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Birth details & Horoscope for sridevi ji
What does Bollywood actress sridevi’s horoscope or kundli (birth Chart)say about her past life- based on the ascendant /d1 or lagna chart?

does the Jupiter being retrograde in of Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope say something about her dharma in past life incarnation? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of sridevi ji, Her 9th ninth bhava lord is retrograde Jupiter in 9th bhava(dharma bhava or house) it itself-so at one hand it could give her very conventional religion in this life time(conventionality means following the traditions more strictly- so she was from a fairly conservative and conventional family)

what does Guru or Jupiter in Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope suggest about the past life incarnation place of birth? Based on the kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of sridevi ji And also as far as previous birth or past life is concerned Jupiter or guru rules the areas within India like the Himalayas(Kashmir/Jammu/Himachal/Uttarakhand)/the vindhyas(Uttar Pradesh/Delhi) and also to the point to the sea on the east side- may include Bihar and west Bengal as well.

does the Meena rashi or Pisces sign for Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope suggest west Bengal as a place of past life birth? As the Pisces sign or Meena rashi is there in her kundli/horoscope- it strongly indicates the coastal areas of like west Bengal.

does the retrograde Jupiter or guru for Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope suggest great money and affluence?In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of sridevi ji ,A strong but retrograde Jupiter(guru) gave her good connection with dharma/money /affluence/name/fame and luck and also gains from her (sridevi’s) father. All of which is 100% correct.
What does sridevi’s horoscope or kundli (birth Chart)say about her past life- based on the ascendant /d9 or navamsha chart?

what the lagna lord for the navamsha or d9 chart of Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of sridevi ji ,the lord of d9 chart or navamsa varga chart is Jupiter or dhanu rashi/Sagittarius sign.

which house is the planet of fame and money ruling for Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of sridevi ji ,Also Jupiter or guru is in 3rd bhava with sun or surya there ruling the ninth bhava, in the ninth bhava or house we have an agitated Saturn or Shani sitting there .

Does the horoscope or kundli of Bollywood actress sridevi suggest her being strict in certain sense?So on one hand it indicates a family or tradition of dharma- but Saturn(shani) here indicates some strictness’ and rigidity in customs.

does the moon or mind and the body of Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope absorb energies of accidents and problems? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of sridevi ji ,Jupiter or Guru absorbs the influence of moon as well the lord of the eighth house.

How does the horoscope or Kundli of Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s /suggest that she might have been with temple traditions in past life incarnations? So over all considering the eighth house/Saturn that is weak and also Jupiter or guru influence she(sridevi) may have been relatively from a poor family, but a rich in culture and may be very closely connected or associated with a temple or sattvic traditions.
What does sridevi’s horoscope or kundli (birth Chart)say about her past life- based on the ascendant /d60 or shashtiamsha chart?

does the d60 horoscope or kundli of Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope suggest a hard life for her like poison in past life incarnation? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of sridevi ji , Jupiter or guru is in an even sign of Pisces or Meena rashi – now this is a watery sign and ruled by guru and also it comes around 26 degrees or 52nd division of garala or poison.

does the d60 chart for Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope suggest that in past life she might have even a gymnast or a dancer?This division has to do with gymnasts and dancers.

what does the nakshatra or the star for Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope suggest about her dharma in past life? Also This nakshatra is krura or hard so clearly indicates a hard life for her to do with dancing/gymnastic and yes dharma righteousness and from relatively not so affluent family but rich in culture.

does double rahu for Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s suggest great talents in childhood? Given the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of sridevi ji ,As garala is krura location- so she had hard life in the past as well- this could hold a key to her exceptional talents in even childhood as a child actor or artist. This hard life is also reflected by a double rahu in her broth chart effects.

does the horoscope or kundli of Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope suggest great obstacles and issues in married life for her? Creating out of convention life/marriage with boney Kapoor( he was already married with kids or children) and indicating to restrictions in life time.
What does sridevi’s numbers or numerology say about past life talent she got or acquired physical karma?

How does numerology suggest or comfort Bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope would be for service in past life? just like she was associated with temples? The past life acquired talent is EAY =5 +1 + 16= 22= master number- this indicates completeness, fullness and in last incarnation service of GOD.

what is the connection of numerology or numbers for bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope to Vedic astrology? Now connect we got the same result by Vedic astrology saying that she(sridevi) related to a temple or religious place.
So she might be closely connected to dance or singing for the name of GOD- the talent which helped her do so well in films in this incarnation.

based on numbers or numerology was bollywood actress sridevi ji’s connected strongly to GOD or life of dharma? Also note the strong Jupiter energy in lagna chart and yes the ninth bhava energy in lagna and navamsa varga chart- so clear indication of strong connection with dharma or GOD in past life time.

does Vedic astrology and numerology both work for bollywood actress sridevi ji’s horoscope? There is no manipulation done here simple direct approach to connecting the both master sciences of Vedic astrology and Numerology.

Also note her destiny number = 4 and is birth number = 13= 1+3= 4= RAHU- So non-conventional life of hard work and restraint.
Role of Saturn and Jupiter(shani and Guru) for past life or reincarnation of sridevi ji’s horoscope
Role of Jupiter or Guru for past life or reincarnation of Sridevi ji’s Kundli or horoscope?
role for Saturn or shani for past life or reincarnation for sridevi ji’s Kundli or horoscope?
Something About sridevi the legendary actress of Bollywood /Tamil and Telegu films