About this Article ?
This one of the most interesting & detailed article, which based on Kundli Or Horoscope of Baba Ramdev Ji .
It analyses that on what planetary Conditions or Yoga’s made An international Yoga Guru, with Wealth, Fame, Name and Property & Assets ;).Does Baba Ramdev have a Raja Yoga in his Horoscope to become a Multi-millionaire ;)?
Also we get to know what planetary condition in Baba Ramdev’s Horoscope brought him to spirituality or Yoga ?
Or what planets made Baba Ramdev based on his Horoscope so Popular in masses in India ?
which Planets in the horoscope of his helped Baba Ramdev to build an Empire of Patanjali products?
Which planets made Baba Ramdev to become a Yogi in this life Time?
What Yoga’s in the Kundli or horoscope of Baba Ramdev makes Him do social work at a large scale?
Also look into astrology of How based on Horoscope Baba Ramdev , he has good speaking or lecturing capability?
What do the planets in Baba Ramdev’s Kundli or Horoscope say about His Gurukul education?
Which planets or conjunctions made Baba Ramdev venture into beauty products?
which planets in Baba Ramdev’s Horoscope made him get unto Ayurvedic sciences?
The article also analyses Baba Ramdev ‘s Navamsha or d9 chart and see what made him come into Vedic sciences and solutions based on d9 or Navamsha chart as well?
we also look into matters like How does Baba Ramdev get better sex control than others based on horoscope?
what makes Baba Ramdev a great Yogi based on d9 or Navamsha chart or horoscope?
Astrological explanations for what made him create success Patanjali stores or even which planets in horoscope did not allow him to marry?
also what makes him so famous 😉 or a multi-millionaire? Discover all! 🙂
at the end of this article there is an Update on interesting alternative of Jaimini astrology for Baba Ramdev ji. covering n detail various aspects of his life like home, family life, politics, and career, job, and Yoga path .
Also based on planetary Dasha and transit get to know what made Baba Ramdev face issues form Government in 2011 ?
also Baba Ramdev’s Future predictions are given as based on horoscope of baba Ramdev .
The last section has the Yoga’s and combinations of Vedic astrology that bestow best health & spirits in you.

Baba Ramdev Life Kundali Horoscope(Birth Chart)
Name: Baba Ramdev
Date of Birth: Saturday, December 25, 1965
Time of Birth: 20:24:00
Place of Birth: Mahendragarh
Longitude: 76 E 14
Latitude: 28 N 17
Time Zone: 5.5

What are the Yoga’s or planetary combinations that Make baba Ramdev so special and different from Others?

What planetary Combinations Give so much flexibility in doing Yoga for Baba Ramdev?
His ascendant is Karkat Rashi or cancer, this gives him a very sensitive nature.
The cancer people generally not form on one way of thinking. But maybe this Lagna gives him full flexibility in doing Yoga.
In baba Ramdev’s Horoscope or Kundli Jupiter or Guru is in Gemini sign or mithuna rashi, giving him great wealth 🙂 .
and also ability to communicate. :0 we all know how Popular baba Ramdev was in the TV shows.
There is a rahu or dragon’s head behind the planet Jupiter.
so suggests that baba Ramdev would do something innovative in work to do with religion or dharma- we know Yoga is connected to spirituality in eastern science.
sun or Surya dev aspects his Jeeva karaka Jupiter in the 7th aspect in his Horoscope or Kundli, so making baba Ramdev a well-known leader.
especially of dharma as sun sits on the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi, which is the rashi of dharma or religion and also Yoga.
a strong Saturn or Shani dev sits in the own sign of Aquarius or kumbha in his kundli or horoscope.
giving baba Ramdev great discipline to achieve things and also very high inspiration- note Aquarius is the 11th sign of the kundli or horoscope.
his inspiration is reflected in his talks. 🙂 so also Saturn in Aquarius or kumbha suggests great work in terms of religion especially when sun on Sagittarius shares energy for baba ram dev’s horoscope or kundli.
Saturn or shani dev being strong in the Horoscope(kundli) connects to lord shiva and also gives great success to baba Ramdev in YOGA as lord shiva is suggested to be Master of Yoga

