About this Article
This article at length discusses Every aspect of Personality, Health and Other factors like Money, Wealth, job, Career, Relationships & Marriage, Family Life & also Past life Karma and reincarnation of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
This article at length talks about the Physical and Mental traits of people . & Career, Family Life and relationships for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people
It Looks at what kind of health issues are Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people prone to .
And most important what are the important do’s and don’ts of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people to make their life successful 😉 in every sense.

Disposition and Personality for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your kindly or horoscope (birth chart )

Mental Trait of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people
Does being the 12th sign of the zodiac add haste to Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people?
Regarding mental trait for Pisces people as it is the 12th sign in number.
It has the one or sun ruling that and Jupiter or Guru also ruling as 1+2=3 and lordship for the same.
so there could be an element of haste as well in the nature.;).
Moon and Neptune energy here create more hastiness and speed.

Could the Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people appear stubborn at times ;)?
one can find them a bit stubborn & they are receptive to others .
also honest because of again the Jupiter influence at times .
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are generally inclined to do well to others.

Do the Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people want to acquire more Knowledge ;)?
Pisces or Meena rashi is a watery sign and is ruled by the great benefic Jupiter (Guru). The people of this Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi in their horoscope(kundli) are naturally curious and gain good knowledge by travelling and researching.
Note that Pisces is also the 12th sign connected to the 12th house of Moksha and liberation etc : )

What makes Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people Worry prone?
Having the energies of the 12th house and water sign just like cancer ruled by Moon. They may appear to have worries about money .

Do the Pisces Ascendant or Meena Lagna people have good creativity and art in them?
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are loyal to their work and do it with greatest honesty :).
They can become good artists, musicians or people to do with literature.
due to Jupiter lordship of number 3. also 12th sign = 3×4=12 so again artistic nature is there.

What makes Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people so ambitious in life?
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people work at a mental plane- and as Jupiter or guru is an ambitious planet they are mentally ambitious.

what gives Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people a wild imagination ;)?
The 12th sign ruler ship of Jupiter may make them imagine that the other people are against them at times.

Physical Traits of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people
The physical traits of the person with the Pisces Lagna are they are fair in complexion .
This is because of strong moon influence .
They also have stout or strong body with middle size height due to Jupiter and moon influence. Pisceans complexion is generally swarthy.
They are more prone to gaining weight because of being a watery sign .Note cancer lagna or cancer ascendant people are also obese in general.

General Traits of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people respect the orthodox principles and can forgo anything but orthodoxy. 🙂 .
One could find them extremely superstitious or following the superstitions .
they may draw conclusions which are not right One may find them rigid in following the religious customs.
They could be very stubborn in their approach towards life and because of the Jupiter influence and number one ruling=sun.
They could be very ambitious to exercise authority over other people.
But they do not realize that much due to moon one May find them restless and interested in antiques .
also mythology and history may interest them.
One may find the Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people have their Independence in the dealings with other people.
They are justice driven just like Jupiter. They would also generally follow the ethical path.
Pisces people make very loyal friends and respect law and order- one can clearly see Jupiter or Guru in play :).
They may reach high positions of the society due to Jupiter effects again ;).
The twelfth sign lordship could at times give more indulgence in luxury and self-indulgence- which should be avoided by the Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
They may also have a dual nature in their personality. They could be highly emotional people due to moon or Chandra .
Also being the 12th sign of foreign lands, Pisceans could do well in shipping related work or foreign countries.
Occult ,astrology, mysteries of life and religion(dharma) could also be of their interest once again this is the twelfth sign effects and Jupiter combined :).
They must overcome their sensitivity to overcome moon effects.
The person could be sensitive due to moon or Neptune influence here , more prone to higher weight once again due to moon or Chandra.
So they are stout as well, the height could be middle or medium, swarthy complexion and eyes.
The person could also be a bit stubborn due to solar energies and Jupiter being here, psychically receptive due to Neptune influence.
Pisces ascendant people could be more than normal religious as the 12th sign and 12th house have to do with salvation and at times stoically and GOD fearing.
Any strong opinions due to Jupiter and sun energies need to be controlled for such person.

Health for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your kindly or horoscope (birth chart )
There could be circulation and blood related issues and anemia in Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
Nervous stress and despondency must be handled well.
They need to take care of foot and toes as twelfth sign rules the same. Gout and joint pains also possible.
As Jupiter rules the lymphatic system- so this could be affected.

Physical Appearance for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
They have a medium built. Being dominated by Jupiter and yes effects of planet moon(Chandra) they might have a big body, brownish hair, and yellow eyes.

