Scorpio Ascendant or Lagna Good & Bad Planets in Kundli –Vrishchika rashi arjun rampal predictions?

scorpio1 Scorpio Ascendant Lagna Good Bad Planets in Kundli Vrishchika  rashi arjun rampal predictions

What is this Article about?

  • this article then explains based on Scorpio Lagna why various lords of houses behave differently. so predictions about each house of Scorpio lagna or ascendant person and role of each planet from sun, moon ,mars,Venus,mercury ,Jupiter and Saturn on the entire life is given 😉 with interesting details ;).
  • To illustrate the concepts an example of an additional celebrity from the film industry has been added to explain the role of all 7 functional planets or Scorpio lagna or as ascendant people in detail. 😉
  • The Second part of this article discusses Scorpio lagan or ascendant for Arjun Rampal the Bollywood actor as an example. It looks at how Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi as his impacts life of this actor.
  • It further analyses astrological causes his success in films /movies and also arjun rampal’s two marriages with Meher Jesia and Gabriella Demetriades based on his Lagna or ascendant Scorpio and other factors.
  • Scorpio vrishchika rashi arjun rampal
    Scorpio Ascendant or Lagna Good & Bad Planets in Kundli –Vrishchika rashi predictions?

    Scorpio vrishchika rashi arjun rampal
    Grahas or planets and Scorpio sign (ascendant or rashi)Vrishchik Lagna or Ascendant.

  • In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Shukra(Venus), Budh and Shani(shani) are malefic. Jupiter or Guru(brihaspati) and Chandra(moon) are favorable. The royal planet Surya(sun), and in addition Chandra(moon) are Yoga Karakas.
  • In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Mangal(Mars) though natural malefic is impartial. Shukra(Venus) and different malefic secure the nature of creating demise or death inflicting.
  • negative Scorpio ascendant planets
    Malefic Planets for Scorpio Lagna:
    Venus as a Malefic for Scorpio Lagna

  • For Scorpio Lagna (Ascendant), Venus becomes a malefic planet as it rules the 7th and 12th houses.
  • The 7th house relates to partnerships, marriage, and business relationships, while the 12th house governs losses, expenditure, and isolation.
  • Since Venus is the natural benefic of relationships and luxury, its ruler ship of these houses creates complications.
  • In the case of marriage or partnerships, the native may face challenges in building harmonious relationships.
  • There could be delays, dissatisfaction, or separations in married life.
  • Venus’s association with the 12th house may also lead to expenses related to indulgence, luxury, or foreign travel, which might not yield beneficial results for the native, especially if not managed carefully.
  • so clearly venus or Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi rules the 7th house or the markesh bhava. it gets malefic especially as venus ahs other lordship of 12th house and so also venus is lord of markesh bhava 7th. Issues and negativity is there especially when venus is weak. The 7th house lordship if weak could give issues in relationships or jobs. so also 12th house lordship in some cases could give gains from foreign lands. But mostly issues in sleep and sex matters. as venus is karaka for sex and other matters as well.
  • Financially, Venus’s ruler ship over the 12th house could lead to unexpected expenses or losses, particularly in matters related to business partnerships or joint ventures.
  • There may also be issues with managing debts or financial obligations in foreign dealings or travel.
  • Venus can also influence a tendency toward indulgence or addiction to material pleasures, potentially causing setbacks in the native’s financial progress.
  • For Scorpio ascendants, Venus’s typical positive traits are diminished, and careful handling of relationships, finances, and expenses is necessary to avoid difficulties.
  • The 12th house primarily deals with outflows and sleep. so if negative or weak or even if very strong in both cases the losses could happen. a very strong venus or 12th house could give some gains, but so also outflows and losses. 12th house deals with hospitalization as well.
  • Mercury as a Malefic for Scorpio Lagna