Which planets helped baba Ramdev to conquer the masses in India?
The lagna is in the seventh house and is along with mars that are exalted and conjunct closely with the moon or his mind.
This gives him a strong guts to do action and also moon on the Saturn sign Capricorn gives him the ability to work hard, so overall this combination gives him the ability to work hard.
Also to help the masses(Saturn or Shani), be oriented towards Yoga(Shani or Saturn) .
and yes at the same time build the Yoga centres and be action oriented-this comes from the strong mars force propelling him to do something different.

Does the Horoscope or Kundli of baba Ramdev suggest he would become a Yogi?
His lagan or ascendant being moon sign or cancer, would give him a restless nature- he would always like to do something or the else.
baba Ramdev had unusual ups and downs in early life( we know Ramdev ji struggled a lot in early life).
It makes Baba Ramdev very sensitive and hardworking.
He will be very devoted to anyone when treated well and not like to be devoted.
His soft nature due to cancer or karkat Rashi is quite evident. Gives him psychic capability as well.

How was Baba Ramdev able to create a large business Empire like Patanjali?
Venus or shukra the planet of comfort and art and ruler of this house of wealth in his horoscope and also gains.
Is close to the above combinations adds art and colour to his yoga, adds to his female following like Hema Malini and Shilpa Shetty and yes gives him the ability to earn money through Yoga.

Is it written in his Horoscope that he or Baba Ramdev would earn through healing arts like Ayurveda and Yoga?
Venus has Rahu in it, so it suggests he or Ramdev would earn from healing arts like Yoga- may earn suddenly but along with a non-conventionality in his approach.

What kind of thinking is predicted for Baba Ramdev in general?
Mars or mangal in the kundli or Horoscope of baba Ramdev rules his career and thinking and shares energy with Venus and moon.
so closely connects his career as a yoga guru, his earning form yoga with his thinking about spirituality(Ketu sitting in the fifth house) along with sign Scorpio here.

What planets in Horoscope(Kundli) of Baba Ramdev suggest a mix of business and spirituality?
Also, mercury the lord of the twelfth house of Yoga/spirituality and initiates or business of Ramdev colour with Yoga-like activities and spirituality.

Which planets in the Horoscope of Baba Ramdev Give him a Boost for doing Social Work?
in baba Ramdev’s Horoscope or Kundli moon Lagna or Rashi Capricorn or maker Rashi. So, such people have a strong mental force, also misunderstood by others.
Infact, his Patanjali initiative to popularize Vedic products is misunderstood.
baba Ramdev being ruled by Saturn consideration for masses and natural heads.
He might have strange ideas about love/duty and social position- which is evident from his behaviour.

Which planets in the Horoscope suggest speaking ability to baba Ramdev?
Capricorn or Makar Tashi in the Horoscope(Kundli) of Baba Ramdev is ruled by Saturn makes them excellent speakers and focused on the downtrodden people.
He might be feeling about his responsibilities too keenly. He might have great respect for deep thinkers, intellectual and clever people.
In public life they may do well.

