About this article
The article first covers the basic principles of nadi astrology based on with better predictions for Love, Marriage and husband can be made for any one.
Later article at length covers Love, relationships and marriage including type of husband and wife based on bhrigu nadi astrology.
It first talks about how various planetary conditions impact the marriage or love matters or in defining the spouse.
that is the husband , wife or lover as such.
At the starting of this article , it gives a nice over view of nadi astrology as such, on how it came into existent and how is it practiced at the moment in the world.
Especially it talks about general utility of nadi astrology for love matters.
Like How nadi issue used to suggest the full life story.
what are the past life connections it suggest.
How to connect to a right nadi astrologer.
plus how to utilize the insights given by nadi astrology for growth and a better life.
How is nadi or bhrigu nadi astrology utilized to do compatibility analysis .
The article evaluates the role of venus, Jupiter, mars and various houses like 7th and 9th or even 5th house in the horoscope for love and marriage related nadi astrology.
In The article in detail it is evaluated on what kind of lover or husband one could get based on nadi astrology.
So also health and wealth of husband or wife.
again nature is it sweet or aggressive of husband or wife or lover.
so also would the husband or wife be dharma or not.
A real life Practical Example Priyanka chopra love Life with Nick Jonas
is taken in This article later , as a live and practical example additionally takes up the case of love life of bollywood actress priyanka chopra and her husband nick Jonas, who is also a top singer, songwriter and actor.
to check if nadi astrology and predict all this well.

First an overview of what Nadi astrology or especially Love related nadi astrology is all about?
basic Overview of Nadi astrology to understand Love, Marriage etc better.
Nadi astrology, an ancient form of astrology originating from Tamil Nadu in India, is a unique and profound system that provides detailed and specific predictions based on ancient palm leaf manuscripts.
These manuscripts are believed to have been written by ancient sages (rishis) and contain predictions for individuals based on their thumb impressions.
When it comes to love and relationships, Nadi astrology can offer deep insights and guidance.
?? love
Here’s an overview of how Nadi astrology approaches love and relationships:
Nadi Astrology and Love. So how Specific Predictions for Love and Marriage matters can be done? so gain How a detailed story for Love and marriage matters could be given using nadi astrology?
Nadi astrology provides a comprehensive life story that includes specific details about love, marriage, and relationships.
The readings can reveal information about the timing of meeting a partner, the nature of the relationship, potential challenges, and the overall compatibility between partners.
Past Life Connections and love and relationships connection using nadi astrology:
nadi astrology also addresses past life connections and karmic ties that influence current relationships.
Understanding these karmic patterns can help individuals work through relationship issues and understand the deeper purpose of their romantic connections.
Compatibility Analysis In nadi astrology for love and marriage maters :
Partner Matching:
Nadi astrology can also be used for compatibility analysis between partners.
By comparing the palm leaf manuscripts of both individuals, astrologers can provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship, ensuring a better understanding and harmony.
Astrological Remedies based on nadi astrology for Love and marriage matters:
Based on the readings, specific remedies and rituals may be suggested to overcome challenges in love and relationships.
These remedies are tailored to address the karmic influences and bring about positive changes.
Relationship Timing based on nadi astrology:
Marriage Timing:
Nadi astrology can predict the exact timing of marriage and significant relationship milestones.
This can be particularly useful for individuals seeking clarity on when they might meet their life partner or when a marriage is likely to occur.
Future Prospects for relationships using nadi astrology:
The readings can also provide insights into the future prospects of a relationship, including the likelihood of longevity, potential for children, and other significant aspects of married life.
Personalized Guidance:
Individualized Readings for love, relationships and marriage matters using Nadi astrology:
Each reading is highly personalized, taking into account the unique thumb impression and corresponding palm leaf.
This individualized approach ensures that the guidance and predictions are specifically tailored to the individual’s life path and karmic journey.
Holistic Approach for Love and relationships using nadi astrology:
Nadi astrology often incorporates a holistic approach, considering various aspects of life, including career, health, and spiritual growth, which can indirectly impact love and relationships.
Tips for Using Nadi Astrology for Love and Relationships:
Follow an Open-Minded Approach in nadi astrology to solve Love and relationships matters :
Approach the readings with an open mind, understanding that Nadi astrology considers past life influences and karmic patterns that may not be immediately apparent.
Follow Suggested Remedies:
If the reading suggests specific remedies or rituals, follow them diligently to address any challenges or negative influences affecting your love life.
Use Insights for Growth:
Utilize the insights gained from the readings to foster personal growth and improve your relationships.
Understanding the karmic influences can help you navigate relationship challenges more effectively.
Maintain Realistic Expectations from nadi astrology in Love and relationships matters :
While Nadi astrology can provide detailed predictions, it’s important to maintain realistic expectations and use the guidance as a tool for better decision-making rather than absolute certainty.
By leveraging the ancient wisdom of Nadi astrology, individuals can gain profound insights into their love life, understand the deeper karmic connections, and make informed decisions to foster harmonious and fulfilling relationships.

how nadi astrology evaluated love or marriage or husband or wife or lover ?
Love and marriage especially for women is looked form venus in nadi astrology.
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the karaka (significator) for a husband is primarily determined by examining the placement of certain planets in the birth chart, as well as their condition and strength.
Here are the key planets considered as significators for a husband in Bhrigu Nadi astrology:
Jupiter (Guru):
Jupiter is considered the primary significator for a husband in Bhrigu Nadi astrology.
It represents wisdom, knowledge, guidance, and marital bliss.
A strong and well-placed Jupiter in the birth chart can indicate a supportive, wise, and prosperous husband.
Venus (Shukra):
Venus is another significant planet for marriage and relationships in astrology.
It represents love, romance, beauty, harmony, and material comforts.
A strong and well-placed Venus in the birth chart can indicate a loving, affectionate, and attractive husband who values relationships and enjoys the pleasures of life.
Seventh House (Bhava):
In addition to specific planets, the seventh house in the birth chart is also considered relevant for marriage and relationships.
It represents partnerships, marriage, spouse, and marital harmony.
The condition of the seventh house, its lord, and any planets placed therein can provide insights into the nature and qualities of the husband.
Ninth House (Bhava):
The ninth house is also considered significant for marriage and spouse-related matters in Bhrigu Nadi astrology.
It represents fortune, righteousness, and long-distance travels.
A well-placed ninth house lord or beneficial aspects to the ninth house can indicate a fortunate and righteous husband.
Mars (Mangal):
Mars is considered a secondary significator for husband in some cases, particularly in relation to physical strength, courage, and protection.
A strong and well-placed Mars in the birth chart can indicate a husband who is brave, assertive, and protective of his family.
Saturn (Shani):
Saturn may also have relevance as a significator for husband in certain contexts, particularly in relation to stability, responsibility, and longevity.
A strong and well-placed Saturn can indicate a husband who is disciplined, reliable, and committed to his family.
It’s important to analyze the overall condition and strength of these planets, as well as their placements in specific houses and any aspects they receive from other planets, to provide a comprehensive interpretation regarding the nature and qualities of the husband in Bhrigu Nadi astrology.

