Horoscope Second House Rahul Gandhi kundli Predictions

horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
About this article?

  • In this article we discuss at depth for the second house of any horoscope. Be it the lagna or ascendant chart or the Navamsha or d9 chart or horoscope.
  • It covers the basic functions of the second house or bhava in any horoscope.
  • Then as a real-life example it covers the impact of the second house of his horoscope .
  • also the Navamsha chart for Rahul Gandhi ji on his political career and also family life.
  • It also tells you why Rahul Gandhi ji could earn even from his opposition or why does he have to apologize at times on what he speaks.
  • horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    What does the second house of the horoscope or Kundli say about someone?

  • So If you look at the second house of any horoscope or Kundli.
  • It primarily deals the money flows, status and also family matters. It deals with face and what you speak.
  • but the second house in horoscope is most important for the money flows and face of the person.:)
  • The respect or recognition in some sense it gets from the society is also there in the second bhava of the horoscope.
  • The kind of wealth flows and how money is earned is form the second house of the horoscope.
  • Like mars in the second bhava being a malefic means loss of money at times. also harsh speech at times and may burns on face.
  • so does Saturn or Shani in the second bhava or house of the horoscope gives similar results.
  • so is the benfic like Jupiter in the second bhava giving great results in terms of money or family.
  • horoscope second house kundli money wealth predictions status image
    How could 2nd house of the horoscope or Kundli tell us about how would the status of the person be and how he or she would gain wealth or money?
    status horoscope second house kundli money wealth predictions
    How is the second house of horoscope or Kundli used to know maximum influence chosen to determine wealth or status?

  • so the second house or bhava of the Horoscope is primary for the acquisition of wealth .
  • depending on a string planet sitting here in second house or bhava , it will suggest the predominating source of his income.
  • so the first step is to look at the planets sitting in the 2nd bhava.
  • Then the next step may be to look at the lordship of the 2nd bhava or house of the Horoscope.
  • Then one needs to look at the d9 or navamsha as well for the horoscope.
  • Like for the example given below for Rahul Gandhi ji.
  • the factors we have is
    (i) we have rahu or dragon’s head in the second bhava of his
  • (ii) The lordship of the second house or bhava in the horoscope or Kundli is of Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi .ruled by Saturn or Shani dev.
  • (iii) Now in navamsha Saturn is sitting int eh 8th house with sun in Scorpio sign.
  • horoscope career house role horoscope second house kundli money wealth predictions status image
    How is the karma or career house of the horoscope or Kundli also sued to know maximum influence chosen to determine wealth or status?

  • so i) Rahu or dragon’s head deals with masses or people and diplomacy.
  • so does Saturn the 2nd lord of house deal with people or downtrodden people and masses.
  • in d9 or navamsha it is in the Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi. this again stands for land and people who are lesser privileged.
  • also there is sin or surya the royal planet there.
  • so clearly Rahul Gandhi ji would get status and image from the masses or people.
  • especially form lesser privileged. also he would be of Royal nature as sun is there.
  • plus he will gain a lot by diplomacy as Rahu or dragon’s head is there in the 2nd bhava of the horoscope of his.
  • Also as a parallel confirmation Then take the lord of the 10th could also be considered here as it represents the action or the Karma of the person.
  • also consider the placement of this lord in Navamsha or d9 and strength of the same.
  • d9 navamsha horoscope second house kundli money wealth predictions status image
    What is the role of d9 or navamsha chart to know maximum influence chosen to determine wealth or status given a practical example ?

  • so in Rahul Gandhi ji’s case we have Venus ruling the karma bhava in the 7th bhava in cancer sign.
  • so as Venus is a planet of dignity and luxury, so working people of high designation would give him natural gains and strength and inflows. 🙂
  • Venus is in debility in the d9 chart, so he may also have to face issues with people of high stature.
  • We also note dev guru Jupiter there in the karma bhava of Rahul Gandhi ji.
  • so clearly gains from good people and blessings of rishis are there to enhance his status.
  • also growth in career and money is promised for sure.
  • horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    What does the second house of Rahul Gandhi ji’s Kundli or Horoscope say about his wealth and status?
    saturn shani horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    How does Saturn or shani dev ruling the second hsoue of horoscope Rahul Gandhi ji impact his status ?

  • Now let us focus on the Horoscope of Rahul Gandhi ji’s second house.
  • So second Rahul Gandhi ji’s second house or bhava is ruled by Aquarius or Kumbha rashi .
  • Saturn or Shani dev the lord of the second house of horoscope for Rahul Gandhi ji’s is in the fourth house. Saturn is in debility there.
  • but being in Kendra bhava, it gives some basic image, but being in Aries- or mesha rashi also spoils Rahul Gandhi ji’s image at times.
  • but being Saturn and Shani dev in the sign of mars would make him popular as well in the underdog of country India
  • rahu dagon's head horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    How does Rahu or dragon’s head in the second hsoue of horoscope Rahul Gandhi ji impact his status ?

  • Also note that rahu or dragon’s head is also sitting in the second house of Rahul Gandhi ji’s.
  • so all this could give him some unexpected gains in wealth and status and also public image.
  • It could also either impact his image in foreign lands or suddenly also give Rahul Gandhi ji’s some good image.
  • connected to 2nd bhava , as see that Saturn or Shani dev also has energy exchange Jupiter the benefic sitting in the 10th bhava or house of career. so this issues in image could impact Rahul Gandhi ji’s career or job.
  • Jupiter is lord of the 12th bhava and also 3rd bhava so suggest that Rahul Gandhi ji’s could get good gains if working for foreign lands.
  • jupiter guru horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    How does Jupiter or Guru impact on second hsoue of horoscope Rahul Gandhi ji impact his status ?

  • also his siblings like Priyanka Gandhi ji would be close and supporting to him in his message to people.
  • as Jupiter or Guru send good energy to Saturn and healing the same.
  • Also Jupiter the 12th bhava or house lord sends energy to 4th bhava(house) of Rahul Gandhi ji. v so suggests that his mother smt. Sonia Gandhi ji could be of foreign decent and yes genuine lady.
  • d9 navamsha horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    What does the navamsha chart of Rahul Gandhi ji say?
    saturn shani horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    How does Saturn or shani dev lord of second house of lagna , impact the d9 or Navamsha horoscope Rahul Gandhi ji?

  • The d9 or navamsha again for Rahul Gandhi ji’s is ruled by Aries sign or Mars or Mangal.
  • Now Saturn or Shani dev is sitting in the 8 house or bhava of the Horoscope d9 of Rahul Gandhi ji.
  • we have the planet sun as well there. so over all the public image for Rahul Gandhi ji’s horoscope could be in waning and waxing as 8th bhava of horoscope is involved.
  • but due to sun or sura dev Rahul Gandhi ji would also have good dignity. yes he is a son of illustrious father Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji the x prime minister of India.
  • mars mangal horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    How does mars or mangal dev connected to the second house of lagna horoscope Rahul Gandhi ji, impact his status In the d9 or Navamsha chart or Horoscope ?

  • Note Saturn and mars are in natural conflicts and 8th bhava being the Scorpio sign, Rahul Gandhi ji would face a tough task in creating his image.
  • we have moon and rahu in the 10th house of horoscope of Rahul Gandhi ji .
  • Now looking at the 2nd house lord of the d9 or Navamsha horoscope of .
  • opposition politics horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    Based on d9, how could Rahul gandhi ji earn even from opposition ?

  • we notice a strange energy exchange , that is 6 houses lord is in the second house and also second house lord is int he 6th house.
  • So this indicates that Rahul Gandhi ji’s horoscope would have obstacles in the money or credit flows .
  • but Rahul Gandhi ji would also gain even for enemies.
    This situation makes Rahul Gandhi ji very adventurous as well.
  • but still the connection of 6th and 2nd bhava is not good for family and yes we know that Rahul Gandhi ji has good enough family issues. This could impact his political career as well.
  • horoscope second house kundli rahul gandhi predictions
    Overall summary of this article?

  • so what all this means is that it would be tough journey to get proper status and image for Rahul Gandhi ji in India or Indian Politics.
  • but sure he could get popularity among the poor people.
  • if he connects more to the poor and down trodden Saturn and rahu(dragon’s head) could bless him more.
  • We have also to note the Rahu or dragon’s head in the 2nd bhava or house of the Horoscope9kundli) that could make him speak at times out of tune, then maybe he has to apologize.
  • also rahu or dragon’s head for Rahul Gandhi ji could give him unexpected fame as well.
  • His 2nd bhava or house lord of d9 in the 6th bhava suggest Rahul Gandhi ji would get gains even from his enemies :). that is from the opposition party as well.
  • Secondly The sixth house road in the second house suggests problems on the family and also wealth status would eb there for Rahul Gandhi ji .
  • we know he is still one of most eligible bachelors.
  • so Vedic astrology comes out to be 100% accurate,

  • Horoscope Reincarnation Past Life Karma Drekkana d3 Example Lal bahadur Shastri Indian Vedic Astrology

    past-life-karma-reincarnation-rebirth past life karma reincarnation longevity kundli horoscope birth chart d3 drekkana decanate divisional lal bahadur shastri India prime minister Vedic astrology predictions
    About this article?

  • The interesting article below talks in depth about reincarnation and transmigration of souls based on past life reincarnation Horoscope or Vedic astrology.
  • It discusses how using Vedic astrology or Jyotish one could see from where the soul(ourselves) have come from( heavens or Hell :)) and which kind of karma of past Life the soul has had in the previous life time?
  • Based on the past life or reincarnation Horoscope ,it tells about what makes us a success, failure or mediocre in life in regard to money, job, children, or life partner etc based on our past life connections?
  • We know that Reincarnation is a process that connects the soul to its past life birth and present life!
  • This life time’s Success , Failure, More money, Less money, fame, longevity .
  • Also sukha or happiness from children ,wife, Job and Career, foreign stay Longevity(How long we live?) etc is given by the past life or reincarnation horoscope.
  • ALL depends on our past life karma.
  • ALL of this is discussed beautifully in depth in this article. 😉
  • The role of each and every planet, Houses, and zodiac signs for finding out past life reincarnation is also given in detail.
  • Vedic astrology offers powerful method to find out the past life karma of any person:) using simple horoscope analysis.
  • This article further discusses past life and reincarnation aspect about Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri ji- India’s x -prime-ministers future beyond the departure from earth plane based on Vedic Astrology principles.
  • horoscope reincarnation past life karma  kundli
    How is past life or re incarnation evaluated based on any Kundli or Horoscope in Vedic astrology ?

