Travel & Foreign Travel- Based on Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish


Travel & Foreign Travel- Based on Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish

Foreign travel was a dream in the 20th century for most of the  people. But now its fairly common amongst the middle class and upper middle class. He in astrology- we look at the indications of foreign travel and kind of gains out of the same.

Foreign Travel or Travel- what are  Indications of the same?

  • A person would wander from country to country if the lord of twelfth house and twelfth house are with malefic planets and the lord of twelfth gets an aspects from a malefic.
  • A person would wander from country to country if the lord of twelfth house and twelfth house are with malefic planets and the lord of twelfth gets an aspects from a malefic.
  • The person would move in his or her own  country if the lord of twelfth lord and twelfth house is with benefics and the lord of twelfth house gets aspect from benefics.
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Reincarnation or Life after death of the soul- based on vedic astrology or jyotish

reincarnation rebirth rahul gandhi
what is this article about?

  • this article is about reincarnation or rebirth that is the soul’s journey to perfection! almost every religion or mystical traditions like cabala of the Jews believes in the soul returns back to godhead after perfecting all the bodies. The sanatan Hindu dharma says that we have physical, astral and casual body karma all this has to be worked out before we go back to GOD head.
  • This article discusses the facts and framework behind reincarnation or rebirth based on Vedic astrology . The core model of predicting is based on d1 or lagna chart, d9 or navamsa chart, d12 or dwadashamsha chart and the d60 or shashtiamsha chart.
  • also as a sample example case of sri Rahul Gandhi ji and his past life or rebirth is discussed at length
  • reincarnation rebirth rahul gandhi horoscope
    What are the past life or reincarnation Indications of Rahul Gandhi ji based on his horoscope?
    reincarnation rebirth rahul gandhi horoscope
    Predictions of past life sri Rahul Gandhi ji based d1 or Lagna chart ?
    what does the 5th house of Purva punya say about sri Rahul Gandhi ji ?

  • In the Horoscope of Kundli of sri Rahul Gandhi ji the 5th house of bhava so purva punya is ruled by Taurus sign(Vrishbha Rashi). The 9th house of purva janma or past life is again ruled by Virgo sign(Kanya Rashi). so mercury or budha the planet is ruling his ninth house . This very clearly indicates that sri Rahul Gandhi ji is born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has great Karma of the past life.As 9th bhava lord sits in the 5th house and both are Trikona signs and mercury as the lord of the same.
  • 9Th house lord of sri Rahul Gandhi ji ?

  • As the lord of 9th house for sri Rahul Gandhi ji is mercury or budha so he in his past lives or rebirth could have be born in good places like Dwaraka,Rameshwaram and Ayodhya as lord Krishna rules the mercury sign or Budha.
  • As mercury or Budha is the ruler of the 9th house so indicates that sri Rahul Gandhi ji could have been into vyaapaar or business. he also may have fair mathematics or mathematical mind in the past life. also note that for him mercury sits in the venus sign so indication of Business or business of beauty and luxury products like jewellery also is possible in the past life.
  • His 9th house lord mercury also has an aspect of very weak and debilitated Moon.
    So taking view of all If in case sri Rahul Gandhi ji was born in the past life foreign country other than India. It could be countries or deshas like Brazil ,crotia Congo and yes ancient Egypt. slight possibility of Iraq is also there. more information & confirmation could be gotten based on his Numerology or numbers- but here we focus only on Vedic astrology.
  • the role of moon or Chandra in the past life or rebirth of sri Rahul Gandhi ji ?

  • now looking at his 5th house of D1 or lagna chart or horoscope of sri Rahul Gandhi ji . we have it basically see Taurus sign ruling the same. that is Venus the lord of same is sitting in the 7th house of foreign lands as well. It’s on the karkat Rashi or cancer sign. so that means a lot of moon energies on rahul Gandhi ji as moon or Chandra also aspects his 9th house lords mercury.
  • so this adds to the countries like Scotland(high chance),United States as well parts of Western Africa .
  • reincarnation rebirth rahul gandhi horoscope navamsa d9
    what does the d9 chart or Navamsa of Rahul Gandhi Ji reveal about him?

  • now let us again look at the d9 or navamsa chart of Rahul Gandhi ji. we see that Mercury ruling his 9th bhava or house in the lagna chart or d1 again in the d9 is in the Taurus sign or vrishabha Rashi. This clearly indicates that Rahul Gandhiji might be in business because and as it is the 6th sign()Virgo or kanya rashi) . so it could a large family business in the past life . may be to do with luxury and yes food items as well(restaurants and hotels).
  • as here in the navamsa chart of sri Rahul Gandhi ji Venus(shukra) and mercury(budha) energy is there .so that could be dealing with beauty products or Care and luxury industry in the past . he could be doing business in the beauty products and Care industry(hotels and restaurants like is Grandfather, father of Sonia gandhi ji).
  • reincarnation rebirth rahul gandhi horoscope d12 dwadashamsa
    Now interesting things does the d12 or dwadashamsa chart say about the past life or rebirth of sri Rahul Gandhi ji ?

  • Now looking at the d12 chart dwadashamsa chart or horoscope say about the parents karma( sri rajiv gandhi ji and smt. Sonia gandhi ji). any good karma for the parents see that in his 5th house . this is very strong Venus for sri Rahul Gandhi ji in d12 or dwadashamsa is connecting with Mercury or budha again..this indicates very good Karma of his parents that is Shri Rajiv Gandhi ji and Rahul Gandhi ji :).
  • and it helps him in this lifetime + also the sixth house scorpio sign and it has a very strong Jupiter there so this indicates that some for his parents is there but it is only there bless both Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi ji because the 6th house has lot of Jupiter images that connects to the spiritual life
  • reincarnation rebirth rahul gandhi horoscope d60 shashtiamsa
    What does the d60 or shahstiamsha chart of rahul gandhi ji say abuot his past life?

  • next we will look at the look at the shashtiamsha chart or horoscope of sri Rahul Gandhi ji . In this chart we will look at the Mercury . now mercury sits in even sign in the d1 or lagna chart. that is a Taurus sign(vrishabha Rashi) at 14 degree 26 minutes.
  • So that means 14x2s = 28 + 1 =29 so that is equal to 29th division of the even sign. no interestingly sri Rahul Gandhi ji’s this division is the Kala division in the d60 chart .This relates to pottery, crockery and cutlery service . all this has a strong influence on Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life . that is resturanting ,cutlery,crockery and all to do with venus energy.
  • note mercury is in the 8th bhava of d60 as well so over all great wealth of lands also was there for sri Rahul Gandhi ji .
  • Venus or shukra lord is in the cancer sign or karkat rashi. which is at 8 degree 51 minutes . that is 8 into 2 =16 plus two divisions because 51 minutes i+ 2 divisions. This means scholarly person ,unusual knowledge and interest in Veda. but this is less likely. Note as Mercury absorbs a lot of energy from this house
  • sri Rahul Gandhi ji Moon 22 51 scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi in kaal division so suggest he might be a risk taker as well in the past life.
  • we wish sri Rahul Gandhi ji long life of 120 years!!! 🙂
  • Reincarnation:The various Yogas or planetary Combinations Indicating the same.

    • As vaya bhava deals with life after death, so if planet rahu is in twelfth along with mars(mangal), Saturn(shani) and sun(surya)- the person would go to astral hells.
    • Also if the lord of 12th house is with planet sun, still the person could go to hell.
    • If there is a benefic in the twelfth house(vyaya) and also the lord of twelfth is exalted or is in conjunction or gets good aspects one could attain final  liberation form sequence of birth and deaths.
    •  Reincarnation or Life after death of the soul- based on vedic astrology or jyotish

    • There is a mystery surrounding life after death. We all want to happen what is our fate after death. Vedic astrology or jyotish is a very powerful tool to see the possibilities of souls journey after death. Generally the disembodies soul enters the astral world- of heaven or hells depending on his or her past karma.
    • As twelfth house and its lord deals with life after death or reincarnation

    Expenses and Earnings – Based On vedic Astrology or Jyotish:

    wealth and gains expenses expenditure earnings based on Vedic astrology or jyotishwealth losses outflows expenses expenditure earnings based on Vedic astrology or jyotish
    What does This article below talks about?

  • The article interestingly talks about how Based on Horoscope or Kundli , how anyone’s Earnings or Gains Or your Outflows of money that is expenditure or losses can eb found out.
  • It also at how your benefic or Good houses and benefic planets could give you great gains or earnings.;)
  • Also how the malefic houses and malefic planets cause losses of expenditures in your income.
  • The various Yoga’s in the horoscope that create situations for great inflow (gains or earnings :)) and also outflow of money or even losses are discussed based on the planetary conditions in any Kundli or Horoscope .
  • It also looks at what kind or nature of Kind of in-flows or money or wealth gains are there in any horoscope like gain from company or office, friends or any property or legacy etc is there
  • It discusses in detail the unique possibilities of Wealth gains especially based on your second bhava or second house of horoscope. 😉
  • It also talks about the 11th bhava of the gains from your friends, lotteries, and stocks.
  • Also, the houses of gain are 5th house what is the Trikona house is looked at .
  • The 9th house of luck and that is also foreign lands also give gains is discussed in detail.
  • The article also discusses the impact of 12th house on expenditure and expenses and how it impacts our destiny.
  • & also how the outflows or losses of money could be there based on Horoscope is looked at.
  • Like is it due to business losses, loss of job or even health or legal matters,
  • It talks about various Yoga’s or combinations for wealth flows and also expenditure in detail below.
  • Plus it later talks about the earnings and expenditure aspect of Sri Narendra Modi Ji
  • In the APPENDIX (last section) ,of this article, it in detail explains what expenses or expenditure means.
  • what kind of expenses or expenditure are there.
  • Plus how an expense report is created to see the expenses flow.
  • expenses earnings wealth horoscope kundli predictions expenses expenditure earnings kundli horoscope
    How is expenditure & earnings shows in various houses of your horoscope or Kundli?

