About this article ?
The Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation people’s behavior (Both malke and females), Job, health, family Life, coming year,.
plus all padas or divisions of Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation are explained in detail.
What are their strong and weak points.
What could make Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation people successful in career or marital or love life and what not.
Get Lucky colors, dates and Yantra or Lucky Numbers for Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation peopel in FREE
Also the coming year predictions for Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation people is given at length

Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation (
It starts from Gemini 6-40 degrees To 20-00′ Dgerees Gemini):
What are Something Interesting Facts about Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation ?

Ardra people are friendly at heart .
The planet Mercury or budha energy could make them very quick witted π .
Gemini sign gives them a dual nature .

The deity for Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation is rudra , and it is the is the lord of death so unexpected hard problems in life are possible .
The deity or the symbol of rudra is for fierce activity life .
The Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation people are very intense in their activities in life .
There could also be great passion in Ardra people .

Ardra people have a strong urge to expand in life be it home or professional matters .
This nakshatra makes one bold and brash nature so care is needed.
These people do have the discipline to deliver and are naturally good at marketing .

On the positive front there is resourcefulness in Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation people .
They are able to solve challenges . Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation people have good connection with people .
Plus much better people skills than others . The do also loves change and newness in matters of life .

Mercury energy here makes the quick .
They are also good in calculation(mathematics generally) and accounts .
Yes are intelligent .Much smarter in understanding . but cannot focus easily at times. This may mean cannot deliver work at home or office at time lead to stress .
Yes they do have a restless nature .
This could make people near them somewhat uncomfortable and yes jumpy with them.

Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation people are prone to sexual addiction .
Also there could issues to morality and married life .
They may exhibit too much outgoing natures at times.
All this may not create peaceful vibes.
This needs to be checked .
Ardra people are nervousness prone and need to do Yoga. They also need to stay calm always.
The ardra Nakshatra or constellation meaning is the ability to work hard in a planned manner towards a goal.
as Rahu or dragon’s Head the ruling deity means planning and effort for the same.
It also represents the hidden desires of the person that need to be satisfied.
As Rahu or dragon’s Head connects to past life or previous life karma, so this nakshatra connects to our previous reincarnation karma.
so is rudra dev or a form of energy associated with lord shiva associated with this .
Rahu or dragon’s Head introduces and element of rashness and extremes in these people.
so are they highly caring and connected to home.
They might be highly ambitious and somehow achieve goals.
so over all ardra Nakshatra or constellation people they could be hypersensitive and emotional.
but sure ardra Nakshatra or constellation people are honest and compassionate as well.

ardra Nakshatra or constellation Female people
The females for ardra Nakshatra or constellation people are disciplined and well mannered, plus relaxed and caring- but also rash many times.
π The lady could be spending much due to Rahu or dragon’s Head effects.
ardra Nakshatra or constellation ladies could be quick to understand other persons thoughts and views.
But sure family lives of ardra Nakshatra or constellation females may have issues as affliction of Venus and mercury energies is there.

Mercury or budha is a planet of learning and rahu a planet of dis-satisfaction or eternal hunger .
so they could have hunger for learning and inquisitive personality You have hard marriage related karma and could have delays in marriage
They could be a fair enough communicator and speaker- due to effects of mercury or budha.

what is the astrological signature of the Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation ?
Their moon or Chandra Or lagna(ascendant) is in Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation or constellation in your horoscope or kundali(birth Chart).
This nakshatra is in the mercury or budha ruled sign of Gemini or mithuna rashi with ruler ship of rahu.
Their moon or Chandra or lagna(ascendant) is in Ardra nakshatra or group of stars in your horoscope or kundali(birth Chart).
Manushya or human nature
tear drop and also Human head
basic motivation in life
Kama or sex due to Leo and mercury energy.
Rajas and Tamas
Rudra and also lord of storms
Lucky letters: Koo Ghaa Jna Chaa
Colour: green
Lucky Numbers 5 and 4

what is the negative side of Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation ?
Rahu and mercury or budha combination could make a person thankless, deceptive and against society- which needs to be controlled.
So Ardra people need to control their rebel nature & also a desire of too much freedom loving .
They have the perseverance of rahu(dragon;s head) but with distractions .
These Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation people may indulge in excess fun which needs basic tabs .
Their overall focus may be too much impacted .
Male ardra Nakshatra or constellation people
Ardra means tear or a tear drop.
In people connections or meetings one may find them highly diplomatic and caring .
also somewhat friendly as well.
they could also be fun loving as such and could attract more attentions due to their sensitivity and care for others.
Rahu or dragon’s Head gives them good hunches about others :).
Generally family oriented, so would try to even out well with family and friends.

what happens if your lord of seventh house or marriage ?
The life partner could fun loving and restless or marriage may have too many changes and vicissitudes.
Rudra is lord of hardships so one needs to take care of married life if this nakshatra is afflicted.