How is the destiny and Nature Of baba Ramdev impacted by Jupiter or Guru in the 12th house of His Kundli or horoscope?
Now if Jupiter or Guru Is in the 12th house of baba Ramdev it suggests he would get deep into spirituality or dharma.
As 12th house also deals with dharma and spirituality and so does Jupiter or Guru deal with the same . so does Baba Ramdev’s Yoga deal with the same.
It is given in the shastras that Baba Ramdev’s fortune would grow with sadhana and penances, also following religious systems Like Yoga or Ayurveda.
That is true for him 100%.
This placement of Jupiter or Guru gives Baba Ramdev good proficiency in Mathematics and makes Him a good believer of these systems from the Vedas.
It makes Baba Ramdev a traveller and makes him travel to foreign lands. Also makes baba Ramdev take Pilgrimages.
This is like a Raja Yoga in his Kundli, or Horoscope gives enormous wealth and money as well to Baba Ramdev.
This combination of Jupiter or Guru in 12th house or bhava of Kundli(Horoscope) makes him establish health cum religious organizations like Patanjali and helps Baba Ramdev serve his country India and the Indian society.
Due to this he gets fame and name in the world. This combination also suggest that the person would get great sleep as 12th house is of pleasures of bed and Jupiter is a benefic.
Also, he or Baba Ramdev would get the first-rate comforts we know that Baba Ramdev has the costliest car and also great place to relax or sleep in his Patanjali arcade.
This Jupiter in 12th bhava provokes him to take solitude and do Yoga and also he eventually becomes a Yogi.
That is what Baba Ramdev actually is .
Also Baba Ramdev’s blessing would eb sought especially for progeny as Jupiter is for progeny and 12 house s house of sickness.
So, Jupiter here suggest blessings for progeny or child.

Which planets Made baba Ramdev choose Yoga or spirituality as a career?

What are planets in Horoscope of baba Ramdev for thinking and education?
As already discussed above mercury the lord of the twelfth house of Baba Ramdev’s Kundli or Horoscope is for spirituality and also Ketu(dragon’s tail) greatly influences his long-term thinking and education to some extent.
All these factors point towards Yoga as the fifth lord Venus is close to the moon or Chandra the lord of personality and also mars the planet for action and yes career and thinking for Ramdev ji.

What could we infer for Baba Ramdev’s value system from his Horoscope(Kundli)
The fifth lord of Horoscope or Kundli Scorpio(Vrishchika) gives Baba Ramdev the drive to dig deep into matters- and especially spirituality or Yoga.
Ketu (Dragon’s tail) in the Horoscope being here, adds vigour to his way of thinking.
Plus, mercury adds to his discrimination and value system being based on dharma religion.

Which planet Give baba Ramdev a Raja Yoga?
His lord of tenth house or career is ruled by Mars the royal planet or the general of the solar system.
This planet sits in the seventh house of relationships and partnerships.
This gave Ramdev the royal patronage and benefits to self through the ruling parties and the government.
What do the Nakshatras or stars of baba Ramdev say?
His nakshatra is Ashlesha or the star in his horoscope- which can help the person to penetrate the depths.
so overall such people have a lot of energy that has to be directed well. We know baba Ramdev directed this energy very well.
This nakshatra makes him philosophical and penetrative in spirituality.
Does his Horoscope indicate too much of travelling as such?
Moon gives travelling and arbitration related careers.
but as mars are very strong in the seventh house of Saturn which is also strong in Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi.
What made Baba Ramdev do Yoga for masses?
It gives a mix of mars and Saturn type careers –like action in Yoga, he brought yoga to masses by action and TV shows

beauty products= is it indicated in Baba Ramdev’s Horoscope?
Also, Saturn rules with philosophy and industries.
so mars and Saturn make him create industries .
and also as Venus the planet of beauty is close that is for beauty products in his Patanjali stores. we have a lot of items for beauty products.
What are the Yoga’s for Ayurveda and Business in his Horoscope?
Yoga and herbs to do with beauty – as Yoga is also for the beauty and health rule Baba Ramdev’s Initiatives or industries in his Horoscope(Kundli) and also wealth gains house- so overall give him gains in business or any industries to do with Ayurveda or Yoga

Would Baba Ramdev get liberation in this life time?
The Nakshatra or the star for mars or Mangal is Uttar Ashada in baba Ramdev’s horoscope(Kundli), this is in Capricorn sign or Makara Rashi and ruled by the sun (Surya).
This gives actions with motivation for moksha or liberation or Yoga- which is true with Ramdev ji.
It also gives baba Ramdev the ability to go deep into any knowledge.
The person could get totally involved with a task as Ramdev ji did for bringing Yoga to the forefront in India.
The perseverance levels of such people are high.
What qualities made baba Ramdev establish Patanjali?
The establishment of Patanjali yoga and Ayurveda centre is a clear indication of how Ramdev ji’s persistence and motivation towards moksha or liberation in action is reflected.

