2019 Capricorn money horoscope
now we now that in year 2019 many significant celestial events would happen. that is Ketu (dragon’s tail) got into Sagittarius sign or Dhanu Rashi in the month of march. also the planet Ketu (dragon’s tail) contracts energies of any house where it enters or sits. so this could have a significant impact on any horoscope.
Now the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi where ketu enters is the 12th house for Capricorn people. that means Capricorn people have to be careful while travelling as expenditures increase and health matters would need more care now.
Also Saturn or shani is ruling the lagna or ascendant and the second house of wealth status for Capricorn people. so in this transit into Sagittarius sign with Capricorn sign people will have to be careful about present expenses and family and family matters till September of 2019. as Saturn is getting retrograde till September .
Plus the first rate benefic planet Jupiter or guru is also getting retrograde from May to July 2019. over all these transits will have different impacts for people of different sun signs and so would be true for the Capricorn sign .The houses impacted would be 1st/2nd/12th and 3rd houses of the horoscope for Capricorn people.
As Jupiter or guru is getting retrograde that again impacts the 12th house and the third house of the horoscope of Capricorn people. so projects during this time from May to July have to be taken care of cautiously . Plus more hard work has to be put up. also travel has to be done with care .
Coming 12 months prediction for Capricorn sign or makar rashi people
January wealth predictions .that is in the month of January one has to be careful as unexpected situations may arise in terms of money matters. your expenditure may go more towards the family. so that has to be handled well. that is your outflows .
In month of February again your wealth and status may improve significantly .but also stress in relationships can cause more expenditure this time.
March would be good for Capricorn people. You may have gains from siblings are brothers and sisters or even people around . so also gains could happen or wealth flows could increase your chances status gains this time. It is a time for well planned action now.
This month of April you know could be a hard month. yes you could gain in wealth status by going in a very well planned and disciplined way. getting impulsive may mean more expenses on the family front .
May is a time when expenditure on life partner and lover. so also on the family front .that includes spending of money on children and may be spending on going outings and fun could also be there .
In this month of June, it is the time when health needs special care .as a lot of money flow could go there in that direction. you have to think and act before you invest. depth of thought is needed in investments is very much.
July is a month when well flows of money or wealth could increase. Your new partnerships would be there. money can come from your life partner or relationships. Focus on relationship would also remain there.
The month of August is a time when action and planning could give you money. but be on guard on your position dear Capricorn people. as there’s a slight chance of conflicts with people in the senior position . ego management needs proper care.
dear Capricorn sign person,September is the time when wealth would flow to you. you will have gains. you would have good respect around. Money flow would definitely improve for you. your proper thinking & intelligence will give you better money flows.
October this is time when the slogan work is worship works. Lot of work would be there for you. also your expenditures could go towards your family front. so you could have manifold gains, but you have to handle the expenditure also this time
In the month of November. this could be time when there could be lot of gains of money. but unexpected problems can also creep in .There could be stress and unexpected events that may take lot of money at your end .
In the month of December, your money gains would be there but that could be a lot more outflows on health matters, family and slightly possible hospitalization. travels would also take your money. so you need to take care during Travels .stress has to be kept under guard.
Your CAPRICORN Horoscopes
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