .
where mars is for brothers and Venus for sisters.
If planets like Ketu or dhwaja or flag are there it indicates multiplication .
so if ketu or dragon’s tail is around it suggests many siblings or brothers and sisters.
so is if dual planet like mercury or budha is there.
so expect above average or say at least 5-6 brothers and sisters if with rahu and Venus we have ketu and dragon’s tail.
so also if Venus and mars are there in Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi so mars or mangal gets stronger, so more brothers and sisters,
so one can say 60% brothers and 40 % sisters etc.
How to know longevity of siblings in nadi astrology Horoscope or Kundli?
Aspect of Moon on jeeva karaka Jupiter or Guru does suggest sister possible and if Mars is fairly placed so are brother possible.
Now to know more about brothers , let us transit mars or mangal over the chart, say mars first meets Rahu or dragon’s head, so not good for longevity of siblings as mars is the jeeva karaka for brothers.
also here Moon energy with jeeva karaka Jupiter or Guru gives good diplomacy to the person as well.
that will care for otters die to sensitivity of planet Moon.
Now mars the Karaka for BROTHERS is strong say in own sign be is Aries or Scorpio( mesha or vrishchika rashi) and aspects the jeeva karaka lagna or Jupiter or Guru in the Kunldi or Horoscope.
{Mars in Scorpio or aries} { 7th house away Jupiter or Guru }
That means a strong connection of brother to self plus as mars energy is strong, so many brothers are there for the person.
{Cancer sign or Karkat rashi==> Mars in debility} ==> { sign Leo ==> Ketu or dragon’s tail}
so mars are the karaka for brothers, and if it has Leo or simha the next sign.
so one of the siblings or brothers could be of royal nature and image and stature.
Ketu or dragon’ tail the planet for learning suggests the brother would be learned as well.
As mars is in debility, so we say only One of this brother has these indications.
How is LONGEVITY Guessed based on nadi astrology jyotish Horoscope or Kundli?
as venus gets weak in next sign to Libra or Tula rashi = Scorpio or vrischika rashi.
So longevity is not greatly promised for the lady.
who is also beautiful.
The role of poison is to destroy or remove pregnancy of the widow.
Age or longevity is by health of Jupiter and placement around of benefics or malefics.
How to get information about LONGEVITY or LIFESPAN based on Bhrigu nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
Jupiter or Guru or the karaka or signifactor for person is strong and exalted in cancer sign or karkat rashi.
so also Venus the enemy is with it.
mars or mangal behind it.
so is aspect of ketu, so the lagna gets weakened.
so age could be somewhere 70-75 years.

