About this article ?
It is a highly comprehensive & interesting article on Jupiter or Guru strength in any Horoscope or Kundli.
Also additionally this article discusses various factors that determine the strength of planet Jupiter or Guru in any horoscope(kundli) using principles of Vedic Astrology.
All Based on timeless & Proven principles of classical Vedic astrology- on how strength and placement could give great money,:), great name 😉 or better life partner or even infamy or loss 🙁 in written in our Karma or Horoscopes.
How strength & placement of Jupiter or Guru in horoscope or Kundli could make one suspicious or
positive and how could it impact the image of a person, all discussed.
Various avasthas or states of planet Jupiter in any horoscope or Kundli that you might not have heard of like Kautuk avastha or Nritya Lips avastha etc and what is the impact on life- all given in details :).
In the next section we discuss and alternative way to measure the impact of the strength or avasthas(or state or condition) of planet Jupiter or Guru in any Horoscope or Kundli.
It also includes how various states or avasthas of Jupiter or Guru impact Money matters, partnerships , relationships, and Job etc for any Horoscope
The details of this calculations or computations on how to astrologically calculate Jupiter or Guru strength could be looked as well in this article.
Also as a PRACTICAL example to see the Impact of Jupiter or Guru strength in any Horoscope or Kundli.
It later discusses about the strength of Jupiter(Guru) and its connection to fugitive Nirav Modi based on Vedic astrology and nadi considerations :).
How Jupiter or Guru strength & placement made him a great diamond merchant and what planetary combinations or Yoga’s caused him to become a fugitive.
In the last section ( appendix) the article Looks at the Physical or Physics basis for strength in the planet Jupiter to connect the article to scientific basis.
It first discusses the scientific perspective of Jupiter or Guru strength in general for any Horoscope or Kundli.
Introduction to Jupiter or Guru effects in your horoscope or kundali:

How is the Planet Jupiter or Guru strength calculated any horoscope or Kundli?
IN Vedic astrology there are many ways to measure the strength of the planet Jupiter Or Guru in the horoscope(kundli).
Like say if Jupiter is direct, stationery, moving fast or slow in the zodiac.
That determines overall strength and impact of Planet Jupiter or Guru for any horoscope or Kundli based on vedic astrology principles.

Now the planet Jupiter or Guru in vedic astrology is strong when it is between 5 degrees to 25 degrees in any horoscope.
or in a friendly sign of Pisces or exalted in the cancer sign.
The Jupiter or Guru in vedic astrology is generally said to be not strong in the signs of Venus or shukra as of opposite quality of sattva.

That is the Taurus(Vrishabha rashi) and Libra(Tula rashi) .
But it is still OK as Venus(shukra) is number 6 and Jupiter = number 3 and 6=3×2 as friendly as there is a clear mathematical relationship. 🙂

But sure for Mercury(budha) number 5 it is ruled by Gemini(Mithuna rashi) and Virgo(Kanya rashi) here Jupiter or Guru weakened bit.

The planet Jupiter is also OK with mars or mangle signs as Mars(Mangal) number=9, that is 3×3 = 9 so in harmony with Aries sign & also Scorpio(Vrishchika rashi).
so the planet Jupiter would gain some strength here.

Article on how avastha of the Planet Jupiter in vedic astrology is calculated or the calculations? Check here
What happens when Jupiter or Guru is retrograde in any Horoscope or Kundli?
The planet Jupiter or guru in vedic astrology in any horoscope or kundli is a master benefic planet and whenever it is retrograde.
This could be causing much of grief to all of us in some form or the other.

What are the blessings of Planet Jupiter could bring in
The benefic rays of Jupiter or guru could bless anyone with growth and prosperity in a specific area of life.

Jupiter strength in Horoscope Predictions

In any kundli or horoscope if the planet Jupiter(guru) is in Agam state or Avastha

how the Planet Jupiter or Guru in Vedic astrology could give you cars, following, money and prosperity if in agama state?
the person may have big cars or conveyances, he or she may get honors or respect and may have a long retinue of people following him or her.

Does the Agam state or Avastha in any kundli or Horoscope of planet Jupiter in vedic astrology blesses anyone with better life partner, learning’s, and status?
Good for having wife or husband and friends and also learning’s in life as planet Jupiter or Guru deals with learning.

Could the Agam state of planet Jupiter or Guru in vedic astrology in any kundli or Horoscope make you like a high ranking official?
The status of the person would be like a king, or a minister of the state and he or she would be fond of literature and would follow the virtuous path.
In the above state or avastha the planet Jupiter or guru is said to be exceptionally strong or benefic based on vedic astrology principles.

