Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope Predictions

Imran khan horoscope kundali predictions

what does this article talk about?

  • This article talks about the Horoscope or Kundli and also Numbers Or Numerology of Imran khan the Bollywood actor .
  • It answers the question what made Him choose acting as a career?
  • what made this Bollywood so successful at least in his first film based on his planetary configurations?.
  • Also what is the role of planet Saturn or Shani dev in his horoscope to make him philosophical and original?
  • What is the rahu and Ketu or dragon’s head or tail in His horoscope or Kundli in making him take a different path and in relationships based on Imran Khans horoscope ?
  • What is role of Venus or shukra for Imran Khan of Bollywood to get basic successes in films?
  • What planets and Yoga’s in the Horoscope of His suggest that his father Anil Pal would be well placed in Yahoo in USA ;)? 🙂
  • This article further analyses the conflict between Imran khan of Bollywood and Avantika Malik his wife?
  • birth details Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    Birth details & Horoscope of Imran Khan the Bollywood actor

  • we have the birthdate of Imran Khan as 13 January 1983. He was born in united States Wisconsin Madison.
  • His father Sri Anil pal is a software engineer father and is a highly intelligent well-to-do senior manager at yahoo in USA.
  • Imran khan film Bollywood horoscope kundali predictions numerology numbers Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope Predictions
    What do the Numbers or Numerology of Imran Khan say about him?

    Saturn Shani Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope Predictions
    how does Saturn or Shani dev Give Imran Khan an original Views in Life given his Kundli Or Horoscope ?

  • Imran khan was born on Thursday or guruvaar.
    we can see that he is born on 13= 1+3= Rahu(dragon’s head) effects are there. also, in his horoscope Rahu(dragon’s head) aspects his moon lagan.
  • so clear Rahu(dragon’s head) or some rebel or original /different view is there in Imran khan.
  • Imran Khan the actor of Bollywood comes under the Capricorn or makar rashi sign ruled by Saturn, so gives him and original and independent view point.
  • Gives him tenacity and discipline but rahu(dragon’s head) spoils it for him 🙂
  • Jupiter guru Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope Predictions
    What is the role of Jupiter or Guru to Give good depth in religion for Imran Khan from Bollywood looking at this Kundli Or Horoscope?

  • Jupiter gives him depth in religion. also, Saturn and rahu(dragon’s head) is there. so later on, he may go intense on religion or dharma.
  • Saturn makes him love the underdog or down-trodden people, so he does social activism as well.
  • Capricorn makar rashi Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope Predictions
    Does the Capricorn sign have a role in making Imran Khan of Bollywood a bit rebel based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • His total numbers come to 13 Jan 1983(=21 total) = 13(=4 total) + 1+ 21 = 26= 2+6= 8 Saturn or Shani dev.
  • so as he is also born in the sign of Saturn Capricorn or Makar he would be very philosophical , a rebel types.
  • But life may not be a bed of rose for him. we know he comes from a broken family and also he is inactive since 2015.
  • career job Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope Predictions
    what made Imran Khan the Bollywood actor take acting as a career ?

    sun Surya Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope Predictions
    How does sun or Surya dev in kundli of Bollywood actor Imran Khan ensure success and name in Life ?;)

  • as his birth time is not sure we look at the Rashi Lagna or moon lagna for Imran Khan the actor form Bollywood. his Rashi Lagna is Dhanu rashi or Sagittarius sign .
  • sun or Surya is sitting there on the Lagna. so that ensure that he will get recognition whatever he does. also, one may note that sun or Surya is ruling the 9th bhava of father.
  • distinction well placed Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope Predictions
    How does sun or Surya in kundli or Horoscope of Bollywood actor Imran Khan suggest his father would be well placed ?;)

  • Sun is karaka for father as well and 9th bhava stands for father anil pal for Imran khan, so clearly suggesting that his father would be a dignified person .
  • His father Anil Pal is software engineer working with Yahoo . also, sun sitting the lagna gives blessings of the father & good luck and Bhagya for Imran Khan the Bollywood actor that is why he got the Film fare Award as well in the very first film .
  • love Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    Is the conflict with his wife Avantika malik reflected din kundli or Horoscope of Bollywood actor Imran Khan ?;)
    His recent conflict with Avantika Malik his wife we will discusses later. but let us look at the causative factors. we can see Ketu(dragon’s tail)sitting on the lagna and rahu(dragon’s head) sitting in the 7th house that creates problems in partnerships and love relationships.
  • we know that he is also into a relationship with the Avantika Malik his wife. Now Imran khan’s rahu(dragon’s head) is sitting in 7th house. That creates issues in his relationships real. also note he is born on 13= 1+3=rahu(dragon’s head).
  • so Imran Khan the Bollywood actor is prone to relationships and divorce problems .
  • dharma religion Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    Which planets in kundli or Horoscope of Bollywood actor Imran Khan suggest that he could be religiously or dharmically inclined?;)

  • we also note that his moon in the Lagna suggest that he will be fairly religiously inclined sooner or later in his life.
  • He also may have an element of religiousness in him.
  • also Ketu(dragon’s tail) gives a researcher’s view point his father is a researcher kind in yahoo.
  • But he may also rebel; due to Rahu at least in the youth .
  • but later on he will pick up with religion because Dhanu Rashi or Sagittarius is there to give good energy to his mind.
  • Venus shukra Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    What good things Imran khan the Bollywood actor gets from Venus or shukra in His Kundli or horoscope ?

    What role does Venus play for Imran Khan the Bollywood actor on His Kundli or horoscope to give him some gains?

  • His Venus or shukra is sitting in the 2nd bhava or house, giving him sweet speech and handsome face.
  • as 2nd bhava or house rules with face .
  • Venus is sitting on Saturn(Shani dev) as the dispositor . also, shukra or Venus is also Lord of 11th house that is wealth and gains from friends .
  • films movies Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    Does Venus or shukra suggest some success for Imran Khan the Bollywood actor on His Kundli or horoscope ?

  • Venus or shukra is sitting in the second bhava gives raj yoga to Imran Khan :). and that means great money for him is waiting .
  • That is gains in relationships and career. The career Lord mercury(budha) is sitting in the 2nd house as well. So, he will gain good money by action and good status.
  • also as the 10th House Lord mercury is close to Venus(shukra) the planet for acting and films(Bollywood).
  • he gets money and status working in the films ruled by Venus. yes, his relationships o& partnerships with film industry people would generally be paying for him.
  • mercury budha Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    What is the role of Retrograde Mercury or Budha for Imran Khan the Bollywood actor on His Kundli or horoscope ?

  • we need to note that mercury is retrograde in his horoscope so that means there could be time when Imran khan faces is hard, and he does not get proper work .
  • so that has to be handled well by him.
  • Bollywood Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    why did Imran khan the Bollywood actor choose film industry or Bollywood as a career?

    Virgo kanya rashi Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    Does the Virgo sign or kanya rashi help Imran Khan the Bollywood actor on His Kundli or horoscope for a better dialogue delivery?