Various combinations of Bhrigu nadi astrology about Love, Marriage, or husband and wife prediction based on the Horoscope or kundli?
predicting age of marriage based on nadi astrology ?
Now Jupiter or Guru is the jeeva karaka , so if in transit it connects to Mars the planet for husband for a female Horoscope it suggests the self or Jupiter connecting to husband or mars or passion.
so marriage is possible.
especially in older times.
so is venus and mars the conjunction if it is there, suggest that passion would be high for the jeeva or Jupiter or guru.
so high chance of marital or marriage event is possible.
How could trouble to husband or life partner be predicted based on nadi astrology ?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the troubles to a spouse are often identified by analyzing the 7th house, its lord, and related planetary influences.
The 7th house, being the primary house of marriage and partnerships, plays a crucial role in understanding the nature of marital relationships and the challenges that may arise for the spouse.
Here are the key factors that can indicate trouble to the spouse, using Bhrigu Nadi principles:
1. Afflictions to the 7th House and Its Lord:
If the 7th house or its lord is afflicted by malefic planets such as Mars, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, it can indicate potential challenges or troubles for the spouse.
Such afflictions may manifest as health issues, stress, or other difficulties faced by the spouse.
An afflicted 7th house lord from Jupiter lagna may suggest that the spouse could face obstacles in life, including career challenges or personal difficulties.
For example, if Saturn aspects or conjuncts the 7th lord, it could indicate chronic issues or delays related to the spouse’s well-being.
2. Placement of Malefic Planets in the 7th House:
Malefic planets like Mars (considered a significator of aggression), Saturn (signifying delays and hardships), Rahu (illusion, sudden events, and unexpected problems), and Ketu (separation, detachment) in the 7th house can indicate significant troubles for the spouse.
For instance, Mars in the 7th house, often referred to as Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha, can bring conflicts, aggression, or disagreements in the marital relationship, potentially causing mental stress to the spouse.
3.Saturn and Rahu/Ketu Influences:
Saturn in conjunction with or aspecting the 7th house or its lord may cause delays, separations, or prolonged hardships in the marriage, affecting the spouse’s happiness and well-being.
The presence or aspect of Rahu or Ketu can indicate sudden and unforeseen events impacting the spouse, which could range from financial losses, health crises, or emotional turbulence.
Rahu’s influence often brings unconventional challenges, while Ketu may lead to a sense of detachment or isolation for the spouse.
4. Navamsa Chart Analysis (D9 Chart):
The Navamsa chart (D9) is critical in Bhrigu Nadi for assessing the deeper aspects of marriage.
If the 7th house in the Navamsa chart is afflicted by malefic influences, it can indicate troubles to the spouse that might not be evident in the main birth chart.
Troubles can also be indicated if the Navamsa 7th lord is placed in a malefic house (such as the 6th, 8th, or 12th) or is under the aspect of malefic planets.
This could signify health issues or other troubles impacting the spouse’s life.
5. Transit Influences:
Similarly, transits of malefic planets over the 7th house or its lord, or even their aspect, can bring periods of difficulty, causing stress or health concerns for the spouse.
6. Other Combinations:
Other specific yogas or combinations like Papakartari Yoga (when the 7th house is hemmed between malefic planets) can also suggest troubles for the spouse.
This yoga can create a situation where the spouse feels trapped or stressed due to external circumstances.
Gandanta positions (planetary placements at the junctions between water and fire signs) of the 7th house lord from Jupiter Lagna can indicate significant karmic challenges for the spouse, potentially leading to transformative but difficult experiences.
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, these indications are considered within the broader context of the horoscope, taking into account the overall strength of the chart, planetary dignities, and benefic aspects that might mitigate the troubles indicated.
By doing so, it provides a comprehensive view of the potential challenges a spouse may face, allowing for a nuanced understanding of marital dynamics and the nature of the relationship.
{ AQUARIUS Sign = JUP+ VENUS+ MARS + SUN} —–>{TAURUS sign = SATURN}——->{LEO = ketu or dragon’s tail}
So say in the above Given EXAMPLE , say if there is a sign exchange between venus and Saturn or shani dev.
so when Rahu or dragon’s head gets into Taurus sign above.
the life partner could have troubles.
Though rahu strong in Taurus(vrishabha rashi), but with Saturn there it causes a bandhana Yoga.
Now due to venus and Saturn energy exchange planets like mars or the husband also get the malefic energy of the bandhan Yoga.
so causes trouble to the husband.
{Taurus = Jupiter or Guru} –> {Gemini = mars + ketu}–>{cancer = Saturn}–>{Leo=sun}–>{ Virgo = Venus + mercury }
How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology the TIMING of MARRIAGE person based on Horoscope or kundli?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, timing of marriage is determined by analyzing various planetary positions, transits, in the birth chart.
The key factors include the condition of the 7th house (house of marriage and partnerships), its lord, Venus (the significator of marriage), and the Moon (signifying mind and emotions).
Here are the primary considerations for determining the timing of marriage in Bhrigu Nadi astrology:
1. Transits of Major Planets:
The transit of Jupiter over the 7th house, its lord, or Venus often indicates a favorable time for marriage.
Jupiter’s transit brings blessings, expansion, and positive developments, which can manifest as marriage or a significant relationship.
Saturn’s transit can also be an indicator, especially when it transits over the natal Moon (Sade Sati), the 7th house, or its lord.
Although Saturn is traditionally seen as a malefic planet, it can bring stability and commitment in relationships during its favorable transits.
Rahu’s transit over the 7th house or Venus can sometimes trigger unexpected or unconventional marriages, while Ketu’s transit may bring about sudden or fated relationships, often with a spiritual or karmic undertone.
2.Role of the 7th House and Its Lord:
The strength and condition of the 7th house and its lord are critical.
A strong and unaffiliated 7th house and its lord indicate smoother marriage prospects.
If the 7th house lord from Jupiter lagna is well-placed by sign, house, and aspect, it suggests a favorable period for marriage when it is activated by transit.
If the 7th house or its lord is under the influence of benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus, the timing of marriage can be more favorable.
Conversely, malefic influences (Mars, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu) may indicate delays or challenges, but these can also denote significant transformative relationships when they come to pass.
4. Navamsa (D9) Chart Analysis:
The Navamsa chart is an important tool in Bhrigu Nadi astrology for understanding marriage and relationships.
The position of the 7th house and its lord in the Navamsa chart gives deeper insights into marital prospects.
Activation of the Navamsa 7th house or its lord through transit is a strong indicator of marriage timing.
A benefic planet transiting the Navamsa 7th house or influencing the Navamsa lagna can also indicate marriage.
5. Yogas and Combinations:
Specific yogas related to marriage, such as Rajju Yoga (yoga for long marital life) or Chandra-Mangal Yoga (a combination of the Moon and Mars that can indicate quick marriage), are considered.
The presence of these yogas and their activation can indicate the timing of marriage.
Raja Yoga combinations involving the 7th house or its lord can suggest a period when marriage brings status, wealth, or social recognition.
6. Nadi Astrology Techniques:
In Nadi astrology, the Nadi Amsa positions, transit of Nadi planets over natal positions, and interactions between transiting and natal planets are analyzed to pinpoint marriage timing.