  • Now let us look at the role of planets and houses for expenditure or expenses and gain in any horoscope or Kundli.
  • so, this section discusses the root causes of expenditure, expenses what could cause money inflows.
  • first looking at the causes of gains 🙂 in any Horoscope or Kundli to understand expenditure?
    wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope houses
    Overview of How earnings or losses happen due to various kind of planets placed in different Houses for any Kundli or horoscope
    first house wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope houses

  • Like the first house or bhava if the lagan lord is weak may mean loss of health and image or not so commensurate gains in situation.
  • the same thing allies to first house if malefic like Saturn(Shani dev) , mars or Rahu(Dragon’s head) or ketu(dragon’s Tail) are sitting in the same.
  • The various earning or even losses or outflows are reflected by all majorly by the 12th,6th, and 8th houses of any Horoscope.
  • money 2nd house wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • As the 2nd bhava in any Horoscope or Kundli is for wealth gains, flows of money or funds/wealth and also status.
  • so, a benefic here like Jupiter or Venus enhances one’s chances for the same and a malefic here may mean chance of losses.
  • Like Saturn(Shani dev) or mars here or even ketu(dragon’s Tail) here may mean losses in the dasha or planetary periods for the same.
  • Now to understand expenditure- let us focus on the gains first. gains or wealth flows come from strong houses like the second house.
  • This is the house of wealth flows (salary) and gains. .
  • project business initiative wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 3rd house in any Horoscope or Kundli deals with your fellow people and siblings or initiatives or projects.
  • so, a benefic here mean gains form siblings or fellow people and if a malefic here like mars to ketu(dragon’s Tail) .
  • or Saturn(Shani dev) it could mean even losses of money flows due to sibling or even in projects.
  • 4th house car vehicles home wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 4th house in any Kundli or Horoscope deals with cars, vehicles or conveyances, mother & properties so a benefic here means gains from the same and a malefic here means losses due to the same.
  • also for any person similarly the fourth house suggest to the gains in terms of house, car/vehicles, or fixed assets.

  • 5th house stocks lottery wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 5th bhava is for lottery or stocks or high-risk gains stuff. also gains by counselling and speculations or higher risk matters.
  • a benefic like Venus or Jupiter or mercury here suggest good enough gains in such matters.
  • also, a malefic like mars or ketu(dragon’s Tail) or Saturn(Shani dev) may mean otherwise.
  • 6th house legal court matters health wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 6th house in any Kundli or Horoscope deals with legal matters, health, and other issues of life.
  • so, depending on what kind of planets are placed here the results would come in.
  • 7th house lover spouse wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The 7th house in any Kundli or Horoscope deals with partnerships and relationships and business matters and also spouse or husband or wife.
  • so, a benefic here generally means gains from partnerships, husband, or wife etc.
  • 9th house dharma religion past life fortune wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • As the 9th house or bhava in any Kundli or Horoscope rules the past life punya, so this suggest gains by stroke of luck or unexpected luck supporting the person ;).
  • The 11th bhava then suggest the gains that one gets from friends and people who support you .:)
  • losses wealth money earnings losses gains kundli horoscope

  • The various earning or even losses or outflows are reflected by all majorly by the 12th,6th, and 8th houses of any Horoscope.
  • also so, when the lords of 2nd 4th 9th and 11th house, or bhava are associated in any form with 3rd/6th/8th or 12th house the outflows or expenditure happens.
  • expenses gains earnings dowry negative methods
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 8th house of any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • Similarly, the 8th bhava of any horoscope or Kundli deals with gains or earnings from hidden deals or also lands deals as 8 is also a number of Saturn and Saturn deals with land and property.
  • It could also mean gains or losses as well from not so acceptable aspects of life like prostitution, from in laws, dowry and also women or men of not-so-great character.
  • 8th bhava deals with accidents so one may gain in insurance from accidents if this bhava lord is well placed,.
  • If weak may suggest expenses on car or accident insurances.
  • dharma good work expenses gains earnings
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 9th house for Luck any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • This 9th bhava lord of any Kundli or Horoscope if strong suggest good gains form father or earnings from business of father or dharma or religion related work.
  • but if otherwise or weak it may mean loses or expenses due to dharma or religious work.
  • yes, if fair enough so unexpected gains may also from father, dharma in from this bhava.
  • career job expenses gains earnings
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 10th house of career or Job any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • A strong lord of this 10th bhava or house of any Kundli or Horoscope means good gains in career or job or by own actions.
  • If weak it may mean losses and expenditure in your karma or sphere of actin as such.
  • brother sister friends expenses gains earnings
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 11th house of gains and friends any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • This house or bhava of 11th in any Kundli or Horoscope deals with gains from friends or acquaintances. it also means gains form elder siblings.
  • if weak it may mean otherwise or losses from elder siblings or due to friends etc.
  • sex foreign lands hospital expenses gains earnings
    What are the Earnings or Losses, expenses from the 12th house of health and secret sex and foreign lands, next life time if any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • as this house deals with secret love affair. so, it means the kind of gains one could have based on secret affairs in life or sex life partner.
  • it could also mean gains from foreign lands or less expenses if hospitalized.
  • else if weak may mean losses in matters for secret affairs or in foreign travel or health issues. or at least more expenditure.
  • planets expenses expenditure horoscope
    Now would planetary combinations in horoscope or kundli could cause losses or expenditure?
    3 6 8 and 12th house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flow horoscope kundli
    How could the 3rd house, 6th house, or the 8th or 12th house contribute towards expenditures or losses, based on the kundli or Horoscope?

  • say if any of the above Lords are associated with the 3rd house lord.
  • so expenses or an outflow for business and initiatives or siblings that is brothers and sisters happen.
  • say if 2nd 4th 9th and 11th house lords connect to the 6th house.
  • then naturally expenditure on litigation or legal matters or also health matters could be there.
  • God forbid if 2nd 4th 9th and 11th house connect to the 8th house then outflows on accident happens. that contributes to the expenditure.
  • 3 6 8 12th houses expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flow horoscope kundli
    How could the association of 3,6,8,12th house and 2,4,9 or 11th house cause the expenditures or losses, based on the kundli or Horoscope?

  • as 2nd 4th 9th and 11th house is associated with the 12th house then health problems could cause expenditure :(.
  • also, May expand on religion or dharma related matters .
  • expenses earnings wealth horoscope kundli predictions planets in houses
    What does your Horoscope or Kundli say about expenditure and earnings?
    2nd house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    how can the second house in your Horoscope bless you with great riches? 🙂

  • If The second house in any horoscope contains a benefic planet like Venus or Shukra or Jupiter(guru) or Mercury .
  • also all this in their own sign like Pisces(Meena rashi) or Libra sign(Venus).
  • or say Venus is exalted in Virgo sign or in own sign like Taurus or Libra.
  • say Jupiter or guru is exalted in the cancer sign or it is in the Jupiter sign of Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) or Pisces sign(Meena rashi).
  • wealth status expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 2nd bhava in , the kundli or Horoscope enhance your wealth and status?

  • so, this could make anyone very rich . 🙂 as 2nd bhava is for wealth and status.
  • This Richness is magnified much more if ketu(dragon’s Tail) is there in the 2nd bhava or house.
  • as Ketu(dragon’s Tail) acts as a magnifying agent of the riches.
  • riches money expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    how can one get riches based on 3rd house lord placement in your kundli or horoscope?

  • if the third House Lord in any Horoscope or Kundli is placed in the 8th house .
  • That is it is placed in the sixth from the third house . so, it again becomes a malefic.
  • 6 is a malefic number :(. also 8th house is malefic :(. plus, if there or malefic aspect on the 3rd House Lord by lord of 6th or 12th or malefic like Saturn(Shani dev) or mars or Rahu(Dragon’s head) etc.
  • negative Negative of malefic influences could create positive influence and could give vipreet Rajyog and give great money to the person. 🙂
  • ( -1 x -1= +1 :)). this could give extraordinary richest to the person
  • 4th house wealth luxury expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    how is wealth and luxury predicted from your 4th house based on kundli or horoscope?

  • as the 4th house is any horoscope or kundli is a house of public image and home and luxury .
  • so, a strong 4th house lord and connection to Lagna could give Comforts, luxury, and conveyances to the person.
  • if especially benefic influences are there.
  • there is much more conveyances and luxury for the person. 🙂
  • 6th house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 6th house in any kundli or your horoscope predict heavy expenditure? 🙂

  • The 6th house is considered to be a negative house and could cause loss of money or assets.
  • so, any kind of conjunction or aspect of 6th house with the 11th house lord of gains and friends .
  • or 2nd house of wealth and status or the lagan in any horoscope or Kundli could cause losses to the person.
  • There could be debts due to heavy expenditure .:(
  • 8th house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 8th house in your kundli or horoscope cause loss of money and wealth?

  • Now the 8th house is a malefic house in any kundli or Horoscope . it reduces or destroys the significations of any planet or planet sitting in the same.
  • The lord of 8th bhava connecting to 2nd Bhava, or it is sitting here in the 8th house.
  • This could cause health issues and loss of inflows.
  • property house home expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 11th house cause expenditures or losses, in any kundli or Horoscope? also how could conflict in property be indicated in the kundli or horoscope

  • a similar situation is created if the 11th house lord sits here. There could be loss of wealth or gains from friends .
  • yes, your property or conveyances or car may face problems .
  • if 4th house lord connects to 8th house.
  • so, there could be possibility of loss or conflict in regard to property matters.
  • 12 house expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How 12th house in any kundli or horoscope plays a role in expenditure or expenses of any person?

