About this article?
The article below discusses at length about what a sadhe sati of Saturn (shani) transit is & the impact of Saturn transit or Shani sadhe sati in any kundli and horoscope.
That is and how does the Saturn transit 7 shani sadhe sati affect luck, fame, career, job, Money, Children, Marriage- & Relationships, Family Life, Brothers and Sisters and Foreign Travels to anything to do with life for that matter.
How could Saturn transit or sadhe sati of shani dev in some cases Give blessings to a person and how could it be a source of curse to the person? How could sadhe sati give mixed effects? all depending on your lagna or ascendant 🙂
For which lagna(ascendant) sadhe sati is the best 🙂 and for which lagna or ascendant sadhe sati is the worst or worst :(?
The article also discusses the impact of all the 3 Phases of Sadhe Sati or Saturn transit for any Kundli or Horoscope
The article also discusses at length remedial measures how to mitigate the negative effects of Saturn sadhe sati and live a more happy, prosperous, and peaceful life .;)
The article also discusses how Tough transit of Saturn or shani sadhe sati in the horoscope and connection to Past life reincarnation Karma or previous life karma.

what is Shani sadhe sati?

How does Tough Saturn Transit or sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev Give challenges in all aspects of life?
sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev is a 7 and 1/2 (half) year dreaded cycle of Saturn that causes all kind of troubles in various facets of life- Be it family, job or career, Money or wealth, Children, or foreign stay.
The Tough Saturn Transit or
sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev starts when Saturn in transit is in one house before the lagna from moon or ascendant.
like say if your lagna from moon or ascendant is Aquarius or Kumbha rashi and Saturn in transit come in the 12th house or Capricorn in transit the sadhe sati would start.
Yes, this period of 7 and 1/2 years could be a time for struggle and more challenge levels due to Saturn or shani dev are added depending on strength and weakness of Saturn in the horoscope.

Does sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev cause rusting or wearing out of all aspects of life?
Moon or Chandra has the properties of sweetness and fluidity and Saturn or shani dev the number 8 is hard and metal types.
so when metal or Saturn comes in touch with fluid like that for moon ( number 2) problems start as rusting of the metal Saturn starts happening.
maximum problems come when sadhe sati Saturn or Shani dev reaches the Lagan or ascendant of the kundli or horoscope. then maximum energy due to conjunction of Saturn with moon or lagna happens here.

How long does Saturn or shani dev take to cover the zodiac and where and when does sadhe sati or Tough Saturn Transit happen?
The Tough Saturn Transit or sadhe sati transit master Saturn or Shani dev takes total for 30 years to cover the whole zodiac and on an average it gives around 2.5 years or 30 months per sign of zodiac starting from Aries or mesha rashi.
Saturn or shani conjunct with moon or Lagan(ascendant) causes an energy exchange to the mind or the personality of the person. there could be mental problems and emotional issues.
so over all a lot of problems like loss of job, restart in life issues in family life and mental stress and also confusion about what to do and what not to do both are there for the person.
For which lagna or ascendant does the Tough Saturn Transit or sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev Give challenges and for which it may not give that much of challenges in life?
The Tough Saturn Transit or sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev effects are different for different lagan or moon sign people. If Saturn is lord of hood houses that is Not of the dusthsthanas like 3, 8th, 6th, or 12th house the effects of sadhe sati are Not bad.
so sadhe sati may not be as bad for people with Aries lagna or mesha rashis people( but still Saturn is in conflict with mars, so some issues are there).
Also Taurus or Vrishabha , or Libra or Tula rashi people( rules 4th and 5th bhava in the horoscope so great :)) or say Capricorn(makar) or Aquarius(Kumbha) as lagan(ascendant) or the moon sign of native.
also, the lagan or ascendant lord enmity and friendship make a lot of difference.
so, for say Leo Or simha lagan or ascendant people, the Tough Saturn Transit OR sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev could be more towards bad as Saturn(shani) rules the 6th bhava or house.
But not as bad as for cancer or karkat lagna people as Saturn or shani dev rules the most malefic or the 8th bhava of the kundli or horoscope. 🙂