Are there indications of Baba Ramdev would study Vedas and Vedic sciences in His Horoscope or Kundli?
baba Ramdev’s moon or mind is on learning and gives him a religious nature. Vedas and vendangs are a part of this lunar mansion.
This is the star of learning- we know Baba Ramdev is a repository of learning in the Vedic knowledge of yoga and Vedic sciences.
Is he a great Yoga one with OM?
One in this star could hear the cosmic sound of aum or OM.
Fame and recognition in the world are there for him.
They own service to humanity and make good writers and teachers.
That is why he is the Yoga Guru. Active hand hardworking as this star is a part of Capricorn ruled by Saturn or Shani. Learning is their goal.

What stars and planets may cause rigidity in Baba Ramdev?
This star could make him rigid and obstinate- his stand against the government is living proof of the same.
Sensitivity and being easily hurt my opinion of others.

What does Baba Ramdev’s divisional Varga chart analysis say ?

Does the Navamsha suggest his religious or dharma Nature?
His d9 or navamsha is ruled by Jupiter or Sagittarius sign( dhanu Rashi) confirming his deeply religious nature.
Does the d9 or navamsa of baba Ramdev suggest his inclinations towards spirituality and Ayurveda?
The Lord of Jupiter or Guru is in the eleventh house gains and ruled by Venus- the planet of healing.
So, healing or Yoga and Ayurveda combined with dharma/spirituality of Jupiter give him success and money in life.
Would baba Ramdev ji do well in jobs or work to do with partnerships?
Venus or Shukra the lord is placed in the house of partnerships in the seventh house.
So, he gains from partnerships- like he is with Balakrishna Ji for Ayurveda stuff.
Are there indications for his Patanjali like store being there for Baba Ramdev? 🙂
Mercury the planet for business and trading is ruling the seventh house of partnerships & relationships and job in the horoscope of baba Ramdev.
and also the career and job house tenth aspects the seventh house and also lord of the eleventh house giving him all the blessing in his Patanjali initiative of ayurvedic food and beauty produces’.

Which planets and periods made baba Ramdev become so popular?

Which planets in his Horoscope or Kundli Gives baba Ramdev an edge in healing arts or Ayurveda?
His lord of public image Venus connects to mars and his ascendant or lagan that is the moon.
Also, Rahu gives him exceptional gains. Overall, Venus is strong enough.
And gets energy from Rahu(dragon’s head), Ketu(dragon’s tail) and mercury ruling twelfth house of salvation and yoga in the Kundli(Horoscope).
so baba Ramdev would get fame and name and public image in areas of healing(Venus/Shukra), and yes yoga/meditation and alternative medicine related fields.
How would he connect to GOD?
Jupiter or Guru the lord of sixth house of Horoscope(Kundli) obstacles .
and also the dharma house of ninth the house gives him some good energy of dharma in his way of thinking ruled by mercury to tune baba Ramdev more towards GOD. This determines his job.