The planets in the same Nadi (directional influence) as the 7th house lord from Jupiter Lagna or Venus are particularly important.
Example Analysis Using Bhrigu Nadi:
Suppose a person has the 7th house lord Jupiter placed in the 5th house in their birth chart.
If they enter the if Jupiter or Venus is also receiving a favorable transit influence from Saturn or Jupiter.
These Bhrigu Nadi principles allow astrologers to assess the timing of marriage with a focus on the broader karmic patterns and life events indicated by planetary influences, providing a comprehensive understanding of marital prospects.
So in the above EXAMPLE The marriageable age is generally 20’s or 30’s , so in the 3rd round of Jupiter or Guru in the kundli or Horoscope when it touches Venus in the 6th sign Virgo.
there is a chance for the person to get married.
{Taurus = Jupiter or Guru} –> {Gemini = mars + ketu}–>{cancer = Saturn}–>{Leo=sun}–>{ Virgo = Venus + mercury }
How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology the MARRIAGE & CHILDREN on Horoscope or kundli?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the analysis of marriage and children involves a deep understanding of planetary positions, transits, and the interplay between various houses and planets in the horoscope.
The principles of Bhrigu Nadi focus on specific planetary significators and their influence over the relevant houses and lords.
Here’s how marriage and children are analyzed in Bhrigu Nadi astrology:
Marriage in Bhrigu Nadi Astrology
7th House and Its Lord:
The 7th house represents marriage, partnerships, and spouse in a horoscope.
The position and strength of the 7th house lord from Jupiter , its aspects, conjunctions, and the planets placed in the 7th house are primary indicators of marriage.
If the 7th house lord from Jupiter lagan is strong, well-placed, and associated with benefic planets, it indicates a harmonious and successful marriage.
A weak or afflicted 7th house lord can suggest delays, challenges, or problems in marital life.
Venus and Mars:
Venus is the natural significator of love, romance, and marriage, especially for men.
For women, Mars signifies the husband.
The condition, placement, and aspects of Venus and Mars provide insights into the nature of one’s marital relationships.
A well-placed Venus indicates love, affection, and harmony in marriage.
An afflicted Venus may lead to problems in relationships.
Similarly, a strong Mars signifies a dynamic and active spouse, while an afflicted Mars can indicate conflicts or aggressiveness in the relationship.
Moon and Mindset:
The Moon’s position and its connection with the 7th house or Venus are crucial.
The Moon represents emotions, mind, and nurturing, which are vital for a marital relationship.
A strong Moon in relation to the 7th house indicates emotional compatibility and mental harmony with the spouse.
An afflicted or weak Moon may indicate emotional disturbances, lack of compatibility, or misunderstandings in marriage.
The timing of marriage is often linked with proper transit of 7th house lord from Jupiter , Venus, or the Moon.
A favorable transit of these planets over the 7th house, its lord, or Venus often triggers marriage.
Jupiter’s transit over the 7th house, its lord, or Venus is considered auspicious for marriage, as Jupiter brings expansion, growth, and blessings.
Children in Bhrigu Nadi Astrology
5th House and Its Lord:
The 5th house is the primary house of children, creativity, and progeny.
The strength, placement, and aspects of the 5th house lord from Jupiter , and the planets located in the 5th house, indicate the prospects of having children and the nature of those children.
A strong and well-aspected 5th house and its lord signify good fortune regarding children, indicating their birth, health, and success.
An afflicted 5th house or its lord may suggest delays, difficulties in conception, or challenges related to children.
Jupiter’s Role:
Jupiter is the natural significator of children and progeny.
Its position and condition in the horoscope are crucial for determining the prospects of having children.
A strong Jupiter, well-placed in the horoscope, blesses the native with good children, wisdom, and happiness through progeny.
The Dasha or Bhukti of Jupiter, along with its favorable transit, is often a period when childbirth is likely to occur.
Moon’s Influence:
The Moon also plays a significant role in matters related to children, as it represents nurturing, care, and motherly instincts.
Its connection with the 5th house or Jupiter enhances the prospects of children.
A well-placed Moon in relation to the 5th house or Jupiter indicates a nurturing environment for the child and a strong emotional bond between the parent and child.
Rahu and Ketu’s Influence:
Rahu and Ketu can have a significant impact on the 5th house and its lord.
Rahu’s influence may indicate unconventional or unexpected circumstances related to children.
It can sometimes lead to difficulties in conception or unusual childbirth scenarios.
Ketu’s influence, being spiritual and detached, may indicate challenges or a lack of interest in having children.
However, it can also indicate spiritually inclined children or a unique relationship with children.
Example Analysis Using Bhrigu Nadi:
If a person’s 7th house lord from Jupiter lagna is Venus and it is placed in the 11th house (house of gains and fulfillment of desires) with a benefic aspect from Jupiter, it indicates a harmonious and prosperous marriage.
During the Venus or Jupiter Dasha, marriage is likely to occur, and the native may experience happiness and growth through the marital relationship.
For children, if the 5th house lord from Jupiter lagna is Mercury and it is placed in the 9th house (house of fortune and dharma), with a strong Jupiter aspect, it signifies good fortune regarding children.
The native may have intelligent, wise, and successful children, and childbirth may occur during the Mercury or Jupiter Dasha.
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, these principles help astrologers predict the timing, nature, and quality of marriage and children, providing deep insights into the native’s life journey and relationships.
In the above EXAMPLE ,Now mars or Mangal if conjunct with ketu, plus Venus is in the 4th bhava f family form mars and has mercury conjunction.
so mars + ketu means haste and Venus in debility( the marriage planet) suggest one of the brothers may get married early.
Both will have children.
{Taurus = Jupiter or Guru} –> {Gemini = mars + ketu}–>{cancer = Saturn}–>{Leo=sun}–>{ Virgo = Venus + mercury }
How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology the CHANGE OF RESIDENCE or HOME person based on Horoscope or kundli?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the change of residence is an important life event often triggered by specific planetary combinations, aspects, and transits.
The analysis involves the examination of certain houses, planets, and their interactions, which influence movement, change, and relocation.
Here’s how Bhrigu Nadi astrology considers change of residence:
Key Factors for Change of Residence
Fourth House (House of Home and Residence):
The 4th house from Jupiter lagna is directly related to one’s home, domestic life, and personal comfort.
It represents the native’s fixed residence.
A significant influence on this house can indicate changes in one’s home environment or relocation.
A change in residence is likely when there is a major transit influencing the 4th house or its lord.
Especially, the involvement of malefic planets or nodes (Rahu and Ketu) can indicate sudden and unexpected changes in residence.
Third House (House of Short Travels and Movement):
The 3rd house from Jupiter lagna represents short-distance travels, movement, and communication.
Strong influences on the 3rd house or its lord, especially by benefic planets, can indicate a short-distance move or change of residence within the same city or locality.
The 3rd house lord transits influencing this house may bring about changes related to travel or temporary relocations.
Ninth House (House of Long-Distance Travels and Fortune) from Jupiter:
The 9th house signifies long-distance travel, foreign connections, and relocation to distant places.
