On 8 April 2013, having expanded into Syria, the group Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) adopted the name Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham.
Starting in April 2013, ISIS made rapid military gains in northern Syria, where according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, it was “the strongest group”
Isis could increase its attack in april 2016 due to impact of rahu (Saturday, dates like 4/13/22/31 more vulnerable and also 16/7th/25th 13 November 2015 PARIS attacks
Also as predicted earlier in this article below( In bold yellow),the attacks are more prone in November 2015 also.
Paris has the name starting with P= 16th alphabet = 1+6=7 = Ketu. Which again is supportive to terror attacks.
Now given the current conflict situation between the ISIS and European nations, One can easily see that France could be a victim, cities with names starting with P,G,Y or D,M,V are more prone to attacks. The date of attacks with high chance are 4/13/22 and also 7/16/25 and especially the month of November,preventive measures could be taken .
The key is if various bodies of knowledge to could be used to help mankind.
Peace to all departed souls.!
Numerology & Numbers of ISIS
a)Now let us Look at the Name First.
1 3 1 3= 1+3+1+3 = 8 = Saturn! The planet for strife and harshness
Now re-look at numbers above of ISIS, it 1313 = 13-13
Now number 13 we know is the number of death and destructions!
So 13-13 is double death and destruction = Death-Death
Number 13:
“This is a number indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as is generally supposed. In some of the ancient writings it is said, “He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion”. It is symbolized by the picture of a “Skeleton” of “Death,” with a scythe reaping down men, in a field of new-grown grass where young faces and heads appear cropping up on every side. It is a number of upheaval and destruction. It is a symbol of “Power” which if wrongly used will wreak destruction upon oneself. It is a number of warnings of the unknown or unexpected, if it becomes a “compound” number in one’s calculations.”
c) Now 13 is also = 1+3=4=Rahu= Dragon’s head- deals with all kinds of out of convention activities that are not easily accepted in the society.
This again is an apt description of ISIS
d) As in Year 2015, the year number = 2+0+1+5 = 8 Saturn. Also Saturn is elder brother of rahu(The planets controlling ISIS are Rahu, Saturn and Mars as it is Aries(ISIS was sort of born in April) sun sign as per western astrology).
e) Also the Destiny Number of the Date of formal birth of ISIS:8 April 2013 = 8+4+2013(2+0+`1+3=6) = 8+4+6 = 18 = 1+8= 9=mars
Now mars is a planet of wars and also at the same time number 9 has a universal appeal- we know how many young people got influenced by ISIS- confirming the interpretation for number 9.
Also look at the compound number 18- it clearly says it is a number of wars and strife as a destiny for ISIS!
“This number has a difficult symbolism to translate. It is pictured as “a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling; a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them.” It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a person with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions; and in some cases it indicates making money and position thorough wars or by wars. It is however a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements such as storms, danger from water, fires and explosions. When this “compound” number appears in working out dates in advance, such a date should be taken with a great amount of care, caution and circumspection.”
Rahu gains energy in this time and so does Saturn. We know there was spurt in ISIS activities in 2015.Year 2016 effects given below.
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As the exact time for formation of ISIS is not known, a solar Horoscope is created for Pisces ascendant. As 8th April is under the sun sign of Pisces(12th sign of the Zodiac) as far as Sun transit is concerned. Keep in view the Vedic astrology principles in mind.
Now ascendant(1st house lord) and lord of actions(10th house or “career” lord)= Pisces(ascendant) & Sagittarius(10th house lord)= Are sun signs both Ruled by planet Jupiter ,and planet Jupiter strong enough in 5th House
So the actions and personality of ISIS are influenced by some faith related or an idealistic thought process. We know this is true for ISIS.
Also an aspects of rahu and ketu to ascendant, gives sharpness in beliefs to ISIS and also out of convention beliefs of ISIS due to rahu aspecting 1st house of personality. All this is again true for ISIS.
Sun the lord of enmity and conflict(6th house of ISIS) is also sitting in the ascendant- giving a worldwide opposition and enmity to ISIS.
The mind and discrimination(4th house) is ruled by planet mercury which is very weak and combust. Mercury which is very weak ,sends energy to the ascendant(personality) ,the personality described above, with reduced ability to discriminate could lead to indiscriminate killings! We know all this is true- rest is history./
The planet of suddenness Uranus is also sitting on the ascendant, the personality of ISIS.
The planet Saturn is in Scorpio (8th sign of death and buried things) and also weak. It rules the ethics and dharma/religion of the entity ISIS. So the thought process would have to do with the past matters that are buried, that is a fanatical mindset could be there. The presence of Saturn in 9th house of religion kills the ethical aspect and gives death to ethics!
We can clearly see that astrology and numerology- clearly pin point the characteristics,behavior and destiny of ISIS. These tools cold be used effectively to utilize mundane events.
Regarding ISIS Future:
As the Jupiter strengthens in 6th house- it means more conflict and strife for ISIS with the world.
But at the same time due to inherent nature of planet Jupiter , some sense and sanity could also come and may be the activities could reduce significantly!
After a year or two, when Saturn goes in 10th house of Sagittarius (2016 or 2017) – maximum harm could be inflicted by ISIS as Saturn would totally spoil the ethical aspect.
But for year 2016 as it is ruled with Mars( 2+0+1+6= 9), it could be a very eventful and deciding year for ISIS if it would continue . Year 2015 November,December and 2016 Jan/Feb could define the pace of ISIS activities.
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This article at length discusses Every aspect of Personality, Health and Other factors like Money, Wealth, job, Career, Relationships & Marriage, Family Life & also Past life Karma and reincarnation of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
This article at length talks about the Physical and Mental traits of people . & Career, Family Life and relationships for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people
It Looks at what kind of health issues are Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people prone to .
And most important what are the important do’s and don’ts of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people to make their life successful 😉 in every sense.
Disposition and Personality for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your kindly or horoscope (birth chart ) Mental Trait of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people
Does being the 12th sign of the zodiac add haste to Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people?
