About this article ?
This is a Highly interesting article that in-depth studies How any Horoscope or Kundli.
That stores all the Past Life or Incarnation information and influences the Luck or destiny now in This life time :)- especially INDIA’s Past life Horoscope as a PRACTICAL example(that is when India was Bharat Desha) is taken to clearly elaborate how past life karma or reincarnation influences it Now:)
The roles of various house of the horoscope or Kundli like 9th( which directly deals with past life) is discussed and also the 5th house(that is of purva janma or past life incarnation punya) is discussed at length in this article.
So is the role of rahu and the 12th house of any horoscope of Kundli discussed to look at Past life or reincarnation closely
It also at Length discusses about how the past Life is evaluated based on your Navamsha(d9 divisional or varga chart) Horoscope for India
so is the Dwadashamsa(d12 divisional or varga) Horoscope and also Shashtiamsha(d60 divisional or varga) Horoscope along with the d1 or the lagan or ascendant Chart evaluated for Past Life reincarnation evaluation for India done as a nice example.
So this article with a PRACTICAL example of Past life reincarnation Horoscope is applied to the re-incarnation to India and its karma 🙂 in a very interesting manner. 😉
so is the past life re-incarnation karma for India evaluated based on Hebrew Numerology applied to past life Karma and reincarnation for country Like India! 🙂

The role of planet Jupiter(guru) in Kundli or Horoscope and the past Life Karma or reincarnation
In any kundli or horoscope (birth chart), Jupiter or guru is the planet of benevolence and good karma generally, and so good or bad karma of past life karma or reincarnation in any Horoscope or Kundli is also measured from this.
unless it is weak and afflicted, Jupiter or Guru gives good luck and good fortune form the past life.
That is, it’s the source of good luck and fortune from your past life in the cosmos.
As a REAL-Life example of on how KARMA effects our future ?
Just for example the Economic slowdown in 2010 happened in due to excess loans etc and this excess loans etc. All this Energy of DEBTS and WITHDRWAL got stored in the economic system of the world.
and especially USA or united states of America.
So in the same Manner our karma is peacefully stored in the cosmos of whatever you have done in your past life and released in the next life time 🙂 .
just like the spring of your car or motorcycle that stores energy when on a jerky road and releases at the proper time to maintain balance and harmony, so does Law of Karma Maintain Harmony and Balance in the cosmos.

The Law of Re-birth or re incarnation
This law of past life karma or reincarnation in any Horoscope or Kundli is simple and direct.
Also, In any kundli or horoscope (birth chart), Jupiter or Guru rules the 9th sign and 12th Now number 9 is a number of completion and also 9h bhava deals with one’s past life.
and so does Jupiter or guru as the karaka of the past life.
The 12th sign Pisces and the 12th house in the Vedic astrology rules your coming life.
The universe includes galaxies and planets & electrons all moves in cycles that could be ascending or descending in nature depending on the yuga you are in.

what is the role of Purva Punya House or 5th & 12th bhava or houses in re birth, Karma or reincarnation?
The 5th bhava is the bhava for Purva Punya and good samskara. this house also refers to deeper or more stable thinking of this life time.
so, the samskaras of the Past Life incarnation get reflected in deep thinking in this life time.
so is the 12th bhava holding the secret of the next life and has elements of the past life karma as well.
as 12th house is the bridge between this life time and also the next and over all the horoscopes connect to past life!

what is the role of Rahu or dragon’s head past life karma and reincarnation in any Horoscope or Kundli?
A lot of past life related karma and information is stored in the retrograde planets.
so does rahu or dragon’s head which is always retrograde have a lot of past life information store.
so for example say if your rahu is in 4th house, so suggests a strong connection of family in the past life.
Rahu or dragon’s head in the lagan(ascendant) may clearly mean a rebel nature carried from the past life or previous incarnations
all this could be easily cross checked in other systems.

