Sagittarius 2019 career horoscope 2019
coming 12 months for the Sagittarius people

Your SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes

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Sagittarius 2019 Horoscope

OVERVIEW of Coming 12 Months of 2019 for Sagittarius People
Your knowledge levels may increase and you may be passionate to win. children need some care.
But sure their health needs care.
Also we know Saturn is retrograde in the sign that is Sagittarius sign. This could cause some stress and high action period for Jupiter rules Sagittarius people .family need consideration till July 2019 till Jupiter gets direct in the sign of dhanu or Sagittarius sign. Sagittarius financial condition would improve when Saturn is direct after September 2019. There could be enhanced influx of creative ideas. you may do the necessary action for success .
Yoga is much suggested now.
Coming 12 months of 2019 starting from January ..February onwards

Your SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes

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2019 Capricorn Money Horoscope

2019 Capricorn money horoscope
Coming 12 months prediction for Capricorn sign or makar rashi people
January wealth predictions .that is in the month of January one has to be careful as unexpected situations may arise in terms of money matters. your expenditure may go more towards the family. so that has to be handled well. that is your outflows .

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Status Of The Team for the Quality = ?? in BAR CHARTS
2019 Capricorn Health Horoscope

to keep them in shape. 🙂
coming to month by month predictions for the 12 months for the Capricorn sign people?

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2019 Capricorn Love Horoscope

2019 Capricorn love horoscope
A year when you can consolidate your love matters to something concrete. In this year in July 2019 Capricorn people would find it as average.
2019 Capricorn Coming 12 Months love horoscope (januray, february…December)
but you have to be more sensitive and cooperative as well .dryness comes into love matters.

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2019 Capricorn Career Horoscope

2019 Capricorn Career horoscope
Coming 12 Months- Month By Month(January ,February….to December)of Capricorn Career horoscope

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Capricorn 2019 Horoscope

Coming 12 Months 2019 for Capricorn People
during the months of April 2019 and November 2019.Lot of agitation and unexpected events are there
Coming 12 months of 2019-Month BY Month
Starting from January ..Feb

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Shikhar Dhawan cricketer Horoscope Predictions

About this article ?
Birth & Horoscope details of cricketer Shikhar Dhawan
What Planetary combinations in the Horoscope (Kundli) Makes Shikhar Dhawan a distinct cricketer and a unique personality?
note Saturn rules bones as well.
What is the status of Love and relationships for shikhar dhawan the cricketer- based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
Now 7th bhava or long term love and relationships lord for shikhar dhawan is in the 4th bhava or house of the Horoscope or Kundli.
what planetary combinations in Horoscope(Kundli) to help Shikhar Dhawan make quick runs in cricket?
How does the Horoscope (Kundli) details of cricketer Shikhar Dhawan suggest for his past life karma or reincarnation? Also how it connects to Good action in this life time cricket.
what is the predictions for 2019/20 for Shikhar Dhawan’s cricket? also what planets caused his Hurt in the thumb. the injury?
What are certain interesting facts about Shikhar Dhawan the IPL cricketer ?
the latest news about Shikhar Dhawan hello now on June 11, 2019, that Shikhar Dhawan the Indian opener has been ended injured his thumb has been fractured .
Sushma Swaraj- Horoscope predictions

What is this article about?
what are the birth details & horoscope of sushma swaraj ji ?
?/ awards
Based on planets what makes smt.Sushma Swaraj ji so different from others ?

does the horoscope or kundli of Sushma Swaraj ji suggest that her could be from a blessed family with Vedic traditions in place?
The lagna of Sushma Swaraj ji is Sagittarius sign or Dhanu Rashi ruled by Jupiter or guru & sitting in the 4th house. This house is for peace of mind and family. This yoga clearly indicates that she would have a very happy and blessed family. she would also be close to religion or dharma like the Vedic religion. Now we know that BJP Bharatiya Janata Party connects to Hindu dharma or the Vedic religion in some sense. so smt. Sushma Swaraj ji joined the same.