A prominent influence on the 9th house or its lord can indicate moving to a different city or country.
When planets like Jupiter (signifying expansion) or Rahu (signifying foreign elements) influence the 9th house, there is a strong possibility of relocating to a distant place or abroad.
Twelfth House (House of Foreign Lands and Separation) from Jupiter lagna:
The 12th house is associated with foreign lands, isolation, and separation from one’s native place.
It often plays a role in indicating a shift to a foreign country or a move away from the native land.
The activation of the 12th house through significant planetary transits can signal a time for relocation, especially if there are benefic aspects, indicating a positive move for career or personal growth.
Planetary Indicators
The Moon represents the mind, emotions, and changes.
It is a fast-moving planet, and its influence often brings changes in residence due to emotional reasons, comfort, or family matters.
A strong Moon transit over the 4th, 3rd, or 12th house may indicate changes in the place of living.
Rahu and Ketu:
Rahu signifies foreign elements, unusual changes, and out-of-the-ordinary experiences.
Its influence can bring unexpected shifts in residence, often leading the native to foreign lands or unconventional living situations.
Ketu, representing detachment and spirituality, might indicate moving away from the current place of residence to a more secluded or spiritual environment.
It could lead to relocations that are more introspective or involve some form of isolation.
Mars represents action, energy, and sometimes conflict.
Its influence on the 4th house or its lord can indicate a forced change of residence due to disputes, conflicts, or even desires for a more dynamic lifestyle.
Mars transits can trigger moves for career reasons, property disputes, or because of health issues (being a Karaka for the 6th house as well).
Example Scenario
If the 4th house lord from Jupiter is Mercury, and during Mercury’s strength in transit, Rahu transits over the 4th house while Saturn (a slow-moving planet that brings permanent changes) aspects it, there is a high possibility of relocating.
This could be due to job changes, the need for a larger home, or moving to a different city or country for better opportunities.
In another scenario, if Jupiter (signifying growth and expansion) aspects the 4th house during its strong transits the native may move to a larger, more comfortable home or to a location that promises better living standards, possibly for educational or career growth.
Bhrigu Nadi astrology emphasizes the role of the 4th, 3rd, 9th, and 12th houses and their lords, along with the influence of key planets like the Moon, Rahu, Ketu, and Mars, in determining the timing and reasons for changes in residence.
These changes can be driven by emotional, professional, or personal growth factors, depending on the specific planetary configurations and their interactions within the natal chart.
So in the Above EXAMPLE – after the 2nd cycle of Saturn or shani dev, around 28 years .
the 3rd pratyaya, that is 28×2+ years = 56+ years.
when Saturn touches Venus , n the Virgo sign Or kanya rashi and Venus stands for Home and is in 4th bhava from mars.
so change of place of residence is there.
How to know based on Nadi astrology , that a person WIFE may have a dharma or religious nature – analyzing planets in the Horoscope or Kundli ?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the nature and characteristics of a spouse can be derived from specific planetary positions, aspects, and combinations in a person’s horoscope.
To determine a wife of a religious nature, certain factors and placements are considered to understand the inclination towards spirituality and religiousness.
Here’s how you might derive this in Bhrigu Nadi astrology:
Key Indicators for a Religious Nature in a Wife
Jupiter’s Influence:
Jupiter (Guru) is the planet of wisdom, spirituality, and religion.
A strong influence of Jupiter on the 7th house (house of marriage) or the 7th house lord from Jupiter suggests a partner who is inclined towards religious activities and has a deep respect for spiritual practices.
If Jupiter is placed in the 1st house (lagna) or aspects the 1st house while being connected to the 7th house lord or positioned in the 7th house itself, it indicates a spouse with strong religious or spiritual tendencies.
9th House (House of Dharma and Religion):
The 9th house from Jupiter in a horoscope is directly related to religious beliefs, long-distance travels for religious purposes, and overall philosophical outlook.
A strong connection between the 9th house or its lord with the 7th house or its lord can suggest a partner who is religious or follows spiritual practices.
The placement of the 9th house lord in the 7th house from Jupiter lagna, or vice versa, indicates that the spouse will have a profound impact on the native’s religious beliefs or will be a guiding force in spiritual matters.
Venus-Jupiter Conjunction:
Venus represents the spouse in a male’s chart and is also associated with love, devotion, and aesthetics.
When Venus is conjunct or positively aspected by Jupiter, it indicates a harmonious blend of love and spirituality, suggesting a partner who is not only loving but also has a deep-seated interest in religious and spiritual matters.
This combination in either the 7th house or aspecting the 7th house/lord shows a spouse who balances worldly love with spiritual wisdom, making her inclined towards religious or spiritual activities.
Moon’s Position:
The Moon represents the mind and emotional inclinations.
If the Moon is placed in the 9th house from Jupiter lagna, or if the Moon is in conjunction with Jupiter (Gajakesari Yoga) or Venus even in nadi parlance, it enhances the tendency towards spirituality and religious life.
A well-placed Moon, particularly in a sign owned by Jupiter (such as Sagittarius or Pisces), indicates a spouse who is emotionally attuned to religious and spiritual matters.
Specific Planetary Combinations Indicating a Religious Wife
Jupiter in the 7th House from Jupiter lagna:
Jupiter directly in the 7th house makes the spouse wise, virtuous, and religious.
The native may find a partner who is involved in teaching, guiding, or religious counseling, often bringing a sense of moral and ethical value into the marriage.
7th Lord in the 9th House:
When the 7th house lord is placed in the 9th house, it indicates a spouse who is not only religious but may also come from a religious or spiritual family.
This placement often signifies a partner who is well-versed in spiritual doctrines and practices religious rituals with sincerity.
Jupiter Aspecting the 7th House/Lord:
Jupiter’s aspect on the 7th house or the 7th house lord from Jupiter lagna enhances the spiritual and religious inclinations of the spouse.
This aspect indicates a partner who values knowledge, wisdom, and may actively engage in religious discourse or study of scriptures.
Connection Between the 4th and 7th Houses:
The 4th house from Jupiter lagna relates to inner peace and domestic happiness.
If the 4th house lord is connected to the 7th house or its lord, and Jupiter has a significant influence, it suggests that the spouse will bring religious harmony and spiritual peace into the home environment.
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, a religious or spiritually inclined wife is often indicated by strong influences of Jupiter, connections between the 7th and 9th houses, and specific combinations involving Venus and the Moon.
These planetary configurations suggest a partner who brings not only love and companionship but also spiritual guidance, religious devotion, and ethical values into the marriage.
Such a spouse is likely to encourage religious practices, attend spiritual gatherings, and imbue the household with a sense of piety and reverence.
{Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
So in the above EXAMPLE, Now as Venus or the wife of the native is with Jupiter or guru.
so the persons; wife would be of religious nature and Jupiter deals with dharma or religion.
How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope know about Unstable nature of WIFE of any person ?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the nature and personality traits of a spouse, including indications of instability, can be derived from specific planetary placements, aspects, and combinations in a person’s horoscope.
An unstable nature in a wife might manifest as mood swings, unpredictable behavior, or inconsistency in thoughts and actions.
