About this article ?
All the various raj and Other Yogas for wealth, status Money or Unique personality are discussed at length in this article.
The various Yoas or Planetary combinations at length discussed are Kahal, Mridanga, Kurma,Kusum ,kalpa Drum etc.
To help in better understanding of the Planetary Yogas or combinations the case of a Celebrity Akhilesh Yadav’s Yoga are analysed in depth
Also as we know that modern times when most of the government are secular in nature or democratic, so raj yoga or a kings Yoga in any Horoscope actually connect to Yogas of One becoming A CEO, CTO,CFO,COO of a company and entrepreneur or a political leader.

what are Yogas or Planetary Combinations for Career-Job ?!

What is the Relevance of Career & Raja Yogas?
Now we know that Yoga is simply a planetary energy combination in any Horoscope or Kundli that supports your endeavors in career or leadership.
Keep this in mind we have analysed various career related yoga’s or planetary combinations.
Also Career or Job is generally looked into the lord of your tenth house or bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli plus influences coming into the same.
Also sun or surya strength in the Horoscope or Kundli tells us how well you could do in career or leadership.
Plus various good houses like ninth house and fifth house give good energies to your career lord and 10 house of the Horoscope.
So all the aspects like 10th,3rd house , their lords and also 9th and 5th bhava of past Life reincarnation, so all these aspects are put together to analyse Career and also Raja Yoga formations for any Kundli or Horoscope.

What is Kahal Yoga?(What do you gain from Kahal Yoga if it is in your Horoscope or Kundli?:
This Yoga in any Horoscope or Kundli suggest one being an army chief, CEO or head of the company, Good Image and Good Guts).
In the Kundli or Horoscope (Birth Chart if the Bandhu’s Lord(The fourth house lord) and Guru or Jupiter also be in shared Kendra’s(Like for example fourth /tenth or seventh house).
Additionally Lagn’s or ascendant Lord is strong, Kahal Yoga in the Horoscope or Kundli gets formed.
On the other hand Bandhu’s Lord( The 3rd house= bandhu bhava in any Horoscope), if it is his own sign, or exaltation rashi or sign (Like Jupiter is exalted in cancer, Venus in Pisces, sun in Aries, mercury in Virgo, Moon in Taurus ,Saturn in Libra etc and say these sign also rule the 3rd house of the Horoscope).
Additionally there is yuti(Conjunction) with Karma’s Lord or the tenth lord of this strong 3rd house bhava in the Horoscope.
So as 3rd house of projects and initiatives being strong , connects to the karma or action bhava.
Makes the person fiery, gutsy, beguiling, enriched with an entire Army, comprising of chariots, elephants( in olden days), stallions( in olden days :)) and infantry and he will Lord over a couple of towns.
Now a days this applies to Army or Navy or air force heads or generals .
as we shared above The core reason is here the lord of career and job and action gets very good energy from the benefic Jupiter.
Plus the lagna is strong so ensure gains and also the fourth house lord of home/public image strong- makes the person strong, full of guts along with fanfare.

What is Mridang Yoga?( What do you gain from this Yoga?:
The raja Yoga or planetary combination of Mridunga a king.
In the Kundli or Horoscope (Birth Chart),If that Lagn’s (ascendant) Lord is strong and is Kendra’s(the fourth/seventh and tenth house), Konas(the fifth/first and ninth house), possess Bhavas, or is exalted rashis, Mridang Yoga is framed.
The person concerned will be a lord, or equivalent to a ruler and be glad.
As the ascendant is strong and all the planets are strong or exalted- so the person is mostly blessed :).

What is Kurma Yoga or planetary combination in Kundli?( What do you gain from this Yoga?:
The Yoga for fearlessness & Boldness and leadership).
In the Kundli or Horoscope (Birth Chart),if in case that Putra(Fifth house), Ari(sixth house) and Yuvati (seventh house)Bhava are possessed by benefic Grahas or planets(like Venus(shukra) or Jupiter(Guru) and benefic mercury(budha).
Which are indistinguishable with own Bhava or house, or exalted, or well-disposed rashi or sign.
while malefic are in Sahaj(The third house of initiative and siblings), Labha(The eleventh house of gains) and Tanu Bhava(The first house of horoscope).
in their own Bhava or house, or in exalted, Kurma Yoga is formed.
The after effects of Kurma Yoga are: the person will be a lord. be bold, ethical, well known, accommodating, and upbeat. He will be a pioneer of men.
As the house of initiative third and the house of gains eleventh and house of self-first is involved- so malefic here( eleventh and third house are negative bhavas), makes them positive giving good action and gains to the person. It makes him or her bold and ethical.

