About this article ?
This article based on Vedic astrology Horoscope(Kundli) covers all facets of life of Jayalalithaa ji.
That is Jayalalithaa ji’s early life ,family education and career and films and Politics- how interestingly it connects to Vedic astrology.
So it explores complete life of come actress Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s Yoga’s or Planetary combination in horoscope or kundli.
It also in her Horoscope(Kundli) explores what made her such a big politician and yes she was chief minister of Tamil Nadu for over 14 years! Long duration
The article also looks at what planetary Yoga’s or combinations in Horoscope or Kundli made Jayalalithaa ji a big success in films 😉 as well .
Other questions like about her Father, Jayalalithaa ji’s initial struggle in life etc is also evaluated based on her available Horoscope and planetary configurations.
So, it explores in-depth on what made Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji a big success in films as well then her legal matter and jail term , especially the disproportionate assets case .
PLUS an additional View of Anka Jyotish or Numerology in the end is also taken or maximum Help.

About Jayalalitha Jayaram & Horoscope details :
Name: Jayalalithaa Jayaram
Date of Birth: Tuesday, February 24, 1948
Time of Birth: 14:40:00
Place of Birth: Mysore
Longitude: 76 E 37
Latitude: 12 N 18
Time Zone: 5.5

What made Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Popular and Successful in Films and in Politics for a long time ?
What planets in the horoscope(Kundli) exactly made Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Join films ?
Now let us look at why did Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji join films .
now looking at her horoscope let us look at what is the strength of various houses for her.
One can note jayalalithaa jayaram ji has an exalted Venus or shukra in her horoscope(Kundli) in the 2nd bhava of wealth and status and money flows, especially in arts and films.:)
Also mercury and sun are behind Venus or shukra in the Horoscope. so she could also get good fame in films due to sun and also deliver very good dialogues due to mercury or Budha.
Though retrograde mercury could have caused her to forget things at times 🙂 or some speech issues.
Again mercury or Gemini sign and Virgo sign(Mithuna and kanya rashi ) influence her Venus a lot.
so jayalalithaa jayaram ji would get communicative roles.
She would also deliver dialogues well in the films. also she did the same as a politician.

what is the role of Leo or simha in Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Horoscope or Kundli to make her different from others ?
based on Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji horoscope the Chandra Lagna( rashi) it is Leo or Simha Rashi. it makes her a great leader and not needing to anyone ;). the Leo or the lion :).
Jupiter in own sign, so great dignity and good dharma karma of past life reincarnation of jayalalithaa jayaram ji.
she will grow a lot in life written on the wall.
so also Venus exalted is there. so Jupiter is a bit afflicted by Venus, so luxury prone nature of jayalalithaa jayaram ji is there. also despite having great karma, the luxuries that she indulges and shankracharya ji whom she sent in jail was not in line with dharma.
so Venus or shukracharya plays a role to increase her vanity and create such situations.
Once again a quick grasp of language and people gave jayalalithaa jayaram ji a great success in films & political life.

Is there an influence of several 1’s for Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji in her Number Horoscope or Kundli ?
So, Leo zodiac sign or simha rashi lord sun sits in the Aquarius sign (kumbha rashi) at 11 degree 26 minutes. now we know that sun is number 1 and Aquarius or Kumbha is 11, so you see number 111 in series ;).

Does many 1’s or High sun energy in Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Horoscope or Kundli Give her a great status ?
Jayalalitha Jayaram, the honorable chief minister of Tamil Nadu and a former actress. What awaits her in political life? Know through the science Vedic astrology
so many one’s(1’s) in one place( or Leo influence) it gives Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji a good image in anything to do with politics or films.
we also we see that the second house of wealth and status for Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji has exalted Venus there from her zodiac sun sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi .
Venus is exalted in the Pisces sign.

Which planet in Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s Horoscope or Kundli pushed her to the Film industry ?
we know that Venus or shukra also rules film industry.
now as shukra or Venus is exalted( 8th house form moon sign Leo and 2nd bhava from sun Aquarius) so give Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji a good beauty, luxury comfort and success in film related matters.

How does mercury or budha in Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s Horoscope or Kundli help her deliver better dialogues in Films ?
From the Chandra lagan or moon sign Leo, Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji has second 2nd house ruled by Mercury or budha.
That is the Virgo sign or Mithuna rashi. so, this also rules the wealth and flow of things to the Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
Her karma karaka Saturn or shank dev is in cancer sign or Karkat rashi. it is a bit weak- but Moon is close by in Leo sign and so is retrograde Mars.
so her beautiful face( moon), travelling and also good actions to get things done along with a strong Venus made her a success in films or movie as well.