  • Now let us discuss the twelfth house of expenses . this house also deals with emancipation of human being :).
  • if there are the benefics on good planets like Jupiter or mercury here in the 12th house .
  • it strongly suggests that one would spend on good things in life and if Jupiter is there one may spend on religious matters as well.
  • bad or malefic planets like Mars, Saturn(Shani dev) or ketu(dragon’s Tail) means expenditure on not so good things in life.:(
  • 12 house legal expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 12-house cause in legal matters expenditures or losses, the kundli or Horoscope?

  • If the 12th house of any Kundli or Horoscope connects to the 6th house so gives expenditure on legal matters or health matters .
  • If it connects to 8th bhava so say says expenditure to do with accident of sudden matters .
  • If it connects to the third house or bhava would give expenditure happening due to do with the projects or initiatives of the person.
  • money wealth expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    how could 12th house make your Millionaire ? 🙂

  • if 12th house Lord is malefic is sitting in 6th ,8th , 3rd, or 12th house, then it forms a vipreet Raj Yoga.
  • if there is only malefic planets influence and of no benefic planets this form the vipreet Raj Yoga and a one can earn a lot of wealth. 🙂
  • ego expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Could Your Ego Make You spend more in Life ?

  • One the down side the twelfth house of losses are house that is the house and expenditure, or waiting is something basically in excess or getting wasted due to excess spending.
  • Like sun or Surya here in the twelfth bhava means excess of ego and one would spend his ego without bounds.
  • losses expenditure expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    What kind of expenses and losses problems your 6th house could give?

  • The other house is the sixth house of weakness and cases weakness and inefficiency and loss of money also health problems .
  • The sixth Bhava could also cause loss of money and legal problems plus litigation – that in turn can cause loss of money .
  • The eighth house is for unexpected problems, prostitutes and people of mafia or underworld.
  • The health and issues that are caused here are the most serious problems.
  • 2 11 5 9 house money wealth expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the 2/11/5/9 houses bless you with money 🙂 based on your horoscope?

  • This article discusses various yoga’s as with is benefic and malefic houses combination of 2/11/5/9 and the malefic 6/12/8.
  • It may also include the 3rd bhava at times.
  • Jupiter Venus mercury benefics expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    How could the benefics like Jupiter/mercury or Venus Bless your Life?

  • At the same time with good houses the good planets are Jupiter/mercury/ and Venus.
  • the good houses and good planets can create great Yogis for success /wealth and prosperity.
  • On the other hand, the malefic is Rahu(Dragon’s head) -Ketu(dragon’s Tail) axis/Mars/ afflicted moon and mercury,
  • That can cause serious troubles of wealth flows to any person.
  • Did Narendra Modi Ji also suffer losses?

  • The below part of the article discusses the scope of the horoscope of prime minister Sri Narendra Damodardas Modi.
  • His status gains and possible losses that he may face in life overall his horoscope is analysed in detail and depth.
  • All areas are measure quantitatively to measure objectively.
  • expenses losses Vedic astrology wealth moneywealth money gains losses Vedic astrology
    What are the Expenses and Earnings for you or anyone– Based On Vedic Astrology or Jyotish?:

  • We all have expenditures and yes earnings. But some people have more expenditure as compared to others.
  • What is the reason for the same? Yes, the evaluation of the twelfth house is for the same.
  • planetary combinations wealth gains losses money wealth
    Various Yoga’s or planetary combinations suggesting Expenditures
    expenditure good things expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    would you Spend on Good things in life :)?

  • One would have expenses for good things if the lord of twelfth house or expenditure house is with a benefic planet (Jupiter, mercury, Venus).
  • or is in its own sign or is in exaltation, also if a good planet like Jupiter, Mercury or Venus is in 12th house.
  • property house home expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Could you make a palatial Home?

  • The person would have a nice looking home and also bed and all good pleasures of life if the planet moon( Chandra) is in the twelfth house and is exalted.
  • Or in the own sign or Rashi, navamsha or divisional chart or in good houses like gains, fifth or in Rashi navamsha. The person could be lord-like.
  • So, though moon in 12th gives stress- but if it is strong it gives good traits as well.
  • love spouse expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Do You have happiness from your spouse?

  • If the lord of the twelfth house in any Kundli or Horoscope is in the sixth house, eight houses or be in an enemy navamsha or D9 Rashi- one may not get happiness from the wife as this house represents sexual pleasure as well.
  • The expenses would be high for this person and have troubles &amp, less happiness.
  • If the lord of the twelfth house is in lines(1/5/9) and 4/7/10- he or she would have a spouse.
  • secretive planets expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Would You get obvious results of Planets or secretive?

  • The planets that would be in the visible part of the zodiac will give clear and obvious results and the planets in invisible half would give secret results .
  • earning money fair expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Would you be using Fair means to earn money?

  • If the planet Saturn(Shani dev) or Shani sits in the twelfth house or malefic mars and at the same time there is no good aspect to this house.
  • The person would earn by sinful methods
  • dharma religion expenses expenditure earnings wealth losses flows horoscope kundli
    Would you be spending on dharma or religion related activities?

  • If the lord of ascendant or lagan house is in the twelfth house and the lord of twelfth is in ascendant along with Venus(Shukra).
  • The expenses would be on religious friends.
  • expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    Expenses & expenditure elaborated by one more example- who was super rich, had airlines, had news channels etc – but got bankrupt in jail

  • for the sake of anonymity, we check the horoscope of a celebrated industrialist.
  • who had his own airlines, news channel but he was jailed due to bankruptcy and not being able to pay off his expenses? 🙁
  • we look at his horoscope based on solar and lunar horoscope.
  • Lunar that is a moon rashi based. the expenses of the twelfth house are studied properly for this horoscope
  • expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    What kind of expenses the person would have?

  • The 12th bhava or house Lord mercury in any kundli or Horoscope is strong and is in the 12th house itself so this definitely indicates that expenditure or expenses for this person would be by proper use of thoughts (mercury or budha).
  • as mercury rules intelligence and intellect and the 12th house is expenditure or expenses.
  • so, we see the work of intellect here also the Lord of 4th house Venus (Libra sign or Tula rashi) is in the 12th house.
  • so, we know that Venus rules women and also luxury. so, this combination clearly indicates that the person would be intelligent or smart in spending of luxury.
  • in fact, it was suggested by people that he was a womanizer and enjoyed all the Comforts and luxuries of women.
  • luxury expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    were there expenses on women and luxuries as well by this person?

  • also know that Venus or shukra that is Lord of 4th house for him. It has ketu(dragon’s Tail) in the Libra sign.
  • so, it clearly indicates that excess expenditure or expenses on women and also matters of family/society(news agency and other factors) would make this guy popular .
  • we also see that Venus or shukra with the Taurus sign rules the 11th house of gains for him.
  • so that means all the gains towards expenditure or expenses would be to do with Mercury related matters as mercury is sitting there.
  • Mercury or number 5 also rules News. as he used to run news channel also :). so, all this very clearly indicates that his outflows would be towards learning’s.
  • also news( due to Venus and mercury together influence as Venus suggest society and home and mercury=news).
  • also, expenditure or expenses would be towards mental pursuits like journalism .
  • money wealth expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    what planets in horoscope or kundli gave home so much of riches or earnings?

  • there is a very strong aspect of a strong Jupiter which also rules the 9th house. which has cleanliness of guru there? 🙂
  • so, this suggests very big Assets and properties for this person. 🙂 but that will go away because 12th lord being in the 12th house and also gets weakened day by day.
  • also, Jupiter rules 6th house of enmity and legal matters caused him to go to jail for not following dharma or ethics .
  • But still as Jupiter rules the 6th house of purva Punya as well.
  • so, the person would invest synergies in making ashram and donations. all this is 100% true for him. so, based on the horoscope or kundli we can clearly see the direction of outflows or money for the person. 😉
  • jail expenses expenditure horoscope kundli confinement
    what does the Surya lagan say about his expenses, and expenditure and also made him bankrupt sending him to Tihar jail ?

  • now looking at the expenses or expenditure from the Surya Lagna for this case. sun sign here is Taurus as sun is in the Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi.
  • arise or mesha rashi rules the 12th house of sex & love. so, this gives great love affairs for this person.
  • as we spoke earlier for this person .
  • and also there was a lot of Expenditure of energy in that direction.
  • we also note that Rahu(Dragon’s head) or dragons’ head is in the 12th house .so this indicates one could get confinement or Jail.
  • so, Rahu(Dragon’s head) in 12th house made this guy be in the jail Tihar jail for a long time for no payment of his dues or expenses to people.
  • luxury women expenses expenditure horoscope kundli
    what kind of planets made him entice women and spend on luxury, comforts, and women?

  • also, as Rahu(Dragon’s head) is in the 12th house aspects mars. so gives this man practical thinking(Rahu(Dragon’s head) is number 4= practical).
  • also, as Rahu(dragon’s head) is in 12th house of sex and luxury so makes the expenses of the person very close to sex related matters.
  • so, sex and luxury are very important for the person.
  • so, in regard to all things, his expenditure or expenses would be to do with secret affairs .
  • as Rahu(Dragon’s head) (dragons head) is there the 12th house if passion and love.
  • so Rahu(Dragon’s head) and mars over all makes him very aggressive and passionate to achieve his goals to do with love and sex .
  • Narendra damodardas modi wealth losses outflows expenses expenditure earnings based on Vedic astrology or jyotish
    Causes of Gains and Losses for Narendra Modi Ji?

    what planets causes gains to Narendra Modi Ji ?