  • For Scorpio Lagna, Mercury is another malefic planet as it rules the 8th and 11th houses.
  • The 8th house governs sudden events, transformations, obstacles, and inheritance, while the 11th house relates to gains, networks, and aspirations.
  • Mercury’s ruler ship over the 8th house can cause unexpected disruptions in life, such as financial instability, sudden changes in career, or inheritance issues.
  • The native might also face challenges in communication and misjudgments, which could lead to conflicts in business or social networks.
  • Mercury’s influence on the 8th house could lead to psychological stress or confusion due to its mental nature, especially in matters related to death, transformation, or shared resources.
  • 8th house functions as a natural malefic like rahu or dragon’s head. so if afflicted or very strong the negative effects of sudden surge of events, connection with negative people or issues in sex matters or connection to sexually intense or over passionate people could be there. as mercury rules discrimination and connection to 8th house means issues in thinking properly and sudden matters come to fore.
  • In terms of financial gains and aspirations, Mercury’s role as the 11th lord can lead to difficulties in achieving the desired results.
  • Even though the 11th house represents gains, Mercury’s malefic nature for Scorpio Lagna means that these gains may come through stressful or complex situations, often involving uncertainty.
  • The native might experience struggles in forming stable friendships or support networks, leading to inconsistent success.
  • Mercury’s ruler ship of the 8th house further complicates things by causing disruptions in business, delayed profits, or unreliable social connections.
  • The effects of 8th house go to 11th house as well. so also in some classics 11th house is taken as malefic as well. As from bhava bhavam 11th house is 6th from 6th house of debts, fights and conflicts. So also in such situations of mercury ruling the 11th house for Scorpio sign, issues with friendship , so also gains and elder siblings all could happen. the best bet is to chant Vishnu sahastranaam or donate pen pencil and rubber copies to needy school children.
  • Saturn as a Malefic for Scorpio Lagna

  • For Scorpio Lagna, Saturn acts as a malefic planet due to its ruler ship over the 3rd and 4th houses.
  • The 3rd house deals with communication, siblings, efforts, and courage, while the 4th house represents home, mother, and emotional security.
  • Saturn’s influence here can bring delays or hardships in these areas.
  • Natives may struggle with expressing their ideas or communicating effectively, which can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts with siblings.
  • In the 3rd house, Saturn often creates hesitation in taking bold actions, leading to procrastination or a lack of initiative in pursuing goals.
  • Additionally, relationships with siblings may be strained or cold, and there may be frequent disagreements.
  • Now 3rd house is for actions and initiative, but it is also considered the secondary markesh. so also in much classical literature it is considered as a negative house. so Saturn ruling 3rd house could give issues in initiatives. or even the person could take tough initiatives or negative ones. planning or goals could be too high to achieve practically.
  • In the 4th house, Saturn’s malefic influence can cause issues with the home and family environment, potentially leading to emotional dissatisfaction or separation from the mother.

  • Delays or obstacles in acquiring property, land, or vehicles are also common with Saturn in this position.
  • The native may face challenges in creating a stable and nurturing home environment, and emotional security may be hard to come by.
  • Saturn’s influence in these areas might lead to feelings of isolation or a sense of burden related to family responsibilities.
  • This placement may also result in the native taking on the role of a caregiver or provider at an early age, which can bring added stress.
  • 4th house lordship of Saturn is considered generally good as per classical astrology. as the negative or malefic planet Saturn rules 3rd or secondary markesh bhava as well. but the considering is that it has to be strong to give good results. but still, being lord of 3rd house, some negative effects also come to the same. so still issues in image or vehicle or mother and landed properties could come to Scorpio lagan people.
  • happiness positive Scorpio ascendant planets
    Benefic or good Planets for Scorpio Lagna:
    Jupiter as a Benefic for Scorpio Lagna

  • For Scorpio Lagna, Jupiter is a highly benefic planet as it rules the 2nd and 5th houses.
  • The 2nd house relates to wealth, family, and speech, while the 5th house governs creativity, intelligence, education, and children.
  • Jupiter’s influence brings prosperity and wisdom in these areas.
  • It blesses the native with good family support, financial stability, and a sense of security.
  • Wealth accumulation is favored when Jupiter is strong, as it provides the native with the wisdom and discernment necessary for sound financial decisions.
  • Jupiter’s ruler ship of the 2nd house also brings ethical and meaningful communication, helping the native in professional and personal relationships.
  • so as 2nd house is a secondary representative of family , Jupiter the blessed planet there if strong and un afflicted gives the Scorpio lagan people good fun and growth in family matters. so also 2nd house is for wealth and status, so also Jupiter here could mean gains from dharma related matters or simple gains. so also gains from nice speech are there.
  • In the 5th house, Jupiter acts as the significator of creativity, intelligence, and luck.