How & why does sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev Give challenges to the maximum to one lagna? That is cancer
For cancer or karkat lagna people sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev
the first phase is still OK, though Saturn is in1 2nd bhava of the kundli or horoscope and in friendly sign of Gemini or mithuna rashi.
But in 3rd phase when Shani dev or Saturn is in Leo sign and is weak it radiates very negative energy for the person.
also, as Jupiter is just OK or neutral to Saturn so movement of Saturn in any sahde sati in Jupiter sign of Pisces of Sagittarius is not bad.:)

How could Tough Saturn Transit or sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev Give best things and blessings in life?
if Tough Saturn Transit or sadhe sati of Saturn or Shani dev if Yoga karaka like lord of 9th and may be 10th bhava or 2nd bhava and natally strong.
it can bless the person with great benefits as all the good energies of Saturn goes to the person or the body of person that is the lagna( ascendant in sadhe sati)>:)

Why is Tough Saturn Transit or Shani Sadhe Sati feared? Discusses the impact of Saturn sadhe sati on various aspects of life like job,career,money, finances,Children,Family, health, love, relationships, foreign travel ,Luck & Fortune, Bother’s & Sisters etc
why does Saturn or Shani dev punish or create problems in Saturn or Shani sadhe sati as per Vedic astrology ?
One has to understand the core reason for this is Saturn is a malefic and also a teacher for past wrongs or karmic ills of this life or past. The idea is to clean the soul with any dirt that has come in the astral body by creating hardships!
let us analyze all this based on ancient art and science of Vedic astrology or Jyotish.

The effects of (first phase) of Tough Saturn Transit or Saturn or Shani sadhe sati as per Vedic astrology ? ,
Saturn (Shani) is in 12th from moon or ascendant/lagan, and its aspects 2nd house of wealth/status, 6th house and also 9th house of Bhagya or luck.
So there is an impact on the money flows and status of the person, the luck may not be great, as ninth house or Bhagya bhava also gets malefic energy.
Also as the ascendant or moon is sandwiched between Saturn energy’s (in 12th house and 2nd, the houses are in the sequence 12/1/2- so the ascendant gets the energy of depression and other health issues as well.
Now let us look at what happens when Saturn or Shani transits into the twelfth house of Horoscope from the lagan or ascendant in more detail now.

so, when Saturn or shani comes in the 12th house of bhoga and health, so it reduces the sexual pleasures and fun in life. also, as 12th house deals with foreign land . so, if one is staying in foreign lands issues are troubles may come up.
we know Saturn or shani dev has a 3rd aspect. so, in the third aspect Saturn aspects the 2nd house of wealth and status of money flows and status of the person so all this gets would get affected .
We know Saturn or Shani deva has a 7th aspect as well. so, the aspects 6th house so some issues in stomach or intestines could come up in the first phase of sadhe sati.
So, note that in the 1st phase of sadhe sati, Saturn or shani aspects 9th house of luck and Fortune and father.
so, if Saturn or shani is weak in transit or it is Natally weak it impacts of father’s health and overall luck and fortune of the individual .
One can clearly see that money and luck and Fortune goes low in the first phase of Sadhe Sati or Tough Saturn Transit. 🙁

The effects of 2nd phase(second phase) Saturn or shani sadhe sati as per Vedic astrology ?
Saturn or shani affects the ascendant or moon sign as it is transiting the same- so cause health issues, comforts would be less etc, aspect on house of marriage(7th house is there).
so affects health of spouse or relationships(if married) or delays marriage (if not married).The third house aspect affects your initiatives and any work you take up.
The tenth to career house aspect affects the career and yes the money flows.

