Astrology Nadi Bhrigu Health Predictions

astrology bhrigu nadi health astrology bhrigu nadi
About this article ?

  • This is a very interesting article for to do with nadi astrology and health matters. It first discusses various disease types of common knowledge and how they connect to or can be found in the horoscope using bhrigu nadi astrology.
  • so also the basic methods of prediction for health or bad health are given. like jeeva karaka or self is jupiter then how the malefic like Saturn, rahu , ketu or mars impact the same. so also how the good planets like venus or mercury etc in some cases could protect the health.
  • So also at the need of the article, a real life example of a world top physicists is taken and analyzed to see how his severe nerve weakness is reflected in his horoscope.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi health various diseases
    Various disease Types and Nadi Astrology

  • Now let us look at various health issues as given in Nadi for various planetary positions.
  • Now say if sun is weak or is in low degrees or high degrees, or in debility or say aspected any Saturn or shani dev.
  • so means
    one could be prone to health issues like blood pressures.
  • so also blood related problems also possible.
  • or may be the eyes are weak or bones.
  • so also if say venus is weak or old or in debility or aspects by malefic like saturn,rahu or mars.
  • It could give kidneys troubles or sugar or diabetes trouble.
  • so also throat trouble could be there.
  • so again if Jupiter is weak or in debility or aspected by malefic, to could give liver or spleen issue.
  • so also it makes people more diabetes prone.
  • so also weak Jupiter could give issues in knees and feet as well.
  • Moon weakness or malefic aspects of malefic could lead to mental health issues or issues to do with sensitivity.
  • Mercury weakness or debility or aspects by malefic planet could mean speech issues or issues in thinking.
  • so also makes one prone to skin problems.
  • weakness of Saturn as we discuss below could give falls or issues to the nerves.
  • Mars deals with bones and bone marrow or the muscular Skelton system.
  • weakness here could affect the same.
  • { Aries= Sun } ->{ Taurus = Venus + Mercury}———->{Virgo = Jupiter + rahu + Saturn}
    How does nadi astrology Help us to tell about work or HEALTH and well being of the person ?

  • so also Jupiter the jeeva karaka is there with rahu or dragon’s head with Saturn or shani dev.
  • so means vata or gases domination is there with the person.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi health
    Bhrigu Nadi Astrology and Health

  • Bhrigu nadi is a unique systems to study health of an individual.
  • The influences of malefic like rahu and ketu or dragon’s head and tail or Saturn or mars on the jeeva karaka mars or mangal is studied deeply to get the health over view of any person.
  • so also any benefic compensatory influence on Jupiter the Jeeva karaka is looked into to balance the negative influences.
  • Health Indicators in Bhrigu Nadi Astrology

  • The health indications are by the lagna of nadi that is Jupiter or Guru.
  • one looks at the health or strength of lagna.
  • so also the 6th house from Jupiter that governs bad health and problems is looked into.
  • malefic or negative influences could mean bad health so also good or benefic influences means healing could happen soon.
  • The 8th house from Jupiter controls longevity or life span and so also chronic issues or sudden issues.
  • so also issues or afflictions could mean sudden and severe life threatening problems.
  • Moon control the mind of the child.
  • afflictions cause issues in mind and emotional issues.
  • Saturn in the natal chart suggests chronic ailments especially of advanced age.
  • Saturn deals with karma , so karmic health is indicated here.
  • <timing predictions astrology bhrigu nadi health
    Timing of Health Events

  • The health is controlled by sensitive points of the 1st, 6th or 8th or 12th house especially from Jupiter.
  • they could trigger health concerned.
  • so if planets like Saturn rahu or ketu or mars transit these points bad health can be there.
  • so also if transit of Jupiter happens at these points there could also be healing there.
  • healing remedies astrology bhrigu nadi health
    Healing and Remedies

  • to solve the planetary problems various methods like mantras or even mediation donations can be done.
  • like for ketu it could be ganesh japam or for rahu it could be shiva japam.

  • again donation for ketu could be to temples etc.
  • so also Yoga and stress management could help.
  • so also a strong venus or Jupiter may suggest gain through Yoga or exercise and also mediation.
  • so also mars could suggest gains by gymnasium or physical activities.
  • so again mars deals with fire so havans could also help in that case.
  • so once we are able to tap the core energy you are able to solve or address the issue.
  • so also looking into deeper karmic patterns in bhrigu astrology can help to understand deeper health problems as most of the problems have a karmic origin.
  • horoscope astrology bhrigu nadi health
    Study of health of a Top physics person with above health issues using nadi astrology
    what were the health problems the world top physicist suffered from ?

  • The great scientist and the most renowned physicist of the 20th century and this one as well.
  • had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS.
  • this is also called the Lou Gehrig’s disease.
  • This is a nerves degeneration disorder which affects the motor skills neuron and also the spine.
  • he was earlier suggested a short life.
  • but he was able to outlive by his will power.
  • with the progression of the nerve disorder, he lost all voluntary control of the muscle.
  • so got immobilized on the wheel chair.
  • but he still retained his mind and intellect.
  • he contributed to cosmology & theoretical physics.
  • he is a great source of inspiration to people.
  • saturn & nerves astrology bhrigu nadi health
    roles of Saturn or shani dev for nerves
    Saturn or shani dev as we know is the karaka for nerves , it in his horoscope is very weak in the 7th house.

  • this makes him prone to nerve related disorders as he had faced.
  • The nerves to do with muscles were fully damaged , so he was not able to move his body at all! as the entire control of nerves is needed to manage the muscles.
  • these are called the motor nerves.
  • but no matter how strong your muscles are if nerves are weak or not functioning nothing comes out of the same.
  • same had happened to these scientists, his whole body as immobilized.
  • mars and muscles
    Role of mars or mangal for this person for muscles
    The mars the many planet or muscles planet is strong in Aries sign.
  • but it’s getting energy form very weak Saturn or shani dev.
  • that is a debilitated Saturn.
  • so also it is with the high level energy Saturn , so mars or muscles of the person are in an agitated form.
  • so one could expect muscle related or neuro muscular problems for this guy.
  • There is a 9th aspect of malefic rahu on the planet mars.
  • so delays or issues in functioning of muscles are clearly indicated for this person in terms of muscle healing.
  • jupiter body or jeeva karaka
    roles of Jupiter or guru for this person the body karaka

  • Jupiter the self or the body is very weak in Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi.
  • so again it has a debilitated Saturn behind it, so suggesting chronic ailments possible.
  • that also to do with nerves.
  • so nerve problems or bones is confirmed from this placement of Saturn behind Jupiter.
  • so also mars which is aggressive is very strong with Jupiter.
  • so this mars gives him energy and strength to manage things in life and do so well in life or physics despite having so many problems in life due to health.
  • the triangular or trikona energy exchange of venus and mercury is also there on Jupiter or guru.
  • so giving high level of creativity and intelligence and knowledge of mathematics to this scientist.

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    Astrology Nadi Bhrigu Education Predictions

    astrology nadi bhrigu education astrology nadi bhrigu education
    About this article ?

  • This is a unique and interesting article that discusses education based on Nadi astrology.
  • It first looks at the basic system of nadi astrology to verify the education level, type , success and happiness from the same.
  • Most of the energies are derived from mercury.
  • Then it takes some real life examples to address the topic.
  • In the last sample a world well known physicists and scientist chart is used to explain education based on nadi astrology framework.
  • astrology nadi bhrigu education
    Bhrigu Nadi Astrology and Education

  • The bhrigu Nadi astrology is a unique way of looking at education based on planets.
  • the planets used primarily is mercury or budha for education.
  • so also Jupiter for deeper thinking is used.
  • so again moon the planet of intelligence and imagination to aid in arts subjects especially and even sciences’ is taken into consideration.
  • so also to check for breaks and issues , the rahu ketu axis is also considered.
  • astrology nadi bhrigu education
    Key Principles for Education in Bhrigu Nadi Astrology
    jupiter guru astrology nadi bhrigu education
    Jupiter as the Karaka (Significator) of Education:

  • Now Jupiter or guru is the planet of higher education and learning.
  • so if this planet is placed in the trines form mercury, like say with mercury or 1st house, 5th house or 9th house – it could give good education and learning for the person.
  • especially the education that entails deeper thinking.
  • strong educational basis is there and also success in fields of teaching or legal matters or philosophy.
  • so also a retrograde Jupiter naturally means delays in learning or education.
  • but being a benefic and Jupiter it does not deny the same.
  • so also especially for good energies form venus or mercury is there with it.
  • mercury astrology nadi bhrigu education
    Mercury’s Role in Intelligence and Skill Development for education :

  • so again like planet mercury and the 4th house and 5th house from it, that is relative to mercury position.
  • the 4th house is the house of primary education.
  • so also 5th house is of creativity and with karaka as Jupiter.
  • so also 5th house is for commerce or investments and also mathematical and technology.
  • so also good energies or aspect on mercury means good success in demanding subjects.
  • moon astrology nadi bhrigu education
    Moon and Mental Focus:

  • Now so also moon gives good memory, imagination and ability to think.
  • a proper moon does not give any emotional distractions.
  • so also gives good concentration.
  • but if in case afflicted could give interruptions and concentration issues.
  • any aspect of mercury would give success in creative mathematics.
  • rahu dragon's head astrology nadi bhrigu education
    Role of Rahu and Ketu:

  • Now rahu or dragon’s head suggest one could have high ambitions and achieve great height in education.
  • especially of there is an aspect or energy exchange with mercury.
  • so rahu connects to latest technology and foreign related leanings or studies.
  • so also ketu gives spiritual depth & knowledge.
  • once could get interest in tantra and mysticism.
  • so also astrology and numerology.
  • placement of ketu in 5th and 9th house or trikona house could give deeper interest in metaphysics or ancient texts study.
  • planets astrology nadi bhrigu education
    House and Planet Combinations for Education

  • Now as far as houses are concerned, 4th house means primary education.
  • so good planets like Jupiter or mercury promotes academic success.
  • so also 5th house suggests creative intelligence and also creative abilities.
  • 5th house also helps in higher risks competitive exams if strong.
  • 9th house suggest post graduate work or studies.
  • so also this house or for dharma or spirituality.
  • so again this is a house for higher knowledge as well.
  • especially for spirituality and dharma.
  • so if the houses like 4, 5 or 9th gets aspected by rahu or Saturn, then disruptions and issues in education could be there.
  • but still due to rahu(dragon’s head) and Saturn(shani dev) , the discipline would leaf to success.
  • timing of events astrology nadi bhrigu education
    Timing of Educational Events
    jupiter and saturn astrology nadi bhrigu education
    Jupiter and Saturn:

  • Jupiter is a benefic planet and in transit from mercury placement in horoscope.
  • if there is a transit over 4,5th or 9th house it helps education.
  • but so also Saturn or shani dev movement delays issues, but success with planning and discipline is there.
  • so also rahu and ketu transits could either shift a person to foreign lands.
  • so also innovative education or sudden obstacles in educational as well.
  • child education learning astrology nadi bhrigu education
    Bhrigu nadi astrology and education- that is kind of education or breaks or good or bad education etc , applied examples .

    {Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
    How to know based on Nadi astrology Horoscope or Kundli that a person may have BREAK in EDUCATION- ?

  • Mercury deals with education and next planets are aggressive, ketu, mars and sun to some extent.
  • so a possibility of break in education is indicated for the person.
  • {VIRGO= mercury}–>{LIBRA = SUN + SATURN}
    How based on nadi astrology trouble to EDUCATION or studies?

  • The planet mercury or budha is in Virgo sign, so strong and exalted.
  • but still as the next planet is Sun in debility in Libra along with malefic Saturn or shani dev, so suggest some obstacles in studies or education is there for the person.
  • {Capricorn= KETU or dragon’s tail}–> {Aquarius = VENUS}–>{ Pisces = sun and mercury}
    How based on Nadi astrology or Jyotish, one could find out about EDUCATION of the person ?

  • SUN is planet which represents self as well and also High dignity as it connects with Leo the Simha rashi.
  • so when MERCURY the karaka for education SUN is there and that also in PISCES , ruled by Jupiter the planet of learning.
  • one can safely predict that education of the person would be good enough.
  • { Gemini Or Mithuna = Sun } –> {Cancer or Karkat = venus + mars + rahu + mercury}
    How does nadi astrology suggest breaks in EDUCATION for a person?

  • As mercury is signifactor or karaka of education and Mars or mangal the malefic is there, so breaks or issues in education would have been there for the person.
  • The person would be very intelligent as cancer or moon Lordship sign or the mind has mercury or budha energies plus Jupiter or guru is strong in Sagittarius sign.
  • (Scorpio = Saturn +mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}
    how to know what kind of EDUCATION and subjects one could have based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?

  • we know mercury is the karaka for education.
  • so if the malefic mars or mangal is 12th of mercury or in the house of Vyaya or expenditure or annulment of education.
  • That is the adjacent sign( as mercury itself is in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi).
  • Then outflows of education or say loss of education or at least break of education could be predicted.
  • Mercury is also karaka for your intelligence, so is next to mercury or budha you have Jupiter or Guru, then the person is also deep and intelligent.
  • as Jupiter also blesses mercury with its energy.
  • so also if ketu along with Jupiter is there, the person could go very deep into subjects and also do research etc.
  • {Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
    Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about EDUCATION of a person based on person’s Horoscope ?

  • The Mercury transits over natal Saturn and natal mars .
  • So
    education at times could get affected.

  • Practical example of Education for a world renowned scientists
    early education challenges
    Early Education and Challenges of the person

  • In this example a great scientist of the last century is taken and his education looked into.
  • He had an education in catholic elementary school.
  • but this person was not comfortable with a rigid and controlling approach of the teachers to teach.
  • so also strict discipline he did not like.
  • so due to this he did not feel connected in the class.
  • The person had a keen interest in science and mathematics.
  • so also especially physics, which he excelled later.
  • but he was poor in other areas.
  • he was not comfortable with the system in place,

  • Practical example analysis and study of the horoscope of a world renowned scientist and Nobel prize winner
    we can clearly see that mercury is in the 10th house with Saturn.

  • so clearly speaks about discipline and logic he could come to learn.
  • especially as he excelled in physics and mathematics.
  • so also Saturn gives him obstacles in education.
  • yes that is true 100% , this person had to change schools for education.
  • sun is close to mercury, so he would get a distinct education.
  • so also education to do with light :).
  • yes he discovered the photo electric effect 🙂 and got the prestigious Nobel prize for the same.
  • exalted venus gives his education a creative twist.
  • that is he could create things that are not there.
  • so also he wrote the theory of relativity , that is a new theory apart from Newton’s physics.
  • this needs a lot of imagination and high class creativity.
  • Mars the lord of Scorpio is exalted, so means very good and high level education of PhD this guy did.
  • Moon in debility in 9th house from mercury placement is the house of higher education.

