About this article?
The article below in great detail discusses several Raja Yoga’s or Royal Yoga’s in detail for any kundli or horoscope
For better clarity on Raja Yoga’s a PRACTICAL example for Mr. Anil Ambani, the Reliance Group chairman’s chart is also analysed later at the end of the article.
The article looks at How the Raja Yoga’s or Royal Yogas convert the energy of Horoscope for better wealth, money , professional and family success, name and fame, good children, blessings from foreign lands 😉 and many things for any Kundli or Horoscope all discussed in detail.
The article also discusses what role as does the 2nd, 11th, 9th, 5th and even malefic houses like 6th, 8th, or 12th in any Horoscope or Kundli play in creating marvellous raja Yoga’s 🙂 for anyone.
the article also discusses various Raja Yoga’s formed by different lagans or ascendants like Ghatik Lagan, Arudha lagna and regular lagna.
It also looks at how could the ascendant or lagna sign like Aries, Taurus, or Pisces etc cause various special Raja Yoga’s.
IN the last section of this article .Some of the learning are then applied to Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or chart 🙂 for more clarity in views
Like Which planetary Yogas made Anil Ambani have so much of wealth despite losses he had all discussed.
As a PRACTICAL example the Kundli or horoscope of Anil Ambani is analysed to check various Raja Yoga’s discussed in this article.
It gives a deep insight on what made Anil Ambani at least an initial success, with a silver spoon in mouth 😉 with great money and status & power in life? all based on his Raja Yoga’s in Horoscope(kundli)

What Is a Raja Yoga or a King’s combinations and how is it Formed?

What does Raja Yoga mean in any Kundli or horoscope ? Does it mean more money 😉 or more power?
Raja Yoga means affluence in wealth flows & accumulation, happiness in family, assets, cars & conveyances it also means a good career and job.

Does mental happiness or peace have a connection to Raja Yoga in any Kundli or horoscope ?
Mental happiness and peace is also important. Now the next question is how is a Raja Yoga formed and evaluated based on a birth kundli or horoscope?

So, the basic thing is that Raja Yoga is evaluated based on basic Lagna Kundli, also navamsha Kundli and Arudha lagna as well.

Now next comes where could one get affluence and money flows or a good salary in job-? For that the second house and eleventh house or the lords of the same have to be fortified.

Also where does the assets /conveyance etc. come in for Raja Yoga for any Kundli or horoscope ? ? That comes from the fourth house or the bandhu bhava of yours.
The next question is where does a good job or career come in? It comes from the tenth house of career and job for that matter.

The most important question is who blesses or fortifies these houses?
This blessing come from our past life or poorva karma stored in the ninth house and our actions that are aligned with dharma or ethics.
Also, some part of it comes from the house of sudden fortune or lottery or unexpected gains that is the fifth house.

Do lesser difficulties and debts and health issues mean a Raja Yoga? Yes.
The lords of the sixth house the eighth house and twelfth house are the cause of various troubles, legal problems, fights, obstacles, hospitalization, and mental stress.
So when the lords of the respective house of sixth/eight and twelfth are weak and aspect the lagna or the ascendant- a raja Yoga is naturally formed.
The elaborations below cover some of the important combinations that could cause raja Yoga.
Also the horoscope of Anil Ambani the well-known industrialist and son of dhirubhai Ambani is analysed to check for raja Yoga by lagna and arudha lagna.

Various combinations of Raja Yoga primarily based on Arudha Lagna and otherwise normal Kundli described below.

Raja Yoga 1: What is the Role of lagna or Ascendant in Raja Yoga in formation any Kundli or horoscope ?
IN the kundli or horoscope ,In the event that Bhava, Hora and Ghatik Lagans (The 3 major lagans).
also their Drekkanas and Navamsha (d9 divisional or Varga Chart) as, or the said Lagans and their Navamsha (d9 divisional or Varga Chart) as, or the said Lagans and their Dreshkanas get a Drishti(aspect) from a Graha, a Raj Yoga is framed.
Explanation Raja Yoga 1: For the kundli or horoscope In the event that Arudha Pada is involved and lagna has an exalted Graha or planet(Like say Venus is Pisces(Meena Rashi) or say Jupiter in cancer(karkat rashi).
especially Chandra Or Moon in exaltation, or by Guru and additionally Shukra(Venus) (with, or without exaltation).
while there is no Argala or blockage by a malefic like Saturn, Rahu, or mars, blocking the energy, the person will turn into a lord or King of his locality.
So basically when the arudha pada lagna above gets good energy from a benefic in exaltation it absorbs all the good effects of the same. As the arudha lagna indicates the self or the body, so when it is well placed suggest that one would get all the comforts and live like a king.