Now looking at the second phase of Tough Saturn Transit or Sadhe Sati when Saturn or Shani dev is on the Lagan or ascendant.
be it normal lagan or the moon sign in the kundli or horoscope. then because moon represents wife .
so Saturn or shani dev over moon could cause health issues to wife or difference in relationships . we note that in the 2nd phase of sadhe sati the seventh aspect happens to be on the relationships house.

so, Saturn or shani dev aspecting 7th bhava of Horoscop4(Kundli)could cause issues in control &harmony of the relationship with wife or husband. This may include the family and other people .
the 7th house also means job relationships .
2nd phase of sadhe sati for sure could affect job, partnerships, and love relations.
In the second phase of Saturn or Shani the office matters or career could have issues delays and more obstacles or problems to handle. Or maybe one may find things not working out well for the Saturn transit.

the effects of 3rd phase (third phase) of Tough Saturn Transit or shani sadhe sati as per Vedic astrology?
Saturn or shani affects the sending house of wealth flows and status, the family or fourth house(bandhu bhava) – creating strife in the family matter, , eight and eleventh house of gains.
So one can see how shani Sadhe sati affects various aspects of a person’s life.
Now we are looking at the third phase of the Saturn or Shani sadhe sati in any kundli or horoscope.
so, when Saturn or Shani dev comes into the second house from the lagan or the moon sign.

so, issues in family, wealth and status are obviously there.
there is an aspect to the 4th house of the person .
The 4th house is that of mother and conveyances and the mental comfort . so, all these things go for a toss . 🙁

The next is seventh aspect is on the 8th house of the horoscope or Kundli.
Now this could impact the colon health, longevity needs proper tabs.
and short Travels could be affected due to this third phase of Saturn or Shani transit.

In the 3rd phase of Tough Saturn Transit or Saturn or Shani sadhe sati the Saturn aspects the 11th house of gains, status and help from friends. so, all these effects also come to fore to the third phase.
Like friends now helping, or gains getting blocked etc. of Saturn transit in the 3rd phase all the wealth related houses 2 and 11th are impacted so wealth gets affected and could cause problems.

Why is Shani Sadhe Sati different for different people even if they have the same ascendant or moon sign?
Now the question is that does Tough Saturn Transit or shani Sadhe sati affects the same for all people in the same sign or rashi(moon sign).
It depends on several other factors like
when would the effects of Saturn or shani sadhe sati be more intense for a person ?
Your ascendant degree- like if you are Leo ascendant or rashi- still effects of Sadhe sati would be more intense at times when Saturn is close to your ascendant degree as there is maximum energy transfer to the house
In what situations Saturn or shani sadhe sati effects get reduced by 50% ?
The strength of your houses, like say if Saturn transits your ascendant or rashi Leo and sun the lord of these houses is very strong, the Sadhe sati would have 50% of its effects reduced.
could Jupiter or guru in lagna reduce the impact of Saturn or shani sadhe sati ?
The placement and degrees of your planets- say for example for Leo ascendant(simha) Jupiter is sitting in ascendant or say simha moon sign or rashi.
the transit of Saturn effects would be modified based on transit on natal Jupiter sitting there and other houses affected by Sadhe sati.
How could the house ruler ship of Saturn or shani worsen the impact of Saturn or shani sadhe sati as per Vedic astrology?
Also the natal planets change the transiting Saturn- so say if Saturn is transiting in Leo ascendant or rashi in above example.
the effects of Sadhe sati could be worse as Saturn rules 6/7 houses.
That is the ari bhava and Yuvati bhava(seventh house of marriage and relationship).
How could mars dominated nakshatra in the process of transit for Saturn intensify Saturn or shani sadhe sati effects?
The intensity of effects of Saturn changes also based on nakshatra it transits- so if Saturn is a friendly star like of Jupiter(punarvasu).
The effects would not be as bad is if it is in mars dominated mrigashira nakshatra or birth star as Saturn would be very uncomfortable here.