  • so he had issues in higher education like PHD. But still the Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi rules the 9th house form moon for this physicist, which in turn is ruled by mars.
  • mars or mangal connects to rahu or dragon’s head .
  • so suggest a high energy work he was doing and that also innovative.
  • as rahu or dragon’s head is there along with planet mars.
  • so also energy related work could be there and as Scorpio sign rules the 9th house from mercury , means research work.
  • He also worked on Brownian movement, so clearly it was to do with motion.
  • The normal education or schooling and college are mercury or Gemini the 4th house form mercury.
  • this is in debility.
  • so does not speak high for the normal education for this person.
  • The 5th house from mercury is ruled by cancer sign for this person.
  • so gives great imagination for him to design the theory of relativity.
  • again ketu there gives him great focus and intensity to pursue his higher tastes.
  • Moon is in debility, so suggest all his ideas also did not work well.
  • Mars the 9th lord from mercury position( in 10th house in d1 chart) suggest, as it is in the 11th house from natal mercury in 10th house in d1 chart, that his higher education helped him a ton.
  • Yes he got world fame and Nobel prize and money due to his higher education.

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    Astrology Nadi Siblings Brothers or sisters Predictions

    astrology nadi siblings predictions astrology nadi siblings predictions
    About this article?

  • This is a highly interesting article of nadi astrology and siblings.
  • it first looks at the basic of nadi astrology and siblings.
  • That is how to predict happiness, health or issues from siblings .
  • or even say number of siblings etc.
  • so in the next section it discusses various real life combinations to explain the above matters of number of siblings, gains from the same, happiness or health or even longevity.
  • so also finally it takes a PRACTICAL real life example of a Business tycoon.
  • who helped his ruined sibling.
  • This helps to clearly see the powerful role of nadi astrology in sibling related analysis and questions.
  • brother astrology nadi siblings predictions
    Siblings in Nadi Astrology- basics overview

  • In contrast to regular parashari astrology where 3rd house is analyzed to look at siblings.
  • here in bhrigu nadi astrology study of mars or mangal and also 3rd house form mars is studies for siblings.
  • so again the dispositer or the sign of the same is studies and planets influencing the 3rd house from mars is studies.
  • 3rd house horoscope astrology nadi siblings predictions
    Role of the 3rd House and Planets

  • Now mars suggest action and energy and also siblings.
  • so also otherwise 3rd house from mars means courage and siblings.
  • so again the conflicts or harmony with siblings is indicated by influences on planet mars or the 3rd house.
  • so also say planets venus or Jupiter aspects the planet mars or are the dispositer for the planet which is the lord form the 3rd house, it can give good results for siblings.
  • like if Jupiter is there, blessing form sibling or learning’s from siblings is there.
  • so also if venus is there, then loving care from siblings or comforts or luxuries from siblings is there.
  • karma astrology nadi siblings predictions
    Karmic Significance of Siblings

  • Karmic debts with siblings is there if Saturn is involved as a dispositer or rahu influences the planets mars or the 3rd house from mars.
  • The younger siblings is from the 3rd house form say mars and the ender siblings is form 11th house form mars.
  • so also good influences like Jupiter means dharma or nice siblings.
  • if say 3rd house from mars has a mars sign etc.
  • it could cause conflicts with siblings or even karmic struggles with siblings.
  • it also test the maturity of the relationships.
  • if say rahu or dragon’s head energy is exchanged with the planet mars or say with the 3rd or 11th house from mars.
  • then there could be non conventional relationships with siblings.
  • So also rivalry or even relationships for conflicts or crime could also be there in some cases.
  • but in contrast ketu could mean spiritual bonds or spiritual connection.
  • ketu could also means separation from the siblings.
  • again good planets like venus mercury or Jupiter mans harmony, better connection and communications between siblings.
  • the issues with the 3rd house lord from mars or even the 11th house lord could create karmic rivalries if rahu is sharing energy.
  • losses astrology nadi siblings predictions
    Loss or Absence of Siblings:

  • Malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu in the 3rd house may signify fewer or no
  • The planetary energy exchange of planets like mars Saturn or ketu with mars or 3rd house from mars or 11th house form mars could indicate lesser siblings or issues in proper relationships with them.
  • Good planets in contrast could foster cooperation and a way to achieve goals.
  • remedies astrology nadi siblings predictions
    Remedies for Sibling-Related Challenges

  • The sibling health and relationships could be improved by following the proper remedies.
  • like fro mars chant of hanuman chalisa or donation of red masoor daal is suggested.
  • so also chanting of mantras to do with 3rd lord from mars could gives some clues.
  • donation to athletes or sports people could help the mars energy.
  • Fasting and Rituals:

  • so also fasting on mangalvaar or Tuesdays could help .
  • again fasting on Saturdays would also help.
  • nadi astrology suggests karmic relationships with siblings.
  • so also challenges are looked into and helps to improve relationships.
  • Yogas combinations astrology nadi siblings predictions
    Various Nadi based combinations for siblings – health, number of siblings, relationships, happiness etc
    {cancer= Saturn } –>{ Leo = Sun}–>{ Virgo = Venus + mercury }
    How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology the comfort of SISTER of the person based on Horoscope or kundli?

  • As Venus is in debility and shares energy with mercury the karaka for sister though strong, suggest very less comfort to sister or No sister to the person.
  • {Taurus = Jupiter or Guru} –> {Gemini = mars + ketu}–>{cancer = Saturn}–>{Leo=sun}
    How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology if the person is eldest amongst the siblings based on Horoscope or kundli?

  • Now Jupiter or Guru is jeeva karaka.
  • say it does not have any planet before it.
  • so means the person is eldest amongst the siblings.
  • as there are not associated planetary energies with the person.
  • or the self.
  • now sun is 2nd to Saturn or shani dev.
  • so means the family karma has negative energy of Saturn or shani dev.
  • so sibling may have less longevity.
  • {Pisces= Dragon’s tail}–>{ Aries=moon}——–>{cancer= venus } –>{leo= Mars} –>{ Virgo= sun + mercury+ dragons head or rahu + Jupiter + Saturn}
    How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope about the happiness of SISTERS or siblings of the person ?

  • sisters are by mars and venus is just behind it.
  • so as venus has ketu aspect 5th.
  • so also venus is weak on moon.
  • so sisters would also have not much happiness.
  • {Libra = Saturn or shani } –>{Scorpio = Jupiter or Guru }—— –>{ Aquarius = Ketu or dragon’s tail + Mars or mangal}
    How to know based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology the CAREER or BROTHER or sibling?

  • Now from Mars Saturn is in 9th bhava of healing with Jupiter next to it in Scorpio sign.
  • Mars is brother and Jupiter in 9th suggest healing profession.
  • {Gemini = sun}–> {cancer = venus + mars + mercury + rahu}——————->{Virgo = No planet}–>{ Libra = Saturn or shani dev + Moon } –>{Scorpio = }–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter}
    How does nadi astrology suggest SISTERS would be POOR in status of any Person?

  • Now sisters are represented by Mercury or budha, so as mercury or budha is not in comfort on the cancer sign.
  • so also rahu and mars both malefic are there.
  • so means not so great living for sisters as mercury has venus ( luxury or opulence on one side) and mars and rahu on other side.
  • {Scorpio = Saturn +mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}
    how to know about BROTHERS one could have based on Nadi astrology Horoscope ?

  • Brothers are indicated by Mars or mangal in any Horoscope or kundli.
  • so mars if it is strong in Scorpio sign, so one could have many brothers along with good courage.
  • so also as Saturn absorbs the energy of female or neuter planet Saturn or shani dev.
  • sisters could also be there.
  • {Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn + mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}.

  • how to know about MOTHER SISTERS & DAUGHTERS about a person based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?

  • When Saturn or shani dev transits Leo or simha and is weak and in 3rd aspects Moon and Venus or his mother and sister and daughters .
  • so also Venus or daughters next o Jupiter so daughters could be rich.
  • so also they will come into limelight.
  • {Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
    Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about brother, sisters or SIBLINGS of a person’s Horoscope ?

  • As Jupiter is for self and Jupiter is placed with ketu or say mars.
  • as ketu functions as mars or mangal.
  • plus planets ahead of it and planets behind it.
  • so self or Jupiter has people with it.
  • That means brother and sister both would be there for the person.
  • {Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
    Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about BROTHERS person’s Horoscope ?

  • A mars or mangal is just after Saturn or shani dev, so Saturn meets mars or the brothers planets.
  • so means it could give agitations to brother or affect longevity of the same.
  • as Saturn deals with longevity and Jupiter is self or you.
  • so longevity of brother could be less in this case, at least one of the brother.
  • {Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
    Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about BROTHERS person’s Horoscope ?

  • Mars or mangal dev is lord of 4th and 11th from Jupiter or self.
  • so a connection of mars and 4th , 11th house and self is established.
  • so gains , support and wealth flows form brothers is indicated.
  • so take Jupiter as the reference , then see lordship of mars or mangal.
  • then mars is the Karaka for brothers and work.
  • so also gains of property and money from brother.
  • example chart astrology nadi siblings predictionsastrology nadi siblings predictions
    The younger siblings and indication of a business tycoon , who saved him in peril

  • The person whose horoscope is given, is a billionaires of India.
  • well known in many industries.
  • his brother was also well known and had a lot of money but lost it.
  • he had court cases etc.
  • but this person that is the elder brother helped him a lot to come out of the economic problems.
  • as we can see the planet mars for siblings is in the Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi .
  • Taurus sign ruled by venus or shukra, so gives affluence to this brother as well.
  • so also gives sense of art and luxury or comfort to him.
  • There is an aspects from agitated Saturn on the planet mars or mangal.
  • so suggesting the profession or career of the brother could be in management roles.
  • so again there could be severe debts to be paid by the younger sibling.
  • his younger sibling as we shared above lost all money and had to be supported by this elder brother.
  • Looking at 3rd house form mars or mangal .

  • The 3rd house from Mars is moon or cancer sign , the lord of the same is in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
  • So moon energy makes his younger brother very sensitive and not stable and travelling.
  • So again moon in Sagittarius sign suggest that his youngest brother would get his grace or help.
  • which is 100% true!
    so also strong influence of Jupiter or guru on the younger brother based on this horoscope plus having dispositer as Taurus or vrishabha means venus ruling.
  • so Jupiter and venus promise high affluence to the younger brother as well.
  • Jupiter or guru the dispositer of moon is sitting on the Leo sign or simha rashi.
  • so again a promise of good position and status for the younger sibling is there for this person.
  • As all this energy would be absorbed by moon the 3rd house lord.
  • so over the entire Younger sibling would be high dignity person and so also would have a lot of money and luxury.
  • Now if we check the 6th house from mars or mangal to check the debts of the younger brother.
  • we see it has rahu the dragon’s head in Libra sign.
  • So it clearly means the younger brother could face court cases etc .
  • which is again true for the same.
  • Looking at 2nd house lord or money flow for the younger brother from mars or mangal .

  • Now money flow situation for younger brother is 2nd house, it is mercury or Gemini sign in 12th house form mars.
  • so outflows would be high and money would not stay with the younger brother.
  • So also the planet Venus the 6th house or debts lord form mars connects to this mercury.
  • so a lot of debts and money outflows would be there for his Younger brother.
  • Looking at 10th house lord or career for the younger brother from mars or mangal

  • Checking the 10th house of this brother is Saturn or Aquarius.
  • so suggest the brother would work on very niche technologies or areas.
  • it is what he did but failed!
  • he wanted to work n very niche areas.

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    Astrology Nadi Bhrigu Legal Matters Predictions

    astrology nadi bhrigu legal mattersastrology nadi bhrigu legal matters
    about this article

  • This is a very interesting article on nadi astrology and legal matters. It first looks at methods to make prediction for legal matters in nadi astrology .
  • so also it looks at remedies to solve matters. again at the end a real life practical example of a big businessman going to jail, bail , and release is analyzed in detail using nadi astrology methods.
  • astrology nadi bhrigu legal matters detailed analysis
    Bhrigu Nandi Nadi: Legal Matters – Detailed Analysis of the methods to make predictions

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, legal matters are analyzed through planetary placements, transits, and their connections with key houses in the chart.
  • In the bhrigu Nandi Nadi analysis the legal matters based on the planetary placements in connection to the core houses o conflicts like 6th, 8th and 12th are studies in the natal chart.
  • and so also we study the transits which create new kind of connections for planets .
  • like for example in transitive Rahu or dragon’s head comes in connection with natal Jupiter so it means a legal issue your conflict could come into picture due to rahu , but Jupiter or Guru would pacify the same.
  • The 6th house is the primary indicator of disputes, enemies, and litigation, while the 8th house governs hidden obstacles, inheritance issues, and sudden developments.

  • The 7th house represents partnerships, contracts, and agreements that can sometimes lead to legal confrontations, while the 12th house deals with expenses, settlement, or imprisonment.
  • Just like Parashari System like say the 7th house deals with partnerships.
  • that is the 7th house from the natal Jupiter or guru which is treated as the Jeeva karaka in nadi astrology .
  • so also say the 6th deals with conflicts or health issues or legal issues.
  • Again this would be the 6th house is from Jupiter counter from Jupiter Placement in the horoscope in bhrigu nadi astrology.
  • once again the 8th house created sudden problems and 12th house for problems of jail or confinement or hospitalization or other kind of issues in life.
  • The involvement of malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu is crucial in understanding the intensity and duration of legal issues.
  • For example, when Saturn connects with the 6th or 8th house through its placement or aspect, it indicates prolonged legal battles, requiring patience and perseverance.
  • Now say the planets like the naturally malefic planets lie Saturn or shani dev or Rahu or dragon’s head ketu or dragon’s tail or Mars or mangal connect with malefic houses like 6th, 8th or 12th in natal chart or in transit .
  • then legal issues could come in.
  • Like for Rahu or dragon’s head connecting to malefic house, one could have sudden on expected issues and legal conflicts .
  • Mars, on the other hand, represents aggression, disputes, and conflict, and its influence can escalate matters quickly but also resolve them through swift action.
  • Rahu signifies deception, fraud, or sudden legal entanglements, while Ketu can cause confusion or unexpected resolutions.
  • So for example let’s consider the similar situation for planet Mars or Mangal.
  • It is a planet of conflict sudden surge of energy of problems .
  • so if it transits the malefic house, it could means a sudden high energy coming in.
  • so also say for planet Rahu or dragon’s head it could mean problems with negative or demoniac people.
  • As rahu or dragon’s head is the planet for deceit and fraud and it also create suddenness ,so it could mean sudden issues with legal matters or conflict matters.
  • planets astrology nadi bhrigu legal matters
    Transits that activate legal issues

  • The Dasha (major period) and Bhukti (sub-period) of these planets often activate legal issues in a person’s life.
  • For instance, a Mars-Saturn or Rahu-Ketu period might signify court cases, disputes, or hidden enemies coming to the forefront.
  • Of Saturn or shani dev over houses like 6 and 8 or 12th.
  • Or say even say Rahu or Ketu .
  • if these malefic planets connect to these malefic houses .
  • once could expect sudden surge in Court cases or disputes or even hidden people or people of the underworld waiting to attack.
  • When favorable planets like Jupiter aspect the affected houses, it can bring resolutions through negotiation, ethical judgment, or compromise.
  • Bhrigu Nandi Nadi can accurately pinpoint the timing of legal events, the nature of disputes, and the likely outcomes, helping individuals prepare and respond effectively.
  • so also in the same vein when benefic or good planets like Venus ( shukra) or Jupiter (guru) connect to malefic house .
  • say in transit path then the issues created get reduced in problems .
  • that could happen by maybe negotiations or wisdom or prayer etc.
  • astrology nadi bhrigu legal matters planets
    Planetary Role in Legal Matters – Bhrigu Nandi Nadi

  • Saturn: Represents karmic justice, delays, and prolonged litigation.
  • A strong Saturn ensures fairness but can cause stress due to slow progress.
  • Its transit over the 6th, 7th, or 8th houses intensifies legal battles.
  • Mars: Symbolizes disputes, aggression, and quick confrontations.
  • A strong Mars helps win legal battles through courage and strategy, but an afflicted Mars or Mangal may escalate issues.
  • Now we discuss impact of various planets when the connect on to various malefic houses like 12th as discussed above.