How are male siblings or brothers identified from nadi astrology?
For any kundli or Horoscope ,Mars or Mangal is for brothers is fairly placed in say even enemy sign like Taurus or Vrishabha could promise brothers or male siblings.
Now as Saturn presents the career or karma or action.
so if the next house has Venus and mars, so the status of karma could have a care for Venus and mars for good management for money flows.
How to get information about BROTHERS and SISTERS based on bhrigu nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
If mars or mangal is close to Jupiter, so is a good augury for more brothers.
so also if moon is with Jupiter, so more elder sisters could be there.
How to get other information about BROTHERS and SISTERS based on nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
Now say rahu or dragon’s head is just before in the sign of Gemini , then we have mars and Moon representing brother and sisters.
so naturally siblings or brothers and sisters could face some trouble.
Can we know fathers profession or career or Job based on nadi astrology in the Horoscope or Kundli ?
Now say again we want to look at the fathers situation in placement of SUN or surya dev.
so say it is in the trading sign of GEMINI or Mithuna ruled by the trader planet mercury.
so some indication that he would be in trading.
so is VENUS along with it so trading in luxurious things possible.
so if mercury is in 2 and house of wealth flows and status of father.
so clearly wealth flows happen by trading business of luxurious items.
so also mercury represents multiplicity in work, so the father may be trading in sever things.
How does Saturn or shani dev tell about profession career losses in nadi astrology jyotish horoscope or Kundli ?
say in the second cycle of Saturn at the age of 34 it touches Venus or the core planet for money lending business for the person.
he could face losses in money lending business.
so also by the age of 32 Saturn or shani dev is just one house ahead of Venus the core planet for money lending business, so losses could be there for money lending business.
Also say at the age of 44 saturn or shani dev is over natal Saturn, so apart from health issues other issues could come in.
What does nadi astrology or Jyotish say about The CAREER or JOB based on Horoscope or Kundli?
Now say we want to look at profession, so we look at Saturn or shani dev in the horoscope or Kundli.
Saturn say when progressed first connects to Rahu or dragon’s head and then immediately mars.
so rahu means a menial job and mars means job to do with some weapon or sharp thing.
so he could be a carpenter.
also rahu or dragon’s head and mars also indicate dry wood.
The next energy is sun Venus and next it is mercury, so forming a correlation the person would be giving great shape to the wood with his cleverness due to mercury next to next sign.
so also governmental help could come in as Jupiter say is exalted in cancer sign or karkat rashi and sun-Venus with Jupiter as such.
so sun and Venus also suggest government and Venus means affluence.
state or the government is generally affluent . : )
How to get information about CAREER, profession or JOB based on nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
Jupiter or Guru is in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi .
so means self is connected to 8th sign or bhava.
this connects to cultivation or also research as well.
now say ketu or dragon’s tail is the next.
so means one could also be ploughing fields , as Jupiter the self in mars sign and ketu dragon’s tail is the next.
so some cutting activity of ground, that could be ploughing.
so the person could be a cultivator.
How to get information about ASSETS , CONVEYANCES and PROFESSION or CAREER based on nadi astrology or Jyotish in any Horoscope or kundli?
as say Saturn or shani dev the karaka for profession is in Aries sign or mesha rashi of land.
so is it with Venus.
so suggest the person could be doing agriculture and trading of software writing as well.