  • looking at the 10th House Lord of career. that is very good. Virgo ruling or the kanya rashi .
  • now it is the 6th sign of the zodiac and 6 are number of Venus.
  • that is again to do with film industry. so that very clearly says that Imran Khan the Bollywood actor may go for film industry & stages.
  • The energy of Venus in the second house of wealth and status and speech & communication gives him fair dialogue delivery.
  • so, the Venus ruled film industry gives him success in the film industry .
  • Venus shukra Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    Has Venus or shukra have a role for Imran Khan the Bollywood actor give him cuteness in face 😉 based on His Kundli or horoscope ?

  • shukra or Venus is fairly well placed in Imran Khan’s actor’s horoscope . it is in the Capricorn sign or makar rashi and is exalted.
  • This sign is ruled by Saturn is exalted.
  • so it is giving Imran khan a very strong presence in film industry .
  • It is also giving him are very cute and handsome face .
  • mercury helps to do deliver good dialogues . some diction change needed as mercury is retrograde.
  • Imran khan horoscope kundali predictions
    why is Imran Khan the Bollywood actor in news for problems in relationships with his wife Avantika malik ?
    ketu dragon’s tail Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    What is the role of Ketu or dragon’s tail in Imran Khan the Bollywood actor to give him problems in marital life based on His Kundli or horoscope ?

  • now we can clearly see that Imran Khan Bollywood actor is naturally prone to issues relationship or divorces. as Ketu(dragon’s tail) sitting in his Lagna.
  • that is Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi. we also note that rahu(dragon’s head) sitting in the Gemini sign or Mithuna Rashi. that is a 7th .
  • ketu dragon's tail Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    what is the Role of ketu or dragon’s tail for relationship of Imran Khan ?

  • Now in transit in 2019 it has come in the Sagittarius sign in March 2019. also, natal rahu of Imran Khan connects with transit rahu(dragon’s head) in the Gemini sign.
  • The 7th house stands for relationships and partnerships in marriage(divorces as legal issues as well).
  • this creates a very strong yoga of parting or separation of Imran Khan Bollywood actor. which he has to be careful .
  • we additionally note that Jupiter or guru the dispositor of Ketu(dragon’s tail)is currently in May, June, and July 2019 weak due to retrogression or being retrograde.
  • Jupiter guru Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    How does Jupiter or Guru Influence the Mind of Imran Khan of the Bollywood actor in His Kundli or horoscope ?

  • This Jupiter retrograde and ketu transit could create more problems for Imran Khan Bollywood actor. as Ketu(dragon’s tail)is weakened and impacts is mind .
  • we know Ketu or (dragon’s tail)sits in the lagna +and is close to moon or mind of Imran khan.
  • sun Surya Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    what is the Role of sun or Surya for relationship of Imran Khan ?

  • also note that sun or Surya sitting in the lagan is currently in transit in the Taurus that is the sixth house for Imran Khan Bollywood actor.
  • It is the house of enmity and opposition .
  • so, by say this middle of June 2019 as sun will come into 7th house it will get him some blessings of the 9th house of Poorva janma Punya Karma or past life reincarnation karma for Imran Khan Bollywood actor. so that can give him some relief . But more relief(not full) after July 2019.
  • By July 2019 ending Jupiter or guru would be direct so that could give him relief in the relationships
  • Saturn Shani dev Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    what is the Role of Saturn transit and Shani or Saturn sadhe sati for relationship of Imran Khan Bollywood actor and Avantika malik?

  • we also have to note that Saturn is transiting his Lagna(ascendant) so that Sade Sati is running for him and Saturn badly aspects his 7th house .
  • so creating issues in a relationships and Saturn has mars(Mangal) energy for him .
  • as Mars in a sitting in Aquarius sign or kumbha rashi. so, issues in relationship .
  • as mars is an aggressive planet and energy and agitation is sent to His 7th house.
  • rahu dragon's head Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    what is the Role of rahu or dragon’s head for relationship of Imran Khan Bollywood actor and Avantika malik?

  • where the natural malefic rahu(dragon’s head)is sitting in the natal horoscope. we expect some relief July 2019 onwards.
  • but and also some more relief after November 2019 .
  • but sure 2019 ending and 2020 could be emotionally disturbing with lot of issues at personal front for Imran Khan will look at this later in other articles.
  • appendix
    Imran Khan Bollywood Actor Horoscope kundli Predictions
    what are some very interesting facts about Imran Khan the Bollywood actor?

  • The actor of Bollywood Imran Khan acts for Hindi films and he is also the nephew of the well-known actor and celebrity Mr Aamir Khan.
  • Imran khan is also the nephew of director and producer Mr Mansoor Khan.
  • he was born to anil Pal (his biological father) but now his name is Imran Khan. His mother is Nuzhat khan sister of the legendary actor Aamir khan.
  • he is also the grandson of Sri Nasir Hussain .
  • Imran khan has also played as child artist in 1992 in films like Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar .
  • he started his acting or film career as an adult in the year 2008 as well that was Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na got the Film fare Award as well or the same.
  • Imran Khan is also social activist you also worked in various other films like Delhi Belly and mere brother ki Dulhan
    he also acted as a child actor for the film Qayamat sey Qayamat tak
  • The most important is Imran khan got married to Avantika Malik in the year 2011.
  • ORDER Your Love and Relationships Report

    Rani Chatterjee horoscope predictions

    Rani Chatterjee horoscope predictions
    rani Chatterjee   horoscope Bollywood actress
    About this article?
    This highly interesting article based on Horoscope of Bollywood & Bhojpuri actress Rani Chatterjee discusses how various planets and Yoga’s help Rani Chatterjee to come to fame and success?:)
  • How does Saturn or Shani Dev in her Kundli or Horoscope give her good discipline to be a good success in life?
  • How does Venus or shukra in Rani Chatterjee’s chart or horoscope give her great success in films or Bollywood?
  • what roles does mars play in giving Rani Chatterjee a boost in action oriented thinking? what numbers help Rani Chatterjee to be so good in role of expression or acting?
  • also How does Jupiter in the Kundli or Horoscope help Rani Chatterjee in getting good dignity and status in life? plus future predictions for Rani Chatterjee 🙂 and much more …:)
  • Also what planetary Yoga’s or combinations made Rani Chatterjee a great success in Bhojpuri Films. :0.
  • rani Chatterjee  horoscope kundali predictions
    Birth details of Film actress Rani Chatterjee

  • For Rani Chatterjee we create her Chandra Or Moon Kundli(rashi) or Horoscope as we know her date of birth is 3rd November 1989 .
  • Sagittarius or dhanu rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    What kind of Lagna or ascendant does Rani Chatterjee Have in her Kundli or Horoscope?

  • we look at the Horoscope or Kundli of Rani Chatterjee’s Rashi or moon Lagna as accurate birth time is not there. But still this is also 100% accurate 🙂
  • In Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli Moon(Chandra) is the situated is in the Dhanu Lagna or Sagittarius sign .
  • This in turn is ruled by Jupiter or guru in the zodiac.
  • Jupiter or guru rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    How does the Number 3 or Jupiter or guru impact Rani Chatterjee , based on her Number or Anka Kundli or Horoscope?

  • Rani Chatterjee as we know she is born on 3rd of November 1989. The number 3 is also ruled by Jupiter or guru.
  • so Rani Chatterjee is ruled by Jupiter strongly :).
  • .that is one of the reasons that gives is good acting and communication skills.