  • This can manifest as success in educational pursuits, particularly in fields that require higher knowledge, philosophy, or spiritual studies.
  • Jupiter’s benefic nature also ensures that the native experiences joy and fulfillment through creative endeavors, romance, and relationships with children.
  • This placement often grants strong intuition and the ability to make wise decisions in speculative matters, such as investments or stock markets.
  • The native’s spiritual inclination may also be heightened, leading to personal growth and self-awareness.
  • The 5th house is for deep thinking, creativity and children. so also 5th house is for investments. so also Jupiter is a planet of deep thinking ,religion and dharma. so when Jupiter rules the 5th house it means one could get deep into dharma. so also get blessings of children or blessed children as Jupiter is karaka for children as well. so again the combination of Jupiter the wealth and stocks and 5th house could mean great gains from stocks as well.
  • Moon as a Benefic for Scorpio Lagna

  • The Moon is another benefic planet for Scorpio Lagna, ruling the 9th house of luck, fortune, spirituality, and higher learning.
  • The 9th house is considered one of the most auspicious houses, and the Moon’s influence here ensures that the native enjoys good fortune, blessings, and support from mentors or father figures.
  • The Moon in this position brings a sense of optimism and emotional well-being, especially when it comes to faith, spiritual beliefs, and philosophical matters.
  • The native is likely to experience lucky breaks, opportunities for travel, and a natural curiosity about higher knowledge.
  • The 9th house is where our purvjanma sanskars or karma is stored. so also 9th house deals with higher thought and thinking as it is 5th house form 5th. so Moon the lord of 9th if strong means good dharma thoughts, success in life and travels that are gainful. as 9th house means higher education as well so for Scorpio lagan people it means higher education with travel.
  • Furthermore, the Moon’s influence on the 9th house fosters a strong connection to spirituality and a deep inner calling toward charitable or humanitarian causes.
  • The native may have a nurturing or caring approach to faith, often seeking solace in meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices.
  • Relationships with teachers or spiritual guides tend to be positive, and the native may benefit from their advice and guidance.
  • When the Moon is well-placed, the individual can achieve contentment and emotional fulfillment through spiritual endeavors, travel, and self-reflection.
  • The 9th house is spiritual guide or Guru as well. so here the moon energy means a sensitive and creative guru or spiritual path. so also one could get a guru by travelling etc.
  • Sun as a Benefic for Scorpio Lagna

  • For Scorpio Lagna, the Sun rules the 10th house, which governs career, status, reputation, and public image.
  • The Sun’s ruler ship of this important house makes it a benefic planet, providing leadership qualities, authority, and success in the professional sphere.
  • The Sun in the 10th house ensures that the native is recognized for their efforts and leadership skills, often bringing them into positions of power or influence.
  • This placement typically brings prestige and respect in the professional field, especially in areas related to government, administration, or roles that require decision-making and authority.
  • sun means rank and position and so is the 10th house lord for the same. so sun lord of 10th could give great rank , position and initiative. so all is true of sun is strong.
  • The Sun’s influence also ensures a strong sense of duty and responsibility toward the native’s career and public life.
  • Scorpio ascendants benefit from the Sun’s illuminating power, helping them gain clarity and focus in their professional goals.
  • The Sun in this position also promotes self-confidence and ambition, enabling the native to overcome obstacles and achieve recognition.
  • With this placement, there is a natural drive to succeed and rise to prominent positions, making it easier for the native to stand out in their field and earn the respect of their peers and superiors.
  • The 10th house means career and recognition . so also un means initiative. so un the lord of 10th means success with will power and initiative after closing the challenges. Their or Scorpio lagan people name and fame would increase with proper initiative and action.
  • yoga’s planetary combinations
    Scorpio Or Vrishchika Rashi above Rules explanation