trading comes into picture as say mercury or budha is also nearby Saturn.
so also Venus suggest conveyances or cars suv’s etc.
Now Jupiter or guru indicates longevity, if Guru or Jupiter is in previous sign to Jupiter.
then the longevity gets close on visit to the shrine or temple.
when transit ketu is also there.
Now we know Saturn defines the career or Job, now say karaka for money and wealth Venus is next to Saturn- so one could be dealing with money or wealth matters or even female products.
{Saturn} {Venus(shukra)}
Now say we progress Saturn or shani dev the signifactor of Job or career more in one direction and say it connects sun and mercury.
so obviously it means one could be other working with money and finances or with female products in a Governmental organization.
The reason is mercury and sun both deal with the same.
{Saturn} {Venus(shukra)}-> {sun and Mercury}
If say Saturn has mercury 7th from the same.
so Saturn or shani energy on Saturn means one may be employed in a big commercial concern.
{Saturn or shani } -{ in 7th house Mercury Plus Rahu or Dragon’s head }.
Saturn has not planet around, plus say dragon’s head near it.
so suggest no specific profession or energy and frequent job changes.
plus Rahu there suggest possibility of debts.
As Saturn has Mercury in the 7th from
him he will be employed in a rich
{Saturn or shani} {Mercury 7th from Saturn} .
He will earn name and fame
in his 34-35th years.
He will then have financial gains also and 2-3
year’s later income from landed property is indicated.
{ NO Planet in Previous sign}–>{Saturn or Shani dev & RAHU or dragon’s head} –>{ NO Planet in adjoining sign}
Now as Saturn or shani dev is the karma karaka or Job karaka for any person.
so if there are no planets around it, so means no specific energy is there with Saturn.
This in turn means there is NO specific profession person has.
So also if rahu is there with Saturn or shani dev, so that means the person would be in bounds and debts frequently.
Plus rahu or dragon’s head the shadowy but is a travelling planet, so would travel a lot.
{ NO Planet in Previous sign}–>{Saturn or Shani dev & RAHU or dragon’s head} –>{ NO Planet in adjoining sign} == {SCORPIO SIGN = (Sun) + (Venus) }<----{LIBRA Sign= MOON}
Good fun and growth is there from 32 to 33 to 48 to 53.
as by that times progressed Jupiter 12 years at a time or sign goes into Pisces sign.
so also transit Jupiter would be on the Scorpio sign with Venus and natal Jupiter there.
triggering happy and good events/.
In 69th to 70th year Saturn in cycle comes over say core planets like Venus or family , Jupiter or Luck and fortune etc.
so one could have lot of trouble in that time.
so does Venus sign or Taurus suggest lands and houses.
{sign = Taurus + Saturn } –>{sign= Gemini + transit Jupiter } –>{ sign = cancer = Natal sun }
In say 30-31 years of age Jupiter in transit comes just before sun and after string Saturn.
so Saturn being karma karaka suggest great gains in career and money is there.
The same cycle above repeats after 12 years in 41-42 years of age.
{= RAHU + SATURN or SHANI dev } –>{ = SUN + MERCURY }
Now say sun or surya and mercury are together in Taurus or vrishabha rashi.
Plus the career or Job karaka Saturn has rahu or dragon’s head with it in Aries sign.
so no sun is father and is it in Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi ruled by Venus.
Venus or shukra means lands.
so also as Saturn the career karaka has rahu with it and in the next sign we have sun the karaka for father with mercury the karaka for mantra shastra.
so career of the father could be connected to Vedic sciences or mantra shastra as well.
as mercury and rahu behind both point in this direction.
{= RAHU + SATURN or SHANI dev } –>{ = SUN + MERCURY }—->7 signs away{LIBRA= JUPITER+KETU} .
so based on the above combination, the karma clearly is by pleasing divine or GOD as ketu or dragon’s tail and Jupiter both connect to dharma and pious life as such.
so the earning is due to this.