If In any kundli or horoscope, the planet Jupiter or guru is in the Bhojan avastha or state –

Could Bhajan avastha of Jupiter or Guru in any kundli or Horoscope bless anyone with great money or well of a billionaire ? 🙂
The person would always have good food in good hotels and restaurants also have horses or elephants .
and also chariots and cars or Mercedes Benz or any costly car or vehicle .
The goddess of wealth Lakshmi ji would always stay with the person.
In the above state Jupiter or guru is said to be strong enough especially for wealth matters.

if In any kundli or horoscope, the planet Jupiter or guru is in the Nritya Lips state or avastha,
Could Nritya Lips Avastha of Jupiter in any kundli or Horoscope mean that a person get Great respect from the state or Government and be a Tantric ?
The person would get royal honors and also would be wealthy and have great knowledge of dharma .
or the moral conduct and also Tantric practices.
He or she may be supreme among the learned people and be a great master of grammar.
In the above state Jupiter or guru is said to be strong and manifesting the learning aspects of the same.

If In any kundli or horoscope, planet Jupiter or Guru is in the kautuk state or avastha
How could Kautuk avastha in any kundli or Horoscope make a person curious and also Famous as well based on Principles of vedic astrology?
The person may be curious by nature, there could be a lot of wealth, or he may be very rich.
The person would have a great name and would shine like sun or surya GOD in his or her circles.

How could Kautuk avastha or state of Planet Jupiter or Guru in Vedic astrology make a person a scholar?
The person is kind and happy and will have sons and good wealth and also would do good justice.
the person would be scholar and have great strength and also could be scholar at the king’s court.

Could kautuk avastha of planet Jupiter or Guru give the person good learning’s ?
In the above state or avastha Jupiter or Guru is said to be strong and manifesting the learning and administrative aspect of the same

If In any kundli or horoscope, the planet Jupiter(guru) is in the Nidra state or avastha
Could Nritya Lips avastha of planet Jupiter or Guru in Vedic astrology in any Horoscope cause one to lose wealth?
The person could be foolish in all his or her undertakings and may have loss of wealth or penury that cannot be cured or redeemed.
He or she may also not of good acts.
In the above state Jupiter or guru may not be in good state in fact is weak here.

What is the status of Jupiter or Guru in Nirav Modi Horoscope?

Horoscope or kundli based Jupiter evaluation for Nirav Modi
We could take Leo or sun as his core lagan based on his name number = 4= rahu.
The planet Jupiter or Guru is retrograde, so this makes his fifth bhava or Jupiter also very weak and impacts his ability to take risks.
So his efforts to get political asylum may not great at least till July 2018.
Ketu or dragon’s tail is in lagna and has a discreet impact in his name as well- ketu making him choosy and daring in life.
He could not have reached this situation in life had he not been daring or in certain sense indiscreet at times.
By august 2018 Nirav Modi .
whence the effects of Jupiter have come he may get some relief.
Slightly More relief would be there for him October 2018 onward and in the year 2019.
But still over all rahu effects could make him face the hard side of law and his financial troubles may continue .
We pray to GOD to best sense to prevail to everyone.
What made Nirav Modi choose diamond or jeweler as his career or profession?

Now let us look at the horoscope of Mr. Nirav Modi .
he has a Leo or simha lagna, Venus is ruling his 10th House(Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi).
Venus or shukra dev in his kundli or Horoscope rules diamond and jeweler.
Now as 10th house is the house of action for Nirav Modi .
so very clearly he would be working for diamond jeweler or some luxury related work.
also note that Venus is sitting in the Scorpio sign in horoscope of Nirav Modi.
This suggests that Venus or Diamond would make him popular .
plus because Venus is sitting on the Mars sign and mars or Mangal deals with machinery.
Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi(ruled by mars) in his kundli or Horoscope means that Nirav Modi could be into cutting or some kind of industries related to luxury items or diamond .
so we can very clearly see that what kind of energy is there in the career or job house of Nirav Modi .
also the Libra sign(Tula rashi) that is the third house for Nirav Modi we have very good planet Jupiter energies there.
Jupiter in his kundli or Horoscope rules the 5th house for Nirav Modi so that very clearly suggest that he would gain a lot of money in luxury related business.
he had huge money that is many millions of dollars for diamond and jeweler business.

now what planetary conditions could create a Fraud case and conflict with law case for Nirav Modi ?

we know that Ketu(dragon’s Tail) the malefic of vedic astrology is sitting in the lagan or ascendant for Nirav Modi to create a secretive nature.
now secret connects to illegal things as well.
also kindly note that that Saturn or shani dev which rules the relationships and partnerships for Nirav Modi (6th and 7th house) is sitting in the 9th house and is very weak and debilitated.