  • The past life or reincarnation is evaluated based on the 9th house of the Horoscope.
  • 5th house and the divisional charts like d9(Navamsha), d12(dwadashamsha) and d3 or drekkana chart.
  • The relevance of each varga or divisional chart horoscopes for the past life or reincarnation evaluation is discussed in this article .
  • .

  • One can see in the article how the past life karma could connect to present life success or failures or pleasures or pains in this lifetime :).
  • In-between past life and the present life one may live in heaven or hell, or various astral regions created by GOD.
  • Vedic astrology d3 chart or drekkana chart is powerful tool to do so.
  • so ==> ==>< This present Life time>
  • reincarnation past life kundli horoscope
    Reincarnation, Past Life and your Karma and The Horoscope(Kundli) connection ?
    Is there a connection of Reincarnation, Past life karma and our Kundli or Horoscope?

  • YES, there is.
  • here in this section we talk about re-incarnation or past life karma and how does it connect to your horoscope(kundli).
  • if we look at any horoscope the re-incarnation has to do with the past life and most important connection is your lagan or ascendant.
  • which has the maximum information about your personality stored there.
  • 9th house horoscope reincarnation past life karma  kundli
    What is the role of the 9th house to Reincarnation, Past life karma in any Kundli or Horoscope?

  • Then the next comes the 9th House and the 9th house or bhava Lord .
  • as the 9th house deals with poorva Punya or past life karma or good efforts done by you in the incarnations.
  • So, the same energy gets stored with the 1st bhava and the 9th bhava.
  • 5th house lord horoscope reincarnation past life karma  kundli
    Does the 5th house in any kundli or horoscope store the Good karma for past life incarnation, or Past life karma , Kundli or Horoscope?

  • Then is the 5th house or 5th bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli, which again stories the good karma of the past life incarnations.
  • d9 navamsha reincarnation past life kundli horoscope
    What does the Navamsha or the d9 chart say about the past life or re-incarnation based on any kundli or horoscope ?

  • to get more information about anyone’s past life the d9 chart or Horoscope is evaluated.
  • now as d9 has the energy information for the 9th division of the horoscope so lot of information is there in the ninth division or d9 in regard to the past life or incarnation related karma.
  • so, one must investigate that what kind of planetary energies are there in the horoscope in the d9 chart analysis .
  • d12 dwadashamsha horoscope reincarnation past life karma  kundli
    what is the role of d12 or dwadashamsha chart or horoscope for past life or reincarnation study based on kundli or horoscope ?

  • The d12 or the dwadashamsha chart of the horoscope looks at the Karma of the parents especially the planets sun and moon energies are looked at .
  • They store the past life good deeds of the parents, that is sun for father and moon for mother.
    Good karma of Both parents is in the 5th bhava and the bad karma in the 6th bhava.
  • past life karma re incarnations
    Reincarnation, Past Life and your Karma and The Horoscope of a Great SAINT :))?how does it connect?

  • we further analyse the chart of horoscope(kundli) of a powerful saint of India and very dignified spiritual savant.
  • he started many new movements and ashrams.
  • jupiter guru horoscope reincarnation past life karma  kundli
    what role does the benefic Jupiter or Guru play to reflect great spiritual karma in past life incarnation or Past life karma ?

  • so, as lagan or the ascendant connects to past life and the lagna of this person is Sagittarius or dhanu rashi.
  • this is ruled by Jupiter the divine planet of blessings of this life and past lives or incarnations ! 😉
  • 11th bhava house horoscope reincarnation past life karma  kundli
    what is the role of the 11th bhava or house placement of Jupiter for Reincarnation karma or Past life karma for any Kundli or Horoscope?
    Jupiter in this saint’s Horoscope is in the 11th house .

  • so it is very clear this person would be inclined towards spirituality.
  • 9th house bhava reincarnation past life kundli horoscope saint
    what is the role of the 9th lord in past life and incarnation aspect of the saint ?

  • Now looking at the horoscope of Kundli the 9th house is ruled by the sign Leo or the simha rashi.
  • that is ruled by sun or surya. this sits in lagna. so, this very clearly indicates that the religion or Dharma would have a strong role to play on this person’s life . 🙂
  • also note that the 9th bhava rules reincarnation and the Karma plus the past life.
  • so being sun or number 1, so his own initiative or action for spirituality would have a very strong role to play with redemption of his karma.
  • zodiac signs horoscope reincarnation past life karma  kundli
    Does the sign ruling the 9th house or bhava also influence the karma for past life Reincarnation or Past life in any Kundli or Horoscope?

  • It also indicates that he would have a very distinct Karma of the past as he was a lion in terms of spirituality(Leo ruling the 9th bhava ;)) in the past life .
  • Plus, he has reincarnated as a good person into this lifetime. as the lagan or ascendant is Sagittarius .
  • so overall reincarnation very clearly reflects that he was a good and a distinct Saint in the past life as well . 😉
  • 5th house reincarnation past life kundli horoscope
    What is the role of the 5th house and lord in any kundli or horoscope in past life and incarnation aspect of the saint ?

  • 5th house represents the for the good karma of person of past lives. here we see that Aries is ruling the fifth house of the saint.
  • This means that the person is action oriented and being dhanu lagna means. His action or Karma would be for spiritual realisation .
  • he would not like to reincarnate ;). he would like to burn all the seeds of the past life karma of his last incarnation.
  • More details about the saint based on d9 or navamsha chart and the d12 or the dwadashamsha chart or horoscope later.
  • we can clearly see how the past life code is decoded for the saint 🙂 by Vedic astrology and how helpful and useful it could be for you. ;))
  • longevity reincarnation past life kundli horoscope
    Longevity & Life span- past life karma incarnation and future analysis-astrological perspective:

  • The powerful application of the d3 divisional chart or the drekkana/decanate divisional chart is also indicated.
  • This is really a blessing to the entire world by Vedic astrology or jyotish.
  • To add value to the article- the conditions of departure of our revered former prime minister Sri Lal bahadur shastri ji has been done.
  • This has been corroborated by the real event of his being in Tashkent and suffering from the heart attack.
  • Past Life and reincarnation and karma are eastern concepts mostly in Hindu traditions.
  • also followed in Buddhist, Janis and some of the Hebrew traditions and Sikhism. More thrust came in by the recent research by Yale university psychiatrist Brian Weiss.
  • prenatal abode reincarnation past life kundli horoscope
    Prenatal abode or past life karma and incarnations:

  • d3 drekkana reincarnation past life kundli horoscope
    How does drekkana of Jupiter or Guru define one having great past Life karma in kundli or Horoscope ?

  • In any Horoscope or kundli(birth chart), the stronger of the planet or graha than sun or surya or Chandra or moon in the drekkana( divisional or varga chart) of Jupiter or guru denotes the descent of the soul form the world of GOD’s.
  • How can one coming from hell or heaven or some other place in past Life or in-between astral world be predicted based on any kundli or Horoscope ?

  • In any Horoscope or kundli(birth chart), the stronger of the two of sun or moon occupies or shukra or Chandra the descent is from the world of manes.
  • if sun or surya or mars (Mangal) is there the ascent is from the world of Yama.
  • if the drekkana(d3 or the 3rd divisional or varga chart decanate) is Saturn(Shani) or mercury(budha)- the person has come from hell as mercury could be Combust & weak and Saturn(Shani) is a natural malefic .
  • So find out the strength of the planet sun or moon and then look at which drekkena or d3 divisional or varga chart planet sun or moon is in.
  • longevity life span reincarnation past life kundli horoscope
    The fate of the body, after departure

    what is the role of 8th house in any kundli or horoscope for the next life karma of the body in transition?

  • In any Horoscope or kundli(birth chart), If the drekkana(d3 or the 3rd divisional or varga chart decanate) of the eighth house or bhava is occupied by mix set of planets- that is good and bad, the body would dry up.
  • What is the role of the sarpa division of d3 decanate in any kundli or horoscope for the next life karma?

  • In any Horoscope or kundli(birth chart), If there is serpent drekkana(d3/decanate) or sarpa divisional or varga chart, then due to malefic nature the body could be taken by animals or crow or birds etc.
  • How is the serpent drekkana or d3 in any kundli defined ?