{Sagittarius ==> Jupiter} —> 3 sign away {Aquarius or Kumbha = Rahu or dragon’s head}—>{cancer sign==> Mars}
So as Jupiter in progression contacts rahu first and then mars or mangal.
So clearly Jupiter( guru) + rahu(dragon’s head) + Mars(mangal) Yoga is formed.
As mars also means action , so knowledge of mantras would also be there for the person how is already in to the Vedic sciences.
{Taurus sign or Virshabha rashi ==> Saturn or shani dev } –> {Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi ==> No planet} –> {cancer or karkat rashi==> Mars in debility}
Now if say Saturn or shani dev the karaka for career or job is placed in the taurus sign or vrishabha rashi.
Now vrishabha rashi is 2nd sign so treated as second house in nadi astrology.
So if Saturn is well placed in the house of fortune that is Taurus.
But the next house or bhava that is Gemini is Vacant, then it is taken as negative.
So also next cancer has natural malefic mars in debility.
So means a lot of implements in life and career matters.
As the Yoga we have are Saturn + No planet next + mars in debility.
so career and life as Saturn also suggest life as well.
{Taurus sign or Virshabha rashi ==> Saturn or shani dev } –> {Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi ==> No planet} –> {cancer or karkat rashi ==> Mars in debility} –>{Leo or simha ==> Ketu or dragon’s tail }—–>{Libra rashi or Tula rashi==> Venus}–>{Scorpio ==> sun + mercury}
if we progress Saturn, so obviously the issues would remain till the time Saturn crosses the dragon’s tail.
But great gains, luxury and success would be there as Jupiter comes over natal Venus on Libra sign or Tula rashi.
He would also have great gains.
so also name is there as apart from Venus or shukra being strong, sun is adjacent to the same.
so mercury and sun give him great strength and name and fame .
As Saturn contacts Mercury and the Sun in the next house in the horoscope or Kundli.
Person could get into a treasury section and get a lot of name and fame but he will have only very ordinary comforts.
{Taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi ==> Saturn or shani dev } –> {Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi ==> No planet} –> {cancer or karkat rashi ==> Mars in debility}—>{Leo ==>Ketu or dragon’s tail}
Taking one sign equal to 27 years for Saturn or shani dev the career and life karaka.
now in progression we see trouble makers for career are Mars and Saturn.
so mars troubles from the age of around 30-55 etc and from 55-60 the ketu peak period is there.
so after the 60th is passed this are OK.
{Leo ==>Ketu or dragon’s tail}—–>{Libra ==> Venus} –>{Scorpio = sun and mercury}
a)so once the troubles due to Saturn progression on mars and ketu area over.
b) then when Jupiter transits over Venus or mercury and sun, so naturally marriages fro kids etc happen.
{sign= Sagittarius-==> Jupiter}–>{Sign Scorpio => SUN + MERCURY}–> {sign= Libra or Tula rashi ==> VENUS}
strong Jupiter in Sagittarius sign, with sun behind it could naturally make the person head a dharma or religious or research unit.
as Jupiter is strong , so naturally sooner or later the children would come to help of this person.
Foreign travels & Pilgrimage’s
say Moon or number 2 has ketu next or dragon’s tail.
so Moon means travel and so does ketu- so over all suggest foreign travels of the person many times.
as ketu functions like dhwaja so magnifies results of Moon or travel here.
Now in a different context Moon is mind and is with ketu, so keen connection to dharma or religion or spirituality is there.
{Moon} { Ketu or dragon’s tail}
Now if 4th sign from Jupiter or jeeva-karaka has Venus or shukra the planet for family, it is strong in say Capricorn sign.
so one could have a large enough family.
Ketu or dragon’s tail in 9th house from jeeva karaka Jupiter suggests deep interest in dharma or religion and one doing Pilgrimages as ketu is a planet for travel as well.
{JUpiter} { in 9th sign from Jupiter, Ketu or dragon’s tail}