Raja Yoga 2: Could the lagna or arudha pada if being a benefic sign or rashi also cause a Raja Yoga in any Kundli or horoscope ? 😉
On the off chance that the Arudh Pad is a benefic Rashi or sign(Like Taurus(Vrishabha rashi),Libra(Tula rashi), Sagittarius(Dhanu rashi),Pisces(Meena rashi), containing Moon(Chandra).
while Guru(Jupiter) is in Dhana Bhava(second house of the horoscope), a similar impact as above of raja Yoga would come to fore.
Explanation raja Yoga 2:
For any kundli or horoscope the reason for above predictions is arudha pada is a lagna and so is the moon or Chandra lagna.
when both these lagan’s combine – so it gets doubly confirmed that good effects would go to both. So, raja Yoga is confirmed.

Raja Yoga 3: Could the negative house like 6, 8 and 12th being weak and aspecting lagna cause a Raja Yoga in any Kundli or horoscope ? 😉
Indeed, in the case that one among Ari’s(sixth house of obstacles and conflicts), Randhr’s(eighth house of sudden problems) and Vyaya’s Lords(twelfth house), are in debility or weakness, and gives a Drishti(aspect) to Lagna or ascendant , there will be a Raj Yoga.
Explanation raja Yoga 3:
The above is crystal clear as most of the malefic or bad energy lies in the sixth, eighth and twelfth house( Includes third house as well to some extent).
when the lord is weak- that means obstacles/problems and expenditure are less- an aspects to the lagan or ascendant means- that the benefit of less losses or problems would go to the person.

Raja Yoga 4:what is the role of 2nd, 4th,10th,11th house and Venus or shukra case Raja Yoga in any Kundli or horoscope ?
The person will turn into a lord or a king, if a Graha or the planet, ruling Bandhu bhava (4= fourth house), Karma(10-tenth house), Dhan(2= second house), or Labh(11= eleventh house), gives a Drishti(or an aspect) to Lagna(ascendant).
while Shukra(Venus) the planet of comforts gives a Drishti(aspect) to the eleventh house or house of gains from Arudh Lagna, as Arudh Lagna is possessed by a benefic.
Explanation raja Yoga 4:
The reason for above results is obvious as second house, fourth house, tenth house, and second house are benefic houses
long with above if the good energy from the same goes to the self or lagna and the eleventh house from arudha lagna (ascendant) has good energy one could expect to be a king

Raja Yoga 5:
A similar impact to above will be gotten, if a weak Graha( or planet) gives a Drishti(aspect) to Lagna(ascendant) and is set in Ari(sixth house), or Randhr Bhava(eighth house).
Again, comparative outcome will win, if an incapacitated(weak) Graha(planet), set in Sahaj, or Labh Bhava, gives a Drishti(aspect) to Lagna(ascendant).
About Raj Yoga’s, considering the Grahas with various dignities and on the Drishti(aspect)s and Yutis of the Grahas.
Raja Yoga 5:How could the 9th and 5th bhava contribute towards a Raja Yoga in any Kundli or horoscope ?
Dharma’s Lord or the ninth house lord is like the exalted clergyman and all the more Putra’s Lord(5= fifth house lord).
In the case that these two Grahas(lord of 5th and 9th house) together give a Drishti(aspect) to lagan or ascendant, the person will acquire a kingdom. Indeed, if these two are yuti in any Bhava, or.
In case they happen to be put in commonly seventh aspect, one would become an imperial(royal) scion will turn into a lord or King of kings ;).
Explanation Raja Yoga 5:
The reason is that the ninth house is the house of luck and fortune and so is the fifth house the house of sudden windfalls and gains and both connect to good poorva janma Punya.
So when they combine in any house or are in aspect a strong positive energy combination in any bhava or house to make one a king in one aspect or the other. Like if this combination is in the first house .
– it could mean great honours to the person and sudden gain and goo interest in religion and knowledge.
If in the second house of the horoscope could mean great wealth flows and good gains.

Raja Yoga 6:How could the Parivartan Yoga or energy exchange of 4th and 9th bhava and any aspect to 4th or 9th bhava gives great Raja Yoga in any Kundli or horoscope ?
The Person will accomplish a kingdom, if Bandhu’s Lord(The 4= fourth house of family) is in Karma Bhava(The 10= tenth house of career) and Karma’s Lord(10th house) is in Bandhu Bhava(4th house).
And, if these Grahas give a Drishti(aspect) to Putra’s(The fifth house of sudden gains) and Dharma’s(The house of fortune /luck and past life karma) Lords.
Raja Yoga 7 : On the off chance that the Lords of Putra(fifth house), Karma(tenth house), Bandhu(fourth house) and Lagna(first house) are yuti(conjunction) in Dharma Bhava(The ninth house of luck and fortune) , one will end up being a ruler or king with popularity, spreading over the four directions of north/south/west and east.