Why has the Patanjali beauty Products also become so famous?
Rahu aspects planet Venus his lord o minds and public image.
so gives him a non-conventional streak in his way of working- that would lead to him getting name and fame in Venus/healing related professions or career or job.
Which planets Keep baba Ramdev a spinster or without a wife or life partner?:)
As his ascendant is in the seventh house- so either wife is not there or does not live. he becomes detached and lives an ascetic life.
How does Baba Ramdev Have such good Sex control? 🙂
In baba Ramdev’s Horoscope(Kundli) the lord of career is in the seventh house of foreign travels so he would travel to foreign lands due to professional and personal matters.
This is 100% true he travelled to promote yoga Profits from partnerships as the connection of the seventh house with the tenth house or Kendra is there. Sex control is there.
Which planet made baba Ramdev Bring Yoga to masses? 😉
Mars or Mangal the controller of the tenth house, gives him action and great courage.
Mars sends energy to moon his mind and personality- so he is karma Yoga who brought Yoga to the masses.
Would baba Ramdev Mix spirituality and Yoga well?
Also note excess mars energy in his house of sex(Mangal is exalted and very in Capricorn or maker Rashi and is sitting in the house of sex).
It sends this energy to moon and ruler of his mind- to Sahasrara chakra.
so YOGA has saved him and brought him to spirituality. What a beautiful utilization of energy! One can clearly see the role of Yoga in making him exceptional.

Would Baba Ramdev have great fame in foreign lands as well? 🙂
He would be known in foreign lands and his karma or action ability due to exaltation would be exceptional.

What does jaimini astrology say about Horoscope or Kundli of baba Ramdev?
what does the Arudha Lagna in Horoscope(Kundli) say about baba Ramdev- based on Jaimini astrology principles ?
now we look at the Jaimini astrology aspects for baba Ramdev’s horoscope show. first let us look at arudha Lagna for Ramdev Ji.
so, his Lagna is cancer or Karkat rashi and Moon is sitting in the seventh house.
so Arudha Lagna or ascendant is again the first house ! but as per Jaimini rules the first house cannot be the arudha.
so we take the 4th house from the first that is the 4th bhava or Libra is the arudha for baba Ramdev.
or Tula rashi or justice and balance(Yoga) is the arudha for Baba Ramdev.
so, we find Venus or shukra as an arudha for Ramdev Ji and is sitting in the 4th house from the lagna .
so, it also indicates baba Ramdev would be very close dedicated to his mother and mother land(India) .
also as Venus rules luxury products and family so Baba Ramdev devote would dedicate his life for home and family . all of this is very obvious in his way of living . 🙂

what does the Upa pada or personality say about Baba Ramdev’s personality and self-using his Horoscope(Kundli)- based on Jaimini astrology principles ?
will look at the Upa pada for baba Ramdev in his Horoscope(Kundli).
as baba Ramdev’s lagna or ascendant is an even sign that is cancer or karkat Rashi.
so, Gemini or one sign before it is taken.
Mercury here gives good intelligence to do business(Patanjali).
Gemini sign or mithuna rashi has Jupiter is there.
which involves in Indian spirituality so far they also control baba Ramdev’s personality to a great extent .
so, we see two things are controlling baba Ramdev’s personality .that is the Venus (Libra or strong desire for justice or the society may through Yoga and ayurvedic products).
also Venus or shukra is strongly placed in the 4th bhava and Jupiter(The planet for dharma and spirituality) .
so these are the two core energies in the Baba Ramdev Ji’s horoscope based on the Jaimini astrology. 🙂

what does the Atma Karaka or indicator of self or personality say about Baba Ramdev’s personality and self-using his Horoscope(Kundli)- based on Jaimini astrology principles ?
look at the various energies of Baba Ramdev Ji . so the core energy is Atma Karaka planet that has the highest longitude in the horoscope or Kundli for Baba Ramdev Ji.
In the horoscope or Kundli of baba Ramdev the highest longitude is there for mercury at 18 degree 51 minutes.
so, the self is indicated by Mercury or budha. Mercury gives him good intellect to know about business matters to run Patanjali.
also giving him the intellect to the extreme and then making baba Ramdev go to the yogic practices .
Infact Ramdev would do in fact he was in Gurukul and all his Gurukul training is mercury and then he went for Sadhana in the Himalayas that is by Jupiter.