how is Jupiter’s transit so important for nadi astrology predictions?
In nadi astrology the transit of Jupiter or Guru and its interaction with various planets in the Horoscope is of Prime concern and predictions are based on the same.
say at Birth the planet Jupiter or Guru is in the Aries sign or mesha rashi, then the next year it could be in Taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi and so on.
as Jupiter takes 12 months approximately to transit a sign or rashis.
so if any of the planets like Saturn or shani, mercury or budha or rahu or dragon’s head etc are there- the results would come out as per the karaka or signifactors of the planets.
Like say if sun is in the Taurus sign, so when Jupiter reaches there, sun = father would get some promotion or gains in salary etc.

how are various events signified in Nadi astrology predictions ?
Various happy and un-happy events of life are mapped out based on transit of Jupiter on natal planets
in the Horoscope or Kundli.
be it promotion to father or birth of a sibling or even demotion of father or say travel marriage , divorce or anything for that matter.

how could mars cause blood problems in nadi astrology predictions ?
Jupiter or Guru is the ascendant or Lagna in nadi astrology.
so if it connects with aggressive and fiery planet mars
then it could cause fever and boils to person.
one is prone to blood problems.
Now as mercury or budha as it is vata dominated or even Saturn or shani so any transit over it could cause issues to do with gases or vata.
this is also called winds.
when Jupiter transit mool trikona or strong signs having good energies the issues are lesser in life :).

what does Jupiter signify in Nadi astrology predictions ?
Jupiter or Guru gains strength in signs like cancer or karkat rashis or say Aries or mesha rashi or say Sagittarius or dhanu rashi or say Pisces or meena rashi.
so is Jupiter a good signifactor of education or karaka for the same.
so naturally the blessings of Jupiter makes the person do well in academics or studies in these transits.