The role of Ninth Bhava and Lord in the kundli or horoscope and the Past Life incarnation Karma of India (pre -independence)

How does the Higher Technology of India get reflected in the Past life incarnation Horoscope(kundli) of the same ?
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India, At the time of independence, India is about 8 degrees into the watery sign of cancer or karkat rashi in the 3rd
Now For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India third bhava rules travel/tours and tourism.
Now how does out past karma connect with all this? We have clear reference in Ramayana and Mahabharata of inter planetary travels :).
This may sound funny, but one never knows what kind of technology was developed at that time.
It had been different from what we have today in the kali Yuga that is the electronic technology on which computers are based.
More on what does the past life reincarnation Horoscope karma of India say about India based on
Horoscope ?
The 9th house Lord of India’s Horoscope Saturn in 7th house-the past life reincarnation of India ?
Now Saturn the lagna lord is exalted in the Libra sign of horoscope, which is 10th house from Capricorn.
so also in 3rd aspect it aspects the Capricorn sign .
so this means that as Saturn is a great teacher and a master of philosophy and learning, India was a teacher of the world! so also India was a master in philosophy in its past life reincarnation! So again it means India had good connections with or infact great connections with all philosophical regions of the world! as 7th house means connections and Saturn philosophy and 1st house is self! we know in the past India was deeply connected with ancient Egypt or Arabia or Africa and also south America and America as well.
people have found specific proofs for this matters and there are references of the same in Mahabharata and either Indian texts.
so also strong and stable business partnerships India had.
Now India was said “soney ki chidiya or the golden Bird “.
🙂 so this kind of money and grandeur can only come with business and yes spiritual maturity that India had at that time.
The Lord of Capricorn sign is Saturn- impact on past life reincarnation of India
Saturn or shani dev ruling the 9th house of India is ruled by Saturn, that is fair and is in the Libra sign in fair strength This means that India in its past life reincarnation was master of connection and sensitivity due to connection to cancer sign.
Saturn is exalted in Libra sign the 10th house from the Capricorn sign, so Saturn qualities gain a lot of strength due to the same. .
so this means India attracted luck & wealth by hard work , planning and great strength in philosophy as well.
Philosophy means occult, astrology tantra and other esoteric subjects like Upanishad and Vedas.
all these systems help to attracted wealth.
aspects on the
The 9th lord Saturn or shani dev is in the cancer sign- impact on past life reincarnation of India
Now cancer sign is a sign of water and yes movement and is fluid.
so also Saturn here could make India think more and more of philosophy.
Plus given the cancer qualities being 4th sign in the zodiac, and Saturn the planet of logic and execution all combined gave India great planning and execution and mathematics abilities.
so also due to logic we see Upanishads and so much of knowledge developed in India!
once again cancer sign is ruled by Moon or imagination, so cancer gave additional fling to India in terms of intuitive and emotional thinking.
the Vedas having music and also artistic sciences are a proof of the same.
so again the planning ability or an eye of details for cancer sign and planning ability of Saturn gave great ability to India to do trade.
we note Saturn or shani dev also a planet of servitude caused India to be to servitude of moguls and britisher’s as well.

How does the Computer success of India get reflected in the past life incarnation Horoscope(kundli) of India ?
There was no IT, in the past but communication happened by intuition may be. So, third bhava is for IT or information technology.
But essentially it is also for war arts and energies ruled by mars.
We have clear references of Brahma Astra(or the weapon of Brahma like energy) in Ramayana and Mahabharata both.
There are several other astras or as mentioned in our ancient classics.

How does being of GURU of China India get reflected in the past life incarnation Horoscope(kundli) of the same ?
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India Saturn(Shani) rules the sign of Capricorn(maker rashi).
The sign that rules independence and individuality and also philosophy. We know that we are again becoming world leaders in philosophy/yoga.
Even to China we gave Bodhidharma who developed Kungfu and yin and yang etc and Chinese medicine or health system .All from India.
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India Moon or Chandra in the 3rd bhava .
It is with Saturn, so Shani strengthens the thought that we had a philosophical taint in your personality.
Kindly note Saturn or Shani also represents hardships also as it is weak.
So yes we had to do with our hardships ranging from Mughal invasions to British(east India company) taking full control of our India.
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India Sun(surya) the lord of public image or the fourth bhava or house .
and leadership and connects to our past life lord Saturn(Shani) clearly indicating that we were leaders in the past – .
we are talking about much before independence the dwapara yuga /treat and Satya yuga.