  • Is mars or Mangal benefic or malefic for Scorpio lagna or ascendant people?In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Mars or Mangal rules the ascendant and also rules the sixth house(bhava) of vighna or obstacles. But as mars rules a good house(bhava) of ascendant and also sixth house(bhava) so the negative effects/obstacles/debts and enmity balance out- makes mars as neutral.
  • what is the role of the dev Guru or benefic Jupiter for Scorpio ascendant lagna(vrishchika rashi) people? In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Now Jupiter’s (Guru)mool trikona sign Sagittarius(dhanu rashi) rules the second house(bhava) and also the sign of Pisces(meena rashi) rules a benefic house(bhava) of fifth house(bhava) of children and also thinking/education, Jupiter(Guru) is positive and benefic.
  • what is the role of 3rd house of initiatives and projects and brothers and sisters and 4th house of Family,vehicles,cars and mother for Scorpio lagan or ascendant people?That is the role of planet Saturn or shani dev? The lord of third house(bhava) or shourya bhava of initiatives and business is Non Mool trikona sign of Capricorn(Makar Rashi) and the malefic Saturn(shani) rules the Kendra house(bhava) of fourth of mother/conveyance and family. So Saturn(shani) should be mostly benefic, but as Saturn is in conflict with the ascendant mars- it is treated as a malefic.
  • what is the impact of the 7th house or bhava for Scorpio or vrishchika lagna or ascendant people? That is planet venus or shukra?In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),The lord of the seventh house(bhava) of love/marriage and relationships and job is ruled by non mooltrikona sign of venus (Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi)and venus(shukra)also rules the malefic house(bhava) of twelfth of hospitalization /stress and travel- so venus is over all a malefic for Scorpio ascendants.
  • what is the role and predictions of the 8th house or bhava for Scorpio or vrishchika lagan people? Thats is planet Mercury In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),The lord of the most malefic house(bhava) the eight house(bhava) of accidents /fights/death/landed property is mercury(budha) – that is the Mithuna sign or rashi– and also mercury rules the eleventh house(bhava) of gains and elder brother, but eleventh house(bhava) is not considered great as such and also mercury(budha) energy is in conflict with mars or Mangal energy so mercury is not a benefic, it’s a malefic.
  • what is the role for 9th house or bhava lord moon for Scorpio or vrischika lagna or ascendant people in the horoscope or kundli? The benefic planet moon(Chandra) sign cancer(karkat rashi) rules the ninth house(bhava) of luck and fortune/father and foreign travels- so moon is a benefic for Scorpio(vrishchika ascendant) ascendant. Though moon is not very good with mars.
  • what is the role of the 8th bhava lord sun for Scorpio lagan or vrishchika ascendant people? In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Sun(surya) is a malefic and rules the tenth house(bhava) – of career and fortune. So gets benefic in nature. It’s a yoga karaka planet and is also friendly with mars.
  • Scorpio vrishchika lagan predictions
    Looking at an illustrative example of a celebrity is Scorpio or Vrishchika lagna (ascendant) and status of various planets and houses?
    Scorpio vrishchika lagan predictions
    what is the role of mars ( or Mangal) for Scorpio lagna or ascendant people based on a real example of celebrity Horoscope?

  • now if you look a role of mars or Mangal for Scorpio lagna or ascendant people. Mars or Mangal rules the first & the 6th house . for this celebrity it is in the lagna(ascendant) of this person.
  • so it is very clear that Mars has a strong influence of this person . ;). this person is one of the best martial artists in the industry and also knows karate. infact he was a success in the film industry due to martial arts mastery .;)
  • he has a very good muscled body is active and energetic every time . as we know ruling e 6th house or bhava mars or Mangal is malefic for him. so his risks are generally high as he plays his risky stunts himself. 🙁 but sure mars is still helping him to grow in the film industry life.
  • what is the role of Jupiter (guru) for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant people based on a real example of celebrity Horoscope?