Regarding mental trait for Pisces people as it is the 12th sign in number.
It has the one or sun ruling that and Jupiter or Guru also ruling as 1+2=3 and lordship for the same.
so there could be an element of haste as well in the nature.;).
Moon and Neptune energy here create more hastiness and speed.
Could the Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people appear stubborn at times ;)?
one can find them a bit stubborn & they are receptive to others .
also honest because of again the Jupiter influence at times .
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are generally inclined to do well to others.
Do the Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people want to acquire more Knowledge ;)?
Pisces or Meena rashi is a watery sign and is ruled by the great benefic Jupiter (Guru). The people of this Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi in their horoscope(kundli) are naturally curious and gain good knowledge by travelling and researching.
Note that Pisces is also the 12th sign connected to the 12th house of Moksha and liberation etc : )
What makes Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people Worry prone?
Having the energies of the 12th house and water sign just like cancer ruled by Moon. They may appear to have worries about money .
Do the Pisces Ascendant or Meena Lagna people have good creativity and art in them?
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are loyal to their work and do it with greatest honesty :).
They can become good artists, musicians or people to do with literature.
due to Jupiter lordship of number 3. also 12th sign = 3×4=12 so again artistic nature is there.
What makes Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people so ambitious in life?
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people work at a mental plane- and as Jupiter or guru is an ambitious planet they are mentally ambitious.
what gives Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people a wild imagination ;)?
The 12th sign ruler ship of Jupiter may make them imagine that the other people are against them at times.
Physical Traits of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people
The physical traits of the person with the Pisces Lagna are they are fair in complexion .
This is because of strong moon influence .
They also have stout or strong body with middle size height due to Jupiter and moon influence. Pisceans complexion is generally swarthy.
They are more prone to gaining weight because of being a watery sign .Note cancer lagna or cancer ascendant people are also obese in general.
General Traits of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people respect the orthodox principles and can forgo anything but orthodoxy. 🙂 .
One could find them extremely superstitious or following the superstitions .
they may draw conclusions which are not right One may find them rigid in following the religious customs.
They could be very stubborn in their approach towards life and because of the Jupiter influence and number one ruling=sun.
They could be very ambitious to exercise authority over other people.
But they do not realize that much due to moon one May find them restless and interested in antiques .
also mythology and history may interest them.
One may find the Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people have their Independence in the dealings with other people.
They are justice driven just like Jupiter. They would also generally follow the ethical path.
Pisces people make very loyal friends and respect law and order- one can clearly see Jupiter or Guru in play :).
They may reach high positions of the society due to Jupiter effects again ;).
The twelfth sign lordship could at times give more indulgence in luxury and self-indulgence- which should be avoided by the Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
They may also have a dual nature in their personality. They could be highly emotional people due to moon or Chandra .
Also being the 12th sign of foreign lands, Pisceans could do well in shipping related work or foreign countries.
Occult ,astrology, mysteries of life and religion(dharma) could also be of their interest once again this is the twelfth sign effects and Jupiter combined :).
They must overcome their sensitivity to overcome moon effects.
The person could be sensitive due to moon or Neptune influence here , more prone to higher weight once again due to moon or Chandra.
So they are stout as well, the height could be middle or medium, swarthy complexion and eyes.
The person could also be a bit stubborn due to solar energies and Jupiter being here, psychically receptive due to Neptune influence.
Pisces ascendant people could be more than normal religious as the 12th sign and 12th house have to do with salvation and at times stoically and GOD fearing.
Any strong opinions due to Jupiter and sun energies need to be controlled for such person.
Health for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your kindly or horoscope (birth chart )
There could be circulation and blood related issues and anemia in Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
Nervous stress and despondency must be handled well.
They need to take care of foot and toes as twelfth sign rules the same. Gout and joint pains also possible.
As Jupiter rules the lymphatic system- so this could be affected.
Physical Appearance for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
They have a medium built. Being dominated by Jupiter and yes effects of planet moon(Chandra) they might have a big body, brownish hair, and yellow eyes.
Family Life for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The family life of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi ruled by mercury and previous sign is Taurus ruled by Venus.
That is a friend of the same and next sign is Cancer or Karkat rashi, which is an enemy of the same.
This means Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great fluctuations and also fun( 3rd sign Gemini) in their family life.:)
They would have great conveyances and relatively nice Home due to Venus energy of Taurus.
sure the restlessness of mercury would create a lot of fluctuations in their family matters.
o more of Yoga is suggested fro Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people .
Moon or cancer being the next sign and Taurus the previous sign with number 2( 2nd sign same as moon) suggest that Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are prone to travel away from where they are born as such.
Sure a benefic aspect of Jupiter stabilizes the home peace for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people. They generally have above average and bigger homes.
they have more than average fun as well.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are close to family as well.
They get cars or vehicles more towards SUV or sports types.:)
Money or wealth for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The family life of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi ruled by mercury and previous sign is Taurus ruled by Venus, that is a friend of the same and next sign is Cancer or Karkat rashi, which is an enemy of the same.
This means Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great fluctuations and also fun( 3rd sign Gemini) in their family life.:)
They would have great conveyances and relatively nice Home due to Venus energy of Taurus.
sure the restlessness of mercury would create a lot of fluctuations in their family matters. so more of Yoga is suggested fro Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people .
Moon or cancer being the next sign and Taurus the previous sign with number 2( 2nd sign same as moon) suggest that Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are prone to travel away from where they are born as such.
Sure a benefic aspect of Jupiter stabilizes the home peace for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
They generally have above average and bigger homes.
they have more than average fun as well.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are close to family as well.
They get cars or vehicles more towards SUV or sports types.:)
Career or Job for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The career life or Job of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
which is ruled by benefic Jupiter. The previous sign to Sagittarius is Scorpio or vrishchika rashi ruled by Mars or mangal.
Mars is a friend of Jupiter or Guru and next sign is Capricorn or Makara rashi, which is comfortable with Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
This suggests Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great growth in their careers due to Jupiter or Guru. But Saturn or shani dev also makes them work hard to achieve their goals and creates obstacles.