How does the Yoga & Meditation Knowledge of India get reflected in the Past life incarnation Horoscope(kundli) of the same ?
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India The karaka of past life Jupiter is weak and rules the 8th bhava of hidden secrets.
That clearly suggest how effective we were in secret sciences of tantra/kundalini and astrology/Yoga etc.
A weak Jupiter simply suggests that India got independence when this samskaras of the past had become weak. Now we can see slowly these samskara of yoga or Ayurveda or astrology etc.
which was of inherent India are coming up slowly to all other nations.
In this 21st century especially by indicative of Sri Narendra Modi ji these things are coming to the forefront in the world.

The Role of the divisional or varga charts navamsha(d9),dwadashamsa(d12) and shashtiamsa(d60) bhava and lord in the kundli or horoscope and the past life of India(pre independence)

How does the d9 or Navamsha chart of India get reflected in the past life incarnation Horoscope(kundli) of the same ?
D9 or Navamsha of India horoscope or kundli
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India In the d9 chart or navamsha Jupiter rules the chart and also rules the 10th .
The lord is Pisces )Meena rashi) the spiritual sign and sits in the 3rd bhava(house) of action and initiatives .

How does the Higher rishi knowledge of spiritual culture of India get reflected in the past life incarnation Horoscope(kundli) of the same ?
So the actions of India would be spiritual in nature and would slowly work for liberation of the whole world(Pisces sign rising).
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India Saturn is in the house of gains and absorbs energy of the 8th bhava due to Venus.
This gives India a creative mastery over spirituality and liberation arts of the soul.
We know India has given the world the kriya yoga, tantra Yoga, mantra yoga, hatha yoga and what now.

D12 or dwadashamsa of India horoscope or kundli
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India This d12 chart is the link between past and present.
Now Saturn is in the dharma bhava the lord of d1, clearly saying about our religious roots and training in the past life that is pre independence or dwapara or treta/Satya yuga.
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India Saturn rules the 7th and 8th bhava.
that clearly connects to house 8 and markesh Saturn the lord of 7th and the philosophical cum hard pre independence era of India.
The planet Saturn is in the Pisces division ruled by lord Vishnu that is rod Krishna for us.

D60 or shashtiamsa of India horoscope or kundli
For kundli or horoscope (birth chart) of India Saturn is in 20:26 degrees cancer or karkat. We are looking at the lord of 9th In the d1 or lagna chart.
Is 40 + 1 division is =41, that is the Komal division of the d60th chart.
Suggesting India’s past India has been Komal or gentle and soft(that is one of the reasons that despite so great inner strength we lost too many invasions).

This division of d60th chart deals with fruits/vegetables/.Ayurveda or naturopathy or unani medicine and baking etc.
Now you yourself see how true all this is for India pre independence!!!
Look at the marvel and power of Vedic astrology of our rishis and ancient sages.

Something about India’s past life that is pre-independence based on Hebrew numerology
Physical karma = I = 10=1
Spiritual karma = N= 14=14
The physical karma or the physical body of India of the past are of number 1, nature of sun or the leader and stability and unity in the culture.
The spiritual karma of India is 14.
the is the number of mercury . That is the multidimensional spiritual energies that existed in this great land of India.

India is bound to be great country with such great spiritual and cultural past.
Which the unthought-of and stupid invasions could not erase . It is said that Changez Khan (Genghis khan)like 5000’s of Hun people was defeated .
They got also killed by shaolin monks of around 100 bare handed b the arts given by India through Bodhidharma. So, one can imagine how much war potential India had.
The people who were insecure within themselves attacked India. India fully trusted people.
but remained less integrated than others . The core cause of downfall of India.
The loss of practice of the spirituality and loosing on it is could past.
We hope in 21st century India would get a boost in all this.