About this article ?
This article on Ashwini Nakshatra at depth covers the overall traits of this Nakshatra.
What kind of career or Job or relationships success they could have.
what are their lucky dates and colours.
also what are the negative or positive aspects of this Nakshatra of Ashwini.
It also talks about this year predictions for Ashwini Nakshatra people. 🙂

Ashwini Nakshatra Lies in the Aries Sign or Mesha rashi and in the range between (0-00′ – 13-20′ Aries):
This Nakshatra or star lies in the Aries sign or Mesha rashi division. Giving the people in this Nakshatra or Ashwini great initiative and will power.
they are action oriented and can solve or remove any obstacles.
Ashwini Nakshatra also gives good gains in career if any planet in dasha or transit is there. so does it give better political and other mileage.
Much more details for Nakshatra given below.:)

Something very Interesting about Ashwini Nakshatra People?
Ashwini Nakshatra people have the effects of the first sign of the zodiac that is Aries or Mesha rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope and the ruler ship of ketu(dragon’s Tail).
That makes you action oriented and positive. You are savvy with a splendid personality.
There is a childlike nature in the Ashwini Nakshatra people.
They have the capability to handle the wild horse – he or she could work for liberation.
Mars or Mangal gives an appealing nature to Ashwini Nakshatra People , with a wonderful appearance your cheerful disposition and offers ability to connect to wants to others.
Their positive attitude would give faith and hope to others.
As planet sun is exalted here so just like the positive sun qualities Ashwini Nakshatra people may look for honour, respect, and prestige.
It is a small or laghu and a light nakshatra.
The basic motivation for Ashwini Nakshatra people is dharma and righteous deed and actions.

What does Mythology say about Ashwini Nakshatra ?
As per mythology it seems the house maid chhaya fell in love with sun and the wife Sanjana ran away like a mare or galloped away.
sun or Surya dev is said have transformed itself into a horse and galloped after her .
so this kind of horse energy is existing here in Ashwini Nakshatra people.
Ashwini is visualized as divine and healing doctors. They are for healing and rejuvenation.
They help in child being born and also helps in marinating the youthfulness of the body.
They represent the prana or life force.
Medicines work like miracles in this nakshatra.

What is the role of planet Mars or Mangal and also spirituality of theirs?
Mars or Mangal is ruled by number 9(3 x3), this could give them optimism and interest in music and expressive arts.
Ketu(Dragon’s Tail) being a spiritual planet could make Ashwini Nakshatra people inclined towards GOD.
They may have good love and passionate connection to your family. Your marriage typically happens between 26-30 years of age.
Ashwini Nakshatra people’s life till 30th year of life could be with some obstacles-after this achievement is there.

Ashwini Nakshatra
what is the astrological signature of the Ashwini nakshatra people ?
Their moon(Chandra) or lagna(ascendant) is in Ashwini nakshatra or constellation in your horoscope or kundali(birth Chart).
This is the first nakshatra of the zodiac and is in the Aries sign ruled by mars and lordship of nakshatra is of ketu(dragon’s tail).
so over all due to ketu(dragon’s tail) that functions partly like mars gives an aggressive, action oriented and fierce work or activity nature to the person.
It also gives dynamism or moving nature to Ashwini Nakshatra people.
The symbol of the nakshatra is horses head, the 3 stars of ram constellation are a part of the same.
It gives the power and overall stamina of horse and yes a headstrong or a stubborn nature too to the Ashwini Nakshatra people.
Deva or close to GOD
Horse’s head
basic motivation in life
Shiva and Ashwini Kumar
Lucky letters: chuu chee cho la
Colour: red
Lucky Numbers 3 and 8

what is the Negative side of Ashwini nakshatra?
On the down side Ashwini people may be impulsive due to high mars energy or also aggressive and stubborn to accept things.
There could be less discrimination due to impulsiveness of mars or Mangal dev and yes ketu energy here. One may be sensitive to criticism and also restless at times.

what happens if your lord of seventh house or marriage ?
If mars are well placed and so is ketu in a friendly sign one could have position qualities of the nakshatra of Ashwini.
That is a passionate sex and love life . the like partner could be very active and action oriented.

what happens if your lord of tenth house or career ?
A strong mars(mangal) and ketu(dragon’s tail) could give an action-oriented personality.
One who is engaged in action and creating respect and honour for self.
Ashwini Nakshatra people could reach the dizzy heights in any career .

What are Ashwini Nakshatra CAREER Choices?
As mars rules this sign of Aries so people may do well in police, army and also air force, naval; services.
It is a great nakshatra for Ayurvedacharyas(people who deal with ayurvedic medicine) or physicians and doctors.
good for healing people and also for lawyers or judges to do with courts etc.
people into management and action and also sales could do well. even people do with horses , racing and horse training would do well.

Ashwini nakshatra this year predictions for you?
Life for the property dealers could be hard and eventful this year in 2018.
People may face sudden issues especially in month of July or face conflicts at office front and may get just average salary hike. conflicts due to speech may come in
Students would need to stay focussed and not waste energies here and there.
They need to cover the risks for success and self-employed would also have to buckle up with more planning and deliveries.
The students prepared for surprises especially in June and September months.
For love matters it could be a make and break time if tongue is not controlled :).
but sweet and controlled speech could bring out great results.
also, it may not be a great time to get married as such. 2019 would provide better opportunities.
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