About this article?
The article below discusses at length about the property and extradition to India aspects of the Liquor king and Kingfisher airlines head Vijay Mallya based on interesting science of Vedic astrology.;)
It interestingly analyzes what could happen to wealth, health, family of the business tycoon Vijay mallya in the coming few years.
Birth details Vijay Mallya Horoscope or Kundli:
Name: Vijay Mallya
Date of Birth: Sunday, December 18, 1955
Time of Birth: 11:30:00
Place of Birth: Bantwal
Longitude: 75 E 0
Latitude: 12 N 54
Time Zone: 5.5

what does the natal horoscope say about vijay mallya’s properties? who could he build mansions?

what is the impact on Vijay mallya ,Based on Surya Lagna impact in regard to Property matters?
which planets in Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli give him big properties? Based on Vijay mallya’s surya kundli or horoscope, the property lord is Jupiter, this planet again ins benefic and expansive planet so gives great properties of and expanding property in the start at least. Jupiter or guru losses strength after 60 years in life.
is the past life incarnation of Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli responsible for his phenomenal success in this life time?Jupiter the lord of the fourth house of properties is placed in the most benefic houses of ninth bhava or house. This makes it great and suggests great success due to past life karma and great and big home or house.
what is the role of 9th house or bhava for Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli in his fabulous life? Also Jupiter in vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli ,is swagrahi that is own house in the ninth house, giving him great property and yes this included his business property. His property is said to be worth atleast thousands of crore.

What is the impact for vijay mallya Based on Chandra Lagna Property matters?
what could cause Vijay Mallya to be aggressive in his approach in life?In the vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli ,from the moon sign or Chandra lagna the lord of the fourth house or bhava is mars, the planet of aggression and is sitting in the tenth house of action.

what made Vijay Mallya indulgent with females or girls?Also note that in vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli 10th house is same as tenth sign or Capricorn of zodiac so mars is sort of exalted here. so this means he would live in passionate settings. we know he enjoyed his life with young females in creating advertisement for his kingfisher drinks.

what roles does mars or Mangal play for Vijay Mallya’s sex and passion in hi Horoscope or Kundli ? In vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli , Mars or Mangal is sitting on Libra creating a great deal of sex and passion ain his action s and his family life. he is married thrice now one has to note.
does the horoscope or Kundli of Vijay indicate that he may lose all his earned property?> For the vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli ,Saturn the karaka of property is with rahu in the twelfth bhava of Vyaya or expenditure, this combination made him lose the property he earned. One can clearly see based on Vedic astrology.
what are the indications of gains and loss of property for Vijay mallya? o there are indications of gain and loss of property for the horoscope of vijay mallya.
what roles does 11th house of Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli for his gains?But from surya lagna in vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli , Saturn or shani dev is in eleventh bhava with rahu, so this combination also give him exceptional gains as eleventh is a house of gains- this gains could be in the form of properties. As eleventh house is house of gains and also gains from friends & well wishers.
what does the transit horoscope of Vijay mallya say about property matters and court cases?

What is the impact of Saturn transit for vijay mallya Based on Surya Lagna Property matters?
Is Vijay Mallya facing sadhe sati of Saturn or shani causing problems?If we look at his solar horoscope in the lagan or ascendant Vijay mallya has Saturn transiting. this is the middle of the sadhe sati cycle for Vijay mallya.
could Saturn or shani dev being vakri or retrograde cause more problems for Vijay Mallya?in vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli ,Saturn rules his wealth and status and yes business and initiatives the third and second houses. As Saturn is retrograde till September mind almost his severity in problems would continue, despite Jupiter the lagan lord being direct for him.
what is the role of transit retrograde Saturn or shani for Vijay Mallya?The transit Saturn( shani) aspects the seventh house of relationships and job/business for Vijay mallya also is transiting the lagna in retrogression so over all as it is the middle of Vijay mallya’s sadhe sati it could create hell for him.
would Vijay Mallya be fighting a court case based on Horoscope or Kundli ?That we can see that he is a fighting a court case for extradition and yes his properties to be confiscated,
what role does Saturn or shani and third house of Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli play in the extradition and his property related matters? The third aspects of Saturn in the transit directly impacted his business and yes his wealth and status and also properties for sure.
would there be a decline in image for Vijay Mallya based on his Horoscope or Kundli ? in vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli ,The tenth aspect is on mercury which impacts sun and Venus. Venus is a natural ruler for properties home and comfort for any one. Also impact of sun impacts his image and yes wealth flows an health.
does the Saturn and sun interaction for Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli indicate loss of wealth and image for hi? One has to note that Jupiter or guru is sitting on the Leo sign ruled by sun, so when Saturn sends malefic rays to sun, naturally Jupiter the lord of property for Vijay mallya’s is seriously impacted. so loss of image and wealth/property is clearly indicated.

What is the impact of Saturn transit Based on Chandra Lagna Property matters?
Could Saturn or shani transit make Vijay Mallya’s travel aimlessly? in vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli ,As from Chandra lagan , the transit is in the twelfth house or bhava. This transit of Saturn in the twelfth house from moon or rashi is not auspicious for Vijay mallya. This could cause you travel aimlessly or atleast cause worry., expenditure could be on the higher side for you.
Does the retrograde motion of Saturn or shani dev impact past life karma for Vijay Mallya based on his Horoscope or Kundli ?Or cause him face legal issues or matters in life? As there is a malefic aspect of Saturn in the second house of wealth an status for him, also sixth bhava or house of legal matters and litigation, and also his ninth bhava of good luck and past life good karma. All gets blocked for him that is Vijay mallya in this transit of Saturn especially when Saturn is retrograde in motion till September .