what does the Amatya karaka or indicator of career say about Baba Ramdev’s personality and self-using his Horoscope(Kundli)- based on Jaimini astrology principles ?
Amatyakaraka is a Planet with is with the next degrees after the atma karaka in any horoscope(kundli).
that is Saturn at 18:34 minutes so indicates the career for life in baba Ramdev jis’ life is by Saturn or Shani dev.
Saturn or Shani dev is a hard planet but is very strong for Baba Ramdev Ji .it is sitting in the 8th house.
so it absorbs energy of occult & spiritual Sciences .
also note that Saturn controls India and also the topic of yoga as well. 🙂 so very clearly Baba Ramdev Ji is set for re-construct something and yoga.
we know that Saturn is controlled by Lord Shiva the super Yogi. 🙂
what does the Bhratri Karaka or indicator of siblings & father say about Baba Ramdev’s personality and self-using his Horoscope(Kundli)- based on Jaimini astrology principles ?
next we look at the Bhatri Karaka or indicator of siblings and respected Father of Baba Ramdev Ji .
It is Venus or shukra him and is ruling the 11th house at 18:07 degrees in his Horoscope. but it is sitting in the with mars energy in the 7th house of baba Ramdev.
so this clearly suggest various kinds of initiatives would be there by his siblings, we know Bharat Yadav , baba Ramdev’s brother controls the finances in the Patanjali business.

what does the Matru karaka or indicator of mother and education say about Baba Ramdev’s personality and self-using his Horoscope(Kundli)- based on Jaimini astrology principles ?
next we look at the matru Karaka. That is the indicator of mother and also education for Baba Ramdev Ji.
so Matru Karaka of baba Ramdev Ji and also indicating his mother. clearly indicates that they would action oriented .
as moon is the matru Karaka for baba Ramdev and close to mars. so, he will have more of action-oriented education .
as moon sits on the Saturn sign so the dispositor . so, his education would be to do with yoga . we also see Venus is there so that includes beauty products of Patanjali. 🙂
Mars or Mangal around gives him great action or Karma to do with the society & Indian education like that in Gurukul. 😉
what does the Putra karaka or indicator of children/kids and creativity say about Baba Ramdev’s personality and self-using his Horoscope(Kundli)- based on Jaimini astrology principles ?
look at the Putra Karaka which reflects intelligence and creativity for baba Ramdev ji.
Putra Karaka is the planet sun.
sun being not so strong indicates he will have not children and sun sitting the sixth house . the dispositor is a weak Jupiter.
so that clearly indicates that having children is a less chance for baba Ramdev .
So obviously he is not married and question of having children is less.
sun keeps him engaged in new things in life. 🙂
what does the Gnati karaka or indicator of struggles and gaol of life say about Baba Ramdev’s personality and self-using his Horoscope(Kundli)- based on Jaimini astrology principles ?
Then we look at Ganati karaka that indicates the strife & disease and spiritual Sadhana for anyone .
that is for Baba Ramdev mars or man or Mangal Dev is the gnati karaka.
Mangal or mars is strong & exalted for Baba Ramdev in the Saturn sign. it is very
clearly indicates that he would be very action oriented. 🙂
In the Spiritual world which is very obvious that he has done a great job in regard to Ayurveda(Patanjali) and hath Yoga within India and creating a large consumers across the world.
what does the stri or dara karaka or indicator of wife and relationships say about Baba Ramdev’s personality and self-using his Horoscope(Kundli)- based on Jaimini astrology principles ?
then comes the marriage(stri or lady :)) and also partnerships karaka. in general, this is Jupiter.
Jupiter very clearly indicates it is at around 1 Degree, so it is very weak.
so baba Ramdev’s marriage is a very rare probability. it cannot happen for Baba Ramdev also Jupiter also indicates that dharma or religion for religion .
we know that he is on the path of yoga it very clearly indicate the Baba Ramdev will connect to big dignitaries and people connected to religion dharma due to Jupiter.
we can see how is all 100% correct!!! 🙂