  • It also gives Rani Chatterjee good growth in life as well.
  • communications rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    How does Rani Chatterjee have great communication skills, based on her Kundli or Horoscope?

  • In regard to Bhojpuri films, Saturn or Shani dev is ruling Rani Chatterjee’s speech (the 2nd house or bhava).
  • This means something very opposite to her current situation.
  • Now Rani Chatterjee is a Bengali born and is from Mumbai, to instead sing in Bengali or Marathi, she sings for Bhojpuri films which are alien to Maharashtra or Bengali culture.
  • Jupiter or Guru in the 3rd sign of Gemini or Mithuna gives Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli a great boost in communication and also writing skills and ability.
  • she can write and communicate very well. this skills would bring in great money for him.
  • Pisces sign also gives Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli a great ability to think deeply and write, It also connects to Rani Chatterjee’s Good acting skills.
  • planets films awards fame rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    what planets in the Horoscope or Kundli gives Rani Chatterjee great name and film industry
    Venus shukra rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    How does Venus or shukra in Rani Chatterjee’s, Kundli or Horoscope gives her great success in Bollywood films?

  • Now if we look at Rani Chatterjee’s horoscope. Venus or Shukra the Planet of art and creativity is sitting in lagan.
  • So Venus in her Kundli Or Horoscope gives Rani Chatterjee success in Bollywood & films :).
  • In overall Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli , her Jupiter or Guru is the lagan(ascendant) and is very strong looking at self or first house.
  • also it has Venus the planet of opulence and film industry or Hollywood. so she was sort of bound to get basic success in films.
  • also Saturn close by in the same house or bhava of Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli , suggest some work that is connected to art, literature, or creativity like films of movies of Bollywood or otherwise in Bhojpuri films.
  • so that is 100% true for her.
  • Saturn has Moon also there , so it means she could be travelling a lot for her career.
  • also moon Venus together suggest Rani Chatterjee might be dancing as well well.
  • Virgo sign or kanya rashi gives her sharp ability to grasp any new things and earn her success in Bhojpuri films.
  • acting films Hollywood rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    which planets in Rani Chatterjee’s , Kundli or Horoscope, give her good acting talents?

  • Now we know that films are to do with art and creativity .also Saturn or Shani dev is in the lagan of Rani Chatterjee. Saturn(Shani) in the Kundli or Horoscope gives Rani Chatterjee good connections in the film industry and the Bollywood .
  • as already discussed above for Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli , moon and Venus close to Saturn play a key role in giving her great creativity and art to perform.
  • she could be good at performing arts or dance as well and also drama.
  • anything connected to arts creativity, she is bound to win.
  • Saturn shani rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    How does Saturn or Shani dev help Rani Chatterjee’s , Kundli or Horoscope, to give her good discipline for success?

  • as Rani Chatterjee’s Saturn or Shani rules the 3rd house and 2nd bhava or house or her Kundli Or Horoscope for her and also gives a good discipline to do things
  • IN Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli , Saturn to shani dev also gets energy from Venus the lord of 11th bhava.
  • so suggest she would have gains in arts and films but with proper effort at her end.
    but she is bound to gain money and luxuries for sure.
  • Saturn shani rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    How does Saturn or Shani dev come in Rani Chatterjee’s ,Numbers or Anka Kundli or Horoscope, give her success ;)?

  • Her full name number of Rani Chatterjee comes out to be name number =44 = 4+4 = 8 .Double rahu(dragon’s head) and 4+4=Saturn.
  • so suggests a hard life of struggle Saturn in lagan for Rani Chatterjee.
  • Venus shukra rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    How does Mumbai or Bombay Rani Chatterjee’s , based on Venus or shukra in her Kundli or Horoscope, ?

  • Now looking at the eleventh house lord venues or Shukra. as we just discuss Venus or Shukra sitting in the first house.
  • so clear cut suggests gains from Bollywood or the Mumbai the film industry for sure. we also notice several planets sitting in the 11th house of Rani Chatterjee.
  • raja Yoga rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    Is there a Raja Yoga for Rani Chatterjee’s Kundli or Horoscope, ?

  • so, there are three planets. One is sun the lord of the 9th house of fortune and publicity in the 11th bhava so Raja Yoga Karaka.
  • so this planet sun or Surya gives great publicity and money to Rani Chatterjee.
  • mercury budha rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    How does Mercury in Rani Chatterjee’s Kundli or Horoscope give her good connections in life or film industry ?

  • We also have mercury or Budha, Mercury rules the 7th house of public connections and also 10th House of career for Rani Chatterjee.
  • so both these two, sun and mercury sit in the 11th bhava. clearly means gains in a relationship and partnerships with directors/film producers and her career.
  • mars or mangal dev the lord of thinking and doing things is in 11th bhava of friends and people.
  • so her basic thought process is for acting and connecting to people and friends who would help her for sure.
    Mercury the lord of career and action also sits there.
  • so clearly great gains from friends and subordinates is there for Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli .
    she has a raja Yoga of mercury the 10th bhava lord being in 11th bhava.
  • so is sun the 9th bhaav lord there, giving Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli a past life reincarnation or purva janma blessings.
  • she is bound to win it this way. 🙂
  • sun would give her great name and fame as well.
  • mars action rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    How does Mars makes Rani Chatterjee action oriented than others, based on her Kundli or Horoscope, ?

  • as 11th house involved so gains from elder brothers or friends also there. we also see Mars and Mangal in Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli as well from the Chandra Lagna that is dhanu Rashi or Sagittarius.
  • Mars or Mangal rules the 5th bhava of mind in Rani Chatterjee’s Horoscope or Kundli and long term thinking and also rules the 12th house of stress and worries. Mangal is also in 11th bhava of Rani Chatterjee.
  • so Rani Chatterjee may face issues of losses in problems. Rani Chatterjee also has to be very discrete in her sexual conduct and relationships.
  • energy fire rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    How does Mars proper energy or Fire in Rani Chatterjee’s Kundli or Horoscope, ?

  • so also mars or Mangal in Kundli or Horoscope of Rani Chatterjee ,being lord of the 5th house also gives her great passion and energy to stay at the top. she would get her great money rani Chatterjee all the best in life!
  • big boss rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    what could be the result of Bigg boss 13 held in 2019-20?
    bigg boss rani Chatterjee

  • For Rani Chatterjee in transit the Saturn or Shani Dev who is the lord of 2nd and 3rd house that is wealth and status and her initiatives are on the Lagna or ascendant.
  • but is also retrograde till September -October 2019. so, she may find a hard time to get a place in the Bigg Boss competition.
  • but because Jupiter would be getting direct soon by July 2019 onwards. so, she can get better results after July 2019.
  • if the Big Boss or any other event starts in the month of July 2019 that would be hard for her
  • In August 2019 as well perform well. but if she performs, she can win well .her health needs care and she has to stay away from scandals in August 2019.
  • Saturn has a very strong influence on her that time but she is a good protection from Jupiter or guru.
  • Ketu the malefic in transit has come in a lagan is well ok .
  • Ketu or dragon’s tail is a natural malefic so that suggests that whatever Rani Chatterjee enters this year may not stay with her for very long.
  • salman rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    when is big boss season 13 by Salman Khan?