How are negative events signified in nadi astrology predictions ?
now for negative events in life, mars or mangal could cause issues of blood and wounds.
so does rahu cause winds and mental stress problems.
but if there is opposition of energies like say Saturn opposing mars the arch energies, the negatives or positive both could go for a walk.
the aspect of Jupiter generally blesses the person for Good things.

what does Venus signify in nadi astrology predictions ?
Venus or shukra the planet of affluence when say with sun for father or fame suggest affluence.
but if weak means less affluence etc.
so also opposition or 7th aspect of mars or Saturn is looked for balancing factors.
so is also enmity and friendship looked at.
now relative energies are also taken into account.
say if : .
Venus and sun together.
(i) Venus in debility.
(ii) but also form sun Venus mool trikona sign rules the next House .
that is Libra.
so second house lord in first or sun, suggest good ego but being weak suggest hyped ego and nothing else.

How are relative energy distribution taken in nadi astrology predictions
So also the sun reference relative energies are taken.
Say Saturn or shani and mercury or budha or say rahu is second from sun.
so second house in conventional astrology suggest income sources, so Saturn means farming is one of the sources, so teaching due to mercury.
But as mars or mangal or say ketu or dragons tail aspects it so meager income as malefic.
Previous birth or past life reincarnation we check based on moving Jupiter or Guru one sign back in the Horoscope.
say mercury is there in the cancer sign say.
so clearly in previous life also the jeeva karaka Jupiter was doing trading only.
now looking at other energies going to jeeva karaka Jupiter in previous life time.
so we find Moon is just out of conjunction of sun, so it carries this energy.
of coming out of transit from conjunction with sun or surya dev so weak and one could say combust.
so a broad level event is SUN= temple or GOD and MOON = girl.
so a girl or women comes out of temple after visiting a temple with a smile on her face.
say the Moon has Venus with it.
so attraction and love is also there.
so he fell in love with her.
so is say Jupiter or Guru is in between mercury(budha) and mars or mangal.
so there is a blow by the devi mata representing person energy on the body or Horoscope( kaal purasha) in relative terms in middle of the body.
so this impacts the money flows of the person or Jupiter in this life time.
Profession or career or Job in past life or previous life reincarnation ?
now looking deeper into his profession or career.
we know he is a trader for sure and were the same in past or previous life incarnations.
so we move the planet Saturn or shani dev in clockwise direction.
so say it meets rahu or dragon’s head, then say Venus or shukra and then Moon, that say is in Gemini( mercury lord) and mercury]in cancer(That is Moon lord) so energy exchange is there.
due to Venus and Moon and rahu , he .
due to rahu and Venus he may be dealing with drinks and dresses and would move to various places.
due to rahu and Moon energy.
see in any transit Saturn would absorb these energies slowly.
so as Venus and moon is there as Venus means cars and conveyances he deals with cars.
he will have a disturbed mind as Moon in mercury sign.
Plus due to connection of Saturn with Moon and rahu till it reaches jeeva karaka Jupiter.
he may keep moving and changing profession due to curse.
How to go back to past life re-incarnation & re-birth KARMA based on nadi astrology jyotish Horoscope or Kundli?
Now to know previous birth or life reincarnation, Jupiter to Guru is shifted one sign behind.
so say if it is in Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi in this life time, then for previous it should be Libra or Tula rashi.
How does Rahu or dragon’s head help to know previous life sins or paap karma based on nadi astrology or Jyotish?
Rahu or dragon’s head and also malefic mars close to Jupiter the jeeva karaka , so the person could have done sins in the previous life.
even if you take Jupiter on sign pervious in Taurus sign still rahu or dragon’s head comes the next planet.
he should do 48= 4+8 Monday fast.
as 4= rahu and 8= Saturn plus 4+8= 12= 1+2=3 = Jupiter.
Monday is for lord shiva that controls Saturn(shani dev) and Rahu ( dragon’s head)and Jupiter(guru) all the 3.
after this he will get favors from government and have children plus good money and luxury as rahu effects could be gone .
he will also get favors, conveyances and cars etc.
How to know one has done papa or bad deeds and has gone to Naraka or Hells, based on nadi astrology jyotish Horoscope or Kundli?
as Jupiter is in LIBRA for the previous birth or reincarnation, so Jupiter or self has sun and Jupiter the next( this life time), so naturally as the planets in conflict with venus , so self or the person kills or destroys the person.
so naraka or hell is promised for the person.
How the effects of past life reincarnation Karma or re-birth in Hell or naraka could be reduced further based on nadi astrology jyotish Horoscope or Kundli?
The remaining effects even after staying in hell could give
give bad -health to his children s venus in conflicts with Jupiter.
There could be more trials and troubles in life
The som-vrata or penances to please lord shiva on Monday would solve all matters.
What does nadi astrology or Jyotish say Past Life REINCARNATION KARMA or RE-BIRTH based on Horoscope or Kundli for the person?
Natal chart
{Rahu (in Taurus sign and 2nd house )} ===> {mars( Gemini sign in 3 house )} ==>{ JUPITER x Venus x sun in Cancer sign 4th house} ==> {Mercury the next in 5th house }
Past Life and re-birth chart( JUPITER goes one sign back):
{Rahu (in Taurus sign and 2nd house )} ===> {JUPITER mars( Gemini sign in 3 house )} ==>{ Venus x sun in Cancer sign 4th house} ==> {Mercury the next in 5th house }.
Now if we look at the past life karma or reincarnation effects we shift Jupiter one sign behind cancer or karkat rashi in the Horoscope or kundli.
There if say Mars or mangal is there in the Gemini or mithuna rashi .
say also Rahu or dragon’s head is just behind the Gemini or mithuna rashi .
Plus say Saturn or shani dev in 7th aspect send energy to mars that is the key planet for past life reincarnation or rebirth of the person.
so Rahu in the back side of Jupiter suggest immoral actions by the person.
so also Mars in the lagna or ascendant with Jupiter and Saturn energy there.
so immoral actions due to high ambition was there in the previous life time reincarnation or rebirth for the person.
he could have taken a lot of money and duped Government officials as well as mars the planet for government and also sun the next planet in the next sign cancer is there.
Now the energies afflicted are Mars or mangal, Venus or shukra and sun next to it .
so as a result the person may have delays in getting own house.
plus may be issues in health of father or getting proper name in life.
Great trouble to Mother and wife as Moon also afflicted .