Here are the key factors and astrological combinations that can indicate an unstable nature in a wife according to Bhrigu Nadi principles:
Key Astrological Indicators of an Unstable Nature in a Wife
Afflicted Moon:
The Moon represents the mind, emotions, and mental stability.
If the Moon is afflicted by malefic planets such as Saturn (Shani), Rahu, Ketu, or Mars, it can indicate emotional instability.
This is especially true if the Moon is placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses from Jupiter lagna, which are considered challenging houses.
A Moon afflicted by Rahu or Ketu can lead to mood swings, confusion, and fluctuating emotions, making the spouse unpredictable or inconsistent in behavior.
Rahu or Ketu in the 7th House from Jupiter lagna:
Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets that bring instability and unconventional traits.
When placed in the 7th house (house of marriage), they can signify a spouse who is eccentric, unpredictable, or prone to sudden changes in behavior.
Rahu’s influence might indicate a partner with an unconventional or non-traditional approach to life, while Ketu’s influence might indicate detachment, confusion, or a lack of clarity in relationships.
The presence of Rahu in the 7th house from Jupiter lagna can lead to deceit or an overemphasis on materialistic or worldly pursuits, whereas Ketu might lead to spiritual confusion or a lack of interest in worldly affairs.
Venus with Malefic Aspects:
Venus represents the spouse in a male’s chart, love, and relationship harmony.
If Venus is afflicted by malefic planets such as Mars (representing aggression), Saturn (representing restrictions or delays), or Rahu/Ketu (representing chaos and confusion), it can indicate challenges in marital harmony.
An afflicted Venus can manifest as issues related to love and affection, leading to instability in emotional bonding, dissatisfaction, or a partner with changing desires and affections.
Mars in the 7th House or Aspecting the 7th House/Lord from Jupiter lagna:
Mars is a fiery and aggressive planet.
When it is placed in or aspects the 7th house, it can bring about a quick-tempered, impulsive, or quarrelsome nature in the spouse.
This placement is known for creating marital discord and conflicts, which can lead to instability in the relationship.
The presence of Mars in the 7th house can also signify a spouse who is dynamic but potentially volatile, leading to frequent arguments or disagreements, making the marriage seem unstable.
Specific Combinations Indicating an Unstable Nature
Moon and Rahu Conjunction (Chandra Rahu Yoga):
This combination can create a sense of illusion, emotional disturbance, or mental instability.
The spouse might have a tendency to over think, worry, or become paranoid, leading to unstable or erratic behavior.
This combination can also lead to a partner who has difficulty making clear or rational decisions, thereby creating a sense of instability in the marriage.
Saturn’s Influence on the 7th House/Lord from Jupiter lagna:
While Saturn represents discipline and structure, its malefic influence can lead to coldness, detachment, or emotional restriction.
When Saturn heavily influences the 7th house or its lord, the spouse might be overly serious, pessimistic, or withdrawn, which can lead to an unstable emotional connection.
If Saturn is retrograde or ill-placed, it may also lead to delays in marital happiness, a feeling of being restricted or constrained in the relationship, or a partner who is difficult to emotionally connect with.
Rahu-Ketu Axis in the 1st and 7th House from Jupiter Lagna:
When Rahu and Ketu are placed on the axis of the 1st and 7th houses, it can create significant karmic challenges in relationships.
The spouse may have a dual nature, with tendencies that are difficult to predict or understand.
This axis can lead to a marriage that feels unstable due to the constant push and pull of desires, expectations, and the fulfillment of emotional needs.
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the unstable nature of a wife can be seen through various planetary influences and combinations, particularly those involving the Moon, Venus, Rahu, Ketu, and Mars.
Afflictions to these planets or their placement in specific houses can lead to emotional volatility, unpredictability, or erratic behavior in a spouse.
Understanding these factors can help anticipate challenges in marital harmony and allow for better management of relationships by recognizing the need for patience, understanding, and possibly spiritual or psychological support to navigate these complexities.
Now Venus so shukra also means wife and is on the unstable or fluid cancer sign of Moon.
That means the wife or venus would be unstable in character.
So in the above example How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope about character of SPOUSE or Husband ?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the character of a spouse is analyzed through various planetary positions, aspects, and combinations that influence the 7th house (house of marriage) and its lord from Jupiter lagna , as well as Venus (which represents the spouse in a male’s chart).
The chart is meticulously studied to discern traits such as the spouse’s nature, behavior, temperament, and overall personality.
Here are some key points to consider:
Character of Spouse Based on Bhrigu Nadi
Planetary Positions in the 7th House:
The 7th house from Jupiter lagna in the horoscope is crucial in Bhrigu Nadi astrology for understanding the nature and characteristics of a spouse.
For instance, if benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus are positioned in the 7th house, or if they aspect this house positively, it typically indicates a spouse with good nature, kindness, and harmony in relationships.
Conversely, the presence of malefic planets like Mars or Saturn, or their negative aspects, might suggest a spouse with challenging traits such as aggression, stubbornness, or emotional distance.
The specific qualities of the spouse are often influenced by the planets’ nature and their interactions with other significant points in the chart.
Influence of Venus and Its Aspects:
Venus, as the significator of love and relationships, plays a pivotal role in determining the characteristics of a spouse.
In Bhrigu Nadi, Venus’s placement and aspects can reveal a lot about the spouse’s personality.
For instance, if Venus is well-placed and aspected positively, it generally indicates a loving, charming, and affectionate partner.
On the other hand, if Venus is afflicted by malefic aspects or placed in challenging houses, it may suggest traits like dissatisfaction, materialistic tendencies, or emotional instability in the spouse.
The interplay between Venus and the 7th house or its lord provides detailed insights into how the spouse will behave in various aspects of life and their impact on the marriage.
Overall, Bhrigu Nadi astrology offers a deep and nuanced perspective on understanding a spouse’s character by analyzing the specific planetary influences and their placement within the horoscope.
{cancer= venus } –>{Leo= Mars} –>{ Virgo= sun + mercury+ dragons head or rahu + Jupiter + Saturn}
So in the above EXAMPLE or this horoscope is for Lady, the planet Mars or mangal is the life partner.
Mars when transits to come over sun, tough rahu , Saturn.
so character of mars affected and as Mars has venus behind it which is instable, so the husband or man could have many female partners.
Based on Bhrigu nadi astrology horoscope, how to know about the LOVE & MARRIAGE situations of the person ?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, love and marriage are analyzed through the examination of various planetary positions, aspects, and combinations that affect the 7th house (house of marriage) from Jupiter lagna , its lord, and Venus (the significator of love and relationships).
The placement and strength of these factors provide insights into an individual’s romantic life, marriage prospects, and overall compatibility with a partner.
Here’s how Bhrigu Nadi astrology approaches these aspects:
Love and Marriage Analysis Based on Bhrigu Nadi
7th House and Its Lord:
The 7th house from Jupiter lagna in Bhrigu Nadi astrology is crucial for understanding marriage and partnership.
The nature and condition of the 7th house from Jupiter lagna and its lord provide insights into the quality of marriage and the type of partner one might attract.
A strong and well-placed 7th house or its lord indicates a harmonious and stable marriage.