  • regarding the Big Boss season, 13 as it will start around September 2019 and be there still may be January or February 2020.
  • so that time Saturn(Shani) would be direct and it would start giving her better results for Rani Chatterjee.
  • but in October there could be the elimination of rani Chatterjee if she is not very careful in October.
  • and also there could be tiffs and fights in the Bigg Boss house.
  • In November she might be quiet copy and connecting once again. Only if she is able to cross in October 2019.
  • In November 2019, it is a time when she could have strong clashes with the inmates of Bigg Boss and also one could have very severe un-expected clashes.
  • It would be a time when energy levels are high.
  • Jupiter is direct, but because Jupiter would be Losing energy and getting into Sagittarius sign(dhanu Rashi) so Rani Chatterjee has to be careful.
  • if she can pull it through to December 2019, then definitely she has is a good chance to win in top three positions but otherwise not.
    we wish her all the best! 🙂
  • film actress rani Chatterjee  kundli horoscope
    Who is the Rani Chatterjee Bollywood actress ?

  • Rani Chatterjee is a Bhojpuri actress, that is Bihari movies film actress and could be a part of the Bigg Boss 13 show of Salman Khan .
  • Rani Chatterjee started her career from the Bhojpuri film Sasura Paisa Wala career(with politician Manoj Tiwari) from 2003 and is expected that earns around 5 to 8 lacs per film she does .

  • Nirmala Sitharaman Horoscope


    What is this Article about?

  • This article talks at length based on the Horoscope(Kundli) & planetary combinations to know about Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s Younger days, great success Political career, education, and many interesting facts of life in detail.:)
  • It talks about how smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s various Yoga’s and Planetary combinations in her horoscope(Kundli) to find out the secret of her rise to defence minister-ship and also being the finance minister of India;).
  • It also connects Nirmal Sitharaman’s Horoscope with real-life events, her personality and interesting facts of Nirmala Sitharaman ji with her horoscope of kundli to make a very interesting reading .:)
  • Plus looks at which unique Yoga’s in the Horoscope(Kundli) of Nirmala Sitharaman ji makes her a big success in Politics and all roles she took up 😉 for success.

  • The article further explores on what planetary combinations or Yoga’s in her Horoscope(kundli) makes her action oriented and successful politician?
  • which planets in her horoscope give Nirmala Sitharaman ji good image in politics and Honours in life .
  • also, which exact set of Yoga’s for smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji give her distinction in life.
  • also, what exact set of planets in the horoscope skyrocket smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji to the position of finance minister or the defence minister of India .
  • also, this article investigates What in the Horoscope of smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji qualities smt.
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji make her click in the Modi Government,.;). so, a lot of interesting questions are addressed.
  • All personally, family and career details about Nirmala Sitharaman Ji could be found int he appendix of this article.
  • “Nirmala
    what are the Birth details of smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji?

  • Date of Birth= August 18, 1959(Tuesday)
    Place of Birth= Tiruchchirappalli
    Longitude= 78 E 41
    Latitude= 10 N 49
    Time Zone= 5.5 India
  • distinction difference from others Nirmala Sitharaman kundli horoscope defence finance minister bjp government
    What makes smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji so different from others ?

  • “Nirmala
    What planetary Yoga’s give smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji the energy to be so disciplined and a winner in life?
    now as the exact time of the birth of hers is not available ,we look at the moon or Chandra Rashi .
  • That is Capricorn or makar rashi.
  • This rashi is ruled by Saturn(Shani) and stands for discipline and ability to work hard in a well-planned manner.
  • As Capricorn or makar rashi functions like Rahu( number 4).
  • “Nirmala
    Is gains written in the horoscope of smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji if she travels away from home.

  • the Lagna lord or Ascendant Lord of the horoscope(Kundli) is sitting in the 12th bhava or house. so smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji will have gains in foreign Lands.
  • That is basically travelling away from the homeland(Andhra Pradesh) would give Nirmala Sitharaman ji success :).
  • that is she travels from Andhra Pradesh to Delhi, and that would be the cause for success in life based on her Horoscope(Kundli) .
  • we also need to note that he was in London as well for a while. Yes, due to the 12th house lord in Nirmala sitharam ji’s horoscope.
  • yes the health issues would trouble her .that is what she has to take care of.
  • politics Nirmala Sitharaman  defence finance minister bjp government
    What planets and Yoga’s in Nirmala Sitha Raman Ji’s Horoscope give her such keen insights in politics?

  • secondly Jupiter the Planet of Grace and dignity in Nirmala Sitharaman Ji’s Horoscope is a fairly strong eleventh house of smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji.
  • this gives great gains and status, money, and all kinds of good things in life that she deserves.
  • also the seventh House Lord moon of the Horoscope(Kundli) is in the lagna(ascendant) this is a connection of people or partners and self(lagna) that gives her popularity and success in elections.
  • The shadow planet Rahu(dragon’s head) in the Horoscope(kundli) is sitting in the ninth Bhava(house) so that gives Nirmala Sitharaman great political understanding.
  • Rahu or dragon’s head aspects have Lagna why is well so that gives her good political astuteness and ability to think differently.
  • army war Nirmala Sitharaman  defence minister horoscope kundli
    what made smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji fit for being the defence minister of a difference?

  • Yes, Rahu or dragon’s head aspect on lagna could also make Nirmala Sitharaman Ji a bit rebellious at times, based on her Horoscope(Kundli).
  • Now looking at Numerology or Number aspects, given Nirmala Sitharaman Ji’s birth dates august 18 can see that 1 + 8 is equal to 9 that is mars or Mangal energy.
  • also, August is a month ruled by Leo sign or simha rashi. so, she would be fiercely Independent and could be very aggressive or assertive at times as a spokesman .
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji being aggressive or assertive as a BJP spokesman made her effective in defeating her opponent form congress or other parties.

  • her action, passion and her energy levels helped her to deliver the best as a BJP spokesperson and to defeat the other party spokespeople. which is getting reflected in her horoscope(kundli)
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji based on her Horoscope(kundli) is a Perfect Combination of Leo energy( the simha) and the mars or Mangal energy .
  • One has to note that Nirmala Sitharaman ji is born on Tuesday or mangalvaar ruled by mars.
  • also she is 18th born that is 1 + 8 =9 is also mars so double mars. :).
  • High energy and fit for defence ministry roles :).
  • Leo “Nirmala+
    Mars “Nirmala+ Sun “Nirmala==
    smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji


    What gives smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji such a quick and sharp rise to the position of defence minister of India in 10 years only- based on planetary combinations in her Horoscope or kundli?
    Jupiter guru Nirmala Sitharaman kundli horoscope defence finance minister bjp government
    What is the role of planet Jupiter(guru) In Horoscope (Kundli) of Nirmala Sitharaman ji to take her to a top position? ?

  • Jupiter or guru the planet of Grace and dignity is very well placed in the 11th bhava or house.
  • also, sun or Surya the planet of political power and position is also very strong into the 8th bhava of hers. being malefic kills her enemies and obstacles.
  • sun Surya Nirmala Sitharaman kundli horoscope defence finance minister bjp government
    What is the role of planet sun or Surya In Horoscope (Kundli) of Nirmala Sitharaman ji to take her to a top position? ?