Scorpio zodiac sign or Vrishchika rashi helps them do investigative work. also it gives great passion and energy to Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in regard to their career or Job.
so they may grow a lot in their careers and also travel a lot as 12th sign Pisces is connected to Sagittarius or Dhanu rashi.
sure the restlessness of mercury would create a lot of fluctuations in their family matters. so more of Yoga is suggested fro Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people .
Sure a not so benefic aspect of Gemini zodiac sign or Mithuna rashi gives them more of changeability and also fun and more communicativeness in their careers.
this also makes them fit for roles for managers or roles where writing and communicating is involved.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people can do well in jobs or careers wherever creativity and better expression is involved. may be singing or even reading , teaching or professorial jobs.
Relationships & Marriage for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The relationships or marriage or 7th bhava of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Virgo zodiac sign or kanya rashi ruled by mercury and previous sign is Leo or simha ruled by sun.
that is a friend of the same and next sign is Libra zodiac sign or Tula rashi , which is a great friend of the same.
This means Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great and deep love relationships and good sex life. also they could have a highly dignified life partner as well.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people may have sudden issues in marriage or relationships due to indulgence.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people have love of a very deep nature. though fun and bubbliest nature would always be there for them.
zodiac sign Leo or simha being the next sign and Taurus the previous sign with number 5) suggest that Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great dignity and fun in married life :).
Libra the next sign and Virgos sign number 6th sign= Gives them great connection and love and passion in marriage.
Benefic aspect of Jupiter or guru, always stabilizes Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people’s married life.
despite any issues created by indulgence of Libra or Tula sign the next .
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people’s relationships generally blossom well and have good enough dignity. 🙂
Past life Karma and reincarnation for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The past life karma and reincarnation of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi.
This in turn is ruled by planet mars or mangal.
The previous sign is Libra is ruled by Venus or shukra , that is Just OK with the same and next sign is Sagittarius or dhanu rashi, which is a great friend and helps in karma or better previous birth of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
This means Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would had a past life reincarnating with a lot of action and karma on the spiritual or occult and astrology digging.
That is exploring and or working with spiritual practices and being a bit angry in their approach in matters.
Mars give them good action as well in their past life reincarnation or birth.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people might have already been into spiritual practices in past life and in this life time they follow those or related rituals.
Sagittarius zodiac sign or dhanu rashi being the next sign with number 9 of completion, suggest Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people have a very good and sattvik past life rebrith or reincarnation karma.
They might have dived deeply into occult practices or spirituality and also had good enough money in their hands.
Also there is a High chance that Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people might have in previous life reincarnation or karma been born in spiritual countries like India and or south America.
it could also be Tibet or Singapore, Indonesia as affluence and action is also there in them.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in their past life reincarnation and Karma have an aspect of Taurus or vrishabha rashi.
this clearly suggests that generally Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people wre very affluent in their past lives. They had good aishwarya and also dharma in their past life reincarnation.
What is Ascendant or lagan and why is it so Important?
Lagna or ascendant is the backbone of any Horoscope. At the time any person is born the sign which rises at the horizon is the lagna or ascendant .
It has interestingly 😉 the same longitude as the sun has at that time.
The ascendant focuses energy on the subtle points of interest of any one’s life by the proper use of Vedic astrology or jyotish.
The ascendant decides the 60% of effects or energy in any horoscope-so turns out to be key in interpretation of any Horoscope or kundli.
This is a highly interesting article of PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli)- on what planetary combinations made her win the Olympics medal.
which planetary combinations, make PV sindhu’s a lover of her family life.
which planets gave her some much of luck and fame. How Jupiter though retrograde in her horoscope give PV sindhu respect from the state.
Which planets in the PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) made her career boom!
Also what are the planetary reason for her to get so much of respect from the government. What kind of family life and relationships PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) suggest for her.
Plus what planetary combinations made PV sindhu’s such a great player.
Birth details of PV sindhu Horoscope or Kundli ?
5 July 1995
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
( now it is Telangana), India
What Planetary Combinations or Yoga’s in Horoscope(Kundli) of PV sindhu gave such GREAT SUCCESS to her?
sun the lord of initiatives and action is in the lagna in friendly sign for PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) giving her great courage and action especially in sports matters. Great muscle power in her arms as 🙂 3rd bhaav is arms and chest of the kaal purush.
Venus the lord of 5th and 12th is with sun.
so gains from foreign lands( she has been a silver medal winner in Olympics) .:)
Also Libra sign or Tula rashi in her Horoscope has rahu(dragon’s head) there, so Gives her aggressive and artistic action in her shots of badminton.:)
Sun in lagan from 3rd house suggest great fame based on PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli), but by action and hardwork.
Mercury the lord of 4th bhava of name and fame is in 12th bhava.
with 2nd bhava lord moon there in 4th house of PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli). so clearly makes her well known especially in foreign lands. 🙂
What Planetary Combinations or Yoga’s in Horoscope(Kundli) or Kundli of PV sindhu made her a SUPER SUCCESS in SPORTS?
PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) suggest that her luck is suggested based on Saturn the 9th bhava lord.
it is forming a raja Yoga in the 10th or Kendra bhava and aspects 4th bhava of name and fame.
so by dire hardwork and action( Saturn or shani), PV sindhu’s would reach good name in any area of life.
Aspect of Moon from 2nd bhava lord of PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli). suggest great money and wealth and status and luck and fortune for P V sindhu.
Saturn also controls PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) past life reincarnation and karma, it is in the Pisces sign of liberation and ruled by Jupiter. so Gives her great spiritual karma and intensity from past life that is helping her now in this life time.:)
Jupiter is retrograde in 8th sign of Scorpio or vrishchika rashi in 6th bhava.
so does promise great money and fortune for PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli).
also Scorpio being a hidden sign suggest great money and wealth and also spiritual practice and Vedic knowledge she had acquired in past life reincarnation karma. also would acquire in this life time as well.
so there is a great karma of success flowing from the past life reincarnation or karma of past life as well for PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli).
Also a retrograde Jupiter aspect on the 10th bhava suggest gains from the state or the government clearly.
