what is this article about?
This article Based on Horoscope discusses at length about career, job, success ,name ,fame, health diseases, past life karma and incarnation, children and family about the great scientist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking .
It analyzes in details based on Stephen hawking’s his horoscope to See what made Stephen Hawkins so great in life despite of his physical Limitations.
It then goes to analyzes the past life effect of Stephen Hawkins on what kind of Karma made Stephen Hawkins so great in this life time based on past life.
Later based on numbers or numerology it analyzes the past life incarnation and ability to be a world teacher in physics and great grit to struggle for Stephen hawking’s.;). very interesting connection with astrology found.

Stephen hawking Horoscope & Kundli past life karma reincarnation re-birth super-talent- British physicist & cosmologist predictions
Birth details- Stephen hawking
8 January 1942
Oxford, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom
Name: Stephen Hawking
Date of Birth: Thursday, January 08, 1942
Time of Birth: 02:29:01
Place of Birth: Oxford in UK
Longitude: 70 degrees West 29
Latitude: 44 degrees North 7

What made Stephen hawking life so different from others in terms of health and yes his achievements in physics?
Does Stephen hawking has double shani or Saturn effects in his horoscope ?
Now note Stephen hawking was born on 8 January, the number 8 is for Saturn(shani) and January is ruled by number 8= Saturn, so he is 8x 8 = double Saturn or shani effects!
does Saturn or shani dev in Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli suggest that he would have the grit to fight the health problems well?
So in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking, The double Saturn(shani) gave Stephen hawking the grit and strong will to fight is problems .
also be organized and deliver the best, on the other hand Saturn being a malefic the double Saturn(shani) caused so many obstacles and restrictions in his life.
does Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli suggest he could have nerve related issues due to Saturn?
Also note Saturn(shani) deals with nerves- so excess Saturn(shani) energy could cause problems to nerves- the debility he faced lifelong.

why did Stephen Hawking suffer from a slow-progressing form of motor neuron disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis based on his Horoscope?

Is the diseases of sclerosis reflected in Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli based on Saturn or shani dev?now what caused such a serious nerve disease or sclerosis to Stephen Hawking . for this nerve diseases let us look at the health of Saturn for Stephen Hawking . The health of Saturn or shani dev we see that Saturn is in the Aries sign (mesha rashi) at 28 degrees 48 minutes in the horoscope(kundli) of Stephen Hawking . It is a very old Saturn.

How does Saturn or shani dev retrogression impact health issues in Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?
so suggest being very old Saturn, it suggests a slow and chronic diseases.( For Saturn it is said shanaischaraye or the slow moving).
Saturn is also retrograde so this adds to the weakness of Saturn . now as shani dev or Saturn is in Aries in the horoscope(kundli) it means that it is debilitated .
so that also spoils more the overall quality of Saturn.
How is the planet of prana and planet of image play a role in Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?
The planet Saturn or shani in the horoscope of Stephen hawking sits in the krittika Nakshatra or star ruled by sun or surya. Now sun is ruler of 11th house of Stephen Hawking horoscope. It is with Rahu energy.
How does Rahu or dragon’s head Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli
so this rahu or dragons’ head is very clearly killing the Prana or the life force(sun=prana) for Stephen Hawking .
in this regard also Rahu(dragon’s head) in the horoscope of Stephen Hawking is a at 23 degree 24 minutes which is very close to the ascendant degree or Bhava Madhya of 21 degree 54 minutes for his horoscope or kundli.

How does the Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli suggest issues in knee etc?
so all these factors combined caused the severe nerve disease for Stephen Hawking .
we also know that Saturn rules IV and house of Stephen Hawking where the fifth house the moon sign is Rule By Aquarius of the Kumbha Rashi with Ketu Their near in the Bhava Madhya centre house so Saturn carries the energy of malefic Ketu as well in the 7th house.
we have to know that house in the 5th house in Aquarius sign and Capricorn affect his knees and foot first
How is the markesh bhava or house of Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli impacted?
also as Stephen Hawking Saturn or shani dev is conjunct with Mars(Mangal) in the 7th house. but Mars of Stephen Hawking horoscope is far away at around 5° .
but we note that Mars for Stephen Hawking is markesh and the 2nd house horoscope for Stephen Hawking .
This gives negative energy to Saturn.
what is the role of anti longevity house of Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli in giving him pain?
also as noted earlier Saturn(shani dev) very weak for Stephen Hawking in the 7th house becomes a markesh again- as being a malefic and in the 7th house.
so as per classical knowledge we know that whenever markesh is very weak it gives lot of trouble to the person just like death or horrible karma.