What are the type of REMEDIES suggested by nadi astrology or Jyotish to solve bad effects of past life karma based on Horoscope or Kundli?
the remedies are by Japam of Narayana Mantra or sri krishna mantra , Plus the Homa or offering to fire.
so also donations to learned Brahmins the person will get relief.

How does Libra or Venus define Rahul Gandhi ji mostly ?
Now if we look at the Horoscope or kundli of sri rahul Gandhi ji.
Jupiter is in the 7th sign of Libra or Tula rashi.
So as Libra or Tula rashi is ruled by Venus or shukra the Planet of Opulence.
He was definitely born in opulence for sure.
so does Libra suggest connection to balance, so is he in congress in the opposition to manage the balance of the country.
So also Libra or Tula represents handsomeness, which rahul Gandhi ji is.

What is the role of Saturn in nadi astrology to impact the longevity of father for rahul Gandhi ji?
Saturn or shani dev in Aries or mesha rashi aspect the Jupiter in the seventh aspect.
Now Aries is the first sign or also represent sun in some sense.
Saturn is in debility and sitting in the seventh house form Jupiter or Guru.
So this weak Saturn suggest the loss of his illustrious father sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
If say sun in Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi so father quarrelsome , so he lost property as sister was without children.
as sister is by mercury or budha there.
sister had not children may be as Scorpio is an aggressive sign.
as Jupiter the karaka for children would have to go through dragon’s tail to reach mercury or the sister.
now if Jupiter or guru is in Capricorn sign(maker rashi) and Saturn is in Sagittarius sign so Jupiter and Saturn or guru or Saturn have an exchange of energy.
so both have each other’s energy.
so as Saturn or shani dev has the energy of strong mars or mangal as well and this is shared with Jupiter.
so when Jupiter reaches Sagittarius sign and is strong in transit, shares energy with natal Saturn.
so is sun the karaka for father close by, so means good wealth and property to the sun or father would be there.
also say the transit is in the 2nd house from sun.

what is the role of Moon for the nadi astrology analysis for Rahul Gandhi Ji?
Moon is Scorpio is the next planet.
The weakness and debility of moon suggest changes in image and opinion of people for rahul Gandhi ji.
Which is 100% true.

what is role of Saturn and rahu for rahul Gandhi ji, nadi astrology analysis ?
Rahu in kumbha or Aquarius suggest he will connect to large set of people.
As Saturn rules Kumbha or Aquarius and rahu also represents people.
So also farmers and people who are industrialist.
In the process of managing the opposition, rahul Gandhi ji has been doing this a lot.
So does sun and mars Give him basic leaderships and action.


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How is CAREER or JOB related details are judged or suggested in Nadi astrology Jyotish in any Kundli or Horoscope ?

How to guess if One is in a legal profession, Lawyer etc ?
Now in any Horoscope or Kundli education is judged by mercury or budha in any horoscope.
so if Jupiter or jeeva karaka is nearby, that means self or lagna is near by.
so say Jupiter or Guru is in Jupiter sign Pisces or meena rashi which suggest Philosophy and depth with Ketu or dragon’s tail.
so fame is there due to dhwaja or ketu.
Pisces sign or Meena rashi if there as the dispositer of Jupiter then it could be legal professional as well.
As judgments and legalities are dealt by great Jupiter or Guru dev dev.
so does the presence of sun or surya gives the person good name and fame.

How could nadi astrology help to know much more about career or Job of a person and kind of respect ?
If sun or self is in the own sign of Leo or simha.
then the person lives in a great place or Leo or King or say capital.
if Saturn is close by means industries could be nearby .
How great the career would be based on nadi astrology Horoscope ?
Now to check for career we progress Saturn or shani dev.
say next is an exalted Venus and sun and say mercury, so clearly good opulence luxury is there.
he will be in an IT or computers high paying job.
plus he could get good name as well.
How does Saturn or shani dev tell about profession career in nadi astrology jyotish horoscope or Kundli ?
Now say progression Saturn or shani dev the planet for career and Job for any Horoscope.
it connects Venus first, so that means money is involved or banks.
Plus say mars is adjacent to it, means action or giving money, so either a banker or money lender.
Venus deals with jeweler, so good for jewelry as well
How is inheritance and progress due to it suggested in nadi astrology jyotish horoscope or Kundli ?
say is Venus or shukra has sun and Venus adjacent to same.
so next level we can say Venus = lands and luxury and sun is father and mars is action or the state .
so he or she will get good money , property form his or her father.
As mars is close and so is rahu or dragon’s head say, so the person would have his or her own agriculture.
as mars is also dharti Putra.

How could nadi astrology help to know about More details about Job or Career of a person ?
say sun or surya is with Saturn, so it could also mean government job or job in an industry.
at the same time the next planet or adjoining planet to sun mercury is in own sign.
Plus has good enemy from mars or Mangal whose dispositer is Pisces or Jupiter for dignity.
so the person could have High dignity Job in government, due to Saturn and Jupiter effects.
Plus good mercury.
also could be into machinery as mars energy is also there.
So Saturn relative energy exchanges give about career.