  • The serpent drekkana(d3) or d3 divisional or varga chart is said to be the second and third drekkana for karat rashi or cancer sign .
  • The first one in the Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi and the also one in the Pisces sign or Meena rashi
  • Lal bahadur shastri reincarnation karma and next life
    Lal Bahadur shastri ji India’s former prime minister- how he left the world and his possible past life predictions

    lalbahadur-shastri-d1 past life karma reincarnation longevity kundli horoscope birth chart d3 drekkana decanate divisional lalbahadur shastri India prime minister Vedic astrology predictions
    Past life karma & Re incarnation & example case taken Lal bahadur Shastri ji

  • Then it takes the example of Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri ji to do analysis of his past and future lives based on Vedic astrology principles.
  • Name: Lal Bahadur Shastri

    Date of Birth: Sunday, October 09, 1904
    Time of Birth: 11:15:00
    Place of Birth: Varanasi
    Time Zone: 5.5

  • In the Horoscope or kundli(birth chart) Sri Lal bahadur shastri ji( our former prime minister of India).
  • His eighth bhava or house lord is in the tenth bhava of action or karma and his career- so he died in service in Tashkent we know.
  • Given the Horoscope or kundli(birth chart) Sri Lal bahadur shastri ji( our former prime minister of India).
  • Sun the lord of ninth house or bhava is close , this gives him royal honours as a departed primes minister in office.
  • Sun also rules the heart so indicates possibility of heart attacks.
  • For the Horoscope or kundli(birth chart) Sri Lal bahadur shastri ji( our former prime minister of India).
  • Sun also gets the energy of malefic mars and rahu(dragon’s head) in the ninth house or bhava.
  • Mercury or budha is again their ruling relationships and job or career, so left the world trying to coordinate relationship between India/Pakistan and Russia.
  • In the Horoscope or kundli(birth chart) Sri Lal bahadur shastri ji( our former prime minister of India).
  • Ketu or dragon’s tail in the third bhava and Saturn or Shani ruling the same- suggest heart troubles.
  • From his moon rashi or chart mars or Mangal rules the eighth bhava and sits in the twelfth bhava – so yes he was in foreign lands and also mars and ketu both indicate a severe heart trouble or blood related problems.
  • The ninth house or bhava lord in the tenth with eighth house lord along with Jupiter in the eighth bhava form the moon sign indicate a divine ascent.
  • For the Horoscope or kundli(birth chart) Sri Lal bahadur shastri ji( our former prime minister of India).
  • Stronger of the sun and moon is sun , it is in the drekkana of Venus(assuming birth date is OK).
  • so clear from the world of manes as Venus and moon represent the same- the good spirits. but he ascended to the highest heaven due to Jupiter or guru.
  • We pray for his soul to rest in peace.
  • next incarnation horoscope reincarnation past life karma  kundli
    Ascent after Death or leaving this world- next incarnation:

  • This all depends on the planets or garahas in the vayaya that is twelfth house, Yuvati bhava(seventh house) and also the Ari bhava( the sixth house of debt) and also the randhr bhava or the eighth house .
  • In any Horoscope or kundli(birth chart), If Jupiter or Guru, then one goes to heaven.
  • if moon(Chandra) and Venus(shukra) the world of manes, if mars(Mangal) and or sun(surya) then one has rebirth that is earth. If that has budha(mercury) or Saturn(Shani) a malefic one goes to hell.
  • For any Horoscope or kundli(birth chart), If the above bhavas or house like the twelfth/eighth/sixth are not occupied the stronger of the drekkana(d3 or the 3rd divisional or varga chart decanate) lords of related sixth house(ari bhava) or randhr bhava(eighth house).
  • The relative strength of planet of high/medium or low would define the kind of after-life.
  • There are other planets and sign/rashis that could act like killers would be discussed later
  • The below article discusses at length the basic Vedic astrology principles involved in evaluating what happens in the next life and past life .

  • Horoscope Money Sun Sign Moon Sign Rashi FREE

    money wealth sun sign rashi money wealth sun sign rashi
    How your sun sign & Moon Sign(Rashi) pin points your wealth status or money status? 😉
    Please SELECT Your SUN SIGN or MOON SIGN(Rashi) BELOW, & Get Your FREE Money Horoscope Predictions For You NOW!
    free horoscope astrology


     Aries horoscope astrology

     Taurus horoscope astrology

     Gemini horoscope astrology

     cancer horoscope astrology

     Leo horoscope astrology

     Virgo horoscope astrology

     libra horoscope astrology

     cancer horoscope astrology

     Sagittarius horoscope astrology

    Capricorn horoscope astrology

    Aquarius horoscope astrology

    Pisces horoscope astrology

    horoscope money wealth sun sign moon sign rashi

  • we all want money and wealth ;). but some are very rich, some average and some poor.
  • a lot depends on your horoscope or kundli, your sun sign and rashi as well apart from hard work you put in.
  • Now why is the wealth for Aries sun sign or mesha rashi [people wealth status is different from Taurus or vrishabha rashi people?
  • simple the 2nd bhava of wealth for Aries is Taurus ruled by Venus the lord of opulence and wealth, but for Taurus it is Gemini sign ruled by mercury.
  • so they can deal well with business and money flows(banks),
  • but at times money accumulation is less as compared to Aries people.
  • Also one needs to note the individual qualities of each sun sign or rashi.
  • like for example Aries or Leo or Sagittarius suns sign or rashis people are passionate and work much harder than others.
  • so can naturally create more wealth than softer rashis or sun signs like taurus, cancer, Pisces or even Virgo.
  • so how much wealth you make is a combination of what is written in your sun sign or rashi plus your natural effort.;)
  • To know about what kind of wealth you can make and how and which areas of work, dates, and colours etc 😉 .
  • This could be lucky for you click on your sun sign or rashi below.

  • Horoscope Fifth House Education & Learning & Divisional Or Varga Charts C V Raman Nobel Prize, Modi Kundli Examples

    5th fifth house horoscope varga divisional charts learning thinking education children
    What is this article about?

  • This is an interesting article and tells about how 5th house or Putra bhava in any horoscope or Kundli define anyone’s Education, deep thinking, learning capabilities or children or kids?
  • .It helps you solve or answer questions like what kind of subjects one could take? How could 5th bhava what planetary combination in 5th bhava made the Nobel prize winner like CV raman win Nobel prize?
  • Or make someone highly intelligent?
  • How could kundli define if someone would become priest or swami etc? if someone based on horoscope or 5th bhava become a Yogi or karma Yogi?
  • how one could base on his horoscope or Kundli get into spirituality or dharma?
    All the predictions are made and modified based on effects of placements of 5th house lord in various Varga or Divisional charts in any kundli or horoscope.
  • How could 5th house talk about children or give great counselling ability?
  • It also as a Practical example analyses the 5th house and overall horoscope of the renowned Physicist Sri C V Raman as well.
  • It further goes to analyse the horoscope 5th house of Sri Narendra Modi ji as one more practical example for 5th house of the Horoscope. It talks about thinking, formal education etc.
  • 5th house kundli horoscope predictionsfirst house horoscope kundli learning education children

    What is the Role of 5th house or bhava in any Horoscope or Kundli?

  • The 5th house deals with children or called the Putra bhava. it is for creativity or procreation and having kids. It also means a house for deep thinking and feelings.
  • the 5th house thus gives the ability to counsel to people. The romance love affair and short-term emotional connections are closely reflected here.
  • so is as it is the house of deep thinking, the education level or learnings of any person reflected in the 5th house of the horoscope.
  • It is also the house of quick and snap emotions. 😉 that is the reason one may play with stocks, lottery or other satta etc which are high risk gains and loss. 🙂
  • that tells you about the emotional level that get involved here. we call this as gambling.
  • also, if 5th house connects to 12th bhava or house so secret love affair come up.
    This house helps in the ability to play around
  • as this house functions like exalted Venus or shukra so it could mean good talent for Music and also dance. yes, theatre or science or may be art or literature also get enhanced due to strength of this house.
  • This is the house of mantra siddhi or incantations siddhi and the ability of any one to be able to counsel to others ;). that is the Gyan baatna or ability to spread knowledge is reflected here.
  • Introduction: The fifth house and Varga(divisional charts) charts Impact:

    • Where does our Deep thinking and education come to us?
      Our thinking is controlled by the planet moon or Chandra and aspects and also the strength of planet mercury the planet of quick thinking and education.
    • The planet Jupiter or Guru he planet of deep thinking and creativity and especially the fifth house of our education and learning and yes thinking as well.
    • What could provide us with a good education and great children or kids :)?
      As we know right kind of thinking and actions leads to success in education and life.
    • Also promises worthy children or kids.
    • Below are given various Yoga’s or combinations of fifth house and he number of varga or divisional charts in which the fifth lord is strong.
    • Then a real example of Sri CV Raman who won Nobel prize for physics in 1930 is taken for astrological consideration later in this article interestingly elaborating the 5th bhava
    • varga or divisional charts 5th house horoscope kundli
      Impacts of the Divisional Dignities of Putra’s or fifth house Lord.
      learning children horoscope fifth house kundli
      What planetary combinations could make you study subjects that are in harmony with the Race You belong to?:

    • On the off chance that Putra’s Lord(The fifth house of children or learning lord) is in Parijatamsa Or Varga Chart, the local will take to the branch of or study a subject , befitting his race,
    • Explanation:

    • That is if the lord of the fifth house is also in strong in the varga or divisional charts (meaning is strong or exalted in at least two of its divisional charts varga charts).
    • which is quite obvious as fifth house is the house of learning and also sudden good luck or lottery.
    • 5th fifth house horoscope varga divisional charts children education
      What planetary combinations may Make you have great leanings? :

    • if the lord of the fifth house in Uttamamsa Or Varga Chart(when three Vargas are gained then the Uttamamsha or Kusumamsha), will have incredible learning
    • Explanation: Once again the fifth house of learning lord in good varga gives the good results in learning. Also, the third sign is of the sign mithuna rashi or Gemini sign ruled by mercury – the planet of learning and quickness in learning.
    • 5th fifth house horoscope awards honours charts learning thinking education children
      Which planetary combinations of the 5th house could give you great honour? :

    • If the fifth house lord if in Gopuramsa Or Varga Chart(the Gopuramsa or Naagpushpamsa or Kimshukamsa or Chaamaramsa), will get overall respects,
    • Explanation: As strong in fourth divisional chart gives good dignity. Also, the fourth house rules public image of the person.
    • priest clergy man horoscope fifth house kundli
      Which conditions of the 5th bhava lord could make a persona clergyman or a Priest in the temples?

    • Lord of fifth house Strong in five Divisional charts or varga charts : if in Simhasanamsa Or Varga Chart(five – the Simhasanamsa or Kundakamsa or Chhatramsa), will turn into a clergyman,
    • Explanation : As fifth is the number of sign Leo or simha rashi- the sign of the kings the above result is there
    • 5th fifth house horoscope  Vedic  charts learning thinking education  Vedas
      What could make you have Vedic Knowledge?