  • Strong sun or Surya with mars(Mangal ) in her Horoscope here should make her very independent in conducting herself.
  • yes, she has to be careful about driving and accidents .
  • But the overall sun in 8th house in her Horoscope(kundli) is not a good indication but this gives her great passion energy because mass sun plus mars(Mangal) both are planets which are for politics and politicians are together in the 8th house.
  • IN Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s Horoscope(kundli) ,sun(Surya) is highly confirmed also as a planet for politics and politicians giving her great zest and energy .

  • also giving Nirmala Sitharaman ji great possibility to reach the top .
  • also, note that sun and mars is very close to Venus the 10th house lord.
  • so, sending the dignity status energy in the Horoscope(kundli) for her Political career of smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji .
  • career job Nirmala Sitharaman defence finance minister bjp government
    Sun in Leo + Mars + 10th house career lord=Venus
    == smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji success in Politics!!!

  • Also, note the 9th Lord mercury in Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s Horoscope(Kundli) is sitting in the 7th bhava suggest good smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji past life Karma coming into her relationships.
  • regarding political people or otherwise also please confirm that she is a better success in foreign lands( 1st bhava lord in 12th house) or away from your birth place(Andhra Pradesh).
  • All this gives her good Grace from God .
  • numerology numbers  Nirmala Sitharaman ji minister bjp

    what is it Based on her Number or Numerology of smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji?
    Now looking at based on Numerology or numbers born on 18th physical 1 + 8 =9, that is Mars(Mangal) the Planet of politics and action.

  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji is born in Leo sign(simha rashi) it is ruled by planet sun . as we now this again is the planet of politics and leadership.
  • the sum of birth date total numbers for smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji comes to be 18 august 8 1959= 18+ 8+ 1959 = 9+8+ 24 = 41= 4+1=5= Mercury.
  • so, one has to note that Nirmala Sitharaman ji was at the start of her career a sales girl in home decor in London(ruled by mercury).
  • also, she has been taken economic( ruled by Jupiter and mercury) as well where.
  • we know that Mercury(budha) in any Horoscope(Kundli) deals with economics and money .
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji got a graduate of economics from Tiruchirappalli and master’s degree from JNU that is Jawaharlal University in 1984.
  • success Nirmala Sitharaman defence finance minister bjp government
    what made Nirmala Sitharaman ji a great success in Politics?

  • Please take note and see great combinations of sun, mars, and 10th lord Venus(shukra) in the 8th house of Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s Horoscope(kundli).
  • the 10th house in her Horoscope gets strong energy of leadership and action to smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s her career situations. Mars or Mangal has to do with the masses and the sun has to do with the politicians.
  • we will discuss that sun (Surya)lord of Leo sign(simha rashi) of August month . also, in birth the date she was born as (18) 1 + 8 is equal to 9=mars ,.
  • so both sun and mars based on numbers and numerology.
  • so also based on numbers number 1+9 are good for politics and politicians . same for managers and action-oriented people .
  • mars mangal Saturn Nirmala Sitharaman kundli horoscope bjp government
    What is the role of Yoga or combination of sun(Surya) and mars(Mangal) In Horoscope (Kundli) of Nirmala Sitharaman ji to take her to a top position in the BJP circles? ?

  • The combination of sun+mars in Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s Horoscope(kundli) also very strongly suggest that she would be into politics and be successful .
  • also the total of the numbers coming 5 suggest that it is mercury energy – so strong connection to people is there for Nirmala Sitharaman ji in her Number Horoscope(Kundli).
  • that is done with communication so that is what made her a good communicator or a good spokesman for BJP.
  • Over this wonderful combination and strong Sun and Mars in her Horoscope(Kundli) shows that she would go rise very well into the area of politics.
  • mars or Mangal is the Lord of image house(4th house of smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji) .
  • but as it is in the 8th house so she has to be careful about the image in general, but it should be successful overall .
  • awards selection Nirmala Sitharaman defence finance minister bjp government
    What planets gave good success for smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji induction in the year 2014 to BJP?

  • Now first looking at the planetary situation in the year 2008 Jupiter is in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
  • so Sagittarius or dhanu is ruling her 11th house of gains and success from friends.
  • overall, it helps smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji to get her position with BJP Bhartiya Janata Party in 2008.
  • we need to note that Jupiter or Guru is also retrograde in Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s Horoscope(kundli). ruling the twelfth house f and but sitting in the 11th house gives her good connections with people.

  • as due to the third Bhava ruler ship of Pisces sign(Meena rashi) of smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji f Jupiter, it deals with people and also connects to expansion and all kind of peoples .
  • so it predicts that smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji will connect to a lot of people or people connection may be as a BJP spokesperson.
  • Saturn Nirmala Sitharaman kundli horoscope Shani bjp government minister
    What is the role of planet Saturn or Shani dev In Horoscope (Kundli) of Nirmala Sitharaman ji to connect her to so many people ? ?

  • Saturn or Shani dev in Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s Horoscope(Kundli) is in simha Rashi or Leo Rahu is retrograde and is in Capricorn sign. Its own sign is so strong .
  • being in in the lagna and being a planet of politics .suggests that she could connect to political people.
  • it would also give her good intelligence and on how to connect well to the people in the politics and political Arena.
  • which is 100% true for Nirmala Sitharaman ji.
  • Saturn or Shani the Lagna lord is in the Leo sign(simha rashi) in transit. it is a bit weak but being in the eight houses destroys her obstacles and Enemies .
  • Shani or Saturn in 8th Bhava helps Nirmala Sitharaman ji in quelling her enemies and opposition and makes her win in 2008.
  • as we know that Saturn in transit in 6th house also is really beneficial . as it removes the negativity of that house .
  • cabinet rank minister Nirmala Sitharaman  defence finance bjp government
    what made Nirmala Sitharaman ji to be inducted in cabinet in the year 2014?

  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji was in 2014 inducted into the cabinet by7 Sri narendra Modi ji. by June 2014 she was elected as a Rajya Sabha member from the Andhra Pradesh .
  • Let us look at the transit situation .
  • this time Jupiter(guru) is transiting from Gemini(mithuna) to cancer(karkat) .
  • it is getting exalted and is retrograde but strong in cancer sign.
  • IN cancer sign(karkat rashi). Jupiter or guru is retrograde gets into the cancer sign 7th house of Nirmala sitharaman ji .
  • This transit suggests that she will connect to significant people and have relationships.
  • she will grow significantly . so, working for BJP and getting inducted in the cabinet it is a very big achievement.
  • which is strongly suggested by Jupiter(guru) planet getting into the 7th house of her.
  • also, Jupiter ruling the stress and travel and the third house suggests that she will connect to set of dignified people this time in 2014. so that suggests the Rajya Sabha .
  • Saturn Shani Nirmala Sitharaman kundli horoscope defence finance minister bjp government
    secondly, Saturn retrograde but strong enough in Libra also rahu there so. strengthens her (Nirmala sitharaman ji’s) lagna and wealth plus status.
  • actually, it comes into her career house so suggest that there will be a boom in her career for enhancement in a career and an image of Nirmala sitharaman ji .
  • Is strong Shani in Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s Horoscope(kundli) now that rules lagna or ascendant and the second house of wealth status for Nirmala sitharaman ji give gains in wealth and status.
  • rahu dragon's head Nirmala Sitharaman kundli horoscope
    also, when is Rahu(dragon’s head) which is sitting in the ninth Bhava of luck and fortune come in the 10th House of career for Nirmala sitharaman ji its aspects of the 4th house of public image .