Benefic influences such as positive aspects from Jupiter or Venus can suggest a loving and supportive spouse, while malefic influences, such as aspects from Mars or Saturn, may indicate challenges or delays in marriage.
The 7th house from Jupiter lagna also reveals the timing of marriage, where its condition can offer clues about when and how marriage will unfold.
Venus and Relationship Dynamics:
Venus plays a pivotal role in matters of love and marriage in Bhrigu Nadi astrology.
Its placement, strength, and aspects reveal much about one’s approach to love, romantic inclinations, and overall compatibility with a partner.
A well-placed Venus in conjunction with benefic planets generally suggests a harmonious love life and successful marriage.
Conversely, an afflicted Venus or its negative aspects can point to issues such as misunderstandings, emotional conflicts, or material concerns within relationships.
The interaction between Venus and the 7th house or its lord provides a comprehensive view of how romantic relationships will develop and the nature of the marital bond.
By analyzing these aspects, Bhrigu Nadi astrology provides detailed predictions about the timing, nature, and success of love and marriage, offering valuable insights into personal relationships and marital harmony.
{ cancer = Venus or shukra } –>{ Leo= No planet} –>{Virgo = Saturn or shani dev + Jupiter + dragon’s head or rahu}—–>{ Scorpio= mars}—–>{Aquarius = Moon} –>{Pisces – Ketu or dragon’s tail}
with Venus the planet of love and marriage in fluid or changeable sign of cancer or karkat ruled by Moon, more than one marriage is suggested.
so also Jupiter or self is in Virgo and Leo the sign of love is vacant, so two marriages possible.
as the reason added is that moon the dispositer of Venus the cancer sign , is 6th from Jupiter or guru.
so this creates conflicts or health issues to marriage.
so also Moon is the centre of sensitivity.
so also from self or Jupiter or Guru, Venus or shukra the planet for love and marriage is in 11th bhava from Jupiter or guru.
Indicating gains in marriage or multiple marriages as well.
{ Gemini = Venus}
How to know based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology the LOVE & MARRIAGE like Love affairs and marriage quality?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the analysis of love affairs primarily revolves around the 5th house from Jupiter lagna , which is associated with romance, creativity, and pleasure.
The condition and placement of the 5th house lord, along with the influences of Venus (the planet of love and relationships), play a crucial role in understanding one’s romantic life.
If the 5th house lord from Jupiter lagna is well-placed and positively aspecting benefic planets, it suggests a strong potential for love affairs and harmonious relationships.
Conversely, if there are afflictions or malefic influences on the 5th house or its lord, it could indicate challenges, obstacles, or complications in forming and maintaining romantic connections.
Additionally, Bhrigu Nadi astrology examines planetary positions and aspects that affect the 7th house lord from Jupiter of marriage and partnerships.
The strength and placement of Venus and any conjunctions or aspects involving the 5th and 7th houses from Jupiter lagna can reveal the nature of love affairs, including their duration, intensity, and impact on one’s overall relationship dynamics.
A thorough analysis of these factors helps in understanding the potential for successful love affairs and offers insights into how one can navigate and improve their romantic experiences.
Now Venus is the karaka for wife or life partner for a person.
when it is in a dual sign of GEMINI, it means possibility of love affairs or two wives.
when Saturn comes to Gemini sign in transit , his status goes down as Venus is a planet of luxury and comfort.
when Saturn or shani dev on it the comfort or status goes down.
How based on nadi astrology trouble to MARRIED Life of the person?
In Nadi astrology, trouble in marriage is assessed by examining various factors, including the 7th house (which represents marriage and partnerships), the 7th house lord, and any malefic influences affecting these areas.
Key indicators include the presence of malefic planets like Saturn or Mars in the 7th house from Jupiter lagna or its lord, which can signify challenges, misunderstandings, or conflicts within the marriage.
Additionally, aspects or conjunctions involving these malefic planets can exacerbate issues, leading to strain in marital relations.
Nadi astrology emphasizes the importance of planetary periods (Dasha) and transits, which can trigger or amplify marital troubles based on the current planetary alignments affecting the 7th house or its lord.
Another significant aspect is the role of the 5th house from the Jupiter lagna, which relates to romance and emotional connection.
Afflictions or weaknesses in this house can impact the emotional bond between partners, potentially leading to dissatisfaction or discord in marriage.
Nadi astrologers also consider the 2nd house (family and communication) and its interactions with the 7th house to assess how family dynamics and communication issues might contribute to marital difficulties.
Understanding these influences helps in diagnosing the root causes of marital problems and provides guidance for remedies and strategies to improve the relationship.
{VIRGO= mercury}–>{LIBRA = SUN + SATURN}–>{SCORPIO = Jupiter}—–> { CAPRICORN = Ketu or dragon’s tail}—>{AQUARIUS= Mars or mangal}———->{GEMINI = Moon}–>{CANCER = rahu or dragon’s head}—-> { LEO= venus }——–> {VIRGO= mercury or budha}
Rahu ketu axis( dragon’s head and tail) is mostly affecting the planets Mars and venus, so married life of the person could be affected.
Ketu is just before mars or mangal in Aquarius.
so also rahu or dragon’s head is just ahead of venus in Leo.
so also venus is weak.
Jupiter or guru the self comes first on ketu or dragon’s tail in Capricorn sign first or as a first planet in progression .
so married life mars and venus strongly affected.
How based on Nadi astrology or Jyotish, one could find out about LOVE AFFAIRS, MARRIAGE or Elopement with LOVER of the person ?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, love affairs, marriage, and the potential for elopement with a lover are closely analyzed by examining the 5th, 7th, and 9th houses, along with their lords and the planetary aspects they receive.
The 5th house from Jupiter lagna represents romance, love affairs, and the initial stages of relationships.
When the 5th house or its lord is influenced by Venus, Mars, or Rahu, it can indicate a strong inclination towards love affairs, passionate relationships, or unconventional romantic connections.
If these influences are particularly strong or if the 5th house is connected to the 12th house (which governs secrets and hidden matters), it might suggest the possibility of a secret love affair or even an elopement.
The 7th house from Jupiter lagna , which governs marriage and partnerships, is analyzed to determine the nature of the marital relationship and the circumstances surrounding marriage.
When the 7th house or its lord is influenced by planets like Mars or Rahu, it can indicate the potential for a marriage that is unconventional, possibly due to an elopement or a union driven by intense emotions rather than social norms.
Additionally, the influence of the 9th house, which represents fate and higher guidance, can show whether the marriage will be accepted by family and society or if it will face challenges due to societal or familial opposition.
If the 9th house is weak or afflicted, it may point towards difficulties in obtaining familial support for marriage, increasing the likelihood of elopement.
In sum, Bhrigu Nadi astrology provides a nuanced view of love affairs and marriage by examining the interplay between these houses, their lords, and planetary influences, offering insights into the potential for romance, marriage, and the possibility of eloping with a lover.
so we know Venus or shukra give us love or marriage related indications.
so also once we progress Venus, it connects to RAHU in cancer sign( so also afflicting the mind of the person).
now Rahu means foreign stuff, so Venus over rahu means connecting to other women.
as Jupiter has ketu to the next house of the same, as contraction of self is there or dignity and one goes for other women.