    • Lord of fifth house Strong in six Divisional charts or varga charts : if in additionally Paravatamsa Or Varga Chart(six – the Parvatamsa or Keralamsa or Kundalams), will be supplied with Vedic Knowledge,
    • Explanation: The sixth sign is the sign of Virgo ruled by mercury so the fifth house lord of learning in the six amsas or divisional charts gives good knowledge of Vedas. As mercury and fifth house both deal with learning in some sense.
    • karma action yogi horoscope fifth house kundli
      How could you predict a karma Yogi

    • Lord of fifth house Strong in seven Divisional charts or varga charts : whether in Devalokamsa Or Varga Chart(seven – the Devalokamsa or Kalpavrkshamsa ).
    • He will be a Karma Yogi (entertainer of activities, common and religious rituals),
    • Explanation : The seventh sign and house or sign Libra(Tula rashi) have to do with work and job, so one is a karma Yogi here
    • 5th fifth house horoscope varga divisional charts spirituality  thinking dharma  religion

    • What could properly you towards spirituality and Dharma? Lord of fifth house Strong in eighth Divisional charts or varga charts : if in Brahmalokamsa Or Varga Chart(eight – the Kumkumamsa or Brahmalokamsa or Chandanvanamsa), will be given to the Lord and,
    • Explanation : As eighth house and sign Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi so give to hidden learning and spirituality
    • How one could spot a devout or dharma Person?

    • Lord of fifth house Strong in Nine Divisional charts or varga charts : if in Iravatamsa Or Varga Chart(nine – the Iravatamsa or Poornachandramsa), will be devout.
    • Explanation: As the ninth house and ninth sign of Sagittarius or dhanu rashi is of dharma or religion so making the person devout.
    • Sir_CV_Raman
      cv Raman
      Analysis of the fifth house Lord & varga charts of Nobel prize winner sir CV Raman
      Birth Details of CV Raman the Nobel Prize winner.
      Birth date: Wednesday, November 07, 1888
      Time at Birth: 05:47:01
      Place at Birth: Tiruchchirappalli
      What are The Planetary combinations that made CV Raman so Learned and Illustrious?

      • The lord of the tenth house of career or job is moon- suggesting that the mind of CV Raman(the moon or Chandra) would always be there on doing work- the basic of his success.
      • Also the lord of the tenth house is in the third house of initiatives or his own projects( he conducted several experiments on his own initiative.). That is the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi the planet Jupiter(guru ) ruling the same and giving divine grace of right intuition to any person plus the planet of deep thinking.
      • That is his thinking was deep/conventional and blessed with God’s grace and always in action as in the third house apart from moon being the lord of tenth house.
      • His fifth house lord Saturn is ruled by Aquarius- giving him a different and philosophical outlook as well in thinking- giving him the discipline of experiments and studies the same for success- plus this planet is in the tenth house of career or job along with rahu the planet of non-conventionality.
      • This could mean deep and philosophical and disciplined thinking- but non-conventional and above the rest of the people due to rahu sitting nearby.
      • There is an aspect of the planet Jupiter in the second house to the planet Saturn and rahu blessing the serious or disciplined thinking of Saturn or Shani and also rahu with the grace of GOD.
      • The planet sun or Surya the lord of the eleventh house of gains in ascendant or lagan assures him to get the right fame and status he deserves.
      • The lord of the fifth house or Saturn is strong in six varga charts or divisional charts(Shashtiamsha,Akshvedamsha,Khavedamsha,Saptavimshamsha,Shodashamsha,Dwadashamamsha,) Gives him good knowledge as the number six is for Virgo the planet of intellect and mathematics.

      One can clearly see how Vedic astrology clearly delineates Sir CV Raman’s thought processes and success cause in his Career as a Physicist

      Who was Sir CV Raman?

      • Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was an Indian Physic cist . he was born on (7 November 1888 – 21 November 1970).
      • He was born in Madras Province in India in the state of Tamil Nadu,
      • He did fundamental work in the field of light scattering, which got him the 1930 Nobel Prize for Physics.
      • He had discovered that when light traverses a transparent material, some of the deflected light changes in wavelength.
      • The above phenomenon, later was known as Raman scattering, results from the Raman effect.
      • In the year 1954, India honoured him with its highest civilian award, the is the Bharat Ratna.
      • 5th fifth house horoscope varga divisional charts learning thinking education narendra Modi
        Now let us see what does Narendra Modi ji’s 5th house of horoscope say?

      • We have analysed it elsewhere as well that for Sri Narendra Modi ji the 5th house is ruled by Pisces sign .
      • so, for Narendra Modi ji we know that as Pisces is Ruled By Jupiter(guru) and also Pisces(Meena rashi) is a spiritual sign .
      • and also, as the 5th house rules the deep thinking of anyone. we have to know that Narendra Modi ji is definitely a deep thinking due to Jupiter.
      • he would also think about religion and dharma. RSS and BJP both are aligned with Hindu religion.
      • Also, Pisces(Meena rashi) is a spiritual sign . we all know that Narendra Modi ji spent lot of time in the jungles of Himalayas.
      • he worked hard towards Liberation of spiritual liberation as 12th sign just like 12th house rules liberation of spirit.
      • Himalayas is the place for the same :).
      • modi popular horoscope fifth house kundli
        What makes Narendra Modi ji popular amongst people :)?

      • The lord of the 12th sign and the fifth house is Jupiter(guru), and it is sitting in the 4th house of public image for Narendra Modi ji at six degrees.
      • so, this suggests a deep connection of the public with Sri Narendra Modi ji.
      • so, which is very true being a prime minister of India has to think according to public .Gives him great popularity.
      • What do the aspects on the 5th house of Narendra Modi ji say about him?

      • Now let us check the planets which aspect this 5 house of Narendra Modi ji or sit in the house 5th house .
      • we note Rahu (dragon’s head) planet is there and its innovative planet .
      • so this gives new a different way of thinking to Narendra Modi ji it helps him to quell the Rebels within and outside India.
      • rahu dragon's head horoscope fifth house kundli

      • Rahu or dragon’s head gives in altogether different level of thinking and confidence to him. we note that sun or surya is there sitting in the 11th house of gains from friends and other things .
      • so, sun or surya gives his energy to the fifth house so this very clearly gives Sri Narendra Modi Ji very distinct and dominant thinking and also over above dharma.
      • We also note that Mercury or Budha the planet for thinking and education is combusting and weak.
      • But aspects 5th house of Narendra Modi ji. but it being very young in Virgo sign(Kanya rashi).
      • It gives him quick thinking to some extent but impacts so great education promised but Pisces(Jupiter) to him being lord of the 5th bhava.
      • horoscope fifth house kundli education learning modi
        What does the 5th house say about Sri Narendra Modi ji’s education?

      • yes as we shared above Jupiter or Guru would have promised great education for Narendra Modi ji mercury being weak impacts education .
      • Guru in some sense has given him lifelong education and becoming a prime minister explores one to lot of information and knowledge and also he has been a sadhaka or spiritual aspirant- but we here talk about the formal education.
      • as mercury being weak and it is karaka for education so impact the same. Narendra Modi ji he was a grocer son and used help his father to sell TEA .
      • but he was very good in debates .
      • he did not go for a higher education what is Modi ji . he has received arts in Political Science weather third class from Delhi University( ref wiki) .
      • As for Narendra Modi ji’s horoscope from the moon Rashi. But as moon Rashi and Lagna same for Narendra Modi ji so same results as above.
      • What does the Arudha Lagna(Jaimini system) based 5th house say about Sri Narendra Modi ji?

      • we can have a look at education of Sri Narendra Modi ji from the fifth house from the Jaimini system or arudha lagna .
      • The arudha Lagan or ascendant for him is Aquarius sign (Kumbha rashi) .
      • The 5th house lordship from this for him is the Gemini sign(Mithuna rashi). Now lord of Gemini or Mercury is combusting or very weak so this impacts
        the formal education of Narendra Modi ji .
      • Mercury sits in the 8th house so it could create interest for Narendra Modi ji to occult , spirituality etc.
      • Also, Ketu(dragon’s tail) is sitting there so it could give a very distinct learning’s . Also, we note sun and Mercury also sitting there .which could give distinct thinking of Narendra Modi ji as shared earlier.

    Horoscope Based Career Business Job Initiatives Analysis & Anil Ambani Parashari & Jaimini Astrology

    horoscope career business projects initiatives  initiative kundli horoscope career business projects initiatives  initiative kundli

    About this Article

  • This article at length discusses role of 10th house, 3rd house and 7th house in any Horoscope or Kundli for Career, Job, Projects, or own initiatives for any Horoscope or Kundli. .
  • Its further discuses impact of various planets(sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter etc) and houses in any Horoscope that connect to any Career, Job, business, or projects one is doing is by the Parashari system.
  • It also analyses what could cause failure 🙁 and what could success 😉 in Job or career or any projects based on Kundli or Horoscope.
  • This article later as a practical application of above principles also discusses at length the business, Career, and Initiatives or Projects in Horoscope or kundli .
  • This is based on jaimini astrology methods for Sri anil Ambani ji the business tycoon of India.
  • That is what Yogas, or planetary combinations made him a successes and failure in various ventures he chooses for.
  • horoscope career job projects business kundli
    In any Horoscope what is the role of Various Houses and planet for business/initiative success and or failure?
    career job business projects success and failure chance anil Ambani kundli Vedic jyotish
    what is the Role of the 10th(tenth) house or career & Job karma factor in any Career, business, or Job?

  • Now this is a very interesting question :).
  • In any horoscope initiative has to deal with action or something new.
  • The 10th House or the 10th House Lord deals with any career or business-related work.
  • It is your karma or action.
  • also Saturn or Shani dev is the planet of karma or action, and it rules the 10th sign or connects to 10th bhava of action.
  • so becomes the additional karaka or significator for your career.
  • what is the role of mars or Mangal and 3rd house is any business or initiative?