What do the Planetary Combinations or Yoga’s in Horoscope(Kundli) of PV sindhu suggest about her FAMILY LIFE ?
Family life for PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) is ruled by Mercury or Buddha and is in 12th bhava. so she may marry in haste.
also there is a chance she may marry someone either from foreign country or quite away from her caste.
yes she may have some stress in family life as it is in the 12th bhava.
Jupiter the lord of 7th bhava of lover or husband for PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) is strong- but is in the 6th bhava and is retrograde.
so husband for PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) would be dignified and god person, but lot of fights in married life for PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) could be there.
unless remedies are done.
we wish her all the best here.
Her husband may also be in sports or spirituality or dharma/teaching.
What do the Planetary Combinations or Yoga’s in Horoscope(Kundli) of PV sindhu suggest about her RELATIONSHIPS?
Jupiter rules her relationships and is retrograde and is in the 6th bhava or house of the horoscope.
so also there could be ups and downs in her relationships, but still it would remain maintained.
PV sindhu’s Horoscope(kundli) suggest that she may marry someone who is dharma, a good person and a sports man as well.
He could be from a good family background as well.
also the person would have relatively good and well muscled looks. 🙂
she may spend more and also be deeply connected to her family.
In India Open 2017: PV Sindhu has the edge over Sung Ji Hyun in high octane semi-final clash?
This is a basic evaluation of her horoscope based on her solar chart and current planetary trends.
What happens now in terms of Planets in 2017 April
• In the kundli or Horoscope (Birth Chart), she is mercury ascendant (Gemini or mithuna rashi) and her tenth house of name and fame is mercury itself with the mool trikona sign of Virgo or kanya rashi being there.
• In the kundli or Horoscope (Birth Chart), Mercury is on Aries in transit now in April 2017 and mars (mangal) the lord of Aries or mesha is strong enough. Mars rules her house of gains and also her house of obstacles.
• Mars strengthens her chance of getting gains and also in the end money and fame returns as it is in the eleventh house.
It is conjunct with natal ketu so could give exceptional results to her- confirming her victories now.
• In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Mars or mangal is in her house of initiatives that includes badminton.
and in the sign of Leo, sun is fair in Kendra in the first house- all this gives her action and courage and gains in life by action and sports and would give her success now.
• In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Saturn or shani the lord of sudden problems and also gains aspects sun, the lord of her game that is badminton.
so higher chance to bless her with gains by discipline as Saturn rules the ninth house of wealth and fortune and also the eight house of unexpected stuff.
Though slight impact on image is a possibility. Saturn is strong enough and in Kendra so strong enough to bless her.
• In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Venus or shukra the lord of losses and also gains in foreign lands(twelfth house for her) and also fifth house for her, that is luck favor towards her, is retrograde-in her tenth house of career and aspects her image.
So there is a slight chance that she might miss the bus almost at the end of the game. But it could be tie or win for her as well.
• So her chances of losing are 30% but her wining chances to position of mars/Saturn is around 70%.As sun or surya the lord of her games is strong in Pisces and aspecting her fourth house of image.
• So he has a fairly high chance to win the game
What Horoscope support her- her(Pv sindhu) natal chart (Birth chart) 2017?
• Her moon or Chandra nakshatra or birth star is uttara phalguni, ruled by sun in the sign of Virgo or kanya rashi.
• This makes p v sindhu well liked and more stable, much comfort & luxury in terms of money and gains. Independent and clean hearted.
• Year 2017 would be a bunch of surprises for her. She should not under estimate her opponents. April could be a grueling time in general- with a bag of surprises for her.
• We wish her all the best to win.
P V sindhu 2016 Rio Olympic Badminton silver medal winner Indian – what made her win the Olympics?- Kundli or Horoscope analysis – based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish
In August 2016 (after 15th), sun the planet of fame and action enters a friendly sign of Gemini or mithuna in third house of her action/sports along with natal mars sitting there. Sun also sits on her ascendant and is responsible for victory
Her natal mars or mangal is in Scorpio or vrischchika rashi in sixth house of opposition so giving her a boost ( gives her silver) but being in sixth there is opposition as well, so she has to settle for silver instead of gold.
The planet Jupiter or guru is in her house of public fame that is the fourth house and ruled by mercury (or Buddha), it is conjunct with transit mercury here- creating a powerful raja yoga or combination for success and name as mercury rules her first house or ascendant as well.
Planet moon or Chandra ruling her wealth and status is in her ninth house of bhagya or luck and fortune – giving her the name and fame she deserves. As moon is bit weak in transit in Aquarius her sign for ninth house- she went for the second position
We wish her all the best in life & bring more laurels to her country.
P V sindhu 2016 Rio Olympic Badminton silver medal winner Indian- Kundli or Horoscope analysis – based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish:
If ascendant Lord is in twelfth house or vyaya bhava in her kundli or horoscope. The ascendant is Gemini or mithuna lagna. This makes her quick witted and fast to respond much needed in a game of badminton.
The placement of ascendant in twelfth house gives a worry prone nature- means she needs a lot of praise and reassurance all over life.
It’s noteworthy that she is born on 5th = ruled by planet mercury or Buddha and the sun sign of cancer or moon. Making her extremely swift and fast in her game of badminton.
Her moon sign is also Virgo and moon sits in her fourth house of mind, again reassuring a fast and quick mind that is much needed in quick decision making in the game of badminton.
Also mercury is an Airy planet and we know the game of badminton the shuttle being light weight essentially is in the air most of the time.
So a strong mercury or Buddha vibrations helps her in the game.
The lord of her initiatives sun sits in first hour of hers and gets the aggressive energy of mars sitting in the shaurya bhava(third house).
This gives her the capability to make the powerful shots and also brings her name into the word. As sun in Kendra or ascendant becomes strong.
The house of career is Jupiter ruling her relationships and career house is in sixth house(house of health) and is retro gate in Scorpio or vrischika rashi.
this gives her obstacles all over like the severe physical problems she faced while preparing for Rio Olympics and her coach helped her to come out of the same.