  • Now let us look at the gains part of Narendra Modi Ji horoscope lord of gains and wealth and status is Jupiter for him that is a great benefic for him .
  • also, as it rules the second house it gives him very good ability sweetness and talks well. This is the reason for his good diplomacy.
  • saturn shani  expenditure losses modi narendra
    How Shani dev made Modi ji sound and stable :)?

  • Now as second bhava lord is into the fourth bhava or mature bhava, also giving him closeness to his mother. Now Saturn(Shani dev) the disposition of the second bhava is combust at 29 degrees.
  • so it becomes and atmakaraka for Narendra Modi Ji. so, he or Narendra Modi Ji would face a lot of hardships life on account of Saturn(Shani dev) or Shani dev. That has built him so strong and stable.
  • But at the end of the day, Saturn(Shani dev) would contribute to Narendra Modi Ji for gain in wealth and status in life.
  • also, his 6th House Lord is mercury or Budha is best and very weak and Virgo sign. This again creates a Rajyog situation for Narendra Modi Ji,.
  • gains weal money
    which planets give gains to Narendra Modi ji?

  • All this Yoga adds weight to gains to Narendra Modi ji and country. He would also do great in the maters of commerce or E-Commerce or other businesses as Ketu(dragon’s Tail) .
  • That is the dhwaja or the flag is there in the eleventh bhava of gains and wealth. So overall his keen intelligence due to mercury and Ketu(dragon’s Tail) in the eleventh bhava adds to great gains to Modi ji in life.
  • unexpected gains Yog combination
    Is there an unexpected gains Yoga for Sri Narendra Modi ji?

  • Also there that means flag is there in 11th house for Narendra Modi Ji so giving him an Unexpected and sudden gains in life, so he became catapulted to Chief Minister ship of Gujarat first in early 2000-time frame.
  • and then in 2016 became the Prime Minister of India .so all this clearly shows the role of Ketu(dragon’s Tail) that un-expected help and gains from the sangha pariwar and yes the BJP’s.
  • AS such career 11th house of gains is mercury.
  • so that very clearly suggest Narendra Modi Ji would get into politics as also Leo rules the tenth bhava.
  • what gets Sri Narendra modi ji in Politics?
    Leo or sun is a clear indication is politics and being in the 11th house would be right to a very exalted position giving capability.
  • This gave him the Prime Minister ship which is already attained I have a lot of good gains from his friends and looking at his fifth house/ 5th house of horoscope or Kundli of Narendra Modi Ji.
  • Rahu(Dragon’s head) there gives him a different attitude and also the different viewpoint of life.
  • he wants to do something new and rebels against set patterns in his thinking.
  • karma Yogi
    What planetary combinations Make Narendra Modi ji a Karma Yogi and hence earn well in life?

  • Also, ninth Bhava lord of his Horoscope or Kundli is Moon and Moon is very weak house first hour of Narendra Modi Ji, so he did not he lose his father at a very young age .
  • but as his Moon gets a lot of strength from mars ins Scorpio in the lagna.
  • The Mind of Narendra Modi Ji gets a lot of strength from Mars karma of action from the past life of Narendra Modi ji.
  • karma Yogi
    What role Yoga has in Sri Narendra Modi Ji’s life?

  • All this strong energy from mars to his mind or mind of Narendra Modi ji adds to benefits and gains in life he can get into exalted positions.
  • The mind has kept cool as the moon is close to mars, he is rightly picked up Yoga and meditation. That has got him relaxed for the best results in life now.
  • losses Narendra Modi
    What could cause Losses to Sri Narendra Modi Ji ?.
    business gains
    Had Modi ji done business what could have happened 🙂 ?

  • Now let us talk the losses process for free Narendra Modi Ji overall house is the 12th house that is a house of losses for Narendra Modi Ji.
  • Now this house is ruled by Venus Shukra Venus is number 6 and in the 10th House.
  • so.It shows expenditure on royal personalize and possible losses in business or areas that have to do with Venus or Shukra.
  • travel foreign lands
    Would Narendra Modi Ji gain from foreign lands?

  • That is any care industry would do well for Narendra Modi Ji. Also, he has to be very careful about foreign lands, though in general.
  • it would be good because Saturn(Shani dev) is there.
  • Saturn(Shani dev) is very close to Venus which gives great support to Narendra Modi ji’s image and yes Jupiter is at the base house in the 4th bhava.
  • caution danger
    What should Narendra Modi ji be careful about

  • It will give Narendra Modi ji a good image, but again he has to be care about his trips in the foreign lands .
  • which is true for him the Lord of losses is sixth power mass which is sitting in lagna, so he has to be very careful the people who are opposing him.
  • or who are against him or who want to attack him and yes mars to an extent represents terrorists.
  • caution danger
    What things in Politics should Narendra Modi Ji care for ?

  • Also, he or Narendra Modi ji may GOD forbid face losses related disorders that is heat& pitta disorders that could cause problems in the body and rebellion at his end.
  • He has to take special care from people with negative mind and also aggressive people .
  • Mars also rules politicians, so he has to be careful about his enemies of losses for him so is true. The eighth lord is mercury for Narendra Modi ji there in the 11th house .
  • land gains
    Are there gains for Narendra Modi ji form Lands ?

  • So, 8th bhava in 11th means unexpected gains in land deals for Narendra Modi ji.
  • but yes, possible losses are also .we should also look at the good planets for Narendra Modi ji finance .
  • also Narendra Modi ji has been general careful about his land investments because it our present 8th bhava send energy to 11th hour .
  • top positions planets
    What planetary made Sri Narendra Modi ji reach the top?

  • unexpected gains in investments are there for him.
  • The malefic planets and loss causing planet is Saturn(Shani dev) but as Narendra Modi ji is born on 17 that is 1 + 7=8 that again is Saturn(Shani dev) energy .
  • so Narendra Modi ji’s highly disciplined effort and lifelong effort could make am reach the top .
  • Also note as per jaimini system Saturn(Shani dev) is at 29 degrees that could make him reach at the top and build up is image to success.
  • All this is 100% true and he is the prime minister of India. Take note that because Saturn(Shani dev) aspects is fourth house so gains in images .
  • Jupiter guru
    How could Jupiter Help Sri Narendra Modi ji?

  • As Jupiter is well placed in Kendra in 4th bhava of family/home. Though old Saturn(Shani dev) aspect here means slow growth of all .
  • also, for Narendra Modi ji Jupiter is a source of gains and wealth and status to India as well.
  • AS Jupiter or Guru the lord of money and gains for Narendra Modi ji rules the second bhava of wealth and status as well .
  • But Venus is weak what his 10th house is.
  • and mercury is what is in 11th will give some more gains to Narendra modi ji.

  • so, in summary mars in action, Saturn(Shani dev) (Shani) slow but steady effort, mercury intelligence is giving Sri Narendra Modi ji all the gains he deserves.
    expenses expenditure
    What are Expenses or Expenditures ?

  • Expenses essentially means out flow of money. 🙂 even if it is an investment.
    so for a car driver , petrol is an outflow or expenditure.
  • so is the fees for a student an expense or outflow.
  • so anything that entails high outflows is expensive and if les it is otherwise.
  • We also have expenses of eating food outside or rent or say EMI for books etc.
  • expense is a global term now say used in psychology and sociology to see the outflows and inflows between two people or systems.
  • Like say a community A helps community B in some form of money or other things, so it is an expense for community A towards community B.
  • book keeping expense  expenditure
    What is Book-keeping for expenses ?

  • There are two accounts generally. That is the expense account or the credit or asset account.
  • This forms the balance sheets for we know it expenses decreases assets and also the liabilities increase naturally.
  • The expense of say a company is the salaries for employees the expense on utilities like water, fresh air, or chairs is there depreciation on expenses like the capital assets.
  • But if an expense is made in an asset such as a building or say an equipment to generate revenues further down the line it is not called an expense.
  • it is then called an investment.
  • cash flow expenses expenditure width=
    What is Cash flow ?

  • This is called operating expenses= Cash flow or money flow is divided into 3 categories to isolate each kind of flow.
  • There are expenses like running expenses EMI or say expenses for water electricity.
    these are flat expenses.
  • This is outflow of money.
    Then there is inflow of money like profits or money flows by client or customer payments.
  • This is inflow of money
    This is called investing expenses= Then there is an outflow that concerts to assets, like say buying a company setup or a factory etc.
  • Financing expense = it is the interest of expense for say any bonds taken or loans
    This is reflected in the business income statement.
  • expenses expenditure report
    What is an expenses report ?

  • The entire set of expenses say by the individual or a company are put in this report.
  • like say a company starts running so running expenses like for electricity , water, and other infrastructure expenses.
  • then is the salary and other say travel expenses mapped here.
  • Now there are software as well to map these expenses better. also software can reduce the fraud in expenses.

  • Your Wealth Horoscope, Fortune , Gains & Prosperity- How Do You Judge the same? Based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish.


    Your Wealth Horoscope, Fortune , Gains & Prosperity- How Do You Judge the same? Based on vedic Astrology or Jyotish.

    Wealth, Fortune and gains is almost 99% of people want! We all want to be wealthy, have gains in whatever projects we do and also have the best ornaments to wear.

    But the question is how much wealthy or prosperous  we could become  ? When will this wealth or prosperity or windfalls come in? The answers is given below.