  • Now for Scorpio ascendant or lagna people Jupiter or Guru rules 2nd house and fifth house s. o it is definitely benefic planet for these people. Jupiter is a markesh ruling the 2nd house for Scorpio Lagna or ascendant people.
  • Now for this celebrity Jupiter sits in the 9th house and is exalted so this gave him great or excess wealth and status and luck to succeed.;)
  • also as 2nd bhava rules the family life and family he has a very good family and home life. as his second Bhava is ruled by the same. he also is very well settled. plus he also has very well to do children with the fifth house of the Scorpio Lagna people indicate now we look at Saturn or shani dev sits for him in the 5th house. .so may simply mean some delays in having children or kids for him.
  • what is the role of Saturn or shani for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant people based on a real example of celebrity Horoscope(kundli)?

  • Now for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant Saturn or shani dev rules the 3rd house of initiatives and siblings and also the 4th house or bhava of public image.
    also it rules home ,conveyances and cars as well.
  • Now for this person Saturn is sitting in the 5th house that is a trikona bhava so it is definitely well positioned .this gives him good enough public image and yes he is famous as well. he has earned money and name and fame by hard work . he is close to his siblings and also he is very hardworking .overall we can see that Saturn is really a benefic for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant . despite the 3rd bhava being the markesh bhava, but here rules the initiatives.
  • what is the role of Venus or shukra for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant people based on a real example of celebrity Horoscope?

  • Venus or shukra rules the twelfth house for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant people. so it is definitely negative planet. it also rules the 7th house so these people are prone to have more than usual love relationships outside marriage as well .
  • Yes 😉 the celebrity here had multiple love partners and affairs. with heroines. 😉 and yes family could have been affected due to venus ruling 12th bhava, but he got saved due to strong Jupiter ruling his 2nd bhava.
  • what is the role of Mercury(budha) for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant people based on a real example of celebrity Horoscope?

  • now we look at the role of planet mercury or budha for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant people. mercury or budha rules the 8th house and the 11th house and is partially bad 🙁 . as 8th house could create unexpected troubles for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant people.
  • But as mool-trikona bhava is ruled by Virgo the 11th bhava so it is more beneficial than bad for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant.;)
  • The planet mercury for this person rules 6th house and is in 11th house .so that means a lot of gains in wealth and status for this person. an also gains from friends etc.
    100% yes we know that he has earned a lot of wealth and patronage from the industry .he is one of the richest actors in the film industry. 😉
  • what is the role of sun or surya for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant people based on a real example of celebrity Horoscope?

  • sun or Surya for the Scorpio Lagna or ascendant people . The planet sun rules the 10th House so as sun is a malefic but ruling the 10th house becomes benefic as per kendradhipati rule of any horoscope or Kundli.
  • for this Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant celebrity sun is ruling his action and career and name fame.
  • all this gives him great public image & great success in the films. also he does great in action. he is world famous due to the same one can see the role of Sun for Scorpio Lagna people very clearly.
  • what is the role of Moon or Chandra for Scorpio lagna(vrishchika rashi) or ascendant people based on a real example of celebrity Horoscope?

  • Moon represents father and is in opposition to Scorpio lagna ruled by mars. so he lost his father very young in age. also moon has exalted Jupiter over there so clearly indicates great luck for this man. 😉
  • Moon is a benefic for him and he leant martial arts from his father in t he sense got inspired. his father was also a wrestler.;)
  • 440px-Arjun_Rampal_12 Scorpio Ascendant Lagna Good Bad Planets in Kundli Vrishchika  rashi arjun rampal predictions

    Do the Rules below work for Kundli Or Horoscope of arjun rampal

    arjun rampal Scorpio
    Arjun Rampal – Bollywood Actor
    Date of birth :- 26th November, 1972
    Place of Birth :- Jabalpur, MP, India

    arjun-rampal-H Scorpio Ascendant Lagna Good Bad Planets in Kundli Vrishchika  rashi arjun rampal predictions