  • Your own initiatives or if you are an entrepreneurs or say heading start-up , it connects to your 3rd house.
  • It is the house of new projects and your initiatives or projects based on any Kundli or horoscope .
  • Mars or Mangal is a natural Karak for the 3rd house or bhava of any Horoscope.
  • Mars or Mangal deals action or energy and is significator for 3rd bhava.
  • mars mangal business projects success and failure Vedic jyotish

  • Mars or mangal along with Saturn or Shani dev works for karma and discipline and delivery.
  • So the strength of third house or bhava lord and also Mars(Mangal).
  • along with Saturn(Shani) strength is taken as the measure for success in any career or action.
  • But sure, primarily the 3rd house deals with your action and initiatives.

  • what is The role of 2nd(second) bhava or house,11th house or bhava and also 7th house for any business success or failure
    7th hosue horoscope career job projects business kundli parnerships

  • If 7th house is strong in the Horoscope it means better partnerships and also Job for the person.
  • also if the 2nd bhava in the horoscope of wealth and flows also has to be strong.
  • It indicates that whatever hard work you do you get the returns for that :).
  • eleventh house gains horoscope career job projects business kundli

  • A strong eleventh house of gains in the horoscope suggests help from friends and others .
  • If is very strong one can get help from others; ).
  • similarly the seventh house connects to partnerships and jobs .
  • If the 7th house of the Horoscope or Kundli is strong It helps you to connect to the right people or associates.
  • also with the right people so that success is yours 😉
  • business projects success and failure chance anil Ambani kundli Vedic jyotish
    Your Own Business Or projects- what are the Chances of Success and failure?
    The success or failure of your own business or the projects that you initiate is determined by the following factors:

  • The strength of the lord of 3rd house( Third house) or sahaja bhava
  • The kind of influences(aspects/Drishti) coming in your 3rd house and karma bhava(10th house).
  • The kind of influence(aspect/Drishti or conjunction) of the lord of 3rd house with various planets.
  • The strength of mars in your chart , as Mars or Mangal rules your courage and will power and you can solve many problems by willpower.
  • Let us study the case of Anil Ambani
  • practical application horoscope career job projects business kundli
    PRACTICAL application of Career or business Vedic astrology Principles discussed above in the Anil Ambani Horoscope or Kundli?
    horoscope career business projects initiatives  initiative kundli
    Case Study of Business Success for Anil Ambani:
    Name: Anil Ambani
    Date of Birth: 04th June 1959
    Time of Birth: un Known
    Place of Birth: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    Analysis of Anil Ambani Chart for Own Business Initiatives:

  • The lord of 3rd house moon/Chandra is weak in 12th– this explains the ups and downs in the business in the past.
  • Also as his moon is weak in 12th on sign or rashi Aries & Mesha-it also explains the astrological cause of point of differences between two brothers anil Ambani and Mukesh Ambani.
  • Mars though weak- but is in own house of 3rd= initiatives, so is comfortable.
  • The planet Uranus sits here- making this house to give exceptional results. We know how much reliance has grown.
  • Venus or shukra a natural benefic sits here, Venus represents maha Lakshmi Ji, the Goddess for money. So blessing from the Goddess of money for his business is there.
  • Venus or shukra also rules 1st– so making it a raja Yoga for wealth, but at the same time Venus/shukra rules 6th– so he might face issues or obstacles in money flows.
  • Having Mars or Mangal here- makes him fairly aggressive as well in business matters.
  • He could also do well in business to do with foreign matters.
  • business initiative anil Ambani horoscope kundli
    Anil ambani Initiative and Business matters gain and loss based on Vedic astrology ?

  • Now let us look at predictions for Anil Ambani ji.
  • His action towards business & initiatives and his projects based on jaimini astrology system. we also evaluate chances of failure now in based on Jaimini Vedic astrology.
  • karaka amatya karaka horoscope career job projects business kundli
    what is the role of atma karaka and amatya karaka for anil ambani in business or initiative loss or gains?

  • so the Atmakaraka is a planet which has acquired the highest degree of longitude in the horoscope(kundli).
  • For that matter Mercury for Anil Ambani ji is at 21 deg 56 minutes.
  • It is in the Taurus sign (vrishabha rashi), and it is combust as sun is very close by. also sun or Surya is the Amatya karaka for Anil Ambani ji .
  • Suggesting him how to conduct him in the world of business or before starting anything.
  • Now looking at the navamsha or d1 chart of Anil Ambani ji the Atmakaraka sits in the Capricorn sign .
  • as per the classics Capricorn sign or Makar rashi high energy means that the person deals with pearls and corals and dwellings like land property.
  • as we know Saturn or Shani deals with land and also to note that Capricorn sign deals with leadership being the 10th sign.
  • Saturn or Shani dev ruling the makar rashi clearly shows flair for management . so it very clearly deals with and rules the industry and heavy industries especially.
  • career job saturn shani horoscope anil ambani reliance

  • Saturn or Shani dev has a direct connection with heavy industry.
  • as we can see that anil ambani is dealing with the heavy industry and like his involvement with Reliance infrastructure .
  • the Reliance Power and Reliance Communication also are like a heavy industry and suggest metal connection with the same.
  • capricorn makar rashi horoscope career job projects business kundli

  • Now note that anil ambani is Capricorn sign is born on 4th and number 4 has a strong connection with Capricorn sign .
  • so we see a strong correlation in the birth dates of Anil Ambani and his Jaimini horoscopes. 🙂
  • business initiative business initiative anil ambani horoscope kundli
    what made anil ambani choose reliance communications, reliance infrastructure or reliance power or even invest in the film industry? success and loss both ?

  • Now we look at atma karaka in anil Ambani’s horoscope(kundli). Mercury sign energy of the D1 chart of Capricorn as we saw earlier.
  • and also in the d9 or navamsa is it in the cancer sign or karkat rashi.
  • so cancer or moon is fluid so, so connects to Reliance Communication ;).
  • communications is by electrons and protons and that is considered to be fluid in nature.
  • planets amatya karaka horoscope career job projects business kundli

  • In the house in the d9 to navamsa chart we have other planets like Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn as well there.
  • so this suggests that sometimes there could be failure. also the planet sun that is the Amatya karaka close to the atma karaka mercury for Sri anil ambani so intellectual power and also initiative is there in him to solve business problems .
  • the success or name is denoted by sun and so is father(Sri dhirubhai ambani) and has exalted Jupiter there . so clearly there are good blessings of God for Sri anil ambani ji .
  • It would motivate him to do the good deeds in life :).
  • mars Saturn Shani mangal business initiative anil ambani horoscope kundli anil ambani Jaimini astrology
    what does the 3rd house of initiative of anil ambani ji say about his business based on jaimini astrology horoscope?

  • now let us look at the third house of initiatives for Anil Ambani ji it is ruled by Mercury sign of Virgo (Kanya rashi). This is ruled by Mercury which very clearly suggest that his initiatives or his business would be to do with Communications . as mercury or budha does rules communications .
  • jupiter guru horoscope career job projects business kundli anil ambani

  • we know it was Reliance Communications that as initiated by Sri anil ambani ji. Now Virgo or Kanya rashi is the 6th sign doe deal Venus energy.
  • or that is home and infrastructure.
    so reliance infrastructure plays key roles in Sri anil ambani ji’s business life.
  • saturn atma karaka anil ambnai horoscope career job projects business kundli

  • we have Saturn in the atmakaraka house and mars in the 4th house, so something to do with metals or and land as well could be in his domain. so is heavy industry & cutting involved.
  • we know reliance infrastructure again connects to mars or Mangal. Mars or Mangal also deals with money because Mars rules the tenth house of action as well or career for Sri anil ambani ji.
  • mars also rule the fifth house of thinking as well for Anil Ambani ji in the navamsha chart with reference to the atma karaka
  • . so there is a lot of energy and action that goes in the communication infrastructure for Anil Ambani ji based on jaimini system of astrology .
  • mars mangal jaimini astrology horoscope career job projects business kundli anil ambani
    what is role of Mars or Mangal in 3rd house of initiative of anil ambani ji ?

  • Due to mars or Mangal being there in the 3rd house of action for Sri anil ambani ji. mars also bring in the energy of Ketu which is in the 8th sign.
  • as we know that Mars is a malefic and also indicates possible losses to which we know that Sri anil ambani ji’s business failed recently 2019 .
  • gains atma karaka jaimin astrology anil ambani horoscope career job projects business kundli

  • Now looking at the house of gains from the atmakaraka lagna, we have Rahu(dragon’s head) exalted Rahu(dragon’s head) sitting in 11th house so that means Sri anil ambani ji could get great gains as well .
  • especially to do with Rahu(dragon’s head) related energies ;). we know that Rahu(dragon’s head) deals with power and also we know Rahu(dragon’s head) deals with film industry as well .
  • in fact Anil Ambani in 2005 made debut in entertainment industry and formed adlab films company.
  • It was renamed as Reliance Media works. this very clearly indicates the role of Rahu(dragon’s head) in the actions and operation of Anil Ambani ji.
  • 7th house business initiative anil ambani horoscope kundli
    what does the 7th bhava or public image say about anil ambani ji?

  • now looking at the seventh house of the atma Karaka based kundli. we have Jupiter or guru ruling it and Jupiter is sitting the lagna and is exalted in the cancer sign.
  • so very clearly indicates that Sri anil ambani ji would have great connections in life.
  • that is connections with the best people in the world and have great dignity .
  • as Jupiter is exalted and his connections would give him great money. we know his brother Mukesh Ambani helped him in money matters.
  • saturn sun jaimini astrology anil ambani horoscope career job projects business kundli
    what is the role of Saturn anil ambani ji and what does it say about his business based on jaimini astrology?

  • also Saturn or Shani dev The Lord of 7th and 8th house, so very clearly indicates that Reliance infrastructure can give great money to Anil Ambani ji. but yes he has to be careful .
  • As it is ruling the eighth house as well .so this very clearly suggest Jaimini system defines the kind of business Anil Ambani will be doing.
  • venus shukra horoscope career job projects business kundli

  • also we note that shukra or Venus is ruling the Libra sign or 4th house. which is weak in the second Bhava suggested average education for him .
  • also some education to do administration and management as well as sun is the dispositor of Venus. as he did his master’s and administration from Wharton School .
  • mercury anil ambani jaimini astrology horoscope career job projects business kundli
    what is the role of mercury anil ambani ji and what does it say about his business based on jaimini astrology?

