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How is Longevity or Life span actually evaluated for any one based on Kundli or Horoscope?
Birth details & Horoscope of Meghan Markle the duchess of Sussex
What is Meghan Markleβs longevity or life span based on her lagan or ascendant in her horoscope?
Whatβs Meghan Markleβs longevity or life span based on her d9 or navamsha chart or horoscope(kundli) using Vedic astrology principles ?
So longevity based on her d9 or navamsha chart is around greater than 65 years
What is predicted Meghan Markleβs longevity based on pindayu harana- an objective calculation of longevity or life span?
CONCLUSION= What Over all Longevity & Life span of Meghan Markle?
Who is Meghan Markle?
What planetary combinations in the Horoscope or kundli made Meghan Markle a Celebrity and world renowned?
What planets in the Horoscope made Meghan Markle Join TV shows and Hollywood Film industry?
What Makes Meghan Markle Marry twice?
Longevity or Lifespan based on Kundli or horoscope
How is Longevity or Lifespan strengthened or weakened by various aspect of the Horoscope ?
The Third house and eighth house in any kundli connect to longevity or life span- practical application
What is the role of the Sahaj bhava or the third house to tell us about departure from world?
Moon or Chandra in Sahaj bhava could cause the departure due to tuberculosis as moon rules chest, but if Mangal or mars is there this could cause death due to weapons, fire and also thirst.
What is the role of Malefic like Saturn(shani) & rahu(dragon’s head) in the third house or bhava for departure from the world?
Does Jupiter or guru or Venus or shukra bless you or curse you in the third bhava or house?
How do benefic in the third house impact the departure?
How conscious we would be at the time of departure?
Where is the departure at home /while travelling or foreign lands?
What is the role of eighth house or bhava in departure from the world-part 1 ?
What is the role of eighth house or bhava in departure from the world-part 2?
Fate of the Human Physical System at departure from the world.
Longevity or Lifespan PRACTICAL application to the Horoscope or Kundli of Sri Jawahar Lal Nehru ji
Longevity & Life-span, Kundli or Horoscope(birth chart) Third & Eighth Predictions-Jawaharlal Nehru Congress prime minister India leader
Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru kundli or horoscope analysis for longevity and lifespan
Name: Jawaharlal Nehru
Date of Birth: Thursday, November 14, 1889
Time of Birth: 23:30:00
Place of Birth: Allahabad
Longitude: 81 E 50
Latitude: 25 N 57
Time Zone: 5.5
How is Longevity Evaluated in any Horoscope or Kundli ?
Birth details of Hardik Patel and horoscope
Longevity or Lifespan considerations based on d1(lagna), the Horoscope or Kundli moon chart and the d9 navamsha chart for Hardik Patel
Can Hardik Patel reach the top of the Ladder in Politics?
Forecast for hardik Patel 2018 Gujarat elections
About Hardik Patel
What is the basic of calculation for Longevity or Lifespan using Vedic astrology Principles for Any horoscope or Kundli ?
PRACTICAL example and concepts explained applying for longevity for Atal Bihari Vajpayee horoscope?
what is the longevity or lifespan of sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji based on his Navamsha or D9 chart or horoscope?
what is the longevity of Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji based on Pindayu harana?
summary of longevity & lifespan predictions for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji- planetary periods when he needs to take care of his health and vitality?
But again as Saturn or Shani dev the markesh is retrograde in august and till September and also its period of Leo/simha rashi so bad for Saturn people’s longevity- that means august ending and yes September could be hard for him
Zodiac Sign Libra Sun Sign HEALTH Horoscope(Tula Rashi):
What is the CORE health problem Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People should be aware of first?
Which organs of the Body Need special care for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People ?
How are the sex organs for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People more prone to health issues ?
How could vitality decline for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People as the age increases?
What Kind of Health problems Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People are naturally Prone to ?
Get To Know Exactly WHICH Health Problems You Are Prone To & Also Know WHEN You are more prone and WHY are You prone based on Your Planets in Your NATAL Chart(Like obesity, heart trouble, blood pressure,diabetes,Depression etc). Get a Detailed Overview of Next 12 months along with Simple Remedies Get Your PREMIUM & Highly PERSONALIZED HEALTH Horoscope Predictions Here!
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