The lord of ninth house of bhagya bhava and also eight house sits in tenth house- promise good fortune in career and family life. Eight house ruler ship helps her to shoot to fame
APPENDIX P V sindhu 2016 Rio Olympic Badminton silver medal winner Indian –Secret of winning- Kundli (Horoscope) analysis based on Vedic astrology or jyotishAbout:
Sindhu or better known and PV sindhu settled for a silver medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics and were defeated by Carolina marina of Spain who is world number one. But still she brought laurels to India.
In the game of badminton women’s singles event on 19th August 2016.
Pusarla Venkata Sindhu her full name ,is an Indian professional badminton player of international repute now. In the 2016 Summer Olympics, she became the first Indian lady to win an Olympic silver medal. Sindhu was in top 20 rankings by September 2012.
Evaluation Of Planetary Strengths & India’s Horoscope Houses Strength
The strength of the planet is of prime importance to give the right effects. A weak (Young or old planet) may not be able to give the rightful results.
The various kinds of strengths of planets are discussed below. We have applied the strength for India’s Horoscope.
Bala here means strength.
Shad Balcomprises of the accompanying: Sthan Bal (positional or bala or strength based on position), Dig Bal (directional strength), Kaal Bal (Temporal or time based strength), comprehensive of Ayan Bal (equinoctial), Chesht Bal (motional strength based on motion), Naisargika Bal (natural strength), Drik Bal (aspectual strength or based on aspects). These qualities are registered for the seven Grahas from sun to Saturn or shani. The nodes or rahu or ketu are not considered.
Sthan Bal involves the accompanying contemplations: Uchch Bal (praise), Sapt Vargas Bal (strength gathering out of positions in rashis) , Hora(the horoscope or kundli sub chart to do with wealth & family matters), Drekkana the horoscope or kundli sub chart to do with siblings and nature), sapatamsa(the horoscope or kundli sub chart to do with children and progeny matters), Navamsa the horoscope or kundli sub chart to do with wealth wife , dharma and relationships matters), Dwadasamsa the horoscope or kundli sub chart to do with parents matters) and Trimsamsa(the horoscope or kundli sub chart to do with evils failure and bad luck related matters),
Ojhayugma rasina Bal (got by arrangement in odd, or even rashi or sign and in odd, or even navamsa),
Kendradi Bal (because of position in Kon angles , or Panaphara, or Apoklima Bhava or houses),
Dreshkan Bal (because of situation in to start with, second, or third decanate of a rashi or sun sign).
Kaal Bal contains the accompanying subdivisions: Nathonnata Bal (diurnal and nighttimes- based on night or day), Paksh Bal (fortnight- we have shukla paksha and Krishna paksha), Tribhag Bal (because of day/night being made in 3 sections), Varsh, Maas, Dina and Hora Bal (Varsh – prophetic year, Maas – month, Dina – weekday and Hora – planetary hour), Ayan Bal (equinoctial), Yudhdh Bal (because of sharing in war between Grahas).
Sthan Bal(positional strength) Firstly Uchch Bal. Presently about the qualities by classes positional, transient and so on. Deduct from the longitude of the planet or graha its (profound) weakening point. On the off chance that the entirety is under 6 rashis or signs, consider it, as it seems to be; in the event that it surpasses 6 rashis or signs, deduct the same from 12 rashis or sun signs. The entirety so got be changed over into degrees and so forth and partitioned by 3, which is the Grah’s Uchch Bal in Virupas.
Sapt Vargaj Bal. On the off chance that a Grah or planet is in its Mooltrikona rashi or sign, it gets 45 Virupas, in Svasth rashi ( healthy rashi or sun sign) 30 Virupas, in Pramudit rashi or sun sign 20 Virupas, in Shant rashi or sun sign 15 Virupas, in Din rashi or sign 10 Virupas, in Duhkhit rashi 4 Virupas and in Khal rashi or sign 2 Virupas.
Likewise these qualities happen for the other 6 divisional occupations, viz. Hora, drekkana, sapatamsa, navamsa, Dvadshamsa and Trimshamsa. When all these are included the Grah’s Sapt Vargaj Bal is calculated.
Ojhayugma rashi or sun Bal or strength. Each of shukra or Venus and Chandra or moon in even rashis and others in odd rashis or sign get a fourth of Rupa. These are material to such navamsa
Kendradi Bal(the strength of angular houses). A Grah in a Kon or angular house gets full quality or energy, while one in Panaphara Bhava(Houses 2,5,8 and 11 are the Panapara or “succedent” bhavas or houses.) gets half and the one in Apoklima Bhava (Houses 3,6,9 and 12 are called the Apoklima or cadent houses. )gets a quarter(1/4), as Kendradi Bal.
Dreshkan Bal. Male, female and bisexual planets or Grahas, individually, get a quarter Rupa as indicated by positions in the main, second and third decanates.
Dig Bal(directional strength). Deduct Bandhu Bhava (Nadir it is the fourth house) from the longitudes of sun or surya and Mangal or mars, Yuvati Bhava(seventh house) from that of Guru(Jupiter) and Budha(mercury), Karma Bhava(tenth house or career or job) from that of shukra or Venus and Chandra or moon and finally Lagn from that of shani or Saturn. In the event that the entirety is above 180 degrees, deduct the whole from 360. The total touched base in whichever way is separated by 3, which will be Dig Bal of the Graha or planet.
Kaal Bal(the strength based on the time of the day) Firstly Nathonnata Bal. Discover the distinction amongst midnight and the obvious birth time, which is called Unnata. Deduct Unnata from 30 Ghatis to acquire Nata. Twofold the Nata in Ghatis, which will demonstrate indistinguishable Nata Bal for moon or chandra, mars or Mangal and Saturn or Śani. Deduct the Nata from 60 to know the Unnata Bal of sun or surya, Jupiter or Guru and Venus or shukra . Mercury or budha Budh, independent of day and night, gets full Nathonnata Bal.