  • we see that karakamsha mercury has blessings of Jupiter(guru) and a strong Saturn energy coming from the 9th house bhava. and as per classics it could make the person a king .
  • so as karakamsha has the 9th bhava lord and also exalted Jupiter there and devoid of any serious malefic association barring Saturn which is the malefic.
  • It suggests great wealth and learning for Anil Ambani because of Saturn sitting in the lagna .
  • astrology classics anil ambani horoscope career job projects business kundli
    what do the Astrology classics say about Anil Ambani ji initiative and business ?

  • as per classic if atma karaka is in divisions of moon or Mars. the person could get into loose character . but this is not true for Sri Anil Ambani ji . as there is a lot of Jupiter strength which is supporting him .
  • we also note as per classic if Surya or sun is in the atmakaraka house so anil Ambani ji so he will have Royal engagements
  • what do the classics say about mercury or budha for any business or initiative especially for anil ambani ji?

  • we also know that Buddha or mercury is there and is in the moon sign of cancer in the karkat rashi. Anil Ambani ji very skilful in Arts and trading very intelligent and educated as well
  • jupiter anil ambani jaimini horoscope career job projects business kundli
    what do the classics say about role Jupiter or guru for any business or initiative especially for anil ambani ji?

  • Guru or Jupiter also in the karakasmha Anil Ambani ji will do very good deeds and will be with good in spirituality.
  • Anil Ambani may get inclined to Vedic learning .
  • also 100 years of longevity would be there for Anil Ambani ji .
  • also now looking at the third house from karakamsha we have malefic effects of mars there.
  • but 3rd house is a malefic and mars is a malefic so makes it positive.
  • so makes Anil Ambani ji valorous and ability to fight problems
  • Virgo rules the 3rd bhava so homeliness and kindness in business decisions of Anil Ambani ji.

  • Introduction:

  • Anil ambani was) is an Indian business tycoon and also an investor. He is the chairman of Reliance Group of industries .
  • He is a head of a many listed corporations like Reliance Communications, Reliance Capital, Reliance Power, Reliance Infrastructure and .
  • His net worth is $3.3 billion according to the Forbes billionaire list.
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    Harbhajan-Singh-picturehoroscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

    About this article?:

  • This article at length discussed the Horoscope for the cricketer Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji).
  • It talk about what gave Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) a great heigh and name in cricket career.
  • what planetary combinations ousted him from cricket etc.
  • What is the role of various planets like mars(mangal),Saturn(Shani), Venus or shukra, Tula Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi etc on his career and personal life is also taken in detail
  • The article also talks about Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji)’s person life and wife on what planetary conditions may him marry Harbhajan basra.
  • what role did planets play in IPL matches or for Indian Cricket, in the year 2016? Discover this based on science Vedic astrology
  • Harbhajan
    Horoscope Or Kundli of Harbhajan Singh Bhajji
    Name: Harbhajan Singh
    Date of Birth: Thursday, July 03, 1980
    Time of Birth: 17:00:00
    Place of Birth: Jalandhar
    Longitude: 75 E 34
    Latitude: 31 N 19
    Time Zone: 5.5
    horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli
    Horoscope analysis of Harbhajan Singh Bhajji and Indian cricket
    scorpio vrishchika horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

  • The lagan or ascendant for Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) is Scorpio or Vrishchika in the 11th house of his horoscope.
  • So this suggests gains that is 11th bhava of Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) through proper action that is mars or Mangal.
  • This is very clear Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) is rich and above average for sue 🙂 in terms of money.
  • mars mangal horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

  • Also being the sixth sign( Virgo or Kanya rashi), it gives Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) a strong connection to home or the mother country India.
  • Mars with Pluto gives him exceptional skills in spinning the balls. 🙂 or making off spin.
  • ketu dragon's tail horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

  • Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) has ketu in the 3rd bhava, giving him exceptional courage and to do spin in bowling.
  • Moon in the 4th bhava of his family house gives him picky nature and also travel.
  • Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) had a lot of travels in his cricket career.
  • love wife horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

  • Venus in the 7th bhava in Taurus sign signifies about Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji)’s wife in his horoscope.
  • suggest that she would be very beautiful and connected to the art industry. 🙂 Now she is from the film industry.
  • career job horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

  • the career of Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) is ruled by sun or Leo. so he would go to the top of the cricket career as he did.
  • but being in the 8th bhava, Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) is prone to losses all.
  • in 1998 Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) suspended form ODI and also in 2017 champions trophy of cricket , he was dropped. so all this is due to sun in the 8th bhava of Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji).
  • saturn shani horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

  • Saturn in the 10th bhava along with Jupiter suggests gains and expansion in career. but with delays and issues.
  • also as Saturn(Shani) rules 3 and 4th bhava of the horoscope for Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji), so does suggest good name and fame for him. but with issues and problems.
  • predictions horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli
    Astrology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji):
    mars managl dev horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

  • Harbhajan Singh Bhajji the cricketer is a Scorpio ascendant(Vrishchika rashi person), and Mars or Mangal dev is the ruler of this ascendant.
  • Mars represents passion.
  • We know he is passionate player and planned into trouble or controversies due to his extra passion(slapping sreeshanth, scuffle with police at Guwahati etc).
  • Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi people are generally slender in appearance and is representing centipede.
  • The colour of this sign is reddish-brown just like the centipede.
  • Most of the description of the physique matches with Harbhajan Singh
  • water horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

  • As Scorpio sign in any Horoscope can live both in land and water.
  • It means Harbhajan Singh bhajji can play well in cricket and also water sports.
  • Spin balling of his is fluid like water so in a sense he has water qualities in his.
  • The direction Scorpio rules are north.
  • That is North direction would benefit Harbhajan Singh or bhajji more,.
  • As the centipede it is hairy and has great passion hidden in people ruled by this sign.
  • Harbhajan Singh’s ascendant Lord is in XIth house of gains.
  • so Harbhajan Singh will generally get with gains with proper action and passion due to mars and have great qualities.
  • so would have lot of fame ; fiery and also gains from opposite sex and wife.
  • planets horoscope harbhajan singh bhajji indian cricket  IPL kundli

    2016 horoscope predictions for Harbhajan Singh(Bhajji) in the arena of cricket

  • 2016 could give Harbhajan Singh mixed results(more of gains) in IPL matches or the way BCCI looks at him for the Indian cricket team.
  • Jupiter or guru is weakened in 10th house in transit, but still it could give gains in career and expansion in career and name in IPL or Indian cricket team for Harbhajan Singh.
  • It means betterment of family as aspect on 4th house of family and mind is there for Harbhajan Singh.
  • More inclination to dharma and ethical living could come in for Harbhajan Singh’s mind at least based on his Horoscope or Kundli.
  • Some gains in wealth and status could be there due to aspect on 2nd house in his Horoscope- in the IPL/BCCI matches for the Indian cricket team.
  • Also aspect on 7th could mean better job offers or new long-term relationships for Harbhajan Singh(bhajji) the cricketer’s horoscope-

  • Horoscope Navjot Singh Sandhu BJP leader resigned

    navjot-singh-sidhu-afp_650x400_71468835329  aap or AAM admi party candidate leaves BJP horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party

    About this article ?

  • This article discusses the Horoscope or Kundli of Navjot Singh Sidhu in depth on how he became so successful in cricket and got so much of Name and fame in India and the world 😊.
  • which planetary combinations in Navjot Singh Sidhu’s Horoscope gave him so much of fame.
  • what made him a success in BJP.
  • What made him leave BJP. what made him loose with captain Amarinder Singh of Punjab.
  • all based on his Horoscope and planetary transits.
  • horoscope kundli horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party
    Horoscope or Kundli of Navjot Singh Sidhu ?
    Date of Birth: 20th October, 1963
    Time of Birth: Is Not Known
    Place of Birth: is Patiala, In Punjab, India
    Navjot Singh H sidhu Aam admi aap party candidate leaves bjp
    Basic Natal Chart or Horoscope Analysis of Navjot Singh Sidhu-what made Navjot Singh Sidhu so different from ? Vedic Astrology and Jyotish analysis :
    venus shukra horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party

  • Navjot Singh Sidhu has Venus or shukra the lord of ascendant Libra sign (Tula rashi) in his horoscope or Kundli.
  • Venus sits on the ascendant and is strong.
  • This Venus or shukra is a planet of beauty which gives him good looks, comforts in life and Success in TV shows- as Venus rules TV and media as well.
  • Venus or shukra makes Him a good host
  • Planet Saturn or Shani rules his public image( fourth house or matru bhava in his Horoscope) , it’s strong but retrograde in his horoscope.
  • Which gives Navjot Singh Sidhu reversals in public image.
  • He was at the top in cricket, then he got involved in a case and his image fell down.
  • Then Navjot Singh again came back in politics and then again in comedy shows and now as a possible chief ministerial candidate when ignored by BJP.
  • So Saturn or Shani in the Horoscope of Navjot Singh Sidhu is clearly causing reversals in public image of his.
  • Moon or Chandra and Mars(mangal) are together in second house of Sidhu giving him intense anger.
  • Which Navjot Singh Sidhu himself has accepted .
  • But we are sure he is more controlled man now.
  • Navjot Singh Sidhu Born on 20th October , ruled by Moon (20=2+0) and sun sign = Libra, by Venus in his Horoscope or Kundli.
  • It gives Navjot Singh Sidhu a very sensitive and loving nature and connection to mother land :).
  • So over all is a very nice Guy with a great love for his Mother lands India and Punjab both.
  • Navjot Singh sidhu 2019 predictions
    Why is Politician Navjot Singh Sidhu’s Image in turmoil in the year 2019 based on his horoscope or Kundli?