Raja Yoga 8 : How could connection of 4th & 10th bhava lord with either 5th or 9th bhava create a great Raja Yoga in any Kundli or horoscope ?
If the Lord of Bandhu bhava (the 4th = fourth house of property and assets), or of Karma Bhava(The house of 10th = career & Job) join or connect to either the Putr’s Lord(The 5th = fifth house lord of sudden gains and lottery).
or Dharma’s Lord(The 9th= ninth house luck and fortune), the person will acquire a kingdom.
Explanation Above : So if the career and the assets lord get good energy form the house of luck the ninth house and the fifth house the house of lottery and gains- one will naturally be in good job and would have great assets for him or herself.

Raja Yoga 9:
How could the 5th house lord in 1st(lagna) and 4th or 10th bhava lord in conjunction with 9th house cause Raja Yoga in any Kundli or horoscope ? If the Putr’s Lord(The lord of the fifth house of children and luck) is in Lagna(ascendant), Bandhu(The fourth house of assets and property), or Karma Bhava(The 10th= tenth house of career & job).
Are in yuti(conjunction) with Dharma’s Lord(The 9th = ninth house lord of luck and fortune and past life karma), or Lagna Lord(ascendant lord), the person will turn into a ruler or a king.

What is Anil Ambani Raja yoga’s based on surya Lagan Kundli?
Name: Anil Ambani
Date of Birth: June 04th, 1959
Place: Mumbai
The lord of the lagna (ascendant) is Venus or shukra the planets of comforts and home and good life.
It is in the house of initiatives or business. So, his business and initiatives can give him the basic comfort in life.
The lord of wealth/status and karaka for business and communications is – one can clearly see one of the causes of success of reliance communications for anil Ambani.
The lord of gains or revenues flows is Jupiter that is lord of Pisces or Meena rashi in the seventh house of job and partnerships.
So, Job and partnerships would give good gains. Jupiter is a natural karaka for wealth. As well.
Please note his companies are of net worth of 3.3 billion.
Please note that mercury or budha the lord of fifth house (Virgo or kanya rashi).
also the lord if third house( Gemini or mithuna rashi) are one and same! So natural connection of second lord and the fifth lord is there in his horoscope.
The ninth lord Saturn(Capricorn sign or maker rashi) sits in the sign of Jupiter- that is Sagittarius or dhanu rashi.
also Jupiter is the lord of his eleventh house of revenues flows/salary and money etc.
So, a direct connection between past life and his money flows is formed here,
We can clearly see a strong raja Yoga for money or Lakshmi matters is there for anil Ambani’s kundli.

Is there a Raja Yoga In anil Ambani Kundli or Horoscope Based on Arudha lagna?
Given the kundli or horoscope or anil Ambani ji heading the reliance communication group, His ascendant lord or lagan is in the third house ( Venus in the sign of cancer or karkat).
There is rahu in his arudha lagna w in the sign of Virgo ruled by mercury- for communications. That means this would make him earn wealth or money from non-conventional methods as well.
In The second house of kundli or anil Ambani ji lord from arudha lagna lord Venus or shukra the planet that bestows peace and comforts.
It is in the eleventh house from arudha lagna that is in the sign of cancer(Karkat), bestowing him gains that would be immeasurable in nature.
Also in the kundli/horoscope of anil Ambani ji the ascendant of the arudha lagna- that is mercury(budha) is in the ninth house of fortune and luck ruled by the sign of wealth and comforts- that is Taurus(vrishabha).
This gives him great status and wealth again. This is one of the core causes of success of reliance groups.
Jupiter or guru the karaka for wealth sits in the third house of business for anil Ambani- giving him great wealth.
For anil Ambani ji( the reliance communication head)Gemini or mithuna rashi the dual sign rules his tenth house of career as well and also rules communications(reliance communications and mobile).
It comes into the ninth house or purva punya or luck of the past life blessing his career and especially to do with communications with immeasurable wealth and fortune.
Given the kundli & Horoscope of anil Ambani ji(reliance communications group head) .
The seventh house lord is Jupiter(Pisces or Meena rashi) with ketu in it and sitting in his third house from the arudha lagna in the sign of Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi.
This clearly saying his job and business are one and the same and he would do exceptional well in the same due to ketu being there.
Given the kundli & Horoscope of anil Ambani ji, Ketu in the seventh house of love and relationships also suggest that his life partner would be of exceptional type. Yes, he is married to previous well-known film actor Tina Munim.
One can clearly see how anil Ambani has raja Yoga in his horoscope.