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Birth details & Horoscope:
what planetary combination or Yoga’s gives Abhishek Bachchan a distinction in personality?
The lagan lord of Abhishek Bachchan is mars are in the second bhava or house. This gives him good and unique status and yes personality.

Does Venus or shukra of Abhishek Bachchan’s Kundli Or Horoscope suggest Good speech and dialogue delivery?
It also hints towards being the son of well-known actor Amitabh Bachchan and yes having a good and firm speech like his father. Mars here gives a firm speech and Venus here as the dispositor gives some sweetness.

What role does Mercury or Budha have for Abhishek Bachchan’s Kundli Or Horoscope for his superior dialogue deliveries?
Also, kindly note that he is born on 5th February, that is 5= mercury this gives him good ability to communicate and speak and yes deliver dialogues in films.

Why did Abhishek Bachchan have fevers in childhood based on his Kundli Or Horoscope?
As the malefic ketu is in first house of his , it is in the house of body could create fevers to the person so he or Abhishek could be prone to fever especially in child hood.

What role does Ketu or Mars have in Abhishek Bachchan’s Kundli Or Horoscope to make him so tall ;)?
But as ketu also means flag, so this could give a distinction in personality to Abhishek Bachchan which is there.

Does Mars or Mangal play a role for Abhishek Bachchan’s Kundli Or Horoscope To make him muscular?
so over all double mars type effect gives him a Strong muscular and Tall built to body structure.
he also needs to maintain reputation and mind must be kept calm with Yoga he has lost reputation in many of his flop films and that is primarily caused by planet ketu. he must be kept peaceful with Yoga.
what gives Abhishek Bachchan such a good family lineage?

What planets in the Abhishek Bachchan’s Kundli Or Horoscope promise Good Luxury for him?
As his Lagna Lord or ascendant is in Dhana bhava or 2nd house means gain and status to self and also luxury and comfort is there this clearly hints towards good enough family background they could have.

Do the planets in the Abhishek Bachchan’s Kundli Or Horoscope suggest good education or at least scholarship?
This combination also makes him gainful, also scholarly so he would be studying a Lot happy, also he may be endowed with good qualities.

What is Venus role for Abhishek Bachchan’s Kundli Or Horoscope to give him wealth and status?
As his Venus is the lord of this house and is strong in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi , so this could give good wealth and status to him .make his Face generally attractive

Is Abhishek Bachchan prone to fights and tiffs based on his Kundli Or Horoscope?
he has Mars in second house could make a person a bit prone to quarrel as second house rules speech and yes family as well, so he has to maintain good peace at the home front as well based on the planetary indication.

What is the role for Mars or Mangal for Abhishek Bachchan’s Kundli Or Horoscope?
Abhishek Bachchan may also have to save more money for days when revenues flow is less as mars could impact the wealth and status of Abhishek Bachchan from time to time.
As for Abhishek Bachchan 2nd(second) bhava is in the ninth bhava or house.
As his second lord is well fortified and 9th lord is Jupiter the karaka for money and wealth.
What gave Abhishek Bachchan to get Marital success to marry the beauty queen Aishwarya Rai Bachchan?
But sure, Abhishek Bachchan’s marriage is a success.
What are some interesting about Abhishek Bachchan?
- Abhishek Bachchan is a film actor and was born to world famous actor Amitabh Bachchan. He is also a play back singer and works for the Bollywood or Bombay film industry.
- His mother Jaya Bachchan ji is also a great actor and now a MP or a member of the parliament.
- He made his debut in the war film of refugee and then later many of his films failed to perform after the year 2000.He got success after 4 years in year 2004
- Abhishek Bachchan has got appreciation for his films or movies like Sarkar, and Yuva. He also got 3 consecutive film fare awards. He also acted like dhirubhai Ambani in the Mani ratanams film guru and got the best actor award.
- Abhishek Bachchan had some good money or commercial success in films like Dus(2005), Bluff master and also Bunty or Babli in year 2005.he also did well in the films Happy New year (released in 2014) and also house full 3 in the year 2016.he also got the National film award for the family drama “paa”.