  • what role does venus or shukra a play for arjun rampal’s Horoscope or Kundli?In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Venus(shukra) rules the twelfth house(bhava) for him( stress/travel and health issues) and also the seventh house(bhava) of love and relationships for him.
  • So venus(shukra) being the karaka for film industry and mars for modeling.
  • Did venus cause arjun rampal’s marriages to so beautiful women? One can see He got married to his co model mehr jesia. One can clearly see Venus ruling the modeling and films is ruling his seventh house(bhava) of relationships/love and job.
  • does mars play a role for arjun rampal’s Horoscope for martial arts? 😉 In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Martial arts & action movies movie “asambhav” ruled by mars have been neutral for him. That is they have given him the basic fame.
  • does mars or Mangal Give arjun rampal a muscular and slim frame based on his horoscope? In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart), Scorpio or vrishchika ascendant has given home the slim and muscular frame.
  • what makes his wife Mehr jesia so b beautiful?
  • His wife mehr jasia being ruled by venus has been helpful to him and also beautiful.
  • Despite his good looks , venus(shukra) being a malefic – it does not help him come up in films.
  • what makes Arjun Rampal have different from others in the bollywood film industry ?

  • what is the impact on personality of Scorpio lagan or ascendant for arjun rampal’s horoscope or Kundli? Arjun Rampal’s horoscope or kundali has Scorpio ascendant that is vrishchika Rashi .the lord mars or Mangal is sitting 12th house . also one has to take note that his Surya Kundali Sun or solar horoscope is only available as birth time is not accurately available.
  • The Scorpio lagna seems fine and it is fitting in well as mars or Mangal the lord makes Arjun Rampal passionate and is sitting in the house of passion that is the 12th(twelfth house) .
  • what planets in the horoscope of arjun rampal gives him so handsome looks? 😉 Also we need to take note the Mars or Mangal is sitting on a strong dispositor venus . so over all mars and venus is giving him very handsome looks, makes hi, attractive and popular among the females . Plus mars or Mangal also gives him good muscular body which is distinct just like Salman Khan or Akshay Kumar and others in the film industry,
  • Mars arjun rampal mars Mangal ScorpioPlusVenus arjun rampal shukra venus Scorpio12th House === Arjun Rampal
    arjun rampal Scorpio

  • does the planet mars, the Scorpio lagna r ascendant and sun give arjun rampal so much name and fame?we note to note that sun or surya is in the lagna. This planet stands for good image and fame. as we know sun is a friend of mars the lord of Scorpio sign. It is with Mercury(budha) . so sun is comfortable and it rules his house of career and karma. It suggest as it rules 10th House Lord. also being in Lagna gives him good raj yoga ,
  • what roles does mercury have in success of arjun rampal? this suggests owner or the person with this Yoga would have great gains in life. for arjun rampal Mars and Venus combination clearly gives him great looks. also makes him fairly successful. Looking at mercury in the lagna it has lordship of 8th and 11th bhava or house. The 11th/eleventh house being the lord of the house of gains and money , strongly suggest good money and gains for arjun rampal in films.
  • Is arjun rampal very sensitive and vulnerable?
    Also one can see the success in life for arjun rampal based on his Moon Lagna or rashi. Moon is in own sign so that gives a good stability of mind in general for overall success. It also gives him the look of sensitivity and vulnerability for the women fans to like him.
  • what roles does Jupiter have fro arjun rampal’s bollywood career? we also need to note that one of the additional reasons for his wealth and status is Jupiter , who is the karaka for prosperity and wealth and status is sitting in the second bhava or house for Arjun Rampal . that combination or yoga also gives him significant gains in life and wealth plus. status. Also as Rahu is also sitting there – it gives arjun rampal popularity in anti hero or villain roles as well which has done .
  • Films and Roles of Arjun rampal

    romantic roles for him were there in movies like

  • 2001 Deewaanapan
    2002 Dil Hai Tumhaara
    2003 Dil Ka Rishta
    2005 Vaada
    2006 I See You (2006)
    he also did great in action films like
    2004 Asambhav
    2013 D-Day (2013)- note 13=1+3/4 so 2013 same as 2004 🙂

    some of the thriller he worked for
    2005 Yakeen,
    2021 Chakravyuh
    2013 Inkaar (2013) His commercially successful films are
    – 2006 Don /2007 Om Shanti Om/ 2009 Rock On/2010 Houseful

  • what gives Arjun Rampal search handsome looks successful model and film actor?