why is Vijay mallya facing extradition case based on his horoscope?
is extradition of Vijay Mallya from London or UK possible based on his Horoscope or Kundli ? Extradition is a case when someone absconding from the country is brought back to by force or by use of law of the lands to do the same. In this case Vijay mallya is in London and he is to be brought back to India by Indian authorities by use of legal system of UK and also India and the Interpol if the need be there

What is the impact on extradition of vijay mallya Based on Surya Lagna ?
Does the Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest towards a successful extradition? As based on vijay mallya’s natal chart his lord of the fourth bhava Jupiter is in the ninth bhava, so he is more bound to live and stay in India. This hints towards a successful extradition.
What is the role of devguru Jupiter or Guru for Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli ? As the ninth bhava also is ruled by Jupiter or Guru, India the store house of spiritual knowledge is ruled by the ninth house and yes Jupiter. this applies to some of the south American countries like Mexico etc.So a strong fourth bhava suggests extradition to the home country or oen staying in home country most of the time.
what role does rahu (dragon’s head) play for Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli in the extradition process? For the vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli ,yes as rahu and Saturn is in the twelfth bhava or house of mars the house of foreign lands he would not at all be comfortable in foreign lands and is more prone to extradition.
could Saturn and rahu for Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli cause him confinement or jail? Infact he could face confinement in foreign lands due to rahu and Saturn and then later extradition back to India.
what is the role of United Kingdom and India treaty in extradition Vijay Mallya?so there is a high chance he would come back to India as per the extradition treaty between India and UK(united kingdom).

What is the impact on extradition of vijay mallya Based on Chandra Lagna’s?
what factors in Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest that he would be more action oriented in terms of business matters? From Chandra lagna also the lord of the fourth house is in the tenth house of action, this suggest Vijay mallya would be more action oriented or more staying with his business.
does Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope suggest that he may stay away in foreign lands away from India? Venus the karaka for home and family is the lord of tenth house or bhava form Chandra lagna and is placed in vijay mallya’s twelfth house. So this suggest he may have some stay in foreign lands, this is very clear based on the current situation that his present karma bhumi is outside of India In UK(united kingdom). But again the Damocles sword of extradition would always be there for vijay mallya.

when could the extradition for Vijay Mallya actually happen?
what does Vijay Mallya’s surya or sun Horoscope or Kundli say? Based on vijay mallya’s surya lagna horoscope or kundli. As after October nov 2018
Does Vijay Mallya’s solar or sun Horoscope or Kundli suggest increased expenditure? He or vijay mallya may have to stay away from his kids & family . he also could have to face excess expenditure in travel.
Should health of Vijay Mallya be a concern ? There could be excess and useless expenditure for Him . His or vijay mallya’s trustworthy people may not support him now. He has to take proper care of health. he also needs to ensure that he follows ethics ; dharma for success. he has to avoid giving sermons instead you should follow the righteous path.
Does the moon Horoscope of Vijay Mallya’s suggest gains of properties and wealth? in vijay mallya’s horoscope or kundli ,Based on moon lagna he may have some gains in wealth and his properties some of it may be given back to him. also Saturn is markesh for him ruling the second bhava or house of the horoscope, so his health needs a great care.
Does Vijay Mallya’s Horoscope suggest strong issues in his family life? He could face court cases and a lot of arguments in this time. His personal and family life may have strong issues.
also rahu gets into Gemini his sixth house form moon and seventh house from surya lagna.
Are gains and help indicated from Vijay Mallya’s family and friends this time based on his Horoscope or Kundli ?also is Vijay mallya more prone to stress disorders now? There could also be gains from his or vijay mallya’s friends and other people. As rahu aspects your mind the first house, there could be increase in pitta and vata ( gas) in the body to create slight mental stress. Mind could be slightly stressed. so significant increase in family responsibilities and yes possibility of extradition for vijay mallya is there.
do the stars indicate comfort from foreign lands for Vijay Mallya? Infact by April 2019 Jupiter would get retrograde this is his twelfth lord, so would impact his stay in foreign lands and over all comfort.
has the year 2019 and onwards92020/21) a hard time in terms of health for Vijay Mallya? But yes by may and June 2019 stage would be set for him to get back to India. Infact June ending and July could be very hard for him. After august his health and strong family issues may come in, though he may get some discrete help form the state or the government

Yes, extradition for vijay mallya is possible in the coming year 2019 after April month when Jupiter and Saturn both get retrograde. There are indications that he may get helps form the government as well in 2019 after august that is interesting. That means some change in the power centres in Delhi.
Vijay mallya’s situation would be spoilt mostly after April 2019 as Jupiter and Saturn both get into retrograde motion.
appendix vijay mallya
News About Vijay mallya
It is said that Vijay Mallya who earlier lead the kingfisher airlines ,owes the government of India a huge amount of Rs. 9,990 crore, also the interest
The Enforcement Directorate of India has seized properties of vijay mallya and this is worth Rs. 13,500 crore .
Now with new law, any property seized from any fugitive( In this case Vijay mallya), the property of the offenders is gone for good. This comes under “Economic Offenders law”
Though vijay mallya is keen to come back has sent his feelers in past few months to test the waters it is said all his properties would be attached by the investigating agencies for vijay mallya.
if eventually the honourable court passes the verdict , the ownership of the seized properties will be then transferred to the state or the government of India, which can be later used as the money to compensate the victims.
Over all Vijay mallya owes 1000 crore to the government. The properties of vijay mallya seized by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) is worth around Rs. 13,500 crore.
Vijay mallya the great businessman of India of the recent past, is at the moment contesting his extradition case in London(U.K) filed by the Indian government on behalf of the CBI(central bureau of Investigation) and the ED.
The case for the extradition in the court would be heard next by the London court on September 12 2018.