what roles do Mars(Mangal), Rahu(dragon’s head) and Saturn(shani) play in the nerve problem of Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?
so it is very clear because of Mars(Mangal),Saturn(shani) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) and Rahu(dragon’s head) combination Stephen Hawking suffered from very strong nerve disease like sclerosis and also had health & vitality issues due to this malefic combination.

What does Stephen hawking horoscope say about his capabilities and achievements?
does Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli indicate a progressive nerve diseases?As we know Stephen hawking did have a progressive nerve disease.
How does the planets of 4th house thinking of Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli impact his thinking? in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking ,Saturn or shani is old and is retrograde at 28 degrees is debilitated in Aries- rules his house of public image and thinking- that is the fourth and fifth bhava or house of thinking.
is Saturn or shani dev of Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli very weak and debilitated?Also Saturn is very weak and debilitated in the seventh bhava.
what do the marriage related planets of Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli indicate?So a clear indication of issues in public image and yes married life( he had 2 divorced 1995 & 2006) and an extreme saturnine of hard/disciplined thinking due to Saturn being old and debilitated.

Now the question is despite weakness of Saturn or shani dev in Horoscope of Stephen Hawkings- how did he win the game of life?.
what roles does 2nd house play for energy giving for Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking ,Saturn or shani gets a strong energy from the lord of second and seventh bhava a overall benefic mars or Mangal aspecting his lagan or ascendant.
How was Stephen hawking’s based horoscope or Kundli able to solve complex mathematical problems easily?Giving him abundant energy and discipline of Saturn to so and solve complex mathematical problems of physics.

Now what makes Stephen hawking a cosmologic cum a physicist?
was the mind of Stephen hawking’s mind beyond life?in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking ,We can see that his moon(Chandra) the lord of karma is in the twelfth house or bhava of something that is beyond this life– so putting his actions and mind beyond the present life.
does the 10th house of Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli suggest good mathematical skills?in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking ,Mercury the lord of tenth house from moon rules the career house- this gives him fair mathematical skills and appreciation of creative approaches to science as he has mercury(budha) plus Venus(shukra) there.
what is the lagna or ascendant for Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?Also please note he is Libra sign form lagna or Tula rashi and from moon(Chandra) it is Virgo or kanya rashi
what gives great creativity to Stephen hawking’s based on his horoscope or Kundli?Given the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking ,venus(shukra) here .
It gives him good imagination and creativity to look at matters also Venus and mercury(budha) are in the fourth bhava of thinking from lagna or ascendant.
so again indicate his ability to think about multiple alternate universes etc.Due to good imagination
do the numbers for Stephen hawking suggest great research capabilities?Also please note his total numbers of birth date = 8 +1(January) + 1942 = 8+1+16/7 = 16/7. So this number 16/7 indicates a big tragedy in life( Obviously his health) and 7= ketu or research and investigation. So this means the person would come out of the same by analysis and introspection.
what makes him a guru in theoretical physics?So he Stephen hawking came out of tragedy by his ability to do deep into theoretical physics problems.

what planets in horoscope or Kundli of Stephen hawking’s give him good mathematical skills?Also note in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking ,aspect of mercury/Venus on the tenth house of career and job and also aspect of Saturn and mars on the tenth house- give him good mathematical skills/discipline and yes engineering skills and action due to mars.

What are the Past life indications of Stephen hawking?
what is the role of mercury and Saturn & venus for Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?
in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking ,His past life sign connects to mercury or Gemini and is on a weak Saturn, along with Venus.
which are the places in past life incarnation Stephen hawking’s could have been born?
So the places he could be born is the past life could be=South west England, USA, Flanders, Lower Egypt, Belgium, Sardinia, wale, Tripoli, London. Versailles, Melbourne, Plymouth, sanFrancisco
how is the karma for past life incarnation coming for Stephen hawking’s based on his horoscope or Kundli?
One can see lot of it is in present day united kingdom.
Also mercury sitting on a hard and weak Saturn suggests( Saturn becomes markesh for him) that there is hard karma from previous life coming to him.