what planetary indications in Sushma Swaraj ji’s horoscope or Kundli indicate great success as a foreign minister? Jupiter also gives smt. sushma Swaraj ji a very good public image and expansion in career. that is recent till 2019 she was Foreign Minister of India. Note Jupiter also rules of Pisces sign(the 12th sign of foreign lands) . so that means the foreign lands and success in foreign land related activities

what planets in the horoscope or kundli Sushma Swaraj ji suggest here getting married to nice person or family and continuity of great status she had earlier? Shukra or Venus ruling the house of Wealth /Gains and status sitting on the lagna(ascendant) gives great gains and status to her. we have Jupiter, Mars and Venus energy coming on the Lagna of Sushma Swaraj. Note mars sit on the Venus sign in 11th bhava .so clearly suggest that she would have much above average career and family life. also, Jupiter also blesses our family life that includes our family life before marriage and after marriage to Swaraj Kaushal Ji. It also suggests great image, comfort and luxury life for smt. sushma Swaraj ji.

what is the role of Saturn or shani dev for wealth and status for Sushma Swaraj ji?
The planet Saturn or Shani dev is The Lord of the house of wealth and status and dignity. It is sitting in the tenth house of smt. Sushma Swaraj ji. creating that wealth and status in a career . 🙂
What planetary combination suggest dignity to Sushma swaraj’s father ?

which planet in the horoscope of Sushma Swaraj ji indicate good dignity to her father?so a strong Jupiter or guru, well placed Venus combination suggests that Sushma Swaraj would be from a well to do family and having a dignified father . now Sushma Swaraj father is represented by sun or surya.which is again the lord of 9th house for her and is sitting in the 3rd house Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi. so in the Kumbha Rashi of the eleventh sign(11) sign.

what is the indication for Sushma Swaraj ji’s father to be in RSS or BJP?
It gives basic dignity to the father and yes her father’s writings could be different from the normal because Rahu is sitting nearby. also when Rahu is close to any planet. It suggests that someone who will not be following the conventional. we note RSS Rashtriya Seva Sangh is daring and is treated a novel idea different from others. so Rahu + sun could be seen as representing the same.
what planets suggest that her husband Swaraj Kaushal would be with dignity and happy family life ?
what planetary combination suggest that sushma swaraj may marry a lawyer like Mr Swaraj Kaushal ?

which planets for Sushma Swaraj ji indicate that her husband may have connections with law or legal profession? the lord of 7th house is Gemini or Mithun Rashi for smt. Sushma Swaraj ji. Gemini is ruled by Mercury(Budha) is sitting in the second house of Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji. that very clearly indicates that her husband would be from good dignity and quite intelligent and smart plus young looking . also the 10th House Lord of career for smt. sushma Swaraj ji is also Mercury. that is a very good sign so that indicates because of the energy exchange between 7th and 10th( both are ruled by mercury Gemini and Virgo sign) House indicates that her husband may also be from the same profession. like the legal profession and working for the country like the supreme court
What do the planets suggest about the career of Sushma Swaraj ji in terms of a politician and earlier as a supreme court lawyer?

is legal profession written on the wall for Sushma Swaraj ji ?
now the 10th house of Smt. Sushma Swaraj Ji is Virgo sign or the Kanya Rashi . as it rules the 10th house of career and karma for smt. sushma Swaraj ji. we also need to note that the number 6 of 6th sign deals legal matter. Plus also the 10th house lord sitting in the 2nd bhava or house of communication suggests the legal profession .

what is role of moon for Sushma Swaraj ji ?Also moon The Lord of 8 houses is sitting in the 10th house. suggest that more severe cases may be dealt with by her. they were dealing with George Fernandez case in an emergency.

what planets in the horoscope of Sushma Swaraj ji suggest a great political career? also, Saturn or Shani the Planet of public and downtrodden sitting in the house of career or job means that smt. Sushma Swaraj ji will have to work for the public service. Saturn rules of 2nd house and also 3rd house . in 3rd house Rahu and sun sitting .Rahu gives diplomatic skills to smt. Sushma Swaraj ji and makes her very high calibre diplomat and the sun give leadership and politics to her. so both Rahu and sun energy are coming to the 10th House of the career of Sushma Swaraj ji. giving her good skills in ethics and career in politics. That’s why she joined BJP.
2019-2020 predictions and Andhra pradesh governorship for Sushma Swaraj sushma Swaraj ?