    What are the Various planetary Conjunctions for having wealth, Gains, Fortune and Prosperity?

    • If the house of gains is auspiciousness with planets like say Venus/mercury or Jupiter there- one would be happy all the times.
    • If the lord of eleventh house or labha bhava is in eleventh house or it is in a trine (that is 1,5,9 house) there will be a lot of gains. Also if the lord of eleventh house is exalted, although it is close to sun in combustion- there would be lot of gains.
    • If the lord of eleventh house or labha bhava is in the second house of dhana and also the lord of second house is with Jupiter in an angular house(4/7/10)- the gains to the person would be very good.
    • As Jupiter is for gains and any lord in angular house becomes strong.
    • If the lord of eleventh house is in the third house(sahaja bhava) and also the eleventh house has a benefic in it – there would be lot of gains in 36th year. As third house matures at 36th year of age.
    • If the lord of eleventh house is in conjunction with a benefic(Jupiter/Venus/mercury) in an angular house or is in trines(1/5/9)- the person would get very good gains in the 40th year. The energy of angular house start maturing at around 40 years and all angular house influence others. Like any planet in 7th or 9th would have effects on fourth house of vice versa.
    • The person would gain very well if the lord of eleventh house is occupied by planet Jupiter(guru) and also the second house and ninth house have moon and Venus there.
    • There will be exceptional gains and the person would have all the wealth, good fortune, precious stones, diamonds and ornaments if the benefic planets Jupiter, moon and mercury are in the eleventh house.
    • If the lord of gains is in the ascendant or lagan bhava and the lord of lagan or ascendant is the gains house(labha bhava).
    • The lord of gains or eleventh house is in second house or dhana bhava and the lord of second house is in eleventh house- one will gain a lord after marriage.
    • If the lord of eleventh house is in third house or shaja bhava and also the lord of third house is in house of gains( labha bhava),then as the third house represents the people born after or before you- the person would gain from his brothers and sisters and would have a lot of ornaments as 3rd house is environment and 11th house represents ornaments.
    • If the lord of gains is debilitated or weak or in combustion or be in malefic house like sixth house, eighth house or twelfth house and be with a malefic planet.

    Get Your In Depth & Personalized Wealth Horoscope Report Here! CLICK HERE bank-note-209104_1280-money
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    Your Career Horoscope & Success, Name & Fame in Career-job and Your Actions (Your KARMA in life) – Based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish-Bill Gates example

    career karma 10 house horoscopesuccess-805552_1920-career

    About this article ?

  • The article below discusses the career or karma lord(10th House0 in depth. It looks at various placements and conjunctions of the career lord to create great wealth. to create great happiness :). one doing great or good deeds. one is learned. one gets problems in career or job. one not doing work at all. one being removed from job etc all in depth. 🙂
  • It later at the end discusses the case of software Mogul bill gates horoscope and how his career and karma lord took him to such heights:)!!!
  • Your Career Horoscope & Success, Name & Fame in Career-job and Your Actions (Your KARMA in life) – Based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish

  • is this world our karma bhumi or place of job? This world is our karma bhumi- that is action place , where are to work. We all do actions to live or survive. We all want recognition for your actions- but some get and some don’t.
  • how do we compare Bill gates and Larry Page in terms of career or success? Like people working as hard has Bill gates the computer Microsoft icon, would they get the same success? Or be it the Google guys Larry page and sergei. The answer is NO. Different people have different action or karma paths and the fruits of karma are different for all.
  • Below are given some combinations or yoga’s elaborating the points of karma, fame and fortune, name and fame.
  • what is the role of career 10th bhava lord in horoscope for success? For good success in career- good strength of the lord of 10th is needed.
  • can sun or surya in horoscope Give good recognition? Also strong sun for fame or recognition
  • is planet Jupiter in horoscope for expansion and growth? Jupiter is needed for expansion in career or business
  • does mercury or budha in horoscope help in better decision making in business? Mercury is needed well placed for proper decision making and managing money.
  • Various Combinations or Yoga of Planets for Career and karma:

  • father success career karma 10 house horoscope
    what conditions of the career house lord in your horoscope(kundli) could give fame and success through father?If the lord of 10th house is strong in exaltation or in its own sign or rashi or navamsha- the person could get happiness through father, the fame would be good and also he would do good actions.
  • religious prayer career karma 10 house horoscope
    how could rahu and also the career house lord in the horoscope(kundli)make your do religious prayers? If the lord of 10th house or karma lord is weak, then the person would face obstacles in work. Also if rahu is in angular house (4/7/10) – then due to these effects the person may perform religious sacrifices or prayers.
  • loss of job career karma 10 house horoscope
    what combinations could cause loss in career based on horoscope?
    If lord of 10th house/tenth house or career is in good bhava or house OR is with a benefic planet- the person would have gains in business and career. If the lord of career house is not in good house like 6th or 8th or 12th, or with a malefic like Saturn, rahu, mars- there could be troubles in career.
  • bad things life career karma 10 house horoscope
    what combinations could make one do bad things in life based on 11th bhava lord in horoscope? If the house of labha /eleventh and also house tenth both be occupied by malefic (mars/Saturn/rahu/ketu) – the person could indulge in bad actions and let down his own people.
  • rahu dragons head career karma 10 house horoscope
    what kind of rahu presence in career horoscope or 10th house could make one hate others?
    If the lord of career house or karma bhava is in eighth house ( randhr bhava) and also malefic rahu is there- the person would hate others( rahu stands for others) , be foolish and do bad deeds.
  • In what conditions could the lord of 10th house of career or job in the horoscope(kundli)cause high sex desire?The sexual desire in a person could be very high is the lord of action(karma, the career house lord ) is in seventh house of relationships.
  • dignity success career karma 10 house horoscope
    what conditions of career lord in horoscope give great value & dignity to the person? If the career house lord is exalted and also be with planet Jupiter(guru) and also the lord of ninth house or dharma bhava is in tenth- the person would have wealth,honor and inner strength.
  • Also the person could be fond of eating.
  • what kind of combinations of career or job house lord in horoscope make one happy?:)The person would be happy if the lord of eleventh house or labha bhava is in ascendant or of the lord of career house is in conjunction with the lord of house of gains (11th) in a trine(1/5/9)
  • happiness career karma 10 house horoscope
    what conditions for the career or Job lord in horoscope could make one happy? :0 If the lord of career house is strong in the Pisces sign along with Jupiter(guru), the person would get clothes, ornaments and also be happy.
  • loss career karma 10 house horoscope
    what combinations of career or job lord in horoscope make one break his or her job? If the malefic like rahu, sun(surya) and mars be in house of gains or labha bhava- the person would stop working.
  • wealth career karma 10 house horoscope
    could the conjunction of venus with the 10th bhava or house lord or (career & karma lord) with venus or Jupiter cause great wealth? If the planet Jupiter is in own sign Pisces and also in conjunction with Venus(shukra) and also eh ascendant(lagna) is strong and also moon is exalted – the person would b learned(due to strong Jupiter) and also wealthy(due to exalted venues).
  • venus precious stones career karma 10 house horoscope
    could venus or shukra in horoscope along with the career or karma lord make one work with precious stones? If the lord of career house is in the house of gains and the lord of gains(labha bhava) and Venus(shukra) are in 10th house- the person would have precious stones. As Venus represents luxuries and precious stones.
  • good actions career karma 10 house horoscope
    what roles does trine, angular or benefics like Jupiter play with career lord or karma lord for one to do good actions in life?
    If the lord of career house is exalted and in an angle(4/7/10) or trine ( 1/5/9) and is in conjunction with benefic Jupiter(guru) or is aspect by Jupiter- one will do very good deeds.
  • happiness good actions  career karma 10 house horoscope
    what is the role of the angular houses 4/7/10 and also trines like 1/5/9 help the career or karma lord in any horoscope do good actions? If the lord of ascendant or lagna is with the lord of career and also moon(Chandra) is in 4/7/10 house or in 1/5/9 house- the person would do good deeds.
  • obstacles career karma 10 house horoscope
    what role do the malefic like Saturn, mars or rahu and ketu play in blocking all your good actions- based on your karma and career lord of horoscope? If planet Saturn or shani is in tenth house of career horoscope and along with a weak planet, also the career house in navamsha or D9 is occupied by a malefic like mars/Saturn/rahu-ketu- the person may not do actions at all.
  • bad actions career karma 10 house horoscope
    How could career or karma lord in any Horoscope indicate bad actions?If the lord of the career house or the tenth house is in eighth house or bhava and also the lord of eight houses is in karma bhava or career horoscope along with a malefic planet there- the person could be involved in mean and bad actions.
  • obstacles career karma 10 house horoscope
    How could the placement of career or karma lord in the horoscope impact your ac to ability? The person may not be able to do actions properly if the lord of career house is in debility and also both the career house and the house tenth from karma have malefic in the same.
  • name fame career karma 10 house horoscope
    How could one get name and fame based on career or karma lord placement in any horoscope? 😉One could get good fame if planet moon is in career house ad also karma bhava lord is in trine(1/5/9) from career house and the lord of lagna is in an angle(4/7/10).Similar effects will come to pass, if Labh’s Lord is in Karma Bhava, while Karma’s Lord is strong and gives a Drishti to Guru.
  • money welath 11th house career karma 10 house horoscope
    could the 11th bhava a play a role with the career or karma bhava in horoscope to give fame? A person could be famous also if the lord of gains/labha bhava is in career house and also the lord of career house is strong and aspects Jupiter.
  • fame career karma 10 house horoscope
    How could the 9th bhava lord along with career or karma lord play a role in giving fame to a person? 😉 The person could become famous if the lord of career house is in ninth house or dharma bhava and also the lagna lord absorbs good energy by being in career house.
  • downfall career karma 10 house horoscope
    can we predict issues in career based on career or karma lord in a y horoscope? The effects on career could be guessed based on relationships of lord of lagan and lord of career house. Like for Leo- house of action is by Venus ruling- issues in career.
  • Bill gates Example:


  • For Bill gates the lord of ascendant is Jupiter (Pisces sign) in 10th Tells us why he turned more towards philanthropy later
  • Jupiter is in house of action,6th house(Leo) from 10th with Pluto. Gives him great initiative, exceptional courage and initiative due to Pluto and also obstacles. But he has overcome them all. That makes his a mogul in software(IT) industry.
  • Pluto rules new technologies and software. That’s what he does.
  • Moon in career house blesses him with peace and goodness.
  • Your complete FULL Life Job/Career/Love/Money/sex/family/Legal etc with Accuracy worked out in 12 Houses and Coming 1 to 3 years predictions! . horoscope-images  arnab goswami career horoscope vajpayee CLICK HERE

  • What is Longevity Of Father- Based On your Horoscope Or Birth Chart- Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish


    What is this article about ?