  • so the of planets like Saturn and Mars if they connect, this is what we could expect.
  • now as Saturn or shani dev is a slow moving planet so it could create problems or stress or conflict which has long drawn and may have more serious consequences.
  • On the country say planet Mars or mangal connects to the malefic house.
  • could give issues which could suddenly escalate and conflicts could have high energy c.
  • This could mean physical fights getting involved involved.
  • As well so if the issue with fairness or completeness is there then also conflicts
  • Rahu: Brings deception, fraud, and sudden legal problems.
  • Its influence on the 6th or 8th house can indicate disputes involving hidden agendas or foreign elements.
  • Ketu: Creates confusion or detachment but can also lead to unexpected resolutions.
  • Its placement in the 12th house may indicate settlements or compromises.
  • Rahu or dragon’s head could mean deception or hidden Enemies or sudden development of conflict.
  • sudden and unexpected solution to problems or it could even mean a lot of losses about outflows of money if 12th house involved.
  • in contrast if say the planet ketu or dragon’s tail is involved/ could mean contraction or confusions or more situations a conflict to do with spiritual matters as well.
  • Jupiter: Represents justice, fairness, and moral resolution.
  • Jupiter’s aspect or transit over afflicted houses helps resolve disputes through ethical or legal means.
  • By analyzing the planetary combinations and their movements, Bhrigu Nandi Nadi provides a clear picture of whether an individual will face prolonged disputes, quick resolutions, or settlements, along with the timing and root causes of these challenges.
  • Now so Jupiter or guru is a spiritual cum a deeper planet.
  • Jupiter involvement could mean benevolence or protection from God and conflicts .
  • so also the conflicts would be generally of shorter nature and with deeper resolutions be there.
  • that also with root causes being addressed Karmic Roots and Legal Problems.
  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, legal disputes are often seen as manifestations of past-life karma.
  • Actions from previous incarnations—like dishonesty, unfair dealings, or breaches of trust—can create karmic debts that surface as legal conflicts in the current life.
  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi the conflicts are seen in a wider perspective based on what has happened in the past life or previous life reincarnations.
  • so events are seen as a process to bring in fairness in the cosmos.
  • so if one has done or dishonesty with others or hurting others which gets reflected in this life as problems.
  • When malefic planets such as Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu dominate the chart, they indicate that the individual is undergoing karmic retribution.
  • For instance, if Saturn influences the 6th or 8th house, it suggests a karmic lesson where the person must endure challenges to achieve justice and fairness.
  • Rahu often indicates unresolved karma involving fraud or deception, while Mars brings back disputes arising from aggression or violence in previous lifetimes.
  • so if you relook at the situation , one needs to first identify in bhrigu Nandi Nadi .
  • that is which is a planet like Saturn( shani), Rahu , Ketu or Mars or mangal dominates in the kundli or horoscope.
  • so if say Saturn or shani dev connects to the 6th house or 8th house or 12 house from Jupiter.
  • as Jupiter is the Jeeva Karaka or lagna of the horoscope.
  • then one could have issues or conflicts to do with fights or courtroom issues.
  • so also if mars or mangal is the dominating energy then that means issues are to do with passion or high emotional energy severe conflicts to do with justice could have been there in previous life reincarnation.
  • once again if Rahu connects , which is a deceptive planet.
  • It clearly means sudden or unexplored issues of deception or rebellious behavior in the past life incarnation is coming to fore.
  • ketu or dragon’s tail connection means issues with religion Dharma or secret matters in the past life reincarnation which were kept secret and not properly reveal leading to conflicts this lifetime.
  • By analyzing these planetary placements, Bhrigu Nandi Nadi helps individuals understand the karmic cause of their legal issues and take steps toward resolution, often through spiritual growth, patience, and remedies.
  • Now once one has identified with the core planets one is able to come up with right kind of spiritual remedies or regular remedies which help in the soul evolution process
  • timing astrology nadi bhrigu legal matters
    Timing Legal Events and Outcomes

  • Bhrigu Nandi Nadi is highly effective in predicting the timing of legal events, judgments, or settlements.
  • The Dasha-Bhukti periods of planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu often trigger legal disputes.
  • For instance:
  • Now let us look at the timing of the events timing of the events happens when in transit also the malefic planets increase the connection with the 6th 8 th 12th house or with natal placement of malefic planets .
  • That is like Saturn Rahu Ketu or Mars so in transit.
  • so also if say Mars in transit connect to malefic houses in transit.
  • like there is a connection to the 6th house then this higher chance of conflict coming up at that time.
  • A Rahu-Mars period can indicate sudden legal challenges or disputes due to hidden enemies or conflicts.
  • A Saturn-Jupiter period may bring about slow but fair resolutions.
  • Planetary transits also play a crucial role.
  • When Saturn or Rahu transits the 6th house or aspects it, legal problems escalate.
  • Similarly, Mars transiting the 6th or 8th house can trigger disputes but also lead to quick resolutions if Mars is well-placed.
  • Favorable transits of Jupiter over afflicted houses bring relief, fairness, and moral outcomes.
  • Example
    so for example if say mars or mangal transits over the 6th house from Jupiter or guru(the jeeva karaka).
  • then sudden conflicts to the Rise.
  • or say if Saturn or shani transits over the 6th house from Jupiter then conflicts due to unfairness .
  • so also long drawn conflicts could come up once again if say Rahu or Ketu transacts the 6th house from Jupiter or guru than certain issues with Underworld or negative people or say unexpected secret matters could come up
  • remedies astrology nadi bhrigu legal matters
    Remedies for Legal Matters in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
    Saturn Remedies:

  • Worship Lord Shani and recite the Shani Beeja Mantra.
  • Donate black sesame seeds, oil, or clothes on Saturdays.
  • Serve the needy and adopt humility to reduce karmic burdens.
  • Now coming to the remedies to standard remedies like for Saturn you have shiva japam or donation of black things or for Rahu you have donation to the old age homes for Ketu have donations to temples .
  • For Mars your Hanuman Chalisa or donation of red masoor daal all these things are to backup the matters so also for Rahu, durga saptashati mantra could be chanted
  • Mars Remedies:

  • Worship Lord Hanuman or Lord Subramanya on Tuesdays.
  • Donate red lentils, red cloth, or tools to those in need.
  • Recite the Mangal Beeja Mantra or Hanuman Chalisa regularly.
  • Rahu-Ketu Remedies:

  • Perform Rahu-Ketu Shanti Puja to mitigate their malefic effects.
  • Worship Goddess Durga and recite the Durga Saptashati.
  • Donate mustard seeds, blankets, and coconuts to the poor.
  • Hello Durga saptshti mantra works for ketu is well in cold
  • Jupiter Remedies:

  • Worship Lord Vishnu or chant the Guru Beeja Mantra.
  • Perform acts of charity, such as feeding the poor or providing legal aid.
  • Offer yellow clothes, turmeric, or bananas to priests or those in need.
  • Shipping of Lord Vishnu can also solve your break problems
  • By implementing these remedies, individuals can reduce the intensity of legal troubles, neutralize karmic debts, and improve their chances of a favorable outcome.
  • Bhrigu Nandi Nadi not only identifies the root cause of legal issues but also provides a spiritual and practical approach to resolving them.
  • So at the end of the day falling spirituality and do the remedies helps to clear the balance of the past life so also it remove the karmic debts and issues of the previous lifetime.
  • {cancer= venus } –>{leo= Mars} –>{ Virgo= sun + mercury+ dragons head or rahu + Jupiter + Saturn}
    How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope know about legal issues and court matters ?

  • Saturn or shani dev also connects to court or the legal justice system .
  • So when mars or Mangal when over Saturn means the lady could face humiliation in court.
  • so also Jupiter suggesting to be the jeeva karaka and self is with malefic like rahu and Saturn in the Virgo sign.
  • so also malefic sun is not a great help.
  • Rahu and Saturn and sun at one place connecting to Jupiter could create issues in court or legal matters.
  • summary astrology nadi bhrigu legal matters
    Practical example- Summary of the legal issues faced by the person

  • a) The company he started was indicted in investor fraud case on 26th jan 2014. was in tihar jail
  • b) out for parole in may 2016
  • c) As of August 2014, selling hotel properties to raise money.
  • d) was granted his first bail in May 2017 for four weeks to perform the last rites for his deceased mother
  • planets astrology nadi bhrigu legal matters
    subrata kundli astrology nadi bhrigu legal matters
    astrological study of summary of the example case – legal cases, bail, release dates
    a) The company he started was indicted in investor fraud case on 26th jan 2014.

  • was in tihar jail
  • Now Transit malefic Saturn and rahu are in Libra sign or Tula rashi.
  • Libra sign has the rahu ketu axis or natal ketu or dragon’s tail in the same.
  • so Saturn and Rahu here create a severe rahu- ketu axis and creating severe troubles for this person.
  • now Jupiter is on Gemini that is it is on natal venus and mercury of this person.
  • Jupiter or the self here is a severe enemy of mercury and venus both.
  • mercury means news, so he gets a bad name in the nation’s news.
  • plus so also people talk negative for him all over India.
  • this is all due to mercury.
  • once again, venus means comfort and relaxation.
  • due to Jupiter all is gone now and so is the comfort for this person.
  • his family peace and luxury being millionaires all is gone!
  • b) he is out for parole in may 2016

  • In the house of Gemini transit planets are there and natal Jupiter in Sagittarius sign .
  • so this clearly means movement or travel for this man.
  • 🙂
    Transit Jupiter is on the Leo sign with mars the legal planet there.
  • so he gets relief in the legal matters.
  • Rahu and Jupiter in transit are on natal mars.
  • so legal matters get a relief due to a form of positive guru chandaal Yoga .
  • so the malefic nature of his getting locked in jail is relieved.
  • transit venus is on Aries sign.
  • so here is where natal rahu is there for him.
  • so a relief to rahu or negative conditions is there for him.
  • c) As of August 2014, selling hotel properties to raise money.

  • Jupiter in transit gets exalted in the cancer sign.
  • the natal Jupiter is in the Sagittarius sign .
  • so means some good karma is happening at his end.
  • On the natal mars or properties we have the planet of money mercury.
  • so one would spend or get money due to properties .
  • mercury also deals with selling or sales.
  • so selling of mars related things.
  • transit Saturn is in Libra with natal ketu.
  • so more of a contraction in thinking.
  • this also means outflows as he need to pay back this money to his debtors.
  • so also Saturn with ketu( transit Saturn with natal ketu in Libra), means a time for inner reflection and introspection as such.
  • now transit Saturn is with mars in Libra and also in natal Libra sign with ketu.
  • so also mars and Saturn both represent assets, lands , hotels etc.
  • ketu means contraction of the same.
  • so it means contraction of the assets he had acquired.
  • so also venus leis 9th from transit mars and Saturn in Libra, so means this could be luxury assets or hotels etc.
  • d)He was granted his first bail in May 2017 for four weeks to perform the last rites for his deceased mother

  • Moon come on natal Jupiter in Sagittarius.
  • so moon means travels , he got the license to travel or bail this time.
  • so also the karma karaka planet or action Saturn connects to Jupiter or self.
  • so last rites of mother and bail both connect here.
  • aspect of rahu that is the 5th aspect is there.
  • so means this has to do with some criminal activity he was in or in jail.
  • Venus is exalted in Pisces in transit, and it aspects the natal Saturn and moon in the 11th house.
  • so venus or luxury and comfort relaxes the past life karma.
  • that is the bad karma gave home jail.
  • now venus reduces the effects of karma.
  • so also venus aspect on moon means travel cum some connection to luxuries in home.
  • so also Jupiter or natal Jupiter is in the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
  • now Pisces is the other sign of Jupiter.
  • where exalted venus is there.
  • so this send energy to the natal Jupiter of this person.
  • again this reflects the chances of bail for him.
  • 🙂

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    Nadi Astrology & Children Related predictions

    astrology nadi children astrology nadi children
    About this article

  • This is a highly interesting article on Vedic nadi astrology to get details about children and child birth or number of children etc.
  • The article first discusses some basics on how to know about the child broth, obstacles or timings etc.
  • so also child health longevity or life span and future with high accuracy using nadi astrology.
  • Then in the next part it discusses various combinations to predict child future, number of children, child health and longevity.
  • so also child future .
  • so again in the end a practical example of known Indian celebrity and the children is taken to explains the efficacy of the nadi astrology to make above predictions!
  • astrology nadi
    How does bhrigu Nandi astrology do predictions for various aspects of children, Like child birth, karma, obstacles for children future, spirituality and children & remedies?

  • bhrigu Nandi nadi connects deeply to various material aspects of how horoscope could be used or predict on how to conceive children.
  • or say predict number of children, obstacles in conceiving children, challenges for parenthood and remedies on how to handle the same.
  • Bhrigu nadi astrology is a part of Vedic astrology and created by sage bhrigu.
  • where predictions for childbirth and progeny or even future of children are done.
  • 1. Childbirth Predictions:

  • The predictions for childbirth are done when the natal Jupiter in transit is over the natal Jupiter in the horoscope.
  • so To predict the childbirth especially when the Jupiter which is the self connect to natal Jupiter in transit so childbirth could be expected.
  • 2. Karmic Connections with Children:

  • Now to know the karmic connections with the child one needs to see what are the associations of planet Jupiter or guru in the horoscope with other planets or house or status or situation it is placed there.
  • say if Jupiter has connection with rahu or dragon’s head or Saturn or shani dev means tough karmic connections of past life reincarnation with the child .
  • 3. Obstacles in Conceiving:

  • How to look at the basic factor for childbirth has associations with Rahu or Saturn or ketu.
  • Which clearly means that could be issues in the childbirth .
  • so also the planetary issues could be that resolved by prayer to Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu or going to pilgrimages .
  • so also doing propitiatory practices like meditation and Yoga, all depending on the situation to alleviate the problems
  • 4. Child’s Future and Characteristics:

  • Now based on Bhrigu astrology one needs to look at core projections for future for child health , education and overall luck and success of the child.
  • These matters could include child longevity as well, called balarishtha.
  • So again there are predictions for child personality and attitude and aptitude using astrology especially Jupiter energy
  • 5.Spiritual Significance of Children:

  • Now bhrigu Nadi being a classical text written by a great Sage bhrigu looks at the children special growth , plus what kind of deity prayers(be it hanuman ji , lord shiva etc) could give maximum growth to the child.
  • so all this is calculated based on the horoscope like Jupiter the karaka for self say is with Mercury karaka of Intelligence and smartness.
  • then in that case maybe the prediction is that Lord Krishna could be the deity .
  • so also if some female planet like Venus is there then deity could be something like some Mata Gayatri or parvati ji etc.
  • 6 Remedies for Child-Related Issues:

  • Child or bringing up a child birth both are concerns , so various homas and prayer methods are recommended.
  • so again prayer for Lord Shiva or Lord Ganesha could be a possibility.
  • once again charitable acts like donation of clothes or pencils books to needy children or people or some organizations could be suggested.
  • if say childbirth is a problem Mantra chanting is done to get blessings for childbirth like santan Gopal mantra could be chanted.
  • bhrigu astrology nadi children
    Predictions about number of children, grand children, gains from children, health and longevity and also about son or daughter using Bhrigu nadi astrology
    {Libra = sun}
    How to know number of children using nadi astrology?