  • In the year 2019 since Pulwama CRPF convoy attacks in Kashmir March 30, politician Navjot Singh Sidhu who is also a cricketer attack in Kashmir his image has been impacted.
  • people do not like him! it was that for some reason it apparently appeared that Navjot Singh is with Imran Khan .
  • which caused Navjot Singh Sidhu loss of image in the country to some extent.
  • In June it was recently in the news that Navjot Singh Sidhu has been removed from key portfolios.
  • Following his conflict with captain Amarinder Singh .
  • but Navjot Singh Sidhu has not made any comment.
  • Captain Amarinder Singh also happens to be chief minister of Punjab as well.
  • planets horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party
    What do the planets in the Horoscope say about Navjot Singh Sidhu the politicians’ current situation in 2019 ?
    mars mangal horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party

  • Now let us look at what is happening in the horoscope or kundali of Navjot Singh Sidhu .
  • as the accurate birth time is not available for Navjot Singh .we to prepare the horoscope based on the Moon Lagna.
  • Now his Rashi is Scorpio sign(Vrishchika Rashi) with Mars or Mangal close by.
  • That gives Navjot Singh Sidhu great level of action that was visible in cricket he played earlier and speeches for politics he gives.
  • moon chandra horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party

  • also, he could have been a bit aggressive earlier as he was engaged in a criminal case as well.
  • because the moon is getting a lot of energy from Mars or Mangal .
  • The moon is debilitated in the Scorpio sign or Vrishchika Rashi.
  • jupiter guru horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party
    What is the Impact of Jupiter or Guru transit in 2019 for Navjot Singh Sidhu ?
    horoscope kundli horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party

  • as the moon is also debilitated , so looking at the current transits of Jupiter ruling the 2nd bhava or house of Navjot Singh Sidhu.
  • It is in transit in the lagna .
  • Jupiter or Guru transit in Scorpio Lagna or Vrishchika rashi gives him some good image at least he is a bit unpopular.
  • but un-popular has popular in it. 🙂 so at least is popular in certain sense we find that for certain things certain matters like getting the portfolios when he was OK with captain Amarinder Singh.
  • Jupiter or guru was helping him .
  • but Navjot Singh Sidhu portfolio got removed as Jupiter(guru) got retrograde for him so impacting his status in politics.
  • saturn shani horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party
    What is the Impact of Saturn or Shani transit in 2019 for Navjot Singh Sidhu ?

  • For Navjot Singh Sidhu we know Saturn is Lord of 3rd and fourth(4th) house, so this is the lord of initiatives & people connection(3rd house) and yes public image & mind( 4th house).
  • This planet Shani dev or Saturn comes into his 2nd house of wealth and status.
  • But as Saturn has gotten retrograde recently, so is actions will not pay off well.
  • plus as the 3rd house also rules with Communications. so Navjot Singh Sidhu’s communication with people will not be great .
  • also as Saturn or Shani rules the fourth house of the public image of Navjot Singh Sidhu.
  • His image would also go down more intensity after may ending 2019. one can clearly see.
  • ketu dragon's tail horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party
    What is the Impact of Ketu or dragon’s Tail transit in 2019 for Navjot Singh Sidhu ?

  • Ketu is currently transiting in 2019 in Navjot Singh Sidhu’s wealth & status house .
  • also his natal Ketu is there in the 2nd bhava making Ketu impacted more intense.
  • we know that the house is of wealth and status and is also Markesh or killer house.
  • so whenever Ketu or mars like planet goes here, it gets the negative energy of that house.
  • so this clearly indicates that there would be a decline in the wealth and status of Navjot Singh Sidhu .
  • also we need to suggest that Navjot Singh Sidhu has to be careful about what is speaks because Ketu impacts his second house of speech .
  • at the time of Pulwama attacks on CRPF in Kashmir Ketu had come in the 2nd bhava of Navjot Singh Sidhu.
  • double ketu dragon's tail horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party

  • so beyond March 2019 as double Ketu energy is there in 2nd house of Navjot Singh Sidhu.
  • Much more care is needed for Navjot Singh Sidhu .any comment just like the Pulwama attack comments and connecting with Imran Khan may be with good intent.
  • But still, it could have been interpreted in a negative sense because of the planetary situations.
  • horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party
    Summary of 2019 and 2020 for Navjot Singh Sidhu

  • one can very clearly see that all the factors that are the major transits Saturn(Shani), Rahu(dragon’s head) and Jupiter(guru) are working against Navjot Singh Sidhu the politician.
  • saturn shani horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party

  • In addition as Saturn(Shani) and Jupiter(guru) are retrograde so 2nd bhava of wealth and status is badly impacted.
  • so for coming few months till Jupiter gets direct by July 2019. he has to be careful.
  • By July 2019,Navjot Singh Sidhu would regain some official status and may be getting more comfortable with his Congress party.
  • But sure he would take much better decisions and enjoying better luck after September- October 2019 when Navjot Singh Sidhu’s Saturn or Shani would be direct in motion.
  • Plus Jupiter or guru gets into his 2nd house of status. But this would happen only by November 2019 ending and Saturn would get into Capricorn in 2020 the 3rd house of Navjot Singh Sidhu .
  • helping him somewhat to consolidate his position and standing in Indian society and politics.
  • but we also see a lot of re-strategizing effort and introspection happening at Navjot Singh Sidhu’s end in 2020. he goes more towards religion and dharma . also 2020 could emotionally a disturbing time for him and he may have more partings/separation in 2020.
    we wish him all the best in life.
  • leave bjp horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party chief minister punjab
    Why Did Navjot Singh Sidhu Leave BJP and His Chance of becoming a Chief Minster( 2016-2017 predictions)- Vedic Astrology

  • He left BJP as the Saturn and mars are badly conjunct and release very negative energy in his 2nd house ruled by mars and mars sitting on the same and ruling 7th house of relationships.
  • This made Him Quit BJP
  • By the year 2017 Saturn would be in his 3rd house with natal ketu aspecting his Luck also Jupiter sin 12th gives energy to his luck and house of public image that is 4th
  • He also would be out of sadhe sati the first two critical phases.
  • 2016 ending and 2017 would be a bag of surprises and a lot of work for Mr. Navjot Singh Sidhu and details and data collection a and yes ACTION, if he is able to take it.
  • he just has slightly above average chances(60%) to win or become Chief minister of Punjab .
  • A more conclusive answer could be given based on birth chart of his political opponents in this race.
  • Now we know he has started a new party- clearly look the predictions of 2016 ending and 2017 bag of surprises.
  • his meagre chance of become a chief minister and lot of work for him pattern(he has started his own party so more work) has all come true for him!
  • We at astrozing.com wish him all the best in Life!
  • horoscope navjot singh sidhu bjp aap party
    who is Navjot Singh sidhu?Politician Cricketer or both?
    Navjot Singh Sidhu the BJP leader resigned from Rajya Sabha-to join AAM ADMI Party (AAP) with Kejriwal- His Prospects of Becoming CM of Punjab? Vedic Astrology or Jyotish
    About Navjot Singh sidhu:

  • The popular commentator was nominated to the Rajya Sabha in April
  • He is a former cricketer turned politician and has left BJP to join AAP ( AAM Admi party) and a potential chief ministerial candidate.
  • He will play a big role in Punjab elections next year. He will meet Mr Kejriwal in Punjab in a few of days.

  • Horoscope Narsingh Yadav Wrestling Kundli Vedic astrology Jyotish

    Narsingh-Yadav-imagehoroscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish

    About this article ?

  • This article in depth discusses the Horoscope or Kundli of Narsingh Yadav the former wrestler Of India. who had won in the Rio Olympic.
  • It gets deep into Narsingh Yadav’s Horoscope or see what gave him success in professional life wrestling.
  • what gave him name and fame; also what planetary conditions caused him reversal in life and getting trapped by the dope case.
  • The article also checks the transit of the month when Narsingh Yadav got allegation for the dope and planetary conditions that cause it for him.
  • horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    Narsingh Yadav Horoscope or Kundli
    (born 6 August 1989)

    horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    What planetary conditions in the Horoscope of Narsingh Yadav made him an Olympic Indian wrestler- analysis – based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish:
    planets horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    Which planets in the Horoscope or Kundli of Narsingh Yadav Give him so much of courage to wrestle well?

  • As in the Horoscope of Narsingh Yadav the Olympic wrestler the ascendant or lagna Lord( cancer sign or karkat rashi) is in third house or shaurya or courage bhava in the sign of Virgo or Kanya rashi.
  • This gives Narsingh Yadav strength and stamina to succeed.
  • It is ruled by moon( or Chandra).
  • The lagan or ascendant is Moon for Narsingh Yadav the wrestler in his Surya kundli.
  • Moon is in the muscles or action bhava so giving him so much of action for wrestling or sports.:)
  • 2nd house horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    Which planets in the 2nd house of Horoscope or Kundli of Narsingh Yadav Give home so much name and fame?

  • The second bhava or wealth and status bhava lord is in the lagna or ascendant for Narsingh Yadav in his horoscope.
  • so gives Narsingh Yadav’s Horoscope good enough status and wealth.
  • which is 100% true for him. At least before the doping allegations came against him.
  • A lot of planet are in his 2nd bhava of Horoscope or Kundli. that is mars , mercury, and Venus and ketu(dragon’s tail).
  • so mars suggesting gains by action and Venus and 3mrcury suggesting gains by proper use of brains in wrestling.
  • ketu dragon's tail horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    What is the role of Ketu or dragon’s tail for Kundli or horoscope of Narsingh Yadav based on Vedic astrology or Jyotish?

  • also ketu or dragon’s tail suggesting that Narsingh Yadav could shoot to fame but also to infamy.
  • Mercury lord of the 3rd bhava is in 2nd bhava or house of Horoscope so means actions or wrestling would give him great name and fame.
  • planetary horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    What planetary conditions in the Horoscope of Narsingh Yadav made him choose wrestling s his career or profession?