  • rahu(dragons; head) strongly send blessing to her public image so unexpected expansionary in career,
  • Exalted Jupiter “Nirmala + Saturn strong “Nirmala+ strong Rahu(dragons head) aspects to 4th bhava“Nirmala === Success for Nirmala sitharaman Ji in cabinet “Nirmala
    defence minister Nirmala sitharaman
    what planetary causes made Nirmala sitharaman ji become India’s defence minister in 2017 ?

  • in September 2017 Nirmala Sitharaman Ji became the Defence Minister of India from the BJP party. Now let us look at what are the special transits. Saturn(Shani) is in 28 degrees in Scorpio(Vrishchika rashi) .
  • Rahu(dragon’s head) is in Leo sign(Simha Rashi), and it would be soon it was soon translating into cancer sign or Karkat rashi by mid of September 2017.
  • also, the benefic Jupiter or guru has transited into Libra sign(Tula rashi) and is direct .

  • Saturn or Shani getting into Scorpio that is an 11th house is the house of elevation and gains for Nirmala Sitharaman ji.
  • so despite old age of Saturn the lagan lord of hers she would get gains for sure due to Shani transit into the 11th house of hers.,
  • So overall Shani dev the lord of 1st and the 2nd house still promises gains. Rahu(dragon’s head).
  • It sits on the 9th house of luck or Bhagya and luck of Nirmala sitharaman ji.
  • when it comes in the 8th House in transit.
  • it strongly energizes the planet Sun and Mars and also Venus sitting there .
  • all this generates exceptional energy of a good past life Karma and political leadership for Nirmala sitharaman ji.
  • also note Venus or shukra also rules her career as well. Venus in her horoscope or kundali rules of 5th bhava of kind of right investment .
  • so she does it and also Jupiter(guru) gets strong into Libra (Tula rashi)
    so, brings in good energies of the 11th house placement into the 10th house of career for Nirmala sitharaman ji.
  • Yes, it also brings in some stress as well because Jupiter or Guru is ruling the 12th house from the moon, and it suggests a change of places .
  • all this makes her a defence minister, Defence Minister of India.
  • the planets in the Horoscope(Kundli) of Nirmala Sitharaman ji clearly indicating great gains and elevation for Nirmala sitharaman in September 2017.
  • we wish Nirmala sitharaman ji all the best in life!!!
    2019 predictions Nirmala sitharaman defence finance minister bjp government predictions“Nirmala
    What is forecast or predictions for Nirmala sitharaman Ji as the first lady Finance minister of India?

  • we know that in June 2019 Nirmala sitharaman ji has become India’s first full-time woman finance minister.
  • she is a sequel to Sri Arun Jaitley ji who was a former finance minister & also minister of corporate affairs.
  • since the past 10 years of 2008.
  • she has had a meteoric and fast rise in the arena of politics.
  • What are the current challenges of Nirmala Sitharaman ji? out present finance minister

  • but with all the gains she faces a high level of challenges. that is, she has to improve the GDP growth which is at a five-year low of 6.8% at year ending March 2019.
  • there are a great demand and concern about p reduction or lack of investment recovery.
  • also, she needs to generate employment and all along with this, there are problems created by liquidity on the money.

  • also, the impact of the financial situation affecting the non-Banking Finance the companies or the nbfc sector.
  • She also has to prepare for the budget.
  • Now looking at the planetary conditions Nirmala sitharaman ji.
  • she should be able to handle things better now. now looking at Horoscope(kundali) and you look at the Chandra horoscope(Capricorn ascendant or Makar Rashi) .
  • Jupiter or Guru sitting into the 11th bhava or house is fairly strong for her .
  • But is currently retrograde in the 11th house of Scorpio sign again. That is the Vrishchika rashi.
  • So, all his gives her definite gains and status( Jupiter and the 11th house energies coming to the Lagna).
  • also Jupiter or guru in the 11th house suggest with money related matters as Jupiter = number 3= money.
  • also, 11the house deals with gains & elevations in life .
  • Now definitely she has been elevated, and Nirmala Sitharaman ji is the first woman finance minister of India.
  • Now looking at the situation of Saturn or Shani dev for her, Shani is retrograde, and it is ruling her Lagna (Capricorn sign or Makar Rashi) and also the 2nd bhava of wealth status.
  • In transit or gochchar it gets into the 12th house or bhava.
  • That is the Sagittarius sign(Dhanu Rashi) .

  • it is also conjunct with natal Saturn(Shani), so it gives strength to itself. so, it strengthens Nirmala Sitharaman’s lagan or owns self or image.
  • we note that all the above is with hundred 100% .
  • so is gain of status for her.
  • but because Shani is in the 12th house she will have to struggle quite a bit.
  • she would achieve her goals somewhat by 2019 ending and much more in the year 2020.
  • when Saturn or Shani gets into the Capricorn sign or Lagna of hers.
  • so by December 2019 or by the budget of 2020 she would have achieved some part of our goals and should be fairly stable that way and that time Jupiter(guru) would have strengthened as well.

  • aggressive goals Nirmala Sitharaman kundli horoscope defence finance minister bjp government
    What happens to her(Nirmala sitharaman ji) with her current aggressive Goals ?
    she would, in fact, come out in flying color.
  • please note that in transit Ketu is also in the 11th house. Ketu means dhwaja so unexpected gains to her and yes activates Sagittarius sign.
  • this sends energy to sister sign of dhanu that is Meena or Pisces, where natal Ketu is sitting.
  • that means activation of self and action and Karma. as Ketu sits in the third house. so overall with exceptional Karma/action she will handle the current finance position gracefully.

  • she should be able to stabilize the GDP aspect and get some tangible results on employment-related matters as well in a few months or year ending 2019.
  • Appendix

  • smt. Nirmala sitharaman ji joined BJP(Bhartiya junta party) in the year 2008 and also worked as a spokesman for the party.
  • By the year 2014 smt. Nirmala sitharaman ji was inducted in the cabinet that is a big rise for her .
  • In the month of June smt. Nirmala sitharaman ji was elected as a Rajya Sabha member from Andhra Pradesh.
  • One has to take note that she is also one of the people 12 people nominated by Bhartiya Janata Party. she is also one her seat from Karnataka.
  • In the year September 2017 she has given the Défense Minister portfolio a big post to, and she is the second woman after smt. Indira Gandhi ji to become defence Minister post holder in Indian History.
  • Nirmala sitharaman ji minister bjp
    What are Some interesting facts about Nirmala Sitharaman ji?