Paksh Bal(fortnight strength). Deduct from moon or Chandra’s longitude that of sun or surya. In the event that the total surpasses 6 rashis or sun signs, deduct the same from 12. The item so got be changed over into degrees and so forth and partitioned by 3, which will show the Paksh Bal of each of the benefic planets or Grahas.
The Paksh Bal( or fortnight strength) of benefic ought to be deducted from 60, which will go to each malefic, as Paksh Bal.
Tribagh Bal. One Rupa is acquired by mercury or Budh in the initial 1/3 some portion of day time, by sun or surya in the second 1/3 part of the day and by Saturn or shani in the last 1/3 part of the day. Additionally moon or Chandra, Venus or shukra and mars(Mangal) get full Bal or strength in the main, second and last 1/3 sections of the night. Guru or Jupiter gets this Bal at all times.
Varsh-Maas-Dina-Hora Bal. or year,month,day and hour strength,15, 30, 45 and 60 Virupas are all together given to Varsh Lord, Maas Lord, Dina Lord and Hora Lord. Naisargika Bal has as of now been clarified.
The Varsh Lord(yearly lord) is the Lord of the day, on which the celestial year of birth begins. To compute this we initially require the quantity of days, past from the earliest starting point of Creation, the Ahargan. As indicated in Vedic astrology or jyotish classic surya Siddhanta Creation are 714,404,108,573.
Separate the quantity of days, past from the day of Creation till the day of birth, by 60. Reject leftover portion and duplicate the remainder by 3. Increment the post-increased item by 1 and separation by 7. The rest of demonstrate the week day, on which the visionary year, bringing forth the local, opened. Leftover portion 1 demonstrates Sunday, 2 Monday etc etc.
The Evaluation of Various Balas or strengths of Ascendant or personality of Indian Horoscope or Kundli( Birth Chart):
If we do the detailed calculations for India ascendant Venus. That sits in the 3rd house. The total shadabala or strength is highest amongst all planets in rupas = 7.98 and Total shaba bala of Venus = 478.61
Now this is real good news for India as a strong ascendant n third house of initiatives or shaurya, promises gains by industries to do with Venus or shukra and also won initiatives would do great gain for India.
One can see that though Venus or shukra is not very strong on moon, that could be one of reasons of facing so many wars with Pakistan, china and also internal rift- India has stood up the test of times and is coming up as a world power.
Venus or shukra in moon(karkat rashi) sign cancer suggests that India could do well in trades to do with fluids, beauty products, tourism and as a host it would do well.
India could do well in industries to do with medicines AS VENUS IS shukra or shukra acharya
This list also includes hospitals( ayurveda industry could be a great industry for India) , just like Yoga has picked up as Yoga is a part of ayurveda. So is true for Vedic astrology or jyotish.
As Saturn or shani the lord of luck, fortune and career or job connects with the ascendant in third house- that means industry to do with electronic, entertainment(TV, Internet, Movies- Bollywood(Indian Hollywood)) could give great gains to India.
Budha the lord of wealth and status and thinking process is also there flows. So Venus or shukra( ayurveda, entertainment, medicine industry, hospitality, call centres, beauty products like of ramdev) could give a great boost to Indian economy.
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This article in detail discusses the planetary aspects of any Kundli or Horoscope in Vedic astrology.
It as a PRACTICAL example applies the aspect concepts to the recent India Pakistan surgical strikes with very interesting results.
Over all what kind of aspects are there by various planet in any Horoscope or Kundli are explained.
Also how to do calculations for various aspects in any kundli or Horoscope is elaborated.
Special aspects of Mars or Mangal and Saturn or Shani dev are also discussed at length for better understanding.
Aspects helps you to tune predictions accurately for any kundli or Horoscope and this article helps you to do that :).
Drishti’s or aspects of the planets or Grahas- in any Kundli or Horoscope(birth Chart)
The aspects in views of the (a)Rashis or Sun signs have been discussed (b) the other kind is between Grahas or planets , are given
The prime aspects are the ones like :
> Third(3) aspect
> and Tenth(10) aspect,
>Fifth(5) aspect
> and Ninth(9) aspect,
>Fourth(4) aspect
> and Eighth(8) aspect and
> in conclusion Seventh(7).
all this applies to ALL planets in any kundli or Horoscope from sun or Surya, moon or Chandra, Jupiter, or Guru, Rahu or Uranus ,Mercury or budha.
Also the planets like Venus or shukra, Neptune or ketu(dragon’s tail), Saturn or Shani or mangal or mars.
On these energy points or the Drishti’s increment steadily in strength in the order of , i.e. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and to Full is the maximum energy that a planet can exert.
So the energy flow would be proportionate as given .
ALL the planets or Grahas give a Drishti to the seventh aspect completely.so this is a general rule
The planets like Saturn or Shani, Guru or Jupiter and Mangal or mars have unique Drishti’s or aspects , and are discussed below separately,
The third and the tenth aspect is for (Saturn or Shani) in any kundli or Horoscope ,
The fifth and the ninth aspect or Drishti is of (Jupiter or guru) in any kundli or Horoscope .
the fourth and the eighth aspect is of (Mars or mangal) in any kundli or Horoscope .
The old preceptors or Vedic rishis have clarified these, which common.
?? calculator what is the method For the Assessment of the Drishti’s or aspects of the Grahas or planets ?
Deduct the longitude of the planet or Graha (or Bhava), that gets a Drishti, from that of the Graha or planet , which gives the Drishti or aspect.
In case that the total surpasses six rashis, deduct the entirety again from 10 Rashis.
Like say for example sun( at longitude 10 degree) in 7th aspect aspects planet Moon( 190 degree) or Chandra.
The deduct 190-10 = 180 drees you get .
Change over the last whole into degrees and separation by two.
The resultant item is Drishti Kona (or aspectual edge).
So in above case 180 degrees or exact 7th aspect is the found aspect for sun and moon
If in case the difference in longitude is in excess of 5 Rashis( 5 x30=150 degree).
Then dis-regard the rashis and increase the degrees and so forth by 2, which is the actual estimation of the Drishti or aspect .
