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The article below discussed various Yoga’s or planetary combinations that suggest Longevity or deerghayu or alpayu(less life span) to father based on Vedic astrology.
Assessing a father’s longevity through a child’s horoscope in Vedic astrology involves examining several key factors.
Various other factors include the 9th house (which represents the father), the Sun (the natural significator of the father), the 10th house from the Ascendant and the Sun, planetary periods (Dasha), and transits.
Study of various Yoga’s for Longevity access of father from child’s Horoscope & also find out the crucial years of life for father.
Each of these elements provides insights into the father’s health, well-being, and longevity.
It then discusses a real example of Rahul Gandhi Ji’s fathers( late Sri Rajiv Gandhi Ji’s) Longevity or life span. sri Rajiv Gandhi ji left for heavenly abode in madhyayu- so that is being analyzed.
What is Longevity Of Father- Based On your Horoscope Or Birth Chart- Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish
We all want our near and dear ones live long. Vedic Astrology or Jyotish provides a powerful method to determine the probable longevity of our near and dear ones.
It works on the basic principle that the 9th house of father is taken as the first house of father and all the rest matters of father worked out in accordance.

What are the various factors considered to know the longevity of father from the child’s Horoscope ?
The role of The 9th House and Its Lord in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity
The 9th house is traditionally associated with the father in a child’s horoscope, representing his well-being, prosperity, and longevity.
The condition of the 9th house, its lord, and any aspects or conjunctions with other planets are critical in assessing the father’s health and longevity.
A strong, well-placed 9th house lord, preferably in a Trikona (5th or 9th house) or Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house), and aspected by benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus, typically indicates a long, healthy life for the father.
Conversely, if the 9th house lord is weak, afflicted by malefic planets (like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu), or positioned in a Dusthana (6th, 8th, or 12th house), it can suggest potential health challenges or a shorter lifespan for the father.
For instance, if the 9th house lord is in a strong position, such as being exalted or in its own sign, it boosts the father’s longevity.
Additionally, benefic aspects or conjunctions with planets like Jupiter can further enhance positive outcomes, ensuring stability and protection for the father.
However, malefic aspects, especially from Saturn or Mars, can introduce difficulties, health concerns, or unexpected events impacting the father’s life.
2. The Sun’s Placement and Condition in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity
The Sun represents the father in Vedic astrology, and its placement and condition are crucial in determining his health and longevity.
A strong Sun, placed in a favorable house (such as the 1st, 9th, or 10th house) and in its exaltation sign (Aries) or own sign (Leo), suggests vitality, good health, and a long life for the father.
Benefic aspects from planets like Jupiter or Venus further enhance these positive indications, offering protection and strength.
On the other hand, a debilitated Sun (in Libra), or a Sun placed in challenging houses like the 6th, 8th, or 12th, can indicate health issues or struggles for the father.
Malefic aspects or conjunctions with planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu can exacerbate these challenges, suggesting periods of hardship or potential health crises.
The condition of the Sun is a vital indicator and must be assessed alongside other factors for a comprehensive understanding of the father’s longevity.
3.The 10th House and Its Lord in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity
The 10th house, while primarily associated with career and social status, also has a secondary role related to the father, especially in terms of his achievements and overall standing in life.
The strength and position of the 10th house and its lord can give additional insights into the father’s longevity.
A well-placed 10th house lord, aspecting or being aspected by benefic planets, generally indicates a prosperous and stable life for the father, indirectly contributing to his longevity.
If the 10th house is afflicted, or if the 10th house lord is weak or positioned in challenging houses, it can suggest professional or social challenges that may impact the father’s well-being.
Malefic influences on the 10th house or its lord could indicate stress or health issues related to career or public standing, potentially affecting the father’s overall health and longevity.
4. Dasha (Planetary Periods) and Transits in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity
Planetary periods (Dashas) and transits play a significant role in influencing events related to the father’s longevity.