Remedies for Tough Saturn Transit or shani Sadhe Sati:
How could you reduce the effects if Saturn or shani sadhe sati ?
Donating to poor people and serving one’s parents is the best remedy for Saturn Sadhe sati.
are there more powerful and effective remedies for Saturn or shani sadhe sati as per Vedic astrology?
There are other powerful and effective remedies- that would be discussed in the shani Sadhe sati report below.

What is Tough Saturn Transit or Shani or Saturn Sadhe Sati?
Saturn or shani dev is a powerful giver of benefits ,gains, discipline, and success. but at the same time if weak in horoscope or kundli or weak in transit, retrograde or if one is have a 7.5 years cycle.
then Saturn or shani could give very bad effects to the person in regard to family, money, career, health, business, wife or husband, children etc.
How long does Saturn take to traverse the 12 signs of zodiac to create Saturn or shani sadhe sati for all rashis or signs ?
Saturn or shani is a planet that takes 29 years and 10 and half month to cover the entire zodiac path of our solar system from Aries to Pisces sign! You could take this period as almost 30 years!
what is the total duration of Saturn or shani sadhe sati as per Vedic astrology?
So that makes Saturn’s presence in each sign to about 30/12 = 2 and a half year. The term Sadhe Sati, that is 7.5 years (2.5 years x 3=7.5 years) has a direct connection with it.
is the Saturn or shani sadhe sati as per lagna /ascendant or moon/rashi in any horoscope or kundli ?
As Tough Saturn Transit or Sadhe sati refers to a hard period in Life of every one of us as the Saturn transits a sign before our Moon ascendant to a sign beyond moon Or Rashi OR a sign before ascendant to a sign beyond the ascendant.
example of how Saturn or shani sadhe sati moves form sign to sign in Vedic astrology?
For example, if say at the moment the planet Saturn is in Scorpio sign.
That means Sadhe sati for people with Sagittarius sign (one sign ahead of Scorpio) has started and would end after completion of 7.5 years passing the next sign of Capricorn to Sagittarius.

So as a rule of thumb based on Vedic astrology or jyotish.
example of Saturn or shani sadhe sati for Scorpio lagan or vrishchika rashi people ?
If Saturn is one sign ahead of your ascendant or moon sign. Sadhe sati of Saturn first phase( Like all the Scorpio people in would be running 1st phase)
Does the 2nd phase of Saturn or shani sadhe sati mean the next sign in the zodiac after 2.5 years ?
Is transiting your ascendant or moon sign. Sadhe sati of Saturn Second phase( so all people with Sagittarius ascendant or moon sign/rashi are running Sadhe sati)
Does the last phase Saturn or shani sadhe sati mean 2 signs away from the sign sadhe sati actually started in your horoscope?
Is one sign ahead of your ascendant or moon sign- Sadhe sati of Saturn Third phase( Like all people with Libra ascendant or Libra moon sign would have effects of Sadhe sati)

How does Tough Saturn Transit or shani Sadhe sati activate the past life Karma, reincarnation and bring it into this life time ?
Saturn or shani dev in sadhe sati impacts the house of family , image and driving of past life karma or reincarnation.
so it brings in the malefic energies of the past life good or bad done by the person in the family matters.
also any negative thought process of the past life reincarnation is infolded in this life time to ensure we don’t repeat the same wrong karma again.
The Tough Saturn Transit or shani sadhe sati impacts the long term thinking and our ability to counsel others and our prayers or dharma of the previous or past life time reincarnation karma.
so any wrong advice given in the previous life time or any strong conflicts with children. also any one cheated by false money schemes.
all this comes out in the 2nd phase of sadhe sati or Tough Saturn or shani Transit.
Then in the 3rd phase of Tough Saturn Transit or shani sadhe sati, one feels some relief. especially if one has fought back with proper ethics in the previous or past life reincarnation karma.
Also any enemies of the previous life time or past reincarnation karma get active in the 3rd phase of sadhe sati.
but mostly problems remain in control.