What is the role of Virgo sign or Kanya rashi for Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s Horoscope or Kundli to give her goo artistic ability in her films and political career?
Now Virgo being the 6th signs of the zodiac and connects to number of Venus or shukra. It gives good artistic taste to Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
So that means good wealth Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji would get from art and artistic things.
what is the role of 2nd house to Politics for Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s Horoscope or Kundli ?
we also note that 2nd bhava is of speech as well and number 6 means arguments as well. This connects to arguments of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji in politics.
also, mercury or budha the 2nd Lord from moon sign Leo is with sun or surya in the 7th house of public connections.

Does placement of Sun or Surya for Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Horoscope or Kundli give her great Name and Fame ?
As sun is the lagna lord that gives great image and wealth .success to lagan or Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
also from Chandra lagan or ascendant as Mercury rules the 11th house of gain and money .
It is with sun so that suggest that she will get great gains in money matters.
The planet sun the surya or planet of fame and name is close to retrograde mercury and also close to exalted Venus.
so sure arts and her beauty and also her speaking ability of mercury and Venus gave her good name and success to Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
so good name in films and also Politics due to Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s ability to talk well.
Jupiter and also Taurus perseverance gives Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji tenacity to win and succeed.

what are the other causes of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s success in Politics ?
Now could we have a look at what connects Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji to politics or politicians .
she was the chief minister of Tamil Nadu for over 14 years .now for one to remain in politics the planet sun has to be very strong .
and sun is indeed very strong for Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji as we saw earlier.

what is the role of Saturn or Shani dev in Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s Horoscope or Kundli to give her growth in Politics?
Saturn or Shani Dev for Jayalalitha ji is at 24 degree 41 minutes in Cancer. it is a retrograde Saturn that rules the image of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
so yes she would connect to the large public base in tamilnadu state.
also, the 7th house lord being in the 12th from the Chandra lagna for Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
It gives Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji great relationships to her. she was in a good relationship with sri m G Ramachandran ji. who also to her into politics of Tamil Nadu.
we note that Saturn rules the 6th house is in 12th house so that means that Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji would spend a lot on luxury and other things.
It is also cause of mental stress for her. Infact Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji in news for spending too much on the shoes.

What is the role of 12th house and mars or Mangal for Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Horoscope or Kundli to give her good connections in Political world ?
as we discussed earlier , Saturn or Shani dev is ruling the 6th and 7th house and lord of public image mars is in the lagan of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
all this connects to moon or Chandra ruling the 12th house and is in lagna.
so due to her due to her political engagement and connections , as mars or Mangal the raja Yoga karaka and lord of 9th house sits on Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s lagan bhava or ascendant.

Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji was in not-so-great relationships with her father- why?

What is the role of rahu or dragon’s head in Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Horoscope or Kundli to spoil the Happiness or sukha form her father?
Also, we have rahu(dragon’s head) sitting in the 9th house of horoscope (kundli) of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
and it is in the Aries sign(mesha rashi) that means that she would not get good benefit from her father.
and yes it also suggests that her father was not in good relationship with her mother as well.
sun or the father is with retrograde mercury, suggesting a different kind of thinking to Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s father.
also aspect of tricky Moon and a foodie moon and also aggressive mars is there.
so father used to drink hard and was aggressive as well of Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.

Does the Rahu or dragon’s head energy in the Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Horoscope or Kundli make her take tough stands and rebel against norms at times?
Rahu or dragon’s head sitting on mars as a depositor and aspecting Lagna(ascendant) also gives Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji a bit Rebel types actions and bravery in her makeup. :)in fact Shankaracharya of south India math was jailed by her orders.

what does the horoscope or Kundli of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji suggest about her career?
now a lot of career from Chandra lagna is Venus or Taurus sign that sitting in the 8th house station because it is 8 ups and downs in the career of Jayalalithaa Jayaram ji.
which is very true repeat politics or movies and films.
the 7th house of hers suggest a luxurious habits and yes good gains to her .

which planets give Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji a big public image?
we see that the Chandra lagan lord sun or surya is fair enough in the 11th sign Aquarius. Also, Venus or shukra is her core planet and is exalted in Pisces sign(Meena rashi).
also from her surya lagna it is ruling the public image of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
so as we shared earlier Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji could have a great public image as an actor and for her actions.
the 3rd house from surya lagna = Aquarius Kumbha has Aries ruler ship or mars and with rahu.
so suggest great daring actions by her could cause the opposition to shiver at times for Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.

did Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji have great luck in her horoscope or Kundli?
what is the role of sun and 2nd house of Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s Horoscope or Kundli to give her great fortune in Films and politics?
we note from the surya lagna, Aquarius or kumbha rashis. Venus or shukra the planet in 2nd bhava lord is very strong and rules the 9th bhava of luck and fortune :0 for Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji .
So strongly suggesting very strong good luck Karma for Jayalalitha ji .
but Libra sign or Tula rashi( 9th from Aquarius) has Ketu(dragon’s tail here) so that reflects relationship of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji with her father that was not great(discussed earlier).