What caused Government to Go against him Jupiter main period since 2011?
On June 6th 2011 Ramdev baba had to run dressed as women due to stern police action.
He was ruling Jupiter or guru main period and Jupiter rules the sixth house of obstacles and jail and enmity plus also the house of dharma.
Also sub-period of the sun was running that is in his sixth house of legal action.
now as the Dasha lord and sub-Dasha lord both have six in common a strong chance of litigation, legal or police action was possible that is what happened.
Jupiter provided him with some relief and giving him divine grace and also access to his past life good karma of ninth house helped him escape the problem.
Sun or Surya rules the lord of wealth and status for yoga guru Ramdev- as the sun is involved he lost of a lot of lustre after this event.

What is forecast for Baba Ramdev for the coming future?
He would be running Saturn main period and sub period now till end of 2017 and 2018 April as well.
Saturn is strong in eighth house and rules seventh and also the malefic eighth house.
He might get deep into medication and also expanding his Patanjali stuff. He might buy more lands. There could be more partnerships or job offers by Him.
His life needs protection.
His connection with people from not so good back ground and lower background would there.
The relationship he has with the people in the government might suddenly go sour or break. he has to guard on accidents. There might be an increase in his spiritual practices now & kundali experiences. But he has to take care.
Due to Saturn transit in dhanu rashi or Sagittarius , he might need protection for health and also enmity with people could increase as Jupiter is his sixth house lord.
As Jupiter or Guru in the horoscope r kundli of Baba Ramdev ji would come into his fourth house of public image and mind( his Patanjali centre) this public image could be affected after September when Jupiter comes to fourth house. He might face obstacles in running his Patanjali show.
But in the current year 2017 mostly as raja yoga is there could gain in money/wealth and fame and acquisition of objects.
Rahu by that time of September would have come to this ascendant or lagna- causing much stress to him and making him behave differently though. There could be an impact in his political connection and business after 2017 September.
2018 would need his health and his closely associated to be taken care of and he not getting into legal tangles. His responsibility: levels may increase
He will win all by his sheer perseverance and Yoga skills
As Saturn or Shani transit his twelfth house from moon- he could travel a lot, worries and health issues could come in for him.
Till September as Jupiter is in the ninth house from moon, he would have some protection in regard to health- but not beyond September 2017.
When Saturn or Shani in transit is conjunct( 10 degrees in 2018) with his sun or Surya causing him issue in status and image. The same reading is coming from the Jupiter or guru transit in the tenth house from moon. He may have to travel a lot
2017 earning from people who oppose him and intimacy with other religion people is possible.
Rahu transit into his seventh house after September 2017 and in 2018 also suggest he may travel a lot and stress could be there. He might also change his place of residence in 2018 or mostly stay away
But overall, with his power of yoga he would win, and we wish him all the best in life.