The periods of the 9th house lord, the Sun, or malefic planets aspecting these areas can bring specific events or challenges.
For example, during the Dasha of a malefic planet that is negatively influencing the 9th house, the father may face health issues or challenges that affect his longevity.
Transits, especially of major planets like Saturn, Rahu, and Jupiter, over the 9th house, its lord, or the Sun, are also significant.
A transit of Saturn over the Sun or 9th house could indicate a period of hardship or health concerns for the father.
Benefic transits, such as Jupiter’s, may offer relief, protection, and positive outcomes, enhancing the father’s health and longevity during that period.
5. The Nakshatras and Other Astrological Factors in child Horoscope and impact on father’s Longevity
Nakshatras (lunar mansions) play a vital role in assessing the father’s longevity.
The Nakshatra in which the 9th house lord or the Sun is placed can provide additional clues.
Benefic Nakshatras (like Pushya or Hasta) can indicate good health and longevity for the father, while malefic Nakshatras (like Moola or Ardra) may suggest challenges or health issues.
Other factors such as the presence of Pitra Dosha, or specific Yoga’s involving the 9th house and its lord, can also impact the father’s longevity.
For example, a combination of malefic planets in the 9th house can indicate ancestral issues or karmic debts affecting the father’s life.
Remedies, such as strengthening the 9th house, performing rituals to appease the Sun, or other Vedic remedies, can help mitigate negative influences and promote the father’s health and longevity.

Below given are both good and bad combinations or Yoga’s for Longevity of father.
what Planetary could mean severe health Troubles to father? There could be severe health trouble to father in the 2nd, or the 12th year, if Lagna’s Lord is in eighth house lord, as eighth house Lord is with sun .
What combinations could make father short lived? If the karaka of father sun is in eighth house or sixth or twelfth house and also the lord of eighth house is in ninth house. The lord of twelfth is in first house and also the lord of sixth is in 5th house. The person’s father could be short lived.
what planetary combinations could make a child balarisht or less longevity for child.? If the planet sun the karaka of father is in eight house or Randhr bhava and the lord of eight houses is in ninth house- there is a threat to longevity of the child in first year itself.
what factor could cause issues in longevity to the father? If the lord of eight houses is with sun, the karaka of father and the lord of ascendant is in eight houses the years 2 and 12th are crucial for the person’s father.
When is the 18th year important for a person or a child? If planet rahu is in eight house from ninth house(That is longevity house of father) and planet sun is in 9th house from ninth lord or dharma lord. The 16th and 18th year is important for the person.
What makes 7th and 19th year important for a child? If the planet Saturn or shani is ninth from moon and the planet sun or surya is with rahu, the 19th and 7th year of the person are crucial. This is the time for Jupiter peaking up.
Why is there some risk to father in 35th and 41st year in some cases? If the lord of ninth is in 12th house of vyaya and the lord of twelfth house is in ninth house . The lord of ascendant is in eighth house. Also the planet moon or Chandra is in Navamsa of sun. The 35th and 41st year of person’s father are critical.
Can the 50th year of the father be crucial? Just know when and why If the karaka of father sun(surya) is also the lord of ninth house or dharma( father’s house) and is in conjunction with malefic planets mars and Saturn- 50th year is crucial for the father.
What karmas of the child can cause trouble to the father’s longevity? If the planet sun(surya) is 7th from the ninth house(dharma bhava) and planet rahu is seventh from third house or sahaja bhava , the 6th and 25th year of the person could be troublesome for father.
How can child’s Saturn cause issues to father’s health? If the planet Saturn (shani) , is 7th from the longevity house (8th house, bad health house of father) and planet sun is 7th from Saturn the age of 21/26 or 30 is not good for the father’s health.
In what conditions could father’s health be at risk at 26th or 30 years of age? If the lord of ninth house is in debility ( in a rashi or sign that debilitates it) and the dispositor of the sign or rashi is in ninth house- there is possible trouble to father in 26/30 years of age.