  • The career lord for Narsingh Yadav is the aggressive and muscle related mars or mangal and is in the 2nd bhava.
  • so clearly suggesting gains in wealth and status in any sports related work.
  • As Saturn the karaka for work or profession is retrograde for him in the sign of Sagittarius or dhanu.
  • It gave Narsingh Yadav good fame and growth, but retrogression of Saturn caused reversal to do the situation for him based on his horoscope.:(
  • ?? negative
    What conditions in the Horoscope or Kundli of Narsingh Yadav the Indian wrestler made him caught int the Rio Olympics dope test by NADA – based on Vedic astrology or Jyotish:
    reversal job planets horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    Which planets in the horoscope or Kundli of Narsingh Yadav made him do forward and reverse movements in job or career and fall to infamy? all based on Vedic astrology or Jyotish?

  • But as we know this forward and backward movement pattern like the sign cancer or karkat rashi people have.
  • That is they tend to move forward and then backward or retrograde in life.
  • so was Narsingh Yadav caught in the doping case in Rio Olympics and later he was embroiled in(NADA) as well !.
  • That is first Narsingh Yadav was convicted and then let off by the Indian anti-doping agency, then once again the Rio court refused to let Narsingh Yadav wrestle(NADA).
  • masr mangal gains horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    How did Mars or Mangal play role in getting gains in wrestling give his Kundli or Horoscope? Use of Vedic wisdom or Jyotish?

  • Narsingh Yadav’s house of action or karma bhava in his Horoscope or Kundli is ruled by strong mars placed in second house of wealth and status.
  • So mars or mangal clearly indicates his career would be in sports like wrestling & yes he could make a career in police or army.
  • Mars or mangal being very strong suggest a good muscled and strong body which he has.
  • rahu and ketu horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    what is the role of rahu-ketu axis in the horoscope or Kundli for Narsingh Yadav to make him a victim in the dope case?

  • The planet Mars or Mangal ruling Narsingh Yadav’s career horoscope or kundli shares energy with the secretive ketu(dragon’s tail).
  • and is also on the rahu-ketu axis- this clearly suggests that Narsingh Yadav could have secret attacks or contraction or dismissal in career(caused by the malefic ketu the secretive planet).
  • Infact Pehelwan or wrestler Sushil Kumar was being blamed for the same .
  • The case of mixing Narsingh Yadav’s food with some doping agent is a clear indication that ketu(dragon’s tail) has played its role could turn the tables around for him any time.
  • guru jupiter horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    What roles does Jupiter or Guru play in the Horoscope or Kundli of Narsingh Yadav to give him good luck and money before 2016 at least? all based on Vedic astrology or Jyotish wisdom ?

  • In Narsingh Yadav’s Horoscope or Kundli the lord of providence and luck Jupiter or guru is in twelfth house and in Gemini sign( mithuna rashi).
  • So it suggests his luck might not favour his very well.
  • Also he might take up sannyasa later in life and be a wandering monk.
  • A strong mercury or Budha could also bring Narsingh Yadav based on his horoscope (Kundli) into politics or public life in some form of public life( like coaching).
  • mischief deceit horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    The mischief against Narsingh Yadav in Rio Olympics wrestling analysed based on Vedic astrology or Jyotish transits of Planets in his Horoscope or Kundli?
    8th house horoscope horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    What is the role of the 8th house of Horoscope or Kundli for Narsingh Yadav to bring him into trouble of doping etc ? based on Vedic astrology and Jyotish wisdom?
    aquarius kumbha horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish

  • In August 2016 the ketu(Dragon’s tail) the key mischief maker for Narsingh Yadav is in Aquarius sign or kumbha rashi in transit
  • This is the eight houses of obstacles and troubles caused suddenly for Narsingh Yadav.
  • This is exactly what has happened for Narsingh Yadav.
  • seems someone has plotted to remove him, as it appears form his horoscope.

  • What roles did Venus or shukra play to bring Narsingh Yadav down in the dope test in Rio Olympics based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • Also note Narsingh Yadav the wrestler is born on 6th day of the month ruled by planet Venus (shukra) and august is ruled by Leo or simha rashi , number 1.
  • Which is totally against his Venus the birth number- that is his personal wishes and desires.
  • So Narsingh Yadava had a fall here based on his Horoscope, despite of the fact being born in august.
  • So august is a naturally weak month for him.
  • His lord of divine providence and luck Jupiter or guru is very weak in house of initiatives in transit ( in Infancy).
  • saturn mars horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    What is the role of planet Saturn and mars in destabilizing the career or Job for Narsingh Yadav based on his Kundli or Horoscope? Based on Vedic astrology & jyotish wisdom

  • Mars or Mangal the planet of his career or job is weak in Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi at around 5 degrees in month starting .
  • Also comes closer to share the malefic energy of Saturn (Shani dev) the enemy of mars(mangal).
  • As Saturn(Shani) rules his house of obstacles and trouble- this destabilizes his career severely.
  • ketu instability horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    What is the role of dragon’s Tail or Ketu in destabilizing career for Narsingh Yadav based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • So basically planet ketu(dragon’s tail) and Saturn(Shani) play a strong role based on is Surya kundli to destabilize Narsingh Yadav based on his Horoscope or Kundli .
  • We can see all this is true based on Vedic astrology or jyotish
  • On Narsingh Yadav the wrestler a ban was imposed on 18th august when Moon transit into Aquarius in his eight house.
  • and gets conjunct with the natal ketu the mischief maker for Narsingh Yadav’s horoscope or Kundli.
  • We at astrozing.com wish him all the best in Life.
  • horoscope kundli narsingh yadav wrestler rio olympics india vedic astrology jyotish
    About Narsingh Yadav:

  • Narsingh Yadav’s full name is Narsingh pancham Yadav is an Indian wrestler.
  • He recently was in the news for a doping issue.
  • He has been banned by Rio Olympics court of arbitration for sport after the anti-doping agency had appealed against the national anti-doping agency.
  • He was tested positive for anabolic steroids.
  • He had won gold in 2010 common wealth games.

  • Horoscope Moon In Pisces Sign Meena rashi Kangana Ranaut

    horoscope moon in pisces meena rashi kundli

    About this article

  • In detail the Pisces sign or Meena rashi traits, Luck, Career, Money, Love, Health etc are discussed.
  • For fine tuning of traits, one could use the actual Horoscope and planetary placements.
  • To elaborate the Pisces sign or Meena rashi , the Horoscope of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is taken in to consideration later in this article.
  • qualities horoscope moon in pisces meena rashi kundli
    The Basic Qualities of people with Moon in Pisces or Meena rashi?
    traits horoscope moon in pisces meena rashi kundli
    What are the Basic Traits of Pisces or Meena Rashi horoscope people ?

  • As Pisces or Meena Rashi horoscope People are ruled by Jupiter the planet f affluence. 😉 so Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope would enjoy riches .
  • Also Pisces being a watery sign and connected to foreign lands being the 12th sign.
  • So Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope and might have fondness to things from the sea or River or Water( as the Pisces sign or Meena rashi rules water & sea etc).
  • The Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope people could be enamoured or excited with his/her spouse and garments or clothes.
  • physical traits horoscope moon in pisces meena rashi kundli
    What are the Physical traits of Pisces or Meena Rashi horoscope people?

  • Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope Might have a well-proportioned body as moon that is lagan gets Jupiter or Pisces energies and Jupiter gives a well-proportioned body to you.:)
  • Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope people may have a prominent nose, huge head, and an ability to overcome your adversaries 😉 as Jupiter would give you success ;).
  • Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope could also be easy-going with ladies as Jupiter is also number 3= fin ;), with enchanting eyes.
  • They would also make fortune by travel as 12th sign Pisces or Meena rashi rules travels ;).
  • love horoscope moon in pisces meena rashi kundli

  • Loves glistening (shining) articles, is affluent and well educated.
  • As moon represents self and Pisces ruled by Jupiter .
  • so when self gets energy from Jupiter or guru the planet for education and wealth- you naturally get wealth and education
  • emotional traits horoscope moon in pisces meena rashi kundli
    What are the emotional traits of the Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope person?

  • Having moon in Pisces makes Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope people too emotional as moon is number 2 and an emotional planet 😉 .
  • also as Pisces or Meena rashi is sign 12 with a 2 there .
  • so 2×2= makes the person highly emotional. also have Jupiter as a lord of the same so moon Plus Jupiter attracts Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope people to like literature, poetry, and higher tastes of life.
  • But moon being a weak planet they may also get easily discouraged or losing faith in self.
  • health horoscope moon in pisces meena rashi kundli
    What are the health problems Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope are prone to ?

  • Pisces or Meena rashi people generally love to travel, especially by sea and love to change matters too soon ;).
  • As moon id a watery planet and so Pisces sign so it could cause obesity to the person.
  • Pisces or Meena rashi also rules fluids and glandular releases in the human body. so glands need care.
  • These people may worry much and apparently Jupiter may give them optimism but at times happy also :). so a mixed bag for them
  • practical horoscope moon in pisces meena rashi kundli
    PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope to Kangana Ranaut below
    moon in Pisces Meena rashi
    Kangana Ranaut the Bollywood actress has moon in Pisces – the overall effects

  • The sun is in Pisces or Meena rashi for Kangana Ranaut but give effects like moon in Pisces for her.:)
  • As sun, moon and lagna or ascendant all are essentially Lagna or ascendants and important energy distribution points in any Horoscope
  • being a Pisceans she could be highly emotional.
  • yes she left her home from Himachal Pradesh (India)at a very young age.
  • That can happen only when , one is highly passionate and emotional.
  • Yes she(Kangana Ranaut) still is very affectionate and connected to her family. & yes sooner or later may start some social work due to her high sensitivity. :).
  • Pisces or Meena rashi being 12th sign, and in the 1 series of numbers may at times have some seclusion in life.
  • Yes she was into affairs with Hrithik Roshan etc but now mostly on her own.
    also as moon impacts glands so health needs care. that what is needed for her.
  • This Yoga gives strong body 🙂 so let her do that.
  • also we wish her all the best in life. 🙂