What happens if your lord of tenth house or career ?
The Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation here could mean great success in career that has to do with communication as a teacher or may be sales or marketing.
They could be great statesmen or people who could manage or manipulate situations well.
yes they may have a hard career if this nakshatra is afflicted din any case.
job or career or ardra Nakshatra or constellation people ?
Rahu or dragon’s Head make the ardra Nakshatra or constellation people capable of high kind of energy and knowledge as well.
they also show a lot of care in office situations.
despite being emotional and sensitive they would still show a lot of care and respect for people.
The motivations of Rahu or dragon’s Head and mercury energy makes them go for several kinds of work at one time.
Rahu or dragon’s Head could make them settle in foreign lands
ardra Nakshatra or constellation females Job
They could get to do well with electronics engineering, computers or any abstract work like mathematics.
ardra Nakshatra or constellation ladies may also do well in poisons or pharmacy related work.

What are Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation CAREER Choices?
Mercury gives them good teaching skills and also writing skills. Rahu could make them do well in drugs and related products.
so doing with drugs, chemo therapy could be in their gambit.
Rahu(dragon’s head) and venus(shukra) combination could make them butchers or sellers of home food or even old, junk or canned food.
plus tamasic frozen food. They could do well as sportsmen or athletes.
Rudra means death so dealing with mortuaries or dead people or even in rare cases shamanism could be possible way of expressing self.
They could also become good mathematicians.

ardra Nakshatra or constellation people Family life
Rahu or dragon’s Head could create delays in marriage for ardra Nakshatra or constellation people as Venus though comfortable with Rahu or dragon’s Head is again affected by the same.
but if one marries earlier a lot of problems come to fore.
delayed marriage does help ardra Nakshatra or constellation people.
family Life of ardra Nakshatra or constellation females ?
The family life of ardra Nakshatra or constellation females may have many ups and downs.
so is the kids also affected due to various interactions of planet Rahu or dragon’s Head in their Horoscope.
Rahu or dragon’s Head can reduce the life force or prana of any counterpart.

ardra Nakshatra or constellation people health & wellness
Rahu or dragon’s Head creates mental problems to ardra Nakshatra or constellation people.
also incurable or un traceable health problems come to ardra Nakshatra or constellation people.
it could create teeth or dental problems and also heart or nerves problems.
so are the lungs or chest region problems he is prone to.
Females of ardra Nakshatra or constellation health
Once again Rahu or dragon’s Head creates sex organs related problems and problems to do with mind or mental disorders.
so is the chest region and blood or heart at risk.
Like ears, throat or nose or uterus, heart problems.

ardra Nakshatra or constellation Padas or divisions
ardra Nakshatra or constellation 1st Padas
IN the first pada of ardra Nakshatra or constellation the energy of Sagittarius d9 or navamsha is there.
so as ruler of Sagittarius or dhanu rashi is Jupiter or Guru, so desire to get deep into matters and study is also there.
but due to malefic influence the planets or garahs may take the person to physical existence more.
but still more cool and relaxed due to Jupiter.
ardra Nakshatra or constellation 2nd Padas
Here the Capricorn navamsha is there, which is ruled by Saturn or shani for ardra Nakshatra or constellation.
This created a strong desire for material success.
also it creates success and failures both.
There is a bandhan Yoga as well, so unexpected failures and problems they might face in life.
ardra Nakshatra or constellation 3rd Padas
The 3rd pada is rules by Aquarius navamsha or kumbha rashi.
Giving them great inspiration and innovative nature,
ardra Nakshatra or constellation people here may show great insights and sudden inflows of new thoughts and stress.
Both could be there.
ardra Nakshatra or constellation 4th Padas
This 4th pada for ardra Nakshatra or constellation people is ruled by Pisces Navamsha or meena rashi navamsha- ruled by Jupiter .
They can be highly travel prone and sensitive.
their compassion could be for learning astrology sciences.
They may also help the people of lower order or the lesser privileged class.
due to Rahu or dragon’s Head influence.
But over all peaceful nakshatra pada.

Ardra Nakshatra or Constellation predictions for you for this year
This year could be fair enough for property matters and land-related deals for you.
It could also mean gains in career and victory based on proper communication.
Yes, there may be surprises and a lot of work would also be there.
Students could do well in exams- yes the surprise element would be there so go with a planning. Self-employed would earn more and work harder.
Love matters could work fair and in marriage matters also communication is a must.
Yes, surprises or some delays could be there when Saturn or shani dev is retrograde in motion.