why did Sushma Swaraj ji refuse governorship ? and she has to take care of what she communicates and what she says & she doesn’t say. because mercury’s in conflict with Ketu it could be a bit stressful 2019-2020 . Though 2019 ending and 2020 can bring and some hope but again that also(2020) is a bit stressful the reason is as 2020 Saturn house gets strong. from the moon, Saturn is lord of the 6th house of enmity, opposition and bad health causing problems in 2020.
The mind has to be kept positive and with Yoga chronic health issues handled. 2020 may be time for her to re-look and re-strategize life more. Think more or get into the meditational mode.

was there a health hazard or risk Sushma Swaraj ji in 2019 ?
smt. Sushma Swaraj ji has performed great as a foreign minister and yes she will continue to do very well .till the impact of Jupiter would slowly improve for her July 2019 onwards and more in 2020. but with a word of caution on health and otherwise. we wish her all the best in life.
What is the Longevity Horoscope of Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji ?
–> This part has been written after Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji left for the heavenly abode.
and then we look at the longevity issue based on the dasha’s running for Sushma Swaraj ji .

what caused the reduction of longevity for Sushma Swaraj ji ?
I looking at the lagna of Sushma Swaraj ji it is Jupiter or Guru and Jupiter is in Pisces sign(meena rashi) and it is very strong in Pisces in the Kendra house of public image(4th house). so for Sushma Swaraj ji this apparently suggests fair longevity or life span atleast over 60-70 years or even more. but let us see our 8th longevity is Moon which is weak in and is afflicted by Saturn in the Kendra bhava of 10th house.saturn or shani dev which is a markesh as well so this affects longevity for Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji as it connects to moon or Chandra in the 10th house.

what are the markesh or killer planets for Sushma Swaraj ji in her horoscope ?
we also note that the dispositor of moon is mercury or budha and is combust in Capricorn sign or Makar rashi. this greatly affects the overall longevity of Sushma Swaraj ji . also we look at the malefic in a horoscope .
Malefic and benefic balance in the Horoscope?
Rahu sits in the markesh bhava 3rd and ketu in the trikona bhava 9th. The malefic Mars(Mangal) is in 11th house this is not a good indication for longevity of Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji.

what role does Jupiter or Guru play to help Sushma Swaraj ji in basic longevity? but the benefit Jupiter is in the 4th house and the benefit mercury is in the markesh house or bhava. most of the malefic are in Kendra Bhava. This is not good of Sushma Swaraj ji . Now when you at the benefits like mercury sits in the markesh 2nd bhava. so suggest longevity may not be beyond 70 years for Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji. let us now look at d9 or Navamsa chart for Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji to see what does it say and then take a judgment based on lagna/navamsha and also dasha system
she left for the heavenly aboard at 67 years will be cross check it from the navamsha chart ?

does Saturn or shani dev play a role in reducing the longevity of Sushma Swaraj ji ?
We note that Saturn is ruling the 8th house and Saturn is not comfortable placed in the cancer sign or karkat rashi for Sushma Swaraj ji in the Navamsa or the d9 chart. we also note the biggest malefic Saturn is in the lagna in the d9 chart on Navamsa for Sushma Swaraj. This reduces the life span.
Benefic and Malefic balance in the d9 or Navamsa horoscope of Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji?
What do the dasha system say about Smt. suhsma swaraj ji?

what role does rahu and surya or sun play for horoscope of Sushma Swaraj ji in her longevity ? Sun or surya rules vitality and health for Sushma Swaraj ji. Rahu running conjunct with Sun greatly impacts of Health and longevity as we have discussed above
in the report .so this Rahu period could lead to her leaving for the heavenly about which is unfortunately happen today on 7th August 2019 This was hinted earlier about in connection to health issues. that is Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji has to be careful about the health in this time frame till September 2019.
===> Unfortunately sushma swaraj ji left us on 7 august 2019, we had hinted towards serious health problem till September 2019 below marked in red color below
What are some interesting facts about Sushma Swaraj ji >