  • as sun the lord of Leo and the 5th sign functions as the sign for children.
  • it is weak in Libra sign or Tula rashi, so less children and not of much status.
  • {Taurus = Ketu or dragon’s tail }->{Gemini = Mars or mangal } ->{cancer = Jupiter and sun}->{Leo = Venus + mercury + Saturn(shani)}.

  • How Nadi astrology could Suggest HIGH DIGNITY CHILDREN & GAINS from CHILDREN of any person based on kundli or Horoscope?

  • Children is by Jupiter and 5th sign Leo.
  • 3 planets there, though Saturn and Venus weak, so 2 or 3 children.
  • due to Jupiter exalted in cancer sign just before it, great dignity and gains to children.
  • so also sun is with them with Jupiter in previous house, so government service possible for the children.
  • exalted Jupiter previous to Saturn suggests good help of kids or children to the person in old age.
  • so in the 5th round Jupiter is again on Jupiter so help is there from kids whose karaka is or signifactor is Jupiter or Guru.
  • { Aries= Sun } ->{ Taurus = Venus + Mercury}———->{Virgo = Jupiter + rahu + Saturn}
    How does nadi astrology Help us to tell about the CHILDREN & GRAND Children of the person ?

  • Jupiter is children with rahu suggest grand children would be there.
  • { Aries= Sun } ->{ Taurus = Venus + Mercury}———->{Virgo = Jupiter + rahu + Saturn}
    How does nadi astrology Help us to tell about SON & DAUGHERS any person ?

  • Now Leo the 5th sign is karaka for children.
  • the lord sun has Venus and mercury near it.
  • Kindly note that mercury is a dual planet OR Neuter so also Venus and is female planet.
  • so 2 x2 =4 children and also daughters could be there .
  • {Libra = Venus + Saturn } –> { Scorpio = Sun}–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter+ Mercury }–>{Capricorn= ketu or dragon’s tail}
    based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict gains from KIDS or CHILDREN?

  • The karaka for children is Jupiter and it ahs mercury in not so much strength there.
  • so also ketu is next to Jupiter.
  • so not much gains from kids is there for the person.
  • {Libra = Venus + Saturn } –> { Scorpio = Sun}–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter+ Mercury }–>{Capricorn= ketu or dragon’s tail}
    based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict about CHILDREN ?

  • two of his sons will earn plenty
    of money.
  • as Jupiter is very strong in own sign with mercury the planet of commerce.
  • so first thing he would have two sons at least and mercury dual planet there and deals with money so planet of money would be there.
  • He may wear the Sanyasi clothes as Jupiter is very strong in Sagittarius sign and so also ketu is in the next sign.

  • {Libra = Saturn or shani dev} ——>{Sagittarius = Jupiter }–>{Capricorn= KETU or dragon’s tail}–> {Aquarius = VENUS}–>{ Pisces = sun and mercury}
    How based on Nadi astrology or Jyotish, one could find out about CHILDREN of the person ?

  • children are judged by the 5th house or sun or surya situation.
  • it has the dial sign Gemini or Mithuna and also in Pisces sign, so two children possible for the same.
  • {Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
    Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about CHILDREN or especially the sun rise and fall, health and longevity from person’s Horoscope ?

  • Ketu or dragon’s tail and the debilitated Jupiter is there.
  • Venus is afflicted with ketu and also with Jupiter in debility so is weak.
  • Saturn or shani dev is in enemy sign of Scorpio.
  • so Both Saturn and Venus are weak So also is the Moon is just next to the Sun’s
    conjunction in the Aquarius signs and comes to Pisces sign.
  • The person could have 3 boys as 3 male planets but weak (Sun, Jupiter and Mars), but due to weakness they may
    not be long lived.
  • as Venus afflicted so daughters will not survive.
  • Jupiter or Guru or karaka or signifactor of son comes with rahu cancer in 54-55 years.
  • so the son could get good position and value.
  • By 56-57 Jupiter over natal Saturn or shani dev.
  • so he may
    retire between 56-57.
  • due to weak Saturn and ketu with Jupiter he could suffer from piles and wind troubles.
  • By his 60th year as Jupiter over natal Jupiter the kids could be settled in life .
  • so also due to high Jupiter energy and ketu or dragon’s tail there he will visit holy places and go round on pilgrimage.
  • {Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
    Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about gains from CHILDREN person’s Horoscope ?

  • By 63 year Saturn or shani dev comes over natal Venus so not great for the wife or life partner.
  • He will come into possession of a house or property due to his son at the age of 64.
  • d1 chart indira gandhi astrology nadi children d9 or navamsha astrology nadi children
    A practical example of children of a well known political figure

  • Now looking at a practical example the Bhrigu Nandi Nadi for one renowned politician .
  • as one can see , as Jupiter the karaka for son or children is in the 11th house in Taurus sign or say vrishabha rashi.
  • and it is along with ketu one sign ahead in Gemini sign or mithuna rashi.
  • High dignity and flying Yoga but accident Yoga for children based on bhrigu Nandi nadi

  • so this lady had two children and both of them died due to accidents.
  • one can see the malefic influence of planet ketu or dragon’s tail on longevity of the kids.
  • one of the child or son died in a plane crash and other died by terrorist killings.

  • so which is clearly indicated by Ketu or dragon’s tail being just besides Jupiter in the sign of Gemini.
  • so also one of the son was Prime Minister of a big country and other one also was very well known.
  • astrologically or based on bhrigu Nandi nadi one can clearly see the 7th aspect of sun or surya dev on Jupiter or Guru which suggests the kids could be holding good positions and also be well known.
  • so also mercury or budha the planet for flying as ruled by air or vata element is there.

  • so again this mercury or budha aspects Jupiter for children.
  • so one can see that one son was a was a commercial pilot while the other son died while flying!
    So one can clearly see the influence of mercury and sun on Jupiter gave the son’s high dignity and mercury gave the air element or flying.
  • So also ketu or dragon’s head gave accidents or killings sadly! So one can very clearly see the effect of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi on the Destiny of children here! so again looking at the d9 or the navamsha chart.
  • Jupiter or guru in Taurus or vrishbha has Rahu or dragon’s head next in cancer sign.
  • High luxary and comfort to children by bhrigu Nandi nadi

  • so again suggest that both children prone to accidents.
  • venus or Taurus or vrishabha rashi the dispositer for Jupiter is in the Libra sign.
  • so what it means that children would have high luxury which is true for both the children and mercury gives them good Intelligence .
  • Plus maybe they had a career in flying which is true .
  • one person was a pilot and might have had technical education as well.
  • Education for children using bhrigu Nandi nadi

  • Looking at the 4th house and the second house in d1 chart we have mars and ketu.
  • hinting towards technical education.
  • or say actual hands on education .
  • that is to the elder son was engineer and had technical education for flying and the other son had regular education.
  • spiritual growth of the children
    Spiritual quotient is high due to ketu nearby, but because of Jupiter in Taurus sign or enemy sign , so it gets diminished.
  • Bad company to the child bhrigu Nandi nadi

  • Now again we look at the chart here Jupiter or guru is in the Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi now we look at the Venus which rules the Taurus Sign .
  • in d1 chart venus the lord is in 6th house with Rahu .
  • so very clearly either the child gets into bad company .
  • which one of the child was because Venus is sitting in the sign of Dharma Sagittarius.
  • so this is a kind of guru chandaal Yoga.
  • proneness to accidents child bhrigu Nandi nadi

  • so also rahu or dragon’s head also with venus the dispositer of Jupiter or Guru could means sudden accidents to the children both of the children .
  • so also we have planet Uranus has the next planet to Venus.
  • in the d9 or navamsha chart Venus or shukra is in the Libra sign or Tula rashi in the 8th house.
  • so indication of luxuries to the child or son one.
  • one son was deep into luxuries and pleasures of life.
  • so clearly one son was deep into luxuries of women and wine vices.

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    Horoscope Salman Khan Wife and Reincarnation & Past Life Analysis

    horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysishoroscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    About this article?

  • This interesting article looks at the present life lovers and marriage conditions for the bollywoood star salman khan-like somy ali , aishawrya rai bachchan etc.
  • it also then checks the status of the previous life time marital or love conditions for the same. Looks at the core karma of salman khan that kept him away.
  • it checks if there is continuity of karma for delays or issues in relationships.
    Then this article wonderfully checks all with an additional system of Vedic astrology to confirm the past life karma.
    Such articles are rate and very insightful and helpful.
  • love affairs horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    Salman Khan on what is known about this love life or wife ?

  • The love life of actor Salman khan as we know has been varied and also dry in some sense. he himself has accepted the same.
  • it at times is colorful, but at the end of the day he could not get married.
  • yes he has had love flings with film heroines like Katrina kaif and so also Aishwarya rai. again there is one more like somy ali.
  • Salman often jokes about his bachelor status, and during recent public appearances, such as the launch of Bigg Boss 18, he humorously hinted that he prefers partners who “run away” from him, underscoring his relaxed approach toward relationships.
  • salman khan is OK with his not being able to get into deeper relationships. He or salman khan infact once suggested that if he is not getting to marrying any one it is netter, as he has come criminal cases against him.
  • salman khan continues to have a single status at this point of time.
  • he is also being said to be dating Romanian actor lulia vuntur.
  • so only thing that is confirmed for him s that he has had multiple affairs and yet not gotten married.
  • horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysislove horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    what does the Horoscope of Salman Khan say about his life partners or lovers? so also why he could not get married?
    love and relationships 7th house lord venus in 10th house Capricorn for salman khan horoscope

  • The 7th house lord is venus, so he or salman khan would have deep love affairs.
    so also the lovers could be more beautiful as well.
  • so again 7th lord being in 10th lord means he or salman khan would be very active love affairs matters.
    due to 4th aspects , it could impact his family and image as well.
  • so as the dispositer is Capricorn or saturn.
  • so ego issues in relationships could come in.
  • there could be delays and possible dryness over time in relationships. Love and travel for love could be very important for salman khan.
  • so also for salman khan due to dispositership of Capricorn or makar rashi, the relationships could be very practical and down to earth and transactional in nature as well. but sure venus influence could make it very deep and colorful as well.
  • love and relationships 7th house lord venus in 10th house with Mars Lord of lagna and 8th for salman khan horoscope

    Now venus is in connection with lagna lord mars . so the relationships could be passionate and many a times make and break ones.

  • we see its make and break ones and he has it seems had around 10 girl friends!
  • so also 8th lordships could means sudden breaks in relationships as well. many of his relationships could mostly mean hidden as well for the same reasons.
  • so also mars position for salman khan makes him bold and courageous in love and relationships matters.
  • love and relationships aspect of exalted rahu in 2nd house on the 7th house lord for salman khan horoscope

  • Rahu or dragon’s head is in strength or say dragon’s head is in strength. so means it can help salman khan to keep his hidden relationships or maintain the same.
  • so also unexpected sudden surge of political and other issues could come in for the same.
  • same happened with vivek oberoi, when both were involved with aishwarya rai.
  • vivek oberoi had a press conference accusing salman khan for various matters.
  • but as said sudden and rash breakups for relationships and severe fights could also be there.
    so also rahu could make salman khan interested in relationship with women out of his religion.
  • salman khan is a Muslim but most of his affairs are with Hindu women.
  • so also it could mean affairs with non conventional women for salman khan.
  • ?? delete thisx sue regular horoscope ??
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of Salman Khan say about his past life time core, basics ?

  • Now to study or know what kind of wife or life partner Salman Khan had in his previous life reincarnation, we need to study his basic life in past life.
  • so also some comparisons to this life time of Salman Khan is also done.
  • the 9th house lord or the lagna lord Jupiter or Sagittarius in 7th house from 9th house or Gemini sign

  • so Jupiter or guru in salman khan’s 7th house suggests salman khan in his past life reincarnation was connected to women who were very benevolent and dharma in nature as Jupiter deals with the same.
    So his past life reincarnation life partner was deeply religious and also spiritual in nature.
    Jupiter is the 9th house lord of his horoscope and is in 7th from 9th that is the 3rd house. so he was closely connected to his life partner in past life.
  • so also he himself or salman khan followed dharma and ethics to fair extent as Jupiter aspects the 9th house or self of salman khan in his past life reincarnation. but there is a form of guru chandaal Yoga with the planet of dharma guru in Libra sign or Tula rashi in 3rd house of his Horoscope.

  • so there is a mix of sense pleasures and dharma both for salman khan in his past life reincarnation horoscope as Jupiter and venus both influence his past life reincarnation.
  • so also 4th house lord from 9th house( Sagittarius) is the Pisces sign is also Jupiter or guru, so travels were there for salman khan in his past life reincarnation.
  • So also there was a strong support for family member for salman khan in his previous life reincarnation, as Jupiter rules the family house or the 4th house . so is true in this life time as well.
  • sun or surya the 9th lord in lagna

  • planet sun the lord for 9th house of dharma and luck in lagna for salman khan is his lagan for past life reincarnation horoscope.
  • This suggests that his life partner in previous life time where of high dignity. so also they were lucky for him and with high opulence and name and fame.
  • all this is true in this life time as well for him.
  • Mercury the dispositer of Jupiter is in 12th house from the 9th house(Sagittarius) for salman khan in his past life reincarnation horoscope.
  • so it means there could have been delays in previous life time as well in marriage for him as we observe it in this life time. so also mercury is with malefic ketu or dragon’s tail. so what it means a sudden break up was also there in the past life reincarnation for salman khan! We carry the pattern of energies form incarnation to incarnation.
  • so breakup of marriages was also possible. so also delays and possible breakups which continues in this life time as well for salman khan.
  • so all this closely correlated to love life of salman khan in this life time as well.
    so this is a carried over karmic trait for him .
  • so also sun in 9th house or lagna of past life reincarnation could give him or salman khan and his lover high dignity and spirituality as well.
  • cross check horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    Cross check of the same by other astrological methods like following the principles of nadi astrology

  • In past life reincarnation horoscope of salman khan Jupiter goes to Taurus sign and with exalted rahu there. so he had a lavish and luxury life style in previous life time as well like je has now. rahu deals with under world and also movies and films.
  • so he could have been in movies or dramatics in previous life time. but sure there is a kind of guru chandaal Yoga with Jupiter or guru going to Taurus sign which is ruled by venus the planet of pleasure and luxuries. but rahu is rebellious and wants control and fun. so something similar to what we found above in the analysis :). so the two analysis match here .
  • so also mercury on Scorpio influence is there on Jupiter. that means he was studying as well in past life. like in contrast to this life time where studying is out of question. he was studying and yes he knew good money management as well.
    Saturn in Pisces at the back of Jupiter means he possibly did spiritual patsies or dharma as well in previous life time. as we see it in above analysis as well. so there is a match for spirituality here.
  • horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of Salman Khan say about his past life time wife and how it connects to His love life of past life reincarnation to this life time for salman khan?
    Jupiter the 9th house lord Is in Love and marriage house of 7th house from Sagittarius or Gemini for salman khan past life reincarnation horoscope
    Now Gemini is a changeable and fun loving sign.