Is marriage indicated in Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji’s Horoscope or Kundli ?
also, the 7th house from the surya lagna is ruled by Leo or Sun .
we note cancer or moon is the Lord of the 6th house of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji from Aquarius(kumbha ) the surya lagna.
so clearly indicates very less chance of getting married for Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
what is the role of Saturn or Shani dev in Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Horoscope or Kundli to deny her the sukha or happiness of marriage?
Saturn or Shani dev also rules 1st and 12th bhava from surya lagna and sits in the 6th bhava ==> this sense energy to the 7th house of marriage and p[partnerships for Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji.
so denies any marital bonds as such.
the same story is there from Chandra lagna where Saturn rules 6/7 and sits in 12th so very less chance of marital relationships working out.

Natal Chart /Natal Horoscope Analysis and Future Predictions for Jayalalithaa Jayaram :
Looking at her solar(Aquarius lagna) and lunar horoscope(simha lagna) as the exact birth time for Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji is not available
for Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji ascendant or Lagna is Aquarius(kumbha rashi), and moon sign is Leo(simha rashi).
what planets in the Horoscope (Kundli) gave Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji success in Politics after hardships?
Aquarius is ruled by planet Saturn , this planet is a planet of discipline, and we know the number of struggles Jayalalitha ji had to face right from childhood to film career and now chief minister ship. This mettle comes from Saturn.

which planets caused Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji goes to Jail ?
Her Saturn/ascendant has a weak sun sitting on the same ruling her 7the So her political rivals or partners could cause her trouble.
She has been to jail as well for income Tax related issues(disproportionate assets case).
and rest is history on how much she had to face trouble from people within party and external people outside the party.

Which planets in the horoscope or Kundli of Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji Give great grit to fights matters?
The moon sign/rashi of Jayalalitha ji is Leo, who is ruled by planet sun called the surya GOD in Hindu mythology.
,li>This gives her the determination and strength, the grit to purse, is a leader despite falling several times and facing her enemies like a lioness.

what do the numbers or Numerology say about Ms. Jayalalithaa Jayaram Ji ?
Her birth sign is Pisces and Aquarius; the numbers are 8 and 3(Jupiter) and her birth number is 6= Venus.
Now Venus and Jupiter 3 & 6 give her the growth and grace both. Also note she had to face issues in 2014 in disproportionate assets case , 2014=2+0+1+4= 7=ketu, but got it resolved by 2015 ruled by Saturn number 8( 2015= 2+0+1+5=8). Note her birth number is 8 & 3.
As we know that the strength of this sign Leo is more in daytime and it stays in the east direction. hats are she is a good fit for Tamil Nadu as it is on the eastern coast of India

horoscope or Kundli predictions for Jayalalithaa Jayaram
In Year 2016,Saturn and mars get into her 10the house and aspect her 4the house, aspect natal sun, mercury, moon, and mars.
Jupiter and Rahu in 7the.
So there could be basic turmoil in her partnerships, connections with people within her party and overall political career.
There could be more stress and in fights in the party. But overall result could be good.
She will try to create more harmony within and outside her party.
August and November 2016 could be hard months for her.
She needs to take care of people working for her, use wisdom and avoid any rash actions, especially after July as Jupiter’s benefic drishtis would not be there on rahu in 7the house.
She might connect to un conventional people and take un conventional surprising actions this year 2016.
She might connect closely to people in armed forces or police.
She must take special care on people of dubious character.


What are Some interesting facts about Jayalalithaa’s Life ?
Jayalalithaa Ji has been a film industry saga of Tamil movies and also a successful Politician.
Jayalalithaa ji had become 4 times the chief minister of Tamil nadu.
From the year 1991 to 2016 she won the elections 4 times.
Jayalalithaa was of the party AIADMK and wants absolute loyalty from her followers.
Jayalalithaa was close to M . G. Ramachandran. he had leveraged his high popularity in films towards a highly successful career in politics.
he helped Jayalalithaa to come into politics.
After MGR’s departure to heaven in 1987 Jayalalithaa declared herself as a Political heir to him.
Jayalalithaa ji was accused of Luxurious Living. especially for her adopted son.
The Karunanidhi Government filed many corruption cases against, Jayalalithaa ji and put her also in Jail.

What about Jayalalithaa’s Education ?
Jayalalithaa was born to a Brahmin Iyengar family.
Jayalalithaa did maximum of High school education.
bur her paternal grandfather or nana jee was a physician to the King of Mysore and also her maternal grandfather sued to work for Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.
The father Jayalalithaa ji squandered wealth and he dies at a young age of 2.
so Jayalalithaa started acting in films as a career or education at a very young age of fifteen.

What about Jayalalithaa’s career ?
Jayalalithaa had learnt western classical piano.
Jayalalithaa is also trained in Carnatic music.
Jayalalithaa also learnt Kuchipudi dance.
as a child artist Jayalalithaa worked for kannad films.
later Jayalalithaa joined Politics with MGR ji.