  • The article below discussed various Yoga’s or planetary combinations that suggest Longevity or deerghayu or alpayu(less life span) to father based on Vedic astrology.
  • Assessing a father’s longevity through a child’s horoscope in Vedic astrology involves examining several key factors.
  • Various other factors include the 9th house (which represents the father), the Sun (the natural significator of the father), the 10th house from the Ascendant and the Sun, planetary periods (Dasha), and transits.
  • Study of various Yoga’s for Longevity access of father from child’s Horoscope & also find out the crucial years of life for father.
  • Each of these elements provides insights into the father’s health, well-being, and longevity.
  • It then discusses a real example of Rahul Gandhi Ji’s fathers( late Sri Rajiv Gandhi Ji’s) Longevity or life span. sri Rajiv Gandhi ji left for heavenly abode in madhyayu- so that is being analyzed.
  • What is Longevity Of Father- Based On your Horoscope Or Birth Chart- Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish

  • We all want our near and dear ones live long. Vedic Astrology or Jyotish provides a powerful method to determine the probable longevity of our near and dear ones.
  • It works on the basic principle that the 9th house of father is taken as the first house of father and all the rest matters of father worked out in accordance.
  • astrology father longevity based on child's Horoscope or kundli
    What are the various factors considered to know the longevity of father from the child’s Horoscope ?
    The role of The 9th House and Its Lord in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity

  • The 9th house is traditionally associated with the father in a child’s horoscope, representing his well-being, prosperity, and longevity.
  • The condition of the 9th house, its lord, and any aspects or conjunctions with other planets are critical in assessing the father’s health and longevity.
  • A strong, well-placed 9th house lord, preferably in a Trikona (5th or 9th house) or Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house), and aspected by benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus, typically indicates a long, healthy life for the father.
  • Conversely, if the 9th house lord is weak, afflicted by malefic planets (like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu), or positioned in a Dusthana (6th, 8th, or 12th house), it can suggest potential health challenges or a shorter lifespan for the father.
  • For instance, if the 9th house lord is in a strong position, such as being exalted or in its own sign, it boosts the father’s longevity.

  • Additionally, benefic aspects or conjunctions with planets like Jupiter can further enhance positive outcomes, ensuring stability and protection for the father.
  • However, malefic aspects, especially from Saturn or Mars, can introduce difficulties, health concerns, or unexpected events impacting the father’s life.
  • 2. The Sun’s Placement and Condition in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity

  • The Sun represents the father in Vedic astrology, and its placement and condition are crucial in determining his health and longevity.
  • A strong Sun, placed in a favorable house (such as the 1st, 9th, or 10th house) and in its exaltation sign (Aries) or own sign (Leo), suggests vitality, good health, and a long life for the father.
  • Benefic aspects from planets like Jupiter or Venus further enhance these positive indications, offering protection and strength.
  • On the other hand, a debilitated Sun (in Libra), or a Sun placed in challenging houses like the 6th, 8th, or 12th, can indicate health issues or struggles for the father.
  • Malefic aspects or conjunctions with planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu can exacerbate these challenges, suggesting periods of hardship or potential health crises.
  • The condition of the Sun is a vital indicator and must be assessed alongside other factors for a comprehensive understanding of the father’s longevity.
  • 3.The 10th House and Its Lord in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity
    The 10th house, while primarily associated with career and social status, also has a secondary role related to the father, especially in terms of his achievements and overall standing in life.

  • The strength and position of the 10th house and its lord can give additional insights into the father’s longevity.
  • A well-placed 10th house lord, aspecting or being aspected by benefic planets, generally indicates a prosperous and stable life for the father, indirectly contributing to his longevity.
  • If the 10th house is afflicted, or if the 10th house lord is weak or positioned in challenging houses, it can suggest professional or social challenges that may impact the father’s well-being.

  • Malefic influences on the 10th house or its lord could indicate stress or health issues related to career or public standing, potentially affecting the father’s overall health and longevity.
  • 4. Dasha (Planetary Periods) and Transits in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity

  • Planetary periods (Dashas) and transits play a significant role in influencing events related to the father’s longevity.
  • The periods of the 9th house lord, the Sun, or malefic planets aspecting these areas can bring specific events or challenges.
  • For example, during the Dasha of a malefic planet that is negatively influencing the 9th house, the father may face health issues or challenges that affect his longevity.
  • Transits, especially of major planets like Saturn, Rahu, and Jupiter, over the 9th house, its lord, or the Sun, are also significant.

  • A transit of Saturn over the Sun or 9th house could indicate a period of hardship or health concerns for the father.
  • Benefic transits, such as Jupiter’s, may offer relief, protection, and positive outcomes, enhancing the father’s health and longevity during that period.
  • 5. The Nakshatras and Other Astrological Factors in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity

  • Nakshatras (lunar mansions) play a vital role in assessing the father’s longevity.
  • The Nakshatra in which the 9th house lord or the Sun is placed can provide additional clues.
  • Benefic Nakshatras (like Pushya or Hasta) can indicate good health and longevity for the father, while malefic Nakshatras (like Moola or Ardra) may suggest challenges or health issues.
  • Other factors such as the presence of Pitra Dosha, or specific Yoga’s involving the 9th house and its lord, can also impact the father’s longevity.

  • For example, a combination of malefic planets in the 9th house can indicate ancestral issues or karmic debts affecting the father’s life.
  • Remedies, such as strengthening the 9th house, performing rituals to appease the Sun, or other Vedic remedies, can help mitigate negative influences and promote the father’s health and longevity.
  • horoscope conjunctions longevity father based on child's horoscope
    Below given are both good and bad combinations or Yoga’s for Longevity of father.

  • what Planetary could mean severe health Troubles to father? There could be severe health trouble to father in the 2nd, or the 12th year, if Lagna’s Lord is in eighth house lord, as eighth house Lord is with sun .
  • What combinations could make father short lived? If the karaka of father sun is in eighth house or sixth or twelfth house and also the lord of eighth house is in ninth house. The lord of twelfth is in first house and also the lord of sixth is in 5th house. The person’s father could be short lived.
  • what planetary combinations could make a child balarisht or less longevity for child.? If the planet sun the karaka of father is in eight house or Randhr bhava and the lord of eight houses is in ninth house- there is a threat to longevity of the child in first year itself.
  • what factor could cause issues in longevity to the father? If the lord of eight houses is with sun, the karaka of father and the lord of ascendant is in eight houses the years 2 and 12th are crucial for the person’s father.
  • When is the 18th year important for a person or a child? If planet rahu is in eight house from ninth house(That is longevity house of father) and planet sun is in 9th house from ninth lord or dharma lord. The 16th and 18th year is important for the person.
  • What makes 7th and 19th year important for a child? If the planet Saturn or shani is ninth from moon and the planet sun or surya is with rahu, the 19th and 7th year of the person are crucial. This is the time for Jupiter peaking up.
  • Why is there some risk to father in 35th and 41st year in some cases? If the lord of ninth is in 12th house of vyaya and the lord of twelfth house is in ninth house . The lord of ascendant is in eighth house. Also the planet moon or Chandra is in Navamsa of sun. The 35th and 41st year of person’s father are critical.
  • Can the 50th year of the father be crucial? Just know when and why If the karaka of father sun(surya) is also the lord of ninth house or dharma( father’s house) and is in conjunction with malefic planets mars and Saturn- 50th year is crucial for the father.
  • What karmas of the child can cause trouble to the father’s longevity? If the planet sun(surya) is 7th from the ninth house(dharma bhava) and planet rahu is seventh from third house or sahaja bhava , the 6th and 25th year of the person could be troublesome for father.
  • How can child’s Saturn cause issues to father’s health? If the planet Saturn (shani) , is 7th from the longevity house (8th house, bad health house of father) and planet sun is 7th from Saturn the age of 21/26 or 30 is not good for the father’s health.
  • In what conditions could father’s health be at risk at 26th or 30 years of age? If the lord of ninth house is in debility ( in a rashi or sign that debilitates it) and the dispositor of the sign or rashi is in ninth house- there is possible trouble to father in 26/30 years of age.
  • rahul gandhi ji horoscope longevityrajiv gandhi ji horoscope longevity
    rahul gandhi ji horoscope longevity analysis
    what is the longevity of Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, the father of Rahul Gandhi predicted in Sri Rahul Ji’s Horoscope?