If in case that difference is in excess of 4 Rashis, deduct it from 5 Rashis, and the resultant degrees is into the Drishti status .
If in case the difference is in abundance of 3 rashis, deduct it from 4 rashis and (increment 30 by) split the item to get the Drishti status.
If in case the difference is above 2 Rashis, dis-regard the rashis and add 15 to the degrees and so on to get the Drishti status .
In the event that it is in excess of one rashi, dis-regard the rashis and gap the degrees by 2 to get the Drishti esteem.
What are some Extraordinary thought for Saturn’s or Shani’s Drishti’s or aspects?
As Saturn or Shani is the Graha or planet, that gives a Drishti or aspect.
Find the difference between planets and the Graha or planet that gets the Drishti;
if the Total value is above 1 Rashi, increase the degrees and divide by 2 to get the Drishti status.
if in case the Total above Nine Rashis, the degrees to slip or difference by be multiplied to get the Drishti esteem.
If in case that the whole is above 2 rashis, the degrees and so has to be divided and deducted from 60.
if in case the total goes beyond 8 Rashis, add to the degrees and so forth a figure of 30 to get the Drishti esteem.
In different cases, the aggregates are prepared, as clarified earlier.
What are some Un-common thought for Mangal’s or mars Drishti’s or aspects?
Deduct the longitude of Mangal or mars from that of the Graha or planet that gets the Drishti or aspect.
If in case that the aggregate is 3 rashis and c, or 7 Rashis and c, the degrees and so on be lessened from 60 degrees.
If in case that it is above 2 rashis, the degrees and so forth be expanded by half of it and then 15.
On the off chance that the aggregate is 6 Rashis, one Rup is the worth.
what are some Un-common thought for Guru’s or Jupiter’s Drishti’s?.
Deduct the longitude of Guru or Jupiter from that of the Graha or planet, that gets the Drishti from Guru or Jupiter.
If in case that the resultant is 3 Rashis and c, or 7 Rashis and c, divide the degrees and so forth and increment it by 15.
If in case the total is 4 Rashis and c, or 8 Rashis and c, the degrees and so forth is subtracted from 60.
This will be the Drishti esteem. The whole, being in congruity with others than these, be dealt with, as expressed prior.
The Planetary Drishti’s or aspects- the current India Pakistan war Like imbroglio.
Following the Uri attacks on the army camp where 18 army Jawan’s were killed on Indian side.
India retaliated on 27th September morning by Indian army commandos attacking terror bases near like of actual control.
Killing around 40 terrorist in the training camps
India Pakistan war after surgical-attacks?- Is there a possibility of War Like situation Between India and Pakistan? Why No India was born on 15 august 1947 0:000 New Delhi And Pakistan 14th August 1947 00:00
Planets C R Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada Relation
Asc Taurus 01-47-03 Krittika 2
Sun D Cancer 27-03-29 Ashlesha 4 Friendly
Moon D Gemini 19-17-49 Ardra 4 Friendly
Mars D Gemini 06-49-04 Ardra 1 Enemy
Merc D Cancer 11-56-44 Pashyami 3 Enemy
Jupt D Libra 25-48-40 Vishakha 2 Enemy
Venu C D Cancer 21-21-56 Ashlesha 2 Enemy
Satn C D Cancer 20-19-21 Ashlesha 2 Enemy
Rahu R Taurus 05-07-11 Krittika 3
Ketu R Scorpion 05-07-11 Anuradha 1
Uran D Gemini 02-01-06 Mrigasira
Nept D Virgo 15-41-55 Hasta 2
Pluto D Cancer 20-02-27 Ashlesha 2
Why did the India and Pakistan conflict Arise Astrologically?: based on Horoscope or Kundli (birth Chart) of Pakistan and India
Now we know whenever mars(mangal) and Saturn(Shani) are close or conjunct wars start.
Mars was weak and transiting into Jupiter and Saturn still in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi the seventh house of India.
It shares the energy of malefic ketu(dragon’s tail) or Neptune that generates energy like mars and affects relationships and yes aspects the ascendant that is the body of the nation.
We can clearly see the attacks happened on 18th September 2016. (18= 1+8=9 + September -9 and 2016 = 2+0+1+6=9) , now 9= Planet mars.
Also the total number of surgical attacks(The rightful retaliatory attacks by India) comes out to be 9( 27th September 2016).
We can clearly see the role of mars or mangal here in creating war like situations between India & Pakistan.
What Could Happen In October 2016 between India & Pakistan?
But now Mars have gone top Eight house of India the sign or rashi Sagittarius.
This might create anger and aggression and war like situation as Mars or Mangal is not very comfortable in eight house .
For Pakistan Mars or Mangal rules first and eighth house(obstacle, inheritance, wars, death) .
and Jupiter sits in seventh house of (relationships, sex, marriage), gets into the ninth house*dharma, religion, fortune, luck) .
and sends energy to the relationships house badly affecting the relationships of Pakistan.
Eight house rules religious fanaticism and yes wars and anger- so the religious hardliners could combine with the Pakistan army to express anger against India.
There could be rhetoric’s at Pakistan’s end against India to mobilize religion and yes the terrorists to fight against
Pakistan’s image could get affected due to this due to eighth aspect of Mars or Mangal on the fourth house Of Image or Pakistan.
There could be infighting in Pakistan.(slight possibility)
Till 7th of October more of angry messages might be exchanged .
The period 7th to 14 October 2016 could be tensed one- when India would have to deal with care and restraint.
Third week is a time when matters have to stay cool, lots of message and communications would go and may be the tempers cool off.
India would communicate and make it a peaceful matter hopefully.
This interesting article talks about Pranapada for any Horoscope or Kundli house or bhava based on classical descriptions in Vedic astrology, also a PRACTICAL example of India is taken later in the article to elaborate impact of Pranapada better.
Prananpada in Vedic astrology is several fold powerful – in terms of harm or benefit as compared to Rahu(dragon’s head) or Ketu(dragon’s Tail) in the Horoscope or Kundli.