what is the longevity of Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, the father of Rahul Gandhi predicted in Sri Rahul Ji’s Horoscope?
Our earlier honorable prime minister Rajiv Gandhi ji who is also the father of Sri Rahul Gandhi ji left for the heavenly abode at a relatively young age in 21 May 1991 at the age of around 47 .
what does the apparent lagna of Rajiv Gandhi ji say based on Rahul Gandhi Ji’s Horoscope?
so we will check Sri Rahul Gandhi ji(the son) is horoscope to see what is the longevity of father(Rajiv Gandhi ji) based on planets and combination. so first looking at the longevity of father we have to look at the strength of the 9th house of Rahul Gandhi ji 9th house is ruled by Virgo(kanya Rashi) and is ruled by mercury or budha.
The lord of Virgo that is same as lord of Rajiv Gandhi ji mercury is in the 5th house or trikona house . The planet mercury is at 14 degree 26 minutes on the Taurus sign as the dispositer. so Mercury or budha strong apparently .
as r Mercury is sitting on Venus(shukra) or Taurus sign(vrishabha Rashi). let us check strength of Venus/ Venus is in Cancer sign and is it Kendra it is strong .so this very clearly suggest that Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji father of Rahul Gandhi ji would be having a good strong physical body and be handsome due to Venus. mercury is there so that will make him( Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji)be intelligent which is very true .
what does the apparent longevity of Rajiv Gandhi ji say based on Rahul Gandhi Ji’s Horoscope?
next we check longevity Lord of Gandhiji for his father Rajiv Gandhi ji. It is the 8th house form lagna bhava that is Virgo sign for Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji. This is the fourth house where we have a very malefic Saturn or shani dev sitting. It is debilitated in the Aries sign (Mesha Rashi)so this very clearly suggest the longevity of the father of Rahul Gandhi ji that is Rajiv Gandhi ji would be affected by unexpected events . because 8th bhava or house rules unexpected events . The planet Mars which rules the longevity of the father is in the Gemini sign . Mars or Mangal is combust there along with sun. so combustion makes it very weak and agitated.
mars(Mangal) sits in the 10th House of Rajiv Gandhi ji. that’s when we look at the horoscope from the Virgo lord ship or kanya Rashi. sun or surya sitting Close To Mars is Lord of bad health house(12th house) and also misfortune . so basically misfortune to the longevity of Rajiv Gandhi ji is there. Mars ruling the eighth house also rules the 3rd house from Lagna of Rajiv Gandhi Ji. we know third house is a secondary markesh .as secondary markesh is weak. it creates lot of issues , it also impacts Venus the dispositer for the lagan of Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
Note Saturn or Shani Dev rules 5/6 bhava of Rajiv Gandhi ji .it is very weak and Saturn ruling Aquarius and carries a Rahu energy. so as Saturn sits in the 4th bhava of Rahul Gandhi ji but 8th bhava or longevity of Rajiv Gandhi ji, the longevity is badly impacted. Rahu deals with the terrorist and low order people. so this very clearly suggests that Gandhi ji’s longevity could be affected because of Saturn & rahu.
ruling terrorist and other kind of people.
What does the apparent dasha of Rajiv Gandhi ji say based on Rahul Gandhi Ji’s Horoscope?
now when we look at of Rahul Gandhi ji’s dashas in may 1991, the time when Rajiv Gandhi ji left for the heavenly Abode by the terror attack. and sun sub period is running son is Lord of 12th for Rajiv Gandhi ji’ horoscope. so based on Rahul Gandhi ji”s chart or horoscope . sun also the karaka for father for Rahul Gandhi ji is having Ketu energy so it also gets the Rahu energy as well 12th house energy. it has very negative energy of stress and losses go to the Mars as sun is conjunct with mars. Mars is the lord of longevity so causes the unfortunate blast with Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
note rahu + mars + ketu and yes Saturn also causes the unfortunate event for Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, but clearly indicated in Sri Rahul Gandhi ji’s horoscope.