What are some Interesting Facts about Baba Ramdev Yoga Guru?
The Yoga Guru Ramdev was born on the date of 25 December 1965 to Sri Ram Niwas Yadav Ji his father and his mother Srimati Gulabo Devi at the Hazaribagh Ali Saiyad Pur village of Mahendragarh district, in the state of Haryana In India.
Miracle in life of Baba Ramdev Life by Yoga?
Baba ram dev’ parents were farmers by profession or career.
As per baba Ramdev claims that we got paralysis when he was two & half and later got cured by practicing Yogasana’s.
What baba Ramdev Studies & where ?
baba Ram dev studied Indian scriptures, he also studies and practiced Yoga and Sanskrit in various Gurukuls (or schools that teach Vedic culture and literature. Baba has been the student of Acharya Baldevji in Gurukul of Kalwa.
His Journey towards being a Yoga Guru of India baba Ramdev?
Baba Ramdev Ji took sanyasi Diksha and took the name Swami Ramdev from his guru Swami Shankar Dev Ji. Also when he was living in Kalwa Gurukul in Jind district of Haryana, Baba Ramdev gave free yoga training to villagers around Then he moved to Haridwar in Uttarakhand.
where he practised the art of self-discipline and contemplation or meditation, and spent several years studying ancient Vedic Indian scriptures at the Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya in Haridwar.
How Baba Ram dev came into Limelight? His career Graph to success?
Baba Ramdev founded the well-known Divya Yoga Mandir Trust in 1995. In the year 2003, Aastha channel TV began featuring him in its morning yoga sessions or slot. There he proved to be very effective and gained a large following all across in India .
That times A large number of people, celebrities from India & abroad used to attend his Yoga camps.
He has taught yoga to many well-known celebrities like superstar Amitabh Bachchan, the lady actress Shilpa Shetty and also in foreign countries like Britain, the US(United States) & Japan.
Baba Ramdev also addressed the Muslim clerics of India at their seminary in Deoband, Uttar Pradesh.
In the year 2006, he was invited by then leading Kofi Annan to deliver a lecture on poverty alleviation at a United Nations conference which is a big honour in itself.
he had many followers like Yogi Haider considered the face of yoga in Pakistan, said the goal was to popularize yoga as Ramdev Baba did in India.
what forced Baba Ramdev to dress like a woman and escape police action in 2011?
In the month of April of the year 2011, Ramdev called on the government to add punishment powers to the Jan Local Bill
A bill to appoint an independent body that would investigate corruption case within government.
Baba Ramdev announced he would go on an Anshan (hunger-strike) at Ramlila Ground in Delhi/. On the date of 4 June 2011, to put more pressure on the government into rooting out corruption and repatriating the black money.
He went on fast. The following police action by the Congress government led to his escaping as a woman.

How Is Health & Happiness Determined from a Birth Chart?
Health is known to be their first wealth- as if health is lost everything is lost. Health is determined by the strength of the ascendant or lagna.
The strength of the moon ascendant or Chandra Lagna and also by the strength of the sun or Surya the planet of vitality.
The lord of the sixth house of health or bhava also determines your health status- a weak lord could give afflictions of health and also the d6 divisional chart rules the health- the shashthamsa or the sixth divisional chart or Varga charts d6.
Strength on all the above factors especially the ascendants ensure the person would have good health in general, if the Lagna is not strong.
and any planet is weak then the significations ruled by that planet and ruler ship of houses and signs would create health problems of that kind.
Happiness generally depends on the strength of moon your mind, the fourth house lord and fourth house of mind as happiness is more to do with perception than in actual how much money /wealth/marital gains you have plus the strength of Jupiter or guru the planet of optimism
Below are given on important Yoga’s for health and happiness and also below the same baba Ramdev the Yoga Guru the emblem of heaths chart is analysed and predictions for life have been made.

What are some of the Important Planetary Yoga’s for Health & Happiness in Life?
Sharad Yoga(Yoga or planetary combination for health/happiness and religiousness).
In the Kundali or Horoscope (Birth Chart) Ought to Karma’s Lord(The tenth house career lord) be in Putra Bhava or the fifth house of children and education.
while Budh(Mercury) is in a Kendra(That is any of the houses like fourth/seventh or tenth), as Sun or Surya with quality is in Simha rashi or Leo sign, Sharad Yoga is framed.
This Yoga or planetary combination will again be acquired, if Guru(Jupiter), or Budh(mercury) is in a Kona( trines like fifth and ninth house) from Chandra or moon.
while Mangal(Mars) is in Labha Bhava or the eleventh house of gains. One conceived in either sort of Yoga or planetary combination will acquire riches, companion, and children, be cheerful, insightful, dear to the ruler, devout and prudent.
The reason is tenth house or house of karma in trine gives good actions and gains, mercury and sun are strong giving good energy and intelligence to him or her plus sun is a karaka for kids as well- so good for kids.