What caused stephen Kawkings death in 2018 and his longevity/time span considerations?:
what roles do the mercury and Jupiter play as markesh for Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?when had dasha of mercury=mercury-Jupiter( or guru), mercury lord of twelfth house or 12th house of bad heath and also Jupiter(guru) lord of bad heath, combined cause death. Also note Jupiter(guru) rules the 3rd house ruler ship – so this is also a secondary markesh for him. So ruler ship of 12/6/3 house lord caused death.
was this dasha and transit period very hard for Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?Given the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking , in transit Saturn the markesh send energies in the third bhava or house of Stephen hawking.
Clear indication of high chance of death. Also note mars are a markesh and are also in the third house along with Saturn or shani dev.
so almost over 80 % chance of death. Unfortunately he could not live beyond this.
is good longevity predicted for Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?
Also note that in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Stephen hawking ,mars as such the longevity lord is strong for him giving him good long life

Can we confirm the above matters with numerology or numbers of Stephen hawking?
Full Name : Stephen William Hawking
which numbers indicated that Stephen hawking’s would be a great teacher as well?
Stephen hawking Goal of this life time= H L W = 5+12 +6= 23 = 5 Or 14=5 = Aries- is teacher of teachers.
Stephen hawkings indeed a teacher of teachers with so much of physical problems he did so well in life
what is the source of purity and honesty in Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli or number horoscope?
Stephen hawking material karma he was born with = SNAI =15+14+1+10 = 40=4= so this is ruled by sun the leader- gives purity/perfection and at times pride or strong desire to do things.
how based on numbers does Stephen hawking’s have great flexibility?
The talent of 7 Stephen hawking has- that is Gemini- that gives him versatility and ability to initiate major changes in people.

Conclusions-is Vedic astrology or Numerology able to find out connections with his present and past life?:
is there a strong Saturn energy of world teacher in physics reflected for Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?
No one can see that Saturn plays a key role in Stephen Hawkins life, a double Saturn 8×8 and also weak/debilitated and old Saturn aspecting the self.
Also Saturn or shani is teacher =8. Now 8×8 simply means teacher of teachers. This was his true goal to connect cosmology and relativity in simple terms and books.
is there a role of sun or surya to give Stephen hawking’s good name and fame in his horoscope or Kundli?
He had the karma of sun or the leaders. He became the leader of the herd of physicist.
what role does dragon’s tail play in the Stephen hawking’s horoscope or Kundli?
Now last but not least his destiny number = 7= ketu a planet of research and introspection.
ketu (dragon’s tail) in the fifth house playing an important role in his long term thinking along with Saturn for philosophical and deep thinking and ketu for incisive thinking.
A clear cut profile of this guy could be made based on power of Vedic astrology and Numerology accurately.

Some important facts about Stephen hawking the great physicist from United Kingdom
Stephen hawking’s was One of the greatest English theoretical physicist & cosmologist of 21st century, Stephen William Hawking with qualification of CH CBE FRS FRSA
Stephen hawking was born.(8 January 1942 & left this world on 14 March 2018)
He was also an author, and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology in the reputed University of Cambridge.
Stephen hawking’s scientific works were also with Roger Penrose on the field of gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and connected to the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, which were called Hawking radiation.
He created a theory of cosmology elaborated by a combination of the general theory of relativity along with quantum mechanics.
Stephen hawking did believe many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
This article is dedicated to my scientist father , who was a fan of Stephen Hawking, and he(my Father) himself despite being from a very poor family rose to the highest levels and had the passion to work for science even to his last days while suffering from various life threatening ailments. My salute to all the scientists & people of this attitude!
Stephen Hawking was an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), and also a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.
Stephen hawking popularized physics and science A Brief History of Time appeared on the British Sunday Times best-seller list for a record-breaking ..
Health: Hawking had a rare early-onset slow-progressing form of motor neurons disease (lateral sclerosis,) which gradually paralyzed him over the decades.
After the loss of his speech, he was still able to communicate his thoughts through a speech-generating device, .