  • Our earlier honorable prime minister Rajiv Gandhi ji who is also the father of Sri Rahul Gandhi ji left for the heavenly abode at a relatively young age in 21 May 1991 at the age of around 47 .
  • i
    what does the apparent lagna of Rajiv Gandhi ji say based on Rahul Gandhi Ji’s Horoscope?

  • so we will check Sri Rahul Gandhi ji(the son) is horoscope to see what is the longevity of father(Rajiv Gandhi ji) based on planets and combination. so first looking at the longevity of father we have to look at the strength of the 9th house of Rahul Gandhi ji 9th house is ruled by Virgo(kanya Rashi) and is ruled by mercury or budha.
  • The lord of Virgo that is same as lord of Rajiv Gandhi ji mercury is in the 5th house or trikona house . The planet mercury is at 14 degree 26 minutes on the Taurus sign as the dispositer. so Mercury or budha strong apparently .
  • as r Mercury is sitting on Venus(shukra) or Taurus sign(vrishabha Rashi). let us check strength of Venus/ Venus is in Cancer sign and is it Kendra it is strong .so this very clearly suggest that Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji father of Rahul Gandhi ji would be having a good strong physical body and be handsome due to Venus. mercury is there so that will make him( Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji)be intelligent which is very true .
  • what does the apparent longevity of Rajiv Gandhi ji say based on Rahul Gandhi Ji’s Horoscope?

  • next we check longevity Lord of Gandhiji for his father Rajiv Gandhi ji. It is the 8th house form lagna bhava that is Virgo sign for Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji. This is the fourth house where we have a very malefic Saturn or shani dev sitting. It is debilitated in the Aries sign (Mesha Rashi)so this very clearly suggest the longevity of the father of Rahul Gandhi ji that is Rajiv Gandhi ji would be affected by unexpected events . because 8th bhava or house rules unexpected events . The planet Mars which rules the longevity of the father is in the Gemini sign . Mars or Mangal is combust there along with sun. so combustion makes it very weak and agitated.
  • mars(Mangal) sits in the 10th House of Rajiv Gandhi ji. that’s when we look at the horoscope from the Virgo lord ship or kanya Rashi. sun or surya sitting Close To Mars is Lord of bad health house(12th house) and also misfortune . so basically misfortune to the longevity of Rajiv Gandhi ji is there. Mars ruling the eighth house also rules the 3rd house from Lagna of Rajiv Gandhi Ji. we know third house is a secondary markesh .as secondary markesh is weak. it creates lot of issues , it also impacts Venus the dispositer for the lagan of Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
  • Note Saturn or Shani Dev rules 5/6 bhava of Rajiv Gandhi ji .it is very weak and Saturn ruling Aquarius and carries a Rahu energy. so as Saturn sits in the 4th bhava of Rahul Gandhi ji but 8th bhava or longevity of Rajiv Gandhi ji, the longevity is badly impacted. Rahu deals with the terrorist and low order people. so this very clearly suggests that Gandhi ji’s longevity could be affected because of Saturn & rahu.
    ruling terrorist and other kind of people.
  • What does the apparent dasha of Rajiv Gandhi ji say based on Rahul Gandhi Ji’s Horoscope?

  • now when we look at of Rahul Gandhi ji’s dashas in may 1991, the time when Rajiv Gandhi ji left for the heavenly Abode by the terror attack. and sun sub period is running son is Lord of 12th for Rajiv Gandhi ji’ horoscope. so based on Rahul Gandhi ji”s chart or horoscope . sun also the karaka for father for Rahul Gandhi ji is having Ketu energy so it also gets the Rahu energy as well 12th house energy. it has very negative energy of stress and losses go to the Mars as sun is conjunct with mars. Mars is the lord of longevity so causes the unfortunate blast with Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
    note rahu + mars + ketu and yes Saturn also causes the unfortunate event for Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, but clearly indicated in Sri Rahul Gandhi ji’s horoscope.
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  • Father related Details – Based on Horoscope Or Birth Chart- by Vedic astrology or jyotish


    What is this article about?

  • The highly interesting article talks about father about various kinds of fathers one could be.
  • legal or biological or otherwise a father figure. The advantages of one having father or father figures and also related issues like child custody etc.
  • Later on the article tells you based on Vedic astrology about father’s longevity, true inner nature, accurate social background 🙂
  • So also the framework or model of evaluation of Father based on Vedic astrology is explained in good details of key houses and planets involved in evaluation of father from the horoscope .
  • As an interesting alternative father and son connection from a PRACTICAL perspective of two well known Indian politicians Horoscope is also investigated or evaluated based on Vedic astrology perspective below.
  • father
    How is Father defined ?

  • There are primarily two kinds of fathers .One is the biological father and the other is the legal father.
  • In general both fathers are same.
  • but in some cases they may differ.
    There is another kind of father that is putative father, where biological connection is suggested but it is not established.
  • It is the biological father that determines the child sex etc.
  • father variants roles
    What are the roles and variants for the father ?

  • Fathers are considered primary care givers. unless there has been a divorce between the couples.
  • In case of single parents it is the primary caregivers.
  • Father child relationships is important as it gives the child social stability and
    better problem-solving skills.
  • it also gives the child a confidence which he or she badly needs to face the world.
  • The cognitive abilities are also better developed.

  • What are the facets of life related to Father ?
    Paternal rights?

  • There are various paternal or parental rights. but these rights vary from country to country.
  • So they change depending on the societal expectations of roles and degree of involvement of father or father figures.
  • paternity leave?

  • In companies there is also paternity leave, so it is either half paid or full. depending on the country you are- like in European countries it is half salary etc.
  • child custody ?

  • The child custody at the end of the day between the husband and wife is decided by Judge or may be the society or say panchayat in case of India.
  • For the child support an amount has to be paid, generally by the parent who does not have the custody.
  • paternity fraud?

  • On an average 2% parents in say countries like UK land up having the wrong baby. that is the baby biologically they have not fathered.
  • father kundli horoscope
    How is Father evaluated in any Horoscope or Kundli ?

  • As we know Father in any horoscope or Kundli is evaluated based on the 9Th house Lordship and also the influences that come to the 9th house or bhava of any Horoscope or even status of sun or Jupiter in the horoscope or Kundli. all this is analyzed at length below.
  • In any Horoscope or Kundli the Father as suggested earlier i.e. related to father influences figured out based on the 9th bhava lordships.
  • Secondly sun also represents father, so placement for sun determines about father. Also, the influences coming in the 9th house are used to know about the father.
    so also, is the role of benefic Jupiter or Guru evaluated for father
  • So, for example if someone has an else ascendant or simha lagna, then Aries rules the 9th bhava of father. so as 9th bhava is the first house of the person and it is Aries ruled by mars or Mangal.
  • so means that father of the person would be action oriented and at times hasty or angry depending on if mars is string weak or afflicted in the horoscope or kundli.
  • Also say if a strong Jupiter is sitting in the 9th bhava or house. so means a well learned and affluent father.
  • but if say the 9th bhava lord sits in the 3rd house. So 3rd being 7th or markesh bhava form the 9th and also 3rd is a house of self-expression . so over all it may mean the person’s father may have issues or bad name in life due to his writings.
  • also position of sun could make a lot of difference in knowing the kid of father one may have.
    For example, sun in Aries may mean a highly action oriented and aggressive father in many cases.
  • In Taurus it may mean father is sensitive enough. similarly, in other signs like Scorpio it may mean the father has gone through a lot of struggle in life. sun in Sagittarius may suggest father is learned. etc.
  • It also then in later section talks about the horoscope or Kundli of sri Rahul Gandhi ji and his Father , who was incidentally our India’s former prime minister Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji in detail.
  • father horoscope kundli son father horoscope kundli son horoscope
    Key Houses and Planets for Father
    9th House:

  • In Vedic astrology, the analysis of a father’s traits, relationship with the native, and overall life circumstances is primarily assessed through specific houses, planets, and their interactions in the horoscope:
  • This is the primary house representing the father.
  • It signifies the father’s influence, his beliefs, values, wisdom, and fortune.
  • The condition of this house, its lord, and any planets placed here provide insights into the native’s relationship with their father, his personality, and his overall impact on the native’s life.
  • Sun:

  • The Sun is the significator (karaka) of the father.
  • Its placement in the chart, aspects, conjunctions, and dignity (i.
  • e.
  • , exaltation, debilitation, or own sign) are crucial in determining the father’s role, health, authority, and relationship dynamics.
  • A strong Sun typically indicates a father who is authoritative, influential, and plays a significant role in shaping the native’s identity.
  • 4th House: Although primarily the house of the mother, the 4th house can also provide information about the father, especially concerning the home environment and emotional stability provided by the father.

  • 10th House:

  • The house of career and public life, which can indirectly give information about the father’s social status, career, and how he is perceived in society.
  • Analyzing Father’s Details
    1.Condition of the 9th House

  • A well-placed 9th house indicates a supportive, wise, and possibly spiritually inclined father.
  • The father may play a significant role in the native’s philosophical outlook and values.
  • If the 9th house is afflicted (by malefic aspects or difficult planetary placements), there might be challenges in the relationship, such as differences in belief systems, less support, or even absence due to various reasons.
  • 2. 9th House Lord

  • The placement of the 9th house lord in various houses provides specific insights.
  • For example, if the 9th lord is in the 1st house, it may indicate a close and influential relationship, where the father’s values directly shape the native’s personality.
  • If the 9th lord is in the 12th house, it could indicate separation, either physically or emotionally, due to the father’s foreign travels, spiritual pursuits, or other factors.
  • 3. Sun’s Placement and Strength

  • A strong Sun (exalted in Aries, or in own sign Leo) suggests a father who is confident, strong-willed, and authoritative.
  • This can indicate a good sense of self-respect and personal authority inherited from the father.
  • A weak or afflicted Sun (debilitated in Libra, or conjunct malefic like Saturn or Rahu) may point to a father with health issues, or a strained relationship with the native, possibly due to ego clashes or differences in opinion.
  • 4.Other Influences

  • Aspects from benefic planets like Jupiter (which brings wisdom and guidance) or Venus (which indicates a loving and harmonious relationship) to the 9th house, 9th lord, or Sun can enhance the positive attributes and relationship with the father.
  • Malefic aspects from planets like Saturn (indicating strictness, discipline, or distance), Rahu (indicating unconventional or disruptive influences), or Mars (potential for conflict or aggression) can challenge the relationship, requiring more effort to harmonize.
  • Practical Interpretation Example
    Sun in the 10th House: The father might be a prominent figure in society, possibly involved in a profession with high visibility or public dealings.