  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji was born on 18th of august in 1959 . she is at the moment the finance minister of India in Modi Ji’s cabinet.
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji is also the member of the Rajya sabha.
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji has also remained as the defences minister of India.
  • she has done exceptionally well & her name has featured in Forbes magazine of 10 most powerful women or ladies of Inia.:)
  • Her husband’s name is Parakala Prabhakar. her husband was a communications advisor to the previous chief minister of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji met her future husband when she was studying in JNU itself.
  • education early life Nirmala sitharaman ji minister bjp
    How was the Early life & Education of Nirmala Sitharaman ji?

  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji is a Tamil. She is BA in economics .
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji her master’s degree from JNU .
  • then she enrolled for her PhD from Indo Europe trade.
  • her husband got scholarship in London school of economics , so she left for in that process Nirmala Sitharaman ji did not do her Ph. D degree.
  • career job Nirmala sitharaman ji minister bjp
    Some interesting facts about Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s political career?

  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji joined BJP around 14 years back in 2006.she then became thew spokesperson of BJP in 2020.
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji then got into ministership of Narendra Modi ji in 2014.
  • In that year itself she was elected for the Rajya sabha form Andhra Pradesh.
  • Nirmala Sitharaman ji was in news after her speech in 2020 on the second budget.
    In 2017 , Nirmala Sitharaman ji became the minister of defence the 2nd minister after Indira Gandhi.

  • Harsimrat Kaur Badal Minister Kundali (Horoscope) Predictions

    Harsimrat Kaur Badal Kundali or Horoscope predictions
    harsimrat Kaur badal politician minister Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    About this Article ?

  • This article looks at interesting planetary combinations in the Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal which give her great success in politics.
  • It looks at role of each planet like, Sun(surya), moon(Chandra) , Rahu and Ketu( dragon’s head and Tail) .
  • Also Saturn or Shani dev and Mars or mangal in shaping the personality and career of Harsimrat Kaur Badal in Political arena.
  • The article beautiful looks at the role of numbers or Numerology or Anka Jyotish.

  • especially for Moon and Neptune energies to see how the career and personality of Harsimrat Kaur Badal gets shaped by the same.
  • In last section predictions for the career of Harsimrat Kaur Badal in coming future has to be done.
  • Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    Harsimrat kaur Badal Birth details and Horoscope/Kundali ?

  • >Name: Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    >Date of Birth of Harsimrat Kaur Badal = July 25, 1966
    >Monday born
    >Time of Birth= not known
    >Place of Birth Is Delhi
    >Time Zone= 5.5
  • planets Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    what planetary Makes Harsimrat Kaur Badal different from others ?

  • as smt. Harsimrat kaur badal’s exact horoscope(Kundali) is not available that is the exact time, so we look at the moon lagna or rashi kundali or horoscope itself. smt.
  • Harsimrat Kaur Badal has Libra(Tula Rashi) as a Lagna house that is raja yoga karaka as sits in the 9th house of luck and fortune for her.
  • Libra has Venus ruling makes a person beautiful and attractive .yes she is a beautiful lady due respect to her .
  • ketu(dragon’s tail) sitting in the lagna with moon the lord of 10th house of career gives her distinction in an image overall image that she’ll project to the society .
  • also note sun the planet of politics and name and fame sitting in the 10th house of career.
  • sun mercury Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    What role does Sun or Mercury play in the Horoscope or Kundli of Harsimrat kaur badal to give her big name in politics?

  • as sun or surya is sitting in the 10th House of the career of smt. Harsimrat kaur badal.
  • This gives her great distinction in politics and masses and gets fame in society.
  • also, mercury(budha) is sitting in the 10th House . mercury also rules the 9th house or bhava of Fortune & luck .
  • This also suggests benefits from parents of smt. Harsimrat kaur badal .
  • raja yoga Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    Is there a Raja Yoga in in Kundli or Horoscope of Harsimrat kaur badal to give her big success and name in politics?

  • Also, 9th bhava lord in the 10th bhava clearly gives One More Raja Yoga for smt. Harsimrat kaur badal. Mercury or budha here suggest that smt. Harsimrat kaur badal could make quick and smart decisions.
  • also, in addition, Jupiter(guru) is sitting in the ninth house . all this suggest that great good Karma from the past life smt. Harsimrat kaur badal helps her a lot.
  • also, the lord of the 7th house of partnerships and relationships is sitting in 9th house , gives great energy and political power to smt. Harsimrat kaur badal.
  • raja yoga Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    Various other Raja Yoga in in Kundli or Horoscope of Harsimrat kaur badal to give her distinction?

  • so one can see at least 3-4 raja Yoga’s in her horoscope
    > 1st bhava Lord in the 9th bhava
    > 10th bhava Lord in lagna
    > 7th bhava lord in the 9th bhava
    > sun in the 10th house
    so, all this suggest great luck and fortune for smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal in this lifetime.
  • politics succses Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    What makes smt. Harsimrat kaur badal a super success in politics?
    harsimrat kaur badal kundali horoscope predictions
    Planetary Equations Raja Yoga’s for harsmirat kaur badal
    SUN + 1st Lord in 9th + 10th Lord in 1st + 7Th Lord in 9th + RAHU in 7th === RAJA YOGAS for Harsimrat Kaur

  • as we discussed above that Sun or Surya the planet for power & position is sitting in the 10th house of hers.
  • The 10th house lord moon sitting in the Lagna(ascendant) .Clearly, suggest that she would go to the higher positions in the politics .
  • Her lagan Venus(Shukra) sitting in the ninth bhava or house gets blessed by Jupiter(guru) energies.
  • also one has to note that Mars or Mangal ruling the 7th house of connections with others with smart and political Rahu( in 7th bhava) is sitting into the 9th bhava.
  • rahu dragon;s head Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    what role does Rahu(Dragon’s head) and Mars(mangal) play in Kundli or Horoscope of Harsimrat kaur badal to give her entry and success in politics?

  • Rahu is a smart politician so Rahu energy combination with mars or Mangal clearly suggests a connection with a politician and top people.
  • also as 7th bhava lord sitting in the 9th house so they have a blessing from the past life Karma for the political connections and overall gains in life.
  • jupiter guru Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    what role does Jupiter or Guru play in Kundli or Horoscope of Harsimrat kaur badal to give her entry and success in politics?

  • Jupiter or guru is also very sitting close by to mars and rahu overall suggest grace of Karma of past life and God for smt. Harsimrat kaur badal.
  • all this clearly giver good political connections to win .Venus or shukra the lagna lord is also there in 9th house .
  • venus shukra Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    what role does Venus or shukra play in Kundli or Horoscope of Harsimrat kaur badal to give her leadership roles politics?

  • Venus gets very good energy of deva planet Jupiter or guru and Rahu as well.
  • clearly suggesting that the self(lagna) that is Venus(Shukra) for smt. Harsimrat kaur badal gets good gains in politics for sure.
  • also the mind (The first house and moon)of smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal carries a lot of solar or Sun energies of leadership as the sun sends energy to lagna through the moon.
  • as the sun sits in the cancer sign or karkat Rashi. also, the moon is sitting in the Lagna with Ketu(dragon’s tail) give serene hearts and intense Minds for smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal.
  • numbers numerology Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    what do the Numbers or Numerology say about harsimrat kaur badal?
    what role does Moon Number 2 and Neptune number 7 play in Kundli or Horoscope of Harsimrat kaur badal to have changes in political career?