It talks about how Pranapada in first house could make someone aggressive or how could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s ketu) in horoscope or Kundli make someone have severe family issues.
Or how could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) in any horoscope or kundli make someone have exceptional initiative.
Or based on Vedic astrology How could family life be disturbed due to Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) in any Horoscope or Kundli.
How could children or kids be affected by Pranapada or double rahu and Ketu for any Kundli.
Also How could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) in any Kundli or Horoscope effect health or relationships for anyone.
plus how could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) impact ones social status or fortune or luck;) based on Vedic astrology Horoscope.
Exciting things like How could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) for any horoscope or Kundli make one have a distinct career.
or how could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) make one have distinct gains or wealth or have special experiences in foreign lands all based on classical Vedic astrology principle’s.
Also as a practical example of INDIA is taken and prananpada calculations done for the same
& much more.. 😉
Impact of Pranapada or Rahu or Dragon’s Head Ketu(Dragon’s tail) combination on Various Houses of Your Horoscope or Kundli- predictions or Birth Chart Based on Vedic Astrology
If the Pranapada is in Tanu Bhava or the first house (dealing with self, personality your comfort etc) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart, the person will be frail (ketu or dragon’s tail gives effects of frailty).
Also the person wiped out, idiotic, crazy person (Rahu or Dragon’s Head here gives effects of craziness), dull witted, inadequate limbed, hopeless and skinny (hopelessness comes from Rahu or Dragon’s Head).
If the Pranapada in the Horoscope is in Dhana Bhava the second house (dealing with your speech, wealth flows and status of you and also family) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be enriched with in-exhaustible grains (Rahu or Dragon’s Head here in the second house which is ruled by Taurus in classical astrology or jyotish is exalted so these effects).
It gives bounteous riches, plentiful specialists, children and be lucky.
If in case the Pranapada is in Sahaj Bhava or the third house(the house of initiatives, business, siblings’ brothers, and sisters) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be harmful (or insidious)(The presence of ketu(dragon’s tail) gives action and Rahu or Dragon’s Head gives rash actions).
Also the person glad, remorseless, extremely messy and be without appreciation for older folks.
if in case that Pranapada is in Bandhu Bhava or the fourth house(family, mind, conveyances, car, home) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be glad, benevolent, connected to females and older folks( as Rahu or Dragon’s Head represents older folks so connection to them), delicate and honest.
On the off chance that Pranapada is in Putra Bhava or the fifth house(children, kids, intelligence, education) of the horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
the person will be glad(ketu enhances the gladness), will do great acts.
Rahu or Dragon’s Head and ketu energies here could make one do exception acts, be benevolent and exceptionally tender.
In the event that Pranapada is in Ari Bhava or the sixth house(obstacles, bad health, legal matters, litigation) of the horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be quelled or troubled by his relatives and foes, be sharp, will have deficient digestive flame, be mischievous, wiped out, well-off and fleeting.
If the Pranapada is in Yuvati Bhava or the seventh house(sex, love, marriage, Mangal or mars dosha, Job or partnerships) of any horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be green-eyed at, ever interested in sex( as ketu or dhwaja increases the sex drive).
The person could be wild in appearance(Rahu or Dragon’s Head energy effects could give this), be not worth regard and be poorly arranged.
If in case that Pranapada is in Randhr Bhava or the eighth house(property, death, losses, inheritance) of the horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
the person will be tormented by sicknesses, be disturbed and will cause hopelessness by virtue of the ruler, relatives, workers and children.
If in case Pranapada is in Dharma Bhava or the ninth house (luck, fortune, dharma or religion, marriage and children are also looked form this house) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be close with children, be exceptionally rich ( ketu or dhwaja gives these effects), blessed, beguiling, will serve others and be not fiendish, but rather be skilful.
But if the Pranapada is in Karma Bhava or the tenth house(job, career, action , karma, father) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be brave(Ketu in the house of action gives bravery), shrewd, skilful, be a specialist in doing imperial requests.
also will love divine beings(Ketu also deals with divinity so ketu energy here blesses one with divinity).
If Pranapada is in Labh Bhava or the eleventh house(gains, advantages) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be renowned, high-minded, scholarly, well off, fair complexioned and close to his or her mother.
In the event that Pranapada is in Vyaya Bhava or the twelfth house(secret sex, foreign travel, indulgence, luxuries) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be mean, mischievous(Rahu or Dragon’s Head effects in the house of indulgence).
he or she could be inadequate limbed, will abhor Brahmins and relatives and experience the ill effects of eye maladies( Rahu or Dragon’s Head effects the eyes ruled by twelfth house), or be one-peered toward.
These are the impacts for Dhum and so forth.
Before pronouncing these outcomes, the impacts of sun or surya and different Grahas or planets(sun or surya, moon or Chandra or rashi, mercury or budha, Jupiter or guru, Rahu or Dragon’s Head, ketu ,Venus or shukra, Saturn or Shani, mars or Mangal)
all this ought to be admirably brought about by their positions, relations and aspects or Drishtis separated from their quality, or shortcoming.
Calculations of Pranapada for India predictions for India:
15th August 1947
00 hours 00 min.
Delhi, India
The pranayama lagna is in 3rd house based on detailed calculations.
As prana pada has Rahu or Dragon’s Head and ketu energy both and it sits on the house of initiatives., it gives great action ability and courage.
It makes a person daring.
We know how India avenged the URI attacks on army camp In India in the state of Jammu and Kashmir by terrorist from Pakistan so daringly and it is surging ahead.
Presence of ketu and Rahu or Dragon’s Head also suggests that one might have aggressive neighbours.
Rest is history we know how many times we have been attacked by your neighbours(Pakistan 3 times and China at least once).
We can clearly see how Vedic astrology gives clear indications on what kind of events could happen.
One day India would become a super world power by the presence of this prana pada lagna.
Where is Pranapada (Rahu or Dragon’s Head ketu) –India -2016 -17 horoscope-kundli-predictions Based on Vedic astrology or Hindu astrology