  • The native may inherit leadership qualities or a desire for authority from the father.
  • 9th Lord in the 6th House:

  • This placement might indicate that the father faces challenges, health issues, or legal matters.
  • The native could experience a sense of duty or responsibility toward the father, possibly needing to help or serve him in some capacity.
  • Sun Conjunct Saturn:

  • The father may have a strict, disciplined nature.
  • This conjunction could indicate a serious, responsible father figure, but it may also suggest a somewhat distant or reserved relationship.
  • The native might feel pressure to live up to high standards set by the father.
  • Each horoscope is unique, and the interpretation of these factors should consider the overall chart context, including aspects, conjunctions, and the dasha (planetary periods) operating in the native’s life.

  • father kundli horoscope
    How to Get Details of Father- Based on Horoscope Or Birth Chart- by Vedic astrology or Jyotish?

  • There are a lot of details about the father of any individual that could be derived from the horoscope .As your horoscope is blue print of your entire environment.
  • That includes your father. The below combinations of Yoga’s describe the same. Various Yoga’s or Combinations of planets related to father.
  • What combinations indicate that Father would not be from a Rich Background ?If the lord of the ninth house is weak or debilitated and the second house ( Dhana bhava) or fourth house is occupied by Mars( Mangal)- the prosperity of the father is questionable.
  • when is there a Long life of father ?The person’s father would live long of the lord of ninth( father’s house) is exalted and also the planet Venus is in an angle(4/7/10) and the planet Jupiter the karaka for father is in 9th house of D9(ninth divisional Chart) or Navamsha.
  • When is prosperity of father that knows no bounds possible? If the lord of the ninth house or dharma house is in an angular house(4/7/10) and gets aspect from planet Jupiter( Guru)- the persons father could be very rich and could have cars, palatial buildings etc.
  • what makes father rich and famous?If the lord of ninth house is in tenth house or karma bhava and also the tenth house receives drishti or aspects from a benefic – the person’s father could be rich and famous. As 10th house in second house of father- that is dhana bhava of father.
  • What could make your father close to his Boss : ) ?If the karaka for father sun is exalted and the lord of 9th house in is in eleventh house( labha bhava)- the person’s father could be very close to his boss and have virtues.
  • What combinations could make you very devoted to your father? If the planet sun is in a trine house( 5/9/1) and the lord of ninth house is in the seventh house or is getting an aspects from Jupiter(Guru)- the person could be devoted to father.
  • What planets in the horoscope could make father ill tempered?If the lord of the ascendant or lagan is in ninth house, along with lord of sixth house(ari bhava)- there could be enmity between father and son. Also, the person’s father might not have a good or friendly nature.
  • What interesting things are revealed based on Rahul Gandhi(son) jl’s d1 or Lagna Horoscope for his Father Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji ?
    Rahul Gandhi father Rajiv Gandhi Rahul Gandhi father Rajiv Gandhi India prime minister

  • Now let us see what does Rahul Gandhi horoscope say about his Father Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji’s destiny and nature?
  • Rahul Gandhi father Rajiv Gandhi

  • Now Virgo or Kanya Rashi is ruling the 9th house of Rahul Gandhi ji and it is basically sitting in the fifth house (9th from the lagna of Rajiv Gandhi ji or the Virgo sign) .
  • this gives a blessed father to Rahul Gandhi ji with greater past life Karma .yes Rajiv Gandhi ji was the father of Rahul Gandhi ji became Prime Minister after respected mother smt. Indira Gandhi ji got assassinated.
  • so Rajiv Gandhi ji based on his past life Karma got sudden gain in dignity and was very intelligent.
  • It also suggests that he or Rajiv Gandhi Ji would be following the ethics or dharma well. also note Mercury or Budha The Lord of Virgo(kanya rashi) is sitting in the Taurus sign(vrishabha rashi) which is a friendly sign the which gives great strength to the father of Rahul Gandhi ji .
  • that is Rajiv Gandhi ji and suggest that he would have a good and tenacious nature and we know . also, we note that Virgo rules wind/vata and essentially are connected to Mercury the lord.
  • Now Rajiv Gandhi ji was dealing with wind and flying planes : ), yes he was a Pilot. The sign Taurus gives Rajiv Gandhi ji Good tenacity to solve national problems.
  • What interesting things are revealed based on Rahul Gandhi(son) jl’s d9 or Navamsha Horoscope for his Father Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji ?
    Rahul Gandhi father Rajiv Gandhi

  • Now based on analysis of d9 or Navamsha horoscope of Rahul Gandhi ji-based o. The sign Sagittarius or dhanu rashi is ruling the 9th house a. This in turn is ruled by Jupiter or Guru.
  • which very clearly indicates that Rahul Gandhi ji would have a highly respected and prestigious father.
  • also being the 6th sign and sitting in the Taurus sign ruled by Venus gives his father good looks and also great dignity .
  • Note that Jupiter or Guru The Lord of the 9th house of father sits in the 11th house of Rahul Gandhi Ji Which very clearly indicates that his father’s influence would help Rahul Gandhi ji make friends in politics have gains from politics. so, all this is 100% true!
  • Venus the lord of Taurus which is the dispositor of Jupiter is sitting in the 10th House from the lagan Lord of Rajiv Gandhi ji .
  • That is it is fairly well placed in a friendly sign of Virgo ( kanya rashi)so that gives his father Sri Rajiv Gandhi Ji good looks and good Intelligence and basic homely nature.
  • all this is double confirmed by the d9 chart as well.
  • Libra or the Tula Rashi which is the dispositor of Jupiter gives the Rajiv Gandhi ji the father of Rahul Gandhi ji.
  • Good balancing ability and judging ability and respect and harmony with his mother smt. Indira Gandhi Ji and his Homeland India.
  • now Jupiter the lagna Lord of Rajiv Gandhi ji is also
    ruling the 4th house that is Pisces sign for Rahul Gandhi ji’s father Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
  • so that very clearly indicates that image of Rajiv Gandhi ji with grow a lot because from the 4th house lord of public image is sitting in the 11th house .
  • so great gains of health status and landed properties is there for Rajiv Gandhi ji the father of Rahul Gandhi ji.
  • Yes Sri Rajiv Gandhi he was the son of illustrious Indian Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi ji .
    We wish their souls rest in peace.

  • Robert Vadra – Husband of Priyanka Gandhi, present crisis- 2016 Horoscope Predictions & Forecast



    Robert vadra is the husband of priyanka Gandhi, daughter of late sri rajiv Gandhi ji- former prime minister of India. He is son in law of smt. Sonia Gandhi ji. He is a businessman by profession. He is in the news media because of his controversial land related dealing in DLF group and also tax matters.

    Name: Robern vadra

    Date of Birth: 18 April 1969 (age 47)

    Time of Birth: Not known to us

    Place of Birth: Moradabad


    Natal Chart /Natal Horoscope(kundli) Analysis and Forecast for Robert vadra :

    Lets first look at his house of marriage. He has venues ruling lord of 7th, venues sits in 12th,is retro gate and with rahu.

    Now venues are strong in Pisces- but being retro gate and with Rahu, plus in 12th gives some negative issues.

    • As venues is strong- ruling beauty and comforts, he got a beautiful, from a good family and accomplished person like  priyanka Gandhi as a wife. But venus being retrogate and with Rahu( rahu deals with Politics) and venues being in 12th house of stress- means there could be a baggage of problems as well he could inherit due to the marriage.
    • His mars is in Scorpio- the sign of mars- mars rules muscles and action. Mr vadra is fond of gymnasium and sports and building muscles.
    • Now land is ruled by Saturn, this planet is in Aries- so debilitated for Robert vadra. Plus mars plays a role as mars in 8th sign and 8th Scorpio- brings our digs out matters- we know how his DLF matter came to public glare. So over all land deals could be hard for him at times due to weak Saturn, this could affect his public and family life as moon the lord of 4th sits close to Saturn.

    2016 horoscope forecast for Robert vadra based on his Kundli

    • There is a malefic conjunction of mars and Saturn in 8th house  in transit in Scorpio sign or rashi. This shares energy with moon in his ascendant. Causing issues in his public image as moon rules the house of public image 4th.
    • Mars deals with the government, and venues the lord of wealth flows gets energy from malefic mars-Saturn conjunction now in transit. This explains why income tax( a government agency(mars) & dealing with wealth(2nd house) , has had an impact on him now.
    • This year 2016 could be hard for him, but at the same time his mars is strong( he is born on 18=1+8=mars and in April= Aries sign), so he will come out with his very high energy levels now. He should avoid strife now.
    • Ding more gymnasium or sports would help to channelize his excess mars energy now, May 2016 could be demanding for him emotionally , July 2016 could be stressful and September 2016  hard for him.
    • We  wish him all the best


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