  • looking from the numerology or Anka jyotish aspect for smt. Harsimrat kaur badal. She is born on 25th 2 + 5 is equal 7 = ketu(dragon’s tail).
  • It is also said Neptune as per western astrology.
  • so the personality again is influenced by moon or Neptune and also she is born on Monday- so suggest strong moon influences .
  • This sensitivity due to moon or Chandra gives smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal very good connectivity with people loves travel change and connection to people.
  • This makes her very amenable and gives great feelings to her .
  • yes she is very sympathetic e to 1984 Sikh riot victims as well. she overall has a sensitive looking face due to the moon in lagna.
  • planets Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    what planetary combinations and energies give simrat Kaur continuity in the food processing ministry and also predictions for future beyond 2019?

  • now we can very clearly see that Jupiter or guru is fairly strong in the ninth power of the house of smt. Harsimrat Kaur badal.
  • also, we know Jupiter ruling Sagittarius(dhanu rashi) and Pisces sign(Meena rashi) deals with vegetation and food as well.
  • so does Venus(shukra) that is number 6 deals with family and homemade food or food as such.
  • so, for smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal Venus(Shukra) and Jupiter(guru) are the key planets which deal with home, family, and food .
  • and they are very strong and blessed in the 9th house. so, giving her great success and continuity in food processing roles.
  • food agriculture Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    Based on Numbers in Kundli or Horoscope of Harsimrat kaur badal to give her entry and success in food and agriculture related work?

  • The total of birth date for smt. Harsimrat kaur Badal is July(7) 25th(2+5=7) 1966(1+9+6+6=22) so over all it comes to 7+7+ 22 = 36= 3+6=9.
  • 9 is a number of mars or Mangal(politics) and also because the 9th sign is Sagittarius it has some energies of Jupiter(guru) as well.
  • so this clearly confirms that smt. Harsimrat kaur badal does very well public connection as number 9 would make her do that. 9 number also rules the food industry and food.
  • That includes food processing and yes compassion and money. so naturally she will do better in industries to do with food processing .
  • also born on 25=2+5=7= Ketu gives her smart intelligence and good connection with people.
  • saturn shani Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    what does the Saturn(Shani dev) and Jupiter transit say about harsimrat Kaur’s future in politics ?

  • now looking at the future of smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal ,we have had Saturn or Shani coming in the third house of hers.
  • That is Saturn is in the Sagittarius sign or dhanu Rashi though retrograde.
  • The 4th house of image and 5th house of children and thinking is ruled by Saturn or Shani dev.
  • Now Saturn in the 3rd house of action and karma suggests that the actions and image may be just ok .
  • or lukewarm for smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal till Saturn is retrograde . that is September oct 2019.
  • That is average actions . New or better initiatives would come only after September October 2019 for smt. Harsimrat Kaur badal.
  • but sure as Saturn or Shani sits in the third house of initiatives and Ketu is in transit there so smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal will have to work very hard this year because of Saturn .
  • But reaping the fruits by year end 2019 and 2020 only.
  • as we know Saturn and Jupiter both are retrograde(Jupiter at least till July 2019). so smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal should have to work against the current initial build-up effort for the food industry.
  • also, Jupiter or guru is transiting 2nd house of smt. Harsimrat kaur badal.
  • This is giving her good status and gains again and making her win the elections lagna .
  • 2019 predictions harsimrat kaur badal horoscope kundali
    Planetary Equations 2019/2020 for harsimrat kaur
    KETU in 3rd House + JUPITER transit in 3rd and 4th house + + SATURN in the 4th house === SUCCESS for Harsimrat Kaur
    The demoniac planetary ketu(dragon’s tail) in 3rd house of courage and action . so, this would make her courageous in actions now onwards from May June 2019.
  • By her courageous actions, she will establish better food processing units and get better investments .
  • but we need to note that Ketu(dragon’s tail) is agitated with Saturn that is retrograde present in the third house.
  • so problems in smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal effort and initiative till September October 2019. but sure, she would not leave any stone unturned.
  • After November 2019 and 2020 Jupiter gets into Sagittarius sign(dhanu Rashi) and is very strong so that means her actions for food processing will start growing and all her projects/initiatives will start giving very good results.
  • We also note that after November in January 2020 for smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal her Saturn(Shani) lord of image and thinking will get into the Capricorn sign(makar rashi) and aspects her career house the tenth house .
  • so enhances her acting or action ability and gives her great expansion in an image as well ( 4th house is ruled by Saturn).
  • Saturn(Shani) aspecting the 10th House + strong Saturn and aspect to sun or Surya so in 2020 well smt. Harsimrat kaur badal may have some enhancement in the image.
  • But she needs to take care of her blood pressure and blood-related problems as well.
  • this (2020)could be a time when she has to be a bit careful about health as well as the wheel’s emotional wellbeing.
  • as people may come and disturb her it. she has to be careful especially in the month of April or March ending 2020.
  • also, in 2020 smt. Harsimrat kaur badal’s energy would go in re strategizing life for family life and for the food industry as well.
  • It may in certain sense turn her more towards GOD or religion/dharma.
  • by 2021 Jupiter or guru will get into the Capricorn sign(makar rashi) that is the 4th bhava of the public image of smt. Harsimrat kaur badal.
  • so over all producing good results. But sure 2021 could be a struggling period for her, with many ups and downs .
  • she may come into conflict with higher authorities the BJP party or people. by 2021 ketu would also by that time be getting also into the house of image(4th house for smt. Harsimrat kaur badal) .
  • so she needs to take proper care of health and heart and do regular exercises. we wish smt. Harsimrat Kaur badal for all the best in life!!!
  • Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    What are some interesting facts about Harsimrat Kaur Badal now in year 2019 ? she has continued to be food processing minister in 2019 as well!

  • smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal is the only member of the Shiromani Akali Dal(SAD) who is in the cabinet of Shri Narendra Modi. she has continued in the portfolio of food processing ministry .
  • which is a sector that has 100% FDI in setting up manufacturing units.
  • so there is no permission required for wholesale business in the sector . smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal says that she would expect FDI to cross 28 billion .
  • smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal is the wife of the former Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab Sukhbir Singh Badal.
  • and also daughter-in-law of former Punjab Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal.
  • smt. Harsimrat kaur Badal was born on 25th July 1966 she holds a high school degree and diploma in textile designing.
  • smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal’s family traces its origin to the famous general of maharaja Ranjit Singh, that is the attar Singh.
  • sun surya Horoscope or kundli of Harsimrat Kaur Badal
    About the political career of smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal?

  • smt. Harsimrat kaur badal has her Political career start since the year 2009 election.
  • she got selected for the 15 Lok Sabha elections from the Bathinda constituency. smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal at that time had defeated the National Congress candidate .
  • she is sympathetic to was highly sympathetic towards 1984 anti-Sikh riots victims.
  • also, in 2014, she defeated national Congress peoples Party join Manpreet Singh Badal.
  • for this achievement, she was appointed as a state minister of food processing . In 2019 harsimrat kaur badal again won from Bathinda !