  • so sure he or salman khan in his past life reincarnation was fun and thrill loving as well.
  • like flamboyant he is in this life time also.
  • 🙂
    so again there is a continuity of karma here.
  • so also it suggest that in past life reincarnation salman khan was very social and outgoing in terms of love.
  • he would also have had minor and major affairs.
  • Just like he has had in this life time!
  • Again it suggests salman khan in his past life reincarnation had overtly unsure or not so mature and philosophical love relationships which did not last long.
  • he was into socials and fun and maintaining good social circle in his past life time as well.
  • Love and marriage lord mercury 7th lord ( form Sagittarius ) in 12th house ( 12th form 9th house or Sagittarius, that is Scorpio sign)for salman khan past life reincarnation horoscope

  • for salman khan in his past life reincarnation love and related issues were there always.
  • like delays or other problems in marriage.
  • that is relationships fizzling out or losing energy as mercury the 7th lord Is in the 12th house of Vyaya or wastage .
  • we have see this happening for him in this life time as well.
  • so also salman khan might have had connections with foreigners in past life time.
  • which is 100% true and in this life time also lulia vuntur from Romania is her girl friend for long! so again the idea of continuity of karma is there !
  • salman khan might have faced difficulties in the past life reincarnation to hold on to the relationships, as is true for this life time as well.
  • Love and marriage lord mercury 7th lord from 9th house or Sagittarius in 12th house9 form 9th house or Scorpio sign) with ketu for salman khan past life reincarnation horoscope

  • Ketu means contraction and ketu also means dharma.
  • so salman khan in his past life reincarnation had deep connection with life partners who were deep into dharma or religion.
  • this we confirmed above as well.
  • so also ketu could have caused added stress and breakages in relationship for salman khan in his previous life reincarnation.
  • he had issues in communication to people he was in love with in his previous life time reincarnation.
  • relationships could have cause deep transformation in salman khan to learn more about his life.
  • cross check horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis
    cross checks for life partner of Salman Khan by other astrological systems or nadi astrology

  • Taking venus on Sagittarius sign in the PLA or past life reincarnation horoscope of salman khan we see it comes on ascendant and aspects the 7th house.
  • so also it could make venus combust.
  • so also venus connects to mars and Moon the next.
  • so mars is aggressive and exalted.
  • so means very passionate connections were there for salman khan in his previous life reincarnation.
  • this confirms on what we found earlier.
  • so also moon gives a changeable and flamboyant nature to love life of salman khan.
  • as is true in this life time as well.
  • so also moon suggest fair and beautiful girls.
  • venus on the Sagittarius sign suggest that ladies were dharma or religious and with good nature.
  • something similar continues as Jupiter aspects the 7th house.
  • so high element of dharma was there in previous life time as well for him.
  • venus had mercury and ketu behind it.
  • so means the love relationships could have gotten cut as well.
  • which is true for him in this life time as well we just saw above.
  • so also the ladies he connected to in past life time were very quick minded and intelligent and so also had good sense of money as well.
  • conclusion horoscope salman khan wife reincarnation past life analysis

  • One can see what happened in past life reincarnation of salman khan something similar happened in this life time!.
  • This we call continuity of karma.
  • we also checked all by two astrological systems that is parashari and nadi systems .
  • so also things like marriage delay or sudden issues in relationships continued from previous life reincarnation to this life time.
  • so also the ladies involved with salman khan in previous or this life time both were of high dignity and beautiful.

  • Horoscope Ratan Tata Wife and Reincarnation & Past Life Analysis

    reincarnation ratan tata wife reincarnation ratan tata past life
    About this article?

  • This article is unique and connects the past life reincarnation marriage status of the legend ratan Tata with his this life time status.
  • This article analyzes love life of Tata in this life time plus it looks at the karma of Ratan Tata ji on what caused a void in his life in this life time. so also looks at continuity of karma from previous life reincarnation to this life or current life.
  • so also it applies 2 systems of Vedic astrology to corroborate the truth of reincarnation.
  • simi grewal ratan tata marriage past life
    ratan Tata on what is known about this love life or wife ?

  • It seems at one time the bollywood actress Simi Grewal was interested in marrying sri ratan Tata ji.
    Although she eventually wed someone else. so also Simi Grewal previously disclosed that she had dated Ratan Tata for a short while.
  • The two remained good friends in spite of that later on in life .
  • we know that sri Tata, 86, spent a long time unwell and passed away in Breach Candy Hospital.
  • so as a sensitive and connecting comment simi grewal write for sri ratan Tata “They say you have gone,” Simi wrote in her poignant homage to Ratan on X.
  • Known for his quiet style, Ratan Tata has occasionally given peeks into his private life. as he generally kept to himself.
  • He once talked about having had a big romantic relationship while living in Los Angeles USA.
  • He was on the verge of marriage after falling in love while working for an architecture business.
  • However, the 1962 India-China War-related events led to the breakup of the alliance and he had to leave the girl.
  • Even though Tata wanted to stay in touch with her and take her with him when he returned home to take care of his sick grandmother, the woman’s parents disapproved of her traveling to India, which caused the separation of sri rata Tata and the lady .
  • as suggested above Tata was also connected to socialite and actress Simi Grewal, with whom he had a strong relationship at one time of life.
  • Grewal stressed that his lack of income never drove him, calling him a “perfect gentleman” with a modest demeanor and a sense of humor and quietness .
  • Despite the fact that their relationship did not result in marriage, they have both spoken well of one another all over life. This demonstrates the respect they still have for one another.
  • reincarnation ratan tata horoscope past lifelove reincarnation ratan tata past life
    what does the Horoscope of ratan Tata say about his life partners or lovers? so also why he could not get married?
    Love & Relationships in this life time for ratan Tata Mercury (7th Lord of Gemini) Combust in Lagna
    Communication and Harmony Issues:

  • Relationship communication may be difficult when Mercury, the seventh lord of Gemini, is combust in the Lagna.
  • Ratan Tata can find it difficult to communicate his feelings or feel that his partner doesn’t understand him.
  • Additionally, combustion exacerbates mental restlessness or sri Tata ji , which makes it challenging for Ratan Tata to keep partnerships consistent. So we can see a reason why he could not get married or keep a relationships for long.
  • In romantic relationships, Ratan Tata may encounter misunderstandings, excessive analysis, or disagreements.
  • This placement implies that in order to prevent misunderstandings with his partner, Ratan Tata needs to improve his communication skills and patience. which he has also accepted openly that he could not for some reason or other continue the communication with the person.
  • Possibility of Relationship Issues: Because Mercury is so close to the Sun (combustion), there is a risk of ego conflicts in intimate partnerships for ratan Tata. though sure sri ratan Tata was mostly soft and cooperative , it could also means a conflict of goals could have been there between him and the lady.
  • Given Mercury’s emphasis on rationality, Ratan Tata may draw intelligent companions who want emotional understanding, which might be difficult. sure intelligent companion like simi grewal he had, though he did not continue with her.
  • This placement, even though it is in the Lagna, suggests that partnerships can be stressful or feel like a burden. so may be due to this burden he left the relationships in between.
  • But over time, with self-awareness, Ratan Tata can make meaningful connections and enhance his communication abilities. but may be age catched over time
  • Love and Relationships in this life time of ratan Tata : Mercury (7th Lord) Conjuncts Venus (11th Lord)
    Romantic Relationships That Pay Off:

  • Venus, the eleventh lord, and Mercury, the seventh lord, form amiable and happy partnerships. so despite having make break relationships – ratan Tata was able to strike happy partnerships. evident from Simi grewal still speaking well for him.
  • Ratan Tata is likely to have attractive, wise, and powerful people in their social circles as romantic partners. attractive and wise partners is very clear from profile of simi grewal.
  • Partnerships provide social and economic benefits in addition to emotional fulfillment.
  • Mutual delight, camaraderie, and similar values are highlighted in the relationship dynamics.
  • Ratan Tata tends to draw lovers who share his intellectual or artistic interests since love thrives in social or creative contexts. sure he was a humanitarian and shared his god and benevolent thoughts with everyone.
  • Social networking and successful marriages: This combination implies that Ratan Tata achieves success through alliances and teamwork.

  • Social networks or groups frequently foster marriage and love partnerships. So sure ratan Tata got friends and may be his lovers from his network and relationships.
  • In relationships, Ratan Tata is likely to find peace and happiness with a partner who helps him achieve his long-term objectives and aspirations.
  • Relationships become a source of fulfillment and advancement because of this positioning, which promotes candid communication and emotional connection.
  • Love and Relationships of ratan Tata in this life time: Mercury (7th Lord) Conjuncts Sun (9th Lord) in Lagna
    Relationships Influenced by Values and Principles:

  • In Lagna, Mercury, the seventh lord, joins Sun, the ninth lord.
  • Ratan Tata had High aspirations, common beliefs, and philosophical perspectives all play a part in Tata’s marital and love relationships. so sure his high aspirations for work and his responsibilities worked against his getting married.
  • Ratan Tata might draw in a spouse who values morality and intellectual stimulation and who places a high value on spirituality and personal development.
  • Relationships may turn into a quest for self-discovery, and there may be a propensity to search for meaning and purpose in love. so if ratan Tata had not searched for love and meaning, he could have randomly selected and women and simply got married. but that did not happen.
  • However, if both spouses have strong beliefs or are resistant to compromise, ego conflicts could occur.
  • Attraction to Influential Partners: Based on this combination, it appears that Ratan Tata is attracted to partners who possess prestige or leadership abilities. This could be true but better known if someone had interviewed him 🙂 on this.
  • Relationships with people from other cultures may be formed, either through travel or educational settings.
  • Relationships benefit from the warmth and vibrancy that the Sun brings, but it may also lead to dominance issues when one spouse or Ratan Tata tries to establish control. This type of control ratan Tata ignored and moved on his path for marriage.
  • Maintaining long-term harmony requires striking a balance between individual liberty and respect for one another.
  • reincarnation ratan tata horoscope past life
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of ratan Tata say about his past life time core, basics ?

  • Now to study or know what kind of wife or life partner ratan Tata had in previous life reincarnation, we need to study his basic life in past life.
  • so also some comparisons to this life time of ratan Tata is also done.
  • The 9th house Lord Leo ruled by planet Sun ( call it the past life reincarnation lord ) is in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi .

  • This is the Fifth House from 9th or lagna lord for sri ratan Tata .
  • so as lagna lord ( 9th lord based on this life time horoscope) is in 5th house ( or 1st house based on present life horoscope ) makes Ratan Tata’s personality in past life reincarnation was more creative, fun and thrill loving, child like, but independent and perceptive, and philosophical as the Lagna lord Sun is positioned in the fifth house in Sagittarius.
  • This sensitivity and imagination due to the 5th house from the 9th house( Or lagan ) is reflected for him in this life time as well. Rattan tata is still in this life time highly sensitive and caring for people.
  • The pursuit of wisdom, greater knowledge, and individual expression are highlighted by this placement.
  • As Sagittarius means wisdom or more knowledge and compassion and dharma.
  • Ratan Tata in his past life probably would have done well leadership positions, teaching, or educational fields. As sun and Sagittarius being there support the same.
  • This respect for learning or infact higher learning is reflected in this life time or incarnation as well for him.
  • yes in previous life reincarnation Ratan Tata was adventurous, upbeat, and drawn toward spiritual or moral endeavors due to the influence of Sagittarius or dhanu rashi.
  • But sure in this life time he is slightly upbeat may be in youth but mostly humble and relaxed for rest of his life .
  • Success was there for ratan tata through children, business endeavors, or artistic abilities may also be favored by this placement in his previous life reincarnation as 5th house and Sagittarius sign is involved.
  • In the past life Ratan Tata liked to express himself and may have assumed leadership positions in intellectual or creative endeavors, earning praise for his concepts in his past life reincarnation. All these qualities coming from 9th house lord sun sign the Sagittarius sign or lagan for the d1 chart.
  • This high caliber leadership and creative abilities are still obvious in his this life time as well.
  • Mercury, the second lord, is conjunct the Lagna Lord Sun in the fifth house for sri ratan Tata in his past life re-incarnation horoscope .

  • Ratan Tata’s intelligence, communication abilities, and financial prospects are all strengthened by the potent combination of the Lagna lord Sun and the second house lord Mercury in the fifth house(This is the lagna in the d1 chart and 5th house means 5th form 9th house or the lagan of past life reincarnation).
  • So also Ratan Tata was skilled in writing, education, finance, and business because of this mix, which cultivates eloquence, inventiveness, and analytical thinking in his past life reincarnation sojourn.
  • The basic inventiveness and a sense of finance is still there for him in this life time incarnation as the head of tata group.
  • Ratan Tata may employ his skills in speculative endeavors such as investing or the stock market.
  • In the past life settings Ratan Tata had intellectual prowess and potential for money through speech, education, or creativity also contribute to ratan Tata’s sense of self-worth in his past life.
  • he in this life time as well is still rated in this life time a fair quality of intellectual and a visionary!
  • Nonetheless, in both personal and professional contexts, excessive analysis and ego-driven communication he should be avoided by him .
  • but seems his ego due to sun in a Jupiter ruled sign or Sagittarius was naturally handled and subdued for this life time!
  • In this life time he is evolved and born very humble , caring and a humanitarian person who wants to be sensitive ,caring and do good to others.
  • In the Fifth House, Lagna Lord Sun Conjuncts Venus (3rd Lord) for sri ratan Tata in his past life reincarnation horoscope .