How could the nature of wife be judged by nadi astrology Bhrigu ?
now for say in a Horoscope or Kundli further say Saturn or shani dev is in debility, plus moon the mind of evil person is there.
now moon is restless with lord of vata with such a Saturn.
so suggest the wife or moon or person elopes with a low caste person.
as Moon is conjunct with say Saturn in Aries or in debility.
Mars conjunct with Rahu or dragon’s Head gives daitya or demoniac nature.
Here any planet is progressed to know what are the events associated with it in life.
Like Moon for wife is progressed and the results known.
How to know if one could have multiple wives etc nadi astrology jyotish horoscope or Kundli ?
say Venus has mercury in the same sign, so one could have multiple wives.
but malefic like Maras or mangal and rahu(dragon’s head) next suggest less chance of more wives.
wife of the person in nadi astrology Horoscope kundli ?
wife could get bad health if Venus absorbs not so great energies.
as Venus if we see governs over mercury which is sharing energy with unstable Moon so Mental health issues.

could nadi astrology help to know the character of any person ?
so suppose MOON or Chandra is the signifactor or Karaka Tatwa of mother of a person.
say if it is with a neecha or mleccha planet Saturn or shani dev.
Plus say there is a parivartan or exchange, like Saturn is in the cancer sign or karkata rashi, and aspect of Moon goes to Capricorn.
so there is a kind of energy exchange.
this suggest it is not good for the character of the Mother of the person.

How is HEALTH & DISEASES related details found out in Nadi astrology Jyotish in any Kundli or Horoscope ?
could nadi astrology help to know the various diseases or health issues for a person and any relative as well?
say in a situation in horoscope Saturn is in Pisces or meena rashi and Jupiter is in Aquarius or Kumbha rashi of Saturn or shani .
Plus Saturn is in Moon.
so naturally Moon shares energy for Jupiter as well as Saturn is the dispositer of Jupiter as well.
so in transit of Jupiter over Moon, as in that house Jupiter energy or jeeva karaka energy is also there Plus so is the Moon energy of mother.
Now Jupiter cerates phlegm so this transit could create phlegm to mother and son both.
How to know about health losses and issues in nadi astrology jyotish horoscope or Kundli ?
also at the age of say 34, there is a conjunction of mars(mangal), rahu(dragon’s head) and sun(surya dev) and yes Saturn or shani dev – so all this corresponds to leprosy.
so he is prone to leprosy then.
but prayer to GOD lord shiva would free him with it.
{Sign = SCORPIO +Jupiter}—-> 7th house from is{sign=Libra + Saturn}
So the 10th aspect of Saturn or shani dev is in the 5th sign from where Jupiter is placed.
This is the Pisces sign or meena rashi in the horoscope or Kundli.
so In transit in the 5th year the natal Jupiter reaches the 5th sign, so means health needs care in the 5th year for the person.
This is due to Jupiter means jeeva karaka or self or the person itself.
so this is the interaction of Jupiter and Saturn energies.
{Sign = SCORPIO +Jupiter}—-> 5th sign from{ sign= Pisces = Jupiter has mars} 7th house from Jupiter is{sign=Libra + Saturn}
so when Jupiter reaches the 6th house or sign from the natal self, there could be troubles to self or Jupiter at that time.
It is sandwiched between natal rahu and Saturn this time, so there could be troubles and hurts possible in that year.
transit Saturn comes over natal Saturn in 28-29th year causing severe troubles to the person and excess work and problems.
{Sign = SCORPIO +Jupiter= 72nd year}—>{Sign = VIRGO + Ketu pr dragon’s Tail}–>{Sign = LEO +Mars}
say in the 6th cycle of Jupiter transit in the 69th year it is in the Leo sign with mars there.
Then in the 70th here it is in the Virgo sign with Ketu or dragon’s tail there.
so this could be a tough time for the person.
Physical illness and bodily injury needs care.