He could get married again to 2nd wife at the age of 42 to 44, as Venus over rahu suggests new marriage, and so also when natal Jupiter comes over natal rahu- once again the person would get married.
as it would be the 4th round or round of rahu for Jupiter or Guru, so more negative energy or effects would be there.
{ Gemini or Mithuna = Sun } –> {Cancer or karkat= venus + mars + rahu + mercury}
How does nadi astrology suggest multiple LOVE RELATIONSHIPS of any Person?
In Nadi astrology, love affairs and the potential for elopement are analyzed by examining the 5th house from the Jupiter lagna(which governs romance, love affairs, and emotional attachments) and the 7th house (which pertains to marriage and partnerships).
Key indicators for elopement often include strong influences from malefic planets on the 5th house or its lord, suggesting intense and impulsive romantic desires.
The presence of planets like Rahu or Ketu in the 5th house or aspects from these planets can also indicate unconventional or secretive relationships, which may lead to elopement.
The 7th house’s condition and its lord’s placement are scrutinized to understand how these romantic inclinations might transition into a formal commitment or lead to an elopement.
Additionally, the planetary transits are crucial in timing such events.
Favorable periods for romance and impulsive decisions are assessed by looking at planetary alignments that support emotional and romantic activity.
For instance, when the transits of planets related to love, such as Venus or the Moon, aligns with favorable transits to the 5th or 7th house, there is a heightened potential for elopement.
Nadi astrology also considers the 9th house, which represents long journeys and higher learning, as it can reflect the possibility of travel related to romantic decisions, including elopement.
Now as venus or shukra suggest love matters, plus venus absorbs energy of malefic rahu and also passionate mars or mangal.
so person would elope with a women and also as mercury is also there along with rahu( dragon’s head) and mars(mangal) , so multiple relationships would be there for the person.
so over all mars and rahu energies being there.
all this could land the person into trouble.
{Gemini = sun}–> {cancer = venus + mars + mercury + rahu}——————->{Virgo = no planet }–>{ Libra = Saturn or shani dev + Moon } –>{Scorpio = }–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter}
How does nadi astrology suggest LOVE , RELATIONSHIPS and Help to women folk for any person?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the analysis of love and relationships for women involves a detailed examination of several key factors within the horoscope.
Primarily, the 5th house from Jupiter lagna, which signifies romance and love affairs, plays a crucial role.
The condition of the 5th house and its lord, including any planetary aspects or conjunctions, provides insights into the nature of romantic relationships.
For women, favorable planetary alignments in the 5th house often indicate harmonious and fulfilling romantic experiences, whereas malefic influences might suggest challenges or obstacles in love.
Additionally, the 7th house, which represents marriage and partnerships, is essential in understanding the overall relationship dynamics.
The placement and condition of the 7th house lord from Jupiter, along with any planetary aspects to this house, offer insights into the nature of marital relationships and the likelihood of a successful partnership.
In Bhrigu Nadi, the timing of relationships is also considered, with specific transits indicating times of significant romantic developments or changes.
Overall, the Bhrigu Nadi analysis provides a comprehensive view of a woman’s love life by integrating these factors to predict the quality and timing of relationships.
{Libra = Saturn}—–>{Capricorn= KETU or dragon’s tail}–> {Aquarius = VENUS}–>{ Pisces = sun and mercury}———->{Cancer = Rahu or dragon’s head}
In the above example Saturn or shani dev the karaka for karma and Moon the karaka for female or lady both together suggest that he would be married.
so also in the 10th house form Saturn or shani dev we have venus , mars(dry), mercury and rahu indicates he would help females as well.
as Moon with Saturn mollifies and suggests his karma would be to do with sensitivity and females.
so also rahu and venus there and also mars means helps to women folk and many of them as mercury or budha is there.
he will also feed many people.
how to know about WIFES’s wealth status based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, the wealth status of a wife is often assessed by examining the 7th house from Jupiter lagna (which represents the spouse) and the 2nd house from Jupiter lagna (which signifies wealth and resources) in the husband’s horoscope.
The condition of these houses, their lords, and any aspects from benefic or malefic planets can provide insights into the financial status and wealth of the wife.
For instance, if the 7th house lord from Jupiter lagna is well-placed and aspected by benefic planets, it may indicate that the wife contributes positively to the family’s wealth.
Conversely, malefic influences or adverse planetary positions might suggest challenges in this regard.
Additionally, the 11th house of gains and its relationship with the 7th house can further elucidate the wife’s financial status.
If the 11th house lord or planets in the 11th house from Jupiter lagna are favorably aligned, it may enhance the financial gains associated with the wife.
Bhrigu Nadi emphasizes the timing of planetary periods (Dashas) as well, so certain periods may highlight times when the wife’s wealth status is more prominent or subject to changes.
Overall, Bhrigu Nadi astrology provides a detailed analysis of the financial aspects of the wife by evaluating these key houses and planetary influences.
{Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn +mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}.
In the EXAMPLE above Now ketu is dhwaja or expansion of anything greatly.
ketu or dragon’s tail has Venus or wife in the 2md bhava of the same.
now 2nd bhava is for wealth and status.
so Venus or wife could have exceptional wealth and status for the person.
how to know about HEALTH issues of WIFE based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?
In Bhrigu Nadi astrology, assessing the health issues of the wife involves a detailed analysis of the 7th house lord from Jupiter lagna, which represents the spouse, as well as the 6th house, which pertains to health and ailments.
The condition and placement of the 7th house lord from Jupiter lagna, along with any aspects from malefic or benefic planets, are crucial in determining potential health issues of the wife.
For example, if the 7th house lord is afflicted or debilitated, it might indicate potential health challenges or susceptibility to health issues in the marital partner.
The strength of the 7th house and its relationship with the 6th house can provide further insights into specific health concerns.
Additionally, the placement of planets in the 6th house and their aspects to the 7th house or its lord play a significant role.
Malefic influences on these houses or their lords might suggest recurring health problems or chronic conditions.
Bhrigu Nadi also takes into account the planetary transits which can indicate when health issues may become more pronounced or when remedies might be particularly effective.
By analyzing these factors, Bhrigu Nadi provides a comprehensive view of the wife’s health status and potential challenges she may face.
{Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn + mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}.
In the above EXAMPLE horoscope ,Venus or shukra stands for wife and 6th to it is His wife will not have a full measure of health as rahu is there .
so She may be suffering from piles and urinary trouble.
Urinary trouble as rahu or dragon’s head is on the watery sign of cancer or karkat rashi.
Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about Life partner or WIFE of a person from person’s Horoscope ?
Bhrigu Nadi astrology is a classical system of astrology with a unique approach, emphasizing the role of specific planetary combinations and their placements to derive information about various aspects of life, including the spouse.
To understand the characteristics and nature of a person’s wife or life partner, Bhrigu Nadi astrology primarily focuses on the 7th house of the horoscope, which is traditionally associated with marriage and partnerships.
Here’s how Bhrigu Nadi examines this area:
1. 7th House and Its Lord:
In Bhrigu Nadi, the 7th house from the ascendant (Lagna) is considered the primary indicator of marriage and spouse.