  • In his past life reincarnation sojourn Sri Ratan Tata was with a fascinating, artistic, and expressive personality is produced as the Lagna lord Sun and the third house lord Venus meet in the 1st house( 5th house from 9th) from the 9th house .
  • Popularity in social circles and success in artistic, media, or creative pursuits are the results of this combination were there for him. sure he is highly popular in media and social circles in this life time as well! So one can clearly see the continuity of karma here.
  • Ratan Tata may have been passionate in writing, performing arts, or communication, and she thrives in roles that call for charisma and self-expression in his past life.
  • Venus or shukra brings sophistication and tact, which makes Ratan Tata adept at building amicable relationships in the previous life reincarnation or re-birth and is highly true for this life time of this as well.
  • Along with benefits from siblings, pastimes, or artistic endeavors, romantic connections or love affairs may play a significant role in Ratan Tata’s previous life time as well.
  • reincarnation ratan tata past life cross check
    cross checks for life of ratan Tata by other nadi astrological systems

  • Jupiter or guru in Sagittarius sign gives high dharma and karma and great karma for ratan Tata in his previous life time.
  • maybe it is his this karma of doing good and good knowledge and help for others made him born with a silver spoon in his mouth in this life time. so also sun, mercury and venus are there.
  • so means a high dignity life was there for sri ratan Tata in his previous life reincarnation as well .
  • plus he had all luxuries of life as venus is there. so also good at studies and money management he was in his past life due to mercury.
    so almost the same as what we have analyzed above.
    so also his Saturn or shani dev goes to Aquarius or kumbha for his past life reincarnation work and is with mars or mangal. so clearly high management work and niche work ratan Tata had which is 100% true for this life time as well for him.
  • love reincarnation ratan tata past lifereincarnation ratan tata horoscope past life
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of ratan Tata say about his past life time wife and how it connects to His love life of past life reincarnation to this life time ?
    Mars in the Seventh House from the 9th house( 3rd house or Aquarius sign in this life time d1 horoscope): Spouse or Partner

  • So this suggest that his past life Relationships may experienced intensity, passion, and sporadic conflict while Mars is positioned in the seventh house, so again in a Saturn ruled sign of Aquarius.
  • As mars is the planet for fights and conflicts and high energy, so also it is in severe conflict with planet Saturn.
  • so given the mars energy of high passion It is probable that Ratan Tata will have a dynamic and outspoken spouse or partner, who may have been brave, independent, or headstrong and highly choosy as well( Aquarius or kumbha).The lady could have been high in air and jumping with energy and very talkative as well!
  • Although dis-agreements or fights for power may have occasionally occurred in past life . this placement indicates that the partnership will be vibrant and exciting. this is due to mars energy. But atleast his sex relationship was very passionate.
  • Mars in the 7th house of ratan Tata, attract him to relationships of high passion and energy.
  • so also high passion levels give him good foot hold on relationships. Mars adds drama to the life of ratan Tata.
  • Wife or lover, Saturn is the 7th House Lord (Aquarius) in the 8th House (Pisces) from 9th house(4th house in d1 chrta).

  • Saturn or shani dev deals with karma and so the relationships could be karmic in nature for ratan Tata in his previous life time reincarnation we well. we can see the continuity of karma here for ratan Tata.
  • Saturn or shani dev adds to seriousness of the relationships, so ratan Tata should expect this.
  • so also Saturn or shani dev is a planet of delays and problems. So this means ratan Tata might have had delays in marriage in past life reincarnation as well as he faced in this life time!
  • Saturn the planet of sainthood and reflection , suggest the life partner might have gotten recluse.
  • Saturn has its sensitive element within as well.
  • so Saturn or shani dev introduces sentimentality as well to his life partner and the relationships of previous life reincarnation. so also sensitivity.
  • Wife or lover, Mars is the ninth Lord( form the 9th house of d1 chart) in the seventh house form the 9th house of the d1 chart.

  • Ratan tata might have had an ambitious spouse as mars the lord of 9th house ruled by Jupiter is in 7th house. so also she could be travelling a lot.
  • Now 9th house is dharma or religion, so also mars or mangal is a malefic.
  • so when 9th house lords ( 9th house from the 9th house of d1 chart)mars is in 7th house, means a lot of philosophy and dharma was there in ratan tata’s past life reincarnation wife. so was there a lot of philosophy in her.
  • so also his previous life reincarnation’s wife or life partner loved to travel.
  • Now one can clearly see continuity of karma and simi grewal a some time girl friend of ratan tata with similar traits .:) passion energy, desire to explore or say travel etc.
  • The 9th house is the house for luck and fortune, so also marks the 9th lord in 7th house means luck stimulated by past life good karma. so also in previous life incarnation for ratan Tata, it was a great fortune after marriage for sri rattan tata ji.
  • yes in this life time he could not get married at all! so also good energy of 9th house or benefic energy of 9th house mixes with mars and 7th house, suggesting the partner would have been very motivating for him in his life endeavors in his past life reincarnation.
  • The connection suggested by planets has a feeling of progress and adventure, which makes it a potent source of challenge and personal development.
  • Mars or mangal gives feeling and adventure to life of Ratan Tata in his previous life reincarnation.
  • other astrological systems reincarnation ratan tata past life
    cross checks for life partner of ratan Tata by nadi astrological systems

  • Now if we take venus to Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi. we find venus or wife or life partner of ratan Tata ji in his previous life reincarnation re-birth has influence of mars or mangal.
  • the life partner was action oriented and passionate as we derived above.
  • so also she was very secretive and aggressive as well. something similar to what we found earlier. Venus has influence of the rahu and ketu axis. so there was a high rebel element in the lady.
  • so also she might have been close to dharma. note there ketu or dragon’s tail is there influencing venus. earlier we had the 9th house lordship. so over all dharma and religion was very important for the pervious life reincarnation life partner of ratan Tata ji. There is a trailing Moon influence to the lady. 🙂
  • so she was fair complexioned and travelling. rahu ketu influence on venus suggests unexpected sudden issues to the life longevity of the life partner of Ratan Tata ji in previous life reincarnation. so he might have felt absence of life partner, which is visible in this life time as well.
  • so also we have sun mercury and venus just one sign ahead of Scorpio. exactly similar to we had sun venus mercury in the lagan for ratan Tata.
  • so same analysis like high dignity , quick mind and beauty and care was there in the previous life time life partner of ratan Tata.
  • conclusion reincarnation ratan tata past life

  • Like a super science we can see that past life reincarnation Horoscope of ratan Tata was somewhat close to what it is in this life time is matching at least 80%.
  • This we call continuity of karma.
  • so also the 2 methods used for deriving past life reincarnation match almost 80-85 %!
  • it was high dignity and at a different level.
  • his life partner had left a void in previous life time, which he faced in this life time.
  • yes she was beautiful and dharma now confirmed by several methods.! had he rectified the void situation of the previous life reincarnation with remedies in this life time, he would have been better off may be in marital matters.

  • Horoscope Shahrukh Khan Wife and Reincarnation & Past Life wife Analysis

    horoscope shahrukh khan wife reincarnation past life wife analysishoroscope shahrukh khan wife reincarnation past life wife analysis
    About this article?

  • This article is unique and powerful and it checks this life time wife for shahrukh khan(Ms. gauri khan) and so also his previous life time reincarnation wife based on his horoscope.
  • It looks at what kind of life style shahrukh khan had in previous life time and how it connects to this life time. so also how the energies of previous life time wife or life partner of shahrukh khan connect to this life time wife Gauri khan.
  • what makes gauri khan so successful in arts and creative efforts and with high dignity in this life time.
  • so also it investigates on what was life of shahrukh khan in previous reincarnation as compared to what it s now.
  • gauri khan reincarnation past life wife analysis
    Some basic details about Gauri khan who we would study in this article

  • Gauri Khan is an Indian film producer, interior designer, and businesswoman who was born on October 8, 1970, as Gauri Chhibber. so one can see that there is initiatives of sun energy there, plus creativity of venus in designing and film producing. so also rahu energy is there and Saturn or shani dev for food producing and industry set up for clothes by her.
  • Although she is best known for being Shah Rukh Khan’s wife in Bollywood, she has had a prosperous career of her own. once again prosperity is by venus or shukra in the chart.
  • Along with her husband, Gauri co-founded Red Chillies Entertainment in 2002.
  • Since then, the two have worked together to produce a number of popular Bollywood movies, including the box office hits Main Hoon Na, Om Shanti Om, Chennai Express, and Happy New Year. many of these movies have been big hits.
  • She has made a substantial contribution to the Indian cinema industry in terms of both production and creative aspects of filmmaking. So again we can talk about her creativity and innovation.
  • Apart from her work in movies, Gauri Khan has made a name for herself as an interior designer. This needs great creativity and imagination as well.
  • In 2017, she established Gauri Khan Designs, a renowned name in premium design, and it has since grown.
  • Gauri’s work is renowned for its subtlety, elegance, and modern look.
  • She has worked with high-profile clients, including celebrities.
  • Gauri Khan is a well-known figure in the entertainment and design industries, juggling her many business endeavors and her family.
  • She is respected for her inventiveness, commercial sense, and ability to combine elegance and substance in a seamless manner.
  • gauri khan horoscope shahrukh khan
    what does the Horoscope of shahrukh khan say about Gauri khan his this life time wife?

  • for shahrukh khan’s Horoscope we look at his 7th house lord. that is Saturn and its placement. The characteristics of the partner are reflected in both Saturn and Aquarius or kumbha rashi as the 7th house lord Saturn is in its own sign, Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi).
  • A spouse’s intellectual, unconventional, and humanitarian qualities are enhanced by the placement of Saturn in Aquarius, the sign that rules partnerships, marriage, and relationships as the 7th house’s ruler.
  • Aquarius or Kumbha gives gauri khan high intellectual qualities and innovative abilities. yes she has them all and she created design and films with all this. so all this goes to her credit.
  • The spouse’s personality

  • The partner most likely have a sensible, mature, and responsible disposition. which is evident by the success of gauri khan in business life and so also in personal life as well. she has handled shahrukh khan’s affairs very well.
  • shahrukh khan’s Horoscope suggest that he may take a serious attitude to life and relationships, appreciating consistency, self-control, and long-term commitments, as Saturn is the 7th lord. so we know shahrukh khan is still stable with his first wife gauri.
  • Along with being autonomous, progressive, and socially concerned, Aquarians are frequently interested in endeavors that advance society. so this is the personality of gauri khan, she is progressive. her getting married to Muslims in 1990’s itself suggest that she was quite open and progressive of her times.
  • so also shahrukh khan’s Horoscope suggest that his spouse gauri khan may be interested in science, technology, social issues, or both and have an analytical mind. so again gauri khan also helps society doing donations etc.
  • so also gauri khan frequently think logically and rationally, and they might value spiritual or intellectual discussions above sentimental or romantic ones. her being a class apart in creating business niche is a proof of the same .
  • Saturn’s influence may cause the relationship to develop slowly at first, but once it does, it will be strong and stable. the results of the relationships are clear to all of us.
  • Outward Look and Way of Life

  • In terms of physical characteristics, the spouse gauri khan may be tall or slender, with a calm or restrained manner, which is indicative of Saturn’s controlled energy. so yes gauri khan is tall and more towards slimmer side.
  • shahrukh khan’s wife could give off the impression of being modest in appearance and preferring practicality and simplicity to excess.
  • Additionally, the spouse of shahrukh khan or gauri is probably going to lead a disciplined lifestyle that prioritizes routine, health, and work ethics. so sure she is not a party person and leads a more disciplined life.
  • Given that Aquarius is an air sign, the spouse may have a distinct sense of style that strikes a balance between realism and a hint of unconventionality.
  • shahrukh khan’s Horoscope suggest that his life partner could also be drawn to work that is focused on the community, academic endeavors, or humanitarian causes.
  • Their marriage ( marriage of shahrukh khan and gauri khan) will probably be built on equality and respect for one another, with a great focus on friendship and common values.
  • gauri khan horoscope shahrukh khan
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of shahrukh khan say about his past life time core, basics ?

  • Now to study or know what kind of wife or life partner shahrukh khan had in previous life reincarnation, we need to study his basic life in past life. so also some comparisons to this life time of shahrukh is also done.
  • The 9th house lord of shahrukh khan’s horoscope is Mars, with the ruler of Aries. This sign and planet rules his past life reincarnation karma. It delivers a complicated blend of tremendous energy, unforeseen life events, and transformative experiences as it is placed in the 8th house( 8th house form 9th house, or 4th house of the d1 chart).
  • It is with Ketu or dragon’s tail and Mercury(buddha), the lord of the 6th house( 6th house from 9th house and also 2nd house from lagna).
  • so in his previous life re-incarnation shahrukh khan might have had a tough and very aggressive and an un predictable life!
  • but so also due to ketu or dragon’s tail he could have been close to dharma or religion as well.
  • so again he could have been very passionate and aggressive whatever he did in his previous life reincarnation!
  • the same passion is visible in this life time for films in shahrukh khan.
  • The 8th house of any horoscope or kundli is in charge of issues pertaining to metamorphosis, concealment, abrupt shifts, longevity, and occult knowledge.
  • so also there is a possibility of occult knowledge to shahrukh khan in previous life time as his past life time reincarnation lord mars or Aries is in 8th house from the same(That’s is 8th from 9th house or Aries, that is Scorpio sign or 4th house in d1).
  • so as rahu ketu axis is also there, it could be to do with religions which are non Vedic in nature .
  • Like the religions like Christianity, Islam or Judaism as well.
  • With Mercury as the lord of the sixth house from 9th house( this is 2nd sign from lagna that is Virgo or kanya rashi) and Mars opposite Ketu.
  • makes shahrukh khan may be bold and resolute but also vulnerable to un-foreseen setbacks or difficulties in life in his past life reincarnation!
  • so he might have had chronic ailment, thefts and conspiracies in previous life reincarnation !
  • sure he has conspiracy in this life time as well his son got jailed but still better than his previous life time.
  • Mercury being lord of 6th house from 9th house ( in d1 the 2nd house lord)also adds themes of rivalry, conflict, and health-related concerns.
  • Characteristics of the Mind in past life reincarnation of shahrukh khan and this life time connection

  • shahrukh khan probably had a strong sense of independence given the lord is Aries or mesha rashi the sign number 1.
  • He also could have been very private, and have a keen curiosity about taboo or hidden topics like psychology, spirituality, or metaphysics.
  • So also in his past life reincarnation he could have been a maulana or a religious preacher in his life time!
  • be it for Jews or also Christian father.
  • When Mars or mangal is in the eighth house, a person may possess strong resolve, fortitude, and the ability to manage difficult situations well.
  • so he had all this and continues to come to this life time as well.
  • he may be better able to concentrate on spiritual or mystical endeavors thanks to Ketu, the planet of detachment and spiritual insight.
  • This could made him more introspective and drawn to the occult or esoteric domains.
  • But this combination can also result in impulsivity or a propensity to behave hastily, especially when there’s danger or disagreement. so he has carried on this impulsivity in this life time as well.
  • While Mercury’s influence from the 6th house might help shahrukh khan in past life reincarnation become more analytical and sharp-witted, it can also cause mental unrest and over thinking in his previous life times!
  • he has been a bit jumpy in this life time as well. 🙂 observe him in his movies.
  • Events and Difficulties in Life in his previous life time and this life time connection

  • due to mars lordships and in 8th house it comes to life events, this combination portends a life filled with abrupt and erratic shifts, especially when it comes to relationships, health, and money for shahrukh khan in previous life reincarnation.
  • Now in this life time he has been pretty stable. 🙂 so this karma he has worked out somehow.
  • he may have encountered unanticipated difficulties or foes in hiding. the secret enemies part is true for shahrukh khan in this life time as well, but less and more controlled.
  • Mars or mangal and Ketu in the eighth house may bring about a dramatic change in one’s life, perhaps brought about by obstacles that force one to mature.
  • Inheritances, shared resources, investments, and financial matters could all involve varying fortunes, particularly because of Ketu’s detached attitude.
  • so as we shared he as more of a maulana of Jewish or Muslim or also father of Christian faith in previous life sojourn.
  • In this combination, health complications associated with Mercury (the lord of the sixth house) may include nervous system illnesses, skin problems, or digestive disorders. we don’t know if he still suffers from these unless in this life time,.
  • Conflicts at work or in the court system could also put the shah rukh khan in his past life forbearance and patience to the test.
  • Notwithstanding these obstacles, the native’s inner fortitude and resourcefulness of shahrukh khan could have resulted in substantial personal development, especially in the areas of spirituality and self-awareness.
  • Basic cross check of the past life reincarnation of shahrukh khan by nadi astrology methods

  • Jupiter gets into Taurus or vrishabha rashi and gets energy of rahu and ketu and also mercury and mars.
  • so he was a complex combination of action energy and non conventional or different thinking in previous life time.
  • so all the core energies are getting confirmed now.
  • horoscope shahrukh khan gauri khan
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of shahrukh khan say about his past life time wife and how it connects to gauri khan in this life time ?
    astrological comparison of shahrukh khan this life time wife and past life time reincarnation wife ?