Family Life for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The family life of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi ruled by mercury and previous sign is Taurus ruled by Venus.
That is a friend of the same and next sign is Cancer or Karkat rashi, which is an enemy of the same.
This means Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great fluctuations and also fun( 3rd sign Gemini) in their family life.:)
They would have great conveyances and relatively nice Home due to Venus energy of Taurus.
sure the restlessness of mercury would create a lot of fluctuations in their family matters.
o more of Yoga is suggested fro Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people .
Moon or cancer being the next sign and Taurus the previous sign with number 2( 2nd sign same as moon) suggest that Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are prone to travel away from where they are born as such.
Sure a benefic aspect of Jupiter stabilizes the home peace for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people. They generally have above average and bigger homes.
they have more than average fun as well.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are close to family as well.
They get cars or vehicles more towards SUV or sports types.:)

Money or wealth for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The family life of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi ruled by mercury and previous sign is Taurus ruled by Venus, that is a friend of the same and next sign is Cancer or Karkat rashi, which is an enemy of the same.
This means Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great fluctuations and also fun( 3rd sign Gemini) in their family life.:)
They would have great conveyances and relatively nice Home due to Venus energy of Taurus.
sure the restlessness of mercury would create a lot of fluctuations in their family matters. so more of Yoga is suggested fro Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people .
Moon or cancer being the next sign and Taurus the previous sign with number 2( 2nd sign same as moon) suggest that Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are prone to travel away from where they are born as such.
Sure a benefic aspect of Jupiter stabilizes the home peace for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
They generally have above average and bigger homes.
they have more than average fun as well.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people are close to family as well.
They get cars or vehicles more towards SUV or sports types.:)

Career or Job for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The career life or Job of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
which is ruled by benefic Jupiter. The previous sign to Sagittarius is Scorpio or vrishchika rashi ruled by Mars or mangal.
Mars is a friend of Jupiter or Guru and next sign is Capricorn or Makara rashi, which is comfortable with Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.
This suggests Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great growth in their careers due to Jupiter or Guru. But Saturn or shani dev also makes them work hard to achieve their goals and creates obstacles.
Scorpio zodiac sign or Vrishchika rashi helps them do investigative work. also it gives great passion and energy to Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in regard to their career or Job.
so they may grow a lot in their careers and also travel a lot as 12th sign Pisces is connected to Sagittarius or Dhanu rashi.
sure the restlessness of mercury would create a lot of fluctuations in their family matters. so more of Yoga is suggested fro Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people .
Sure a not so benefic aspect of Gemini zodiac sign or Mithuna rashi gives them more of changeability and also fun and more communicativeness in their careers.
this also makes them fit for roles for managers or roles where writing and communicating is involved.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people can do well in jobs or careers wherever creativity and better expression is involved. may be singing or even reading , teaching or professorial jobs.

Relationships & Marriage for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The relationships or marriage or 7th bhava of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Virgo zodiac sign or kanya rashi ruled by mercury and previous sign is Leo or simha ruled by sun.
that is a friend of the same and next sign is Libra zodiac sign or Tula rashi , which is a great friend of the same.
This means Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great and deep love relationships and good sex life. also they could have a highly dignified life partner as well.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people may have sudden issues in marriage or relationships due to indulgence.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people have love of a very deep nature. though fun and bubbliest nature would always be there for them.
zodiac sign Leo or simha being the next sign and Taurus the previous sign with number 5) suggest that Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would have great dignity and fun in married life :).
Libra the next sign and Virgos sign number 6th sign= Gives them great connection and love and passion in marriage.
Benefic aspect of Jupiter or guru, always stabilizes Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people’s married life.
despite any issues created by indulgence of Libra or Tula sign the next .
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people’s relationships generally blossom well and have good enough dignity. 🙂

Past life Karma and reincarnation for Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in your Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The past life karma and reincarnation of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people is ruled by Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi.
This in turn is ruled by planet mars or mangal.
The previous sign is Libra is ruled by Venus or shukra , that is Just OK with the same and next sign is Sagittarius or dhanu rashi, which is a great friend and helps in karma or better previous birth of Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people.
This means Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people would had a past life reincarnating with a lot of action and karma on the spiritual or occult and astrology digging.
That is exploring and or working with spiritual practices and being a bit angry in their approach in matters.
Mars give them good action as well in their past life reincarnation or birth.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people might have already been into spiritual practices in past life and in this life time they follow those or related rituals.
Sagittarius zodiac sign or dhanu rashi being the next sign with number 9 of completion, suggest Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people have a very good and sattvik past life rebrith or reincarnation karma.
They might have dived deeply into occult practices or spirituality and also had good enough money in their hands.
Also there is a High chance that Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people might have in previous life reincarnation or karma been born in spiritual countries like India and or south America.
it could also be Tibet or Singapore, Indonesia as affluence and action is also there in them.
Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people in their past life reincarnation and Karma have an aspect of Taurus or vrishabha rashi.
this clearly suggests that generally Zodiac Sign Pisces or Meena Rashi people wre very affluent in their past lives. They had good aishwarya and also dharma in their past life reincarnation.

What is Ascendant or lagan and why is it so Important?
Lagna or ascendant is the backbone of any Horoscope. At the time any person is born the sign which rises at the horizon is the lagna or ascendant .
It has interestingly 😉 the same longitude as the sun has at that time.
The ascendant focuses energy on the subtle points of interest of any one’s life by the proper use of Vedic astrology or jyotish.
The ascendant decides the 60% of effects or energy in any horoscope-so turns out to be key in interpretation of any Horoscope or kundli.