The nature of the sign occupying the 7th house and the condition of its ruling planet (the 7th lord) give insights into the qualities and nature of the spouse.
For instance, if the 7th lord is strong, well=placed, and receives benefic aspects, it indicates a good marriage and a supportive spouse.
Conversely, if the 7th lord is afflicted or weak, challenges in marital life may be indicated.
2. Planets in the 7th House:
The presence of different planets in the 7th house can also reveal specific traits about the spouse.
For example:
Venus in the 7th house may indicate a partner who is beautiful, artistic, and loving.
Mars in the 7th house can indicate a dynamic and possibly assertive or dominant partner.
Jupiter in the 7th house suggests a wise, virtuous, and caring spouse.
Saturn in the 7th house may indicate an older partner or a relationship with a serious, responsible tone, sometimes bringing delays in marriage.
3.Navamsa (D9) Chart:
Bhrigu Nadi also emphasizes the importance of the Navamsa chart (D9), which is a divisional chart specifically analyzed for marriage and the spouse.
The position of the 7th lord of the Rasi chart in the Navamsa from Jupiter lagna, as well as planets positioned in the 7th house of the Navamsa, provide deeper insights into the nature of the spouse and the quality of the marriage.
4. Conjunctions and Aspects:
Special attention is given to the conjunctions and aspects on the 7th house and its lord from the Jupiter lagna.
Benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus aspecting the 7th house can enhance marital harmony, while malefic aspects (like those of Saturn, Mars, or Rahu) can bring challenges.
The unique conjunctions and placements are read in the context of their impact on the marriage house, indicating various dimensions of marital life.
In Bhrigu Nadi, these analyses, combined with the running transits and their influence, provide a comprehensive understanding of the spouse’s nature, relationship dynamics, and the overall marital experience.
By considering these factors, Bhrigu Nadi astrology offers nuanced insights into marital relationships, tailoring interpretations to the individual chart’s specific planetary combinations.
{Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
In the above EXAMPLE Jupiter or Guru comes in Pisces sign by 26th and 27th year with moon the sensitive planet there.
so the person would marry by that age.
so also high sensitivity is there.
now as Jupiter is on Pisces with MOOn and Venus is natally with Jupiter and ketu.
The life partner or she will be a religious lady due to Jupiter and beautiful due to moon or Chandra dev and Venus( shukra) combined influence.
so also as Venus is physical body of the lady and is connected with debilitated Jupiter.
so also ketu the cutter is there.
The wife could face abortions or operations as Venus is conjunct .

What does Nadi astrology Say about Lover or love Life of Bollywood actress Priyanka chopra? who is married to Nick Jonas
Now the bollywood celebrity Priyanka chopra married the top American singer, songwriter and actor, nick Jonas.
let us see if nadi astrology or bhrigu nadi astrology is able to predict this event well.
now the first thing is that Jupiter or guru or the karaka for her husband is in Libra sign or tula rashi in her horoscope.
Libra is ruled by venus and venus means creativity.
it could also mean singing songs or creative writing and yes acting as well.
which is 100% true for priyanka chopra’s husband nick Jonas!
so also venus is in Gemini sign ruled by mercury.
so mercury clearly deals with wiring ability and ability to act or change emotions and personality .
so again rahu is there, so again means light and shadow or movies or something to do with theatre work he could be doing.
so again mercury is very strong in the Gemini sign or mithuna rashi.
so means very good writing and communication skills.
The 10th house form Jupiter for priyanka chopra has cancer sign and sun or surya dev there.
so means his career would be to be at the top or fame.
so again cancer sign suggests fluidity or change in career.
all this is 100 % true to with nick Jonas the husband for priyanka chopras.
so in short priyanka chopra’s husband is represented with venus, mercury and rahu .
so given the principles of nadi these are the professions possible for her husband.
we have already derived them earlier as acting ,writing and singing.
but in more detail.
Conjunction of Venus, Mercury, and Rahu in Profession
General Characteristics of the Planets:
Represents beauty, art, luxury, comfort, relationships, and material wealth.
It is often associated with professions related to the arts, entertainment, fashion, beauty, hospitality, and luxury goods.
Symbolizes intellect, communication, analysis, business acumen, and skills related to information technology, writing, journalism, teaching, and trade.
Known for its unconventional, innovative, and sometimes disruptive energy.
Rahu is associated with technology, research, foreign connections, and industries that involve mass communication, electronics, aviation, and anything related to the cutting edge or non-traditional paths.
Combined Influence:
When Venus, Mercury, and Rahu come together, their combined energies can create a unique professional path characterized by creativity, intellect, and innovation.
Here’s how this conjunction might influence one’s career:
Creative and Artistic Professions:
Media and Entertainment:
The influence of Venus and Mercury, along with Rahu’s( dragon’s head) connection to mass communication, can point towards careers in the media, entertainment, film, and television industries.
This could involve roles such as actors, directors, writers, or producers.
Fashion and Beauty:
Venus’s association with beauty and luxury, combined with Mercury’s intellectual skills, can lead to professions in fashion design, cosmetics, luxury brand management, or any industry related to aesthetics.
Technology and Innovation:
Information Technology:
Mercury’s analytical skills and Rahu’s affinity for technology suggest potential success in IT, software development, and tech entrepreneurship.
Digital Marketing and Social Media:
The innovative and communicative aspects of Mercury and Rahu can lead to careers in digital marketing, social media management, and online content creation.
Business and Trade:
The combined energies of Mercury’s business acumen and Rahu’s unconventional approach can create successful entrepreneurs who innovate and disrupt traditional business models.
Import-Export and International Trade: Rahu’s foreign connections and Mercury’s trade skills can lead to careers in import-export businesses and international trade.
Research and Analysis:
Scientific Research:
Rahu’s influence can push one towards research fields, especially in cutting-edge technologies or unconventional sciences.
Financial Analysis:
The analytical prowess of Mercury, along with Rahu’s strategic thinking, can lead to careers in financial analysis, stock market trading, and investment banking.
Potential Challenges and Considerations:
Unconventional Path:
Rahu’s influence often leads to a non-traditional career path.
There may be sudden changes or unexpected opportunities that require adaptability and openness to new experiences.
Communication Skills:
With Mercury involved, strong communication skills are essential.
Careers may involve public speaking, writing, or other forms of expression.
Ethical Considerations:
Rahu’s or dragon’s head energy can sometimes lead to morally ambiguous situations.
It’s important to maintain ethical standards and avoid shortcuts that could lead to long-term issues.
Balance of Creativity and Logic:
Balancing the creative energies of Venus with the logical and analytical skills of Mercury can lead to well-rounded professional success.
The conjunction of Venus, Mercury, and Rahu in Nadi astrology can create a dynamic and multifaceted professional life.
Individuals with this planetary combination are likely to find success in fields that combine creativity, communication, technology, and innovation.
Embracing the strengths of each planet while being mindful of the potential challenges can lead to a fulfilling and prosperous career.
By understanding these influences and leveraging their combined energies, individuals can navigate their career paths more effectively and capitalize on the unique opportunities that arise from this powerful conjunction.