  • The life partner so shahrukh khan in previous life reincarnation was likely to combination of having Sagittarian intellect and adventure with Venusians charm when Venus, the lord of the 7th house( The 7th form 9th house or the sign of Libra in the d1 horoscope), is placed in Sagittarius in the 9th house from the 9th house( or 5th house in the d1 horoscope).
  • so one could expect more dharma inclination of wife of shahrukh khan in previous life time reincarnation.
  • so also more optimism. yes gauri khan is more innovative and philosophical in that sense.
  • Venus is the sign that rules relationships, love, and beauty; Jupiter rules Sagittarius, which provides traits like spirituality, higher education, and a passion for travel.
  • so education and higher learning and spirituality could have been her focus.
  • all this gels with the maulana saheb possible profile of shahrukh khan in his previous lifetimes.
  • The combination points to a life partner of previous life time reincarnation of being free-spirited, philosophical outlook on life and an attractive, pleasant manner.
  • The spouse’s personality past life time and how it connects to gauri khan in this life time

  • The partner of previous life time for shahrukh khan was probably highly intelligent, well-educated, and passionate about spirituality or philosophy.
  • she might have a strong moral compass and frequently pursue knowledge of the higher good.
  • Due to her Sagittarius sign, they will likely cherish independence in both thought and behavior.
  • she may also have been enjoy traveling, experiencing new places, and learning about novel concepts.
  • she would have been open-minded, liberal stance on partnerships, emphasizing mutual respect and growth.
  • The partner was probably going to be upbeat and vibrant, and you might enjoy spending time with her adventurous spirit and sense of humor.
  • Prioritizing intellectual compatibility, they will look for a mate who enjoys learning and discovery as much as they do.
  • Outward Look and Way of Life of past life time wife of shahrukh khan and gauri khan

  • Venus’s influence is likely to manifest physically in the spouse’s pleasing appearance and attractive or young aura for his wife in previous life time reincarnation .
  • venus has a strong influence on gauri khan ( this life time wife as well) as she is a great designer and has invested into films as well.
  • Because Sagittarius is an easy-going sign, they may have an air of informality mixed with grace and elegance. Sagittarian traits are somewhat there in gauri khan but not fully.
  • Sagittarius fashion sense is probably understated yet elegant, with a penchant for practical yet cozy clothes that accentuate their sense of adventure.
  • The partner of the previous life time of shahrukh khan will take pleasure in traveling, being outside, and partaking in intellectually stimulating hobbies such as reading, picking up a new language, or going to cultural events.
  • These kind of traits have some overlap with activities of gauri khan.
  • The life partner of previous life reincarnation for shahrukh khan could also have a spiritual bent and be drawn to philosophical or religious activities.
  • All in all, their life will be harmonious and balanced, combining the search for truth and greater wisdom with the pursuit of pleasure and beauty.
  • So also The partner of past life time of shahrukh khan likely to be self-assured, self-reliant, and charismatic when the Sun, the lord of the fifth house, is positioned in the seventh house.
  • this spirit of innovation and independence still continues in this life time life partner of shahrukh khan in case for gauri khan.
  • The spouse in previous life time was likely to be self-assured and have leadership abilities because the Sun is a symbol of authority, vitality, and again this is a carried on trait and is present in his wife gauri khan in this life time as well.
  • she might have exuded confidence and charisma in social settings, endearing themselves to others with their powerful presence.
  • This placement frequently suggests that his past life time life partner valued respect and appreciation in relationships and may be an independent, dignified person.
  • she probably took pride in the partnership and are driven, ambitious, and supportive of each other.
  • so his life tumults and connections to dharma had full support from this wife from previous life time.
  • Even if his wife occasionally might have had strong beliefs or a domineering demeanor, their dedication to one other’s development and achievement will probably result in a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.
  • Basic cross check of the past life reincarnation spouse of shahrukh khan by nadi astrology methods

  • venus if we take in Scorpio sign, we have mars and ketu and mercury there. so also on the back is sun in Libra.
    so high dignity and independent lady is predicted. so also highly action oriented and passionate due to mars and ketu. so again connected to religion or karma as well. once again innovative .
  • conclusion horoscope shahrukh khan wife reincarnation past life wife analysis

  • Like a science we can see that past life reincarnation Horoscope of shahrukh khan was somewhat close to what it is in this life time.
  • but sure he got more relief in life in this life time and it was more stable and successful in bollywood. so also he is more into films than being a religious head or maulana may be in the past life reincarnation.
  • but sure the energies of wife or life partner are similar with more of venus and sun , that is aesthetic sense and art and so also high dignity due to venus .
  • it was high dignity and at a different level.
  • he had similar name and fame and opulence in previous life time, but not to the level he has in this life time.
  • so also his career was connected to arts and theatre or films.
  • so also being religious in previous life reincarnation he got so much success in this life time!.
  • //——————————————————————————————————————-

    Astrology Reincarnation Aamir khan rebirth predictions

    astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictionsastrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions

    About this article?

  • In this article , we at length look at past life reincarnation journey of the aamir khan.
  • we look at his career, family life and life in general and how it was in the past life reincarnation.
  • This is done using the parashari astrology systems and some other systems to do additional checks to see if we have arrived to the right conclusions.
  • we find a lot of similarity in karma patterns between previous life reincarnation and this one.
  • we also find how he was in show business, travel, being in limelight or cinema in previous life reincarnation or Purvajanma as well.
  • The article also connects how past life karma of Aamir khan connects to his present life karma.
  • We get to know how karma tracks us or the soul from incarnation to incarnation!
    basic structure astrology reincarnation aamir khan re-birth predictions
    How was the basic structure of aamir Khan in his previous life reincarnation or re-birth?
    Libra Ascendant( the 9th house lord and ascendant for the past life reincarnation), Venus in the Fifth House of the past life reincarnation horoscope or lagna of the d1 horoscope,:

  • Venus becomes the Lagna lord when Libra or Tula rashi is the ascendant, and its position in the 5th house in the past life reincarnation horoscope suggests a close relationship with imagination, learning, love, and financial speculation for aamir khan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth as well!
  • Success in creative or intellectual endeavors, as well as artistic inclinations and a refined sense of beauty, are frequently associated with this position of venus was also there.
  • as venus the planet of creativity and beauty and so also films gets into the 5th house of creativity and higher expression.
  • so all these things are accentuated.
  • With this location of venus or shukra , Aamir Khan might have succeeded in the entertainment, artistic, educational, or investment domains in his previous life incarnation as well or past life.
  • The planet Venus is also a passionate and love-enhancing planet in the 5th house, which helps to create a harmonious and captivating personality for aamir khan in his previous life reincarnation journey.
  • so all this was true what is true in this life time of having a captivating personality and creativity in personality in his previous sojourn as well!
  • we can see 100% correlation here.
  • This placement was auspicious for creative endeavors, parenting, and riskier endeavors like investing in the stock market.
  • so we can see high risk behaviors of aamir khan was there earlier as well in previous life time and this is a carried over trait of his.
  • Libra Lagna Lord past life reincarnation horoscope or 9th house of d1 chart (Venus in Kumbha Rashi) in Aquarius or kumbha rashi – so past life reincarnation predictions

  • Venus or shukra, the Libran ruler, mixes the elegance and beauty of Venus or shukra graha with the creative and inventive force of Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi).
  • We know that venus means creativity and so also Aquarius means innovation and new ways of doing things.
  • so a mix of this gives aamir khan high creativity and innovation in previous life incarnation as well!
  • this is a carried on trait of his.
  • Because of this positioning, Aamir Khan was seen as progressive, idealistic, and humanitarian in this life time as well.
  • in his previous existence as well Venus in Aquarius inspires a desire of independence of Aquarius or kumbha , individuality again of kumbha or Aquarius, and nontraditional partnerships.
  • Individuals with this placement might be drawn to professions in huge organizations, social reform, or technology or some niche work for him in past life reincarnation.
  • Venus or shukra and Aquarius or kumbha make a futuristic or inventive combination that boosts creativity and helps people succeed in areas where creativity and innovation meet.
  • all these qualities of being innovative and futuristic are still there in Aamir khan in this life time incarnation as well.
  • 🙂

    Strong Saturn-Venus Conjunction in Kumbha Rashi, with Venus in Aquarius( Saturn or shani dev in d1 is in 1st house long with venus or shukra and also sun)- past life reincarnation projections for aamir khan

  • so A powerful Saturn or shani in its own sign of Aquarius denotes duty, self-control, and an attention to long-term objectives.
  • The energies of Saturn get shared with venus or lagna of aamir khan in previous life.
  • so clearly the high discipline aamir khan show in this life time as well, and was there in previous life time reincarnation as well.
  • Saturn or shani in Aquarius offers progressive concepts and social improvements a methodical approach.
  • aamir khan continues with the same approach in this life time as well.
  • His movies of lagaan etc clearly reflect his high discipline and socials improvement for a success.
  • When Saturn and Venus align as is the case for him, it can bring creativity and pragmatism into harmony, paving the way for successes in artistic endeavors through rigorous and focused work.
  • This combination frequently denotes success in occupations involving technology, innovation, or big businesses where one’s creative or social ideals are realized via consistent, diligent effort.
  • so all his could have been true for aamir khan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth !
  • so he could have been involved in big business or matter involving deeper effort.
  • Relationships can also become more stable when Saturn and Venus align, but there may be delays or new duties when it comes to matters of love and partnership.
  • some cross checks for past life reincarnation with nadi astrology methods for aamir khan general traits
    Jupiter in his previous life reincarnation gets into Pisces sign with sun and mercury.

  • so sure aamir khan had great talent and dignity and dharma in previous life time as well.
  • so also aligned to dharma as well.
  • again he had a high dignity life in previous life time as well.
  • so again he was intelligent and quick to understand things as he is in this life time.
  • but he had certain issues in his hasty and indirect thinking and what he spoke.
  • career job astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions
    work or career of aamir Khan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    Career Lord: Moon, 10th House Lord in Cancer in the past life reincarnation horoscope( or 6th house of the d1 chart, where moon sits in the cancer sign itself):

  • so for the past life reincarnation The cancer sign or Moon becomes the ruler of career and public image while Cancer is in the 10th house.
  • As the lord of the tenth house, the Moon implies a cyclical or variable professional path, marked by periods of expansion interspersed with moments of introspection.
  • So in the past life reincarnation of aamir Khan had a career that was fluid and travelling one!
  • so also it could have to do with cinema or travel due to moon energies.
  • Aamir Khan, whose career is ruled by the Moon in past life , may succeed in industries that deal with nurturing, care, or emotions, like healthcare, hospitality, or counseling.
  • so also in this life time he is dealing with emotions and care.
  • Although the Moon’s influence frequently results in public attention, it can also bring about emotional engagement in the workplace.
  • so again he was in public glare in previous incarnation as well, so is it true for him in this life time as well!
  • His Careers may have included travel, adjustments, or public interactions; intuition and adaptability are frequently the keys to success.
  • so apart from film industry he might have been in public dealings or feelings related careers.
  • The Lord Moon is located in the 10th House in past life reincarnation Horoscope( or in 6th house in d1 chart).

  • the 10th house’s ruler, the Moon in the 10th house promotes both public awareness and employment opportunities for aamir khan in previous life reincarnation .
  • as the 10th house is public and moon is travel, so combined means travel in the public.
  • With this placement, Aamir Khan may have had a prominent public or leadership role in a career that is frequently very visible.
  • so 🙂 clearly Aamir khan was very famous in previous life reincarnation also.
  • A caring approach to career can be indicated by the Moon’s position in the 10th house, which qualifies aamir for leadership positions requiring emotional intelligence and sensitivity.
  • so leaderships, sensitivity and emotional intelligence is highly there in aamir khan in this life timer as well.
  • But the Moon’s erratic behavior could lead to ups and downs in a career.
  • so did aamir khan have ups and downs in this life time as well.
  • This placement also raises the possibility that emotional or familial issues, as well as flexibility in the face of change, could affect one’s reputation and level of success.
  • so also he or aamir khan had familial issues in this life time as well.
  • he married twice or divorced at least once.
  • more reports of possible 3rd marriage were also in.
  • some cross checks for past life reincarnation with nadi astrology methods for career general traits

  • Saturn or shani in Capricorn, means he had an original work and lot of hard work was involved in the same.
  • Moon aspects Saturn from cancer sign.
  • so again it could have been a public job and to do with human emotions and sensitivity as is the case with films.
  • so over all the structure of past life of aamir khan matches in both lifetimes.
  • family astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions
    Family Life of aamir Khan in his previous life reincarnation or re-birth?
    Saturn is in Aquarius with Venus and Rahu , that is the 5th House from 9th house or past life reincarnation horoscope 5th house( 1st house of d1 chart), or the 4th House past life reincarnation Lord Saturn or 12th house Capricorn in d1 chart:

  • Placed in the 5th house, Saturn or shani dev , the ruler of the 4th house (home, domestic life, and emotional foundations), suggests that responsibilities pertaining to children, education, or creative endeavors may contribute to stability in the household in his previous life reincarnation.
  • So aamir khan did have responsibilities for kids children and creative deliveries or films or related work in previous life time as well.
  • 🙂
    This location implies a serious attitude to creative and emotional issues, which frequently requires Aamir Khan to put in a lot of effort in order to feel emotionally fulfilled in his previous earthly sojourn.
  • we can see he is still not emotionally satisfied in this life time and want high perfection in films he does to do so.
  • Although Saturn or shani in the 5th house might cause delays or difficulties with children or risky endeavors in his previous life reincarnation, it also might have brought in structure and discipline, which eventually leads to success in these areas for him.
  • The same discipline he had in previous life reincarnation continues in this life time as well for aamir khan.
  • Also Given that Rahu, the North Node, is in Venus of Taurus or vrishabha , the Lord of the Eighth House of the past life reincarnation Horoscope( 4th house lord of d1 chart), are both in the Fifth House, Aamir Khan might have gone profound and life-changing experiences in the areas of love in previous life time .
  • so also used his creativity, and risk-taking—sometimes by using unusual methods.
  • So also in this life time in movie like ghazni and Lagaan aamir khan uses creative and risk taking ventures to re establish himself in movies.
  • so same traits continue.
  • 8th House Lord venus with North Node rahu together based on past life reincarnation chart( also in d1 4th house), so Venus and Rahu in the 4th House Lord in Capricorn:

  • The placement of Saturn or shani dev , the lord of the fourth house, in Capricorn alongside Venus and Rahu r dragon’s head adds complexity to one’s emotional and domestic life of aamir khan in past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Changes pertaining to home, family, and emotional stability would have been profound, abrupt, and transforming when Venus, the lord of the eighth house, aligns with Rahu for aamir khan.
  • as we shared earlier similar trends are there in this life time as well.
  • This placement might result in a peculiar or out-of-the-ordinary home setting for aamir khan in past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Rahu’s presence suggests outside influences or abrupt, unforeseen circumstances that affect family life or property-related issues.
  • Rahu’s or dragon’s head’s erratic character necessitates careful handling, yet this combination can also result in material rewards through real estate, inheritance, or speculative endeavors.
  • so rahu and venus in his horoscope indicate the instability in married life and this life time as well.
  • we have discussed his divorces and affairs as well.
  • some cross checks for past life reincarnation with nadi astrology methods for aamir khan family patterns traits

  • venus the karaka for family is taken back on Capricorn or Saturn ruled sign makes it dry and arid for family matters for aamir khan in past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • so also venus has aspect of Moon , that is a traveler.
  • so again there is fluidity in married life and family of past life of aamir khan.
  • this is continued trait for this life time as well.
  • conclusion astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions

  • Like a science we can see that past life reincarnation of aamir khan was very close to what it is in this life time in terms of career, love or family life.
  • be it the general life.
  • it was high dignity but t the same time abrupt as well.
  • he had name and fame and opulence as he has in this life time.
  • so also his career was connected to arts, something unique and theatre or films.
  • so is the same in this life time.
  • The only thing is his family life was abruptly affected.
  • something similar to what he has in this life time.