What is Kusum Yoga or planetary combination in Kundli or Horoscope?( What do you gain from this Yoga?:
Yoga for happiness and becoming a king like person or raja yoga).
In the Kundli or Horoscope (Birth Chart),Shukra(Venus) in a Kendra(First or fourth or seventh or tenth house).
The planets Chandra(Moon) in a Kona or trines(fifth or ninth house).
alongside a benefic and Shani(Saturn) in Karma Bhava(tenth house of action/job and career).
these Grahas accordingly cause Kusum Yoga for one conceived in a Fixed rashi or sign ascending( Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius or vrishabha/simha/Vrishchika and Kumbha).
Such a person will be a ruler or a king, or equivalent to him, be magnanimous, will appreciate joys, and be glad, prime among his race men, temperate and red-lettered.
Venus in Kendra gives comforts of a king, moon in trines with benefic ensures gains to self( as moon ascendant represents self).
Saturn or Shani in the tenth house gives the ability to plan and hard as well as harsh actions of a king.
also fixed sign rising gives fixed nature to the person.
He or she does not want to listen to any one – just like a king does. This forms the raja yoga

What is Kalpa Drum Yoga or planetary combination in kundli or horoscope?( What do you gain from this Yoga?:
kalpadrum Yoga is for wealth and is a raja Yoga.
Take note of the accompanying four Grahas: Lagn’s or ascendant Lord , the dispositor of Lagn’s Lord (a), the dispositor of the Grah “a” call it (b), the navamsha dispositor of the Grah “b”.
so if in case that all these are arranged in Kendra’s(The fourth/seventh and tenth) and in Konas(The fifth and ninth)from Lagn, or are exalted, Kalpa Drum Yoga exists.
One with Kalpa Drum Yoga will be blessed with a wide range of riches, be a ruler, devout, solid, partial to war and lenient.
If the ascendant is strong , so is its dispositor and so is the depositor’s dispositor and along with it all the concerned planetary lords in Kendra(Including the navamsa dispositor).
this makes the lagna or ascendant very strong, so gives riches, devout nature, and lenience in attitude as a weak ascendant causes most of the troubles.

Yogas or Planetary Combinations for Career-Job & Position & Power : Akhilesh Yadav 2017 & beyond predictions
Date of Birth: 1st July 1973
Time of Birth: 12 PM not sure
Place of Birth: Saifai, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, India
2017 would mean a fresh start for akhilesh Yadav with lot of obstacles and uncertainties to deal with will power.
There could be promises that may not be fulfilled and he has to take special care of legal matters that might come up now.
2018 Mid say June 2018 onwards, there will be a big change for him in the life!
he needs to take good care of his father Sri Mulayam Singh ji and yes relationships with party members and also his wife (dimple Yadav)for the coming several years.
2019 could again be big and hard re-start for him, once again Father Mulayam Singh ji needs good care .
It might mean a lot of proving for him and re doing a lot of things again.
Over all over the next few years he may try to learn more, contemplate more and yes turn more towards spirituality. He may also be more stressed- so Yoga and meditation are a must for him now.
He may travel to far off regions for spiritual and learning purposes in 2020.
2017 natal Saturn is weak in his kundli or horoscope and sits with ketu and 12th lord sun and in transit along with rahu in the house of public image.
Saturn or Shani dev also rules the 6th house of obstacle’s and yes a good house of discipline that is 5th house in his kundli or Horoscope. So over all a contractive impact on his public image- loss of 2017 elections is an example .
Also Saturn or Shani dev sitting in the house of family – is one of the core houses of the family feuds he had to face in 2016 ending and 2017.
They will continue – but reduce a bit in 2018.
By 2019 Saturn or Shani dev would be in 5th house and hence aspecting the lord of father = Venus .
Saturn in transit in 9th sign Sagittarius or dhanu rashi and in 4th house.
Now here is where his natal Saturn is, one may note he lost his mother at relatively younger age.
Aspect of Saturn or Shani in transit(The dhaiya or a part of kind of sadhe sati) on natal rahu(dragon’s head) & ketu(dragon’s tail) axis causes stress and sudden issues in career.
Also aspect on natal sun; moon could cause loss of image or losses in elections, which is what has happened.
Saturn or Shani dev in the Horoscope also sends the malefic energy to mercury(Ruler of career and personality and image) and Venus as well, the planet of comfort and beauty.
One can clearly see right from October 2016 time frame when Saturn or Shani dev in the Horoscope got agitated with mars in Scorpio he had internal fights.
Also they were to the point of elections in 2017 when Saturn directly impacts his career – Saturn has a key role in his success and failure.
We wish him & his wife dimple ,all the best in life.