as we know 9th bhava or house is for Karma and Dharma.
Saturn or Shani dev is very weak and debilitated in Aries sign or Mesha Rashi.
so this overall impact the dharma or the righteous path for Nirav Modi

Saturn or Shani in his kundli or Horoscope also creates unexpected issues in the relationships for Nirav Modi .
Moon the mind of Nirav Modi is sitting in the Capricorn sign(makar rashi) which is not a great sign.
and it makes connection to the negative people or negative events in life.
the lagna lord sun or surya dev in his kundli or Horoscope is in the 2nd house.
so he or Nirav Modi always wants to appear to be the best in the world in wealth and status.
This could also motivate him to do wrong things.

Mars or Mangal dev in his kundli or Horoscope is sitting close to Sun or lagna of Nirav Modi.
so as mars are for action, he may want to do anything to gain wealth and status .
Plus mars in his kundli or Horoscope gets bad energy from Saturn in the 9th house of Nirav Modi. this could give contracting in wealth and status for which is true is Lord of Modi .
so over all the planets gives great status and wealth to Nirav Modi and also poverty.
All this we can very clearly see how horoscope is collaborates with reality.
As his birth date is not available- we will use the principles of nadi Jyotish and also anka jyotish for the same. This knowledge also yields great results.
Chaldean system values are:
A I J Q Y = 1
B K R = 2
C G L S =3
D M T=4
H E N X=5
U V W=6
O Z= 7
P F=8
Nine Has
No Alphabet = 9
The overall numbers of Nirav Modi are
5 1 2 1 6=15 4 7 4 1 = 16
Some Numerology for Nirav Modi
So over all we get the number or Uranus or rahu = 15+16 = 31= 3+1 =4 rahu, this makes one get involved in under the table or dubious activities .
There could be unexpected and sudden problems due to money as 4= number for money.
His getting involved in a financial scam and getting Interpol notice is a clear indication of the rahu taking over for him and causing harm to him.
Also note his first name = Nirav= 15= 1+5= Venus, this promises luxury/money and comfort he or Nirav Modi had all!
Clearly now Jupiter is retrograde in 2018 and yes Saturn a planet close to rahu Nirav Modi’s core number is also retrograde and yes rahu is in the cancer sign or karkat rashi. So over all a bad scene for Nirav Modi

How does Jupiter or Guru get its strength in terms of science or Physics ?
Jupiter’s magnetic field is stronger than that of earth at least 10 times.
The field extends almost 7 million kilometers in the direction of sun for Jupiter.
The field of Jupiter is almost to the orbit of Saturn in the solar system.
the aura of Jupiter has almost all colours of the VIBGYOR.
Jupiter’s internal is mostly hydrogen. The rotation of the magnetic field for Jupiter is in the same direction of Jupiter rotation.
The Jupiter’s magnetosphere traps and also attracts or accelerates particles.
There is an interaction of these particles with the largest moons of Jupiter which strongly affects their physical or chemical properties.

what is the Structure of the Magnetic Field of Jupiter?
The magnetosphere of Jupiter is very complex.
there are multiple components to the magnetic field of Jupiter.
i) due to fluid circulation in the core of the planet as in earth we have.
ii)There are electrical currents in the plasma that is around planet Jupiter.
The magnetosphere is within the plasma of solar winds.
where there is interaction with the other planets.
also in earth we have north pole and south pole, but for Jupiter the magnetic energies are multiple.

Who is Nirav Modi?
Nirav Modi is the founder for global diamond jeweler house
He is at the moment a fugitive as per CBI or central bureau of investigation of India- which is investigating a $2 billion fraud case against him in regard to banks of India.
The Interpol a kind if international police has issues diffusion notice against him or Nirav Modi in the month of February 2018.
The main bank that has been de-frauded allegedly by Nirav Modi is Punjab national bank
In March of the year 2018, Nirav Modi applied for bankruptcy protection in Manhattan, New York.
In the year 2018 June month, is to have been seen in UK and seems has also applied for Britain’s Home Office

Also basic strength of Jupiter(guru) is tested for the alleged fugitive Mr. Nirav Modi.
The horoscope is uniquely evaluated based only on the name of Nirav Modi and approximate year of birth of 1970 for the first time!
Just based on the name a horoscope is erected and predictions are made for his personality and coming events.
Also based on his Numbers and Planets he or Nirav Modi may find himself on the wrong side of the law or excessive trouble in coming time.
Including his financial and Money matters.