  • Astrology Of Reincarnation Amitabh Bachchan re-birth Analysis

    reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm amitabh bachchan

    About this article?

  • In this article, we at length look at past life reincarnation journey of the majestic and king Amitabh bachchan.
  • we look at his career, family life and life in general.
  • using the parashari astrology systems and some other systems to do additional checks.
  • we find a lot of similarity and surprises as well.
  • we also find how he was in show business or cinema in previous life reincarnation or Purvajanma as well.
  • The article also connects how past life karma connects to his present life karma. we get to know how karma tracks us or the soul from incarnation to incarnation.
    amitabh bachchan horoscope d1 kundli
    Reincarnation Horoscope of amitabh bachchan
    How was the basic structure of amitabh bachchan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    The d1 chart 9th house lord ( or past life Ascendant Lord) Venus in Debility in the d1 chart 8th house(12th House past life horoscope):

  • Relationships, money, and self-worth issues can all be impacted by Venus’s debilitation in the 12th house( form the 9th house or Libra sign) for sri amitabh bachchan in his past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Losses, costs, and solitude was represented by the 12th house, and the inherent peace and comfort that Venus offers was weakened by a weak Venus for amitabh bachchan’s life in purva janma or previous life reincarnation or re-birth.
  • Amitabh bachchan could had experienced problems in intimate relationships, struggle to feel emotionally fulfilled, or feel cut off in his previous reincarnation. which is quite opposite to this life time 🙂 as he is very emotionally fulfilled here.
  • Financial issues could be brought on either case less expenditure or unreported costs for him.
  • Yes interestingly he did face some financial issues in this life time as well when he was broke- but most of it he recovered.
  • he was Participating in spiritual or humanitarian endeavors in previous life reincarnation.
  • To restore emotional equilibrium, amitabh bachchan might turn to spiritual activities or seclusion for comfort.
  • This is yet to be seen in this life time.
  • though he has gone deep into Yoga etc in this life time.
  • Ascending Lord in Virgo Sign:

  • Amitabh bachchan with the d1 9th house lord or ( past life ascendant Libra sign lord) in Virgo or kanya rashi is likely to be analytical, realistic, and meticulous in his previous life incarnation.
  • Luck was not at all supportive for him.
  • he continues to had the same talent in this life as well as he carries on the same in KBC or kaun banega crorepati serial managing and handling so many people so well.
  • A Virgo person as we know is methodical in their approach to life and places a high emphasis on routine, health, and service. so he was quite regular and methodical in previous life reincarnation. the same skill or discipline in this life time has given him so much of success!
  • amitabh bachchan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth may had a propensity for over-analyzing things or being unduly critical of other people or himself, but He was probably strong in was as that call for organization and critical thinking.
  • Luxury and comfort alas was very important for him.
  • Amitabh bachchan in previous life reincarnation or re-birth may be drawn to careers of health care , communications, or customer service, and their methodical approach to work helps him succeed in these domains. so also careers to do with arts or films or anything creative. the same continues in this life time as well.
  • Amitabh bachchan in previous life time needed to exercise caution, though, so that in their quest for perfection He don’t become overly rigid or worried. the quest for perfection is still high in this life time as well! It is this perfection that to amitabh bachchan so high in life.
  • The 9th house lord Venus (or past life Ascending Lord venus) with Strong Mercury :

  • Amitabh bachchan had improved mental capacity, communication skills, and adaptability as the ascending lord is conjunct or connected with a strong Mercury even in previous life times or reincarnations.
  • Amitabh bachchan in previous life time with Mercury’s strength has a sharp mind, which makes him articulate, witty, and quick learners even that incarnations.
  • he still retains his wit and Humor in this life time! one can very well see that in films and also KBC serial.
  • Because Amitabh bachchan was able to communicate ideas clearly and efficiently, this combination was advantageous for him in previous life time for vocations in writing, teaching, business, or communication. Films and other creative industries need all these talents.
  • He also had enhanced problem-solving abilities and was easily able to adjust to changing surroundings in his previous life time.
  • Social contacts and relationships were also enhanced for amitabh bachchan in previous life time because He was typically cordial and interesting. his cordiality is still reflected in his behavior in this life time.
  • To prevent anxiety, it can be necessary to strike a balance between cerebral energy and physical grounding.
  • Past life Ascendant Lord venus or d1chart 9th house lord venus with powerful Sun in the 8th house of d1 chart :

  • Amitabh bachchan ‘s self-expression, confidence, and leadership abilities was enhanced when the ascendant lord is linked to a powerful Sun for his previous life reincarnation horoscope. the same leadership qualities are strongly reflected in this life time.
  • Because of the clarity and sense of purpose that the Sun’s strength offers, Amitabh bachchan was driven and ambitious to succeed even in previous life time. so we see continuity of the same energy here in this life time!
  • In both their personal and professional spheres, He was frequently seen as authoritative individuals due to their inherent charisma.
  • Success in leadership roles, politics, or positions of authority was encouraged by this combination, allowing him to shine.
  • However, the powerful Sun can sometimes make Amitabh bachchan appear domineering or self-centered in his previous reincarnation, so He may had to watch out for ego or an oppressive attitude. Now this was true with amitabh bachchan in previous part of his life time but now it is not true for hi.
  • The idea was to strike a balance between confidence and modesty in his previous life time. this is true for this life time as well. he is quite modest and also a great success as well at the same time!
  • some cross checks here of past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji using nadi astrology methods

  • Jupiter if taken to Gemini clearly suggest that amitabh bachchan was quick witted and highly creative and communicative in previous life time as well.
  • so also a fair Saturn close by in Taurus sign, gave him fair strength and philosophy in previous life times as well.
  • he continues to have the same philosophy in this life time as well.
  • Mars the lord of 11th house form Gemini suggest that it was a high action career even in previous life time of amitabh bachchan .
  • Jupiter in rotation first connects to rahu, so it could mean a work in film industry itself or something to do with diplomacy or communication related work.
  • career job reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    work or career of amitabh bachchan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    The exalted Jupiter is in 6th house in the d1 chart and is in the 10th house of career of IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bachchan ji ,

  • IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji his, domains of reputation, public life, and the workplace were extremely fortunate. just like they are in this life time.:) he has a fully fledged raja Yoga of great life in films and success and now he does TV advertisements and KBC serials etc .
  • Jupiter or guru is symbolic of ethics, intelligence, and quick progress while it is in exaltation (in Cancer), making him well-liked in both his field and society in the past . very close to what is there in this life time.
  • This location of Jupiter represents a prosperous person who maintains moral principles, intelligence, and integrity.
  • He in his past life rebirth or reincarnation would usually looked up to as mentors, advisors, or leaders in their field because of their innate capacity to inspire others. The ability to inspires others is there in this life time as well.
  • hw could have greatly preferred to work in the disciplines of education, law, philosophy, spirituality, or any other subject that calls for knowledge and discernment in past life reincarnation of his .
  • Amitabh bachchan probably had a steady, long-term development that raised him to a high social standing and wins him honor and respect even in his past birth.
  • Jupiter’s exaltation will reward their efforts, leading to long-term riches predicated on moral behavior. so is it true in thus life time and he has all the great riches desired by all.
  • The d1 chart 6th house lord ( past life 10th House career or 10th from 9th house)Lord Moon in Lagna (Ascendant) of IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji :

  • When the 10th house lord of past life reincarnation Moon is in the Lagna (Ascendant),Amitabh bachchan career connected to public life is highlighted in his IN past life reincarnation or rebirth .
  • His identity, emotions, and professional aspirations was closely related, according to the Moon’s placement in the first house to his self( that is the d1 chart 9th house or 1st house of past life reincarnation).
  • he often had a deep emotional connection to his line of work, which often influences who He was .
  • He most likely had a public presence or operate in a profession that requires frequent interpersonal engagement.
  • This placement may help Amitabh bachchan develop empathy and compassion, which is beneficial in fields like social work, counseling, or health matters in previous li8fe time .
  • However, He should have ensured that job highs and lows don’t had an excessive effect on his mental health because their emotional nature can affect how He leads in their professional life in previous life time. we know his professions was intense in past life time and this life time as well. so also he was somewhat affected mentally by this. but he being initiated in Yoga etc is much better off.
  • the last life Lord of the Tenth House career lord or d1 chart 6th house lord or moon in Libra Sign in the IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji :

  • as the lord of the tenth house is in Libra, the sign of harmony, balance, and relationships, Amitabh bachchan is most likely pursued in diplomatic relations, negotiation, or artistic expression. diplomatic roles he still does in this life time, when you watch him in KBC.
  • Libra is a sign that rules the tenth house and is strongly associated with justice, equity, and teamwork in the workplace.
  • Amitabh bachchan may have been successful in professions like public relations, politics, law, or partnerships that call for harmony and tact.
  • now movie and cinema and arbitrators role, in KBC he is playing the role for public relationships essentially.
  • He was adept at managing relationships in the workplace and often approach their task with charm, reason, and strategy. he has care and adaptive nature in this life time as well.
  • He may need to proceed with caution, though, as it can be challenging for him to make important decisions in their professional lives if He was extremely indecisive or if He rely too much on the approval of others.
  • some cross checks here of IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji using other methods

  • Saturn the karaka for job in its transit would first connect to exalted Jupiter.
  • this gives him great finesse in acting in previous life reincarnation. so also Saturn is in Aries sign or mesha rashi.
  • so some action oriented and leadership work he was doing. in this life time also he is doing a leadership or master hero role.
  • That’s what we call him maha nayak.
  • Saturn or shani dev has aspects of Moon or mind in Libra the sign of arts and theatre.
  • so clearly a strong influence on arts and theatre was there on amitabh bachchan’s career in previous life time.
  • family reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    Family Life of amitabh bachchan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    the past life reincarnation Fourth House’s Lord or d1 chart 12th house lord Saturn or shani dev in the Eighth House of the Family IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji

  • Family matters could get more difficult and complex for amitabh ji in past life reincarnation as Saturn, the fourth house’s lord, is in the eighth house.
  • so in this life time he is with jaya bachchan ji much better settled and with better status .:0 we will check this with other methods below.
  • Whereas Saturn is associated with responsibility, planning, and delays, the eighth house is associated with transformation, dormant issues, and sudden changes. so thats what amitabh would have experienced in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • This combination may indicate a strict, conventional, or overly committed family environment in his previous life existence.
  • There may be obstacles or challenges related to family life, property matters, or inheritance.
  • Amitabh bachchan person may have experienced emotional isolation from others or be overburdened with responsibilities that had a negative impact on family relationships in his previous life time.
  • However, Saturn’s influence also encourages fortitude and endurance, which helped Amitabh bachchan deal with difficult familial situations gradually and patiently. The emotionalism and higher sensitivity and fortitude is still to be seen in this life time.
  • Family: Lord Saturn in Taurus, 4th House IN past life rebirth or reincarnation or 12th house lord in d1 chart of Sri Amitabh bahchchan ji

  • Saturn or shani dev , the ruler of the fourth house, is found in Taurus or vrishabha sign , the sign that is ruled by Venus.
  • This suggests that tradition, stability, and material comfort was likely be important aspects of family life; nevertheless, these qualities may develop gradually and steadily. the traditions are still strong in this life time for amitabh bachchan ji. so this is a continued karmic trait.
  • Taurus or vrishabha is a practical sign that likes security, thus the family environment might have revolved around creating long-term stability, especially with reference to property or wealth.
  • Even though Saturn or shani dev is in the comforting and secure sign of Taurus, its placement may also result in delays or labor-intensive commitments.
  • Families also might be valuing traditions and practical lifestyles, even if Saturn or shani dev can cast a gloomy shadow over family relationships and prioritize practical goals above expressive emotions IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji . so just like amitabh bachchan had affairs in this life time, he might have had in previous incarnation and gloom would have gotten covered.
  • Exalted Jupiter Aspected the Fourth House of previous life reincarnation( Jupiter is currently in 6th house of d1 and exalted) of amitabh bachchan or purvajanma or say rebirth: ji

  • The fourth house is aspected by Exalted Jupiter (in Cancer), which brings wealth, development, and favorable aspects to matters with family and self-perception in his previous life existence.
  • Jupiter’s aspect provides harmony, discernment, and emotional support within the family for him. in this life time also he has all support and security in life.
  • This characteristic alludes to a devoted, kind, and spiritually-minded family environment that places a high value on values like compassion, knowledge, and traditions.
  • Amitabh bachchan may have had favor in their family and community since He was typically viewed as reasonable, devout, and charitable individuals. amitabh bachchan in this life time also is very devout and charitable guy.
  • He gives big donations.
  • This placement strengthens the foundation of family life and gives prosperity, security, and emotional joy.
  • Amitabh bachchan ‘s home life is most likely a peaceful and developing environment, and their moral character and strong familial bonds contribute to their favorable public perception.
  • some cross checks here for past life reincarnation or Purvajanma for amitabh bachchan using nadi astrology methods

  • Venus has mercury, sun and mars with it in the horoscope.
  • venus is in debility so issues in family life were there.
  • but a nice environment mix of intellectualism , fun and thrill and dignity was there.
  • all which is there in this life time as well.
  • Jupiter is exalted in the 11th house in cancer of the past life reincarnation chart( 6th house of the d1 chart), so a high dignity family life like it is in this life time was there.
  • conclusion reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm

  • Like a science we can see that past life reincarnation of amitabh bachchan was very close to what it is in this life time.
  • be it the general life.
  • it was high dignity and at a different level.
  • he had name and fame and opulence.
  • so also his career was connected to arts and theatre or films.
  • so is the same in this life time.
  • The only thing is his family life was a bit bad and affected.
  • which is much better in this life time.