  • which planets in the horoscope of arjun rampal make him so handsome and sexy to opposite sex?
    very clearly we see that mars or Mangal the Planet of action and manliness is in his Lagna or ascendant so that is giving great masculinity and muscles. he also is a gymnasium buff we know. also Mars is sitting with Venus in the 12th house .So Mars and Venus combination gives arjun rampal passion and beauty in terms of handsome looks. secondly the Planet of youth and sensitivity mercury is sitting very close to his Lagna that gives some great youthfulness and smartness in looks.
  • plus sun or surya sitting in the lagna gives him distinction in his personality and looks. also his guru or strong Jupiter gives him good health – over all the combination suggest good and handsome personality . Saturn aspecting Lagna from 7th or seventh bhava gives him some slightly darker complexion and seriousness- that could be easily noted.
  • What makes Arjun Rampal marry more than once?
    Gabriella arjun rampal love meher marriage pregnant

  • On the date of 28 May 2018 Meher Jesia and arjun rampal announced their separation and it was after 2 decades of marriage. Following the same In April month of 2019, arjun Rampal announced that his girlfriend whose name is Gabriella Demetriades, is pregnant. He has two daughters with her with meher.
  • How exactly the planets cause two marriages for arjun rampal? now looking at the married life for Arjun Rampal , the planet Venus or shukra rules the 7th house of his marriage and love matters and is sitting in the 12th(twelfth) house of Arjun Rampal. but Venus is sitting in the 12th house suggest basic issues in marital matters .
  • also it says that his(arjun Rampal’s) wives would be beautiful because Venus is a planet of beauty . so yes meher( former Miss India) and Gabriella both is beautiful and gorgeous. yes but at the same time being in the 12th houses they could have strong issues in the marital matters.
  • what is the combine’s effect of Saturn and venus on marriage of arjun rampal? Saturn(shani dev) retrograde and Lord of third Bhava that is the secondary markesh bhava for arjun rampal sits in the 7th or seventh house. suggest very strong differences with the loved ones or life partners for arjun rampal. as Venus is strong in the own sign in Libra(Tula rashi) in the 12th house/bhava. It suggest that more than one marriages are possible .which is 100% true he married twice !!!
  • what would be the career of future of especially in coming 12 months in 2019 and 2020?

  • Now as Saturn has got into his 2nd bhava of family and is retrograde one can clearly see how the Saturn or shani sitting in the 7th bhava of arjun rampal is causing separation for him with his first wife meher. also Jupiter is retrograde and is dispositer for Saturn or shani being vakri now is obviously bad for his former marriage.
  • sun or surya rules the 10th house of Arjun Rampal and he has had a very great career .that means he’ll be dignified he will reach the top of his career in films or bollywood. he would also remain at top for a long. Mercury along with sun gives arjun rampal good wealth and gains from is movies or films .so he will go steady for a while . Plus strong Venus continues to give him m handsome looks for a while and mars(Mangal) help him maintain a muscular body. then in 2019 ending Jupiter or guru in transit will get into second bhava of wealth. so he would have increase in wealth flows due to his movies etc.
  • Saturn or shani in Capricorn or makar would give him more work and roles in movies. he will get more money and yes his family would grow . 🙂 yes his wife Gabriella is pregnant is expecting . so this is confirmed by the transit of Jupiter.
    he will be doing much better after November 2019 and year 2020 would be great time for him .but yes it could be bit eventful for arjun rampal- but sure. we wish him all; the best in life.